View Full Version : New Zealand Historic Muscle Cars Under HRC
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09-20-2012, 06:52 AM
Whose is this car Steve?
John McKechnie
09-20-2012, 09:09 AM
Love the blue Kawasaki 750 Widowmaker petrol tank in the background.Now thats really interesting
09-20-2012, 10:45 PM
I'd say the owner/builder of this Falcon needs to get his A into G and not worry about other projects laying around in the back ground!!LOL(just and observation) :)
Dale M
John McKechnie
09-21-2012, 12:09 AM
Yeah, also giving up work, turning away visitors, not answering phones, not walking the dogs, not being on rts, not taking photos of cars and sending them on.................
Grady Thomson observed that at 27 and not married-its the only way to find time to do a race car.
Your return of the shuttlecock , Dale.............
John McKechnie
09-21-2012, 12:43 AM
Hey, maybe he has stopped working on it and done a Lowndes and Van Giz and gone to another manufacturer, word on the street is he was seen looking at a Monaro........
09-21-2012, 05:05 AM
Well, he may have "but" he needs to know that he has just under 4 months until Denny Hulme, hmmmm
Dale M
John McKechnie
09-21-2012, 07:31 AM
Understand once the painter has finished, the pieces bolt on.Owner cant do any work on car till the car is painted and dry.He is aware of the time, arent we all.He has even undertaken to work through from 24 Dec everyday on this if necessary.Foggy has recommended a stiff regime.
09-21-2012, 08:13 AM
FOGGY, what would he know? he only does Mini's so you better watch out, may end up with a mini engine in Falcon!!LOL
Dale M
John McKechnie
09-21-2012, 08:33 AM
yeah, we are using a 1560 stroker motor with BMW 4 valve head as the wiper motor
Steve Holmes
09-27-2012, 01:19 AM
And so is anyone building a replica of the 1970 Chaparral Camaro's as raced in the Trans-Am? Check out this amazing 1:43 scale offering from SPR Models over in the Sponsors News Forum, just for some added motivation:
09-27-2012, 06:27 AM
That is a really neat model. At that scale they tend to lose some detail but that looks spot on.
Steve Holmes
10-04-2012, 10:35 PM
This is Grant Aitken's beautiful 1970 Boss Mustang. Originally built by Brett Walker, Grant recently bought it, and it'll be ready to hit the track soon. Great to see Grant getting involved with HMC. He has a wealth of experience, and will be a welcome addition to the group.
10-04-2012, 10:47 PM
What a fantastic looking car - it will be great to see it on track. Hopefully Grant can make it to the Hulme Festival. HMC is the right class for that car - you certainly wouldn't want some driver with eye mist blurring his vision slamming into it.
Steve Holmes
10-04-2012, 10:52 PM
You got that right Mike. Whats more, its a genuine Boss 302.
10-04-2012, 11:02 PM
I agree Mike, it`s a nice looking car. The one thing that I have noticed with HMC and how it`s shaping up, is the both the level of commitment - whether financially or authenticity - and the like mindedness of the guys that will be competing and I reckon when the punters see 20 plus of these cars coming up the hill for the first time at Hampton Downs in January, it`ll make people realise what Steve, Tony and Dale have worked so hard to make happen and I for one am looking forward to being part of it.
10-04-2012, 11:49 PM
I agree Mike, it`s a nice looking car. The one thing that I have noticed with HMC and how it`s shaping up, is the both the level of commitment - whether financially or authenticity - and the like mindedness of the guys that will be competing and I reckon when the punters see 20 plus of these cars coming up the hill for the first time at Hampton Downs in January, it`ll make people realise what Steve, Tony and Dale have worked so hard to make happen and I for one am looking forward to being part of it.
I fully agree Steve - there is some real commitment here and a genuine interest in running period looking cars with no major enhancements to make them go faster. Roll on January. How is your Camaro progressing - is it in country yet ??
Mike John keeps telling me that his period cars won't foot it with the Escorts etc because of the improvements made to them over the years. That doesn't worry me as I want see the cars in action not whether they can beats the pants off the opposition. I believe that this is what the punters want as well. Yes 20 or so big, noisy period V8's coming up over the start finish line will certainly make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. These will beat V8 Supercars hands down in my book. Just look at the attendance figures at Eastern Creek for the recent Australian Muscle Car Masters and V8 Supercar events. I think that says it all.
10-05-2012, 12:57 AM
Mike my Camaro gets here just prior to Labour Weekend. I think Steve is doing an article on it for next months NZ Classic Car magazine.
Steve Holmes
10-05-2012, 03:23 AM
This is Steve Elliott's '68 Camaro, due to arrive in NZ in a couple of weeks. Bloody nice car! The pics don't do it justice. I'm sure Steve will snap plenty more once he gets it home:
John McKechnie
10-05-2012, 07:17 PM
Just a shame that we have to run non period mufflers, imagine the start at HD then.
10-06-2012, 01:31 AM
Just a shame that we have to run non period mufflers, imagine the start at HD then.
Dale M
10-06-2012, 04:14 AM
Yeah, I'm with you on this one Dale. The first unwritten rule of HMC should be " No mufflers required "
10-06-2012, 04:54 AM
No mufflers allowed
10-06-2012, 04:59 AM
So what`s the deal now: Grey hairs and 4 gears, grey pipes and who cares!
Dave Silcock
10-06-2012, 06:49 AM
We all wish, no one actually says we have to have mufflers, we just have to be under the decible limit, which you can not do without mufflers. the Blue car was awesome with the first exhast system I tried but have had to put some more muffling in to comply? What a pity it was unreal.
10-06-2012, 06:57 AM
Yeah, I'm with you on this one Dale. The first unwritten rule of HMC should be " No mufflers required "
Well that attitude unfortunately should stop motor in NZ racing dead in it's tracks.
Guys it is now year 2012 catch up with some things that whilst we enjoyed it years ago it is no longer acceptable from the days when we started it out. My first lesson of this was back around 1978 or 79 when my boys cried their eyes out from the noise of Ozzo's car when he started the engine on the dummy grid. It was just too much for them whilst for me who was half deaf from race engines I could not understand the problem.
John McKechnie
10-06-2012, 09:12 AM
Man, I really started something here with the return to no mufflers-are the prison inmates complaining?I am with Bruce-no mufflers allowed, how can you have a period racer when you can here yourself think.I remember Les Parkinson saying he used to listen to Neil Diamonds -Hot August night when racing his V12 Jag.-thats what happens when you have mufflers.Please, save us from Neil Diamond-NO MUFFLERS. Lets have a Rod Coppins Reunion race- out of respect, all V8 exhaust pipes must run up through the bonnet
10-06-2012, 08:07 PM
Well that attitude unfortunately should stop motor in NZ racing dead in it's tracks.
Guys it is now year 2012 catch up with some things that whilst we enjoyed it years ago it is no longer acceptable from the days when we started it out. My first lesson of this was back around 1978 or 79 when my boys cried their eyes out from the noise of Ozzo's car when he started the engine on the dummy grid. It was just too much for them whilst for me who was half deaf from race engines I could not understand the problem.
This class has been created to bring back a bit of the fun that we all enjoyed so much from our past and if that includes making a little bit more noise then lets go for it. I for one, have just about had enough of all the “P.C.” bullshit that we are having shoved down our throats by self serving bureaucrats. If all we get out of our governing body with their rip off priced licenses , exemption cards etc , is unwarranted litigation ( NZV8 / Supertourers ) and Noise Police then maybe it’s time we all followed the example of our straight line driving brothers down the road and tell MSNZ to stick there fees and noise police where the sun don’t shine.
How is it that under MSNZ we have to meet a restrictive decibel limit whilst a kilometer down the road they run cars with 1000’s of horsepower with not a muffler in sight ? At Taupo , both codes even run on the same track , us with restricted decibel levels and them with none !
10-06-2012, 08:15 PM
Last year at the HD Festival there were no noise limits, mainly due to the problems this would create with the F5000s, and next year also with the Can Am cars. Check the supplementry regs to see if a noise limit will be imposed, but I doubt it
John McKechnie
10-06-2012, 08:45 PM
This is a great response guys, lets build on this and really make HD next year absolutely memorable.Bruce-your Firebird never ran mufflers back then ? I know Red , John , Grady ,George, Rod, Jim etc never did. Lets push the envelope to see what we can achieve to make our Historics more nostalgic historics. More imput, more drive, more knowledge is needed here.We comply with safety which is most important.
Thanks Parnelli , excellent attitude you have, and shared by so many of us out here.Enough positive feedback from all viewers here and things could work out .
Grelley- great point worth following by our leaders.
Whats your take here Dale?
Always remember what it was that got us hooked on car racing in the first place-it was LOUD, racing is loud,we dont want it sanitised
10-06-2012, 09:22 PM
In the US different historic groups have what is referred to as `open exhaust meetings' which are usually limited to `Can Am, F5000, Trans Am, etc' and only a few are held annually. It is controlled by local bylaws and only run at some tracks. The guy I bought my Camaro off reckons they are hugely popular because the punters get to see `real cars racing how they used to race'. HMC is not about living in a timewarp, it`s about enjoying the history and participation in the `real' era of Muscle Cars. Too many classes, both past and present, in NZ motorsport have been controlled by single minded wheelbarrow pushers. I would compare HMC using a comparison to rowing.... we aren`t in the single skulls rowing our own boat, we are in the `eights' where we are all in it together!
Dave Silcock
10-06-2012, 09:58 PM
I heartily agree with Parnelli, we have been pushed around by the most stupidly inconcieved rules for far too long. Enough is enough. Its hard to belive the total bloody mindness of the organisation. They don't seem to be there to help but to hinder, it s almost too hard to get your car and yourself approved too race. If one did a poll of people who have given up racing, I'll bet a large proportion of them would cite the organisation and the bullying attitude of its officials.
10-06-2012, 11:21 PM
Hold your horse's here guys!! the rule is law so 95 it is and also Hampton have consent issue's to conform to, BUT i believe TR and CW are working on a possible consent application change for Classic and Historic ONLY events to allow overseas historic cars that never ran mufflers to come to NZ for these special events, so watch this space.
Also, i have run open exhaust at Skope, Amon and at BMW and did so at the recent Ice Breaker, i blew 103DB so had to sign off with the DB guy. I got pinged at Timaru 3 years ago and had to changed my exhaust. I have a slip-on exhaust system i can change in 2 min, my advice to all racing at Denny Hulme next year is to do the same. I can't advise anyone to run open exhaust's but should they do so, have it so you change quickly should you be required(never been asked yet).
When i took my Mustang to Sears Point and Thunderhill a few years back, friday and Saturday where open exhaust days, sunday we all had to run mufflers, most of the historic Trans Am don't have a slip-on muffler system so their race was Sat and they stood down on the sunday. It seemed crazy that one day is OK but the next isn't, BUT thats the "consent rules" they have to work to up there and like i got told, better than NO open exhaust days!!
Dale M
John McKechnie
10-07-2012, 12:53 AM
So Steve, with a moniker of fullnoise68 does that mean you would like your 68 to run full noise?
