View Full Version : Jim Clark. The genius. The Legend. The Champion.

khyndart in CA
04-08-2020, 02:37 AM
Is it really 52 years since I awoke to the news that Jimmy Clark had perished in Germany.

I think this article today has a very appropriate heading.


Jim Clark with his chewed out finger nails. (Something I can relate to.)With Colin Chapman.

R.I.P Jim..never to be forgotten.

(Ken H )

04-08-2020, 02:59 AM
I will never forget that day as well Ken. I know exactly where I was and what i was doing...

khyndart in CA
04-08-2020, 06:29 AM
Jimmy enjoyed coming to NZ and Australia for the racing series.
Seen here at Lake Taupo applying shampoo (which he would be fined for today !) No one on the shore seems to note that the world's best race driver is right there in the water.

There are many stories of the fun all the drivers and the crews had while "down under."

04-08-2020, 06:40 AM

khyndart in CA
04-08-2020, 07:18 AM
Jim Clark could drive any type of race car and excel.
Check the start of the 1961 Le Mans and how far Clark was ahead at the first turn in his Aston Martin DBR 1 compared to the rest of the field.

He really enjoyed himself driving in a Lotus Cortina, seen here at Silverstone in 1964.

(Ken H )

Roger Dowding
04-09-2020, 03:56 AM
Jim Clark " could drive any type of race car " Yes - drove this not in a Race but did a few laps in it, Bruce McLaren also drove it at Wigram in 1960.
The photo is not Jim but is with the number 22, the wide wheels -
photo from Wigram during 1962 - car owned by Forest Cardon -
There is the photo of Jim giving the Thumbs up while on track in the car - in Trevor Sheffield's book on the late Ralph Watson
This was during the series that included the NZIGP at Ardmore, Wigram, Dunedin, Teretonga - unsure if Levin was in the mix that year - without delving into the archives.
The Book is tucked away at the moment.