View Full Version : Newbie

12-12-2011, 05:21 AM

I stumbled across this forum yesterday and cannot get off it. My boss even caught me on it at work...:(

I have a strong interest in motorsport and raced speedway (TQs) in late 80s and then turned to club/classic racing in late 90s. Firstly with a Anglia 105E and now a NZ new Toyota Corolla GT (AE86).

During the mid 80s I went to a race meeting at Manfeild and watched a red Falcon XAGT coupe run strongly until it blew up!! After that I wanted one. In 89 I bought a Falcon XAGT sedan which I still own today.

My latest project is a Mk2 Escort Sport with a Cossie Turbo engine....hopefully finished in the next 10 years.....maybe

I look forward to soaking up the knowledge of our great past from the "historians" on here.


Wayne Stables

Steve Holmes
12-12-2011, 06:28 AM
Hi there Wayne, welcome to the site, great to have you here! Your Escort sounds like it'll be a fun project. Sorry we got you in trouble with the boss. That seems to happen a lot!