View Full Version : The Steve Twist Collection: Part 1
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 03:00 AM
I was excited to receive an email from a guy called Steve Twist a few months ago. Steve lives in Delaware, where he has been since 1988, but he grew up in Wellington, New Zealand. Steve was a keen photographer from a young age, and a real motor racing enthusiast. He was a regular attendee at Levin racing events throughout the mid to late '60s, and also took in Pukekohe on several occassions.
Steve has sent me a cd containing around 260 photos he took throughout the '70s and '80s. Most are from the 1964-'69 period, and all are in colour.
Its very exciting to be able to share them with people who will appreciate what they are seeing.
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 03:11 AM
Just a few teasers to get you warmed up.
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:17 AM
Will post these in the order they are supplied on the cd.
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:20 AM
These shots and the batch above are from the Houghton Bay Hillclimb in Wellington.
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:23 AM
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:25 AM
More Levin.....
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:27 AM
And more.....
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:29 AM
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:30 AM
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 04:32 AM
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 08:52 AM
As you can see, all these shots so far span the 1965 to 67 seasons.
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 08:55 AM
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 08:56 AM
Last batch for today.....
Steve Holmes
05-14-2011, 09:53 PM
Feel free to jump in and ID any of the cars and drivers folks. Some are pretty obvious, others less so.
05-14-2011, 11:42 PM
Fantastic photos - much appreciated. There are several of the Fleetwood Mustang which currently resides in the lockup next to mine.
Steve Holmes
05-15-2011, 01:13 AM
There are a bunch more of the Fleetwood Mustang in its later guises as well Roger, will post them as soon as I get the chance.
Steve Holmes
05-15-2011, 01:24 AM
Does Frank Hamlins beautiful Mini still exist?
David McKinney
05-15-2011, 06:13 AM
These shots and the batch above are from the Houghton Bay Hillclimb in Wellington
The first two in Post 3 are from Palmer Head
Gerard Richards
05-15-2011, 08:10 AM
Wonderfully evocative collection of pictures from a different era. Quality is amazing, I imagine they must be images from slides. The pit scenes convey how much simpler it all was then and how easy it was to get close to the world's best. The two FJ Holden's intrigued me the black no. 26 and the green and yellow no. 50, don't recall having seen them before. The sports car image of Spencer Martin I think it was in the 250LM Ferrari, leading Geoff Mardon in the Stanton and Jim Boyd in the Lycoming was cool as were all the others including the Houghton Bay Wellington Hillclimb pics. A tremendous collection, thanks Steve Twist.
Steve Holmes
05-15-2011, 08:15 AM
Heres a few more. Can anyone ID the black MkII Zephyr in the fourth photo? Could it be Rod Coppins' old car? That appears to be Jim Mullins just in behind, so I'd guess this was the 1967 season, so Coppins would have been sharing the ex-Paul Fahey Lotus Anglia with John Ward by this stage.
David McKinney
05-15-2011, 12:52 PM
Some mug had to do all the hard work....
Post 1
Custaxie in Levin pits – probably 13/1/66
Post 2
1. Amon, Hill, Courage 11/1/69
2. Buchanan, Mardon, Boyd, Oxton (Lola), Hogan (U2), Horley (Beowulf) 26/11/66
3. Morrari
4. J Clark and trophies
Post 3
1. Angus Cameron at Palmer Head
2. possibly Gary Huxford (Cortina)
