View Full Version : Historic New Zealand Racing Cars Book

Steve Holmes
09-03-2019, 06:02 PM
Is there anyone who doesn't have a copy of my book Historic New Zealand Racing Cars, but is thinking of buying one? I now have a small number of copies available, which I can sign and add a personalized messaged if required. Price is NZ$40.00 plus shipping. Flick me an email if interested: theroaringseason@gmail.com

Steve Holmes
www.theroaringseason.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theroaringseason.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0RFK7Xs3meMv7YnBqEq7pYvG6VM_oN1tCRgNWS3eRX7Z_BF6-sE9l1f_w&h=AT0994-vqDivisqnJ--sOwHDYdbqi_CJvMWJnLSsBtdgF-KSZ_v0MS7p7j7nK3sKd_22W_XpVAItjd8hFyEiaJSSuWYEleNhJ5HVSjf_09gwhYul8OJrSjW6xsXZq0dBiHkX7g)


Roger Dowding
09-11-2019, 03:25 AM
On the right next to the thin Booklet type ones the two Historic Racing Cars ones by NZ Classic car and the Waimate and Dunedin Special Books - published by the Clubs connected with the Original Races.
[ Allan Dick has done a story on Waimate 50 meetings in the recent NZ Classic Driver ]