View Full Version : New Zealand Historic Muscle Cars Under HRC
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Rod Grimwood
01-21-2013, 09:47 AM
It certainly is - George had it on show as it is not completed yet. Instead of 'Sidchrome' down the sides and across the back it now has 'Shewiery'.
Mike there is a story behind the signwriting. Very much along the lines that Malcolm has mentioned. Sounds like a certain company definately must have a new person running it that was obviously not growing hair on his (or her) face back in the 70s. Most probably not even born.
01-21-2013, 09:53 AM
Here`s a good deal: For the best action shot of my HMC Camaro #41 from the weekend, that is either posted on here, or shown to me next weekend at Hampton Downs, I`ll buy the photo and give the winning photographer a signed team shirt and hat as well for their efforts.
Murray Maunder
01-21-2013, 10:15 AM
Yes, it's looking good! I understand the Sheweiry signwriting is because a certain tool company, who I will not name, won't allow their name on the side of the car......I shall in future use less grander spanners :-)
No doubt some self important little corporate animal with no idea of the company's past marketing success. The Sidchrome sponsored Mustang (and Imp) that Jim drove gave the company a great leg up in this country in the early seventies when huge crowds used to attend national motor race meetings.
It was neat to see this restoration taking shape along with the other genuine old musclecars and saloons on display - like the Fahey Anglia, the Fleetwood Mustang, the Dawson Mustang and the Coppins Pontiac to name a few. Also the overall quality and integration of the displays, the merchandising and the setup for celebrating the old legendary drivers was exemplary.
I know Dale put a huge amount into this and that the crowds who visited HMC HQ appreciated it.
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 10:26 AM
Here`s a good deal: For the best action shot of my HMC Camaro #41 from the weekend, that is either posted on here, or shown to me next weekend at Hampton Downs, I`ll buy the photo and give the winning photographer a signed team shirt and hat as well for their efforts.
I think I may have a few more too
01-21-2013, 06:45 PM
Mike there is a story behind the signwriting. Very much along the lines that Malcolm has mentioned. Sounds like a certain company definately must have a new person running it that was obviously not growing hair on his (or her) face back in the 70s. Most probably not even born.
Hi Rod,
I wasn't complaining just stating the obvious. Have often wondered what would happen where the sponsor still existed and wouldn't approve of their name being put on a car. Like Air NZ on the McLaren M4 etc.
01-21-2013, 06:46 PM
I think I may have a few more too
We can't beat those Nigel - some great shots.
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 07:08 PM
Thanks Mike,
I'm sure someone will
John McKechnie
01-21-2013, 07:16 PM
Nigel Watts- since it was first time out with my car, I would like to catch up with you this weekend to buy some pics also
01-21-2013, 07:53 PM
Fantastic shots guys, those cars are amazing - better than they were originallly and lots more of them. Congratulations - I'm in awe at the quality of workmanship that has gone into the cars, and (once again) full of admiration to those of you who get out and race them, knowing that the cars could be damaged.
That number 30 Escort - sponsored by Cowshed Groovers. There must be a story behind that ... full of possibilities.
Here`s a good deal: For the best action shot of my HMC Camaro #41 from the weekend, that is either posted on here, or shown to me next weekend at Hampton Downs, I`ll buy the photo and give the winning photographer a signed team shirt and hat as well for their efforts.
I'll take pics this coming weekend and no matter how good they are, I am happy to let you have copies for free without any bribery or team shirt!!! Yours must have been one of the few cars I didn't get last weekend, on two short visits, but I still ended up with over 300 pics.
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 09:29 PM
Nigel Watts- since it was first time out with my car, I would like to catch up with you this weekend to buy some pics also
Hi John - I realise you know my wife Rebecca and her father Mark Homan from BMX days? Greg
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 09:30 PM
Thanks Mike,
I'm sure someone will
Nigel, you've won!!! Those are excellent shots. I had so much fun photographing the muscle cars but I need to upgrade my gear - its all a bit tired!!!! Great thread here...
01-21-2013, 09:51 PM
Great display of cars on and off the track. Fantastic racing, I really enjoyed seeing the cars. A effort to be proud of by all of you. Well done !!. Cheers, Bruce
John McKechnie
01-21-2013, 10:41 PM
Greg-mate, that is a few years ago,yet I remember everyone like it was yesterday.
I think I have a pic of your wife at the Henderson BMX track when she was 8 years old.
Want to swap that for a pic of my car?
Will definitely see you this weekend
01-22-2013, 12:26 AM
Hi Rod,
I wasn't complaining just stating the obvious. Have often wondered what would happen where the sponsor still existed and wouldn't approve of their name being put on a car. Like Air NZ on the McLaren M4 etc.
If it is the genuine car; the company involved would struggle legally to do anything about it, as this was a "real object" . Other than that; why not just subtly change the logo to a different spanner outline, or spell Sidchrome with a y instead of an i.
01-22-2013, 12:57 AM
If it is the genuine car; the company involved would struggle legally to do anything about it, as this was a "real object" . Other than that; why not just subtly change the logo to a different spanner outline, or spell Sidchrome with a y instead of an i.
The restored Sidchrome Imp carries the correct signage, or it did the last time I saw it. Sometimes if you ask the wrong person (ie anyone but the owner of the Sidchrome Corporation) you just get 'No' for an answer as it's the 'safe' answer to give if they're unsure. I wonder if George had just gone ahead and painted Sidchrome on the Mustang, whether anyone at Sidchrome NZ would have known or cared.
01-22-2013, 01:25 AM
We did have a similar situation with the AMCO Mini. It is the real thing, and we thought it prudent to make some enquiries about the logo. Found out that the original company went belly-up and was restarted some years later in Oz, with a different logo. The response to our questions was negative. No one seemed to know or give two-hoots as to what we did, so we just did it.
Tony Mann's Sidchrome Imp has the correct signage, and I suspect he just 'did it' too.
Rod Grimwood
01-22-2013, 01:38 AM
Hi Rod,
I wasn't complaining just stating the obvious. Have often wondered what would happen where the sponsor still existed and wouldn't approve of their name being put on a car. Like Air NZ on the McLaren M4 etc.
Know you were not complaining uncle Mike, and I had to take 2 looks when I saw it. Gearge explained the situation and I was pretty gob smacked. As Murray say's "some little corproate, who does not really know".
01-22-2013, 02:08 AM
The restored Sidchrome Imp carries the correct signage, or it did the last time I saw it. Sometimes if you ask the wrong person (ie anyone but the owner of the Sidchrome Corporation) you just get 'No' for an answer as it's the 'safe' answer to give if they're unsure. I wonder if George had just gone ahead and painted Sidchrome on the Mustang, whether anyone at Sidchrome NZ would have known or cared.
Think you have hit the nail on the head with your last sentence. Maybe they also shy away because they think if thier logo is there they will be approached or even obligated to part with $$$
nigel watts
01-22-2013, 06:34 AM
01-22-2013, 07:10 AM
Here`s a good deal: For the best action shot of my HMC Camaro #41 from the weekend, that is either posted on here, or shown to me next weekend at Hampton Downs, I`ll buy the photo and give the winning photographer a signed team shirt and hat as well for their efforts.
both photos from Saturday.
nigel watts
01-22-2013, 08:44 AM
nigel watts
01-22-2013, 08:48 AM
01-22-2013, 08:58 AM
John McKechnie
01-22-2013, 09:00 AM
Steve Holmes-you have indeed opened a door to an amazing world with The Roaring Season.In the old days we waited to get a few long distance grainy pics in a cheap mag.Even today the car mags never satisfy us. Here we are in absolute heaven with these glossy high resolution pics. Take a massive bow and pat on your back. And all this from a free site.
Dale- all the hard yards you have put in changing your car to fit the regs, everything you have done to achieve what is now in front of us , being shown all around the world - may the most highest respect be given to you.Well, Foggy wont on the track............
01-22-2013, 09:08 AM
Murray Maunder
01-22-2013, 09:47 AM
Absolutely incredible pictures guys. I'm green that I could only do practice last week. At least I get to see one race this Friday and hope to stake out some different turf with the HD cam.
01-22-2013, 06:43 PM
I understand that there were about 85 accredited photographers at the track for the weekend with quite a few from overseas. Hopefully we will get some overseas exposure for the scene here in NZ and it will encourage like minded racers to come and join in next time.
01-22-2013, 07:00 PM
Indeed Mike, My buddy David is writing an article for Vintage Motorsport Magazine, it doesn't get any better than that for exposure in the US vintage/historic race circle. So far he is very impressed and he will convey that. He loves all the friendly people.
I understand that there were about 85 accredited photographers at the track for the weekend with quite a few from overseas. Hopefully we will get some overseas exposure for the scene here in NZ and it will encourage like minded racers to come and join in next time.
01-22-2013, 07:55 PM
Steve Holmes-you have indeed opened a door to an amazing world with The Roaring Season.In the old days we waited to get a few long distance grainy pics in a cheap mag.Even today the car mags never satisfy us. Here we are in absolute heaven with these glossy high resolution pics. Take a massive bow and pat on your back. And all this from a free site.
Dale- all the hard yards you have put in changing your car to fit the regs, everything you have done to achieve what is now in front of us , being shown all around the world - may the most highest respect be given to you.Well, Foggy wont on the track............
Hi Guys, been hell busy but have been following the forum and all the great pictures and comments. To those I spoke with, Greg from NZ Hotrod mag and many others im sorry I couldn’t spend too much time with you all, just got way busy but overall the weekend went extremely well. In the last two days i've been absolutely flattened with the interest from the Gulf DH festival and in particular Historic Muscle Cars and our legends gathering, i guess i didn't count on the number of persons attending on the weekend that have been quite taken back at the show we put on(including our local newspaper). I also hear what your saying John(McKechnie) but remember myself, Steve and Tony are only the "spark plugs" to making HMC work, its YOU the historic/classic racer that has really stepped up to the plate to make this happen, guess the timing was right, and lets not forget that "the cars REALLY are the stars". And offcourse i must absolutely make sure my Mustang is compliant correct, to tell others to comply and yet not do so myself is not a good look and to me is call cheating and has no place in Historic motorsport, the rules must be the same for EVERYONE. Im currently working with Crunch from the MSNZ Historic and Classic commission on having a independent HMC technical officer appointed to enforce the rules and do on the spot checks and deal with persons building a HMC racer but that’s for another day!! lets all enjoy this coming weekend.
Dale M
John McKechnie
01-22-2013, 08:50 PM
Message for Colin Warrington, that well known stripey Camaro owner -if any sees him ,can he contact me about his Mini.
Howard Wood
01-22-2013, 09:30 PM
Wonderful photos Nigel and Photosmith. You guys must have been shooting turn 3 from much the same place. Were you the two guys on the grass bank on the track side of the fence, one under a black umbrella?
Hope to have correct diff I broke on Friday practice back in for this weekend. Gearing all wrong in the traffic with the long Puke diff in it!
nigel watts
01-22-2013, 09:39 PM
Thanks Howard.
All my shots were taken from within the spectator enclosure & that's one of the reasons I love HD so much - not only is the viewing brilliant for everyone but walking from one possie to another takes mere minutes unless of course you walk through the pits when you are more than likely going to be sidetracked by all the cars on display.
01-22-2013, 10:30 PM
Thanks Howard.
All my shots were taken from within the spectator enclosure & that's one of the reasons I love HD so much - not only is the viewing brilliant for everyone but walking from one possie to another takes mere minutes unless of course you walk through the pits when you are more than likely going to be sidetracked by all the cars on display.
