View Full Version : Photos found in a rubbish dump 2

03-10-2012, 03:03 AM
Today I received 2 CDs of these photos, some that have previously been posted on the "Found in a rubbish dump" thread, and as long as Steve has no objections I have started this new thread with the intention of posting these photos in a cleaned up state. There are many from back in the day that are going to blow you away with the content, and many are totally different types of photos than are normally seen, with shots of people and pit scenes. There are also photos taken at later eighties historic meets and wings and wheels type shows, and also some photos from Australia and further afield. Where I can I will attempt to identify as much as I can, but some are going to need help.
This is going to take quite a while to do, so could entertain you all for a good few weeks. Here is a teaser to start of a few that I have cleaned up.

Ross Jensen and Tom Clark. Maserati 250F and Super Squalo Ferrari.

Rod Coppins, Zeohyr Corvette.

Neil Doyle Anglia Corvette.

Sedgedin Fleetwood Mustang.

03-10-2012, 03:06 AM
Johnny Riley, Lotus 18/19 Oldsmobile.


Red Dawson. Kennsington Camaro.


03-10-2012, 03:27 AM
Any idea who raced the escort in the background - it looks familiar but I can't remember!

Lee Tracey
03-10-2012, 06:49 AM
You had me hooked from the photo of Tom and Ross! Can anyone id the location?


David McKinney
03-10-2012, 09:51 AM
Coming our of the dummy grid in the Levin paddock, January 1959

03-10-2012, 08:32 PM
What a great collection of coloured photos from that era we all enjoy. Thanks God they were saved.

Steve Holmes
03-10-2012, 08:51 PM
Any idea who raced the escort in the background - it looks familiar but I can't remember!

Thats the Wayne Fuller/Roger Brader Escort that appears in a couple of other threads. Was FVA powered, then ran a small block Chevy.

03-10-2012, 09:10 PM
Thanks Steve.

03-11-2012, 12:36 AM
Another batch of wonderful images.

Tom Clark, Super Squalo Ferrari, Levin 1959.

Cooper Trio. Syd Jensen, Bruce McLaren, Merv Neil, Levin 1959.

Allen Freeman, Talbot Lago, Levin.

Roycroft, Alfa Romeo - Glen Murray Express.

Maserati 250F, Horace Gould. 1957

03-11-2012, 12:41 AM
Beautifully cleaned up images Pallmall. Any tips on technique apart from having good images to start with?

03-11-2012, 12:43 AM
Stan Jones Maybach Spl, 1954. Possibly the Freeman Cooper JAP beside.

I think, the Stillwell Maserati 250F at back, Alex Stringer, Wharton Cooper. 1957

Parnell, Super Squalo Ferrari and Roycroft Ferrari 1957

Jim Clark, Lotus 39 Climax4 2.5, Wigram 1966

Piers Courage, Brabham Cosworth 2.5, Wigram 1969

Ken Smith, Lotus 41 TC and I think Geoff Mardon, Begg F5000.

03-11-2012, 12:49 AM
Beautifully cleaned up images Pallmall. Any tips on technique apart from having good images to start with?

Just carefully try and restore the colour balance, and contrast and brightness, in the case of these make the images straight and mildly crop out bad edges. Some of these are really good to start with, possibly pro stuff, others to come are real bad snap shots.

03-11-2012, 12:58 AM
Cheers. Can be a slow process at times can't it.

03-11-2012, 02:21 AM
Many of those I scanned were in albums
that I could not remove the photographs for scanning so the quality will be compromised. There were many that had had a plastic cover over each page, so I could not get good scans, too much reflection. The photo's come from 6 different albums, taken by at least 4 different photographers so there is a much varied ability and/ or experience between the best photo's and the also rans.
Much of the material that is in the "Proof Pics" disk, is of marginal quality, and marginal interest as much of it is of south island events.While the International Rally material is of some historical interest the overal interest in much of that is probably minimal.
But every photographic record is worth keeping. I didn't count but in both disks there must be close to 400 pictures.
The big thankyou should go to Steve Donaldson who seems to attract this sort of thing and keeps it filed away so without Steve none of you would get to see any of this.My part is only to put it into a format for everyone who is interested.

03-11-2012, 02:35 AM
Thanks Mark, and Steve, all of it is important to some part of the motorsport fraternity, and I will certainly try and do as good a job as possible in presenting them on here for their historical importance and everybodies enjoyment. There are some gems on the proof disc, but they are probably going to be small images when posted, but the quality can be enhanced a bit. Personally I love seeing the amatuer stuff as it often captures lots of background detail that is now more important years later than it was at the time the photo was taken.

