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Dunedin Street Races - Festival 1962
A couple of images from Dunedin.
Copy of a track map with some notes and the programme - can't read the date on the programme. notes by Graeme Staples.
Can confirm that the track was as used in 1959 and 1960.
There are even notes about the gradients on part of the circuit.
Have found several version of the tracks used over the period 1954 to the 1980's.
posted before but will group them in a new post.
Attachment 73530
Cars having fun at a corner - two going ahead, and two spinning around. Year not sure !! Late 1950's *** ??.
Just checked my notes ;
*** " Dunedin 1962 - Stan Prestige in the Ford V8, VW and Minor spin - Allan Dick archives. "
Hard to read the plates - which if 1962 will be the last of 5 yearly issue 1961 - 66 - actually finished in the 1965 -66 licencing year. Black Numbers on a Yellow Plate..
The corner is, I presume " Service Station Corner " where Wilkie Street meets King Edward Street.
Attachment 73531
Entry List for the Saloon Car Race - from Graham Woods archives.
Stan Prestige ran the two tone Ford V8 in 1961 as well.
1962 Entry List.
S Prestridge
Attachment 73875
1961 Saloon Car Entry List;
S Prestidge .. - different spelling -
Attachment 73876
Should put all the track maps - various versions of the circuit in one post.
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Ryal Bush 1956 - Southland Centennial Races.
Ryal Bush 1956 - Southland Centennial Races.
The event entry list the Main Race ;
Attachment 73764
Cars at the start of the Centennial Race
The unusual bodied Connaught on the front row;
The Lesley Marr Connaught that came to NZ and raced at Ardmore and others tracks [ including here ] in 1956
Attachment 73765
Had this photo from Graham Woods archives.
Some interesting photos from this event;
Not even at the track, but were they going to ? or coming from ?
Car - Race #1 Aston Martin finished 2nd
Attachment 73766
Car - Race #3 The Peter Whitehead Ferrari finished 4th
Attachment 73767
Note that it has the roundels on both side of the nose - presume for left hand or right hand tracks depending on where the timekeepers were ??
Attachment 73768
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Ryal Bush 1956 - Southland Centennial Races. and 1957 Southland International Race
Programme Covers for the two Ryal Bush events - these were recently acquired by a TRS member [ not me though ].
Attachment 73783
Would like to see the inside pages where no doubt there was some non - PC advertising ..!!!
Also note the price went up " sixpence " - whereas the Magazines mentioned on the NZTT thread only went up " half a sixpence "- just thinking !!
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Paritutu 1965 .. An Island away from Dunedin..
A couple more John Larry Lawton images from Paritutu 1965.
A certain Holden features in both photos.
Notes " .. " by J L Lawton
Dave Simpson in his fast front but not yet Fastback " Anglia ahead of McPherson in the FJ Holden and Innes " in a Mini - presume Brian Innes.
Dave Simpson won all his races that day.
Attachment 73971
" McPherson Holden swerves to avoid R C Grace Mini."
Attachment 73972
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Dunedin - the 1984 Street Races January 1984
The topic that started this thread - photos of the 1984 Races that I attended.
Among the cars that were racing - at Bethunes Gully Hill Climb on the Saturday, [ while the Sprints were on Fryatt St ],
and in the Saloon Races on the Sunday was Mark D, in his huge Pontiac Bonneville 1965 model 4 door Sedan. NZ Registration JA1965.
Mark still has the car and after 30- years in storage it is being progressively restored mechanically and bodywork, largely by Mark's son.
The car has attended a few car events in the last couple of months in the Christchurch area.
Here at the " JD's BOP Day " on Waitangi weekend - the Sunday.
JD - John De Lorean who was " an important figure in Pontiac in the 1960's ".
BOP - Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac group.
The events were double as on the Saturday the car was in a " Parade of Old Race Cars " at Ruapuna, and at the BOP day on the Sunday.
In the background of the photo one of JD's other Automotive ventures - probably more well known for all the wrong reasons.
Mark Dawbers photos.
Attachment 74238
The car at another event in January 2023.
Attachment 74239
The car before the rebuild / restoration began.
Attachment 74240
The car at Dunedin in 1984.
At Bethunes Gully Hill Climb
As an aside - Mark notes that events,
- " Hill Climbs have been held at Bethunes Gully, believe since the 1920's "
and that it is
" a very steep and narrow road with the added hazard of ' bovine guano ' ".
- seems a bit like Cosseys Farm Road of NSCC fame back in the 1960's to 1990's
Attachment 74243
At the Street Races on the Sunday
Attachment 74241
above photos - Mark Dawber archives.
My own photo of the car in 1984
Attachment 74242
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Another South Island Track from the 1950's - McCormack's Bay, Christchurch
Another South Island Track from the 1950's, one I had not heard or read about.
McCormack's Bay, Christchurch in 1953.
The Roads are still there - the Main Straight was the " New " Causeway and the rest of the track the Original MCormacks Bay Road, around what is by then a Lagoon, so it was a Triangular shaped Track.
Organised by the " Motor Racing Club " who ran Wigram
Another Gem from Milan Fistonic - now to find a period Map ..
- " jellywrestler " Is this in your book ? - there is a connection as some Motorcycle engined cars. !!
Attachment 74315
Attachment 74316
Attachment 74317
Attachment 74318
The Results - many well known names Tutton, Shuter, Hoare, Green, Haig, Les Moore and one E Sprague
Attachment 74319
Hopefully Entry Lists /Programmes and a Map will emerge.
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Timaru Road Race 1967 - the One and only
Another little known meeting to me - had seen one photo of the Sports and Racing car grid on South Island Motorsport
- [ SIM ] facebook page, and recently a photo from Allan Dick archives of the Begg Chev Sports Racing Car #153.
The SIM photo ;
Attachment 74383
The Classic Autonews Allan Dick photo
Attachment 74384
Map of the Track - from Graeme Staples Book on Motor Cycle racing Circuits of New Zealand - thanks " jellywrestler ".
Bit of the story in Graeme's notes on the map.
Attachment 74385
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Waimate 1962 The Saloon Car Race Event 3.
A couple of photos have emerged of the Race - Event 3
Have the entry list and results - courtesy of Graham Woods.
Looks like the first lap Mini 850 #7 Miles leads the Singer #5 Mills and the field of Minis, and a BMC 1500 Wolseley
At the corner by Waimate Electrical.
Attachment 74406
The same corner with Miles and Mills again..
Attachment 74407
The Entry List
Attachment 74408
The Results
Attachment 74409
The first photo appeared on the cover of the UK Publication " Autosport " weekly, on 23rd February 1962
Attachment 74410
Map of the Track.
Attachment 74411
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George Begg Festival .. April 2023 ..
Photo for the Austin Healey thread, but, look what else is in the photo..!!!.
Attachment 74429
Is that the BCM in front of the Lycoming ??