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The TR - Triiumph TR4A IRS 1967 model
Had a look at Carjam today and the 1967 Triumph TR4A IRS with NZ Registration DF4958 is still there, also rediscovered that I bought the car on 9/11/1978 with mileage 68735 miles, sold it on 15/04/1985 with mileage of 85750, quite a few of them racing / competition miles.
Latest Wof showing is 23/07/2011 with 32662 on the speedometer -,seems it may have had a metric unit fitted in 1996
Now have a bit more of its history, but no names of other owners etc, because of our wonderful " Privacy Act ".
I bought it through Russ Abbott of Empire Motors at the time and sold it to Charles Matschek in 1985,to help finance a house purchase.
The Car was used in Competition under different Car Clubs depending on the type of meeting.
Northern Sports Car Club,
Triumph ( Sports ) Car Club Auckland,
NZ Triumph TR Register
and the ;
Austin - Healey Car Club of New Zealand.
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NSCC Meeting February 1966 - thanks Ken Hyndman
Ken published this on his new thread, so I borrowed them.
part of the programme for the February 1966 meeting
Attachment 50965
The AllComers over 1600cc entry list,they allowed under 1600 cc cars to enter but no points or prize money,and only 3 laps, but would be on the " Full circuit " which included the loop. 2.2 miles. - the 1.75 mile track came in 1967
Attachment 50966
Thanks Ken H.. any more pages available ??
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RIP Eddie Dowding - Albert Edward Dowding 1919 -2018
Sad to report that my Uncle Ed [ Eddie ]Dowding passed away last night aged 98 years and six months - after a short illness.
He, along with my father, were the reason I joined a Car Club and specifically NSCC back in February 1967 when I purchased my first car a 1960 Mini for Five Hundred Pounds.
Eddie was still enjoying reading about Cars and I would take him my " Classic Car " magazines to read.
Here is Eddie and His wife Una in their Riley - Una who is 98 is still with us.
The other Car Ken Hemus and mate with Ken's Singer.
Photo taken at Helensville - the NSCC Winter Trial I think the 1947 event, if the scene looks familiar, there is a picture of Eddie's friend and fellow NSCC member and motorist Ron Roycroft in the Scott Thomson book " Up to Speed ". Page 83 with Ron also in a Riley.
Attachment 53577
Ed and his good mate Kip [ Ted ] with my fathers Dog Kim, photo by Mac my Dad around 1939
Attachment 53576
Both photos provided by Ed and in my archives.
Ed was an early member, then Club Captain of NSCC and later its President in 1945-46.
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Eddie Dowding the NSCC Man and some of his cars
A couple of cars that Ed either owned or were his mates so he travelled in them, they did a lot of touring back in those days.
This one the 1930 Austin Seven which Ed and my Dad Mac modified with the raked windscreen, cut down doors [ like an MG ] and a modified exhaust, straight through pipe with small copper tubes inserted, apparently made a lovely sound.
Here at Mt Messenger, picture by the other guy in the second Car Unsure who the person on the left is, could be Win Bristow who did those sketches at Ardmore GP in 1954/56.
My Dad Mac [ 1917 - 1999 ] in the middle and Ed [ 1919 - 2018 ] on the right, both with Pipes.
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With some mates in Russell in 1941 ; His Mates car - Ed in the middle - A Lea-Francis !!
See note below from Trevor Sheffield - A Fiat 509
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Photo's from Ed Dowding archives, courtesy his son [my cousin ] John Dowding.
FIAT or LEAF [ Lea Francis ] ??..
Originally Posted by
Trevor Sheffield
Roger, I think that the car looks like a Fiat 509 rather than a Lea-Francis, going by the shape of the radiator and badge also in particular, the alloy covered generator driven from the front of the crank.
P.S. After posting as above I googled regarding the Le-Francis and am convinced that I am correct. My first car was a special which I built based on a Fiat 509, so that I know the car well.
[QUOTE With some mates in Russell in 1941 ; His Mates car - Ed in the middle - A Lea-Francis !!
Trevor, thank you for sharing your knowledge ; The car was identified as a Fiat 509 on another forum when I posted the photo, so your confirmation helps. The note about the Alloy Cover, something I had not noticed.
