View Full Version : Looks like I got something unexpected from the Roaring Season.
Ray Bell
08-05-2017, 11:44 AM
Every time I open the page I get this:
I use AVG Antivirus and haven't had this issue!
Steve Holmes
08-05-2017, 11:48 PM
I have asked my tech guy to take a look at this.
I use AVG antivirus also, without issues but use Internet explorer, not Mozilla firefox.
Ray Bell
08-06-2017, 11:56 AM
I look forward to hearing what your man has to say, Steve...
If he needs further information I'm happy to provide it. As long as I can retrieve it, that is.
Steve Holmes
08-06-2017, 08:36 PM
Its actually a pretty common thing for hackers to target social media platforms like discussion forums, facebook etc. Their aim is to create disruption. Virtually every forum on the web would have been hacked more than once. Its one of the challenges forum owners face and further adds to the time and cost of keeping the site running. But I have a good tech guy and he has found and cleaned up these attacks previously.
khyndart in CA
08-16-2017, 04:53 PM
I found this a bit disconcerting when by chance I just happened to Google this site today.
I need more reassurance Maestro Steve.
(Ken H )
Paul B
08-16-2017, 06:58 PM
Yes Ken, there was also some Trojan virus activity detected by my antivirus also 2 days ago.
Keep your antivirus up to date!
Steve Holmes
08-16-2017, 07:22 PM
I found this a bit disconcerting when by chance I just happened to Google this site today.
I need more reassurance Maestro Steve.
(Ken H )
This is the report my tech guy gave me:
I have checked the site, double scanned it and it is coming back clean. I am finding reports that avg and similar virus checkers will sometimes report a false positive on vbulliten based websites. No work around exists for this.
nigel watts
08-16-2017, 07:41 PM
I rely on the Windows Defender antivirus protection and haven't had any of these problems - touch wood.
khyndart in CA
08-16-2017, 10:43 PM
I keep telling people about the TRS site and it was a friend who mentioned the Google comment. This seems a bit harsh as people are naturally hesitant to enter a "This site may be hacked" site. I have Norton and Windows Defender and have never seen a warning come up on my screens. I don't know what it takes to get "Google" to take that wording away if it is unjustified.
I may have some Laguna Seca material coming up and of course I want to feel confident in my TRS site.
(Ken H )
John McKechnie
08-16-2017, 11:33 PM
Laguna Seca material will be worth viewing, thanks Ken.
09-22-2017, 03:10 AM
some guys are having problems accessing again Steve, but I am fine
Yup. I got locked out this morning on the PC (AVG), but laptop seems OK - or the hiccup has been sorted.
Roger Dowding
09-22-2017, 04:44 AM
Guys, I had several warnings and posted on TRS Facebookpage as well as my own.. my McAfee is trying to block because of Google it seems, so after messages from Spgeti and others have now gone in, and read all this on the thread .. seems OK ..
thanks, Guys
09-22-2017, 04:46 AM
I have been striking the same problem over the last 2-3 days. Not sure my knowledge or expertise is sufficient to solve it myself and I guess I will have to ask long-suffering computer-programmer son in UK . AND decide which email provider to change to (ihug/vodafone etc stops end November!) It's all a bit too much for us oldies.
At least voting tomorrow is no problem, the polling station is next door!
Roger Dowding
09-22-2017, 05:27 AM
I have been striking the same problem over the last 2-3 days. Not sure my knowledge or expertise is sufficient to solve it myself and I guess I will have to ask long-suffering computer-programmer son in UK . AND decide which email provider to change to (ihug/vodafone etc stops end November!) It's all a bit too much for us oldies.
At least voting tomorrow is no problem, the polling station is next door!
Love it Stu, we voted already nearby shopping centre .. so Saturday is mine .. they say busiest from 9 to 11 am .. after people wake up !! cheers .an BTW a lot of people use sons who are far more computer literate so solve all sorts of problems even though you know they are going " What The F*** are you doing " !!
Roger D
09-22-2017, 08:36 AM
Love it Stu, we voted already nearby shopping centre .. so Saturday is mine .. they say busiest from 9 to 11 am .. after people wake up !! cheers .an BTW a lot of people use sons who are far more computer literate so solve all sorts of problems even though you know they are going " What The F*** are you doing " !!
Roger D
Son may well be saying exactly that, but wouldn't say - he emails us with important info, like "No, I wasn't walking on London Bridge...or I've never been to Parsons Green Underground Station...." to allay our worries re terrorist doings.
The polling booth at the village hall is a bit of a social event, so it's not a problem, although I'm tempted to go over at 9 a.m. in my pyjamas and dressing gown. "Her Indoors" would not be happy!
Grandsons are more clued up... But there again, my son lives in the UK anyway.
Voted two or three days ago and no queue.
Funeral tomorrow morning - mum of one of the occasional TRS posters, known to most of you.
Just deleted AVG - all OK on the PC now!
09-26-2017, 03:03 AM
What has happened to this site? I have started getting messages saying this is a deceptive site and is being blocked. Then yesterday a message saying the site is undergoing a software upgrade, now ALL images before the upgrade appear to be blocked.
