View Full Version : 2021 MG Classic Race Meeting (at Manfeild, 12-14 November 2021)

Alan Hyndman
10-19-2021, 06:31 AM
...has been cancelled.

Here is an abridged version of Ron Robertson's email:

After a lot of discussion and consultation with many people, for the first time ever, it is with great regret that we have decided to cancel our meeting for this year.

An alternative date is being sought, but it is very difficult as everybody else who has cancelled their event at Manfeild up to now, is seeking the same thing. The closest date would be June / July 2022 – let us know your thoughts, but to go ahead then, will be close to our standard second weekend of November date.

We look forward to bringing you a bigger and better event in 2022.

And, remind you to cancel any bookings you may have made for this weekend in November.

Yours as ever, in classic racing

Ron and the MG Classic Race Committee