View Full Version : Eric Mallard

04-06-2020, 03:18 PM
The NZHerald has an obituary for Eric Mallard, known to most of us as Quackers. R.I.P. Eric

04-06-2020, 08:59 PM
A real NZ icon who those outside the sport won't even have heard of.

I only saw the announcement, not an obituary, but a service will be held later.

I'm sure someone who knew him far better than I did, can add some anecdotes in here.

R I P Eric

Roger Dowding
04-07-2020, 07:07 AM
RIP Eric.

Indeed some great posts around from people like Kevin Lancaster a stalwart of Auckland Car Club and the NZ Rally Group
Many others like Ron Brown, Alan Boyle have posted comments.
Remember him from going to the NZIGP Offices in Ellerslie, never really knew but know of his support for Motorsport in New Zealand.

Michael Clark
04-07-2020, 08:52 PM
Eric was a one-off. Motor sport cannot exist without administrators and Eric was in a class of his own in that regard.

He took a fair amount of flack but he handled it all because he knew the rules far far better than those who bagged him. His knowledge was immense and his passion for the sport boundless.

The contribution he made to our sport was recognised with various accolades that were richly deserved.