6 Attachment(s)
Dunedin 1954 The second of the NZ Championship Road Races.
The second running of the NZ CRR at Dunedin in 1954,
1951 and 1952 was at Mairehau, near Christchurch. then in 1953 it went to Dunedin.
Notes on the Competitors Are in the programme, which Bruce Dyer sent to me many years ago, but these images are from Graham Woods
Cover from Bruce's copy
Attachment 76265
The Notes;
Attachment 76266
Attachment 76267
Attachment 76268
Attachment 76269
Godfrey Paape in the Austin A90 " Atlantic " was also the chairman of the Organising Committee and an ANZCC member [ the President ] as well as a senior member [ the President ] of the organising Club the Otago Sports Car Club.
Page 2 and 3 of the programme with the list of Officials. A very Motor racing oriented guy.
ANZCC - the " Association of New Zealand Car Clubs " was started in 1947, the forerunner of Motorsport New Zealand, previously Motorsport Association of New Zealand MANZ,
image from the Bruce Dyer copy of the programme
Attachment 76270
3 Attachment(s)
P Gillum Chevrolet Coupe in 1963
A South Island Racer, a couple of photos from 1963.
Practice at Renwick 1963, with Andy Buchanan in the Brabham and Dennis Marwood Humber [ probably posted before ]
Attachment 76357
The Renwick Saloon Car race Entry List.
Attachment 76358
Teretonga - also believed to be 1963 - same 1961 - 64 plate " 683,012 " on the Chev, here with an Anglia.
archive Graham Woods who stated " not my picture ".
Attachment 76359
4 Attachment(s)
Waimate 1964 - last saloon race of the day.
A busy start - all 6 cylinder cars, Waimate 1964. Event 8 at 4;00 pm - photo Euan Sarginson. [ from Allan Dick -Terry Marshall archives ].
** The start of Heat Two the over two litre cars Race. - note from Milan Fistonic next post.
Heat one was " The Publicans Race " - for the under 2 litre cars.
Ron Sylvester Chev Coupe, J K Laney FJ Holden, Ernie Sprague Mk3 Zephyr, #5 Mk2 Zephyr John Armstrong, Ray Archibald and Ian Dow 4th - 1st in over 2000cc class Jaguar Mk2's, Mk2 Zephyr Norman Masters from Balclutha, Chev Coupe at back Doug Algie #41 Chev Coupe is P Gillum
Attachment 76384
The Entry list.
Attachment 76385
Details to be checked.
Did the under 2 litre class start a few seconds later. two separate heats ** notes Milan Fistonic,
Another photo - same race 1964 Heat Two - originally thought 1963 but the same cars as top photo. Chevs Holden Jags and Zephyrs.
* A better version of this photo has emerged - the full view with all the Zephyr visible.
Will attach it in a new post.
Attachment 76386
This is the Race in which Ernie Sprague had the big off and finished behind the Haybales - photo posted before; Mk2 Zephyr John Armstrong Chev Coupe either Sylvester or Gillum - both two tone white over Q.. what colour, think Sylvester later used Red and Silver.
Attachment 76387
5 Attachment(s)
Renwick 1962 the Renwick 50 - the 1962-63 season opener ..
Notes by Allan Dick - of AutoNews and Classic Autonews
" Front engined days. Start of the Renwick 50 and 62/63 season opener. Amon is waiting on his Scuderia Veloce Cooper to arrive, so he gives the 250F Maserati a run. Amon is just ahead of Eade in the ex Moss, Jensen, Mansel 250 and behind is the Lola FJ (with 1.5 Ford engine) of JCN (John) Histed. Race was won by Angus Hyslop in his 2.5 Cooper Climax and Amon was second. A bit of an opportunity here to see the differences between the two 250Fs — Amon's being the "BRM" modified car. "
Attachment 76441
A newspaper photo of the same event. The same Race Barry Cottle Lola and the Stanton as well as another Racing car ahead of the Amon Maserati 250 Angus Hyslop in the Cooper Climax - Notes in the caption of the drivers.
Attachment 76442
The entry list which shows Amon but not in the Maserati - as explained by Allan Dick.
The " Renwick 50 " - Renwick Road Races ..
