View Full Version : custaxie 2
09-12-2012, 01:14 AM
as we all know the new custaxie is in wanganui, the new owner had the car at manfeild and robbie was there helping out with the driving of the car,the left front wheel let go this is what i was told when i was in wanganui having my first look at the car. its in a workshop having alot of work done on it they are putting falcon stub axles on it big race brakes on the front,and holden brakes on the back 17/11 inch steel wheels all round with 11 inch wide racing slicks on it they have allso put in a new roll cage. i saw the car at manfeild at there last meeting and the car did look good,it did start to go very good at the end of the day, but it was pumping out diff oil all over the inside of the wheels did not look very good at could be the old jag diff not up to it with all the new work that has been done on the car,i do know that on the old car they had trouble with the rear axles,they also have to do a lot of work to set the front end up so it will point right, the driver did a good job when you know what the front end was doing.
Russ Cunningham
09-12-2012, 06:04 AM
Not only is it a dead horse but it's such a poor replica that all the mods under the sun won't make it shine. Very, very, sad world we live in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as we all know the new custaxie is in wanganui, the new owner had the car at manfeild and robbie was there helping out with the driving of the car,the left front wheel let go this is what i was told when i was in wanganui having my first look at the car. its in a workshop having alot of work done on it they are putting falcon stub axles on it big race brakes on the front,and holden brakes on the back 17/11 inch steel wheels all round with 11 inch wide racing slicks on it they have allso put in a new roll cage. i saw the car at manfeild at there last meeting and the car did look good,it did start to go very good at the end of the day, but it was pumping out diff oil all over the inside of the wheels did not look very good at could be the old jag diff not up to it with all the new work that has been done on the car,i do know that on the old car they had trouble with the rear axles,they also have to do a lot of work to set the front end up so it will point right, the driver did a good job when you know what the front end was doing.
09-12-2012, 11:24 AM
well well you again russ cunningham,not a sad world we live in.
09-12-2012, 10:53 PM
Now living in the USA but certainly a big fan of the Franicivec custaxie as you can see by my collection of photos on this site. Is this an actual replica or is it the original bodyshell? Either way a sounds like an interesting project.Hope it turns out great
09-15-2012, 02:04 AM
no it is not the original bodyshell and it is not an actual replica of the old car,they have used a customline bodyshell but have cut more of the floor away to make it easy to fit the chassis back in ,the paint job is not the same as the old car,the inside of the car is not the same you could say there is a lot that is not like the old car.I had an email come in today from peter urquhart,it said we fitted a jag diff with a limited slip originally but it didnt last ,so we fitted the original diff from the customline back into the car.but if you look at it robbie is the only one who has put his cash up to build one to look like the old car, i was told on friday that the 427 has been rebuilt again in wanganui (more power) so to me there has only been one custaxie built and that is the one that peter urquhart had a hand in back in 1967.
09-15-2012, 10:42 PM
I might be the black sheep in the top pasture here, but the memory of watching Robbie pedalling through the heat haze down the back straight at Wigram when I was very young seems like a distant dream. I was delighted a replica was built, regardless of the finer points
09-16-2012, 12:05 AM
Personally I was delighted when we were told that a replica was on it's way. Then I became disappointed when there were so many differences, apparent even from some distance, then even more so when it resolved into a slanging match about the Custy 2.
I am now delighted that Custaxie50 has taken his current stand, 2 posts above.
The sad thing is that it is probably little more than a 2010/11? allcomer saloon with no real place to play, when not a lot more effort, little if any more $ and we would have had an absolute beauty.
09-16-2012, 08:12 AM
thats life old fart you cant get a job done right today.
03-09-2013, 02:19 AM
anyone know when they will be racing again.
03-09-2013, 10:31 AM
There are a lot of people that have never seen this car in its hay day. (the original one that Tony Carilitich and co built) so it was rather great to see the look a like turn up at HD Festival couple years ago. I was lucky enough to see Robbie in this car coming over Rothmans at Pukekohe with one rear wheel smoking the bags in front of Bucanhan ? Ferrari. Later I was lucky enought to be hanging on to the roll cage of it blasting up and down Queen Street in Auckland with a flathead V8 engine. A few years later I blueprinted the original 427 engine out of it and stuffed it into a 63 Ford Compact whilst working for Legend Johnny Windelburn. Colin Praast owned the car then. So Custaxie 50 and Robbie...good on ya's for a bit of recreation that a Legend in it's day and sadly found its way to a tip! Kind Regards, Tony Rutherford.
Rod Grimwood
03-09-2013, 09:45 PM
Tony, talking with Croydon a while back and we had a laugh about old girl.
03-10-2013, 10:09 PM
Any one out there who may know where the 427 is today.
03-11-2013, 01:02 AM
"Interesting " description of this car on the Leadfoot site! And these are submitted by the owner with no editting.
03-11-2013, 07:01 AM
Had a look,load of bs.
03-28-2013, 01:35 AM
OK Rod, have cranked up this thread again........
At the Leadfoot, Custaxie 2 was wearing a new set of steel wheels. Apparently they had managed to tear the centres out of the 'old' ones. The new ones looked a bit like Jolly Wide wheels that were around a few years ago, with small triangular cutouts like spokes.
Next she could have MAGS........look pretty cool on them don't you think?
Perhaps instead of calling the car Custaxie, we could call it Custard, then the owner could get together with the Ruhbarb cars and there would be RUHBARB & CUSTARD !!!!!!!!
Russ Cunningham
03-28-2013, 06:18 AM
AMCO72, Custaxie Two will always be a sad joke! Maybe Billy Apple might be interested in driving it? or Andrew Blackberry?
Cut it out, the pear of you...:rolleyes:
John McKechnie
03-28-2013, 07:36 AM
But they both have a cherry sense of humour.
Seriously, if you are going to build a replica do that.
This obviously is not a replica, so is it a tribute?
If it is a tribute, then no discussion- the car is simply to show people what things looked like at the time.
The biggest insult is when the tribute tries to be accepted as the real thing or close enough..............
The joke is when several role up , like HDT and Brocks.
An authentic car will always be just that- the original real deal.
Grant Ellwood
03-28-2013, 10:07 AM
AMCO72, Custaxie Two will always be a sad joke! Maybe Billy Apple might be interested in driving it? or Andrew Blackberry?
The proof is in the pudding.....
03-28-2013, 07:06 PM
Do we really need to do all this 'stirring'.........
The thing is ,that this didn't need to happen. You have to question the new owners motives for trying to convince people that this car is the old girl that raced around in the late 60's, which clearly it isn't. There are too many folk out there that know this. Perhaps as often happens, you start to believe in you own stories. Maybe he is trying to justify the price he paid, but surely he did some research first.