3. Doc Cowie (Mini-Cooper) Houghton Bay 2/4/66
4. John Stichbury (Mini-Cooper) ditto
5. possibly Paul Barnard (Anglia) which probably means 11/2/67
Post 4
1. Dave Slater (Holden) Houghton Bay 2/4/66
2. Alastair McLeod (Pontiac) ditto
3. unknown Anglia driver
4. Paul Barnard again?
5. Morrie Hogan
Post 5
1. Bob Hilditch (Mini), Barry Phillips (Lotus), Gary Huxford? (Anglia), Bill MacPherson (Holden) Levin 26/11/66
2. Hilditch, Bryan Harvie (86), A N Other 26/11/66
3. MacPherson 26/3/65
4. A N Other
5. Dave Simpson (Anglia), Paul Fahey (Anglia), Kerry Grant (A40) 65/66 season
Post 6
1. Tony Lawrence (Anglia) 64/65 season
2. West Marshall, Kevin Fourneau 28/11/64
3. Lawrence, Fahey, Nazer 16/1/65
4. unidentified
5. Bryan Innes 16/1/65
Post 7
1. Fahey, Lawrence 17/1/65
2. Scuderia Veloce Ferrari 250LM 15/1/66
3. Grahame Harvey (Holden) 16/1/65
4. Peter Cross (67), Geoff Jowitt (66), Alastair McBeath (64) 16/1/65
5. Segedin, Simpson, Coppins
Post 8
1. Fahey (I think) and Grant
2. Jack Nazer 27/3/65
3. Segedin 15/1/66
4. Harvey, Langley and probably Innes
5. Harvey
Post 9
1. Bryan Harvie’s Cortina 16/1/65
2. Franicevic (Anglia)
3. ditto
4. Coppins 64/65 season
5. Nazer 64/65
Post 10
1. Phil Hill 16/1/65
2. Jim Clark ditto
3. Gardner leading Stewart ditto
4. Dick Langley 65/66 season. Not sure about the others
5. Harvie 27/3/65
Post 11
1. Bryan Faloon – possibly 30/11/63
2. ditto
3. Barry Smith (Imp), John Murphy (Anglia), Peter Cross 27/3/65
4. Franicevic 1964/65 season
5. probably Segedin
Post 12
1. Faloon
2. Segedin
3. Coppins
4. Harvey
5. Hogan, Faloon – 30/11/63?
Post 13
1. Segedin
2. possibly Bryan Innes in borrowed Lotus-Cortina 15/1/66
3. Ran Macdonald 15/1/66
4. Simpson ditto
5. Coppins ditto
Post 17
1. already ID’d
2. Tasman cars
3. Richard Attwood
4. Terry Scott
5. Franicevic’s Anglia
Post 20
1. Paul Fahey 27/3/65
2. MacPherson ditto
3. Peter Bennett’s 1650 Farina-Ford
4. Ken Bailey(Zephyr-Corvette), Jim Mullins (A40) 26/11/66
5. Kerry Grant 26/11/66
That’s most of my Sunday gone...
Steve Holmes
05-15-2011, 06:04 PM
Well done David, and certainly above and beyond the call of duty! But can you honestly think of a better way to spend a Sunday? (OK, don't answer that).
Can anyone tell me if Peter Bennetts A40 Farina pictured above is the car he still has today, or did he build a replica of his old race car?
David McKinney
05-15-2011, 08:09 PM
I think he built a replica (but am not sure)
Steve Holmes
05-15-2011, 10:51 PM
Wonderfully evocative collection of pictures from a different era. Quality is amazing, I imagine they must be images from slides. The pit scenes convey how much simpler it all was then and how easy it was to get close to the world's best. The two FJ Holden's intrigued me the black no. 26 and the green and yellow no. 50, don't recall having seen them before. The sports car image of Spencer Martin I think it was in the 250LM Ferrari, leading Geoff Mardon in the Stanton and Jim Boyd in the Lycoming was cool as were all the others including the Houghton Bay Wellington Hillclimb pics. A tremendous collection, thanks Steve Twist.
Well put Gerard. Yes, they are taken from slides.
05-16-2011, 12:51 AM
Some fantastic shots of cars there. It never fails to amaze me that there are still great period photos coming out of the woodwork. Can't wait for the next post.
Greg Stokes
05-16-2011, 01:01 AM
Awesome photographs - look at the backgrounds too - just s hint of such simple times. Sure looks like fun!
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 01:35 AM
Some fantastic shots of cars there. It naver fails to amaze me that there are still great period photos coming out of the woodwork. Can't wait for the next post.
And its great guys like you enjoy sharing them with others.
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 01:38 AM
Next installment.
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 01:49 AM
Note the Custaxie in the final photo in its original primer grey colour.....
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 02:14 AM
Another batch from 1967, though not quite in order.....
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 02:19 AM
Next batch.....
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 03:59 AM
Next batch.....
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 10:59 PM
Here are some more of Steve photos.....
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 11:02 PM
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 11:05 PM
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 11:09 PM
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 11:14 PM
A selection from the '67, '68 and '69 seasons.....
