View Full Version : Tony Adamowicz

khyndart in CA
10-12-2016, 07:26 PM
A few months ago I had written this and sadly 2 days ago Tony crossed the final finish line.

"Tony Adamowicz.
While researching for this Challenger thread I was reminded of the condition of Tony who was one of the drivers in 1970 along with Sam Posey. Tony was very popular and talented driver but the hardest part was saying his name so his nickname was" Tony a2z."
I saw him at the last Laguna Seca historic races in August 2015 and did not realize his health issues which have deteriorated a great deal since December.
He had a great career and we can only hope and pray he does not suffer for too long.
His web site is very interesting about his whole career and it begins with a very moving message from his sisters.
Thanks Tony for getting all this wonderful material onto this site and our prayers are with you."


(Ken Hyndman )

khyndart in CA
10-12-2016, 07:36 PM
Much has been written in the last few days about Tony A's career but the best I have found is this site with much of it in his words.
It is a lot of reading but very worthwhile on a remarkable career.


© Schlegelmilch Photo
Tony Adamowicz' Office at Sunrise: Mulsanne Corner, 1971 Le Mans 24 Hours.

Tony and Sam Posey won Third Place in their NART Ferrari 512M. The car broke the lap record in the early stages of the race and later set several top speed records at Bonneville.

Hope you enjoy this site as much as I did.


(Ken Hyndman )

Steve Holmes
10-13-2016, 07:34 PM
Thanks for starting this thread Ken. He drove some great cars in his career, bu this is the one for which I'll always remember him. RIP Tony A.


Rod Grimwood
10-17-2016, 09:13 AM
Very sad news Ken, we were lucky to meet him for very short time last year at La Guna, he was a nice person and. He was not well then but determined to be there and have a look. He loved the F5000's and was happy that the Kiwis had bought the cars over.
RIP Tony