Im sure the car was not mis-represented by the seller.
The car today looks like the Custaxie, so to many people it IS the Custaxie. There is no other car running round the race tracks that is as ugly, so in that respect it is unique!!! I, and I think most other enthusiasts don't have a problem with it, so long as it is portrayed as Robbies re-creation of his old car, and this of course gives it a bit of provenance....the fact the original builder, built the thing. He knew he was changing certain mechanical and body details but clearly wasn't concerned. He alone knew the problems with the original and set about to rectify them.......why not??? He wasn't expecting to get shot down by all the anoraks.
Then of course it was pumped up by the media for that first appearance at the HD festival. Such is the way that history is made!!!!! It is down there in black and white.
We WANTED to believe that this was the real thing.......and it almost had us all convinced, then a few FACTS started to emerge.
One thing that adds to the cars got an invite to the Leadfoot, so clearly Mr Millen , who hand picks all his entries, liked what he saw, and it fitted in well with all the other wild and woolly machines that were there.
What needs to happen is that owner comes on to the RS, and the whole thing debated by us very fair and knowledgable chaps on here........yeh right.
03-28-2013, 09:08 PM
It is interesting Gerald that it was not listed on the Leadfoot web site as the Custaxie - the entry actually said : "Robert Bartley - 1955 Ford Customline". However, the info board in front of it's pits clearly talked about the Custaxie and I think many of the uninitiated would have believed it was the real thing.
jim short
03-28-2013, 09:26 PM
Robert Bartley I went to school with a boy with that name in Waiuku 1954
Probably the same bloke that used to race the TriAng years ago.
Robert Bartley I went to school with a boy with that name in Waiuku 1954
Doodling car pics instead of concentrating on the 3R's then Jim! (Like the rest of us...)
jim short
03-29-2013, 12:48 AM
No rugby, girls then Frank Blackburn showed me a photo of a xk120,,, had no real luck with any of them for quite some time.
Rod Grimwood
03-29-2013, 04:37 AM
Amco you are getting there with the, 'original builder bit' and I am sure he did not try to pull wool over any eyes with new build, it has been twisted by other peoples interpretations.
The 'original' guy showed a couple of people up with first blast in an unsorted car at HD when he ran it. I believe if he did not have the bad luck to suffer the health problem, he would have still been showing just how it can go (with improvements of course)
Tribute car may be a good name for it, as the 'original guy' sure needs some tributes for what he has done over the years.
I personally like the look of it and it is out there. Seen worse replicas-tribute cars around.
04-03-2013, 01:33 AM
Whats up with the brakes on cus2, with all the time and money put into new brakes all round etc, you would think it would be good to go. Does any one know whats up with them.
04-03-2013, 03:42 AM
Actually ERC, Jim was right into the 3 R', racing and um, r................!
No.......just kidding. He was too dam busy driving bloody great International logging trucks to be into that sort of thing.
GD66......what the heck was the 'Triang'........though it was some sort of pedal car made in England for rich kids.
Steve Holmes
04-03-2013, 03:43 AM
I believe it was a Triumph powered Anglia Gerald. Didn't Robert Bartley also race a V8 MkIII Cortina in the early '70s? I have a feeling he may have shared the car with speedway racer, and current Palmerston North speedway promoter Bruce Robertson?
Jac Mac
04-03-2013, 04:28 AM
IIRC Bartleys MK3 Cortina was 351c powered, saw it at Wigram once.
If I really wanted to know about the current state of the Custaxi Tribute car I would visit or ring Robert Bartley, nothing like info from the source rather than 2nd hand info from spectators.
04-03-2013, 05:54 AM
Well we might have had a chat to him and his crew if they had not been so determined to 'muddy the water' at Leadfoot.
Perhaps Jac Mac you would like to ring him and see what sort of reception you get. However you do say that..... 'IF I was wanting to know anything about the Custaxie'....... you would follow that course, so apparently you don't want to know..
As I said on a previous post, all this bull-shit should never have happened. [post 20]
04-03-2013, 08:53 PM
Hi there AMCO72,i did talk to Robert Bartley when he had the car at Manfeild sometime back, as i have said before the only thing up at that time was the diff and getting the front end to work.I have talked to the workshop in the past that has done all this work and did go over to have a look at the car.I look at it this way most on here have done a lot of racing and may still be, my thinking was one of you may know whats up with this car. Sometimes after talking to someone you can get a feeling about them and where they are coming from.
George Sheweiry
04-03-2013, 09:29 PM
Hi Rod, got to agree with you there. I wasn't one of the fortunate ones to witness the original car doing battle as I was a bit young, but boy did I hear the stories. There needed to be a custaxie 2 and who better to do it than the man himself. Knowing Robbie and his absolute enthusiasim for motorsport I have no doubt that he and his team would have had lengthy discussions on just how close to the original car the replacement could practicably be and when you consider the gear some of his later rides had I think he was in the end pretty reserved with what they produced. I have witnessed Robbie in full song and you cant tell me that he didn't drive the pants off that original car and the brakes and tyres were ok back then after all you cant expect a car of that era to foot it with a tanzam!! The charisma and the value of the Custaxie2 are as it was built by Robbie and it is a mistake of the new owner to change it and I hope he realises that and puts it back to how Robbie and his team built it! After all, the chocolate fish wont taste any different!!!
04-03-2013, 11:08 PM
Bringing this Custaxie thing over from Leadfoot.
Why are you so concerned that the wheels aren't 15" Dale? Its not a Muscle Car contender, I don't think!!!!!!! They were about 15" WIDE if not in diameter. It actually changed the whole LOOK of the car, to give it a much more aggressive stance.
I have in my possession a pit information board that was displayed with the Custaxie 2 when it raced at Teretonga in February 2011, when it was still owned by Robbie. Angus actually drove the car for Robbie for a few races, and the pair of them, plus the mechanics spent much time frigging around with the brakes and front end to try and get it to handle and stop.
At the end of racing for the weekend we were just cleaning up, as you did, when I discovered this board in the rubbish. Being me, I decided that I would take it with me, for no reason at all, except that I liked it and the 'history' of the car displayed. The Custaxie 2 and its crew had long gone so I thought ,well one day I might meet up with the car again and give it back. This hasn't happened and I still have it.
It is headed up.........1966 Custaxie A truly legendary car......
It makes interesting reading and the details were supplied by someone close to the car.
What I would like to do is photogragh it and post it on the roaring season. It might open a few eyes!!!!!!!
Mind you, it might have been put into the rubbish for a reason, as it is inaccurate to say the least........or IS it ???????????????
