View Full Version : Introducing myself

05-25-2012, 03:46 AM
Joined today, after I found a reference to one of our cars, although I've been lurking and reading for a couple of months.

My name is Jo Clegg and I'm a technical block-head when it comes to most things to do with cars, although I follow simple instructions quite well, and can fix most things with a bit of help.

Currently in terms of competition cars we have a BMW 2002i Alpina and a TR8 (or TR7 V8, no-one will settle the argument for me), and after 15 years of tarmac rallying, and circuit racing, and motorbikes are settling back into our middle years and just circuit racing these days.

I was racing a BMW 2002 a few years back, but having a baby put a kink in the plan and I gave up rally co-driving at 4 months along, and started back when he was a few months old. There wasn't enough time/money for both parents to race/work/build-new-house until recently so the Icebreaker will be my first outing for a few years in my ex-Grant Hannah TR8, which I've just put a new cage into and done other minor mods on.

I like the history of motorsport in New Zealand, but am most interested in Classics rather than the older cars or the newer ones. And there might be a little bit of BMW fanaticism...:o

I help out on a couple of motorsport committees and the Festivals, Club committees present and past, and can be found sitting in the Safety Car at HD or Puke from time to time.

05-25-2012, 06:47 AM
Welcome to this wonderful site.
TR8, Yes there is such a thing from the factory. :)



05-26-2012, 12:27 AM
Welcome to this wonderful site.
TR8, Yes there is such a thing from the factory. :)

The debate is whether mine is a TR7 V8 or an authentic TR8, of which there were a very limited number.
The COD and other documentation isn't a lot of help.


Steve Holmes
06-04-2012, 06:50 AM
Hi there Jo, welcome to The Roaring Season, its great to have you on here. Re your BMW, which car is this?

06-12-2012, 03:44 AM
Hi there Steve

Ours is the ex-Paul Adams Alpina, and the recent discussion on it lead me to join up.

Ours was the Bank of New Zealand car, and we've owned if for more than a decade, using it for Targa, tarmac rallying and circuit racing.

Some of the member here have been kind enough to send me photo's from their collections.

After Paul, it was all sorts of things, and has been owned by 3 friends of ours in the South Island, until we brought her back north.

My TR8 was Trevor Crowe's car from '94, and it passed through the hands of Frank Brooks and Grant Hannah and on to me.


jim short
06-14-2012, 12:11 AM
Hi is that the brown TR8 he raced at the last Wigram in 95??

06-17-2012, 08:38 AM
Hi is that the brown TR8 he raced at the last Wigram in 95??

I think so, as it was a burgundy/brown in the COD photo.

It has been white for many years now, although I don't know what year it changed over.