Hampton Downs is indeed a great facility. A credit to those with the foresight and now those with the foreberance to continue to make it work...oh; and incredible hot dogs!
Steve Holmes
01-22-2013, 10:42 PM
Wow, I'm just blown away at the quality photos you guys are posting on here. Isn't it just awesome to be able to enjoy photos from the event during and immediately after it has happened. Lots of great cars and great people. The on-track action was fantastic, but just the site of all these beautiful old race cars all gathered in one place is what really impresses me. Great work to everyone involved.
01-23-2013, 12:08 AM
Wow, I'm just blown away at the quality photos you guys are posting on here. Isn't it just awesome to be able to enjoy photos from the event during and immediately after it has happened. Lots of great cars and great people. The on-track action was fantastic, but just the site of all these beautiful old race cars all gathered in one place is what really impresses me. Great work to everyone involved.
I fully agree - the quality of the photos is magnificent and the speed with which they were posted is amazing. On the Friday afternoon Murray had a youtube video of the practice posted for all the world to see. If you weren't able to attend then you can certainly catch the action pretty quickly. You guys are champs.
Just trying to get any results from modern motorsport is a mission let alone any photos.
The Fahey FVA Escort is due to break cover and race ar Ruapuna within the month. Paul is aware and has been asked by the owner if he would like to have a drive a bit later in the year. Won't that be something.
01-23-2013, 01:59 AM
Won't that be something to see the FVA running again. Greatly enjoyed talking to Paul at HD at the weekend
Murray Maunder
01-23-2013, 03:06 AM
I understand that there were about 85 accredited photographers at the track for the weekend with quite a few from overseas. Hopefully we will get some overseas exposure for the scene here in NZ and it will encourage like minded racers to come and join in next time.
Mike, did you get any shots of the "legends" at the poster signing? Dale thought you might have. Anyone else?
01-23-2013, 06:27 AM
Yes I took photos of every presentation so there are a few. Will send them to Steve to post a few as he sees fit. If anyone want them let me know. Will be away this weekend as well - wonder where !!!
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:14 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:16 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:18 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:20 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:22 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:24 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:28 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 07:29 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 08:05 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 08:09 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 08:12 AM
nigel watts
01-23-2013, 09:08 AM
01-23-2013, 10:06 AM
Great photos, as always. One day I may get to NZ to see some of this.
Rod Grimwood
01-23-2013, 10:24 AM
Hey, who is the new member to the 'White Knuckle Club'
Sit back, enjoy, it's all good.
01-24-2013, 12:50 AM
As always - great photos Nigel. Almost as good as physically being there. Only the noise is missing.
Doug Rudy
01-24-2013, 02:59 AM
Super pics. This must have been on hell of an event! Fantastic to see this series getting started. Wow.
01-24-2013, 07:40 AM
Refering back to the Shewiery car and its logo. I said in post 517 that Tony Mann's Sichrome Imp was probably sign written without consent. In actual fact, Tony did write to Sidchrome NZ and Sidchrome Australia and got their blessing.
He has sent me the letter from the company giving him the ok, and indeed even offering to pay for the signwriting!!!!! Amazing.
I will bring both Tony's letter and the one from Sichrome to HD tomorrow and give them to the owner of the car. I wonder what has changed in the corporate world?
By the way.........the photos of the car are great, but you really have to see it in the flesh to appreciate the 'muscle' this machine has!
01-24-2013, 07:43 AM
Sorry the spelling should be ... .. Sheweiry.
01-24-2013, 08:27 AM
The signwriting on the Imp would not have been a problem as father Neville is probably the best old school sign writer in Dunedin.
John McKechnie
01-24-2013, 09:15 AM
Gerald-your turn in the hot seat this weekend.Has Angus left you any tyres? Also would like to discuss schedule Kcod with you if you have a few spare minutes.
nigel watts
01-27-2013, 10:01 PM
nigel watts
01-27-2013, 10:03 PM
nigel watts
01-27-2013, 10:10 PM
nigel watts
01-27-2013, 10:13 PM
01-28-2013, 07:06 AM
I can't add any images of the quality already posted, but I have a few of John McKechnie hustling the Falcon along nicely - incredible that this car was a rusty hulk not so long ago (hope my description doesn't offend you John, you could obviously see beauty hiding in there!).
John McKechnie
01-28-2013, 09:25 AM
Shano- mate, these are the most beautiful pix I could have ever asked to see.
Please come and introduce yourself at the next-March-meeting.I am certainly not offended-it was after all the $375 rolling bare rusty body trade me special- at the description of its condition when I first started as it was what it was..Steve and Dale have asked me to do a series on it., but I wanted to focus on finishing it for this meeting first.Its absolute neglected state made it a prime candidate for this role in its life.Aussie cars are not easy to restore, but have such lovely lines. Mustang and Camaro parts are cheap and easy to source, but no one makes new rear quarters for these Coupes. The colour was an easy one, my wife and I had decided it quite early in the piece.My goal was to have fun, complete every race, go faster and stay out of trouble.-all boxes ticked.
I will treasure these 3 pics.
The cars are definitely the stars
01-28-2013, 10:30 AM
Look at that inside front wheel waving to the crowd, go Johnny go!!
Dale M
01-28-2013, 09:26 PM
Ok boys and girls, Nigel Watts and Robin Johansen each get one of my team shirts and hats for some excellent photos of my Camaro from the two weekends. Speaking of photos, have a look at: for plenty more excellent photos of all of us from Phil Smith. He can `age' the photos for a more retro look if that`s what spins your wheels. As most of the HMC guys now know from the public response we got over the two meetings, people really like these cars and all I`m saying is that as a group we should support all the photographers that make the effort to support us.
Steve Holmes
01-28-2013, 10:37 PM
Wow, this thread has now had over 50,000 page views! Thanks to all you guys who have posted up photos from the two weekends of racing at the Gulf Denny Hulme event. Its really exciting to see photos appearing so soon after the races, the internet is a wonderful thing.
Steve Holmes
01-28-2013, 10:55 PM
A great and largely incident-free practice and qualifying for the HMC boys. What a thrill to see the 20 strong field of musclecars head out of their enclosure for their session.
I knocked up a 12 minute video of the day's highlights when I got home and have uploaded to YouTube at
It should have finished uploading by about two this afternoon. Thanks to the Aussie competitors John Lord, John English, Col Warrington and Ian Woodward for the use of their in-car camera footage.
Wow! Great work Murray. This is the first time I've been able to view the full vid, having had limited online access through staying at various motels the last couple of weeks. Beautiful work and a credit to you. And imagine if you'd have been able to attend the race days!
Hope you don't mind, I've embedded it here for people to view:
I have a pile of pics from the meeting (over 1,000) but I am not sure that adding many of them to this thread is of any great value as most cars are covered anyway, however, there are one or two that I'll post, though shrinking them to suit this website seems to be more difficult than from scans and the small camera. I'll certainly add one for John's collection.
Congratulation to all competitors for making the effort to attend, as the colour and variety plus some energetic driving, knocks tier 1 meetings into a cocked hat. Car presentation was also a credit to all concerned. Good to catch up with Steve at long last too. So much knowledge in one so young... It augurs well for the overall future of classic racing that we are now at a stage when some of the keenest supporters are younger than the cars they support.
Next year, the festival celebrates Ferrari, but no doubt the HMC group will be in the programme again, as they are definitely a crowd pleaser.
01-29-2013, 04:07 AM
There was plenty of action for the punters
John McKechnie
01-29-2013, 04:56 AM
Paul- you could have toasted some marshmallows on that flame. Great sight from a V8, definitely not an ethanaol blend.
01-29-2013, 07:05 AM
A small selection from Sunday's races.........
01-29-2013, 07:10 AM
01-29-2013, 07:41 AM
John McKechnie
01-29-2013, 09:50 AM
ERC-Ray , and PhotoSmith- Great positioning and excellent timing.
01-29-2013, 09:03 PM
Yes some great photos from different positions around the track
01-29-2013, 10:59 PM
After a fantastic fortnight at HD both watching and the wonderful pics people have posted here, I wonder what's next for HMC. Would love to hear what other projects may be underway to make this class even bigger
John McKechnie
01-30-2013, 01:07 AM
Mike-how is your crop of them,were they also rotated and ready for posting?
John McKechnie
01-30-2013, 01:17 AM
Shoreboy57-Look at the next installment-March 23-24 Legends of Speed.
Anything at home you would like to run also?
01-30-2013, 06:14 AM
Hi John McKechnie - I was there on the second Sunday and I can tell you that the sight of the Anglia and your car three wheeling around that corner had the crowd gasping and then applauding!
John McKechnie
01-30-2013, 07:06 AM
Dennis and I decided that some style was needed to entertain the punters.
We got our moneys worth.
Rapt that you did too.
Steve Holmes
01-30-2013, 07:32 PM
After a fantastic fortnight at HD both watching and the wonderful pics people have posted here, I wonder what's next for HMC. Would love to hear what other projects may be underway to make this class even bigger
Lots happening with this class. Dave Sturrocks beautiful '67 Camaro is nearly complete, Mike Rorisons '67 Mustang is ready, but Mike himself wasn't able to attend because of work committments. Murray Browns '70 Camaro could have raced, but Murray himself has been training to do an Ironman triathlon, so couldn't attend, but should be racing at the Legends meeting in a couple of months.
There is also another '68 Camaro in the build stage, and a '70 Camaro in the build stage.
The Aussie teams aren't sure if they'll return in 2014, its a pretty expensive exercise, but there should be another 7 - 10 HMC cars by the end of this year.
Rod Grimwood
01-30-2013, 08:04 PM
Just read Herald, good to see the HMC get a mention, but my pick for drive/driver of the meetings was John English, he had the bit between his teeth. All drivers (most) drove clean, fast, and ran very well. You will have occasional mistake, but lets keep this to a minimum. That little brown BMW is becoming a permanent fixture in some mirrors and well driven. Cars from the front grunters to the little Angle Box very well presented along with crews and displays. You guy's and gals, have cracked it, now keep it that way and enjoy.
01-30-2013, 08:13 PM
Lots happening with this class.
The Aussie teams aren't sure if they'll return in 2014, its a pretty expensive exercise, but there should be another 7 - 10 HMC cars by the end of this year.
Steve, thanks for the update. Great to hear that the local numbers continue to grow.
From a fans perspective if the Aussies aren't back it would be a shame but understandable. We should nonetheless be grateful for what they brought to the show as HMC took off
Steve Holmes
01-30-2013, 08:24 PM
Well, if any of you folks fancy taking a holiday in June or July to Queensland, some of the Historic Muscle Cars guys are taking their cars across to race with the Australian Trans-Am guys at Queensland Raceway and Lakeside.
Steve Holmes
01-30-2013, 08:33 PM
Just read Herald, good to see the HMC get a mention, but my pick for drive/driver of the meetings was John English, he had the bit between his teeth. All drivers (most) drove clean, fast, and ran very well. You will have occasional mistake, but lets keep this to a minimum. That little brown BMW is becoming a permanent fixture in some mirrors and well driven. Cars from the front grunters to the little Angle Box very well presented along with crews and displays. You guy's and gals, have cracked it, now keep it that way and enjoy.
Yep, you nailed it Rod. Race classes come and go, and only time will tell if HMC has the staying power. But to me the most important thing to the strength and growth of any historic racing class is that everyone in the class is happy and enjoying their racing. If everyone is there to win races, only one person is going to be happy, and to be fair, if people are only in it to win races, then historic racing is probably not the right place for them. But if the guys in the middle of the pack and down the back have someone to race against, and they can have a clean battle that is enjoyable, they'll be at least as happy as the guys at the front.