Would be interesting to compare it with the new board to see if there are any differences!
Am going to have to upgrade my computer skills considerably to do this.........but one day.
John McKechnie
04-04-2013, 12:06 AM
Why was in put in the rubbish, as you have seen it , do you personally think?.
An alternative would have been to paint over it, change it, make sure it is removed.
Difference is like putting in a fire and putting out for removal.
Still, good souvineer
04-04-2013, 02:27 AM
John, I would have no idea. The car must have been on display somewhere during the 40th Rally of New Zealand, 6-9 May 2010. It has this logo at the top of the board.
Now this whole thing COULD have been written by some media/publicity person for the event, but even so would have got details from someone close to the car. Instead of having another one done, Robbie and Co may have just decided to use this one, for the SFOS, then discarded it at Teretonga when it was all over.
04-04-2013, 02:39 AM
The wheels are 16 inch and 11 inch wide and made in the south island.
04-04-2013, 04:08 AM
My understanding is that when the Custaxie ran in period it had Jaguar E Type disc brakes. When I saw the Custaxie 2 at Leadfoot I'm pretty sure it had Wilwood six pots on the front.
04-04-2013, 04:24 AM
Well he sure should be able to stop now, what with the brakes and those tyres. Thus begins the slow inexorable 'improvement' of the basic car, which turns it into something that it isn't, and indeed wasn't.!!!!!!!! But that is the NZ way. I will guarantee that if Robbie had kept it, there would have been improvements along the way. And who says he cant? It is an NZ special, so anything goes, and it doesn't have to fall in line with the tough HMC rules for example.
As George said, Robbie was pretty conservative with the rebuild to what he COULD have done.
I frankly don't care one way or another. The car is out there, we all know it is not QUITE what it used to be, so what the general unwashed public see and believe is their problem.
04-04-2013, 05:19 AM
Taken from a aussie mag.
04-04-2013, 06:53 AM
Yes thats the old girl,look at the size of the wheels that are on it.
Racer Rog
04-04-2013, 07:20 AM
One of the problems with old race car drivers, is that they remember what they should have done to a car they raced, not what they did do, and what the hell is a tribute race car? me thinks some people are playing with themselves. I would love to compare that article with what the car was then, and what they rembered and built now, I know of some changes but not all by any means
04-04-2013, 07:47 AM
One of the problems with old race car drivers, is that they remember what they should have done to a car they raced, not what they did do, and what the hell is a tribute race car? me thinks some people are playing with themselves. I would love to compare that article with what the car was then, and what they rembered and built now, I know of some changes but not all by any means
Me thinks you're onto something Roger, whats that saying? "the older i get the faster i WAS" or was it "that's how i built it but i forgot" Hmmm
16X11 wheels? South Island? that figures(now im in for it, LOL) you sure you're not losing it Gerald and got it the other-way around? like the Mini with 11" wheels that are 16" wide? that's all 4 stack together mind you!! and where did i mention HMC or Mussel Kars in anything to do with the Custard-Taxi, come on mate!! i'll send the Doc over to see you tomorrow, LOL
Dale M
04-04-2013, 09:21 AM
I believe it was a Triumph powered Anglia Gerald. Didn't Robert Bartley also race a V8 MkIII Cortina in the early '70s? I have a feeling he may have shared the car with speedway racer, and current Palmerston North speedway promoter Bruce Robertson? This is a Pic 105Angria uploaded on another thread
04-04-2013, 06:46 PM
Dale, I need a Doctor to certify me for posting stuff on this damn RS, cos all that seems to happen is that someone elses opinion is more persuasive than mine..........and that is all that most stuff on this 'Rhubarb and Custard' thread is......opinions.
No, you didn't say anything about mussel [sic] cars when mentioning the 15 inch wheels, but, you made a comment on the wheel size of the Custaxie 2 that they weren't 15", and, you know, I put 2 and 2 together with 15" HMC wheels and............argh, flippin heck, why don't I just shut-up while I'm ahead, or behind!!!!!!!!
Iv'e got to stop putting 2 and 2 together, cos they always add up to five. My maths teacher would be very disappointed in me!!!!!
04-04-2013, 07:39 PM
Is that Anglia LHD.........must be my eyes, but it looks like the driver on the left. Surely not. Numbers are the right way round so pic has not been reversed.
John McKechnie
04-04-2013, 08:25 PM
Gerald- you still have your eyes, I also make it a lhd fastback Anglia- does that narrow the field down?
With this grandstand, is this Levin?
Maybe Milan may have a program........
Crowd dont seem to be looking at this car, looking at what is happening behind him.Maybe it is THE Custaxie coming ) if pic is late 60s)
04-04-2013, 08:32 PM
Racer Rog, What would you like to know about the old car.
04-04-2013, 11:56 PM
John, lets say it is THE Custaxie behind the Anglia........a Triumph powered Anglia in front of THE Custaxie !!!!!! Yeh right. Robbie should have had those big wheels and tyres on it back then, would have made all the difference.
I know when Angus drove Custaxie 2 at Teretonga it was a bit of a handful to get round the corners, and perhaps Mr Bartley found this out......hence the wide rubber. I mean you don't want to go hitting people because your tyres are not up to the job!!!!!!!!!
04-05-2013, 12:10 AM
And while we are on the subject of thread topics.......[from Leadfoot topic]
A little aside popped up in this thread.....the TriAng.......and there has been a little bit of discussion about it, on a thread that is not dedicated to this machine. So what do you do when this happens.......ignore it, or start another thread, which clearly is not going to happen.
There have lots of asides since roaring season started, and we have found out all sorts of interesting things that we might not otherwise have.
Yes it is desirable to keep the thread 'pure', but there is too much lateral thinking going on for that to happen.
Sooner or later a new poster will drag us all back to the theme. You watch!
Oh dear this topic is on the wrong topic, and I cant find the correct topic in the topics list!!!!!!!
Jac Mac
04-05-2013, 01:09 AM
I mean you dont want to go hitting people because your tyres are not up to the job!!!!!!!!!!
Yet that would appear to be the rational behind the HMC's rule on running the 'period' Goodyears, so that they can use the excuse that they wobble around a bit on the crossplys in case they actually hit someone ( Like gimme some room in case I hit you)!, sounds like a CYA rule to me.:) Actually there is a rule somewhere that allows an increase in rim dia of 1" in the classic stuff, not sure whether it pertains in this instance or whatever class the car might run in.
John McKechnie
04-05-2013, 02:37 AM
Actually, these tyres have always been used in America for historic racing. Unlike NZ where you are allowed to run taller wheels and different racing tyres over the years ,they have kept the same year after year .,and the reason is that they are very good. I have found them better than the Falken tyres I raced with in the 90s. Have you driven a car with these? Or does your wooden spoon collect dust if not stirred regularly?
