View Full Version : Movie of the day; Frank Williams and Formula One
khyndart in CA
12-17-2017, 09:13 AM
I had known Patrick Head at Trojan Racing in 1973 and Frank Williams would drop by sometimes.
I found this documentary most fascinating especially with Dave Brodie telling life as it was back in the early days !
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
(Ken Hyndman )
12-17-2017, 09:53 AM
Great Ken, thanks for posting.
Michael Clark
12-17-2017, 05:16 PM
I watched it two nights ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I think some stories were probably amplified - like the car that got re-sold three times to the same guy - but overall I reckon it is a great story well told.
nigel watts
12-17-2017, 09:06 PM
Just finished watching it. A very interesting insight into the F1 life of Frank Williams. A very driven man. Thanks for posting Ken.
Steve Holmes
12-18-2017, 05:40 PM
Great video Ken. Thanks for posting. I've always been a fan of the Williams team but feel in recent years they've begun to settle for being a midfielder and just happy to stay in the game. By all accounts it looks like they'll have two pay drivers in 2018, both helping fund the team to the tune of tens of millions. A far cry to the mighty Williams of the 1980s and '90s.
khyndart in CA
12-19-2017, 01:22 AM
I wonder if this neat Brabham in Frank Williams trim is one of the cars described in the movie by Dave Brodie ?
Thanks to Ray Green for the photo showing the car driven by FJ competitor, Tony Olissoff.
(Ken H)
khyndart in CA
12-20-2017, 08:54 PM
I had put this in TRS about 3 years ago. I wonder if it is the same car.
Plus is this the same car that Roly wrecked at Baypark a year later in Dec. 1969.?
(December 1968. )
Roly Levis talking with Leo Geoghegan.
Standing in front of Roly's Team Lexington Brabham BT 23 C / 7
This car was first owned by Frank Williams for Piers Courage to drive.
Word has it that it was in the vast collection of cars owned by Bobby Rahal in Ohio, USA.
If that is true it will be in superb condition.
(Ken Hyndman photo )
Another view of the # 10 Brabham with the Williams livery. Cosworth FVA 1.6 L engine.
(Thanks to Ray Green for allowing me to use his photo to highlight the Frank Williams connection.
The history reading on these Brabham BT 23s seems to get a bit confusing especially BT23 C/7 and BT 23C /12.
I need the TRS historians to help me. )
Ken H
(Ken Hyndman )
khyndart in CA
12-20-2017, 10:22 PM
This is slightly off course but it shows what it was like before wind tunnels were used for testing.
This spoiler arrangement looks like the tail arrangement for a WW 1 bomber !
Jochen Rindt in a Brabham BT 23C testing a wing arrangement driving for Roy Winkelmann Racing in 1968.
(I am glad these were banned !)
(Ken H)
khyndart in CA
12-22-2017, 04:29 AM
I hope you folks got to see the movie when it was available.
12-22-2017, 12:36 PM
I hope you folks got to see the movie when it was available.
No, missed it!
khyndart in CA
12-22-2017, 04:59 PM
I found the movie again on YouTube and re-entered it and I hope it works for you.
Merry Christmas from KH in Ca.
Ross Hollings
12-22-2017, 11:58 PM
Many thanks for putting that back up,so pleased i watched it,a very powerful and moving documentary,some of the racing foot particularly good.I found the various parts quite moving,the segment on Piers Courage,had the pleasure of meeting him in 1968 ,his car , McLaren FVA ,was being looked after by Seabrook Fowlds in Auckland,Bruce Blacklock[who worked there] got involved with the car and arranged to give a helping hand at the Levin meeting,i was asked to tag along,our job was to keep the car looking nice and clean,so that gleaming finish you see in photos from that race was down to us,he got second there.A real nice man,down to earth and easy to talk to.He also invite us back to the hotel to the private bar for a drink and that is where we were confronted with a room full of all the top drivers at that meeting,needless to say our jaws were on the ground among such famous company.His death was real tradgedy.
On watching the documentary you realise how much you did not know and missed during those years.I also found the last segment with Frank and his daughter very very moving.
12-23-2017, 10:52 AM
Thanks Ken, does the soundtrack go a bit strange around 25 minutes in? Jackie Stewart talking, Howden and a few others but not the speech?
khyndart in CA
12-23-2017, 04:53 PM
It looks like you have to subscribe now to see it properly. (Just subscribe and watch it for FREE ! ) oh well, I tried..
Ross Hollings
12-23-2017, 06:42 PM
I finished up watching it on Youtube,and the sound went funny on that for a short time.
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