View Full Version : The making of "Rendezvous" - Claude Lelouch's 1976 blast through the streets of Paris

John B
11-28-2012, 03:38 PM
I'm sure everyone on the Forum has at some stage seen French film-maker Claude Lelouch's infamous 1976 film, "C'était un Rendezvous". It is undoubtedly the first, and one of the most influential viral car videos of all time.

But does anyone know how it was actually filmed? No, he didn't strap a camera on the front of a Ferrari for his illegal, 10 minute, high-speed blast through the streets of Paris. And no, he didn't hire a professional racing driver as everyone speculated. Instead he attached the camera rig to the front bumper of his own Mercedes 450SEL and went for an early morning (fast) drive. The sound of a Ferrari 275 GTB (also one of Lelouch's personal cars) was added in post-production.

Lelouch was arrested when the film was released, but would not provide details of the filming. In 2006 he was interviewed about his short film, and finally explained how it was produced. Check it out below (note : click on the captions button to get the English subtitles)...


Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 02:23 AM
Great thread John. Even when the movie was first made there were many who thought the car wasn't a Ferrari. Its very well dubbed, but there are a few areas where the sound and the movement don't match. Also, the car itself is clearly a soft riding car, unlike most Ferrari's. But it'll always be a classic. I've watched it many times and still enjoy it. And its obvious he is driving very quickly, and runs red lights etc.

Malcolm McLeod
01-01-2013, 11:39 PM
Is this the movie that they used to show in "Cinema 180" at Rainbows End at Manukau?