Racer Rog
04-05-2013, 07:10 AM
Yes its in T & C, but not in schedule K,its a rule that I think should never have happened, and I think we should have adopted the Aussie rules, which a lot of us were unaware of, we certainly would not have some of the problems we now have. As for the Custaxi, I would love to see the full article from that Aussie magazine, and then compare with what is built now, that would really be interesting.
I mean you dont want to go hitting people because your tyres are not up to the job!!!!!!!!!!
Yet that would appear to be the rational behind the HMC's rule on running the 'period' Goodyears, so that they can use the excuse that they wobble around a bit on the crossplys in case they actually hit someone ( Like gimme some room in case I hit you)!, sounds like a CYA rule to me.:) Actually there is a rule somewhere that allows an increase in rim dia of 1" in the classic stuff, not sure whether it pertains in this instance or whatever class the car might run in.
John McKechnie
04-05-2013, 08:14 AM
Roger- just to confirm what you say- what tyres must I have to qualify for schedule K.-you know the car.
Must I run them all the time or can I put the goodyears on just for HMC
Racer Rog
04-06-2013, 01:00 AM
John, That would depend on how HMC see's it, but would think what it ran in period would be OK, but as far as HMC, I am a little unsure, Dale will know, but that car would not have run big tyres when it was raced, you could see that from the photos you showed us.
04-06-2013, 02:02 AM
John, That would depend on how HMC see's it, but would think what it ran in period would be OK, but as far as HMC, I am a little unsure, Dale will know, but that car would not have run big tyres when it was raced, you could see that from the photos you showed us.
Roger, John, this is were some on this forum just don't get what "Historic" and "Classic" racing is all about!! your XA Falcon Coupe John, my Mustang and many other vehicles "of that era" and type that raced back when new(and now in HMC) prior to 12/77 generally used the "Goodyear Blue Streak" race tyre in "Period" so your Falcon John would be Shedule K correct with 15" wheels and Goodyear BS Tyres(providing the rest of the car is), this is just like what Moffat and others ran in the day and theres plenty of pictures as proof. When Fahey imported his 70 Boss Mustang he fitted it with these very Goodyear tyres in 1970(Steve will have pics). And this is exactly what were doing in HMC, creating a "Historic" saloon class under T&C(for more modified vehicles) and Shedule K(for period correct vehicles) so they have somewhere to race without been in the same race as modernised up-spec "cheater type" vehicles but in old body shells with a silhouette look(although this is still OK by me) .
Now, the 12/77 is a deemed FIA historic date for a change in techology but is not a exact line directly draw in the sand but its what we(and other countries) use regardless, many of the Torana hatchs, XC Cobra Falcon started using a "Slick" tyre just prior to this date but this was as group C took over from the Saloon car era!! remember this was modern racing back in the day and when new advancements in technology came along everyone wanted it.
Crunch can correct me if i've not quite got the details correct.
OK, Back to the Custaxi.
Dale M
John McKechnie
04-06-2013, 02:50 AM
Dale- actually I was discussing the Monaro with Rodger
Also did you get my pm today?
04-06-2013, 02:57 AM
Dale- actually I was discussing the Monaro with Rodger
Same applies except your Monaro is the actual car!! bit like Nigels ex-Dawson Mustang, etc
Dale M
04-07-2013, 12:25 AM
Yes its in T & C, but not in schedule K,its a rule that I think should never have happened, and I think we should have adopted the Aussie rules, which a lot of us were unaware of, we certainly would not have some of the problems we now have. As for the Custaxi, I would love to see the full article from that Aussie magazine, and then compare with what is built now, that would really be interesting.
What would you like to know about the old car.
04-07-2013, 01:36 AM
And while we are on the subject of thread topics.......[from Leadfoot topic]
A little aside popped up in this thread.....the TriAng.......and there has been a little bit of discussion about it, on a thread that is not dedicated to this machine. So what do you do when this happens.......ignore it, or start another thread, which clearly is not going to happen.
There have lots of asides since roaring season started, and we have found out all sorts of interesting things that we might not otherwise have.
Yes it is desirable to keep the thread 'pure', but there is too much lateral thinking going on for that to happen.
Sooner or later a new poster will drag us all back to the theme. You watch!
Oh dear this topic is on the wrong topic, and I cant find the correct topic in the topics list!!!!!!!
Check the "Whatever happened to all the breadvan Anglias" thread, there is info and more pics there
it just amazes me, all this debating about a car ( me included) when all that is needed is some photos of the old and new then everyone can make up their own mind as to like or dislike. Not a photo of a fastback anglia either, but custaxie 1 and custaxie 2
04-07-2013, 02:41 AM
it just amazes me, all this debating about a car ( me included) when all that is needed is some photos of the old and new then everyone can make up their own mind as to like or dislike. Not a photo of a fastback anglia either, but custaxie 1 and custaxie 2
There are some photos up here of cus1&2
04-30-2013, 04:32 AM
Any one out there who may know where the 427 is today. Don't know what happened to the 63 Compact Fairlane I stuffed the motor into with 4 IDA Webers on a Holman Moody inlet shortly after this car was built I moved to Aussie for three years.....However, did Peter ever tell you what he replaced the side oilers for??? You will get a stirring in the loins mate! They got two..not one but two...427 Cammer motors. Now I don't know any other production engine that would be more valueable these days......doubt there would be quite frankly. The "spare" motor was sitting under the bench as the story goes only to be sold for mear flea shit of it's value... to a hot rodder who I believe his it in a front engined dragster? (can anyone shed any light). Hope this answers your question... Regards, Tony Rutherford.
George Sheweiry
04-30-2013, 05:03 AM
That 427 sohc dragster was still at Southwards museum last time I was there. I walked past with bowed head and spoke in quiet tones which reminds me of a Ye olde quote.
And thou shalt tremble in fear as the mighty SOHC cometh. Those engines had a 7 foot timing chain and you had to advance the left hand cam a few degrees to make up for the slop in the chain. I saw a gear drive on one at Ron Millers Ford Power Parts in California in 88 and there was more gears than a swiss clock. You could only buy them in a crate from Ford and they were already 680 hp straight out of the box!! As the Tool man would say Oh Oh Oh
George Sheweiry
04-30-2013, 05:54 AM
Hey Curley, what do you think of my new toy? Is that a rocket engine Moe? Yeah it is Larry, Why don't we put you on it and send it to the moon!!! nyuk nyuk nyuk 17987
04-30-2013, 06:16 AM
I was at the leadfoot. The Custaxie 2 was worthy of being there for sure, it was cool and interesting. So what if it isn't he original, or a perfect recreation.