Dale, thanks for a glimmer of hope.
10-07-2012, 01:10 AM
From where I`ll be sitting John, that`ll be happening regardless!
Steve Holmes
10-07-2012, 07:13 AM
By my reckoning, any events where F5000s are racing, you should be able to get away with running open pipes on a sedan car. You'll still not be as loud as the F5000s. Especially if the pipes stop in front of the rear wheels. The loudest sedan car I've ever heard was Norm Beecheys HT Monaro, but it had open pipes that dumped down right behind the front wheels! But, as Dale said, make sure you have a quick-release set-up where you can switch to mufflers, just in case!
Steve Holmes
10-07-2012, 07:16 AM
I agree Mike, it`s a nice looking car. The one thing that I have noticed with HMC and how it`s shaping up, is the both the level of commitment - whether financially or authenticity - and the like mindedness of the guys that will be competing and I reckon when the punters see 20 plus of these cars coming up the hill for the first time at Hampton Downs in January, it`ll make people realise what Steve, Tony and Dale have worked so hard to make happen and I for one am looking forward to being part of it.
Steve, another important reason this class is taking off is because guys like yourself, and John McKechnie etc, who are genuine enthusiasts with a real interest in history, are getting right in behind it and building/buying cars specifically for it. You understand the purpose of the class, and you're getting involved due to your passion for history, and your genuine passion for old big-bore sedans. Its all about the cars, and you guys get that.
John McKechnie
10-07-2012, 08:48 AM
Steve (HOLMES ) .your reckoning to me is a sound as sweet as Norms 350
10-07-2012, 08:09 PM
Steve, when you look at commitment to HMC, I look at guys like Murray Brown and Dave Sturrock, etc, who are prepared to change existing cars to comply with HMC and obviously spend plenty in the process for no reward other than the satisfaction and enjoyment of running against similar cars. Only having a few race meetings a year, but good meetings, will in itself create interest in the class.
John McKechnie
10-07-2012, 10:17 PM
I agree with you Steve, having seen the details of stripping these cars and converting to new rules just for the pleasure of running with HMC is truly amazing.To start from scratch is one thing, but to tear down existing proven work and rebuild takes this to a higher level.
Rod Grimwood
10-08-2012, 04:20 AM
Parnelli got my support as well Dave, I parked up in 88 and that was over bulls&%t with the bone headed officialdom at that time. Christ sakes we had a bloke who played in a Vee (dont get it wrong, close racing great stepping stone) telling Sports Sedans what they could and could not do, hello.
10-08-2012, 07:14 AM
Hold your horse's here guys!! the rule is law so 95 it is and also Hampton have consent issue's to conform to, BUT i believe TR and CW are working on a possible consent application change for Classic and Historic ONLY events to allow overseas historic cars that never ran mufflers to come to NZ for these special events, so watch this space.
Also, i have run open exhaust at Skope, Amon and at BMW and did so at the recent Ice Breaker, i blew 103DB so had to sign off with the DB guy. I got pinged at Timaru 3 years ago and had to changed my exhaust. I have a slip-on exhaust system i can change in 2 min, my advice to all racing at Denny Hulme next year is to do the same. I can't advise anyone to run open exhaust's but should they do so, have it so you change quickly should you be required(never been asked yet).
When i took my Mustang to Sears Point and Thunderhill a few years back, friday and Saturday where open exhaust days, sunday we all had to run mufflers, most of the historic Trans Am don't have a slip-on muffler system so their race was Sat and they stood down on the sunday. It seemed crazy that one day is OK but the next isn't, BUT thats the "consent rules" they have to work to up there and like i got told, better than NO open exhaust days!!
Dale M
Accepting that you have to be diplomatic with your advice and accepting that Hampton has consent issues to deal with , even my untrained ears pick two of the loudest cars out there are a certain red mustang and a certain blue corvette. Perhaps you can elaborate on how you got on with the noise police after “ blowing 103 decibels ? And my questions remain unanswered as to how does Taupo Motorsport Park operate one day as circuit track with a 95 Decibel limit , then operate the next day as a Dragstrip with unlimited decibel levels ? The same applies to Hampton and Meremere Dragstrip ?
Rod Grimwood
10-08-2012, 07:22 AM
Dale, I hope they did not confiscate your stereo.
Jac Mac
10-08-2012, 07:12 PM
Accepting that you have to be diplomatic with your advice and accepting that Hampton has consent issues to deal with , even my untrained ears pick two of the loudest cars out there are a certain red mustang and a certain blue corvette. Perhaps you can elaborate on how you got on with the noise police after “ blowing 103 decibels ? And my questions remain unanswered as to how does Taupo Motorsport Park operate one day as circuit track with a 95 Decibel limit , then operate the next day as a Dragstrip with unlimited decibel levels ? The same applies to Hampton and Meremere Dragstrip ?
I find it quite amusing to read that post knowing that a certain white TVR has humbled both of those cars while making only 89/90 db, perhaps they should freight both those cars down south for some 'muffler technology' and end up going faster in the process:)
John McKechnie
10-08-2012, 09:15 PM
I understand that some people like English cars for their "handling",whereas others like American simply for horsepower,noise and the fun of getting a leviathon round the corners.Takes all types to make up a world.
10-08-2012, 09:36 PM
Hi Jac, Yes it can be done ,but perhaps you’re missing the point. This class is about fun, not “ muffled “ performance. Whilst trying to emulate the cars as they were in the sixties, it would be nice to have a bit of the sound that goes with that. Look at how many people complained of hearing nothing but gearbox whine from the Supertourers when they first hit the track. When the P.C. brigade has enough clout to get the promoter of international events to stop a feature race half way thru its duration to meet noise complaints ( as has happened on numerous occasions at Western Springs ) then in my opinion this P.C. bull…. has gone too far. I’ll say it again, why should Hampton be restricted when Meremere is not ?
10-11-2012, 06:54 PM
October E-Mailout for those that didn't get it.
Greetings HMC Guys and Gals
What seemed like a dismal start for HMC at the Ice Breaker meeting turned out to be a whole lot of FUN, the weather didn’t exactly go our way but that’s normal for the time of the year and it gave the U3L Saloons a chance to deal to our bigger HMC cars. We had 6 entries while 4 more just couldn’t quite make it and 2 still required further compliance but what it did do was get HMC up and running and show that this is happening. I was also quite surprised by the number of spectators that came along, wet weather and all, mainly because they knew HMC was going to be at Ice Breaker and most said they are looking forward to Denny Hulme as they know we’ll have a huge presence at this event, so bring on January and warmer fine weather I say. But anyway, we’ve done it, HMC is up and running and like we’ve said all along, NO cars can race that aren’t to the HMC rule criteria, a standard which we will continue to enforce. Have a look at the fabulous pictures and comments here
We had a group get together after the last race Saturday once all was quiet, I had made this known to all in a previous E-mail so I guess only the keen in HMC turned out, anyway for those that did thanks, even though it got rather late after the last race had finished, but this did show who the real keen persons in HMC really are. One item that came up was making HMC a Group 2 Saloon class only as this will be the majority of the cars proposing to race. Myself, Tony and Steve pondered on this the following week as it meant NO sports cars, so with none on the horizon and with 99% of the interest show to be Saloons we have decided to go that way and have HMC as a Group 2 class for Production Saloon Cars only, for over 3 litre pre 78 Vehicles as per the rules and updated eligibility list, remember a Saloon Car is vehicle that was originally a 2 door 4 seat, or a 4 door 4 seat vehicle. So with this sorted and the way the interest is and the car builds that are going we can see further down the road in 3 or so years time that we’ll have quite a group. Steve has also updated the rules and these can be seen at mostly it’s a re-wording definition for better understanding.
Some of us will be racing at the MG Classic meeting November 10/11th, a fantastic event and worth the visit. I always enjoy catching up with those in the lower half of the north island and some South Islanders that make the crossing, see you their.
JOB INTEREST: WE are looking for a suitable person that has an interest in Historic and Classic saloon racing to act as a referee, eligibility come technical officer for HMC, this would require the person to be at the track for all HMC meetings and to deal with current and proposed racers after hours, be Computer salve, travel to check vehicles out, report back to the 3 HMC directors and make informed rule definitions as defined by the directors and the rules. NZ is a small country so this person would most likely know some or most of the racers, he would need to think independently and apply rules based on “fact” and the decisions of the directors. A tuff job maybe, but to see this class grow would be certainly be satisfying. Contact myself, Tony or Steve if you fit the bill
I’ve had several ask about ready built turnkey Eligible Race cars that will suit HMC or are close that are For Sale, so below I have complied a list all from the Australian website as not much is For Sale in NZ, most would require some changes to make them legal, others are ready to go.
For something different here’s a great Youtube piece, see if you recognise the car.
Philosophy. Historic and Classic motorsport is that branch of the sport where vehicles from a past era are used in friendly rivalry to allow them to be exercised in a manner that the manufactures intended. It is not a branch of the sport where series and trophies for winning races are held in higher regard than the sheer enjoyment of being involved.
WE all know that the Gulf sponsored Festival of Motor Racing featuring Denny Hulme is just around the corner, you have 3 months to get your vehicle ready, and as mentioned in the past, THIS EVENT WILL BE HUGE so you’ve been warned. Entries are available online at and its my advice to get this done NOW, in the meantime keep a watch on updates at and just yesterday this bulletin came out from HRC: Entries are now open for the two HRC meetings, the Gulf Denny Hulme Festival and Tasman Revival Meeting at Taupo and entries are pouring in. A number of fields will be oversubscribed, so entries will be on a first come basis. Formula Junior has so many entries already from overseas that we are running two classes just to accommodate them! The very popular barbeque on Saturday night at the last Festival will be repeated at the Festival this year. This is limited to 300 so make sure you book early as a number of people missed out last year. Tickets can purchased when you enter or on
Below is this coming summer’s race dates:
2 - Denny Hulme Festival, 18/20th January 2013 at Hampton Downs(be warned, this will be HUGE)
3 - Denny Hulme Festival, 25/27th January 2013 at Hampton Downs(be warned, this will be HUGE)
4 - Legends of Speed, 23/4th March 2013 at Hampton Downs
So our next up event will be Denny Hulme in January, through to the end of this year i'll keep you all reminded. Once again we are not about having large fields, we only want HMC and T&C legal cars and if we only have 6 or so cars, so be it, and we will be racing with the under 3L Historic Saloons and Sports and GT cars at these coming events.
Also check out the current Classic Car Magazine for Steve Holmes monthly article and ramblings about HMC's goings on. Articles like this help lift the profile of Historic Saloon car racing in New Zealand, it certainly attracts the type of person we want to see in HMC. Also in today’s high tech world it is a must to keep up with the play on the with some fantastic picture’s at
Historic Muscle Car Tee Shirts are available for $20 each plus postage, E-mail me for size’s and colour.
