View Full Version : Home movies

02-01-2013, 01:33 PM
Don't know where to stick these, so...

In the mid 60's I "inherited" a little clockwork Yashica std 8mm movie camera from my brother. Being a petrolhead, once I got my licence, at the obligatory 15 yrs and a few days, it was off to Puke as often as possible - the old man was quite happy to let me take the family car....with my mates. Most of the photos are history - I took them, a mate developed them and I assume, still has most of the negatives. I have, however found a few, which I post up on here as and when. The movies, however.....movie film not being cheap, but, I did manage to shoot some local racing on each reel - not much, but , something is better than nothing, I found most of the film some years ago - it was starting to degrade due to crap storage and latterly, heat, so I had them converted and am now going through them and putting what's viewable, up on youtube. There's not much, but.......here goes - it might be of interest to some, despite the "quality"
Oh, to go back in time with a modern video camera.......


02-01-2013, 01:34 PM

02-01-2013, 01:34 PM

02-01-2013, 01:35 PM

nigel watts
02-01-2013, 08:31 PM
Great stuff SPman. What with barbed wire fences, poles in the runoff areas and zero spectator safety, it's a wonder any of us survived!!
Just as well OSH hadn't been invented back then or it would have completely stuffed everything up.
Thanks for posting - very interesting
Oh boy - do I miss Baypark. Just 10 mins away from where I live. I often used to drive in if the gate was open to have a nosey at what was going on

Steve Holmes
02-03-2013, 09:56 PM
Wow! This is absolute gold! I'm blown away. Thanks so much for posting these, you've really captured some special moments in NZ racing history. I see the first ever F5000 race in NZ at Bay Park, plus two of Norm Beecheys visits to Bay Park in the Nova, the final season of Allcomer saloons with the Custaxie, and even Robbie Franicivics big block Fairlane! Absolutely beautiful, and even without sound the atmosphere of these events really comes to life. Just fantastic!

Steve Holmes
02-06-2013, 10:36 PM
Interesting also to see Scott Wisemans E Type Jag in there too.

02-10-2013, 04:53 AM
Another one I found - early 66 I think, an ACC meeting at Puke - mainly saloons & sportscars


Steve Holmes
02-10-2013, 11:06 PM
Wow, incredible! Great to see the Coppins Zephyr Corvette being driven at speed, and even the Morrari makes a brief appearance.

02-11-2013, 03:00 AM
Wow, incredible! Great to see the Coppins Zephyr Corvette being driven at speed, and even the Morrari makes a brief appearance.
Couldn't have had a LSD - notice the left rear spinning up going over the top of the hill.......