Attachment 76445
The " BRM modified car " - it was at Ardmore 1989 - the Reunion Meeting. my own photos.
Attachment 76443
Attachment 76444
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Wigram 1960 The Motor Racing Cup Trophy and Sports Car Race
John Windelburn took his Lotus South for the series of races in the South Island.
He was entered in the " Motor Racing Cup " - for Sports and Racing Cars and the " Sports Car Race ".
- Both events over 20 Laps - 42 Miles
Photo and details from Milan Fistonic.
I see that Fred Losee in his Austin Healey 100S and E [ Joss ] Tims in his AH 100 were competing too !.
The Lotus
Attachment 76519
The Entry Lists
The Motor Racing Club Trophy Race - Scratch Race
Attachment 76520
The Sports Car Race
Attachment 76521
The Times Fastest Lap Times and Results.
John was 2nd Overall and 1st in Class in the Motor Racing Club Trophy Race
The event was for open cars not competing in the Main Race - the Lady Wigram Trophy.
- He was also 7th Overall and 2nd in Class in the Sports Car Race.
Attachment 76522
Attachment 76523
5 Attachment(s)
South Island - some random images.
An article about Southern Motorsport by E S Young a Timaru lad - from Peter Preston archives
- Peter ran a Buckler for some years early 1960's., at Teretonga, Wigram and Waimate.
Attachment 76657
Peter Preston at Teretonga
Attachment 76658
The GMC powered Dragster of Gerald Hoare - from Jim Bennett archives, Jim was also GMC powered at one stage with a Wolseley 6/80 - with a lot more than 80 bhp, was it a 6 / 276 [ the Cubic Capacity in inches or what ? ]
The Dragster - it is still around and with John Paton's family in 2024.
Attachment 76659
The GMC Wolseley 6/80 - make that a 6 / ???
Attachment 76660
Good value for money at $700 - For Sale back in the 1960's
- [ 1967 onwards Decimal Currency - exact date not sure - Jim Bennett archives both images ]
Must check back on Jim's archives.
Attachment 76661
Looking for more details on the GMC and images.
3 Attachment(s)
Waimate 1964 and the Big Capacity Saloons. Ryal Bush - Teretonga
Post #385 and the Saloon Cars in the 1964 Waimate Races - a better quality photo - the photo is by Euan Sarginson.
Obviously before Ernie Sprague had the big Off..... !!.
Attachment 76907
On another topic - another track in another time;
Ryal Bush, described as ; The " Rheims of the South " by Allan Dick of Autonews and NZ Classic Driver Magazines.
In the latest NZ CD Issue #115 September - October 2024, is an article about Ryal Bush of some 8 pages.
The Track was only used for two Events - in 1956 and 1957, by the Southland Car Club, prior to the establishemnt of Teretonga, which is still going.
Well worth a read, just got my copy today in Katikati, several of my local " Tauranga " bookshops did not have it.
A Mystery as to why.
Attachment 76908
Programme covers from " jellywrestler " aka " Spyda " Graeme Staples, vast archive.
The New Circuit at Teretonga held its first meeting on 30th November 1957
Attachment 76909
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From the Deep South to the Far West .. Paritutu New Plymouth.
The most Westerly Race Circuit in North Island New Zealand, however most circuits in the South Island even Nelson [ Beach Races ] are further West, as would Ninety Mile Beach have been.
I digress.
John [ Larry ] Lawton has collected photos from his good friend the late Terry [ Steelo ] Baker, given to him by the family to share with the NZ Motorsport fraternity.
Here from Paritutu in 1966 * a series of images. - in colour. [ not 1965 - now corrected ]
Lance Elliott in the Mini. M E Carter in the A40 Farina.
Attachment 76914
Looking at the mess of hay bales and the bent signpost, think there must have been an Off there already ?.
The Peter Bennett chopped Austin A40 Farina - this car is now in the USA - would be a really unique vehicle in their Historic Racing.
Attachment 76915
Fastback Anglia's of Jack Nazer and Gary Huxford.
Attachment 76916
an Anglia that didn't make the angled corners
Attachment 76917
" Wild Bill " McPherson in his FJ Holden - have seen other photos of this car at Paritutu
- John Larry Lawton's own photos.