Lee Tracey
03-11-2012, 03:02 AM
Thanks Mark, Steve and Gavin. The colour stuff from Levin is fabulous. Looks like Tom had a good day :)

Interesting looking race cars in the background of the first 250F photo. Who says historic motorsport is a new thing :p

Mark, I for one look forward to seeing the Rally photos when Gavin has worked his magic.


bob homewood
03-11-2012, 03:37 AM
Thanks Mark, and Steve, all of it is important to some part of the motorsport fraternity, and I will certainly try and do as good a job as possible in presenting them on here for their historical importance and everybodies enjoyment. There are some gems on the proof disc, but they are probably going to be small images when posted, but the quality can be enhanced a bit. Personally I love seeing the amatuer stuff as it often captures lots of background detail that is now more important years later than it was at the time the photo was taken.

Yes Thanks Mark and Steve for those discs there is some great stuff on them ,likewise I found a lot of the images very hard to enhance and keep them at a reasonable size say to post ,however it is great that they have been saved ,they certainly are a help to identify some of the meetings,cars etc ,there is a lot of history in the rally ones for sure , I think that amongst all those proofs there are a lot of photos that people have never seen of themselves,and the photos like all material are a valuable addition when you are researching something.Thanks again and as various things are researched I'm sure you will find them in some form or the other popping up on here ,I just wish that more people had the foresight to rescue stuff before its gone for ever

03-11-2012, 03:51 AM
Another batch for today.

Dennis Hulme and a lot of Goodyear tyres.

Chris Amon. Lola Climax4 2.5. Wigram 1964.

Bill Stone's Brabham TC.

Andy Buchanan's Brabham TC

A couple of Jimmy Palmer shots, ex Hyslop Cooper in 1964 and the first Brabham Climax4 2.5.


03-11-2012, 04:01 AM
Lycoming Special while in the ownership of Jim Boyd.

The Jim Clark Lotus 32B Climax4 2.5 later to Jim Palmer

The Peter Hughes, ex Yock, Lotus 25 (33) which appears to have a Lotus TC fitted at this time.

The Phil Hill Mclaren-Cooper Climax in 1965.

Team Red Dawson, the ex Matich Brabham Climax and the ex Sedgedin Mustang.

Loti. The Ken Sager and Rex Flowers cars at Wigram 1964.

03-11-2012, 04:06 AM
What a great collection, and great work on the enhancements.

Post #9 - According to the programme, 250F Maserati #2 would be Horace Gould's at Ardmore 1957, and the Cooper #31 was a F2 (?single-cam) brought out by Ken Wharton and driven by Alex Stringer in the GP.

Post #11 - 1954 GP meeting, Allen Freeman was in Cooper #25.


03-11-2012, 04:29 AM
Oops, Cooper #31 was in post #11 with Stilwell's 250F Maserati.

There was a vintage car "race" on the programme in 1957, but the car numbers weren't listed, only makes and drivers. I was there as a 14-year-old seeing my first ever motor race, but have to say honestly that I dont remember very much


03-11-2012, 08:13 AM
Thanks Stu, I have amended original postings.

jim short
03-11-2012, 09:02 AM
A great time in nz racing Tom Clark great photo thank you

03-12-2012, 06:42 AM
1969 Levin. Bert Hawthorne Brabham BT21C TC

BRM engine in the Peter Yock Lotus 33/25

Bryan Faloon. Cambridge Brabham Climax.

Graham Watson's beautifully rebodied Brabham Ford TC

03-12-2012, 06:47 AM
Ken Smith Lotus 41 Ford TC.

The number suggests Roly Levis, Brabham Ford TC

Graham McRae, Brabham Ford TC.

Paul Bolton, Rorrison Brabham Climax.

John Sutees and Stirling Moss, Yeoman Credit Cooper and Rob Walker Lotus 21, Levin 1962.

03-12-2012, 06:52 AM
Andy Buchanan, Scuderia Veloce Ferrari 250LM, Wigram.

It looks like Warwick Farm, so maybe one of our Australian members can ID this Jaguar?

Barry Phillips, Lotus Cortina.

Brent Hawes, Tojerio Jaguar.

? Chev Coupe in 1966.

John Ward, Lotus Cortina.

03-12-2012, 06:56 AM
Paul Fahey, Lotus Cortina 1964.

Rod Coppins, ex Geoghegan Mustang.

Rodger Anderson, Cambridge BMW 2002.

An interesting photo of the Sprague Fastback Anglia, not sure OSH would approve and we have a near case of indecent exposure!

Steve Holmes
03-12-2012, 07:51 AM
Pretty sure the #66 Chevy coupe would be Ron Sylvesters, the example he rolled a season or two later, and the one that pre-dates the Sylvester family still own.

03-12-2012, 07:59 AM
The Sprague Anglia, in the background Gary is chatting to Leo Leonard while Ernie and either Speed Richardt or Peter Wilson are under it. The size of the thighs suggest that it is Speed rather than Pumpkin. Can't think who the one in blue is

03-12-2012, 08:35 AM
Some of these in the next two posts I either do not know, or am unsure of, so I wil leave them to the more learned amongst us.

