View Full Version : de-Joux Mini GT part moulds....

Paul Wilkinson
03-21-2012, 01:22 AM
Hi All,

I have five 'small' Mini GT moulds that Ferris gave me years ago. They are the two front 'wings', the two rear quarter panels and the sill mould. Obviously nowhere enough to even contemplate making a car but good to have for a car owner who may knock an occasional corner off... I am moving house and these really need to be with a Mini GT owner. I had to sell mine years ago when my business capsized. If there is an owner out there who would like them, I would be happy to give them to you. I can't throw them away and will drag them from place to place if I must!

If anyone knows Peter Benbrook, it would be great if he wanted them as he has Ferris's last Mini GT. I had his details but lost them ages ago....



04-12-2012, 07:30 AM
Paul, do you still have tthese? I will be with Benbrook at the weekend.

Paul Wilkinson
04-18-2012, 05:00 AM
Hi, Sorry for the delay - just back from Hong Kong. Thanks for the offer. Warwick Robinson has given the moulds a new home, He owns a red GT and knows Peter quite well I believe, so all the bits are at least now kept with in a reasonably tight circle...