That’s it from me again this month, any questions and queries don't hesitate to contact Myself, Tony or Steve. Remember if you are changing your car to suit HMC/MSNZ T&C Rules or building a new racer you will NOT be racing with other non compliant cars, its a level playing field for all. Lets keep the "Classic and Historic" in Classic and Historic racing. And I know I don't need to remind you but remember, "The Cars are the Stars" and this is a new one i heard the other day "Grey hairs and four Gears" or is it "Four Gears and Who Cares" very cool, so that’s all from me for another month, feel free to contact me or anyone of the directors below.
To race and be apart of HMC you need to join HRC their $50 membership deal is a bargain, and a requirement to race.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to be removed from this E-mailout please let me know, if you wish to add someone please do the same.
Take care and enjoy your Historic Motor sport
Dale Mathers , Tony Roberts , Steve Holmes
HRC Members/HMC Directors
10-15-2012, 07:31 AM
I got a quick peek at my red Camaro this afternoon just before the MAF guy fumigated the container! Should be in my workshop sometime Wednesday.
John McKechnie
10-15-2012, 05:46 PM
Congratulations Steve, every step gets you closer
10-15-2012, 07:26 PM
I got a quick peek at my red Camaro this afternoon just before the MAF guy fumigated the container! Should be in my workshop sometime Wednesday.
I can't think of a better Christmas present and you get to play with it in earnest come mid January.
Someone mentioned about the kids being upset about the noise and we should make sure the kids are protected as their ears are very delicate.
Just remember that although we all like the sound, the difference between 95db and 103 may not be massive, but, once your hearing is damaged, it is damaged permanently, and as a Gold Card holder now beginning to suffer the effects of too much exposure to noise, I am probably wishing I'd worn ear defenders when I was younger. Ironically, being at an event or party now where the noise/music is too loud is extremely uncomfortable.
The 85db at speedway is too low, but 95db is still pretty loud. When Harry fires up that blue Corvette and trundles it out of its garage, we know it is time to get up...
By all means run the cars with open exhausts, but if we all have to walk around wearing ear defenders because they are TOO loud, it rather defeats the object. I just do not want my hearing to deteriorate any more, as I love my music far too much (I import Trad Jazz CDs) and further deafness is not an appealing long term prospect.
Dave Silcock
10-15-2012, 09:43 PM
What was that you just said ? Good point, my hearing is just like yours, particularly parties and concerts, way too loud. My hearing was permanently damaged when I crewed for Steve Millen, hanging out pit boards with a BDA going past at nine grand 3 or 4 meters away was actually quite painful. But only girls wore ear muffs. I think there is a big difference between 95 db and 103. Is the db scale like the Ricther scale? Each unit twice as loud as the last? Having said that it is dependent on distance, and the sound of a open exhaust from the spectators position is not only a joy but I would think not a danger to ones ears, unlike the Bon Jovi concert I attended, I had my fingers in my ears the whole time. My wife was mortified.
Ironically, the engine exhaust I remember hurting my ears the most was at Mallory Park hairpin. It was I think, an 850cc Mini! One or two 4 cylinder cars are extremely noisy, but the V8s have a deeper noise and the bass vibrations can tend to hurt the ears and seem to travel quite a distance. Bruce Manon's Escort has been pinged for exceeding 95db and Tony Roberts didn't even bother entering Pukekohe, as he knows it is too loud.
Standing trackside for a large F5000 grid, even the rolling start, just about rattles your fillings out.
10-16-2012, 06:05 AM
Standing trackside for a large F5000 grid, even the rolling start, just about rattles your fillings out.[/QUOTE]
As it should!:)
John McKechnie
10-16-2012, 09:05 AM
.For me its the rotaries that make me want to put my fingers in my ears.
10-17-2012, 07:59 AM
:)Congratulations to Rodger Cunninghame from Invercargill being the "first" person to pay/register for HMC at Denny Hulme 2013, Rodger owns a beautiful HMC legal 65 Mustang Fastback built to correct Shelby specs and is keen to see HMC and classic racing in general progress, he's looking forward to racing with us up north, so to all you other proposed HMC racers out there, if Rodger from down the deep south can register early you all can too:confused:
Second was good old Nigel MacDonald in the ex Dawson 67 Shelby Trans Am Mustang coupe
Third was Shane Wilson from Brisbane Australia in a 70 Mustang Fastback, Shane is an ex kiwi and is hot keen to race with us next Jan.
This was all as of last friday and i know a few have since done so this week, Dave Sturrock(67 Camaro) did register yesterday and all he has is a pile of parts, hows that from commitment.
Dale M:cool:
10-18-2012, 01:08 AM
`NEWSFLASH' It`s in my workshop and I`ll get Bruce302 to take some photos and post them on here if anyone is interested. If I can say so myself, it`s a bloody grouse car!
Steve Holmes
10-18-2012, 03:43 AM
Well I definitely want to see photos of the Camaro Steve, am really looking forward to seeing it.
10-18-2012, 05:55 AM
Ok, not great pics, straight off the cellphone,
10-18-2012, 06:21 AM
Looks bloody good to me Steve. You will be a busy boy from now on.
Steve Holmes
10-18-2012, 06:23 AM
Wow, REAL nice! You must be stoked! So, be honest, you've taken it for a quick blast up and down the road already?
Out of interest, what width are the wheels? I assume 8"?
10-18-2012, 06:29 AM
Thanks Mike, yes there`s a few things to change, but it`ll come right. I`m hoping to fire it up over Labour Weekend, I`ve just got to get my head around a few bits and pieces. I reckon it`ll sound alright! I think Bruce was quite impressed with it.
10-18-2012, 06:35 AM
I think they are 6 front and 8 rears. It came with an identical spare set with Hoosiers as well.
10-18-2012, 06:49 AM
Don't be fooled by the shiny paint. Sure it looks good from 20 ft, but ain't a show car.
Dude's got some work to do. I'm pretty sure the engine is stock 283, the rams horns and a generator give it away.
How many P's in duped ?
10-18-2012, 06:59 AM
Lovely comments Bruce.
10-18-2012, 07:02 AM
10-18-2012, 07:41 AM
Don't be fooled by the shiny paint. Sure it looks good from 20 ft, but ain't a show car.
Dude's got some work to do. I'm pretty sure the engine is stock 283, the rams horns and a generator give it away.
How many P's in duped ?
Hope not too duped. Looks like a race car, sounds like a race car, ......
10-18-2012, 08:34 AM
Well done Steve and very impressive, myself, Tony R and Steve H are "staggered" at the commitment from the likes of yourself and others!! not only is this great for HMC but for Classic and Historic Saloon racing in general.
A great addition to NZ.
Dale M
Rod Grimwood
10-18-2012, 09:03 AM
Well done Steve, looks the bees knees to me.
Dale ,there is some pretty good machinery around and showing up, gotta be good, well done to you and your band of merry men. This class is going to be good.
Steve Holmes
10-18-2012, 07:53 PM
Rod, whats exciting about all this is the amount of enthusiasm from people who are genuine enthusiasts of motorsport history and are getting involved with the class. Within a year or two you're going to see full grids of historically correct high quality big banger V8 sedans of the quantities never seen back in period in anything other than the Trans-Am series. Its going to make for a hell of a good spectacle.
10-18-2012, 09:36 PM
[QUOTE=Dave Silcock;19109]What was that you just said ? Good point, my hearing is just like yours, particularly parties and concerts, way too loud. My hearing was permanently damaged when I crewed for Steve Millen, hanging out pit boards with a BDA going past at nine grand 3 or 4 meters away was actually quite painful. But only girls wore ear muffs. I think there is a big difference between 95 db and 103. Is the db scale like the Ricther scale? Each unit twice as loud as the last? Having said that it is dependent on distance, and the sound of a open exhaust from the spectators position is not only a joy but I would think not a danger to ones ears, unlike the Bon Jovi concert I attended, I had my fingers in my ears the whole time. My wife was mortified.[/QUOTE
An extra 3db is twice the power
Steve Holmes
10-19-2012, 12:50 AM
I got this photo from Allan Dick. Its these cars and this sort of driving that inspired the creation of HMC. What more can you say!
Murray Maunder
10-21-2012, 08:41 PM
An extra 3db is twice the power[/QUOTE]
I was taught 6dB was double....
Anyway Hampton Downs hosted the classic and post-classic bikes this Labour Weekend. The pom bikes (and sidecars) were noticeably and painfully louder than their 70s Japanese racing counterparts. I would have thought that many of them were in the 100dB + zone so what is the policy at HD, and is there a hard and fast one?
I have never felt the need to put fingers in ears with American V8 cars at a few paces but these old Nortons, Triumphs etc would tweak your eardrums in pitlane as they roared down the straight or warmed up in pitlane. It was one time I would have liked noise restrictions to be enforced.
Interesting point! I also found the bikes noisy in pit lane at the Roycroft meeting. Part of that excessive noise was probably because the sound was being bounced off the concrete garages and pit wall.
As far as I am aware, there is no specific noise restriction at Hampton Downs. When purchasing an apartment, it was made clear that owners were not able to object to the noise from the track, nor any adverse conditions caused by either the prison or the landfill site.
At an off site meeting (held in one of the industrial units, a few years ago) even one or two BMW E30's that were practicising, were causing problems, but an empty concrete shell is not an ideal meeting venue...
Steve Holmes
10-25-2012, 09:01 PM
By the way folks, its Dale's birthday today. Thanks to all the long hours he puts in working on HMC, he is now older than he looks, so send him your best wishes! Ha ha ha.
10-27-2012, 04:21 AM
Well we fired the Camaro up this afternoon, and if anything is going to keep me motivated to get it ready for January, listening to that certainly does it for me! Best you get tuning that Mustang Dale!
Steve Holmes
10-27-2012, 04:26 AM
Thats good fighting talk there Steve! When are you taking it for a spin around the block? I'm sure the neighbours won't mind.
10-27-2012, 04:35 AM
No I won`t be taking it around the block Steve. I`ll concentrate on doing what needs doing and aim for a day at Hampton Downs late November. If it goes half as good as it sounds, I`ll be stoked!
Steve Holmes
10-27-2012, 04:50 AM
Make sure you take a camera and film it Steve. Will be great to see! I'm really looking forward to seeing the car for the first time. Dale says its a real stunner, and you know how high his standards are.
10-27-2012, 06:24 AM
By the way folks, its Dale's birthday today. Thanks to all the long hours he puts in working on HMC, he is now older than he looks, so send him your best wishes! Ha ha ha.
For all those that E-mailed me direct thanks:)!! was busier than hell yesterday and had one after the other coming in!! but i do appreciate it all guys:).
:cool:NOW, whats this i hear, he starts the damn engine now he's going to kick my butt around Hampton!! he's forgottin one thing, the distributor is at the wrong end of the engine so good luck, LOL. Just enter it in the show and shine Steve you might have a chance there, LOL:)
Dale M
10-27-2012, 07:43 AM
An extra 3db is twice the power
I was taught 6dB was double............??
3dB = twice the power
6dB = twice the amplitude
One all
John McKechnie
10-27-2012, 06:54 PM
Interesting that once engines are started up the competitive feeling comes out.............
