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hello name is gwyn orgin south otago region past interests a40 farina. anglias. jaguars .sabre . chargers. pacers. motorcycles. escort. toyota. chevette. rx3 rally cars log on at breakfast most days awesome site guys have some good storys will share with you all at later date l live 5 min from lakeside
09-24-2011, 09:13 AM
Sounds interesting gwyn.I hear on the grape vine you own a lightweight imp cant wait to see that going.I think my brother and I could help you with that as I live close soon
09-27-2011, 01:29 PM
ged,...'sabre'....are we talking the fibreglass special built in ChCh in the 60,s....i believe stored in Timaru..........regards thunder427/MJ
427 yes i found it under a hedge in dunedin, restored it and raced it in country gents for sometime, car was built by Barry Walker powered by a MK2 Zephyr front of car had been changed before i found it. it was supercharged at sometime but i ran 3 carbs. Humber supersnipe disk brakes on front and MK2 Zephyr rear. Have photos and will post shortly. Regards Ged
Steve Holmes
10-07-2011, 12:47 AM
Hi there Gwyn, welcome to The Roaring Season. Its great to have you here. Would love to know more about your cars.
10-07-2011, 04:59 AM
Gwyn, Barry Walker had a bad accident at the one off foreshore meet. Crashed right in front of where I was standing. Strathallen St outside A J Allen coalyard.
I was at that meeting, Barry Walker built a car called the Mirage - was this the car that he had the accident in? A very nice little sports car. Would be great to see a photo of it.
10-08-2011, 11:51 PM
Gwyn, Yes it was the Mirage. Classic Driver had a photo of it prior to the accident. The nurse that looked after him in hospital became his wife.
10-13-2011, 01:39 AM
Gwyn, Who was A. Blackwood, raced a BSA 500?
woody alan a plumber from balclutha brought BSA Gold Star from diane foote, she was married to nevelle landrabe avery talented rider but lost his life at puke. alan was best known for his transport @ 1938 dodge hearse with livery [AL"S horzontal taxi co] with two white feet painted on the rear doors,also raced atrimph daytona . now lives in melborne and still active with historic bikes gwyn
10-15-2011, 07:40 AM
Gwyn, Diane is still in Dunedin. " Diane's cleaning service" was her company. Neville was a great rider, cut short at Puke. 1970. Jamie his younger brother was also a good rider.
woody neville brought G50 matchless back from england and it was made by colin lister and a friend of alan hughes[ who also raced a drag bike powered by ford cortina engine] brought it from diane. i do not know where it is today. colin lister was still paid royalties by honda untill he died. He was instrumential in designing and developing disc brakes on motocycles, he lived up nelson way ,a little bit of trivia regards gwyn
10-15-2011, 07:44 PM
Gwyn, I will ask Bill Johnson, owned Allan Creighton bike shop. Bill may know where the Matchless is. Bill still has some old british bikes as of today. Clive Hutton was Alan Hughes best mate. Alan Bland was a mate as well. A. B. races a BSA in classic racing around the South Island.
woody iknew clive very well huge shock when he passed on he built abike similar john martins blown trimph, my old bike is still togeather and in tokoroa. ido not have any photos of my bike if you know of any be good to know gwyn
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