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 11:22 PM
By the way, can anyone ID the red Breadvan Anglia in the third photo in the above post, chasing the Ken Bailey Corvette Zephyr? I'm guessing this is the 1966/67 season, so the more famous Breadvan Anglia's of Nazer, Ward/Coppins (ex Fahey) and Radisich (ex Simpson) are already accounted for. Was there a fourth Breadvan Anglia that raced in the '67 season?
Steve Holmes
05-16-2011, 11:25 PM
Some magic shots in this post.....
Steve Holmes
05-20-2011, 01:16 AM
Bout time I added a few more photos from Steve Twists Collection.
Steve Holmes
05-20-2011, 02:27 AM
Next batch.....
Steve Holmes
05-20-2011, 02:30 AM
Next batch.....
Steve Holmes
05-20-2011, 02:33 AM
Steve Holmes
05-20-2011, 02:35 AM
Steve Holmes
05-20-2011, 02:39 AM
This is the last batch for this thread. I'll create a new thread for Steve's Pukekohe photos.
06-03-2011, 06:23 AM
I notice with interest some pics of Jim Clark in the Tasman Series.
The Lotus 39 is now in Devonport Tasmania.
The car was run by Clark in 66 Tasman Series then purchased by Geoghegans
and ended up with a Repco V8. When sold by Geoghegans it went thru 2 more
owners untill Hon John Dawson-Damer purchased it in 1976 and restored it back
to 66 Tasman specs with a 2.5 Climax. It was auctioned a few years after
Dawson -Damer died at Goodwood.
It was purchased by the current owner at auction in 2008. The owner is an
avid Jim Clark fan.
This was at Longford Revival in Apr 2011
Photo 3 of post 34, #57, Bryan Faloon, 1650cc 105E Anglia
06-29-2011, 08:37 AM
The sports car waiting to come up to the start line is Beowulf. Built in the mid sixties by Ian Horley from Palmerston North and raced very successfully by him. Ian was 6th fastest and second in class behind Peter Ransom in a Lancer. The car is still very active in Historic Racing. Ian is alive and well and turns up at a lot of meetings astride a 600cc Suzuki.
06-29-2011, 08:16 PM
Its amazing how many photos have come up on this website that haven't seen the light of day before. Fantastic shots all of them
08-08-2011, 01:23 AM
Wonderfully evocative collection of pictures from a different era. Quality is amazing, I imagine they must be images from slides. The pit scenes convey how much simpler it all was then and how easy it was to get close to the world's best. The two FJ Holden's intrigued me the black no. 26 and the green and yellow no. 50, don't recall having seen them before. The sports car image of Spencer Martin I think it was in the 250LM Ferrari, leading Geoff Mardon in the Stanton and Jim Boyd in the Lycoming was cool as were all the others including the Houghton Bay Wellington Hillclimb pics. A tremendous collection, thanks Steve Twist.
thats actually Andy Buchanan in the Ferrari.from memory a rather well to do farmer i think from wairarapa.
08-08-2011, 01:39 AM
great job! i took the photos and remembered a lot of them but some until now were the bailey Zephyr corvette coppins old car does any body know? how did you know who all those drivers were? I would love to know!
bob homewood
08-08-2011, 02:56 AM
Yes ,went to Bailey in Tauranga from Coppins ,he crashed it at the back to front Pukekohe Meeting up by Railway into a pole from memory ,remember the circuit was being run in reverse so it might have been under braking ,David Mc may remember
I remember once in that era I went down to Tauranga to compete at a sprint which was being held on one of the straights of the old street circuit ,the start was just up by the Lumber Company,you had to come out the gate and then back up to the start ,he managed a real comic book start by dumping the clutch with quite a few revs on reverse by mistake it certainly,scattered the crowd
12-28-2011, 09:08 AM
yes it does...well the body does, it has swapped a few owners s a body since about 1980, now back with tht owner here in wellington, and a long slow restoration starting, still has those fabricated front guards and aluminium bonnet that gave it that distinctive look...
Does Frank Hamlins beautiful Mini still exist?
12-28-2011, 09:21 AM
well I can tell you it is the original, it been around the mill, had different owners but he bought it back while living here in wellington in the 80's, rebuilt it with some mods (improvements), then saw the light and has rebuilt it again back to it's original state. I saw the car again just today !! hope that helps.