I was racing my Almac Cobra. This isn't an exact replica of a Shelby Cobra, it is a 1989 New Zealand built special that resembles a Cobra, but that is about it. It has a Chev motor, Kevlar body, square tube chassis, 17 inch wheels, hill born injection, all things that make it wrong if you say it is real. However..... It is mine, I enjoy it, most people like seeing it out there, and it has a race history of its own now.
I say let people enjoy what they have. I agree that people should be honest about a car being real, original, or a copy, similar too etc, but otherwise, let people enjoy.
04-30-2013, 06:31 AM
Don't know what happened to the 63 Compact Fairlane I stuffed the motor into with 4 IDA Webers on a Holman Moody inlet shortly after this car was built I moved to Aussie for three years.....However, did Peter ever tell you what he replaced the side oilers for??? You will get a stirring in the loins mate! They got two..not one but two...427 Cammer motors. Now I don't know any other production engine that would be more valueable these days......doubt there would be quite frankly. The "spare" motor was sitting under the bench as the story goes only to be sold for mear flea shit of it's value... to a hot rodder who I believe his it in a front engined dragster? (can anyone shed any light). Hope this answers your question... Regards, Tony Rutherford.
yes it is in a front engined dragster which is in Levin,i understand mr rivers from wanganui last time i saw it start up in the Levin show grounds had just rebuilt this 427-(MORE POWER) ,i think this car may be too old for all this new power.what a great looking motor and the sound of it when they cranked it over,mr rivers allso looks after the 427 top oiler in custaxie 2.
04-30-2013, 07:07 AM
I say let people enjoy what they have. I agree that people should be honest about a car being real, original, or a copy, similar too etc, but otherwise, let people enjoy.
04-30-2013, 11:41 AM
05-01-2013, 07:33 AM
+3 ?
05-01-2013, 12:49 PM
yes it is in a front engined dragster which is in Levin,i understand mr rivers from wanganui last time i saw it start up in the Levin show grounds had just rebuilt this 427-(MORE POWER) ,i think this car may be too old for all this new power.what a great looking motor and the sound of it when they cranked it over,mr rivers allso looks after the 427 top oiler in custaxie 2.
This is the dragster here belonging to Alex Hogg of Levin,there was a article in Petrolhead magazine about this car,he says engine was first imported into NZ to go into a speedboat.Alex got engine in 1975 off a speedway racer in Tauranga.During the mid 80s Alex ran a rear engine dragster with this engine,round about 2005 a front engined dragster frame was built by Kiwi Race Cars formerly Graham Berry Race Cars and over the next 4 years the rest of the car was built.On its first outing 2009 at Masterton Motoplex Test and Tune meeting it ran 8.75 at 151mph.Here are a few pictures i have taken over the years.179991800018001
05-01-2013, 04:29 PM
This is the dragster here belonging to Alex Hogg of Levin,there was a article in Petrolhead magazine about this car,he says engine was first imported into NZ to go into a speedboat.Alex got engine in 1975 off a speedway racer in Tauranga.During the mid 80s Alex ran a rear engine dragster with this engine,round about 2005 a front engined dragster frame was built by Kiwi Race Cars formerly Graham Berry Race Cars and over the next 4 years the rest of the car was built.On its first outing 2009 at Masterton Motoplex Test and Tune meeting it ran 8.75 at 151mph.Here are a few pictures i have taken over the years.179991800018001
Yes thats right what you have said about this motor,the 427 top oiler that they put into the custaxie in 1966 came out of a boat called miss coventry and the motor you see here went into this boat.
05-03-2013, 09:22 AM
Don't know what happened to the 63 Compact Fairlane I stuffed the motor into with 4 IDA Webers on a Holman Moody inlet shortly after this car was built I moved to Aussie for three years.....However, did Peter ever tell you what he replaced the side oilers for??? You will get a stirring in the loins mate! They got two..not one but two...427 Cammer motors. Now I don't know any other production engine that would be more valueable these days......doubt there would be quite frankly. The "spare" motor was sitting under the bench as the story goes only to be sold for mear flea shit of it's value... to a hot rodder who I believe his it in a front engined dragster? (can anyone shed any light). Hope this answers your question... Regards, Tony Rutherford.Is this the 63 Fairlane with the 427 would of been one cool car,photo from Ardmore Drags in June 72 NZ Hot Rod Mag.18049
05-06-2013, 02:37 AM
Is this the 63 Fairlane with the 427 would of been one cool car,photo from Ardmore Drags in June 72 NZ Hot Rod Mag.18049
I may have sold him the headers and exhaust from the Custaxie,i do recall going to his work shop to see the roadster he was working on.I would go to the Kopuku drag strip the Custaxie was there,Drag-on-Lady-Gail was there also with her Impala,open face-Helmet,T-Shirt,Shorts,thats the way this Lady did it.As we all know this Lady has passed over not that long ago,very sad to hear,a nice Lady to talk to and full of fun.
Steve Holmes
05-06-2013, 03:18 AM
This is really great info guys! Keep it coming.
05-06-2013, 03:19 AM
+3 ?
John B
05-06-2013, 03:39 AM
Rod Grimwood
05-06-2013, 04:20 AM
Didn't one of the engines go into Miss Air New Zealand (may have been rename for Miss coventry)
I think it was Miss Air NZ that bit Peters leg (stand to be corrected on all)
And +6
05-06-2013, 10:27 PM
Didn't one of the engines go into Miss Air New Zealand (may have been rename for Miss coventry)
I think it was Miss Air NZ that bit Peters leg (stand to be corrected on all)
And +6
If you are talking about Peter Urquart Rod,it was Miss Coventry he was in when it went up side down
Rod Grimwood
05-07-2013, 02:02 AM
Thanks for that, sure bit his leg good.
05-14-2013, 02:44 AM
Thanks for that, sure bit his leg good.