10-28-2012, 08:14 AM
It is spring time John, the competitive spirit is starting to come out in us all, LOL
This is Aussie(ex Kiwi) Shane Wilsons 70 Mustang TA car that will be making the trip to NZ for Denny Hulme!! tuff car.
Dale M
Steve Holmes
10-29-2012, 01:27 AM
Man, that looks awesome! It'll look good on track at Hampton Downs in January with Grant Aitkens similar car, although one of them might have to change to #16!
10-29-2012, 03:31 AM
It is spring time John, the competitive spirit is starting to come out in us all, LOL
This is Aussie(ex Kiwi) Shane Wilsons 70 Mustang TA car that will be making the trip to NZ for Denny Hulme!! tuff car.
Dale M
That is a fantastic looking machine.
nigel watts
10-29-2012, 06:44 PM
Got my ticket - can't wait to see all these roaring beasts on the track
Steve Holmes
10-31-2012, 03:44 AM
Some HMC inspiration!
10-31-2012, 04:40 AM
Looks like Riverside raceway, Los Angeles to me, went there once in 1981!! when you count the race cars there's only 15 in the picture and yet it looks a full grid!! the good ol days with all muscle cars!! think gas in the US was around 10cents a gallon back them(1970)
Dale M
10-31-2012, 06:01 AM
I think these are the tail enders Dale, most of the Camaros are long gone!
10-31-2012, 06:51 AM
I think these are the tail enders Dale, most of the Camaros are long gone!
Think your rite Steve, "Long gone into the pits for repairs" i'd say, LOL
Dale M
John McKechnie
10-31-2012, 07:32 AM
And of course the Javelins were only just fast enough to be the pace car .........
10-31-2012, 10:05 AM
OK enough BS, i found this great Valiant Charger(must be a E49) picture taken at Baypark with none other than Leo Leonard at the wheel, we will have Leo in our HMC pit marque for both weekends of Denny Hulme for general chatting and autograph signing. Leo was certainly "Mr Valiant Charger" wasn't he, about time we had one of these Chargers join the ranks HMC, they're a fantastic vehicle.
Dale M
10-31-2012, 06:45 PM
Would love to see Leo have a stir of the wheel at a HMC type meeting. He was a really great driver in his day and kept Moffat at bay on numerous ocassions.
Steve Holmes
11-01-2012, 11:07 PM
Looking good John!
Steve Holmes
11-01-2012, 11:08 PM
Steve Holmes
11-04-2012, 06:24 AM
Now with wheels attached, and looking awesome!
Steve Holmes
11-08-2012, 09:38 PM
This Steve Twist photo from Pukekohe 1968 would have been one of the last times the Ivan Segedin and Frank Bryan Mustangs raced together. But these two cars are expected to be on the grid for the first time since 1968 when they line up together as part of the HMC field at the 2013 New Zealand Festival of Motor Racing, Celebrating Denny Hulme.
Neil Tollich has owned the Segedin car for some years, while Nigel MacDonald bought the Frank Bryan car out of the Bowden collection a few years ago.
Segedin raced his Mustang for two seasons, 1966, and '67, before selling it to Red Dawson, who raced it in the 1968 season. The Frank Bryan car, one of the 26 Shelby built Mustangs created for Trans-Am and A Sedan racing, was raced by Bryan in the 1968 season, then sold to Dawson, who raced it for three seasons, winning the 1970 NZ Saloon Car Championship, tied with Rod Coppins' Camaro.
This shot shows both cars, as Paul Fahey leads Dawson in the ex-Segedin car, Robbie Francevics 427 Fairlane, and Frank Bryan.
11-13-2012, 07:03 PM
Heres a couple of shots from the weekend at the MG Classic, Manfield. We had 6 HMC cars in the Fast Classics group, a good shake down for January. Most importantly lots of fun had by all.
Dale M
Steve Holmes
11-13-2012, 09:08 PM
This is Glenn Allinghams awesome 427 big block '68 Camaro, now fully HMC legal. This car always draws a crowd, it looks great, is beautifully presented, and people love big blocks! I believe the car is also for sale if anyone is interested in getting involved with HMC.
Steve Holmes
11-19-2012, 01:40 AM
Dave Sturrocks Camaro, getting closer and looking great!
11-20-2012, 01:17 AM
Hi HMC Racers and others
We have been invited by John English and Ian(woody)Woodward from Australian Trans Am to have a NZ v’s Aus challenge at Queensland and Lakeside raceways next June/July 2013. These guys have shown true spirit by bringing 6 cars to NZ earlier this year and are coming back with 7 for Denny Hulme. This will offcourse require shipping our cars to Brisbane and back, not hard to do and probably around $5KNZ all up return costs(I priced it earlier in the year) plus air fares, etc. As Queensland is the “West Island” everyone will have family their so here’s your chance to visit, enjoy warmer weather and race at the same time. The first event is the Shannon 2 Days of Thunder, June 21/23 at QR and the 2nd is The Lakeside Classic, July 19/20 at Lakeside, both tracks are around the Brisbane area, most would have been to QR? Lakeside is just north of Brisbane.
I know you all are hard out getting ready for Denny Hulme and that’s OK, but all I’m asking for at this stage is a show of hands!! currently Myself, Stacy, Gimblett, Stevenson, Brown have shown keen interest. We are looking for four cars or may be more? If you’re keen E-mail me back. And also, all cars must be HMC legal for this trip and on 15” wheels with Hoosier tyres(same as the Aussies).
Give this some thought and let me know
Dale Mathers
Historic Muscle Cars
42d Koromiko Street
New Zealand
Ph (07) 578-8852
Mob (027) 4949-342
Hi Dale.
We have discussed the prospect of having 4 HMC cars take the step of coming over for the much heralded Aus V’s NZ challenge in June-July next year. While you have indicated that you will make the journey, I felt that the timing for starting to plan this trip is now rather than wait into the New Year.
As we are sending 7 of our members cars over again in 2013 for the Denny Hulme Festival, it would be great if we can start a reciprocal arrangement in having the support of at least 4 committed Kiwis to bite the bullet and commit to joining us at Qld Raceway and then Lakeside for a series of Trans Tasman challenge races.
We have some support from our promoter but need to show that we have a solid commitment to making this happen.
Kind Regards
John English
For Australian Transam
Mobile: 0419 743 449
Office: 07 3368 1930
Fax: 07 3217 5460
Postal Address: PO Box 128 Paddington, QLD 4064
11-20-2012, 07:19 AM
HI Dale,
John English cc’d me in on the talks re- cars coming from I thought I’d Give you a sneak peek at the 1st draft of the poster to promote the meeting. We would like to use the Trans Am cars as the feature act in our advertising especially with cars coming from NZ for a shoot out! Qld raceways have also offered free practice to all NZ cars on the Friday at 2 days of Thunder & As part of the event Shannons holds a special Cocktail party for VIPs’ and Guests at a local Hotel on the Saturday night...... Jim Richards is the Host.( and patron of the meeting.)
I would like to extend an invite for all NZ drivers and crew (as Guests of Shannons insurance) to attend the Saturday night casual Function that will be catered ( food and drinks) by Shannons in the Hotel Cocktail lounge/bar at The Metro hotel....
Shannons also has a discount rate at that Hotel ( Metro)we can extend & recommend to anyone wanting to stay there that night.
Re - The lakeside Classic in July. Talks are underway to secure a Championship round of Group A & C Australian Touring cars
( all original cars) coming mostly from Southern states to run at the Lakeside Classic so we expect a big crowd at that event.
Phil Ross
Business Development Manager (Qld)
Shannons Insurance
Mobile: 0418269056
Phone +61 (0)7 31663564 Fax +61 (0)7 31663599
Unit 5B/305 Montague Road West End Qld 4101
11-21-2012, 01:58 AM
This channel 9 Camaro(replica) will be making the trip from Aus to NZ for the Denny Hulme Festival
Dale M
Steve Holmes
11-22-2012, 02:30 AM
Check it out, Murray Browns '70 Camaro now wearing 15" Minilites and Hoosier bias-plies. And looking real good!
Rod Grimwood
11-22-2012, 03:13 AM
Has Murray run the car, (note marks on right front guard/pity) it looks beautiful and he must have had a huge job changing it all over to meet Reg.s that is committment. Can't wait to see it in the roar. Nice colour
PS those wheels suit it.
Steve Holmes
11-22-2012, 03:43 AM
Yeah the wheels look great! Steve Malam and Murray changed the Camaro last year to meet HMC regs, and yes it was a big job. There was a thread on here dedicated to the cars changes. The wheels/tyres are the most recent addition, just fitted. The battle scars are from when Murray took the car to Australia and raced at the Muscle Car Masters with Central Muscle Cars in September.
11-22-2012, 04:50 AM
I guess im a believer, but sure looks the goods on 15" Minilites and Hoosiers!! fantastic!!!
Murray ran the Camaro in Australia in HMC spec other than the 16" wheels, but went so well he made others take notice(so i heard)!!
Dale M
11-24-2012, 12:08 AM
For those of you needing to watch something other than Coro Street - and no Dale, I don`t watch it - check this out on You Tube:
`Watkins Glen 2011 Vintage Grand Prix Curt Vogt #530 Shelby GT350'. Excellent in car camera of a very committed Ford driver......
11-28-2012, 07:22 AM
For those of you needing to watch something other than Coro Street - and no Dale, I don`t watch it - check this out on You Tube:
`Watkins Glen 2011 Vintage Grand Prix Curt Vogt #530 Shelby GT350'. Excellent in car camera of a very committed Ford driver......
I bet you're a closet Boro-nation street watch Steve, infact i know you are!! Camaro owner, ouch!!
Dale M
11-28-2012, 07:25 AM
It doesn't matter where in the world you are, if you want to be added to my monthly/bi-monthly HMC E-mailout then E-mail me direct at and put "Please add me to your HMC E-mailout list" then consider it done.
Dale Mathers
HMC Director
Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 09:19 PM
At the 2013 New Zealand Festival of Motor Racing, celebrating Denny Hulme, there will be 7 teams making the trip from the Queensland based Australian Trans-Am series to take on the Historic Muscle Cars. These are set to be really entertaining races, as the field will also consist of several Under 3 Litre Historic Group T&C saloons, which, as demonstrated at the 2012 NZFMR, can really take it to the big cars.
The list of Aussie Trans-Am teams is as follows:
John English, 1970 Chev Camaro:
Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 09:21 PM
Ian Woodward, 1970 Pontiac Firebird:
Colin Warrington, 1969 Chev Camaro:
Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 09:22 PM
Ethan Lind, 1964 Ford Falcon Sprint:
Shane Wilson, 1970 Ford Mustang:
Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 09:24 PM
Ross Grimes, 1974 Chev Camaro:
John Lord, 1974 Chev Camaro:
Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 09:30 PM
Thanks to Ian Welsh, from Shifting Focus, Motorsport Photography, for supplying the beautiful photos of the seven Australian Trans-Am series teams making the trip to NZ. Check out Ian's website at:
Heres a few more action shots from Ian:
Steve Holmes
11-29-2012, 09:31 PM
11-30-2012, 01:48 AM
Steve, who has to change their numbers as there is two cars on either side of the Tasman both with number 15 and number 31. ( not mine). Maybe the Aussies need to be 16 and 33. No big deal, but easier to change sooner than later.
