View Full Version : Hi Everyone

08-22-2011, 09:58 PM
Great Site/Forum,

Great see all these photos from the 70's which i remember, but have no pictures
of myself.

I started watching in the mid 70’s with my brother (‘Coldrive’) and family. Then I progressed onto taking photos during 1980, using Dads old Zeiss camera - most of which were rubbish – and were shoved straight into an old shoebox. A year or two later they were getting better, eventually good enough to have a few published along the way. Currently sorting the hundreds of films into some kind of order, while scanning ( & uploading) the better ones. Like everyone else I went digital a few years, but no longer go to as many events.

At times have competed at club level in various events around the Waikato area.


Steve Holmes
08-23-2011, 12:27 AM
Martin, welcome to The Roaring Season. Very nice to have you here. I hope you'll be sharing more of your wonderful photos with us? And remember, when it comes to old photos, there is no such thing as a bad photo. Everything is interesting. So I hope you'll post a few from 1980 as well as later years.