View Full Version : MSNZ want your views...

Jac Mac
02-15-2013, 02:00 AM
I know this forum is for -old school-, however I was forwarded an email today from MSNZ where they are requesting input from anyone with an interest in the sport as to what might be wrong & thoughts on how to fix it, go to the MSNZ for info on this.
This is one thread I would like to see zero posts on, nothing will be served by multiple opinions amongst members here, get your keyboards to work and make the submission to them. they have given a list of areas they feel are pertinent, but its not locked in stone & welcome further input. This might be the one way we can get things back on track rather than wasting bandwidth here...

steve- feel free to lock this thread & remove any subsequent posts from those who dont read the second paragraph and/or make it a 'sticky' for a couple of weeks