Steve Holmes
11-30-2012, 01:58 AM
Buggered if I know, I guess the event organisers sort all that out?
Easiest to add a 1 in front or after. With transponders, it is no longer a timekeeper major, more of an issue for commentators, spectators, flag marshals, dummy grid marshals etc. Better for locals to retain their numbers as that is who everyone recognises.
12-01-2012, 02:40 AM
This picture say's a thousand words, i like it!!!
Dale M
12-07-2012, 09:04 PM
Wee bit of progress, 1440814409
The canvas, now stripped out, hard graft to begin!
12-07-2012, 09:09 PM
14411My old Beast, now resides in AU touring car masters
Steve Holmes
12-08-2012, 01:19 AM
Great stuff Richie! I hope you'll create a build thread for the Camaro? I'd love to follow its progress.
12-08-2012, 02:22 AM
Great stuff Richie! I hope you'll create a build thread for the Camaro? I'd love to follow its progress.
Thanks Steve,
Yes thats a good idea, be good to get a bit of tech about what others are doing in there builds.
I am currently looking at brakes. My old camaro I ran Wilwood GT6000, nascar caliper.
Or are these overkill?
What are others doing?
12-08-2012, 07:47 AM
Oh yes...what a marvellous sight!
12-08-2012, 07:48 AM
Opps, above was referring to Dale's picture from Hampton Downs...allthough that caliper does look nice...not as big as what we run on the front of the rally car though...
12-10-2012, 12:03 AM
Thanks Steve,
Yes thats a good idea, be good to get a bit of tech about what others are doing in there builds.
I am currently looking at brakes. My old camaro I ran Wilwood GT6000, nascar caliper.
Or are these overkill?
What are others doing?
Richie, these calipers are very close to been legal but are infact not!! the rules call for a 2 peice bolt together fixed lug mount style caliper. The above GT6000 due to having the 2 bodies spaced apart(from new) with spacers is infact a 3 piece caliper so hence not legal, whereas a 2 piece style caliper has the 2 bodies clamped together and retained by thu bolts which is "period". Also, this GT6000 is considered a "modern" post 12/78 part so hence outside the MSNZ T&C and HMC criterior.
Allowable HMC calipers are Wilwood GNIII, Superlite series, Dynalite, Sierra, Coleman, AP Historic series and AP 2 piece lug mount, others allowable are factory pre 12/78 style such as Thunderbird calipers for Fords and any GM/Camaro/Corvette 4 piston cast iron caliper, there are others also such as Jaguar cast iron. We will strictly enforce the "brake" rules in HMC as this is one area we don't want to see get outta control and increase expense. As we'll all be on similar brakes, and if any one complains about brakes fading or not working that'll be tuff, i say back off, let them cool and come back to you as it'll be the same for all.
Also to save confusion the max brake rotor size is set at 12.25 inches, any rotor manufacture is OK but as per the rules must be made from ferrous material, i've already have a person ask about using carbon rotors!! in classic racing? go figure!!
Dale M
Another sensible HMC/HRC rule, made by racers, based on logic and politely pointed out. Nice work, Dale.
12-10-2012, 01:10 AM
Thanks for the input Dale.
Would have to say fitting more than a 12.25 rotor in side a 15 would be a lot of work!
Does anyone have experence with the GM111 caliper over the Superlite series? The superlite series are a lot cheaper, will they do the job?
12-10-2012, 01:34 AM
Thanks for the input Dale.
Would have to say fitting more than a 12.25 rotor in side a 15 would be a lot of work!
Does anyone have experence with the GM111 caliper over the Superlite series? The superlite series are a lot cheaper, will they do the job?
Richie, you can fit a slighly larger rotor inside a spun alloy 3 peice wheel but its awfully close to the rim and would be very dangerous if a stone got in between, it would cut the thinner 3 piece spun wheel bans in a heart beat so we decided 12.25 is the correct size we want for all and is commonly avaliable. I have GNIII's on my Mustang and they work great, the pad is bigger than a Superlite so my pad wear/replacement would be slower than the superlite, the stopping power would be the same, and remember brakes don't stop the car, tyres do!! brakes get rid of the energy and its usually how good they are on lap 7 and 8 that counts.
Picture is my Mustang, Wilwood GNIII calipers and 12.25 Coleman rotors
Dale M
12-10-2012, 03:23 AM
Opps, above was referring to Dale's picture from Hampton Downs...allthough that caliper does look nice...not as big as what we run on the front of the rally car though...
Yes, thats a great picture Crunch, a bunch of muscle cars in period body work all diving for the one corner, unbelievably and better still its here in NZ so how good is that!!
Dale M
12-11-2012, 07:26 PM
Some of these guys will be racing with us next month, enjoy.
Dale M
Steve Holmes
12-16-2012, 11:58 PM
Awesome vid Dale, I've just embedded it so it can be viewed here.
Steve Holmes
12-17-2012, 12:00 AM
These are the latest updates on Dave Sturrocks beautiful Camaro, which sadly now won't be racing at the Denny Hulme event after delays with the painters. It should be on display though.
12-17-2012, 05:17 AM
That is going to look grouse when you finish it Dave. The orange sills and nose cone give it the retro look, which is what the class is about.
12-17-2012, 09:39 AM
You are so correct Steve, were all winners mate!! now doesn't look great guys, and wait until he gets some chrome on it!! Dale M
12-20-2012, 05:59 AM
Here is a pic from today of Steve Elliott's Camaro, progressing very well as you can see. I will let Steve fill in the details.
If nothing else it will be the best looking collection of muscle cars seen here in a long tome.
12-20-2012, 07:19 AM
Bloody hell Bruce, now I`m going to get a bill for blatant advertising! No, it`s getting there, I`ve been real busy with work, should have the new dash, seat, belts, doorglass, etc, back in it over the Xmas/New Year week, check it all over and get ready to do some skids at the practice day at Hampton Downs on the 11th January.
12-20-2012, 11:25 PM
You are so correct Steve, were all winners mate!! now doesn't look great guys, and wait until he gets some chrome on it!! Dale M
There is something about that Gulf colour scheme that looks so smart and as fresh today as it was in the 60's.
12-20-2012, 11:27 PM
Here is a pic from today of Steve Elliott's Camaro, progressing very well as you can see. I will let Steve fill in the details.
If nothing else it will be the best looking collection of muscle cars seen here in a long tome.
Steve that car is looking super smart - really looking forward to seeing it on track and driven as it was meant to be - tail right out.
12-21-2012, 04:13 AM
I'm a bit worried about the size of those tyres........different front to rear.......
Is that correct.? When you compare them with the piddly-arsed things on the Mini it's no wonder I cant keep up!!!!
So I am going to pull rank here and advise that because the Amco Mini is a genuine Sch K period S car, with a COD to verify this, built to specifications for the BNSW Championship in 1971 it MUST, according to Motorsport manual 35 page 480 paragraph 8.1, be fitted with tyres of a compound and construction with respect to the regulations at the time. Modern tyre compounds place undue stress on suspension components that exceed the chassis and suspension parameters of this old War-horse.
Modern road tyre composition is not suitable for this car and could render it unsafe, so will be shod with old Dunlop slicks.
I notice that most of the other vehicles in the under 3 litre class are shod with thinly disguised slick tyres. Unfortunately with 10 inch wheels we are limited to couple of fairly average road tyres, the AO32 Yokohama being the best.
Of course I could plonk 12 or 13 inch wheels on it, and get a much bigger selection of rubber, but I suspect that wouldnt go down too well.
There are going to be 3 Minis at the Festival, and we will all race round together at the back of the field, so you Muscle Boys have nothing to fear!!!!!!!
'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plane'.......with a bit of luck some will find its way to HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John McKechnie
12-21-2012, 04:21 AM
Gerald, dont worry , there will be another old timer , first time out in 20 years.I will start behind you even further and be tail gunner in case you need a bit of extra width covering you from behind. And of course in the rain I will squeeze through the carnage after you. Sounds good? Anyway that brightly covered stop sign has no power streering so after he few laps he will be worn out and have no strength to push the accelerator down
12-21-2012, 05:37 AM
Well John, we are going to find out who the Christians are amongst us, and therefore whose prayers are answered. The Muscle boys, of course are praying for fine weather, whereas the under 3 litre fellas, especially Howard, would be happy with a bit of 'misty drizzle'.
Frankly I dont care cos we dont really want the rain to 'spoil our parade' we. We are all out there having who cares who wins or looses, and the Mini being the smallest capacity car in the class by a long way, needs a bit of a leg up.
By the way John, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, other than through your numerous posts on TRS, so what are you driving at this prestigeous event?
12-21-2012, 05:52 AM
Steve that car is looking super smart - really looking forward to seeing it on track and driven as it was meant to be - tail right out.
Thanks Mike, I`ve done plenty to it since it arrived at Labour Weekend, and I`m also real keen to get it out on the track.
John McKechnie
12-21-2012, 05:54 AM
Gerald- I will be driving XA Smurff. We did meet early this year at the Big One at HD, I said to you that I raced against this Cooper S in my own Cooper S in the early 70s in the BNSW 0-1300 series. .It didnt really mean much as I was not a big name driver
12-21-2012, 06:18 AM
I'm a bit worried about the size of those tyres........different front to rear.......
Is that correct.? When you compare them with the piddly-arsed things on the Mini it's no wonder I cant keep up!!!!
So I am going to pull rank here and advise that because the Amco Mini is a genuine Sch K period S car, with a COD to verify this, built to specifications for the BNSW Championship in 1971 it MUST, according to Motorsport manual 35 page 480 paragraph 8.1, be fitted with tyres of a compound and construction with respect to the regulations at the time. Modern tyre compounds place undue stress on suspension components that exceed the chassis and suspension parameters of this old War-horse.
Modern road tyre composition is not suitable for this car and could render it unsafe, so will be shod with old Dunlop slicks.
I notice that most of the other vehicles in the under 3 litre class are shod with thinly disguised slick tyres. Unfortunately with 10 inch wheels we are limited to couple of fairly average road tyres, the AO32 Yokohama being the best.
Of course I could plonk 12 or 13 inch wheels on it, and get a much bigger selection of rubber, but I suspect that wouldnt go down too well.
There are going to be 3 Minis at the Festival, and we will all race round together at the back of the field, so you Muscle Boys have nothing to fear!!!!!!!
'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plane'.......with a bit of luck some will find its way to HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerald, as with most people, I too have a sense of humour...
