View Full Version : Photos Wanted For Toyota Book

Steve Holmes
05-24-2018, 02:25 AM
I'm finally nearing completion of this project, but would like to get photos of any of the following:

1: NZ Touring Car Coronas that raced in the 1990s

2: 2 Litre Super Touring Coronas that competed at the Wellington Street Race

3: Any Toyota powered Formula Atlantic/Pacific. Craig Baird, Paul Radisich, Ken Smith all raced Toyota powered cars in the early 1990s

4: BNTV8 Camrys

5: The Chris Amon/Murray Walker 2003 Dunlop Targa Camry

Can anyone help with any of the above? If so, can you please contact me at: theroaringseason@gmail.com

Warwick Clayton photo below:


Steve Holmes
05-24-2018, 02:30 AM
Also, does anyone here know who Roaring Season member 'Snoozin' is? He posted this nice photo of one of the NZ Touring Car Coronas at a historic event a few years ago.


05-24-2018, 08:06 AM
Groundsky have a folio of photos of the Amon/Walker car.

Steve Holmes
05-24-2018, 05:54 PM
Thanks Allan, yeah I emailed them but they haven't replied.

05-28-2018, 02:31 AM
Steve - have you been in touch with Greg Brinck - he pedaled one of the Corona's in Lynx livery in the 2L champs againts the Beemers. Car looked damned good. I think Greg is at Giltraps these days at the Bentley / Lambo dealership - google him there for contact details