Attachment 76918
That is all the Saloons ** - there is a selection of Sports and Racing Cars to follow.
** just found another one - and also a Photo on the start line with Kevin Greene Chev Coupe and a Ford Anglia Van raced by Malcolm Bouzaid .. more to come.
6 Attachment(s)
Paritutu New Plymouth. 1966
More of the Terry [ Steelo ] Baker photos from John [ Larry ] Lawton.
Racing Cars. not named and no Programme.
Attachment 76927
Attachment 76928
Attachment 76929
Sports Cars. The Lotus Seven appears in a couple.
Attachment 76930
Attachment 76931
A " U2 " in Blue Q ??.
Attachment 76932
P S - just noticed I put 1965 in the earlier post but as the photos say it was 1966 .. oops.
5 Attachment(s)
Colin Lumsden De Soto V8 race number 112 -
Originally Posted by
Milan Fistonic
These are the numbers the De Soto raced with. All at Pukekohe.
7/12/63 -143
22/2/64 - 148
4/4/64 - 148
7/11/64 - 151
12/12/64 - 112
27/2/65 - 174
It also raced at Matamata in 1964 with 61 and 1965 with 63.
Entry List from the December 1964 Auckland Car Club meeting; arch Graham Woods
Attachment 77217
This is the Car. running Wire Wheels on the rear, not the twin wheels. - Photo Alan Boyle.
Attachment 77218
Have found other photos with Race #112, and the car has the Alloy Wheels - are they " Dual "- and the Bonnet has a scoop on it
Both Terry " Steelo " Baker and John Larry Lawton who has been scanning the late Terry's photos have phots of the car - JLL noted as GP meeting but crowd looks small, and his photo has wires.
Attachment 77219
John Larry Lawton photo on wires and the guards are original - so an earlier meeting than GP 1965.
Attachment 77220
Lastly from Bruce Thompson archives - who noted it as Dual Wheels, - has the modified rear guards and the scoop and those strange exhaust pipes - did they actually work ??.
Attachment 77221
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Dunedin 1984 - DUNEDIN ROAD RACE " 84 " Sunday January 1984.
Back to the beginning of this thread ;
The Event was run by the Otago Branch Vintage Car Club and the Otago Sports Car Club.
It involved 15 Races, with classes for Saloons, Sports Cars, Racing cars and NZ Specials, Vintage Cars and Motor Cycles.
Have finally acquired [ re-acquired - as did I give my one away back in 2008 ] the Programme.
Images posted before from others on TRS Mark D, GD66 and others.
The Programme includes a brief " History " of the Dunedin Road Races 1953 - 1965 that are covered in the Scott Thomson Book, which was " on sale now at the motor show and also at the road race at $7.00 per copy " which is where I got mine.
The Cover [ posted again ]. from GD66 image
Attachment 77847
The " story " - two pages. from the Programme - copy acquired from Nic Hart " Psopho ".
Attachment 77848
Attachment 77849
The back page with the Map of the Circuit.
Attachment 77850
For more on the events - the Scott Thomson Book.
" Racing Round the Houses " - images my copy.
Attachment 77852
The back cover
Attachment 77851
5 Attachment(s)
Moving North - Otago to Canterbury and back in time - Timaru 1967
Timaru Road Race meeting in 1967 - the only time the town hosted a street circuit meeting.
Details from the event are in some earlier posts, but a recent acquisition from " Psopho " - the Race Programme, has more information.
The Event was a stopgap for the South Canterbury Car Club after Waimate was no longer available and the " Levels " permanent Circuit was being developed, as outlined in this copy of the Map from the Graeme Staples book, and in the Clubs Comment in the Programme.
The map from the Programme with Graeme's comments in Red.
Attachment 77854
The South Canterbury Car Club story, from the Programme - Page 20.
Attachment 77855
The Programme Covers - front is a scanned copy as the one I have is water damaged and the colours have faded.
Attachment 77856
Attachment 77857
Note ; Sprague Motors Advert - they also sponsored a Race at the meeting.
The Main Race - The Timaru Trophy Race - with points towards the Gold Star series and the National Championship. - Entry List and Lap Chart ;
Attachment 77858