View Full Version : Um, gidday?

Malcolm McLeod
01-02-2013, 01:19 AM
I wrote a lovely piece of prose, fill of ego blowing comments, several trumpet concerto's, and a huge amount of name dropping, only to find that it dissapeared into cyberspace.
Or maybe the treat of mentioning my first road cars is what caused it to self distruct!!!!

Still in my 30's (just), enthusiast of Motor Sport for over 25 years, collector of Motor Sport and motoring books for over 20 years, use to do a bit of writing for a newspaper on club Motor Sport, and later on, a bit of photography.

Currently a flaggie at Puke, Taupo, and Hampton Downs, finish timing crew on Northland Rally, and "B" grade Rally CoC. Only got about 40 yrs to go before being elligible for consideration to be nominated as Life Member of the Northland Car Club....yeah right!

Can't afford to compete so gotta be helper, but aspire to one day having enough money so I can build me up a wee Hillman Avenger to compete in Classic events.

Rod Grimwood
01-02-2013, 02:29 AM
Welcome aboard Malcolm, and thanks for all the work you do with flagging and timing.

Malcolm McLeod
01-02-2013, 03:01 AM
Thank YOU Grimmie, for giving me something to do!!!!

Steve Holmes
01-04-2013, 03:34 AM
Hi there Malcolm, welcome to The Roaring Season. Its really great to have you here, and we'll be looking forward to your contributions.