Can anyone tell me if Peter Bennetts A40 Farina pictured above is the car he still has today, or did he build a replica of his old race car?[/QUOTE]
bob homewood
12-28-2011, 09:32 AM
Peter was in my shop a couple of weeks ago ,and he also confirmed that question ,he actually wants to sell the car at the moment ,probably one of the last chances to get a car from that era of racing
well I can tell you it is the original, it been around the mill, had different owners but he bought it back while living here in wellington in the 80's, rebuilt it with some mods (improvements), then saw the light and has rebuilt it again back to it's original state. I saw the car again just today !! hope that helps.
Can anyone tell me if Peter Bennetts A40 Farina pictured above is the car he still has today, or did he build a replica of his old race car?[/QUOTE]
Grant Ellwood
12-28-2011, 02:09 PM
If anyone has a photo or two of Bryan's Anglia I would be very greatful if you could send to my email address -
I worked with Bryan in his last season with the Anglia then his first Tasman series with the Brabham Climax but most of the pics I shot have been lost.
Currently I have a LHD Anglia up here in Virginia, 105Es are pretty rare in USA, I only know of one Broadspeed example based in Florida and racing in some vintage events.
Cheers, Grant E.
Steve Holmes
12-29-2011, 12:35 AM
yes it does...well the body does, it has swapped a few owners s a body since about 1980, now back with tht owner here in wellington, and a long slow restoration starting, still has those fabricated front guards and aluminium bonnet that gave it that distinctive look...
Thanks for that info, great to know the car has survived. Will be a nice addition to the historic grids when it returns.
Steve Holmes
12-29-2011, 12:36 AM
well I can tell you it is the original, it been around the mill, had different owners but he bought it back while living here in wellington in the 80's, rebuilt it with some mods (improvements), then saw the light and has rebuilt it again back to it's original state. I saw the car again just today !! hope that helps.
Can anyone tell me if Peter Bennetts A40 Farina pictured above is the car he still has today, or did he build a replica of his old race car?[/QUOTE]
Thanks for that. I was quite sure this was the original car, I recall reading an interview with Peter about it. But more recently I'd read that the car is a replica of that which he'd originally raced. Thanks for clearing that up.
12-29-2011, 12:40 AM
Amerikiwi - this is from the latest Classic Car magazine and may put you one step closer to that photo - "One of Bryan's old Levin mates, Murray Whitehead, now owns the ex-Faloon Anglia 105E, still in its original livery..." Article is by Michael Clark. Allan Walton is the editor and his email is
You can probably track it down through them.
12-29-2011, 06:34 AM
This is a great collection of first class photo's thanks for sharing.
Grant Ellwood
12-29-2011, 01:12 PM
Amerikiwi - this is from the latest Classic Car magazine and may put you one step closer to that photo - "One of Bryan's old Levin mates, Murray Whitehead, now owns the ex-Faloon Anglia 105E, still in its original livery..." Article is by Michael Clark. Allan Walton is the editor and his email is
You can probably track it down through them.
Thanks Shano, I'll contact Classic Car mag, look forward to reading Michael's article. Bob Homewood just emailed me a bunch of photos too, great networking on this site.
Also note I had some spelling errors in my original post! I'll have to blame it on the local culture (or wine) rubbing off on me, this region of southern Virginia has an illiteracy rate of (sadly) over 30%. I have worked with a couple of guys who could write their names but not much else.
If anyone has a photo or two of Bryan's Anglia I would be very greatful if you could send to my email address -
I worked with Bryan in his last season with the Anglia then his first Tasman series with the Brabham Climax but most of the pics I shot have been lost.
Currently I have a LHD Anglia up here in Virginia, 105Es are pretty rare in USA, I only know of one Broadspeed example based in Florida and racing in some vintage events.
Cheers, Grant E.
Yep, got quite a few of it long before I owned it. Grant, message me with your current email address, think the last time I talked you we were at Manfeild when Richard Lester had a sponsor's day.
Rod Grimwood
07-25-2012, 01:31 AM
Be nice to see some photos on here frd1, they were real race cars the old angle box
Steve Holmes
07-25-2012, 08:00 PM
Yeah I'd like to see that too!
Wal Will
07-29-2012, 04:04 AM
Steve, In posting 10 you have Phil hill in the second of the McLaren team cars. This was Bruces 'Slim Line' from the previous year.
The second photo in posting 17 bought a smile to my face. I am working head down in the forground on one of the 2 McLaren team cars in with Bruce Harre (back to camera watching on). Tyler Alexander is without a shirt on the far right and half of Teddy Mayer is next to him.
