View Full Version : Books and the stories behind how you got them, etc

Malcolm McLeod
01-02-2013, 12:29 AM
I couldn't find an appropiate thread for a couple of stories I've got, so thought I'd start a new one!

I have been collecting Motor Sport books for over 20 years now, from when I was back at High School, and one day was looking in Wrights Book Exchange in Whangarei, and saw a paperback in the 20 cent bin with an old racing car on the front, so bought it. It was called "Starting Grid To Chequered Flag" by Paul Frere. Anyway, I couldn't put it down, and said to myself 'I'm gonna keep this book forever, as I will never find another copy again'. Pre Trade Me/Amazon, you see!
Anyway, a few years later, I was looking in another bookshop (again in Whangarei) and low and behold, I found another copy! I thought gee, the odds of finding TWO copies of it in the same town gotta be thousands to one, and as it was in better condition then my first one, I bought it as well.
If I say that I found a THIRD copy of it in Whangarei, would you believe me????? It really is a wonderful book, so, if ya have never read it, and really want a copy, give me a yell and we may be able to arrange something, I'm sure!

I attended the Chris Amon dinner at Hampton Downs a couple of years ago, and brought with me a selection of books to get Chris to sign. Anyway, thought it appropiate to put my copy of Eoin Young's "Forza Amon" on display on the table. Incredibly enough, who was sitting next to me at the table but ESY himself! And what does he do.....but grab my book, and start flicking through it to refresh his memory, in case he got asked to do a few words!!!!! Absolutely priceless...

My last story, for now. Just prior to the second A1GP at Taupo, I purchased my copy of "To Finish First" by Phil Kerr. This is one of the best ever Motor Sport books ever written, and anyone who doesn't have a copy, or who hasn't read it, should get off their butt, and open their wallet and get a copy. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being excellent, I rate it at 10. And there's not many books I would rate that high...
Anyway, guessing that Emmerson Fittipaldi would be over here running the Brazil A1GP team, I decided to take the book with me to try and get him to sign it. So on the Saturday at lunchtime, I shot over to the pits to see if I could track him down to sign it. He wasn't there, but one of the team guys said to leave the book there and he'd see what he could do, and to come back after the day's racing and pick it up. Anyway, I did that, Emmo had gone, but sure enough he had signed it. And, the guy told me, had spent ALL that afternoon reading it, instead of worrying what was happening on track with his team! He also wrote a lovely note in the book, about what a great guy Phil was, and all the work he had done.
The next weekend they had historic racing at Puke, and there was a dinner honouring however many years it was since Denny had won the F1 World Championship, and I knew Phil was going to be there, so I took the book with me.
Well, when he saw what Emmo had wrote, he was....completely blown away, and stunned...and left speechless. I think I can honestly say it's been my most poignant scene to date.

Looking foward to reading other peoples stories now.

Malcolm McLeod
01-02-2013, 12:44 AM

The comment reads "Phil had a great contribution for Motor Racing and New Zealand!! I enjoy a lot our work together!!"