Fred Zambucka, Maserati 8CM.

Another great shot of the Freeman Talbot Lago.

Roycroft Ferrari.

Tom Sulman, Aston Martin BD3S.

Peter Whitehead, Ferrari, 1954?

Citroen Special.

03-12-2012, 08:40 AM
This looks a little like the GeeCeeEss, but I am not convinced.

Unknown 1.

Unknown 2.

Unknown 3.

Unknown 4.

Unknown 5.

03-12-2012, 06:43 PM
Incredible cars - great historic shots.

Jac Mac
03-12-2012, 07:33 PM
Post #31, Pretty sure top photo is the Neil Stuart V8 special ( The White Car ), now 'blue' and well known as ' Henry ' down south.

03-12-2012, 10:24 PM
........Healey/Corvette/ Arther Kennard ????????,,,,,Wigram..........My 'two bob's worth !!!!..........regards thunder427/MJ

03-13-2012, 09:25 AM
I am trying to find a way that I can present the very small images taken from scanned 35mm negatives so they can be seen at a slightly bigger size without distortion. As these are of the McBegg I thought I would use these as a test.


Grant Sprague
03-25-2013, 01:30 AM
Brings back good memories, this would be about a yr or 2 after the anglia was bought from Frank , as it has the large center white stripe, Erinie always thought out side the sqaure , re the jack lol , in the back ground to left looks like Leo , to the right Merv Cottle , brother of Barry............ part of the wills....... & B&H gang ....

jim short
03-25-2013, 02:33 AM
Post 31 No 2 HWM ex Tony Gaze,,, John Horton,, Tom Clark,, 1955 .. Not a 4CLT AD..

03-25-2013, 07:11 AM
Unknown #3 is a Cooper Bristol - who's?
Is post #5 the RA Vanguard?

Grant Sprague
03-25-2013, 08:06 AM
Cant be Ernie he had bigger balls , oddly enough the legs look familiar, not merv cottle to the right & leo to the left

Paul Fahey, Lotus Cortina 1964.

Rod Coppins, ex Geoghegan Mustang.

Rodger Anderson, Cambridge BMW 2002.

An interesting photo of the Sprague Fastback Anglia, not sure OSH would approve and we have a near case of indecent exposure!

David McKinney
03-25-2013, 09:34 AM
Post 31 No 2 HWM ex Tony Gaze,,, John Horton,, Tom Clark,, 1955 .. Not a 4CLT AD..
Actually Lex Davison's earlier-model HWM (with Jaguar engine)

David McKinney
03-25-2013, 09:38 AM
Unknown #3 is a Cooper Bristol - who's?
Jack Brabham's

Is post #5 the RA Vanguard?

jim short
03-25-2013, 11:03 AM
Actually Lex Davison's earlier-model HWM (with Jaguar engine)

I have looked at this photo for the past 6 months ,debated it with Allan D also Dave S..The first yr.54 was the only one I missed .Davidson was No.77,normally,, the motor looks nothing like a Jag and Dave says an Alta???

03-25-2013, 12:28 PM
I see the Sprague Anglia is a pushrod - wasn't it a twin cam in earlier days?

Grant Sprague
03-25-2013, 07:23 PM
Yes , It was apparantly when Dave Simpson owned it, Now when Gary bought the T/Cam Escort to do the NZ saloon champion ship Ernie slotted the T/cam into the Anglia & tried it only to find out it was slower, mind you it was never highly developed. When we ran two Anglias in pre 65 , a few years ago , a few tried to head us off in T/Cam cortinas only to find out they spent a lot of $$$$ to get no where near our light weight well tuned little cars same thing was repeating history....... Grant

jim short
03-25-2013, 10:40 PM
I have looked at this photo for the past 6 months ,debated it with Allan D also Dave S..The first yr.54 was the only one I missed .Davidson was No.77,normally,, the motor looks nothing like a Jag and Dave says an Alta???

After talking to Allan Freeman{90yrs.}the front opening says its Davisons ,,only the bulge on the side{ carbs,}looks wrong.

jim short
04-07-2013, 09:33 PM
This looks a little like the GeeCeeEss, but I am not convinced.

Unknown 1.

Unknown 2.

Unknown 3.

Unknown 4.

Unknown 5.
No 6 Lex Davison HWM Jaguar,,,,No 9 Jack Brabham Cooper Bristol,,,Ardmore 1954

05-04-2013, 01:37 AM
No 6 Lex Davison HWM Jaguar,,,,No 9 Jack Brabham Cooper Bristol,,,Ardmore 1954

The side view of No 6 is the A50 special, a Southland built car , Allan Ross 1960-63 , Colin Bunce 64-65 , car is still around