Manfeild last sunday, i rolled into the place 130pm i walked in the gate and there it was Custaxie 2, i had a good look over the car i see they have fitted a power steering R&P box to the car. The last time i was at manfeild there was diff oil over the inside of the wheels,no breather on the diff.The car was not running that good, to me the motor was flat and had a miss to it maybe over fueled done know,would not run clean or idle right could be the cam thats in it now only my view after seeing this car having a run on sunday, more work need to get this car running right,time will tell,but it was good to see this car out there. I did talk to Robert Bartley about the ups and downs with the car at Lead Foot also.
paul lancaster
05-14-2013, 07:28 AM
I don't know what the history is between custaxie50 and you Russ,but leave the poor bugger alone, running down his ride. At the end of the day man, we are all motorsport fans, regardless what ride we are in
05-14-2013, 06:09 PM
I don't know what the history is between custaxie50 and you Russ,but leave the poor bugger alone, running down his ride. At the end of the day man, we are all motorsport fans, regardless what ride we are in
For a start paul you dont know what you are talking about, i dont know Russ at all,he has been around this sport for a number of may like to go back and read some more that has been put up here before you start,you said-running down his ride.Do you know anything about the Custaxie that was build in 1966 and the one we see today.Did you see the old car run in 1966,what about the new car also have you been to a track to see it run.Just so you and maybe others on here in know way am i running down Robert Bartley in any way at all,i hope you understand this paul ok. Just about forgot paul,i had a bit to do with the old car and i made it into a road car after they stopped racing this car.
Try re-reading yourself, Paul was asking Russ to stop revving you.
05-14-2013, 09:23 PM
Try re-reading yourself, Paul was asking Russ to stop revving you.
You may have to look again at what paul said,i did read it again GD66,no cant see where it said Russ was getting at me.My view is paul was saying to leave Robert Bartley alone. Do you think thats what he was saying ,only my view on what paul put up here.
Rod Grimwood
05-15-2013, 07:52 AM
Back to the car ah! this is about the car not people (hopefully)
paul lancaster
05-15-2013, 08:32 AM
I was actually on your side man.seems like people are knocking the custaxie, and all I was trying to say was, hey guys, we are all motorsport fans at the end of the day ,no matter what we drive.
05-15-2013, 09:23 PM
Back to the car ah! this is about the car not people (hopefully)
Yes Rod you are right its all about the car it may not be the old girl etc,but its good to see this car out there.Look at it this way the kids today cant get it into there heads that something like this was out there 47 years ago.So it must be good for the sport if they like cars like this,what are they going to be like when this new class of old Sports Sedans gets up and running.
05-16-2013, 01:02 AM
i have read a lot of back and fourth re this car. would like to see a photo. anyone got one they can post on here?
05-16-2013, 04:46 AM
i have read a lot of back and fourth re this car. would like to see a photo. anyone got one they can post on here?
Type "Custaxie" in Google images and you will get lots of photos of both the original car and the newly created version.
05-17-2013, 12:33 AM
Ok,just did that. That opened up a whole lot of photos,including some of mine! The recreation of the Custaxie looks like an exellent one to me.he did a great job and it could not have been easy.
05-17-2013, 06:34 AM
I have seen it in person, and it is a great representation. Time for the old ladies here to stop whining. It will never be the real car, but the real car will never be.....
05-17-2013, 06:50 AM
Ok,just did that. That opened up a whole lot of photos,including some of mine! The recreation of the Custaxie looks like an exellent one to me.he did a great job and it could not have been easy.
Yes i have looked at what you have put up here.
05-31-2013, 06:52 AM
I may have sold him the headers and exhaust from the Custaxie,i do recall going to his work shop to see the roadster he was working on.I would go to the Kopuku drag strip the Custaxie was there,Drag-on-Lady-Gail was there also with her Impala,open face-Helmet,T-Shirt,Shorts,thats the way this Lady did it.As we all know this Lady has passed over not that long ago,very sad to hear,a nice Lady to talk to and full of fun.I got told that this is the ex Drag-on-Lady Impala i took this photo at the Nostalgia Drags last month.18663
05-31-2013, 09:14 AM
I have seen it in person, and it is a great representation. Time for the old ladies here to stop whining. It will never be the real car, but the real car will never be..... Did you see the old car.
06-01-2013, 02:55 AM
Did you see the old car.
No unfortunately not. I have seen plenty of photos. So yes I don't know exactly how it should be, but better seeing this racing than a Mitsubishi mirage or something.
No unfortunately not. I have seen plenty of photos. So yes I don't know exactly how it should be, but better seeing this racing than a Mitsubishi mirage or something.
any car racing is better than no car racing surely
06-01-2013, 05:50 AM
I remember Gail Prast blasting this 409 Impala down the track, It was really something back in the day. Still a mighty impressive car.
I got told that this is the ex Drag-on-Lady Impala i took this photo at the Nostalgia Drags last month.18663
John McKechnie
06-01-2013, 08:06 AM
Airstraficanza(?) Ardmore, , John Dorn was there also.
06-01-2013, 05:42 PM
No unfortunately not. I have seen plenty of photos. So yes I don't know exactly how it should be, but better seeing this racing than a Mitsubishi mirage or something. Yes you are right,it is good to see this car out there and we need to see more like this car out there also.Sometimes i get back home after going to a meeting and think what a load of shit that was,all this bmw,jap,min etc we have to put up with out there today.Roll on this new class that is getting off the ground of Sports Sedans that will be good to see the old cars out there again.
Rod Grimwood
06-01-2013, 08:12 PM
Airstraficanza(?) Ardmore, , John Dorn was there also.
Before his holiday
Rod Grimwood
06-01-2013, 08:13 PM
Yes you are right,it is good to see this car out there and we need to see more like this car out there also.Sometimes i get back home after going to a meeting and think what a load of shit that was,all this bmw,jap,min etc we have to put up with out there today.Roll on this new class that is getting off the ground of Sports Sedans that will be good to see the old cars out there again.
Not only the old cars but the old fellas with them.
06-02-2013, 02:43 PM
Airstraficanza(?) Ardmore, , John Dorn was there also. Yep...I used to work on this car for Gail. She was a lovely lady..Colin's wife..Had "Drag On Lady" written down the sides and had shock absorbers that held the front up on take off...$09 Porkepine motor...In the days when the early Hot Rods most had flathead engines..apart from a hand full of OHV engines like Mike Gearings Caddie powered Roadster and others that had "Corvette" engines...was bugger all OHV motors. It seemed the everything Colin Praast drove had a 427 in it! Man. We built his Model A Roadster with a brand new 427 Chev engine plus we got a set of L88 heads for it...this this did 12 sec quarters on very average rubber. At the time the record was only in the 11's. We would road test it down Porana Rd on the Shore which was dead end at that time...This car was pulled apart and Keith Vazey owned it for years. There had his 331 Hemi in for a while then it was left outside for a tree to grow up thru the middle of it!! Years later Peter Church bought the car (in two bits) and is trying to restore there's a project ...Then came the Fairlane. with the 427 as previously said... ha and as for John Dorn who was at that same meeting...where do you want me to start. He ran a genuine Shelby Mustang GT500 at that meeting (painted the tyres pink)...bought the car in the States without a front on it....he put a 69 Mustang front on it...Drove this car as well...went good and managed to put the fear of Christ up him....he bought a 427 Corvette '66 with all the this car was a gem ...another car of his I gave a jolly good road test to with him white knuckling it in the passengers seat....customs seized this car and held it for quite a few years. It is in a museam down the line I am told. I could prattle on a long time about this character...whom turned up at my doorstep at midnight one night towing a trailer that had a Berry and Chung plastic Mk1 Capri bodied funny car with out any running gear..Tow car was 428 T-Bird landau...he wanted me to pull engine from T-Bird and put it in Funny Car...which I did...then I ran it a couple of times at Wiri drags....this is where the Custaxie also ran with a 272 Y block Customline motor in it...Croydon Thompson's brother ran it.....Custaxie 50..when you put the Custaxie on the road is this when it had the flathead in it....(mate owned it and we drove it around for a while..up and down Queen St with me hanging in to the cage...outstanding stuff)...Brilliant car in its day for sure.....Cheers. Regards, Tony Rutherford.