Terry S
09-26-2017, 03:52 AM
YES! No good
On my desktop the AVG antivirus is saying it is detecting MALWARE on this site and won't let me go further. Been like this for days., hoping it eould get better when I saw yesterday's message
This is from my iPad
If you are on Windows 10, I don't believe you need AVG anyway, so I have deleted it off the PC and Laptop. I can still run the 'Malwarebytes' software.
All the attachment pics have now disappeared prior to the Software update so we'll just twiddle our thumbs until we get a message from the top.
I'm not a frequent visitor anymore to RS but in the last week I have been getting a warning telling me that the RS Site is subject to "Phishing" and I am given the option to ignore and proceed to the site or cancel and not proceed.
I use a Mac at home where I get the message. I use Windows 10 at work and do not get it.
I waited a few days to see if the message would go but it persists so I eventually opted to come to RS because I knew this thread had been going for a while and wanted to see if anyone else was having similar experiences.
Last night, a day or so after going on the RS I received a message from Vodafone ( supposedly ) my ISP informing me that there had been an unauthorised attempt at accessing my Webmail account from France and to click on the link to access my webmail to check settings.
I was very suspicious of this to say the least, the link took me to a webpage which looks exactly like VFs webmail page login but I knew from the link address this was not genuine and did not go any further.
I write this only as a FYI exercise. The Phishing warning persists and the email supposedly from VF looks to be exactly that, a phishing attempt to get my details.
I can't say for sure whether accessing the RS led to me getting the email but I get no spam and have seldom if ever got such things so the timing would have to be a huge co-incidence for the two not to be related.
gpbk, i am getting the same message using firefox on an old laptop running vista. donot know enough to get rid of it without the complicated picture sight
I waited a few days to see if the message would go but it persists so I eventually opted to come to RS because I knew this thread had been going for a while and wanted to see if anyone else was having similar experiences.
I can't say for sure whether accessing the RS led to me getting the email but I get no spam and have seldom if ever got such things so the timing would have to be a huge co-incidence for the two not to be related.
Methinks this may be more than a coincidence too.
I was on the phone to my ISP yesterday (I know them well) and was told that a lot of the Chinese spam that has been hitting one of my addresses is because the Chinese government apparently pays people to phish, hack and spam.
I have deleted one of my email addresses totally and am about to delete another, but it is a slow process going into the various company sites, banking, message boards, computer software, magazine subscriptions, travel, Government sites etc., just to change the contact details.
Some are easy, some are diabolical, but I couldn't see any alternative.
I certainly won't be posting any more pics on here until there is a guarantee that all is well.
Terry S
09-27-2017, 01:10 AM
Steve, when do you expect this problem to be fixed. Very frustrating
This is from my iPad
Grant Ellwood
09-27-2017, 11:20 PM
Don't jump on Steve too much, this is a common problem unfortunately. Social websites like TRS are constantly under attack. There is no solution available until your provider lets you know how to fix it. Hopefully we can get back to normal soon.
09-27-2017, 11:57 PM
I do know he is working on it. Let just give him some slack and I am sure it will be sorted.
After all he does this voluntary for us at no cost.
Rod Grimwood
09-28-2017, 01:53 AM
Yep no images
To follow up.
Yesterday I added an image to my earlier post showing the Phishing Warning.
This morning I awoke to find an invoice from iTunes telling me I'd purchased 3x Ed Sheeran albums for $24.99. It also had a link stating if this was a transaction that was not permitted to click here.
I have never made a purchase on iTunes. I doubt I will ever buy an Ed Sheeran album let alone 3 and there has been no purchase charged to my credit card. Clearly once again they're after my details. This is a pretty kosher looking invoice which would catch some people out.
Too much of a co-incidence once again and I'm now certain the RS is currently compromised. No more visits from home at the very least.
I get heaps of Spam that gets past my ISP, partly because my private email address was used for years on race meeting ASR's as the contact for the ERC Series, before I created an ERC domain. When your full email address is in any way in the public domain, sooner or later you get spammed. I get a lot of Spam from China, for example, offering various services to 'Arrow Wheels' as one of our sponsors.
If you ever post on a message board or any public forum, then all I can suggest as an amateur, is that you put a space before and after the @ sign, or use the word 'at' instead. Not fool proof and even the web bots that go searching for email addresses might not be conned.
Also what doesn't help is when an organisation or club or private person sends out an email to 100's of people, but instead of using the 'bcc' option (blind carbon copy), they use 'To' or 'Copy'. Even Goodwood and Sky TV have been guilty of that. Particularly with Goodwood, I could have trawled through that list and no doubt tracked down many 'known' people, but I didn't.
All I can suggest is that you do as I have had to do, is create a new gmail address to use on a temporary basis for personal stuff, and create a new main email address for everywhere else.
In the meantime, it will pay to be cautious - which is very sad, as TRS is an addiction I really do not want to kick.
The other issue is people forwarding an email with dozens or even hundreds of previous email addresses on it. It only takes one or two rogues and your email address is grabbed by the spammers.
It is sheer laziness or ignorance on the part of the sender.
Most ISP's will be filtering out 98% of the stuff they receive as it is deemed to be Spam.
09-28-2017, 09:12 PM
For what its worth - I had no issues until I had a popup saying I had a private message.
John McKechnie
09-29-2017, 12:04 AM
bottom line is that I feel awkward coming here and seeing DANGEROUS www.the roaring season..................
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