View Full Version : Motorcycle racing

02-20-2012, 12:07 AM
I have been looking at some old black and white motorcycle racing photos. Apparently there was m/cycle racing around Whangarei. Anyone know about what years the racing was held?

02-20-2012, 09:47 AM
Races were certainly held on 24 October 1959 and 10 December 1960 at Whangarei, on a 0.8 mile circuit. I think it was a street circuit. The Northland GP rings a bell. I think they were still running in mid 60's and I may have a note somewhere in what is laughingly called the archives. Dates quoted come from 2 UK "Motor Cycling" Sports Yearbooks I have.

Names like H Anderson, Cardon, Scobie, Farnsworth, and Ginger Molloy in the results.


02-20-2012, 10:26 AM
For sure Stu, ther was a meeting held there in 1965, and I think also 1966. My brother rode his stock CB77 Honda 305 and came home with a stack of silverware from the 1965 meeting.