What bough the smile was Jimmy Clark denting the roof of his Rental Car with his elbows in the back ground. He had run into the back of Bruce McLarens car when pulling out of the Hooka Falls 'Look Out' and done a fair amount of damage to the 'Renta'. It would have been only moments later than this photo was taken that a man was trying to get Jim's attention. Not being able to hear what he was saying because of the noise, stood up on the bonnet and walked dent, dent forward, to hear the man say "Mr Clark I am the local agent for the Rental Car Company coming to get a report on the accident you had". We chuckled about that one for the rest of the series.
07-29-2012, 11:33 PM
I was a very nervous 18 year old when i took that shot I remember standing there for quite a few minutes before i plucked up the courage to say "excuse me Mr Clark could you look into the camera for a few seconds" he willingly obliged to my surprise, but you could do that in those days.I should not have quit then as there were a quite a few F1 drivers there! But that face on photo of my then hero has allways been on my wall wherever I have lived!
Steve Holmes
07-30-2012, 07:12 PM
Steve, In posting 10 you have Phil hill in the second of the McLaren team cars. This was Bruces 'Slim Line' from the previous year.
The second photo in posting 17 bought a smile to my face. I am working head down in the forground on one of the 2 McLaren team cars in with Bruce Harre (back to camera watching on). Tyler Alexander is without a shirt on the far right and half of Teddy Mayer is next to him.
What bough the smile was Jimmy Clark denting the roof of his Rental Car with his elbows in the back ground. He had run into the back of Bruce McLarens car when pulling out of the Hooka Falls 'Look Out' and done a fair amount of damage to the 'Renta'. It would have been only moments later than this photo was taken that a man was trying to get Jim's attention. Not being able to hear what he was saying because of the noise, stood up on the bonnet and walked dent, dent forward, to hear the man say "Mr Clark I am the local agent for the Rental Car Company coming to get a report on the accident you had". We chuckled about that one for the rest of the series.
Wal, I love that story! Just fantastic. Its possible some Zephyr enthusiast owns that car now and has no idea who was once sun bathing on it! I'm just impressed he was able to lay there in the first place. That metal under the baking sun must have been like a frying pan!
Steve Holmes
10-25-2012, 01:26 AM
Just thought I'd bump this thread back to the top for those newer members who've not seen these photos before.
10-27-2012, 02:56 AM
This comes under the "What happened to" category. What did happen to the Ferrari 250lm that Andy Buchanan raced? Did Spencer Martin have it before or after him? Anyone know where it is now? One thing for sure.Its worth a pretty penny for sure!
10-27-2012, 03:00 AM
The easy bit of these questions; Spencer had it before Andy. After Andy it went back to Aus (I think) and then.......
Steve Holmes
10-27-2012, 04:17 AM
Steve, the question did come up several months ago on here, but I'm buggered if I can remember the answer. I'll do a bit of digging, but it ended up either in the US or Europe.
Steve Holmes
10-27-2012, 04:25 AM
Steve, I found it over in the Kiwi Big Banger Sports Car thread along with current photo:
But answer as follows:
More info on the above 250 LM here, thanks to Mike Feisst and Allan Dick:
"The Scuderia Veloce car – chassis #6321 – as far as I know, is part of the Ralph Lauren Collection.
According to Road & Track magazine:
“The 250 LM in the Ralph Lauren collection had an extensive and successful racing career in Australia. Chassis 6321, it had a dozen wins in the highly competitive racing Down Under. Among those wins was one in the Surfers’ Paradise 12 hours in 1966, co-driven by a young driver just beginning a brilliant career: Jackie Stewart.”
The car is also listed on the Ferrari 250LM Register ( ( – although their entry doesn’t mention Ralph Lauren.
Here’s a photo of the car in the Lauren collection". Allan Dick
10-27-2012, 05:46 AM
250 LM at the Surfers 12 hour 19661249212493
10-28-2012, 12:15 AM
Steve many thanks I knew the answer would come from someone on this site! I just remember being in awe of that car and remember the few times I saw it.Levin and Puke it was allways out in front! And yes if its in the Lauren collection it is worth a pretty penny!!
Steve Holmes
10-28-2012, 01:23 AM
250 LM at the Surfers 12 hour 19661249212493
Beautiful photos Pete!
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