View Full Version : Denny Hulme and The Roaring Season members time spent with him throughout the years.
10-23-2012, 07:43 AM
With the upcoming Denny Hulme Festival, some members of The Roaring Season would have either competed against Denny or spent time with him. I`ve started this thread on the basis that I was fortunate enough to have done so in two Nissan Mobil series as well as the Truck Racing. I believe come January we will see just how well respected and well known Denny Hulme was, so if any members have any good stories and/or photos please share them. I will get Bruce302 to post some photos of mine in the next few days.
10-23-2012, 11:04 AM
Did not really know Denny as such but did have the pleasure of meeting him very briefly on 2 occasions. Once when at an Enzed promo and the 2nd when running the Coin and Bullion Commodore.
Hopefully these will post ok direct from the computer.
Denny in the ETA Beast !
And his main opposition.
Enzed Commodore when I first met Denny.
Steve Holmes
10-23-2012, 07:51 PM
Awesome thread Steve! I was living in London when Denny died. I only found out through reading a newspaper. It knocked me for six. It was 20 years ago this year!
10-23-2012, 08:55 PM
Longford Tas 1966
Michael Clark
10-24-2012, 10:30 PM
My book - similar to the ones we did for the Bruce and Chris festivals - has recently headed away for printing, for release in conjunction with the Denny festival.
These photos confirm a thought I had while writing it - that being that there must be heaps of excellent never before published Denny photos in private collections that would warrant a scrapbook type format.
These are great. I interviewed Denny in August 1992 for a story I was doing for whatever Allan Dick magazine had at the time - NZ Motoring News I think. The plan was for the article to appear in the October issue to mark 25 years since he won the title.
Denny was superb - I will wipe the tape...
Steve Holmes
10-25-2012, 12:16 AM
Michael, great idea! A Denny Hulme scrapbook would be HUGE! He raced virtually his entire life, and continued on well past his F1 retirement. And his racing was so diversified. As well as the trucks, the touring car racing etc, he was also very popular at historic racing events, and loved driving the old Can-Am cars.
10-25-2012, 05:37 AM
This pic is courtesy of fullnoise68 (Steve Elliott) I will let him add the caption in a separate reply.
But I know Denny had his own XJ Jag so this would have been a love/hate thing.
10-25-2012, 06:30 AM
This photo was given to me a couple of weeks ago by Warren Black (brother of Spinner Black) and it`s from the late 70`s when Cowan and Black Promotions ran Waikaraka Park stockcars. Warren tells me he paid Rod Coppins $10,000 for this car (remember it was a relatively new luxury car back then) and Denny Hulme drove it in a very well promoted and well publicised Demolition Derby. This car, along with Denny Hulme, and the record crowd it generated, Warren reckons was responsible for by far his best gate take in their time running the track.
10-25-2012, 07:27 AM
Another pic from Steve, who along with Denny Hulme is in this pic,
10-25-2012, 07:42 AM
This is probably what Denny saw in his mirrors..
10-25-2012, 08:29 AM
The first photo is from the 1990 Caltex NZ Truck Racing Championships at the 3rd and final round at Ruapuna. From left to right is Australian team captain Rob Russell ( back to camera) then Dean Sinton, Ron Salter, Rachel Willmington ( daughter of aussie ex touring car driver Garry Willmington) then me, Denny Hulme, Robin Porter and Avon Hyde. For the B class ( up to 14 litre) it was me 1st, Sinton 2nd and Salter 3rd. in the A class (over 14 litre) it was Avon and Denny 1st equal, and Robin Porter 3rd.
The second photo is the start of the shortest race in the 3 round series. Baypark, huge crowd, but red mist and diesel smoke don`t mix. Aussie Joe Scarcella in the red Kenworth was hell bent on getting in front, and fellow Aussie Rodney Crick on the outside of me in the sister truck was hoping to get on the pole line sooner rather than later! The nett result of all this carry on was 3 laps later, when Rodney tagged the back of Robin Porters Kenworth coming down the short infield straight towards the pits, with Robin somersaulting the Kenworth several times in a series of sickening rolls. At the drivers meeting immediately after the carnage, Denny was so furious with the driving standards, he vowed to pull the pin on Truck Racing there and then. Obviously the commercial realty set in soon after with ETA, etc, and fortunately he continued on, eventually finishing 1st equal with Avon Hyde.