There is no pulling rank, my car is a genuine SCCA Vintage Trans Am Camaro A Sedan, with the log book and plenty of paperwork to confirm it .A couple of weeks back I was offered a considerable amount of money for the car, solely to allow someone else the benefit of enjoyment, that I have worked my arse off over the years to achieve, hence it is not for sale. I got involved with HMC because the cars are what I can relate to from being a youngster, Rod Coppins was a good family friend, and I`m at the stage in life that I want to enjoy what I`m doing with a like minded bunch of guys. For me there is no ego trip, no hidden agenda, if I shred the rear tyres in just one race, don`t worry they make plenty of them, just bolt on some new puppies and do it all again................
12-21-2012, 06:38 AM sound as though you should join the 'Drifters'.......shredding tyres in one race......bless my soul, that thing must put out some serious HP. We thought we had a good lineup last year, but by the looks this year will be even better.
What you have to admire is the standard of restoration and presentation that is so awesome. Every year you think, well it cant get any better, then someone raises the bar.........
John McKechnie
12-21-2012, 07:24 AM
I will do my bit to raise the bar by making a 100% commitment to having the authentic Team Cambridge, Grady Thomson, Jim Carlisle, George Bunce HK Monaro there at the next BIG one., just as it first appeared Dec 7 1969
It will be running with the pack, likes playing with the Firebird, like in the old days, not just on display.
12-21-2012, 07:26 AM
Hey, theres a thought. If we were under the HMC class we could bolt on a set of Goodyear 'Blue Streaks'. Wonder if they make them in a 10 inch size.
I guess that was the reason Bernie Hines was importing race tyres, because there is nothing here that does the business.
We have tried Bernies tyres on the Amco Mini, and while I found them OK, especially in the wet, my number 2 driver managed to destroy a front set in one race!!!!!! Bloody amateurs!!!!!!!
Howard Wood
12-23-2012, 02:52 AM
Is your no 2 driver putting in a guest appearance this year?
I may have to talk to Bernie to ensure there are "supply problems" with his American Racer tyres!
12-23-2012, 03:22 AM
Howard, I have to report that my no2 driver will be behind the wheel at the first weekend. Should the car survive the treatment that he will meter out to it, I will get a turn at the second weekend. Should it not survive, I will retrieve the ex Denny Hulme Mini from the display area and use it instead. I will of course demand 4 laps start, as I dont think the skinny crossply tyres on it will stand up to much punishment !!!!!!!!!
As to Bernies tyres and the supply thereof, I dont think we are going to use whats left after the last festival. They tend to melt after about three laps. Bernie says I should start out with a lower pressure, but at 18lbs/sq in I think that is plenty low enough.
They are very good in the wet however.......somewhere they can keep coolish.
We may experiment with some hard old Dunlop slicks, with grooves, but tyres certainly are a problem with these 10 inch wheels. [See post 390]
Anyway, Im sure my man has something up his sleeve which I am not privy to.
Jeez! One race???? I expect my tyres to last several seasons - though with a tightened front suspension and the massive weight over the front wheels, HD's long fast sweepers is already taking its toll.
Sorry, won't be racing with you this time, but hopefully will take some David vs Goliath giant killing pics instead.
John McKechnie
12-23-2012, 06:31 PM
Gerald- Barry Phillips was running the new Dunlop CR84 Mark 2 12 inch racing tyres in 1970 in the BNSW. So go for 12s
12-23-2012, 07:52 PM
John.......when you look at the pics of Barry and Rod on the track together you can see the difference in wheel size. We have been very tempted to go to 12 inch wheels as there is a much bigger selection of tyre tread and compounds available.
Am probably cutting off my nose to spite my face in sticking with the 10 inch wheel, but it is what the car always had and I think it looks better on the small wheels.
We do have a set of Dunlop R7 tyres which is the modern equivalent of the cross-ply CR 65 which was the wet weather tyre of choice in the 70's.
Although the R7 is a radial it really is only a wet weather tyre as its life on a dry track is very short.
With the sort of horse-power the car is putting out now we really have to have a decent tyre on otherwise we end up shredding the rubber once it gets hot.
Your comment on the Dunlop CR 84 is spot on.......maybe we/I will have to think again.
Howard Wood
12-23-2012, 08:09 PM
DOT rated CR84's?
Angus on some nice 30 yr old Dunlop Aquajet 145x10's sounds good to me.
12-23-2012, 10:12 PM
I am glad Howard that you have a sense of humour.......I say, you find me a nice set of Dunlop Aqua-jets and we might use them!!!!!
This is where this tyre thing turns to custard for us. You Guys can use DOT rated race tyres, because that is virtually what they are. I have seen some pretty 'fancy' tyres and tread patterns on, for example, Escorts, that wouldnt normally be fitted to a road car. We are severely hampered with our tyre choice on the 10 inch wheel, and if that is what it takes, we will go up a size, and to hell with everybody.
I refer you to the Motorsport manual ruling on tyres for genuine cars built in the period, and there are a few out there.
Are you saying that the suplimentary regs for this meeting overule a MSNZ manual ruling?
We have no intention of being further disadvantaged by having to fit Aqua-jets, as well as having to smallest capacity car in the field. LOL.
Howard Wood
12-23-2012, 10:38 PM
Seriously Gerald, I have no idea and as I wrote that I hoped you wouldn't take it as a dig.
I am pretty sure that in previous Festivals the NZ Freighters TC Escort which is also a genuine period car ran on treaded race tyres and probably others as well. As to whether that was a special dispensation or not, I have no idea.
Either way, you'll get no grief over tyres from me, I can't speak for Dale of course! Looking forward to both weekends.
12-23-2012, 11:46 PM
Howard......I cetainly didnt take your Aqua-jet comment as a dig. I think I know you better than that.
As to Dales comments which I have no doubt I will get eventually, as I said previously if we were running under his class, which we arent, we are running WITH his class to make a decent field, we would be able to bolt on a set of Goodyear Blue wouldnt that be great!!!!!!
I too am looking forward to the weekends. Hopefully have some reliability in the car now, something that was sadly lacking last year.
12-24-2012, 01:24 AM
As to Dales comments which I have no doubt I will get eventually, as I said previously if we were running under his class, which we arent, we are running WITH his class to make a decent field, we would be able to bolt on a set of Goodyear Blue wouldnt that be great!!!!!! I too am looking forward to the weekends. Hopefully have some reliability in the car now, something that was sadly lacking last year.
Sorry guys, been busy but ave been keeping and an eye on you lot. Gerald, HMC uses blue Streaks because this is the correct 15" tyre and what they raced on "period" when these big bore saloons where new and as HMC is about Historic ONLY racing this is what we want, and because historic racing is so well supported in the USA goodyear still makes them, we will also allow the optional Hoosier tyre that is made as a cheaper alternative to the Blue Streaks's. After Jan's event its 15" only for HMC.
So this doesn't mean you can race your big bad Min on them, LOL. in fact i doubt they even make a Blue Streak this small? what tyres did they race Minis on in the USA? BUT not forgetting that your Mini is a genuine MSNZ shedule K car(hope thats correct) so you can race on the tyres that YOUR vehicle used in its motorsport NZ hay day.
We have a 40 car grid for Jan to date.
Merry X-Mas everyone.
Dale M
12-24-2012, 01:58 AM
Thanks for that Dale.........I knew I would get a commonsense answer. Seriously though, if Goodyear did make a Blue streak in a 10 inch I would be very happy to run them.
Bernie was importing race tyres from the USA, so I have to assume he searched the market thoroughly for a suitable tyre. The ones he did import....American Racers, were still really only a wet tyre. Their life on a dry track was very short, due to the very soft compound that was used. In fact I think they were designed for short course dirt track, ie speedway. Bernie himself didnt seem to have trouble with them, and neither did I, but my No2 driver managed to 'destroy' a front set in one race. By destroy, I dont mean 'wear out'.......they got so hot that the rubber just melted along the tyre tread and flew off in great chunks under the guards!!!!
40 cars you say....that must be just about at the limit per grid. Wont that be a sight. This festival is without a doubt going to be the best yet.
Seasons greetings to all........I cant match Rods effort!!!!
12-24-2012, 06:26 AM
Looks like the last place on the grid is now taken. Great one John.
John McKechnie
12-24-2012, 06:42 AM
I met my deadline.I wanted to have motor, gearbox, suspension , brakes, steering , wheels and tyres all in and ready to go before Xmas.
It has happened.If you look back to June and see the rusty , stranded coupe body. I said then that it would be at HD for the big one.My thanks to Dale, Bruce302, Mike(kiwi285) who never laughed at me and gave me support to get to this stage.Lot of work still to go , but now achievable.Probably will drive it for the first time on the track.Will put up pics as painter progresses.
12-24-2012, 06:48 AM
Fantastic work John, I've been watching the progress over the last two months. Very impressive.
The smurffs have been busy and kept their deadline. Almost ready to start and drive.
Here is another one of the car from today. I think the gearbox needs to move to the left just a smidge though.
John McKechnie
12-24-2012, 07:11 AM
I blinked and I swear it jumped into place. Another part of the garage is clear.
12-24-2012, 07:59 PM
John, I admire your persistence and drive in getting the car to this stage. When I saw the initial photos I wondered just how you would move the project forward. Have you managed to get much sleep lately. Looking good and can't wait to see it rolling.
I see that Dale has mentioned a 40 car grid for these races - now won't that be a sight to behold and that glorious sound to match. A mix of V8's and howling 4's to get the punters wound up. From Mini's to thumping big American and Australian iron.
Merry Christmas to all and looking forward to a great New Year.
Rod Grimwood
12-24-2012, 10:01 PM
Looking real good John, your mate must have got over the fumes from that day I visited and he was in the boot dabbing that toxic stuff around as it sure has taken shape. That day being honest as I wandered up your drive (test patch) I thought " man there is some work to be done there" but also thought it will happen, but not this quick.
Well done and looking forward to seeing all of you and your beautiful cars at Hampton.
Merry Xmas and a Happy Roaring Season New year
John McKechnie
12-24-2012, 10:58 PM
Rod- thanks for your positive thoughts.That day, I could see the disbelief in your eyes on Sunday that it would be hard to make this deadline. It was easier back then as there was still a long time to go. Even now I still think there is a lot to do, however, the list is not mind numbingly long. Now ride height is fully sorted, we can move forward and finish rear quarters. Also special thanks to Wayne Stables for giving me measurements for scoops on XAGTs. At least the Monaro is not as bad as this XA Coupe body was.
John McKechnie
12-24-2012, 11:08 PM
Rod- thanks for your positive thoughts.That day, I could see the disbelief in your eyes on Sunday that it would be hard to make this deadline. It was easier back then as there was still a long time to go. Even now I still think there is a lot to do, however, the list is not as mind numbingly long. Now ride height is fully sorted, we can move forward and finish rear quarters.
People who helped me by meeting my deadline-
Mark Wade at WADE AUTOMOTIVE kept his promise engine would be ready to bolt in and start by Xmas.
Ron McMillan at Road, Race and Rally-who did my roll cage - also in one week completed my list the day before Xmas.
Scott Campbell has special mention as I suddenly needed help on the narrowed diff and other important parts he specializes in.
