View Full Version : Sid Watkins

09-13-2012, 09:00 AM
R.I.P Sid

09-13-2012, 09:00 AM

09-13-2012, 09:05 AM
safety car Sid

09-13-2012, 11:05 AM
Probably the only man that Senna would listen to!!
I read Sids book very amusing and F1 safety would not be where it is today if it wasnt for the Profs pushing and shoving to get things sorted and he wasnt a young man when he came into F1

Steve Holmes
09-14-2012, 03:13 AM
Yep, well said.

Rod Grimwood
09-14-2012, 11:40 PM
Motorsport is so lucky to have this calibre of person involved, and there are alot of them out there, and it is a pity we do not acknowledge them more often and not wait until they pass.

09-24-2012, 01:49 PM
Jackie Stewart was lambasted in the 60s when he said we need seat belts in race cars
it was that much earlier that proper crash helmets where worn replacing leather flying hats

what i am opposed to is the HANS device becoming mandatory
they are expensive and we have survived for 50 years without them cars are way way safer now then ever before between rollcage shape and materials
Fire systems seat belts race suits helmets
space frame design/construction
carbon fibre chassis etc
let it be your choice not mandatory
the most dangerous part of motor racing is driving to n from the meeting or telling "her in doors"
what it REALLY costs to go racing !