I do not know who to credit for the Truck Racing photos, so I do apologise.
10-25-2012, 07:39 PM
Yes Denny loved his motorsport and raced a great variety of cars. Back in the late 60's he sent me a coloured photo of him racing the Sid Taylor Lola T70 at a track in England. I still have the photo along with a letter from Denny, but I cannot locate it at the moment.
I really hope that there is a great turnout of vehicles at the Festival and would like to see the BT19 Repco V8 there. I know there is at least one in Australia if only we can convince the gentleman to bring it and the BT23 over.
Steve Holmes
10-25-2012, 08:11 PM
This photo was given to me a couple of weeks ago by Warren Black (brother of Spinner Black) and it`s from the late 70`s when Cowan and Black Promotions ran Waikaraka Park stockcars. Warren tells me he paid Rod Coppins $10,000 for this car (remember it was a relatively new luxury car back then) and Denny Hulme drove it in a very well promoted and well publicised Demolition Derby. This car, along with Denny Hulme, and the record crowd it generated, Warren reckons was responsible for by far his best gate take in their time running the track.
Wow, thats amazing! But quite correct. Even today, most speedways in NZ have their big pay day when they have demolition derbys. I remember about 10 years ago Te Marua Speedway near Wellington imported an '80s Camaro for a demolition derby. Much like the Jag posted above, it drove around the Wellington/Hutt Valley area with signwriting all over it "Follow Me To Destruction". For the actual event all glass, seats, nose, and other parts were removed and sold, the car actually made them a profit before it even entered the derby, but they had a HUGE crowd turn up!
10-25-2012, 09:28 PM
Steve,without diverting too much away from the actual title of this thread, and in keeping with HMCs' motto of `the cars are the stars' I`ll get Bruce302 to post a couple of photos on here tonight that will float ya boat relevant to what you say about the Te Marua Camaro.
Steve Holmes
10-25-2012, 11:03 PM
Thanks Steve, sounds ominous! I'll look forward to that.
10-26-2012, 03:52 AM
Hows this for a stout Pommy barge ? Personally I thing these girls should be in the Historic Muscle Cars, 6.75 litre V8's, that's muscle for sure.
Yes Denny loved his motorsport and raced a great variety of cars. Back in the late 60's he sent me a coloured photo of him racing the Sid Taylor Lola T70 at a track in England.
This Lola ?:cool:
Pic by John Starkey.
Steve Holmes
10-26-2012, 06:00 AM
Thats certainly a pretty famous photo, and with good reason. John Starkey must be the world authority on the T70 coupe?
Steve Holmes
10-26-2012, 06:01 AM
Hows this for a stout Pommy barge ? Personally I thing these girls should be in the Historic Muscle Cars, 6.75 litre V8's, that's muscle for sure.
yep, I agree Bruce, especially the way that #22 is hanging the tail out.
10-26-2012, 07:08 AM
Steve, in reference to your Te Marua Camaro comments. Earlier this year while up in Japan visiting one of the lease companys I buy a lot of machinery off, there was an ex Dutch Embassy LHD Bentley Turbo R sitting out the back with a buggered rear suspension that was far too expensive for them to repair. After some serious negoiations, they actually gave me the car because ` Mr Steve san you always buy many units and no problem for us. Bentley big problem for us" On returning to NZ I spoke to current Waikaraka Park promoters Bruce Robertson from Palmerston North and Frank Irvine from Auckland, and did a deal with them. They already had the Rolls Royce for Frank to drive in the Easter `Smashfest' and the Bentley was the icing on the cake.
The deal we did was to enable me to raise a chunk of money for my cousin Sophie Elliott who was murdered in Dunedin about four years ago, for her mother Lesley who had started the `Sophie Elliott Foundation'. ( google will tell you all about it).
Anyway, with it being well promoted and with us doing a segment on TV3 News the Friday night prior to wrecking them on the Saturday Night, the size of the crowd was unbelieveable. They held the start of the nights entertainment up twice so the punters could try and get in, and even when the actual Demolition Derby started around 9.30, people were still trying to get in! Mate I had a ball, many people will never own one and here I was smashing one up and loving every minute of it! As with HMC it shows that the cars are the stars and if you`re going to put on an event, get everyone involved on the same page!
10-26-2012, 08:14 PM
And before I get in trouble, thanks to Colin Irwin for the Smashfest photos.