Dale Mathers for sending me the competition A-frames nice and early
Les Hunter Automotive organized me the front and back Willwood brake package.
Darrin Baker at Mag and Turbo (Manukau) for organizing the most beautiful wheels
Also special thanks to Wayne Stables for giving me measurements for guard and bonnet scoops on XAGTs.
For those looking for perfection in life- good luck; you will never find it
for those looking for a race car, it will be at HD.
01-04-2013, 08:02 PM
The final grids are almost set and this is probably the largest field of ATA, HMC and U3L/T&C Saloons ever seen at this event, close to the maximum allowable grid of 45 vehicles(currently 42 cars). In-fact this is probably the largest group of “Historically Correct” pre 78 saloons ever seen at any NZ motor race meeting? this is going to be FUN. Today in 2 weeks it'll be all go so you guys still spannering keep up the good work, it'll be worth it.
Dale M
John McKechnie
01-06-2013, 03:41 AM
XA Smurf has final coat on the body today..Front guards , boot lid, and left door done.Guards to be fitted tomorrow, final fitting right door then paint it.Will post pics Wednesday.Diff adjustment Wed/Thurs bleed brakes Alignment and mufflers this week also.
Next weekend will be start up. My, time is going.
01-06-2013, 06:59 AM
Great progress John,
That really is cutting it fine but you have absolutely no way of not getting it done. Keep it up. I'll see you soon.
XA Smurf has final coat on the body today..Front guards , boot lid, and left door done.Guards to be fitted tomorrow, final fitting right door then paint it.Will post pics Wednesday.Diff adjustment Wed/Thurs bleed brakes Alignment and mufflers this week also.
Next weekend will be start up. My, time is going.
John McKechnie
01-06-2013, 07:03 AM
All it has to do is start , drive and stop at HD, oh yes and pass scrutineering on Thursday
01-06-2013, 07:04 AM
I spoke with Gary Coppins, Rods younger brother, on Friday last week and he is pretty overwhelmed with what HMC as a group have achieved in a short space of time. Both Gary and Laurie, Rods other brother, are proud of what Rod achieved in his 43 years, and they both appreciate the fact that we are celebrating this era of his racing and his involvement in it. In what will be HMCs first `big' meeting as a growing group, there will be people there that are getting on in years, and for them it`ll be like a time warp. Some of these people will have a bit of info on various cars/drivers which is relevant to what we are about. I am really looking forward to racing my Camaro at the Denny Hulme Festival, just as the guys we are all celebrating did likewise at race meetings 40 plus years ago.
01-06-2013, 07:07 AM
All it has to do is start , drive and stop at HD, oh yes and pass scrutineering on Thursday
And `turn' John!!
John McKechnie
01-06-2013, 07:23 AM
I think that passing scrutineering is more important than getting round corners.Can cut corners while racing, cant cut corners building a race car.
Another 4 pair of hands would get me there quicker, having to complete work on a customers car before I can have a full week on the car.
01-08-2013, 03:56 AM
Are any other HMC competitors going to the `Race Car Only' practice day this Friday 11th January to do some skids before the Denny Hulme Festival?
01-08-2013, 07:02 AM
Although Mike Rorison can't race at the DH Festival due to business committments i will be there testing his 67 Mustang this Friday, it will also be on display both weekends of the event.
Will you be out in the Camaro Steve?
Dale M
01-08-2013, 07:29 AM
Although Mike Rorison can't race at the DH Festival due to business committments i will be there testing his 67 Mustang this Friday, it will also be on display both weekends of the event.
Will you be out in the Camaro Steve?
Dale M
Don`t you mean will I be there with the tail out in the Camaro Dale? Hell yeah!!
01-08-2013, 08:34 AM
That's rite, you're the guy that's gonna wear a set of rear tyres out in each race, much to Geralds pleasure, LOL
Can i follow you around Friday, need to see what lines you take so i can take the opposite at the Festival, LOL
Dale M
Rod Grimwood
01-08-2013, 11:33 PM
You 2 behave, want to see you and cars on Friday 18th morning. Can not wait to see all these cars lined up. Steve you better have a shave and tidy up as chance's are i will want a photo.
Only 8 more sleeps.
John McKechnie
01-08-2013, 11:37 PM
Rod-8 more sleeps is only for those whose cars are finished and ready, others wont waste this valuable time.
Steve-can send a video clip of a certain XA Falcon Coupe- Moffat Replica-giving a good line from finish line to first corner................
01-09-2013, 01:29 AM
Rod-8 more sleeps is only for those whose cars are finished and ready, others wont waste this valuable time.
Steve-can send a video clip of a certain XA Falcon Coupe- Moffat Replica-giving a good line from finish line to first corner................
John, if I was you I would go and hire a big screen for the next week so morning noon and night you can have that video clip playing continuously as an incentitive to get your car finished. All the best with it.
John McKechnie
01-09-2013, 07:11 PM
If you have seen that video clip I sent you, you would have watched that continuously as well . It takes your breath away each time.
01-09-2013, 07:18 PM
The Aussies are all loaded up and on there way!! Dale M
01-09-2013, 07:20 PM
John, I had seen it a while back. Lets just hope another Falcon Coupe doesn`t climb into someone else like that.
01-09-2013, 08:58 PM
Just want to comment that I love the enthusiasm of the HMC competitors on this forum. Can't wait to watch you all from trackside. 40 cars Dale, that is fantastic
01-09-2013, 10:54 PM
Just want to comment that I love the enthusiasm of the HMC competitors on this forum. Can't wait to watch you all from trackside. 40 cars Dale, that is fantastic
Thanks shoreboy57, i have been absolutely "flattened" with the enthusiasm and responce to HMC. I could not even have imagined were'd be at this stage 18 months ago when myself, Steve Holmes and Tony Roberts kicked this off. For Gulf DH we have 15 HMC legal cars, 7 Australian Trans Am cars, out of this group of 22, 20 are V8's, out of the 15 HMC cars 13 are on period 15" wheels with Hoosier bias or Goodyear blue streak tyres, just staggering. Further to this we have another 7 cars not entered because they've either just been imported, currently under build or in two case's their owners have other commitments and can't make it.
Also not to forget is the Pre 78 U3L small saloons, they have 22 cars themselves on the grid, Arthur has had a big headache sorting out all the cars modified beyond MSNZ T&C and some have also removed there hotrod equipment to go back to historic, a fantastic job for them.
And also a quick mention that most all our NZ legendry saloon racers will be attending, Paul Fahey, Dennis Marwood, Leo Leonard, Jim Richards, Ray Stone(Paul Faheys mechanic), Barry Philips, Toni Coppins(Rods Daughter) and the Coppins family, all be in the HMC marquee along with others, available to the public for autograph signing and general chatting between midday and 2pm most days. This alone will be pretty damn amazing.
Let the FUN begin
Dale M
Murray Maunder
01-09-2013, 10:56 PM
Looks like I will be a both Fridays only spectator. I hope to concentrate on getting track footage from as many viewing spots as there are HMC sessions, plus interviews with as many of the drivers, owners etc between sessions. If any drivers are agreeable I would love to copy in-car footage to my laptop at the end of the day's hostilities. Talk to Dale if you would like to share your exciting moments from your GoPro! I would like to post a more comprehensive video on YouTube as early as the next day.
Pretty exciting seeing that Channel 9 Camaro loaded into the container, I'm getting goosebumps already! Thanks Dale as well as Steve and Tony for making HMC the most exciting class - all in less than 2 years [EDIT - 18 months!] of scheming.
If you missed it, my short squirt of images of the HMC practice 1 last year is linked to this thread in message #85 or on YouTube at
Now I have all the add-on bits for what was a brand new camera, i promise to do better guys.
Doug Rudy
01-10-2013, 02:51 AM
Man, what a tantalizing thread. Can't wait to see some of the pictures from this meeting. Have a great time and have at it....Mates!
John McKechnie
01-10-2013, 05:15 AM
Dale-One of the most well known legendary saloon car drivers Jack Nazer told me he would also be there.
01-10-2013, 05:39 AM
I spotted this car in an Auckland freight company earlier this week. Just in from the USA, it still has it's Texas licence plate.
Obviously not ready to race , but good looking.
01-10-2013, 06:21 AM
How did you come to see it Bruce. Just there at the right time huh.
Roll on next Thursay - we will be ensconsed at the track and waiting for the action to commence
01-10-2013, 07:44 AM
Come on Bruce, less mystery, more history! It`s blue, the distributor is at the wrong end of the engine, tell Mike and the rest of them.....
01-10-2013, 07:57 AM
That belongs on the poetry thread. You have hidden talents. (Very well hidden)
Come on Bruce, less mystery, more history! It`s blue, the distributor is at the wrong end of the engine, tell Mike and the rest of them.....
01-10-2013, 08:29 AM
I've been sprung Mike. I bought the Mustang from a friend in Texas. It was too nice to pass up, and pretty close to being ready to run with the HMC, Unfortunately shipping delays mean it is only just available. I will have it at HD though. That was always the intention. I have some 15 inch wheels and Blue Streaks due in the country soon.
How did you come to see it Bruce. Just there at the right time huh.
Roll on next Thursay - we will be ensconsed at the track and waiting for the action to commence
01-10-2013, 06:45 PM
That is one grouse looking car Bruce. A really great addition to the shed and the race track in due course. Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh next week.
01-10-2013, 10:12 PM
Very nice
Steve Holmes
01-11-2013, 12:32 AM
That belongs on the poetry thread. You have hidden talents. (Very well hidden)
Ha ha ha, thats the funniest thing I've read in ages!
01-11-2013, 08:52 AM
Heres a few pictures from todays practice at Hampton Downs. The Rorison Mustang ran great with a few minor issues for a brand new car. It will be on display and for Demos at the Festival.
Dale M
01-11-2013, 08:57 AM
Steve Elliott had a fantastic run in his genuine HMC Historic USA A-Sedan 68 Camaro, sounded great with almost open exhausts and attacted quite a following, im sure i saw him signing autographs at one stage during the today and this ain't even a race meeting!!!
Dale M
01-11-2013, 11:08 PM
Yes Dale, it was a good day yesterday, more so in that I wanted to get used to the Camaro - and it`s got some seriously aggressive issues, yeah hah!!! - but also I can not believe the amount of the people that were there that just love these muscle cars. Guys like Lance Humphreys and David Graham that are both visitors to this site, to the average Joe Public, I mean it was only a practice day and I only ran the Camaro at 60% on buggered tyres, it`s pretty amazing the following that HMC has developed. I got as much enjoyment yesterday talking and joking with people- most whom I never knew- as I did doing some skids. As Tony Roberts said to us both yesterday the festival ticket sales are going strong so I think it`s going to be big............. and tell Mike Coory to sell that bloody Nissan shitbox and get a real car!
