View Full Version : Dr John

Dr John
03-05-2012, 09:59 AM
My name is John Elliott.It is a pleasure to join this forum and it is a great credit to you Steve.I have a particular interest in NZ's motor racing heritage,perhaps more so in tin tops than single seaters.
I have a particular interest in safety and medical support for NZ motor racing,having been on the medical panel at Manfeild for 13 years( hullo Crunch),at all the Wellington Street Races,LeMans,and as the doctor for a number of international rally,super bike and racing teams ,land speed record attempts,etc.Priviledged to be involved in the careers of Brendon Hartley and Mitchell Evans.
Started motor racing as a medical student in Dunedin in a super charged VW Beetle,graduated to a Corvair engined Beetle,and then onto a sucession of Porsches. Raced at the last meeting held at Riverside raceway in California when on study leave to the USA.Attended the anniversary of Bruce Mclaren/Chris Amon's win at LeMans in 1996.
Have returned to motor racing in the last years racing a 1972 LJ Torana GTR XU-1,mainly to stop me being so boring and to get me away from work 24hrs a day,7 days a week.Have a great affection for the Castrol GTX series of old,having witnessed most of it through the horse railing fences of Levin.More of a gentleman racer these days.See NZ motor racing at a current water shed,so decided to do my bit to help,and for these sins I am the current president of and race in,that wonderfully sucessful unit 'Central Muscle Cars.'
Thankyou for your acceptance and a pleasure to be here.

Steve Holmes
03-05-2012, 08:34 PM
John, its great to have you here. Welcome to The Roaring season. Thats a great intro! We have a thread running on Toranas, which you've probably already seen. I love the idea of your supercharged and Corvair powered Beetles! Those must have been incredible!

03-12-2012, 07:03 AM
Hi Doc, remember at Manfield when I was the safety car driver all those years and the one time I swapped to be the rescue car driver with you.....they gave us a Toyota Echo!!!!!!!
Actually would have been a good add for the space available inside one of those....

Also; I'm a bit uncomfortable sharing a forum with another male who had to check my prostate the old fashioned way!! I now have a lovely lady doctor,.....and bugger; she uses blood tests!!!