Steve Holmes
10-26-2012, 08:53 PM
Steve, in reference to your Te Marua Camaro comments. Earlier this year while up in Japan visiting one of the lease companys I buy a lot of machinery off, there was an ex Dutch Embassy LHD Bentley Turbo R sitting out the back with a buggered rear suspension that was far too expensive for them to repair. After some serious negoiations, they actually gave me the car because ` Mr Steve san you always buy many units and no problem for us. Bentley big problem for us" On returning to NZ I spoke to current Waikaraka Park promoters Bruce Robertson from Palmerston North and Frank Irvine from Auckland, and did a deal with them. They already had the Rolls Royce for Frank to drive in the Easter `Smashfest' and the Bentley was the icing on the cake.
The deal we did was to enable me to raise a chunk of money for my cousin Sophie Elliott who was murdered in Dunedin about four years ago, for her mother Lesley who had started the `Sophie Elliott Foundation'. ( google will tell you all about it).
Anyway, with it being well promoted and with us doing a segment on TV3 News the Friday night prior to wrecking them on the Saturday Night, the size of the crowd was unbelieveable. They held the start of the nights entertainment up twice so the punters could try and get in, and even when the actual Demolition Derby started around 9.30, people were still trying to get in! Mate I had a ball, many people will never own one and here I was smashing one up and loving every minute of it! As with HMC it shows that the cars are the stars and if you`re going to put on an event, get everyone involved on the same page!
Thanks Steve, thats an amazing story! Definitely worth telling, and definitely a great cause. Thanks for posting that.
10-27-2012, 04:36 AM
This Lola ?:cool:
Pic by John Starkey.
I am sure it is the same car but the shot I remember was taken of the car coming over a rise like the hill at Pukekohe and three quarters right front view.
Thanks for sharing the photo too.
Mallory Park 1966 in the Sid Taylor Lola, getting it a bit wrong at the hairpin (Shaw's Corner). My favourite UK viewing spot until Donington reopened. Oh how I wish I had an SLR, even a long lens, in those days - and a modern SLR digital camera... Pics taken on Dad's old Leica.
He must have won...
Marshalling at Pukekohe for the first truck meeting was terrifying! We retreated up the bank from our marshal's post about 30 metres. Can anyone supply the exact date as I don't seem to have a race programme? (Marshals never got such luxuries as a race programme - or even a drink in those days... I don't think we even got a lunch break at most meetings.) I have several pics of the era but dating them is impossible, so I might post one or two in a new thread, asking for dates, as many of you will have programmes and I file all my pics by date.
Note the incorrect spelling. It should be Denis Hulme, not Dennis. 2009 Goodwood.
We travelled to Europe with Greta Hulme earlier this year. What a delightful lady - with many tales to tell...
Given the cost and manpower of building a Rolls Royce radiator grille, so sad to see them in a smashfest. The cars may rot, and have no real value for the shell, but that grille looked mint.
Note the incorrect spelling. It should be Denis Hulme, not Dennis.
And as Denny used to point out, 'It's pronounced Hullm, not Hyoom"...;)
10-27-2012, 11:01 PM
To ERC: The photo of the damage to Dennys Scania was not his doing. This truck was built in the UK and bought for Denny to race here in the 1990 Caltex series which was run during April 1990. The pom that was in charge of the truck in the UK, Andy Young, came out to NZ to `help' Denny. This damage was the result of him doing a few laps of Puke by himself `making sure' all was good to go. He overshot the esses going over to railway corner and fired it into the dirt berm that used to be there ( hence the dirt on the truck).
In reference to your comment about the Rolls grille, they took it out just prior to the actual Demo Derby, so you can sleep well tonight! As for the Bentley, I did to that car what Adam did to Eve, and enjoyed every minute of it!
10-27-2012, 11:38 PM
Note the incorrect spelling. It should be Denis Hulme, not Dennis. 2009 Goodwood.
We travelled to Europe with Greta Hulme earlier this year. What a delightful lady - with many tales to tell...[/QUOTE]
I believe that this car was sold recently by Hall and Hall. Be great to see that car here at the Hulme Festival.
Steve Holmes
10-28-2012, 01:24 AM
Mallory Park 1966 in the Sid Taylor Lola, getting it a bit wrong at the hairpin (Shaw's Corner). My favourite UK viewing spot until Donington reopened. Oh how I wish I had an SLR, even a long lens, in those days - and a modern SLR digital camera... Pics taken on Dad's old Leica.
