View Full Version : Mystery NZ racing photos
08-19-2011, 09:47 PM
Here are some coloured photos taken at an NZ race track (Levin !) and given to me some year ago. Can any of our resident experts identify the cars, track and approximate year. A couple are obvious but some of the others I am struggling with
08-19-2011, 09:53 PM
Jac Mac
08-20-2011, 01:05 AM
Levin or maybe Wigram, Christchurch? Wigram with all that nice red curbing at track edge I think, Its Brian Crosbie in the Melhops/MaCaulay Ford Escort, John Dymond in the Falcon, Marwood in the greeting card Camaro
08-20-2011, 01:16 AM
Is this 69 or 70 with McRae in the Mclaren M10B #22 in post #2 also I think 31 is Frank Gardner Lola T190
08-20-2011, 01:37 AM
Sorry T192 and its probably 71
08-20-2011, 01:40 AM
#32 in post 2 would be Malcolm Guthrie in a T190
08-20-2011, 01:40 AM
Behind him i think is Amon in the March
08-20-2011, 02:38 AM
David Silcock in the No 40 Metropolitan Cranes Jaguar.
N0 48 is Grahame Harvey's Elfin (a 400 I think).
08-20-2011, 10:14 AM
Levin or maybe Wigram, Christchurch? Wigram with all that nice red curbing at track edge I think, Its Brian Crosbie in the Melhops/MaCaulay Ford Escort, John Dymond in the Falcon, Marwood in the greeting card Camaro
It would have to Wigram, not Levin. The houses look like Air Force housing(i.e. State Housing) and there wer no corrugated iron buildings near the track at Levin. Probably 1971 when I was overseas - explains why some cars are unfamiliar.
David McKinney
08-20-2011, 12:16 PM
Yes, 1971
I think the so-far-unidentified single-seater after the Gardner pic will be Leo Geoghegan's Lotus 59
The car behind Guthrie is the wrong colour for Amon's March. The one two behind, on the other hand, could well be (judging by the helmet...)
08-20-2011, 02:38 PM
[QUOTE=kiwi285;4510]Here are some coloured photos taken at an NZ race track (Levin !) and given to me some year ago. Can any of our resident experts identify the cars, track and approximate year. A couple are obvious but some of the others I am struggling with
...David Silcock around 1958/59 worked as a 'mechanic' at 'A R Mckay ltd/Christchurch where my Father worked as 'Used Car salesman'...Routes Group Agents....if I remember correctly?....this one particular Saturday my Father arrives home in a 'Black' XK120 Jaguar,louverd bonnet (Hood!) the leather straps and all....Wow!! I nearly flipped out!!!....this I had to have a ride After Lunch..(people used to go home for lunch in those days,every thing was only 10min's from the city!!) its a ride back to work in the Jag...I got to meet David ,whom I remember as a pretty tall guy,....I had hoped somebody from school would spring me in the Jag!!....well,you guessed it ..I SAW NOBODY!!!!.....told the guys at school, come Monday.....Got the usual...."BULLS.h.i.t" !!!!...Oh well I get to tell my story here,so it can't all be bad!!!!!!!...............regards thunder427/MJ:cool:
Yes, 1971
I think the so-far-unidentified single-seater after the Gardner pic will be Leo Geoghegan's Lotus 59
The car behind Guthrie is the wrong colour for Amon's March. The one two behind, on the other hand, could well be (judging by the helmet...)
The car behind is the Bob Brown Lola T190, pictured in post #68 of the F5000 thread.
Steve Holmes
08-22-2011, 03:43 AM
I could be wrong but that may be the first race Marwood had in that Camaro.
Steve Holmes
08-22-2011, 03:43 AM
Brian Crosbie only ran a limited season in 1971 with his twin-cam Escort. Does anyone know what happened to this car?
Jac Mac
08-22-2011, 04:08 AM
Brian Crosbie only ran a limited season in 1971 with his twin-cam Escort. Does anyone know what happened to this car?
It was bought as a roller & rallied by Dave Sharp & Mike Tutty with a pushrod from my neck o the woods, dont know where it went from there.... I had the idea that it was originally the ex Dave Simpson Escort, could be wrong on that though.
bob homewood
08-22-2011, 04:30 AM
Yes Jac ,the ex Dave Simpson Lexington car ,from memory that car was for John Ward before his intimely passing at Katoomba in Australia I think Bill Norrish was involved in there along the way with getting Dave into that car
08-22-2011, 09:48 AM
It was bought as a roller & rallied by Dave Sharp & Mike Tutty with a pushrod from my neck o the woods, dont know where it went from there.... I had the idea that it was originally the ex Dave Simpson Escort, could be wrong on that though.
Jack, didn't Henry Hammond, Frank Kidd's mate have this car after Brian and before Dave. Henry went not too bad in it before repeated mechanical failures found it becoming a very successful 1600cc rally car.
Jac Mac
08-22-2011, 06:51 PM
Jack, didn't Henry Hammond, Frank Kidd's mate have this car after Brian and before Dave. Henry went not too bad in it before repeated mechanical failures found it becoming a very successful 1600cc rally car.