One of the happiest guys at the end of the event was Glenn Allingham with the beautiful 427 big block Chevy Camaro. Glenn was having a real battle hussling that machine around the challenging Hampton Downs track, its not exactly nimble! But he and Steve Elliott had some great dices, and Glenn was fizzing after each of their races and full of praise for Steve's driving. In fact, after the last (9th!) HMC race on the second Sunday when everyone else was packing up to go home, Glenn wanted to go out and take part in the demonstration laps! Awesome attitude, and a neat guy, and just the sort of person HMC needs to have on board. And fortunately, there are a lot of people like Glenn in HMC.
01-30-2013, 09:22 PM
[QUOTE=John McKechnie;23558]Dennis and I decided that some style was needed to entertain the punters.
I came across this photo taken at a Club Circuit meeting Oct 1976
Rego number is GH2917 - perhaps it is now owned by someone out there
01-30-2013, 10:19 PM
One of the happiest guys at the end of the event was Glenn Allingham with the beautiful 427 big block Chevy Camaro. Glenn was having a real battle hussling that machine around the challenging Hampton Downs track, its not exactly nimble! But he and Steve Elliott had some great dices, and Glenn was fizzing after each of their races and full of praise for Steve's driving. In fact, after the last (9th!) HMC race on the second Sunday when everyone else was packing up to go home, Glenn wanted to go out and take part in the demonstration laps! Awesome attitude, and a neat guy, and just the sort of person HMC needs to have on board. And fortunately, there are a lot of people like Glenn in HMC.
These two are having FUN. Dale M
John McKechnie
01-30-2013, 10:52 PM
BMCBOY- Falcon Coupe does not have GT twin headlamps,guard side scoops, bonnet scoops,bonnet hold down and mouldings top of door, rear quarter.And has Falcon 500 on guard. Could be club day with 302 4speed
Jac Mac
01-31-2013, 03:24 AM
Or a 250 2v 6 cyl & 4 speed, was a quite a few of those about
01-31-2013, 07:51 AM
I have a pile of pics from the meeting (over 1,000) but I am not sure that adding many of them to this thread is of any great value as most cars are covered anyway, however, there are one or two that I'll post, though shrinking them to suit this website seems to be more difficult than from scans and the small camera. I'll certainly add one for John's collection.
Congratulation to all competitors for making the effort to attend, as the colour and variety plus some energetic driving, knocks tier 1 meetings into a cocked hat. Car presentation was also a credit to all concerned. Good to catch up with Steve at long last too. So much knowledge in one so young... It augurs well for the overall future of classic racing that we are now at a stage when some of the keenest supporters are younger than the cars they support.
Next year, the festival celebrates Ferrari, but no doubt the HMC group will be in the programme again, as they are definitely a crowd pleaser.
Yes i agree Ray, i was quite surprised at the number of young people at this event and checking out the cars too, we remember them new but they don't so much and call them "ol Skool" but it goes to show the keen interest in all things "Historic Racing" the smells, the sounds, etc all adds to the flavour for all walks of life. There was even a Indian/Asian guy walking around wearing a turban and taking pictures and he looked so out place, i saw him several times and then Richard Gee the Festival PR manager said he was a motorsport journalist from Singapore covering this event and that there were(13? or 16? can't remember) other overseas journalist as well so great to have such world wide presents and with younger folk along, all very positive for the future and maybe, just maybe we shouldn't be so worried about what the furture holds for Historic and Classic racing :)
Early days yet but im sure HMC will be back for Ferrari 2014
Dale M
01-31-2013, 06:40 PM
01-31-2013, 07:31 PM
Steve Holmes, the top photo with Dale, Mike and Bruce. The five guys to the right are the subjects of your next book: `The Big Banger Years - Looking Back'. Just tell Helen you need to go away for another fortnight!
Steve Holmes
02-03-2013, 09:23 PM
Umm, another fortnight might as well be forever, I think the locks will be changed by the time I return!
Steve Holmes
02-03-2013, 09:26 PM
Here are some pics John Elliott sent me of his Torana from the HMC races on the first weekend. Unfortunately John couldn't be there the second weekend, but he was a fantastic addition to the group while he was there.
Not sure who the photographer is, but I'll post his name as soon as John tells me.
Steve Holmes
02-03-2013, 09:26 PM
Another one John sent me, I like this one!
02-03-2013, 11:14 PM
If Steve is doing a book as requested (lol) there must be some famous faces in this lot.
Would there be any chance of putting a few names to the faces please in this one for those of us
in the colonies.....I know a couple ( the 2 end gentlemen) but there must be a bit of history behind a few of the
Steve Holmes
02-03-2013, 11:59 PM
Hi Ellis, the three guys on the left are all related to the Historic Muscle Car group, they are: Dale Mathers, Mike Coory from Health House ( (who sponsored the class at the NZFMR) and Bruce Thompson, who had a couple of cool cars at the event on display including a newly acquired 1968 Shelby Team Trans-Am Mustang tribute car, plus the old T/G Racing built '69 Firebird built for the Trans-Am series and which ended up in NZ and raced by Rod Coppins.
The 5 guys on the right of the picture play a pretty important role in NZ motorsport history. They are: l-r: Paul Fahey, Ray Stone (Faheys long-time race mechanic/engineer), Leo Leonard, Dennis Marwood, Jim Richards.
02-04-2013, 12:33 AM
Hi Ellis, the three guys on the left are all related to the Historic Muscle Car group, they are: Dale Mathers, Mike Coory (who sponsored the class at the NZFMR) and Bruce Thompson, who had a couple of cool cars at the event on display including a newly acquired 1968 Shelby Team Trans-Am Mustang tribute car, plus the old T/G Racing built '69 Firebird built for the Trans-Am series and which ended up in NZ and raced by Rod Coppins.
The 5 guys on the right of the picture play a pretty important role in NZ motorsport history. They are: l-r: Paul Fahey, Ray Stone (Faheys long-time race mechanic/engineer), Leo Leonard, Dennis Marwood, Jim Richards.
And the other guy that plays a pretty important part in "writing" about our NZ motor racing history is this guy here, our main man Steve Holmes.
Photo thanks to Mike Feisst
Dale M
Steve Holmes
02-04-2013, 01:30 AM
Sheesh! What a fat bastard! I need to eat less pies.
Rod Grimwood
02-04-2013, 04:27 AM
Just don't hang onto the roll cage so tight next time, thought that ride would have helped with a little weight adjustment Steve. Looked like you had fun.
See if you weren't home so much you wouldn't be so well feed by your lovely girl, who can obviously cook well.
Sorry did not catch up, we bit busy.
02-04-2013, 06:26 AM
Sheesh! What a fat bastard! I need to eat less pies.
...know how you feel mate;...however you did manage to fit in the car!
02-04-2013, 06:48 AM
Hell of a class to watch, I thoroughly enjoyed myself on both weekends! Although I only really shot the Saturday of both. Here's a few images from the HMC Class. (
IMG_2284 ( by SnoozinRichy (, on Flickr (
IMG_2245 ( by SnoozinRichy (, on Flickr (
IMG_2253 ( by SnoozinRichy (, on Flickr (
IMG_2307 ( by SnoozinRichy (, on Flickr (
IMG_2376 ( by SnoozinRichy (, on Flickr
As I process more, I'll post some :) Thanks for the wonderful show!
02-04-2013, 08:03 AM
Geez, I didn`t think that #41 Camaro went fast enough to get a blurry background! Good photos.
nigel watts
02-04-2013, 09:01 AM
Fantastic shots Richy. Really like those from the inside of the corner.
Haven't been that side of the track yet - might try my luck at the bike festival this weekend.
02-04-2013, 07:12 PM
That's a great shot.
Geez, I didn`t think that #41 Camaro went fast enough to get a blurry background! Good photos.
02-04-2013, 08:47 PM
Hi Ellis, the three guys on the left are all related to the Historic Muscle Car group, they are: Dale Mathers, Mike Coory (who sponsored the class at the NZFMR) and Bruce Thompson, who had a couple of cool cars at the event on display including a newly acquired 1968 Shelby Team Trans-Am Mustang tribute car, plus the old T/G Racing built '69 Firebird built for the Trans-Am series and which ended up in NZ and raced by Rod Coppins.
The 5 guys on the right of the picture play a pretty important role in NZ motorsport history. They are: l-r: Paul Fahey, Ray Stone (Faheys long-time race mechanic/engineer), Leo Leonard, Dennis Marwood, Jim Richards.
Thanks Steve and Dale for the info. It helps to be able to put some up todate faces to the famous names.
Steve Holmes
02-04-2013, 11:39 PM
Just don't hang onto the roll cage so tight next time, thought that ride would have helped with a little weight adjustment Steve. Looked like you had fun.
See if you weren't home so much you wouldn't be so well feed by your lovely girl, who can obviously cook well.
Sorry did not catch up, we bit busy.
I've just figured it out Rod, apparently the camera adds 10 pounds! Seems I'm not as fat as I thought.
Steve Holmes
02-04-2013, 11:40 PM
Hell of a class to watch, I thoroughly enjoyed myself on both weekends! Although I only really shot the Saturday of both. Here's a few images from the HMC Class. (
IMG_2307 ( by SnoozinRichy (, on Flickr
As I process more, I'll post some :) Thanks for the wonderful show!
Wow you guys are talented! I love this one!
02-08-2013, 03:51 AM
It was only bought to my attention this afternoon, with so many photos from the Denny Hulme Festival, that in an earlier series of photos from Nigel Watts on page 24, post #473, the 3rd photo down. There is my father in law Barry Pointon catching up on 30 years since last seeing Jim Richards. Jim worked for Barry in one of his service station workshops after Jim had completed his motor mechanics apprenticeship. Barry bought Jims first Mk1 Escort for him to race prior to Jim racing the Jim Carney Twin Cam Escort, which incidentally was running at the event with us, and despite different commitments that Jim had over the weekend, he would come back to our pit bay and continue talking with us.
For me personally, the cars may be worth a bit of money, but the enjoyment and socialising for others that HMC has created is priceless.
02-08-2013, 06:30 AM
The camera adds 10 pounds, the pies add the rest. I should know.
I've just figured it out Rod, apparently the camera adds 10 pounds! Seems I'm not as fat as I thought.
Malcolm McLeod
02-08-2013, 11:59 PM
I have flagged on point 4 (back straight with iron fence behind me!) at Pukekohe for the F5000's, no noise, no sound, just a vibration/rumble that went up through you:-)
Have also flagged at same point during a sports car race, and NOISE from 3 cars was so bad I did a report to the CoC complaining about it - it was painful WEARING earmuffs!!!!
In hindsight, I wish that I had worn hearing protection when doing Speedway photography, and driving Bedford school buses (the latter for more then 1 reason...)
Standing trackside for a large F5000 grid, even the rolling start, just about rattles your fillings out.
As it should!:)[/QUOTE]
I have flagged on point 4 (back straight with iron fence behind me!) at Pukekohe for the F5000's, no noise, no sound, just a vibration/rumble that went up through you:-)
Have also flagged at same point during a sports car race, and NOISE from 3 cars was so bad I did a report to the CoC complaining about it - it was painful WEARING earmuffs!!!!
No noise from F5000s? Complained to CoC for 3 sports cars? The mind boggles...
Murph's pies at HD are good value Steve... As long as they haven't run out.
Watched Toyota's today on TV from my bed. (Enforced rest period.) Didn't see too many spectators compared to the Hulme.
Steve Holmes
02-14-2013, 02:48 AM
Here's one for someone with deep pockets. Great car, with very interesting history.