Sadly, cannot ask the Man in the photo, Eddie Dowding. My Cousin Ed's son John was trying to identify the people also.
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NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978 a Summary
Reposting some of the information as a new Item has come to light !!
The Programme and Regulations Book - the Cover. It had the Trial Instructions in it as posted before ;
Attachment 55717
Rod Peat entered an RX3 but not this one - The event was just before Rod and Judy Peat went to the UK.
The Officials
Attachment 55716
The list of Entrants
Attachment 55714
Class and overall results
Attachment 55715
The Final Results and Times
Attachment 55713
The Trophy presented to Peter Levet - he still has it - photo Milan Fistonic who visited Peter recently
Attachment 55712
The GT6 and I got 4th in the Trial [ex-wife as navigator ] 8th in the Hillclimb at Cosseys and 9th Overall.
One of the best days Motorsport I ever had, don't think they ever did it again.
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NSCC Brochure from the 1970's ? thanks to Milan Fistonic
A introductory Brochure for Northern Sports Car Club - Date not known but has 6 digit phone numbers so guessing 1970's
The Clubrooms are shown [ built in 1972 ] and there is mention of the Benson and Hedges 500 Race
The Club Circuit still in use too !!
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Attachment 56089
Many thanks to Milan Fistonic for this piece of NSCC History;
Will make a correction if date becomes known !!
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TR4 and that TR4A .. Thanks Ken H ..
Originally Posted by
khyndart in CA
I thought of you when one of the lads brought his dad's TR 4 into Moss Motors, Goleta, CA, today.
That is my BMW wagon in the background with the door open as I rushed to get this taken before the "gawkers" arrived !
Attachment 56329
Attachment 56330
Attachment 56331
Cheers mate.
Ken H
Love it Ken H .. my car still has the Rego number but is on the hold list [ see below ]
- you can keep the Registration Number if the car is being rebuilt /restored or suspended for other reasons - not being used etc..
Could find out who owns but costs a bit.
Just waiting to win the Big Lotto, so I can by it back, plus tidy up the MX5 too.. not sure what " Her indoors " will say. Think would need to buy her a big gift too !!. Having three cars would be a bit much. Ask ERC - he has six and I know you have at least two BMW and Mini-Cooper, any more ??
Attachment 56347
Cheers to you too !!
Roger D
Ford 10 Special - Jock Aitken's and Gordon Brown's .. a correction
Originally Posted by
Trevor Sheffield
Roger, I am unable to detect any error, please explain..
J Aitken (Jock) was the second NSCC member to build a Ford Ten Special, immediately after Gordon Brown and his car was built to a higher standard of finish but, lacked the two speed Ford T diff fitted to Brown's car which put it at a disadvantage.
As a Mechanic he operated a one man garage in a shed in a quite conspicuous situation on the left side of a right hand bend after coming down Grafton Road from Symonds Street. No longer in existence as a result of the motorway. It was a very tidy workshop in contrast to that operated by George Smith and he was popular with the taxi fraternity. As I recall he went on to build a Ford V8 Special. Like Brown he often drove his Ford Ten Special as a road car for business purposes.
In later years Ron Roycroft used to acquire a Model T Ford special for the event, which he won until the occasion when I beat him driving my AC V8. "The Winter Trial" was a the officially designated title, but all and sundry referred to it as "The Mud Trial".
As mentioned elsewhere Jock serviced my first car in 1967, after being introduced by Mac Dowding - my Dad - at the garage in as you mention " Grafton Road from Symonds Street. No longer in existence as a result of the motorway "
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Milan Fistonic - a big thank you for your posts
Milan, your archives are amazing Thank You .. as an aside my Uncle Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding would have been 99 last Sunday RIP Ed Dowding [ 14 October 1917 2nd May 2018 ] - he loved seeing much of your stuff - used to show him the Roaring Season posts or copied some of your post and E-mailed them to him.
Ed was the NSCC President 1945-46 year and had been Club Captain the year before.
The NSCC " Winter Trial " - as Trevor Sheffield has noted was also the Jack Boot Memorial Trophy Trial - Jack was Ed's brother in law .. Trevor is nearly 90 !!
This was the 1949 event and is mentioned in the Scott Thomson biography of Ron Roycroft -" Up to Speed "
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