I think thats correct Carl, after he sold the Anglia to Evan Dickie, in that photo above it looks more like Brian @ the wheel, Henry was a bit larger in stature, was reading an old magazine where Crosbie prepared it for one of the very first 'Silver Fern?' rallys, ran it on the Dunlop Intermediates IIRC.
08-24-2011, 10:10 AM
Blackwells Monaro Number 44 was driven by Steve Dymand brother of John.
Steve Holmes
07-12-2012, 06:28 AM
So did the Crosby Escort die as a rally car, like so many rally cars do?
07-12-2012, 07:53 AM
definitly Wigram, Port hills in the back ground. Went for a drive round the Wigram area to try and have a look at the old track. It was a sad site and it is now barely recognizable with all the new subdivisions in the area.
Rod Grimwood
07-12-2012, 08:52 AM
Strange how old race tracks make nice sub-divisions, then they winge about boy racers, how sad.
John McKechnie
07-12-2012, 06:33 PM
I went to see the final V8 Supercar race at Oran Park.It was supposed to become a subdivision, but thanks to the economic meltdown, it has not proceeded.
Steve Holmes
07-12-2012, 07:57 PM
There was talk an exact replica of Oran Park was to be built elsewhere. Was that just some flight of fancy dreamt up by a journalist?
From memory it was just part of the load of cow droppings proferred by Tony Perich at the time as part of the justification for shutting the joint down. While Oran Park wasn't really considered a great track, at least it was a track...:(
Steve Holmes
07-12-2012, 08:31 PM
Well it was at least an interesting track, and far more so than many more recent efforts, such as Queensland Raceway.
Well it was at least an interesting track, and far more so than many more recent efforts, such as Queensland Raceway.
Or the pile of shite, once upon a time more glorious, that people refer to as Pukekohe....
07-12-2012, 10:23 PM
Not Levin. too many hills in close proximity.I also remember the houses around the circuit.The only ones by the track were between the pits and main straight. I recall when I was much younger i wished I lived in one of them for the great view! My vote is Wigram. Good photos.
John McKechnie
07-14-2012, 12:44 AM
Still talking about Oran Park-When I was there an authentic Bob Holden Escort barrel rolled on the last corner.Still had an authentic aluminium roll cage in it.The roof looked like the Sutherland E49 charger. The passenger side and roof took the impact of hitting the concrete with earth behind wall.Fantastic to watch, sickening to hear.Driver got out.The car was totaled.I am sure that the car will be rebuilt , not rebodied........yeah right. Loved the track layout with the overbridge, made for fantastic watching at many points.Saw Morris deliberately punt Wincup off there.
John McKechnie
07-15-2012, 05:05 AM
Hi Rod Grimwood, In another thread you said you used to be with Patton and Black. Did you have much to do with Forrest Lake stadium stock car track? I bought the blue HK Kingswood with mags that they used there , in 1972/73.Registration DG7157. I used to hill climb it-Chamberlain Rd, Bgight Rd, Cosseys Farm ,Andersons Farm.Great fun. Also used it as a tow car for my racing Mini Cooper S. Did you also have anything to do with Blacks building of the HK Monaro , now a long time ago. Love to get some details of it
Rod Grimwood
07-15-2012, 08:19 AM
Hi John, I worked at Waikaraka Park with Wally Page and Warren Black was boss. Looked after track preparation and fence's etc. (they were wooden planks then and always needed replacing.) Also any other faciities and visiting teams etc.
Wally was the trackman and good on grader, and bloody good in his stockcar as well.
Was handy to have car there later in week to check track was right. And make sure not too much water on Saturday afternoon (gave little horsepower saloon cars a chance in early race) loved those early races.
I was not involved in any of Spencers cars. Spent a bit of time with him over the years between boats and cars, good bloke, hard case bugger.
Remember Bald Hill, Cossey's, Andersons Farm, Chamberlain and Bright (tarseal) back then.
John McKechnie
07-15-2012, 10:01 AM
Hi again Rod, I used to run ex Noel Goodwin Fiat 600 (Fyfe and Ransom)- your watering definitely helped little cars like mine., later crewed with Rob Watkins AP5 Valiant, back in early 70s.Really different atmosphere then.I remember Wally.Did you ever run a car there or at the hill climbs and grasstracks? In fact most of those names still stick in the mind, like most of the racing. I remember some nights the water truck was shifted from where it was blocking the track after racing (very naughty )-,people would barbeque and party into the night-and they would get their cars out again and have private races or girlfriends would have a drive.One night when this was going on at about midnight, we noticed a blue HK Monaro absolutely screeeeeming around -it was a road car and this guy was giving it absolute death.He did about 20 laps , then took off up the road.He was airborne over the bridge at Onehunga and totalled it.I know the guy who bought it and rebuilt it.He still has it.
You guys did a great job at the Park gave a lot of people enjoyment , fullfillment, direction in life , and a social life .Give yourself a well deserved pat on the back
Rod Grimwood
07-15-2012, 09:35 PM
John email me Tell you some more. What Bar B Q's, what sort of enjoyment.
Yep ran cars at all
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