More info here:
02-15-2013, 10:31 PM
Here's one for someone with deep pockets. Great car, with very interesting history.
More info here:
But not legal :)
02-16-2013, 11:04 PM
Richie, so far all 3 USA imported vehicles for HMC have required work to comply.
Dale M
John McKechnie
02-16-2013, 11:22 PM
nothing that money cant fix.
02-17-2013, 01:55 AM
Offcour$e John, LOL but the whole idea of HMC is having our Saloon car class rules, semi alighed with the rest of the world, well Aust, USA, GB anyway, but been able to buy a vehicle from the USA helps fast track ones ability to get onto the track!! same with Aussie, one can buy a Group Nc Historic saloon and its legal rite from the get go!! we welcome these aditions to HMC and long may it continue.
Dale M
02-17-2013, 08:13 AM
Don't they say in motorsport " It's only money"! Best plan is to spend someone elses......I'm still working on that part of the plan
02-17-2013, 08:19 AM
Bought these off a Mate, thought they were GN111, dont think so. Probably as old as the car
02-17-2013, 08:34 AM
Pretty sure they are Richie, just very early style by the looks. The pistons look non staggered(all same size) if so im sure they are!!
Dale M
02-17-2013, 09:01 AM
Pretty sure they are Richie, just very early style by the looks. The pistons look non staggered(all same size) if so im sure they are!!
Dale M
Cheers Dale,
The mounts are different to the newer ones. Yes you are correct, non staggered pistions, are the new ones staggered ?
Hopefully they are well trained :)
Steve Holmes
02-18-2013, 08:36 PM
But not legal :)
Nah I don't think that'd be an issue though Richie, the car is priced at over US$300K, and is an important piece in Trans-Am history, so I can't see it ever leaving the US anyway. I just posted it because I think its a great looking car.
Racer Rog
02-18-2013, 09:17 PM
Not quite true Steve, not legal for HMC, but would be legal to race in with other odd ball Historic vehicles, this car would get a Schedule K CoD, and would also get a FIA HTP, its a classy peice of history.
Steve Holmes
02-18-2013, 09:50 PM
Yep, thats true Roger, an amazing piece of history, although to my mind this car will probably never leave the US, because its so important there.
In the case of HMC rules, there are some exceptions, these being cars with NZ racing history, ie, the Coppins Firebird, Marwood Camaro, etc, that actually raced in period up until 1973, can be presented as they raced in period. This is similar to the laws in Australia regarding Group Nc. Any original cars that actually competed in the Australian Touring Car Championship up to the end of 1972, ie, Pete Geoghegans GTA Mustang, Bob Janes HQ Monaro, Allan Moffats Mustang, Norm Beecheys Monaro etc, can race as they were in period, rather than to Nc rules. The reasoning behind this is that we're celebrating history, not trying to change it, and it'd be criminal to expect an original car to be changed to meet a set of modern historic regulations.
02-18-2013, 10:17 PM
Not quite true Steve, not legal for HMC, but would be legal to race in with other odd ball Historic vehicles, this car would get a Schedule K CoD, and would also get a FIA HTP, its a classy peice of history.
You're correct Roger as this car would get a K-CoD or FIA HTP but to allow it to race with HMC we'd want windows, headlights and bumpers fitted, pretty much anything else we'd not be worried because of its "true" historic race history prior to our pre 12/77 T&C cut of date!! Steve Elliots Camaro is in the same boat and has history back to 74(correct Steve) and as Steve H say's, a vehicle we'd not likely to see down here because of its USA historic importance and/or cost. Though you never know as i see some spending more of there other non historic saloons that would make this Pontiac cheap!!LOL
Dale M
02-22-2013, 02:41 AM
A great poster done by Steve Elliott's team
02-22-2013, 10:02 PM
Steve, you certainly have some hidden talents.
Cheers Frosty
02-22-2013, 11:21 PM
Thanks Dave, according to Bruce302 they are very well hidden!
02-23-2013, 03:53 AM
Yes Steve, that is a great looking poster. I don't think we need to stir the Aussies up I think they are more keen to push their cars than our HMC competitors are. Should be great events.
Maybe we could get a tour through the Fataz engine building facility and any other race car builders around the area. I believe that Dick Johnson's facilities aren't too far away and he has some of his old cars there.
Maybe Steve Emson could arrange for us to look over Dick's XC Couple (True Blu) that featured on the Coupe thread and that Steve has driven on ocassions.
02-23-2013, 10:56 PM
Mike, don`t panic, it`s early days yet and going to DJR is one of the things we`ll work on. It all depends on which trip for either of the two events stack ups interest wise and what our time over there will permit.
02-25-2013, 01:47 AM
Heres a Australian recent article on Ian(Woody) Woodwards 70 Pontiac firebird, beautiful race car. Dale M
02-26-2013, 08:15 AM
Heres a Australian recent article on Ian(Woody) Woodwards 70 Pontiac firebird, beautiful race car. Dale M
Hi Dale, what mag is the article in?
02-27-2013, 02:40 AM
Richie, its December 2012 Gasoline magazine out of Brisbane!!
Dale M
Murray Maunder
02-28-2013, 12:05 AM
I can't recall a better looking white car and the poster looks really cool, looks like it's had some tasty photoshop effects. It's enough to make you look forward to classic Lakeside in July. Classic cars, classic track. Maybe a prize for the most evocative shot of musclecars at Lakeside would be in order.
03-22-2013, 12:27 AM
Off to Hampton for this weekends "Legends" event, numbers are down due to many clashing dates(Westerns Springs International, LeadFoot, Beach Hop) but will still fun. Dale M
03-22-2013, 02:06 AM
Is the Rorison car going to run this time ?
John McKechnie
03-22-2013, 02:15 AM
Its going to run.
See you there Mike?
03-22-2013, 02:15 AM
Yes Mike, Dale is racing it as his car is not back together as yet.
Hampton Downs Sunday March 24th
Still having trouble shrinking good quality images down to an acceptable size - quickly!
John McKechnie
03-24-2013, 08:53 AM
Legends of Speed has been a great weekend of racing. Everyone there was smiling , enjoying the sunshine , the cars., the atmosphere. I had a fantastic time. Huge thanks to all involved right through to the flag marshals.
Top marks to young Carter as starter too. Has a far better grasp of dropping the flag for handicaps than many an older experienced starter! With youngsters like this, not to mention the Scott family - 3 generations assisting, we are very fortunate with our flaggies and officials.
Steve Holmes
03-25-2013, 08:13 PM
Awesome photos there Ray, thanks for posting.
Steve Holmes
03-25-2013, 10:05 PM
Some good incar footage here of Ricky Cooper working through the field from the back in the handicap race at the legends meeting in his Datsun 240Z.
Jac Mac
03-25-2013, 10:50 PM
Do Mussel cars not have to use their mirrors?:)
03-26-2013, 03:37 AM
Well done Ricky in his Datsun 240z for waiting for the right time to make his move. I have watched Ricky race his 240z for over a decade now and one thing always sticks - he is a true gentleman racer making sure there is always room and no panel damage/touching at all times, which is good to see when some makes/models (zed included) are finding it harder and harder to find good panels - let alone new ones like some marques can get :(
John McKechnie
03-26-2013, 05:26 AM
Nice video, very calm steady viewing.
John McKechnie
03-26-2013, 05:44 AM
JacMac-As you can see in the video I ( light blue XA Coupe ) checked in my rear vision mirrors , could see Ricky coming and afforded him professional courtesy by getting off the race track to let him through. I also value my hard to find panels
Jac Mac
03-26-2013, 05:51 AM
JacMac-As you can see in the video I ( light blue XA Coupe ) checked in my rear vision mirrors , could see Ricky coming and afforded him professional courtesy by getting off the race track to let him through. I also value my hard to find pan
:) yes at 0.44 on the video, might have even got a bit further 'off' than you intended:), your car looks like it needs a bit more development in the handling dept yet, I realise its early days, been there-done that, will get you all set up for the Monaro challenge though, those old girls have their own problems in the handling dept....
Agree with the comments about Ricky's patient driving and the video generally.
Very impressed John, with your use of mirrors. Love watching videos of handicap racing when there is a camera in the fastest car.
Ricky was recently made redundant when the company he was working for was sold. (It had been my major client company too...) He only recently set up in the Fire Protection business so it is great that he is still able to run. If you need a modern extinguisher with two clips, he is your man! That Datsun was severely damaged a few seasons ago (not Ricky's fault) and it is now a very smart car indeed - high praise from someone who prefers Brit cars.
Rod Grimwood
03-26-2013, 07:22 AM
Yep just watched the video, neat. Thinks a little mirror and hold your line would not go a stray.
03-26-2013, 07:41 AM
Agree with the comments about Ricky's patienht driving and the video generally.
Very impressed John, with your use of mirrors. Love watching videos of handicap racing when there is a camera in the fastest car.
Ricky was recently made redundant when the company he was working for was sold. (It had been my major client company too...) He only recently set up in the Fire Protection business so it is great that he is still able to run. If you need a modern extinguisher with two clips, he is your man! That Datsun was severely damaged a few seasons ago (not Ricky's fault) and it is now a very smart car indeed - high praise from someone who prefers Brit cars.
Yes Ray, I congratulated Ricky on his excellent driving skills and on been very patient with the slower cars including myself, most that have driven Hampton will understand it has some degree in difficulty and from turn 2 to 5 there are not many passing opportunities even with slower cars in front!!! and even thought short on numbers the viewing public came up afterwards and commented on an excellent spectacular race!! No damage, everyone that started finished, a great race and a fun weekend.
PS: Rickys younger sister was accidently deceased in a bike accident at Taupo last weekend, i told him this weekend was his.
Dale M
03-26-2013, 07:47 AM
Yep just watched the video, neat. Thinks a little mirror and hold your line would not go a stray.
The bigger cars tend to dart around somewhat on the period Bias cross ply tyres Rod, just like the old days and also hence the inside wheel brake lock ups as well, this is what Historic race is about. All understood this including Ricky so hence no contact or body damage. Nice close racing where everyone finished with a grin, lots of hand shaking and back pats afterwards. A great weekend had by all.
Ray, thanks for the great pictures.
Dale M
John McKechnie
03-26-2013, 08:29 AM
:) yes at 0.44 on the video, might have even got a bit further 'off' than you intended:), your car looks like it needs a bit more development in the handling dept yet, I realise its early days, been there-done that, will get you all set up for the Monaro challenge though, those old girls have their own problems in the handling dept....
Jac Mac- actually the handling is fantastic, power steering helps more as well.Car needs no further development for on and off track, its all over to the driver.Done 2 meetings now. The Monaro is an interesting project as Schedule K imposes limitations on brakes.The right driver can overcome these minor details .ABs son got huge rapts from Jims worker who was down there in the weekend,said he drove above all limitations in such an old car.He could be a suitable pilot.Imagine the absolute irony of that situation-Hey Dad, I found some things you didnt do properly 44 years ago............
John McKechnie
03-26-2013, 08:31 AM
Now wheres the fun in that, racing is always about exploring new lines.It gets boring just going round and round. Any way, that was my fastest lap so I am not complaining.
03-26-2013, 09:02 AM
Great photo's Ray by the way - I love this site with all those who not only own excellent SLR camera's but also know how to use them to take great motorsport pics.
As a spectator (and as soon I get my car back together...a competitor), it is great to see a good range marques of cars on the track at one time. To those who give up their time to make events like the meeting just gone, and to those who manage the girds I tip my hat to you all - it is hard works. Great racing to view and I know the drivers had a great time - a walk around the pits is a testament to that.