John McKechnie
06-02-2013, 06:36 PM
So Peter Church has the old C&J Roadster? Used to work with him at Motor Specs in 73-74 . He works at George Bunces now.
I remember Vazey used to grass track it.
Croydons brother is Kevin-Cuza. Good ole Thomson Performance in Otahuhu.
Tony, you are a museum-every time you come here, more history comes alive.:cool:
Rod Grimwood
06-03-2013, 01:45 AM
So Peter Church has the old C&J Roadster? Used to work with him at Motor Specs in 73-74 . He works at George Bunces now.
I remember Vazey used to grass track it.
Croydons brother is Kevin-Cuza. Good ole Thomson Performance in Otahuhu.
Tony, you are a museum-every time you come here, more history comes alive.:cool:
Croydon lives up this way now and catch up occasionally, he is a good bugger. Remember his rail 'Purple Haze".
Had a mate who bought a brand new XA Falcon ute and drove it to Croydons in Otahuhu and had him fit a worked up 302 in it because Ford couldn't supply a V8 ute at the time. Stuck big feet on it etc. bit of humour. Tony would remember it well.
Rod Grimwood
06-03-2013, 01:56 AM
Had offshore powerboat race up here yesterday and caught up with some interesting people from days gone by, one being the original owner of a certain engine that has been talked about on here, and told a bit of its history including the custaxie and other things. Also may have some history on the original car.
Running the classic offshore powerboat 'Topaz" was Ian Reeves and co. from Rotorua who were very good friends with our late mate Glen "Jigger" Jones, more history for that thread also coming. These gentlemen were racing offshore boats back in 60's and are still pounding around in a bigblock turbo'd V8 powered v-bottom having a ball.
06-03-2013, 04:53 AM
Yep...I used to work on this car for Gail. She was a lovely lady..Colin's wife..Had "Drag On Lady" written down the sides and had shock absorbers that held the front up on take off...$09 Porkepine motor...In the days when the early Hot Rods most had flathead engines..apart from a hand full of OHV engines like Mike Gearings Caddie powered Roadster and others that had "Corvette" engines...was bugger all OHV motors. It seemed the everything Colin Praast drove had a 427 in it! Man. We built his Model A Roadster with a brand new 427 Chev engine plus we got a set of L88 heads for it...this this did 12 sec quarters on very average rubber. At the time the record was only in the 11's. We would road test it down Porana Rd on the Shore which was dead end at that time...This car was pulled apart and Keith Vazey owned it for years. There had his 331 Hemi in for a while then it was left outside for a tree to grow up thru the middle of it!! Years later Peter Church bought the car (in two bits) and is trying to restore there's a project ...Then came the Fairlane. with the 427 as previously said... ha and as for John Dorn who was at that same meeting...where do you want me to start. He ran a genuine Shelby Mustang GT500 at that meeting (painted the tyres pink)...bought the car in the States without a front on it....he put a 69 Mustang front on it...Drove this car as well...went good and managed to put the fear of Christ up him....he bought a 427 Corvette '66 with all the this car was a gem ...another car of his I gave a jolly good road test to with him white knuckling it in the passengers seat....customs seized this car and held it for quite a few years. It is in a museam down the line I am told. I could prattle on a long time about this character...whom turned up at my doorstep at midnight one night towing a trailer that had a Berry and Chung plastic Mk1 Capri bodied funny car with out any running gear..Tow car was 428 T-Bird landau...he wanted me to pull engine from T-Bird and put it in Funny Car...which I did...then I ran it a couple of times at Wiri drags....this is where the Custaxie also ran with a 272 Y block Customline motor in it...Croydon Thompson's brother ran it.....Custaxie 50..when you put the Custaxie on the road is this when it had the flathead in it....(mate owned it and we drove it around for a while..up and down Queen St with me hanging in to the cage...outstanding stuff)...Brilliant car in its day for sure.....Cheers. Regards, Tony Rutherford. You know life can be funny in some ways,you may meet & talk to a lot of people out there as you go ,but there will be one or two nice ones you have run into Drag on Lady was one a nice Lady.Yes thats right i put the flat head v8 in the Custaxie and a 3 speed box.The car only had a roll bar in it at that time, the seat that was in the car went missing from the car yard one night also,so someone may have it in their shed or in a boat. Now you say you worked on the Fairlane,so the 427 from the Custaxie went into this car did you use the Headers also from the Custaxie in this Fairlane.
Rod Grimwood
06-03-2013, 07:44 AM
Pretty sure the 'Coventry' engine did not go into this Fairlane, more to come on that 'engine' hopefully.
06-03-2013, 12:19 PM
You know life can be funny in some ways,you may meet & talk to a lot of people out there as you go ,but there will be one or two nice ones you have run into Drag on Lady was one a nice Lady.Yes thats right i put the flat head v8 in the Custaxie and a 3 speed box.The car only had a roll bar in it at that time, the seat that was in the car went missing from the car yard one night also,so someone may have it in their shed or in a boat. Now you say you worked on the Fairlane,so the 427 from the Custaxie went into this car did you use the Headers also from the Custaxie in this Fairlane. ............I sold Gails daughter a 67 Mustang about ten years ago and Gail still looked good for her age. She drove her own Mustang at this time too...The Fairlane....I actually totally rebuilt the engine and fitted it to the Fairlane...the headers wouldnt fit it was it was a tight squeeze and Peter Philpott (a jeweller by trade..) handcrafted a set for it....he did some beautiful work and actually taught me to weld....this engine was one of two that came from Miss Coventry. They always bought their motors in pairs...(having a spare) Unsure what happened to the other one. We put 4 IDA Webers on a Holman Moody manifold and sump was altered as well. Went well..ran 12's first time out which is what the roadster was doing.
