View Full Version : Bob Jane Racing Heritage

Steve Holmes
10-09-2012, 12:45 AM

Folks, I'm really pleased to announce a new collaboration between The Roaring Season, and the newly established Bob Jane Racing Heritage. You'll see the Bob Jane Racing Heritage banner on our Home page, and rotating banner within the forum sections, these link through to the new Bob Jane Racing Heritage website, which will be completed soon.

The Bob Jane Racing Heritage is a combined work that celebrates Australian racing legend, Bob Jane, and his colourful and fascinating history, both in the motorsport and automotive industries. The Bob Jane Racing Heritage combines the efforts of Bob Jane himself, along with Myles Johnson, and Simon Popplewell.


Between The Roaring Season and the Bob Jane Racing Heritage, we'll be sharing photos, articles, and stories, that will benefit both websites, and our members and visitors alike. Bob has filing cabinets full of old photos, many of which have not been published before, while his stories could fill a couple of books!

So while Simon and Myles get the new website up and running, you can help generate some additional interest by visiting their Facebook page, and 'Liking' them: http://www.facebook.com/BobJaneOfficial

The Bob Jane Racing Heritage website can be found here: www.bobjaneracingheritage.com


We'll keep you up to speed on progress, plus news and info.

This should make for a fun ride!

10-09-2012, 03:46 AM

10-09-2012, 07:05 AM
Luv the top photo of him and Moff, he's got that "shit eating" grin, what a charactor Bob must have been back in those days!! i meet him with Myles at last years PI historics and he's still sharp as a tack, at 80 something? Myles, i bet you got a few stories to tell and we want the good "low down behind the scenes" stuff, LOL

Dale M

Rod Grimwood
10-09-2012, 10:02 PM
Myles has had a very sheltered upbringing and life. But think he may have been around (in the background of coarse) when some others misbehaved.
It would be a top book if you wrote it Myles.

10-10-2012, 01:51 AM
The smile on the face is because Bob promoted the race, owned the track and won the prize... some might say thats a bit interesting.

Steve Holmes
10-10-2012, 03:14 AM
Was that the year he and Bryan Thomson slugged it out in the final race, winner takes all?