All understood this including Ricky so hence no contact or body damage. Nice close racing where everyone finished with a grin, lots of hand shaking and back pats afterwards. A great weekend had by all.
Ray, thanks for the great pictures.
Dale M
That was only a sample Dale. Too many to post, but if any driver wants any sending directly, just email - jazz1 (delete the space of course - prevents spambots collating email addresses) I'll send them at about 400kb instead of the 80kb posted here. Originals are bigger of course.
Jac Mac
03-26-2013, 09:03 AM
Not sure of AB's age, think he is a couple older than me which would have put him in early 20's at time he was involved with those cars, I think we could forgive him for any stuff not done properly then, just dont repeat the bad ideas!:)
John McKechnie
03-26-2013, 09:19 AM
Believe it or not, he gave me his exact age, very early, just-20s then.What an introduction to life. Imagine the same opportunity given to the same age kid now.No bad ideas then, just a tight budget and a large wreckers yard out the back. I think he did a great job, and I saw Graeme Williams, the engine (Rods) man today also. You would have met him when the Mercury Flying Circus came to town.
03-26-2013, 06:49 PM
I'm sorry, but am I missing something here. Since when was a 240/260Z a SALOON car. After all the tough talk about keeping the grids 'pure', here we have a highly modified sports/GT car competing with HMC and pre 78 saloons. It has to be highly modified, as in the video it went past some of the HMC cars, which aren't exactly slow, as though they were standing still!!!!!
I was told in no uncertain terms, after my comments on the 'amalgamated' grids at Teretonga, that we would not be doing that up here, and if only 3 genuine cars turned up, too bad, next year there would be 6, the following year 12....... I know there were other meetings on, which took regular competitors away from HD........excuses, excuses, there will always be others things on. We are starting down that slippery slope that leads to trouble. We are not racing 'like with like'. Pretty soon we will have a couple of Formula 5000 cars in there with the HMC/ pre78 saloons, because only 3 of them turned up for their grid!!!!!!!!!! You open the door once and it is all over.
By the way John. If you want to do the Baja course, I suggest you dig the Lada Niva out.......much better for that sort of thing!!!!
Steve Holmes
03-26-2013, 07:22 PM
Hi Gerald, the Datsun isn't an HMC car, its part of the U3 group, which from my understanding allows production sports cars. I believe it underwent a name change back in January to: Pre 78 Classic/Historic Saloons, Sportscars and GT.
Howard Wood
03-26-2013, 07:43 PM
Very esoteric I know but the grid was Pre '78 Saloons and Sports/GTs whereas the festival was Pre '78 Saloons. Ricky wanted to but was not allowed to run at the Festival. The damn thing is quick and nimble in the tight stuff AND as quick as most HMC cars down the straight. Oh, and he drives it well too. In period the Porsche 911 qualified as a saloon but not the Datsun, I believe down to a few mm in the interior dimensions.
The video does illustrate the difficulty we have passing the HMC cars and the need to be sure of making a clean pass under braking BEFORE the turn in point otherwise it will end in tears. You might see when Ricky was coming up to me, although I would have been able to get alongside on the inside of the silver Camaro at the entry to turn 2, with their right hand "blind spot" I wasn't confident I would be given room so waited until I could actually get far enough past into Austins where he I knew I would be visible.
I know you, Angus and I are at odds with Dale over this as regards "racing room" but the chocolate fish for 4th tastes the same as the one for 3rd!
03-26-2013, 08:07 PM
Ricky's 240z is not all that highly modified either. With all improvements made the same as those used in period. His 240z is actually a licensed tribute car of the BRE 240z (Brock Racing Enterprises). BRE is Pete Brock's business in the USA and has been around since the 60's. That is the US Pete Brock not the Australian Peter Brock. Pete was also involved is the development of the Shellby Daytona Coupes.
Improvements are in brakes and suspension tuning, engine has the factory option triple mikuni 44phh carbs. All mods are 100% T&C at the time of the cars rebuild after the almost write off a number of seasons ago (as stated not Ricky's fault, only the roof was not damaged all other panels needing work or replacement).
I also arranged a group buy of a custom rim that looks 100% like the factory option rims available in period in 15" size to fit the T&C rules. These rims are now used by Ricky, me, and the Buildlink 240z Targa car of Andy Mygrind.
Just to also clarify. We developed as a Euro group, but at the time, we also recognised that the 240Z was a true classic. We also recognised that there was no classic class where a 240Z was welcome, so we made an exception.
Over many years, I was pestered by owners of various older Japanese cars and I suggested that as there were so many of them, why didn't they form their own series? Steve Melhuish who was involved in Muscle cars (not sure which group) took up the challenge and there is now a series for them.
However, as Ricky, Earl Cruickshank and a couple of others have are long time supporters of the ERC Series, it would be churlish to chuck them out, just because there is now a group for them. Anyone else not currently registered or having already been in contact during their builds, with a Japanese car would be steered towards Steve's group.
That is a decision that I stand by. Totally agree with Howard's comment re chocolate fish. We all recognise that it is about having fun and whether you finish 1st or 20th doesn't matter a hoot, just as long as you behave on track.
It may sound great to have a "pure" grid - whatever that really means, but racing like with like only goes so far. The grid has to be paid for and a 3/6/10 car grid is not paying its way. It is as simple as that.
When we have 50 cars vying for 40 spaces, we can get very picky, but at the back of everyone's minds needs to be an acceptance that it costs $2,000 for each and every grid at HD, before MSNZ levies are paid. So after that, the number two priority is driver behaviour, with car purity a distant third. That is the way I see it anyway.
HMC is growing steadily and you only had to witness the start of the final CMC race on Sunday (red flagged) and one driver's attitude to "points", to see why HMC has it right. Ricky's video is a good advert for classic racing, but also shows that care has to be taken when overtaking and that slower cars need to be very aware at all times as to what is happening behind them.
03-26-2013, 09:03 PM
Totally agree with Howard's comment re chocolate fish. We all recognise that it is about having fun and whether you finish 1st or 20th doesn't matter a hoot, just as long as you behave on track.
...and there in is the philosophy of H&C racing. Great comment
Rod Grimwood
03-27-2013, 01:32 AM
The bigger cars tend to dart around somewhat on the period Bias cross ply tyres Rod, just like the old days and also hence the inside wheel brake lock ups as well, this is what Historic race is about. All understood this including Ricky so hence no contact or body damage. Nice close racing where everyone finished with a grin, lots of hand shaking and back pats afterwards. A great weekend had by all.
Dale M
Aknowledged Dale, going way way back being one who had to look in mirror a bit, at driver meeting I always mentioned to the smaller boy's in Sport Sedan events to check mirror and hold your line and the crazy big boy's will get around you. This was of course more in handicap races, when it rained the big boy's had to be reminded to look in their mirrors as well. All good, maybe should have worded it little differently.
03-28-2013, 09:42 AM
Looking over the photos posted in this thread I don't see any pictures of a Mercury Cougar. Are there any in the build process that you know of?
I have always liked the 1st generation cougar. Hmm maybe I should sell my 2x Datsun 260z and get a Mercury Cougar.
Here is a good YouTube video of the almost season for Dan Gurney and the cougar.
03-28-2013, 10:25 AM
Next part
03-28-2013, 10:26 AM
Final part
03-29-2013, 03:31 AM
Looking over the photos posted in this thread I don't see any pictures of a Mercury Cougar. Are there any in the build process that you know of?
I have always liked the 1st generation cougar. Hmm maybe I should sell my 2x Datsun 260z and get a Mercury Cougar.
Here is a good YouTube video of the almost season for Dan Gurney and the cougar.
Those are great youtube video's Mike, thanks for posting!! i have seen them before but always great to watch again. But yes, you are correct a gen 1 cougar would be fantastic and has all the same running gear as a Mustang and as i've stated over on the VCC posting the parts are available via the aftermarket industry, infact a Cougar can be bought for less than haft the price of a Mustang in the USA, my mate Rex in Modesto, CA just sold a mint going driving 67 Cougar for $3800USD, cheap!! they can be set up the same in the handling department as a Mustang. Paul Stacey who is on this forum has a 70 Cougar amost finished for HMC, hopefully we'll see it in the near future, it will certainly add a great flavour to HMC !!
As for building a Gen 1 Cougar, go for it, it can be affordable and something different!!
Dale M
03-29-2013, 04:08 AM
Ricky's 240z is not all that highly modified either. With all improvements made the same as those used in period. His 240z is actually a licensed tribute car of the BRE 240z (Brock Racing Enterprises). BRE is Pete Brock's business in the USA and has been around since the 60's. That is the US Pete Brock not the Australian Peter Brock. Pete was also involved is the development of the Shellby Daytona Coupes.
Improvements are in brakes and suspension tuning, engine has the factory option triple mikuni 44phh carbs. All mods are 100% T&C at the time of the cars rebuild after the almost write off a number of seasons ago (as stated not Ricky's fault, only the roof was not damaged all other panels needing work or replacement).
I also arranged a group buy of a custom rim that looks 100% like the factory option rims available in period in 15" size to fit the T&C rules. These rims are now used by Ricky, me, and the Buildlink 240z Targa car of Andy Mygrind.
Correct Mike, Rickys Z is well build, correct running gear, set up nicely and he drives it well!! and the sort of guy i'd luv to have over in HMC. His 240Z is only outside T&C due to non "standard series production" bodywork(no rear bumpers and front spoiler/body work) hence why he couldn't race with us at the Festival. I've talked to Ricky about this and hoping he'll change but he likes the BRE look, he can still race in the Pre 85 Saloons/and or Sports cars at the festival but as HMC and the U3L Saloons gather momentum he'll eventually be out.
But i'll keep working on him!! great guy.
Dale M
03-29-2013, 05:37 AM
Well I have given Ricky a factory front bumper from my collection so that will go on his car in the future.
You are right cougars are still affordable...still need that winning lotto ticket mind you if one was to locate one of the special models...I believe only 7 were actually raced in the trans-am series and of those only 3 have survived.
Steve Holmes
04-01-2013, 10:19 PM
Well I have given Ricky a factory front bumper from my collection so that will go on his car in the future.
You are right cougars are still affordable...still need that winning lotto ticket mind you if one was to locate one of the special models...I believe only 7 were actually raced in the trans-am series and of those only 3 have survived.
There are 3 that currently compete in Historic Trans-Am, all of which are 1967 models:
But there would have been at least 3 Bud Moore cars built, probably more. Is only one of these accounted for?
Its a shame nobody raced a 1969/70 shape Cougar in the Trans-Am, I think they're fantastic looking cars. Ford decided they didn't need Mercury competing against Ford, so didn't feel the need to enter a factory Cougar team after 1967, but it would have been good to at least have seen an independent 69/70 Cougar. There were several of these that competed in the Nascar Grand Touring series.
04-01-2013, 11:33 PM
You are right - imagine if even the 68 427 powered cars were entered. I was surprised as the number of engines that were offered in the cars.
289, 302, 351, 390, 427, 428 and 429's from 67-70 aka First Gen Cougars
Steve Holmes
04-01-2013, 11:54 PM
The 427s were used in drag racing I believe, but the Trans-Am had a 5 litre engine limit. I think the Nascar GT series also had a 5 litre limit, as some cars raced in both championships.
John McKechnie
04-02-2013, 12:06 AM
Steve H- correct ,Trans-Am did have 5 litre limit, I remember from when Joe Chamberlain was here.
Jac Mac
04-02-2013, 12:15 AM
IIRC the Mercurys were used to get the GW heads homologated as Ford did not want a bar of them at the time.