John...yep the very same car mate Peter still works for George Bunce....C & J Roadster...Colin Praast and John Windelburn is what the C&J was...Model A with a duece grille and a very bent front axle under hard braking...haa...wearing workshop grinder goggles so we could see and just stopping before the brickworks (McKays) the end of the road. Hey great chatting chaps and Rod do drop in next time you down. Kind regards, Tony Rutherford
06-03-2013, 02:15 PM
............I sold Gails daughter a 67 Mustang about ten years ago and Gail still looked good for her age. She drove her own Mustang at this time too...The Fairlane....I actually totally rebuilt the engine and fitted it to the Fairlane...the headers wouldnt fit it was it was a tight squeeze and Peter Philpott (a jeweller by trade..) handcrafted a set for it....he did some beautiful work and actually taught me to weld....this engine was one of two that came from Miss Coventry. They always bought their motors in pairs...(having a spare) Unsure what happened to the other one. We put 4 IDA Webers on a Holman Moody manifold and sump was altered as well. Went well..ran 12's first time out which is what the roadster was doing.
John...yep the very same car mate Peter still works for George Bunce....C & J Roadster...Colin Praast and John Windelburn is what the C&J was...Model A with a duece grille and a very bent front axle under hard braking...haa...wearing workshop grinder goggles so we could see and just stopping before the brickworks (McKays) the end of the road. Hey great chatting chaps and Rod do drop in next time you down. Kind regards, Tony Rutherford So what did they do with the headers from the Custaxie,so the motor you worked on was not the one from the custaxie but the one from the boat ,any one out there know where the custaxie 427 ended up.
Rod Grimwood
06-03-2013, 11:26 PM
As i said before, talking to someone very involved (in Custaxie) and hopefully can get more info.
John McKechnie
06-03-2013, 11:47 PM
Hi Guys -This Fairlane under discussion here, is this the 2 door Fairlane Robbie raced after the Custaxie?
The motor in that seemed to have overheating , valve and piston issues that the Custaxie never had- every race meeting that Motorman reported this at.
It was certainly not the reliable unit from the previous season.
06-04-2013, 12:15 AM
As i said before, talking to someone very involved (in Custaxie) and hopefully can get more info. Maybe Peter Urquhart would like to jump in here,and have his say on how this car was built and where this 427 ended up,i think thats the best way to get it from the man himself.
Russ Cunningham
06-04-2013, 04:58 AM
I was actually on your side man.seems like people are knocking the custaxie, and all I was trying to say was, hey guys, we are all motorsport fans at the end of the day ,no matter what we drive.
Paul, Custaxie50 will always take things the wrong way. Why else do you think I wind the poor sod, up?
06-04-2013, 05:34 AM
Paul, Custaxie50 will always take things the wrong way. Why else do you think I wind the poor sod, up? Now be nice russ.
Rod Grimwood
06-04-2013, 06:51 AM
Maybe Peter Urquhart would like to jump in here,and have his say on how this car was built and where this 427 ended up,i think thats the best way to get it from the man himself.
In previous bit I did mention I was at a powerboat race on weekend (where a classic boat from yesteryear was racing) and I think Petes brother Glen knows as much. I have told him to have a look at this site as it is interesting, so lets wait and see. I am also going down that way soon so will go and have a cuppa tea.
John, no not the Fairlane Robbie raced, a completely different car/model and was a drag/hot rod machine. Very nice also maybe Tony has some photos.
06-06-2013, 03:58 PM
In previous bit I did mention I was at a powerboat race on weekend (where a classic boat from yesteryear was racing) and I think Petes brother Glen knows as much. I have told him to have a look at this site as it is interesting, so lets wait and see. I am also going down that way soon so will go and have a cuppa tea.
John, no not the Fairlane Robbie raced, a completely different car/model and was a drag/hot rod machine. Very nice also maybe Tony has some photos. As we know there is a story in Classic Driver Issue 31 April /May 2010 about the Custaxie,about someone having there say on where this car ended up the name John Climo came up,anyone know where he may be in nz.
Russ Cunningham
06-07-2013, 05:52 AM
Will try and get time over the next few days to look into this but I'm pretty sure John Climo raced a Mini 7 in the early days. I think he may have been domiciled in the Hutt Valley.
John Climo lived in Levin. He did indeed race a Mini 7. He now resides in Oz (and has done for some years). I have an email address for him and will try and get him to join TRS.
John Climo lived in Weraroa Road Levin. He did indeed race a Mini 7. He now resides in Oz (and has done for some years). I have an email address for him and will try and get him to join TRS.
06-07-2013, 10:23 PM
John Climo lived in Weraroa Road Levin. He did indeed race a Mini 7. He now resides in Oz (and has done for some years). I have an email address for him and will try and get him to join TRS. Now we may get to know where the old girl is in his own words.
I have emailed John. Don't know if he reads this Forum but he certainly should-he is still very much interested having been involved with several recent publications relating to old race cars/motor racing.
Hopefully he may join up with TRS. If not I have offered to pass on any info he may volunteer.
06-08-2013, 01:16 AM
I have emailed John. Don't know if he reads this Forum but he certainly should-he is still very much interested having been involved with several recent publications relating to old race cars/motor racing.
Hopefully he may join up with TRS. If not I have offered to pass on any info he may volunteer. Thanks for that.
07-29-2013, 05:54 AM
From the 1967 New Zealand Motor Racing. by Euan Sarginson and Peter Greenslade. and courtesy of Steve Elliott collection.
08-02-2013, 07:28 AM
[QUOTE=Bruce302;31305]From the 1967 New Zealand Motor Racing. by Euan Sarginson and Peter Greenslade. and courtesy of Steve Elliott collection.[/QUOTE The thing is where is the old car now.
08-14-2013, 09:49 PM
This is on the front cover of NZ Hot Rod Magazine Oct 69,no other info in magazine.20446
08-15-2013, 01:43 AM
This is on the front cover of NZ Hot Rod Magazine Oct 69,no other info in magazine.20446
Nice looking boat, what i would like to hear is what John Climo has to say on where the old car is today, there is a statement with his name on it in Classic Driver 2010 saying he knows does he.There is also that photo of a 1940 ford pick up does anyone know where this pick up may be today.
08-16-2014, 04:34 AM
Found this today on the internet.
08-16-2014, 07:43 PM
Found this today on the internet. Got any more thanks.
07-29-2016, 07:42 AM
This was an interview with Robbie Francevic, might answer a few queries for some.
11-19-2018, 08:37 AM
Was told on Saturday that someone is building Custaxie 3 anyone know anything about it..
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