He must have won...
Marshalling at Pukekohe for the first truck meeting was terrifying! We retreated up the bank from our marshal's post about 30 metres. Can anyone supply the exact date as I don't seem to have a race programme? (Marshals never got such luxuries as a race programme - or even a drink in those days... I don't think we even got a lunch break at most meetings.) I have several pics of the era but dating them is impossible, so I might post one or two in a new thread, asking for dates, as many of you will have programmes and I file all my pics by date.
Note the incorrect spelling. It should be Denis Hulme, not Dennis. 2009 Goodwood.
We travelled to Europe with Greta Hulme earlier this year. What a delightful lady - with many tales to tell...
Wow, what fantastic photos, especially the first shot at Mallory. Its not just modern race cars that lack the character of old, its the tracks also.
Wow, what fantastic photos, especially the first shot at Mallory. Its not just modern race cars that lack the character of old, it's the tracks also.
You should see the ones of that corner from 1956... The ones I have from then, Dad took. I think I took my first race pics three or four years later.
Thanks for #27. That pic was indeed taken on the Saturday, but I would still like to know the exact date, if anyone can assist. April 1990 isn't really close enough and although I kept a full diary from 1964 - 1970, I didn't start again until 1991!
Michael Clark
10-28-2012, 06:36 AM
Even in period the spelling was 'Dennis'...
Of course I meant to say, in my earlier post, that the tape will never be wiped.
jim short
10-29-2012, 02:54 AM
So far very little about Denny has been printed, I met him at a school in Hamilton St Pauls ,Martin his 13 yr. old son was starting in form 3 alongside my son Geoffrey Martin .We parents met at a get together at the start of the yr.1979? the only thing I remember was Denny telling us about how he took his McLaren GP car to the previous school to show the kids how it went,on the football feild I presumed.Between TACCOC and the Jag club we had a meeting at Bay Park every 3 months approx. Would it not be a good idea have him bring it and run it with us? 3 or 4 cars of us arranged to meet him at his home by the lake near Rotorua not far from BP.We arrived at 11 oclock, sorry he has gone around the lake to look at a single cyld mtr. his latest hoby ,in the double garage at least 20 of these stationary mtrs covered the floor. At last we got together and on inviting him to bring his car to play with us he explaned, and he does not mix his words And who the hells going to pay to have the exhaust painted???and what about the clutch??? I do remember looking over and under my Mk 2 to compare it with what he raced in the UK The Coombs mods were rather rare,The next meeting that I recall was at Forest stadium where Geoff was competing ,Denny was there to watch and not long before he had been in Aussie driving one of the prewar Mercedes GP cars, well he was still bubbling with excitment and for the next 3 or 4 hours we chatted, well I manely sat with my mouth open,{two meetings two different men}.Over the yrs we met ??? times most of the time we spoke sometimes we didnt that was when he drove the black BMW .The last time I remember was at the airport I was waiting for my wife ,he had returned from driving a McLaren M8 or 6?at Road America or Leguna?I guess over 30 min he spent telling me about the Coombs Mk 2 that ran at the same meeting,this was not long before Bathurst,Quite strange he seamed very lonley and sad,I was sad to leave him,and who could blame him we no nothing to what he went through, and to have his only son killed in a stupid drowning was the last straw.Martin was a loveley boy, and it was quite funny when Geoff came home after the first spell at school ,it was Gee Dennys boy is a real sissy!!but as time went by they became great pals so much so Martin was Geoffs best man at his wedding and when his son was born he became Martin Short Another different story a friend of mine Colin McGregor was at Manfeild practising in a Golff?? driving with his son Grahame ,one corner he was having problems with so he asked Denny for some advice,Just follow me around he was told, each lap got faster and faster until Denny went clean off!! Later Colin walked past Denny and called Thanks Denny I think Ive got it
Steve Holmes
10-29-2012, 07:59 PM
Brilliant story Jim, thanks for posting that.
10-31-2012, 08:20 PM
Denny yarning with the boys in front of the tent. But also Mike Hailwood in the smooth shades behind the wing.
And is the car carrying an early-model "platypus" nose ?
12-21-2012, 07:33 AM
Does anyone know if Dennys Scania race truck is going to be at the Festival?