John McK, found an old Autonews in the loft @ weekend, has Mercury 1000 grid pic as centerspread with Monaro on outside of front row, plus other pics, you got that issue?
John McKechnie
04-02-2013, 01:56 AM
Gidday boy- isnt amazing what is tucked away in the loft. Well found and maintained after all these years.
Now would this be the one with Grady on pole with Coppins behind-both in Team Camrbidge colours. Has our mate Coz , Fahey in the middle with Red Dawson on the outside.-Ruapuna .
The other centre fold had Uncle Jack, then Grady-bronze with centre GTS stripes- then Paul Fahey and inside is Rod Coppins
I have them both, they both make a huge statement as to the Mercury series.
Keep it as a momento for you and AB- he admired Grady.
I am always on the look out for pix I may not have.
Steve Holmes
04-02-2013, 02:02 AM
They had some top quality fields at those Mercury $1000 events. A great combination of North island sedans and South Island Allcomers.
Murray Maunder
04-14-2013, 09:50 PM
The TV3 coverage of Denny Hulme was meagre 23 minutes but HMC lit up the screen for the last segment. It would have been great to have seen some of the action behind with the fast HMC cars coming through but when you have a commercial half to cover a whole meeting.....
I know Dale's desire is to make clean racing with the emphasis on great authentic 60s/70s cars but it worked for TV. I am frequently amazed how "putting on a show" isn't recognised as such by the crowd and the commentators either play along or didn't get it. Either way I'm sure the fans will be thirsting for more HMC. I am.
And I know having an enthusiastically driven smaller car in the mix can cause some, errrr consternation in the ranks, but the smaller car(s) added to the excitement and reflected how it sometimes was. It shows how "parity" usually leads to boring, follow the leader processions, like one well known class of racing.
04-17-2013, 03:49 AM
Steve H- correct ,Trans-Am did have 5 litre limit, I remember from when Joe Chamberlain was here.
John, that`s why my `68 Camaro runs a 302 Chev as the car was built as a race car in the US in 1974. In the last week, through my friend Greg in Oklahoma - who put me on to my car - he has put me in touch with a guy with a `67 Camaro Vintage Trans Am A Sedan, like mine, which also runs a 302 Chev, that was built as a race car in 1971. I am considering buying it, both because of what it is, and also it would be a good `overseas visitor driver' car for the likes of the Festival ,etc for HMC.
Steve Holmes
04-17-2013, 03:51 AM
Hey thats awesome Steve! Got any pics? If its got Trans-Am history up to 1972, you can also run it with the Historic Trans-Am group:
04-17-2013, 03:57 AM
Yes Steve, it`s quite a valuable car. Yes I`ve got some photos of it, which Dale has seen, but I`ll post them later, rather than sooner, as the guy who owns it isn`t quite ready to sell it, he has given me first option on it, and it`s a good car.
Steve Holmes
04-17-2013, 04:10 AM
Awesome! You might have to email them to me Steve.
05-03-2013, 09:11 PM
Our recent Legends of Speed meeting March 23/24th at Hampton was an excellent but low key event. As I’d mentioned in the past, there was just too much on that weekend so this didn’t help numbers. Still, 6 HMC legal cars took part along with similar numbers of small Historic saloons and the racing was fantastic.
HRC event organisers did a great job in the last handicap race, so smiles around after that one!! Here is some in-car footage from Ricky Cooper’s fantastic performing Datsun 240Z, a very quick car and Ricky drives it very well.
You will notice that although Ricky had the opportunity, he didn’t do the “inside dive bomb” on turns 2 and 4 when he could have, he waited and made his move when appropriate. I know a couple of pro drivers that could learn from this video, but more importantly Ricky is guy you can safely race door handle to door handle with!! So he didn’t WIN, he got second? “Whoop dee do” and "so what", this is Historic car racing and the finishing position doesn’t matter as it’s about clean driving and no incidents. Everyone finished happy, so for those planning to or intending to race in HMC take please note.
Our 15” tyre rule is now law and will be enforced, for those that don’t, can’t, or whatever excuse sorry that is the way it is. We in HMC mean to carry on as we have set out right from day one with strict adherence to the rules. The 15” tyre it is now considered the standard for HMC and the visual difference makes the cars look far better and "Historic". You’ve all had at least 18 month’s notice and I’ve constantly made it known that our DH Festival this year was the last HMC event for bigger wheels (though these can still be used as wets).
We’ve also limited the larger sizes tyres in both the Hoosier and Goodyear’s, so if you check the rules there is now a maximum large size for both “front” and “rears”. The objective is to keep a cost fairness and tyre consumption to a minimum and this will result in correct fender flaring for that “Historic Saloon” look. The most anyone can race on is the largest sizes per the rules. Enough of us have been racing on both the Hoosier HOT’s and Goodyear Blue Streaks to understand the performance characteristics, myself and Gimblett’s Camaro have done back to back testing and racing with no noticeable difference in performance, but the Hoosiers sure are cheaper. I’m getting what looks to be 4 meetings out of the Hoosier’s before a noticeable performance drop off, slower cars probably about 6 so based on that you could almost get a season out of a set, that’s pretty damn good. Tony Cardwell, Cardwells Racing supplies is the Hoosier importer and will stock our HMC size tyres, due to shipping delays and timing it pays get onto him early. Contact is or 0800-227-393.
COD’s for HMC Vehicles: HMC has been working alongside Crunch and the MSNZ Historic and Classic commission team about having all HMC vehicles with their own specific Certificate of Description, I’d like you all to print out and fill-out the required forms (Form T009) as attached and send these in for your HMC/COD for compliance, even vehicles that have a current COD and have been bought up to HMC spec are asked to resubmit an application (Form T010) so the COD paperwork can be bought up to HMC/COD standard.
We are lucky enough to have acquired the services of Pukekohe based Keith Hargraves as our independent HMC/COD Auditor. Keith is a registered MSNZ Technical Officer with a Rally NZ background so has the ability to tech any HMC race car. Myself, Steve and Tony worked hard to obtain Keith’s services as he has no common ties to anyone racing in HMC and doesn’t race himself. Although he can handle safety, his main job is “Eligibility only”. There will be a small fee for his services.
He will be helped by David Graham from Hamilton. David has a huge motorsport background both here and overseas, his resume is impressive and he loves the concept of HMC. You can contact Keith Hargraves at or 021-253-2399 or 09-238-8990 home and David Graham at Ph 07 560 2773 Home, Mob 027 560 8000
Next summer’s race dates: We are currently working on these and will keep you posted over winter. I can tell you that our first event will be the HRC Ice Breaker 14/15th September at Hampton so pencil that in(correct Chris). I’m also working with TACCOC to have one just before Christmas probably at Pukekohe but yet to be confirmed. Then it’s the Festival 2014 the last two weekends in January back at Hampton, for HMC this is our premier event. All HMC events will be run at meetings with a Historic theme; we are not about main stream modern racing.
HMC Australia Trip: The dust has settled and for those that have decided to go, deposits are paid, air fares organised, paperwork done, and it’s pretty much on our door step now. By the end of this month all eight vehicles will be loaded and off to Brisbane. So the confirmed HMC entries are Murray Brown 70 Z28 Camaro, Dale Mathers 69 Mustang, Steve Elliott 68 Camaro, Pete Stevenson 65 Mustang FB, Nigel MacDonald 67 Mustang FB, Dean Cameron 65 Mustang FB, Kevin Gimblett 67 Camaro and Craig Stacy 71 Javelin. For those that are interested to go as spectators the event dates are as follows, the Shannon 2 Days of Thunder, June 21/23 at QR and the 2nd is The Lakeside Classic, July 19/20 at Lakeside, both tracks are in the Brisbane area. It should be noted that these two events are very high profile Historic meetings for “correctly configured” classic race cars so you will see some very cool machinery in correct guise. It is our alignment with the Australian Trans Am’s that allows HMC to race at these two events and being on 15” wheels is a necessary requirement, also remember we are representing our own Auckland based Historic Racing Club(HRC) while over there (especially you Steve E).
There is a test session for the 8 HMC cars going to Aussie between 12.00 midday and 4.30pm on Friday 17th May. Other HMC cars and caged, log booked supporters cars are welcome at $150 per car for the afternoon. As HMC has rented the track, it will be a closed practice in 20 minute sessions
05-03-2013, 09:13 PM
Many have asked, why the pre 12/78 cut off date, to what rules did a class like HMC race to back in the late 60’s and 70’s? Is this New Zealand only or for overseas countries? all great questions.
Firstly the December 1977 cut off date is what the FIA consider a worldwide change in technology across the motorsport time line. There are certain periods of time in which nothing seems to change for years and no one has a technical advantage over another and then all of a sudden in a short period technology leaps ahead. An example of this is that not many production type vehicles had "electronic" fuel injection(pre 12/77), most were mechanical or carburettored, fitting computers to a vehicle was a new idea and very limited. So when you look at this 12/77 date in time it’s easy to figure out why the FIA choose this date.
Also when the MSNZ Historic and Classic rules were penciled out some 30 years ago they wisely used this date. To race historic saloons together when one has a significant advantage due to technology improvements in Historic and Classic motorsport does not result in a level playing field. A good example is a 65 Falcon Sprint has lesser technical ability than say an early 80's Commodore considering suspension technology and car weight. Post 78 a lot of saloons had better handling and were of a lighter construction.
HMC is based around the Australian Improved Production, American Trans Am and New Zealand Saloon Car Championship rules, but not totally. The official NZ Saloon car Championship was contested from 1960 to 1977 officially (then Shell Sport took over from 78). These rules changed quite significantly during this time with the All-Comers pretty much having no rules up until 1967. In 1966 MSNZ introduced the FIA Group 2 rules as used in the British Saloon Car Championship for production based cars, this was when the first performance based Mustangs and Camaro's started coming into NZ.
Group 2 is also what the original SCCA American Trans Am rules were based on in 1966. In NZ Group 2 ran alongside the All-Comers class and both were phased out by 1967 when MSNZ adopted FIA Group 5 saloon car rules, which allowed more freedoms than group 2 did. The British Saloon car Championship had already switched over to group 5 in 1966 allowing cars up to 5 years old. Down here in NZ it was up to 10 years old and classes were based on engine capacity. These rules ran to about 1972/3ish when MSNZ started fiddling each year to adjust to the different vehicle technology coming along and the economic climate back then.
It is the 1967 to 1973ish era when the cars were still production based that we have chosen for HMC, many considered this the “heroic” era of saloon car racing when the “cars where the stars” and the driver “legends”. Also one of the main reasons is that the current T&C rules in the Historic and Classic Motorsport NZ manual represents this period the best. Also this was an era when most overseas countries raced saloon cars that still looked like a "standard series production" based saloons before the "Sports Sedan" era came along in NZ(and overseas) with the likes of the Nazer Victor and the Dekon Monza's.
Because we want to represent this 1967 to 1973ish NZ Saloon Car Championship period we needed a good set of core rules, so we adopted the MSNZ T&C regulations that allow "Standard Series Production" based Saloons from 1960 to 12/77, all very historic. But vehicles like the Hatchback Torana’s were basically Group A by the later 70's but one can still build this type of vehicle for HMC but must be to the HMC/T&C rules as set out. It can be quite confusing but I, Tony Roberts and Steve Holmes have quite a handle on this era and how the HMC's rules apply. All based around one theme, "Historic" racing. Of course the whole idea of this is that one can buy “today” a vehicle like say a 69 Monaro and build it as a Historic race car from this era without using modern technology by applying the “Historic Muscle Car” regulations and knowing that they will be on track racing against similar built vehicles. This is exactly what Historic and Classic Saloon car racing is about. Attached is a great Gary Simkin picture from the era, Dawson’s famous Mustang against the Escorts, Levin I believe. There are two vehicles in this picture racing in HMC today.