01-11-2013, 11:18 PM
Yes Dale, it was a good day yesterday, more so in that I wanted to get used to the Camaro - and it`s got some seriously aggressive issues, yeah hah!!! - but also I can not believe the amount of the people that where there that just love these muscle cars. Guys like Lance Humphreys and David Graham that are both visitors to this site, to the average Joe Public, I mean it was only a practice day and I only ran the Camaro at 60% on buggered tyres, it`s pretty amazing the following that HMC has developed. As Tony Roberts said to us both yesterday the festival ticket sales are going strong so I think it`s going to be big.............
Yes it was great to see these beasts up close and personal. Thanks Steve for allowing me to spend some time with you reminiscing about the good old racing days and hearing more about my old work mate Frank. Even though you trundled around at 60% the noise and attitude of the car was just something special. Bring 'em all back I say. You guys are going to put on a great show next weekend thats for sure. And Dale thanks also for the time you gave me. Got a real insight into what you guys are trying to achieve and really appreciate the efforts of all. It's kind of got me by the goolies!!!! I may have to have some serious discussion with my Home Executive!! Cheers Dave
01-12-2013, 08:39 AM
I've got a little six year old that use to want my old sh.tbox Nissan until he saw the real thing out there on Fridays practice. Now he only speaks of Mustangs and Camaro's. Fantastic to see them running and there's a heap of us eagerly waiting for next weekend to roll around. Hats off to all you guys preparing and putting them out there for the next generation to see what real cars are all about.
01-12-2013, 09:12 AM
Thanks Limezed, did you get any photos of either my Camaro or Dale in Mike Rorisons Mustang out on the track at all?
01-12-2013, 09:29 AM
Sorry Steve, no shots of you or Dale in action. Too busy grinning from ear to ear! I'm sure there will be heaps floating about the web this time next week. Cheers Karl.
Rod Grimwood
01-12-2013, 09:38 PM
Glad to read it all went good Steve, the old 60% ah, don't give too much away. Down on Thurs afo so will catch you at track.
Dale says you doing autographs, or were you ordering next weekends lunchs.
Steve Holmes
01-13-2013, 11:46 PM
OK, HMC will be celebrating the career of Kiwi racing legend Rod Coppins at the 2013 Gulf Denny Hulme NZFMR, and several of Rods family members will be attending the event. As per the Paul Fahey, Dennis Marwood, and Jim Richards posters, there will also be Rod Coppins posters available at the HMC marquee. Rod raced a great many cars in his career, so narrowing them down was a bit of a challenge, but ultimately it had to be muscle car related. Monster Race Wear ( designed the poster, while the photos were supplied by Steve Twist and Terry Marshall.
01-14-2013, 12:08 AM
Excellent work Steve, I think they`ll get snapped up pretty quick.
01-14-2013, 12:43 AM
OK, HMC will be celebrating the career of Kiwi racing legend Rod Coppins at the 2013 Gulf Denny Hulme NZFMR, and several of Rods family members will be attending the event. As per the Paul Fahey, Dennis Marwood, and Jim Richards posters, there will also be Rod Coppins posters available at the HMC marquee. Rod raced a great many cars in his career, so narrowing them down was a bit of a challenge, but ultimately it had to be muscle car related. Monster Race Wear ( designed the poster, while the photos were supplied by Steve Twist and Terry Marshall.
Hope that you are bringing a heap of them Steve. They will prove very popular. Great work.
Steve Holmes
01-14-2013, 01:48 AM
Thanks guys, glad you like 'em! Joining HMC for the first time at the 2013 NZFMR, will be Leo Leonard. This is especially exciting for me, Leo was my first motorsport hero! These posters will also be available, for Leo to sign. Photos kindly donated by Terry Marshall.
01-14-2013, 03:22 AM
And please everyone, when you meet Steve at the festival thank him for this and all the work he puts into HMC by doing these posters and magazine articles and other behind the scene work, all unpaid voluntary because like me we luv our old motorsport saloon history and the hero drivers that made it happen.
Dale M
01-14-2013, 06:11 AM
And please everyone, when you meet Steve at the festival thank him for this and all the work he puts into HMC by doing these posters and magazine articles and other behind the scene work, all unpaid voluntary because like me we luv our old motorsport saloon history and the hero drivers that made it happen.
Dale M
You betcha
01-15-2013, 09:25 PM
John McK.........whats happening? You have gone all quiet on us. Hope you are still fit to drive after all the overtime!!!!
John McKechnie
01-17-2013, 09:58 AM
Gerald-thanks for your concern.Come to the end of a longer bit of string than I thought.See you tomorrow.
Murray Maunder
01-18-2013, 11:06 PM
A great and largely incident-free practice and qualifying for the HMC boys. What a thrill to see the 20 strong field of musclecars head out of their enclosure for their session.
I knocked up a 12 minute video of the day's highlights when I got home and have uploaded to YouTube at
It should have finished uploading by about two this afternoon. Thanks to the Aussie competitors John Lord, John English, Col Warrington and Ian Woodward for the use of their in-car camera footage.
01-19-2013, 01:16 AM
A great and largely incident-free practice and qualifying for the HMC boys. What a thrill to see the 20 strong field of musclecars head out of their enclosure for their session.
I knocked up a 12 minute video of the day's highlights when I got home and have uploaded to YouTube at
It should have finished uploading by about two this afternoon. Thanks to the Aussie competitors John Lord, John English, Col Warrington and Ian Woodward for the use of their in-car camera footage.
Great work on the video!!
01-19-2013, 01:57 AM
Well done Murray, those of us who can't be there today can at least see the great cars in action.
01-19-2013, 02:33 AM
Fantstic Video!! Thanks for putting that together!
Saturday - another day in paradise! A great show lads.
John McKechnie
01-19-2013, 08:52 AM
If you think it looks great here, its even more paradise in the pack.
Greg Stokes
01-19-2013, 10:10 AM
Awesome video! We had a great day today and it was great to finally meet kiwiboss and catch up with Steve again. You guys are doing an excellent job with the Historic Muscle Car deal. Sure was fun to watch!
nigel watts
01-20-2013, 12:58 AM
nigel watts
01-20-2013, 05:00 AM
nigel watts
01-20-2013, 05:02 AM
nigel watts
01-20-2013, 05:04 AM
John McKechnie
01-20-2013, 07:00 AM
Here is the finished/ ready car to go to Hampton Downs for its big weekend out.Remember when it was just a rusty body May last year.
01-20-2013, 07:51 AM
Here is the finished/ ready car to go to Hampton Downs for its big weekend out.Remember when it was just a rusty body May last year.
John, Thanks for sharing the rebuild with us. It was great to see you out there this weekend after knowing what went on 'behind the scenes'. Here's a photo that might sum up your race strategy, ie stay out of the way of those bloody Aussies.
Dale, are you sure you have the right idea about this class having no competition between the drivers? Those Aussies were pretty fast.:p
I had a great weekend. Thanks for the entertainment.
01-20-2013, 07:56 AM
If you think it looks great here, its even more paradise in the pack.
Good to see the car in the flesh and on the track yesterday John after following the build here over the last few months and now the development begins I suppose. Great stuff
John McKechnie
01-20-2013, 08:55 AM
Powder, tonttu- thanks for the great comments, and fantastic action pic with me and John Lord.
For everybody who followed the build and the time frame, I am so glad there was this for you to see out there.
083 and I had an absolute ball. Friday , needle valve in carb jammed shut during qualifying.
Finished all 4 races , though had persistent problems with plugs. Did not have time to dyno and check motor-that will happen this week. Also top loader shifter is to be replaced. Oh yes, vents fitted to front guards.
Car is great, the driver needs the work.
To anyone wanting to take part in HMC, it is much easier than you think. If I can build a car and get there, anyone can.
The Aussies were great to be out there with , I explained my race strategy to everyone and consideration was shown to a newbie.
Motor is a standard 351 2v cleveland, original valves , springs and hydraulic cam and lifters.
01-20-2013, 10:58 AM
For those of you who haven't met our erstwhile leader here is a couple of photos from the weekend.
Steve with John McKechnie
Steve enjoying a ride in Bruce 302's new Mustang
01-20-2013, 11:11 AM
For those of you who haven't met our erstwhile leader here is a couple of photos from the weekend.
Steve with John McKechnie
Thats not the Sidchrome Mustang in the background is it ?
01-20-2013, 11:15 AM
It certainly is - George had it on show as it is not completed yet. Instead of 'Sidchrome' down the sides and across the back it now has 'Shewiery'.
01-20-2013, 11:24 AM
For me these photos show the essence of what HMC is all about. The Sunday morning race was held on a damp track and Angus Fogg in the 'Collingwood' Mini was leading the race for about the first five laps. He was having a marvellous tussle with Dale (staged) and the crowd where I was standing were grinning from ear to ear and rushing to the fence to watch them come across the start/finish line.
As the track dried, the V8's got more grip and started to reel them both in, but the sight brought back memories of when Bruce McLaren brought the 1275 Mini to NZ in the 60's and raced it against the 3.8 Jaguars and had the crowd applauding. Of all the HMC races over the first weekend I don't think Angus finished outside the top 5 in any race. A giant killing efford.
The crowd watching the racing was the highest numbers I saw matched only by the F5000 cars.
I think the look of enjoyment on both of their faces says it all.
John McKechnie
01-20-2013, 05:49 PM
TonyG- yes it is THE car.George gave up a weekend of action to kindly bring the car as a display.
Full marks here to him for letting the fans have a close up.
Such a good guy ,and he had no fences around it.
01-21-2013, 01:52 AM
Fantastic weekend, just fantastic. Only sorry I can't make it back next week. If you go to the start of this thread Dale references "not another class". It surely isn't. What a fantastic show both on and off track.
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 05:10 AM
Here are a few of my shots, I need better camera gear but further coverage will be in the next issue of NZ Hot Rod Magazine. The Historic Muscle Cars were the most organized, professional appearing and informative gathering of cars. They certainly put on an excellent show off and on the track
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 05:11 AM
Some more.......
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 05:12 AM
And some more.....
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 05:13 AM
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 05:14 AM
01-21-2013, 05:15 AM
Pictures worth a thousand words...
01-21-2013, 06:08 AM
Excellent photos Greg, I`d love to get a copy of the one of my Camaro #41 and Colin Warringtons #51.
Greg Stokes
01-21-2013, 06:15 AM
Excellent photos Greg, I`d love to get a copy of the one of my Camaro #41 and Colin Warringtons #51.
No problem mate - email me at
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 06:22 AM
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 06:24 AM
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 06:26 AM
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 06:28 AM
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 06:29 AM
nigel watts
01-21-2013, 07:42 AM
Who farted?
Malcolm McLeod
01-21-2013, 08:20 AM
Yes, it's looking good! I understand the Sheweiry signwriting is because a certain tool company, who I will not name, won't allow their name on the side of the car......I shall in future use less grander spanners :-)
01-21-2013, 09:22 AM
Yes, it's looking good! I understand the Sheweiry signwriting is because a certain tool company, who I will not name, won't allow their name on the side of the car......I shall in future use less grander spanners :-)
Thank goodness the anti-smoking crew weren't there to complain about B&H, Bastos Gold Leaf and JPS
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