12-21-2012, 09:03 AM
And as Denny used to point out, 'It's pronounced Hullm, not Hyoom"...;)
Apparently Denny's father had a saying : 'Don't knock the "l" out of Hulme' . This came from an article in 'Motor Sport' by Adam Cooper who found himself in Te Puke while holidaying in NZ after an Australian GP in the 1990's(?) and enquired if there was any memorial to Denny. He was directed to Anita, Denny's sister, who worked nearby, and she in turn contacted Greeta in Tauranga.
An interesting story, I'll read it again when I find it - don't know which year and don't have an index, but I haven't thrown any copies out. Ever. Just stopped the subscription a couple of times when they got a bit boring.
Jerry Entin
12-23-2012, 06:12 AM
Denis with Greeta and Martin at Riverside around 1968
photo: Gary Knutson
Malcolm McLeod
01-01-2013, 11:55 PM
I was at Puke for the 1990 Peter Jackson International Series (are we allowed to mention tobacco companies in these forums?), and Denny was chating to Paul Radisich and commenting about all these modern drivers and their dark tinted helmet visors! He said that the only time he wore a tinted visor was when the weather was a bit dark, and then he use to wear an amber tinted visor.
Only time I met him.
Steve Holmes
01-04-2013, 03:04 AM
Yep Malcolm, tobacco talk on here is just fine. None of that political correctness bs required here.
01-15-2013, 07:49 PM
I first met Denny Hulme in Tokoroa around 1984 when I worked for NZFP. A colleague of mine worked for Komatsu so he brought him over to visit the site. Had lunch with him at the Kinleith Hilton (site cafeteria!). Asked a truckload of questions about some of the plant (given his penchant for things mechanical). Took him up to the 900hp chipper where it turned mature logs into pulp chips. His comment "thats got more grunt than my Yardley but not as good looking". Found him to be a man of few words and endeavoured to make knowledgable conversation with him. Next time I met him was at Bathurst when I was crewing for Petch Motorsport, 1987 I think. He remember the visit to my work and we had a great discussion about the circus that is the Bathurst 1000. As a kid back in the 50's & 60's he was one of my idols and just great to meet with him. Was absolutely shattered when watching his final metres in '92. Another great Kiwi no longer with us but the memories live on.
Milan Fistonic
01-16-2013, 01:12 AM
Marshalling at Pukekohe for the first truck meeting was terrifying! We retreated up the bank from our marshal's post about 30 metres. Can anyone supply the exact date as I don't seem to have a race programme? (Marshals never got such luxuries as a race programme - or even a drink in those days... I don't think we even got a lunch break at most meetings.) I have several pics of the era but dating them is impossible, so I might post one or two in a new thread, asking for dates, as many of you will have programmes and I file all my pics by date.
The date of the first NZ Truck Grand Prix was April 22 and 23 1989.
01-16-2013, 01:33 AM
That`s right Milan, Robbie Francevic won the NZ Truck Grand Prix driving the Aussie Volvo. I thought the question ERC asked was relevant to the following year when it became a three round series being Pukekohe, Baypark and Ruapuna, when Denny drove the `ETA Ripples' bonneted Scania.
I was fortunate enough to meet Mr Hulme when he raced the ACB Commodore with Ray Smith 85/86? A friend of mine worked for Lyall Williamson, and somehow we got free tickets to watch at Pukekohe. As the Commodore was an early retirement (fuel tank ruptured?), the crew packed most of the gear up early. However, at the conclusion of the meeting there was a BBQ, and as we were hungry teenage boys, we hung around for a free meal. I was exceptionally lucky to speak to Mr Hulme, and asked a few questions about the car. I had heard of his reputation for being a bit gruff, however he couldnt have been more approachable - explaining to me a few of the technical aspects of the car, and of his disappointment at the non finish. Some of his comments were quite entertaining, and I spoke to him for about 10 minutes before someone more important required his attention. I couldnt believe afterwards that, I had actually been so lucky to speak to a real F1 World Champion.
Pic by Jesse Alexander.
Steve Holmes
01-22-2013, 11:07 PM
Did anyone grab a photo of Dennys race truck from the weekend? Looked really nice!
06-24-2015, 08:07 AM
Sorry no photo of race truck, but a nice house for sale.
06-25-2015, 11:40 AM
Pic by Jesse Alexander.
Cool photo GD66
I had never noticed that Denny had the Marlboro symbol ground into his upper teeth!
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