As with what i've written above I’m more than happy to talk to anyone about Historic and Classic racing and in particular the rules for HMC, most of the questions are usually about “modernising” your Classic racer rather than keeping it “Historic” but that’s OK. HMC is about keeping your classic race car as historic as possible and although we allow some newly made replacement parts like aftermarket engine blocks and heads they still must be of the same dimensions and material. Here is a great saying about classic cars: “If you make a 40 year old Classic into a modern one, they are no longer classic cars” HMC is about achieving the “Classic period of Motorsport”.
Whether one may agree or not, the object of any HMC rule is to have a level and fairer playing field that applies to everyone and at its best keep the cost to as minimum as possible while allowing replacement components that are readily available. Remember this isn’t “Modern” car racing, it’s about been Historic!!
When reading the rules and contemplating a replacement part think of the written item below (eg: Cheating/Philosophy), note the very strong wording "the spirit of sportsmanship" this is probably the 4 most important words to understand before you join and race with HMC.
CHEATING: Our rules are simple. They are not exact in many areas as “the spirit of sportsmanship” is the primary focus. The "Statement of Purpose" will take precedence in any rule dispute. If an entrant is found to have contravened the spirit of the rules he will risk disqualification from any further involvement with HMC. In other words, cheating is not something that will be taken lightly. READ THE RULES and ask questions.
Philosophy. Historic and Classic motorsport is that branch of the sport where vehicles from a past era are used in friendly rivalry to allow them to be exercised in a manner that the manufacturers intended. It is not a branch of the sport where series and trophies for winning races are held in higher regard than the sheer enjoyment of being involved.
Also check out the current Classic Car Magazine for articles and pictures about HMC and historic racing in general, Steve Holmes will have his monthly article and ramblings about HMC's goings on in these issues.
The latest British Classic and Sports Car magazine has a write up about Januarys Festival with a small mention about HMC, a cool picture of Mr Foggs mini leading an angry pack of V8’s. I also just heard that the American May/June Vintage Motorsport magazine has a major write up on the Festival and about HMC, we are truly a worldwide historic saloon group.
Articles like this help lift the profile of Historic Saloon car racing in New Zealand, it certainly attracts the type of person we want to see in HMC. Also in today’s high tech world it is a must to keep up with the play on the with some fantastic Festival picture’s at
Historic Muscle Car Tee Shirts are available for $20 each plus postage, E-mail me for size’s and colour.
That’s it from me again this month, any questions and queries don't hesitate to contact Tony or Steve, or myself. Remember if you are changing your car to suit HMC/MSNZ T&C Rules or building a new racer you will NOT be racing with other non compliant cars, it is a level playing field for all. Lets keep the "Classic and Historic" in Classic and Historic racing. And I know I don't need to remind you, but remember, "The Cars are the Stars" so that’s all from me for another month, feel free to contact me or anyone of the directors below.
To race and be apart of HMC you need to join HRC their $50 membership deal is a bargain, and a requirement to race.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to be removed from this E-mailout please let me know, if you wish to add someone please do the same.
Take care and enjoy your Historic Motor sport
Dale Mathers ,
Tony Roberts ,
Steve Holmes
HRC Members/HMC Directors
05-03-2013, 09:42 PM
Just to add to Dales newsletter above my contact details are:-
Ph 07 560 2773 Home
Mob 027 560 8000
Cheers Dave Graham
05-03-2013, 10:30 PM
Just to add to Dales newsletter above my contact details are:-
Ph 07 560 2773 Home
Mob 027 560 8000
Cheers Dave Graham
Just added your details Dave. Dale M
05-03-2013, 10:33 PM
This is the Gary Simkin Pic from Levin. Whos is the Escort hidden behind the Mustang?
Dale M
John McKechnie
05-03-2013, 10:49 PM
Jim Richards, Uncle Jack is just next to Nigel, I mean Red.
Richards adverting on the side is different to when it was racing with Terry Allen April at Baypark 1970.
Has Radio Hauraki on the side which means this is 1970-1971 season.
Not the Tasman Race January 2 1971 as Red blew a piston and never raced, and Jack was not there.
I am sure that this is April 3 1971 as Jim Palmer in Porsche came in 4th, then Red, then Jack and Jim..
This was the first heat BNSW with Fahey, Coppins then Marwood on the podium.
Also, looking at the advertising there-I can see Cambridge Racing Team banner in the background, so.
this is obviously between 69 and 71.
Anybody know what happened to that banner, would look good with the Monaro.
Its raining outside, nothing better to do .
05-12-2013, 04:25 AM
For those interested in a bit of Trans Tasman racing history, in 1967 Rod Coppins bought Ian Geoghegans Mustang just prior to the Lakeside ATCC round, and raced it at that meeting. Both Dennis Marwood and Paul Fahey have also raced at Lakeside in their respective cars. As a tribute to these three kiwi `big banger' drivers, Dale and I have been working on a plan to get this trio some recognition when we race our HMC cars there in July. As Rod is no longer with us, Jim Richards will be at Lakeside on Rods behalf, Dennis is visiting his son Grant in Brisbane at the same time, so he`ll be there, we are just hoping that Paul Fahey will take up the offer. If it wasn`t for these guys and those others of that era, we`d be a bit short on photos, stories, etc, that we can all enjoy on here.
05-12-2013, 06:51 AM
Steve, what's the chances of getting these 3 to the Ice Breaker in September. I know some if not all were at the Denny Hulme festival but it would certainly be great to see them do some skids.!!
05-12-2013, 08:23 AM
Dave, it would be good, but we`ll get Queensland out of the way first and then see what happens.
Steve Holmes
05-14-2013, 12:37 AM
I saw this posted on Facebook, and had to share it here. How cool is this!
Great post Dave. Just start a new thread (which it deserves) and post it again.
John McKechnie
05-15-2013, 08:38 AM
Frosty- this is an excellent post on this thread and very relevent.
05-15-2013, 06:32 PM
Great post Dave. Just start a new thread (which it deserves) and post it again.
Refer State of NZ Motorsport? MK 2
Steve Holmes
05-21-2013, 06:23 AM
The latest HMC project, which recently landed in New Zealand, and sent off to be built up at Sonic Race & Machine ( by Mike Anderson. Awesome Plymouth 'Cuda. Its got a nice body, with very little rust. Not sure if any final decisions have been made on the final spec, but its possible it'll get a big Hemi. Won't that sound great!
if it gets a big hemi it will not be any good Gordon Spice race a hemi cuda in the Uk and it was an undesteering pig. they took thr hemi out and put a 340 in and it was competitive
05-21-2013, 08:12 AM
They said the same thing abouts Moffats Mustang with the 302 and the 351. Dales Mustang went pretty good last Friday with its 402!!!
Steve Holmes
05-21-2013, 08:25 AM
if it gets a big hemi it will not be any good Gordon Spice race a hemi cuda in the Uk and it was an undesteering pig. they took thr hemi out and put a 340 in and it was competitive
Yep, true, but the Cuda Gordon Spice drove ran under Group 1B regulations, which were pretty strict, and it was limited to wearing quite skinny wheels, which wouldn't have helped. One of the Gurney AAR Cuda's found its way to France in 1971 and this car was also fitted with a Hemi, and I believe it was more successful, as it ran to Group 2 rules, which allowed more freedoms, including much wider wheels. But you're right, its a big old lump of ballast to carry over the front wheels. But HMC is really only about having fun, so it'll be a cool car either way, but Mike will get it running pretty well.
05-21-2013, 07:23 PM
Go the Hemi, that has the cool factor!!! Great work
05-21-2013, 07:31 PM
Fantastic news - just what the class needs - a dose of variety to keep all the punters interested. Now all we need is a Mercury Cougar or Cyclone, a Dodge Challenger or a Chevvy Nova.
05-21-2013, 08:02 PM
Something like this would look great in HMC?
05-21-2013, 08:39 PM
Something like this would look great in HMC?
Check out this site if you haven't already. Gorgeous cars.
05-21-2013, 08:40 PM
Fantastic news - just what the class needs - a dose of variety to keep all the punters interested. Now all we need is a Mercury Cougar or Cyclone, a Dodge Challenger or a Chevvy Nova.
And don't forget a Falcon Sprint!
05-21-2013, 08:54 PM
They said the same thing abouts Moffats Mustang with the 302 and the 351. Dales Mustang went pretty good last Friday with its 402!!!
Bit off a typo there Steve!!!
302 Dale
Steve Holmes
05-21-2013, 09:42 PM
402ci sounds about right to me Dale. The only typo was that he forgot to mention your Procharger for an extra 100hp.
05-21-2013, 10:23 PM
This is Craig Jacksons Cuda
Steve Holmes
05-21-2013, 10:36 PM
These Historic Trans-Am pics are awesome Dale. Got any more?
I'm currently working on an indepth article for The Roaring Season on the AAR Cuda's and Autodynamics Challengers that raced in the Trans-Am in 1970.
05-21-2013, 11:38 PM
402ci sounds about right to me Dale. The only typo was that he forgot to mention your Procharger for an extra 100hp.
Narrr, got Nitrous hidden in the rollcage, LOL!!
Have shit loads of pictures from the last 10 years of doing most USA Historic events!! will post some up from time to time!! The ones i took of the Jackson Cuda was when i was thinking about building one, bought a 70 Cuda even but hence it got sold, then went and bought John Watkins 70 Mustang FB open track car just recently, will bring this back to NZ, rollcage and a few other items it'll be a great HMC car.
Dale M
Dale M
05-22-2013, 12:07 AM
Has anyone picked up the latest Australian Muscle Car mag? its got a fantastic write up on the Historic saloon racing scene over there and how they started, etc!! exactly what we're trying to achieve with HMC. There attention to detail is amazing.
Dale M
Rod Grimwood
05-22-2013, 03:50 AM
Understeer is fixed with the right hand peddle isn't it, Check out how Steve conteracts for it in his Camaro (302).
05-22-2013, 04:55 AM
And don't forget a Falcon Sprint!
Always be keeping my eye out for one of those beauties.
05-22-2013, 07:25 AM
On a more serious note, spare a thought for Craig Staceys brother Paul, who has only just returned home from a lengthy stay in hospital following quite a severe illness, and faces a long road to recovery. Paul is an avid HMC man, and is booked on the Lakeside supporters trip which Craig tells me is now a `wait and see'. All the best with your recovery Paul.
05-22-2013, 07:46 AM
Understeer is fixed with the right hand peddle isn't it, Check out how Steve conteracts for it in his Camaro (302).
I always thought it was caused by a lack of horsepower :)
05-22-2013, 08:07 AM
Yeah Tony, thats right, especially with a 302 Ford, not with a 302 Chev!!!
05-22-2013, 06:34 PM
This is Craig Jacksons Cuda
Those Cuda's are really neat looking cars along with the Cougars. Variety is the spice of life.
05-22-2013, 06:37 PM
On a more serious note, spare a thought for Craig Staceys brother Paul, who has only just returned home from a lengthy stay in hospital following quite a severe illness, and faces a long road to recovery. Paul is an avid HMC man, and is booked on the Lakeside supporters trip which Craig tells me is now a `wait and see'. All the best with your recovery Paul.
I am real sorry to hear that as I am booked to go to Lakeside with Paul. I will be pulling for you to make it back to full health - I know the problems involved in this situation.
