View Full Version : Big thanks to Chris Watson

05-28-2023, 08:55 PM
...for the vision and dedication to motorsport as an organiser/promoter.

Chris is standing down as a race organiser and handing the HRC reins to the very capable Tim Hill.

Chris's contribution to motorsport, especially classic and historic motorsport is huge and shouldn't be underrated.

A very active member of the TR Register before a stint with TACCOC, including the presidency, until he joined forces with fellow TACCOC committee members Tony Roberts and the late Geoff Manning.

Theye realised that the area needed a dedicated race track and although the initial site as discoveere by Geoff Manning fell at a late hurdle, (no) thanks to the Maori land owners stating they reserved the right to have the land put back to the way it was in 70 years time, or something similar.

The quite brilliant idea of constructing 60 apartment units to finance the cost of building the track was pure genius and as they sold out within a matrer of weeks, the decision was made to expand to 80 units.

Sadly, opposition from Corrections and NZTA stymied development and the consequent delays and massive extra costs meant that although the National track was surfaced, the infrastructure wasn't finished and finances were an ongoing. Although profitable due to the high track usage, it wasn't enough to get the infrastructure finished.

On a more personal level, whilst still with TACCOC, Chris encouraged us to expand what was up until then, a thriving race series for British cars, to encompass European Cars.

When the contentious issue of compulsory CoD's was instigated, ERC walked away from TACCOC, as did the Alfa Romeo (Trofeo) series, but both were welcomed by Chris Watson and Tony Roberts who by then had foprmed HRC (Historic Racing Club).

Chris always had a vision and with son James, set up the 2K cup series - for cheap under $2,000 cars, and although he had many detractors, it formed a great entry level into motorsport and it didn't turn into banger racing - far from it, with driving standards generally higher than in some classes.

Thankfully, this isn't an obituary but a heartfelt massive thanks from drivers, spectators and officials for a massive input into the sport and the pragmatism that allowed our group particularly, to fill a 46 car grid (with 7 reserves!) for the Howden Ganley festival at Hampton Downs in 2015 when other Festival grids were often quite small. it was Chris Watson (and Tony Roberts) that pushed for our inclusion.

Check out this Youtube video taken from Mike Sexton's Ford Escort, driven by Bruce Manon, going from last to first in the handicap race Ganley Festival 2015. One of my favourite YouTube videos. Note that Bruce Manon hung back when i was waving him through, as he wanted me to win, but with Ivan Selak chasing him, he had to move on!


A farewell from the ERC & Classic Trial drivers and officials at yesterdays driver's briefing.

05-29-2023, 08:04 AM
Well stated Ray, and a personal thanks from me too.