Cheers Mike
Steve Holmes
05-22-2013, 09:10 PM
On a more serious note, spare a thought for Craig Staceys brother Paul, who has only just returned home from a lengthy stay in hospital following quite a severe illness, and faces a long road to recovery. Paul is an avid HMC man, and is booked on the Lakeside supporters trip which Craig tells me is now a `wait and see'. All the best with your recovery Paul.
Thanks for the update Steve. I hope Paul makes a speedy recovery. He is a neat guy, like all the Stacey clan, a really nice person.
05-25-2013, 08:10 PM
Next Friday the eight cars going to race in Queensland get loaded into the shipping containers for the trip across the Tasman. People talk about a `bucket list' in life. There are plenty of `gunnas' in this world, and for a class which is basically a little over a year old, to get 8 guys to commit to a trip like is great. The `grey hairs and four gears' racing group are all looking forward to it.
05-29-2013, 03:54 AM
Had this great E-mail come though from Australia, shows the interest we are going to get over there. Dale M
I just wanted to send a quick note to say I've followed the HMC thread on the roaring season and would like to say congrads to yourself and Steve Holmes (I'm sure there are others also) for getting this class up and running in such a short time frame.
I'm following with interest here on the Gold Coast (Yes another Kiwi across the ditch)and are looking forward QR and Lakeside to see the cars.
I'll come introduce myself at QR as I will be there on the Friday with my car (attached - Turn 1 at Eastern Creek-) and have got a bunch of old NZ race car pics you might like to take a look at. Mostly as Levels. I remember thumbing through the album as a kid just loving the look of the PDL 1 in its early days and Coppins Pontiac etc Cars that look fast and tough just sitting still!
Are you bringing any of the T shirts and Posters across?
I'm sure you are all over it but QR is real hard on brakes and Lakeside is fun but very unforgiving. Way too many cars get damaged there...
Kyle Hallet
05-31-2013, 04:48 AM
Cars all loaded up today and Brisbane bound. The 4 loaded up in Auckland are Murray Brown 70 Camaro, Steve Elliott 68 Camaro, Craig Stacy 71 Javelin and Nigel MacDonald 67 Mustang
05-31-2013, 04:55 AM
And the 4 cars loaded in Tauranga are Dean Cameron 65 Mustang, Pete Stevenson 65 Mustang, Dale Mathers 69 Mustang and Kevin Gimblett 67 Camaro. The boat sails Sunday. Let the FUN begin
05-31-2013, 07:24 AM
Our little kiwi mascot `Small Block' is going to be raffled off over the two meetings by the Australian Trans Am Association, with the proceeds going to `Canteen' which is for young people with cancer. We will all sign it along with Jim Richards and he will draw the winner and present it to them.
06-17-2013, 06:45 AM
Off to Aus tomorrow avo, im sure the weekend will be fun!! hopefully next week we'll have some pics to add to this post!!
Dale M
Rod Grimwood
06-17-2013, 07:09 AM
Off to Aus tomorrow avo, im sure the weekend will be fun!! hopefully next week we'll have some pics to add to this post!!
Dale M
Hey best of luck guys and girls, and look forward to pics.
John McKechnie
06-17-2013, 07:45 AM
Make sure Dean looks after our old Mustang mate. Give my regards to all over there drivers expats and especially.Steve Emson.
06-25-2013, 05:07 AM
Here you go guys, footage from a great weekends racing at Queensland Raceway. Still tryin to get home, more info and pics to come.
Dale M
06-25-2013, 05:33 AM
3 mins in - good skill by all - those that were close and avoided any incident and the man behind the wheel - well done.
06-25-2013, 07:45 AM
Great stuff guys fantastic to watch.
But only 800hp Dale, you'll have to work on that.
06-26-2013, 12:23 AM
We are just waiting for Dales race weekend report!
06-26-2013, 01:25 AM
No report but a few pics at the moment. Dale
06-26-2013, 01:50 AM
While Dale gets his thinking cap on, on a personal note I`d like to thank Anthony Tenkate for putting a deal together for a minibus for four of us HMC guys and our wifes/crew, Tony Haskins for a hell of a lot of work behind the scenes for everyone involved, and to Jim Richards for his minibus track tour showing us kiwis how to get around Queensland Raceway - which in itself was a bit of humour on and off the ripple strips! I`d also like to thank all the different Aussies that tried to help me find another right rear axle to get the Camaro going again, it wasn`t for the lack of trying. I`ve just ordered some from the USA so we`ll be underway for Lakeside in July.
06-26-2013, 02:51 AM
So there was a comment in the video from the Aussies about the different specs in the cars - so what is the differences? Or has this been posted already and I have just skipped it/not found it yet.
06-26-2013, 03:04 AM
So there was a comment in the video from the Aussies about the different specs in the cars - so what is the differences? Or has this been posted already and I have just skipped it/not found it yet.
Basically they are 200/300KG's lighter than our HMC cars due to alloy heads, no door glass, winders, lights, etc and some fibreglass panels, but they're also restricted to 350CI engines on 11:1 with 98 pump gas so about 570HP stops them. Were on the other hand we can have bigger engines on Av-Gas with 12:1 but have to use cast iron heads and full steel panels and full trim. So its swings and round about's for both groups but most importantly we are all on the same tyre and the cars have the appearance of been identical.
I though the racing was very even with the exception of the two front running Aussie cars of English and Palmer, both ex Bathurst drivers in leased cars with a home track advantage!! Myself and English were the only two in the 1:21's which im told is quick?
Long may it continue.
Dale M
Great stuff, Dale. :cool:
Results on the natsoft site,
Just click on the "Circuit Racing" silhouette, then the meeting is called Two Days of Thunder.
06-28-2013, 05:29 AM
Some in-Car from Steve Elliotts 68 A-Sedan Camaro at QR last weekend. Dale
Murray Maunder
06-28-2013, 10:44 AM
Well it sounds like the Kiwis helped put on a great show with the Aussie TransAms at QR at the weekend. Those of us lucky enough to be going for the second leg at Lakeside have something to look forward to at this iconic old sixties track.
To pay tribute to this great TransTasman challenge I've put together a video of the class taken mainly from the second Friday of the Denny Hulme meeting at Hampton Downs.
Grant Sprague
06-28-2013, 05:58 PM
Well done guys , great to see it all come together , just fantastic that you are doing this [ a little green .. envy] ??? lol
Steve Emson
06-28-2013, 09:29 PM
On a more serious note, spare a thought for Craig Staceys brother Paul, who has only just returned home from a lengthy stay in hospital following quite a severe illness, and faces a long road to recovery. Paul is an avid HMC man, and is booked on the Lakeside supporters trip which Craig tells me is now a `wait and see'. All the best with your recovery Paul.
Very sorry to hear this. Craig Stacey will most probably not remember me. I lived 2 doors away in Mt Roskill and I went to school with his big brother Allan. Paul was always around to. Craig was very young then. Allan and I spent a lot of time together as mates. I would assume he would remember, as Dad always had his 'race' cars at home. I lost track of the family when we moved to Manurewa to be closer to Dads work, P & R Motors (well known to racing people at the time)
Might try and make the big effort to go out to Lakeside for a look see.
PS My wife Yvonne, went to school with Paul. (The same School, however I had moved by then)
regards to all, Steve
07-05-2013, 10:24 PM
From a "Rag tag" mob too:
07-05-2013, 10:27 PM
A "lean mean racing" team.
07-05-2013, 10:31 PM
Historic Muscle Car shirts supplied thanks to Steve Elliott. Jim Richards and Nigel been the best of mates!!LOL and many thanks to Phil Ross from Shannon's(RH side) for the support he gave HMC to make this trip happen.
ATA organiser Ian(Woody)Woodward behind with that "shit eating" grin
07-06-2013, 12:30 AM
Hello Steve ,
I sure do remember you guys, used to have a huge crush on your sister Marie back at primery school. I was never the same once you guys moved,lol.
Mum and I used to visit your mum in manurewa , you would have been at school or working I spose.
I would love to meet up at lakeside when we are back , no pressure, be there!
Please give my regards to your Mum and Dad.
Bob Homewood sent me a pik of your Dad a while ago so I could show it to my father.
See you at Lakeside
kind regards
Craig Stacey
Very sorry to hear this. Craig Stacey will most probably not remember me. I lived 2 doors away in Mt Roskill and I went to school with his big brother Allan. Paul was always around to. Craig was very young then. Allan and I spent a lot of time together as mates. I would assume he would remember, as Dad always had his 'race' cars at home. I lost track of the family when we moved to Manurewa to be closer to Dads work, P & R Motors (well known to racing people at the time)
Might try and make the big effort to go out to Lakeside for a look see.
PS My wife Yvonne, went to school with Paul. (The same School, however I had moved by then)
regards to all, Steve
07-08-2013, 08:59 AM
This popped up online here today;
Would have loved to see the Fahey Mustang there as well.
GEOGHEGAN MUSTANGS TO FEATURE AT LAKESIDE CLASSIC!!! Sent Monday, July 8, 2013 View as plaintext
Company Name: Queensland Raceways
Telephone Number: 1800 RACERS
Fax Number: 07 5461 9111
Email Address:
Website Address:
Twitter: @qldraceways
When: Lakeside Classic, Saturday 20-Sunday 21 July 2013
Event Location: Lakeside Park, Kurwongbah
Admission: $20pp Saturday, $30pp Sunday or $40 for a weekend pass, kids 12 and under FREE!
Lakeside Raceway will play host to Australian motoring history at the Lakeside Classic, Saturday 20-Sunday 21 July.
Two iconic Geoghegan Mustangs will be at the event, with touring car legend Pete Geoghegan's 67 Mustang entered in the Group N races, driven by David Wall, and his 65 Mustang on display courtesy of Bowden's Own.
Pete's older brother and racing legend in his own right, Leo Geoghegan, will be attending the event on Sunday to sign autographs and meet fans.
Few cars in Australian Touring Car history can rival that of Ian 'Pete' Geoghegan's 65 Mustang. It came to Australia in late 1965 after being assembled by Ford high performance race legends, Shelby American.
Meticulously prepared by John Sheppard, the Mustangs first outing was at Calder Raceway, where Pete was unsure of how competitive the car would be against the Mustangs of Norm Beechey and Bob Jane. His fears were unfounded and to use Pete's own words he "blew them into the weeds".
Pete and his Mustang were an unstoppable duo winning him practically everything that could be won with a touring car, as his record shows: 1966 Australian Touring Car Champion, NSW Touring Car Champion, Victorian Touring Car Champion, QLD Touring Car Champion, holder of the touring car lap records at every circuit he raced on, the 1966 AJC trophy at Warwick
Farm, the 1966 Gold Star Touring Car series at Lakeside, and best of all- from its 74 starts the car managed 68 outright wins.
In early 1967 Pete sold the Mustang to New Zealander Rod Coppins. In New Zealand, it went through multiple owners before finally being tracked down and brought back to Australia by David Bowden in 1998. The original exterior and mechanicals of the car have been faithfully restored back to how it raced in the blue, white and red Total Team colours of 1966. The car interior is unrestored, the same as when big Pete sat in her back in her glory days. The famous Mustang is now preserved to be remembered as an amazing part of Australia's motor sport history.
The 67 Mustang won three Australian Touring Car Championships with Pete Geoghegan at the wheel and guarantees to be a crowd pleaser in the Group N racing category.
Categories for the Lakeside Classic include Group N Historic Touring Cars, Groups C and A, Queensland Touring Cars, Trans Am, and Improved Production. Spectator entry is $20 Saturday, $30 Sunday or $40 for a weekend pass. Kids 12 and under FREE! For more information go to or CALL US on 1800 RACERS! (
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