View Full Version : Motoring pics Vintage cars - early years, events from 1960's 70's and 80's
Roger Dowding
01-03-2016, 07:25 AM
Have quite a collection that don't fit in other threads, so will gather them in one place;
here ;
Thread started in January 2016 and has had other car photos attached to it - more modern events, though the cars are still old-ish. The " 30 Year Rule " more or less.
2021 on, will use the thread going forward for a lot of photo's that don't fit with other threads,Pukekohe the early years, Northern Sports Car Club, and Dunedin ..etc..
2022 A bit of a story on New Zealand Number Plates and Registrations has started 1st April 2022
A no it is not a joke as written after Mid-Day ..
Seen before on Yards and Yarns the 1971 Hunua Hundred, Auckland Vintage Car Club event.
The 1971 Hunua Hundred was held on 24th October 1971
- I have just found another SIX photos which require scanning ; they will be posted in due course. Includes a couple more of the Model A Ford.
One of the Official " CHECK " signs - borrowed from the VCC Organisers - with permission. - which I still have in my collection of motoring memorabilia.
The Model A Ford I was navigator in.. complete with the thugs involved - thanks Ken H .. note no shotguns.
I am "The man in the Middle "- as the song goes, and my best Mate at the time Peter Firth on the left and the owner Charles " Charlie " Liddell on the right.
2020 ; have found out that the car still exists but has been repainted and is now two tone " Duotone "
My Mini a 1966 Austin Mini - petrol cap just in view
Charlies Car - the Model A again.
Charlies Model A the Official VCC photo.
Not a true vintage but bits of it are. Actually all of the car was 1930's except for a couple of parts - the central section of the chassis was 1950's construction - the original BSA front and rear suspension was attached the the chassis rails / tubes.
Lyle Chambers BSA Special - the Ford 8/10 powered one.
Roger Dowding
01-09-2016, 06:29 AM
Enough of the Ford Model A, Charles " Charlie " Liddell's car in which I navigated with Peter Firth as assistant.
some of the other cars -
the Huge Renault - believed to be George Mihaelivic's [ spelling ?? ].
Hispano - Suiza
Not the Hunua Hundred, but my Father, Mac Dowding's, Austin Seven - well was jointly owned by Ed and Mac - photo from family archives taken in early 1940. Dad's girlfriend Eily in the car [ my mother, they married after the war in 1945.] Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding provided a lot of information for the Northern Sports Car Club thread.
The car was modified with cut down doors and a raked windscreen to make it more MG -ish.. had a modified exhaust with copper tubes inside the main pipe to make it sound better.. seems familiar.
No wonder I was into cars
Have recently seen a whole lot more photos of this car, with Mac my Dad, Ed my Uncle and their mates taken in the period 1938 - 1940.
My Uncle Ed had a huge collection of photos which his son, my cousin, is scanning to keep for me.
Roger Dowding
01-09-2016, 09:41 PM
During a trip around East Cape and down to Hawkes Bay in 1972 came across the competitors in a Vintage Rally, photo's taken in Napier from memory
Vauxhall Hurlingham
Rolls Royce and trucks at the Park - was " Parc Ferme " for the night while in Napier
Don Osborne - whom I knew well at the time - he had a 1960's Ford Galaxie convertible as well, here is his 1919 Dodge
Not on the Rally, seen at the roadside a Chevrolet truck which appears to be a cut down car, looking at the door edge.
Our transport was more modern a 1966 850cc Mini, the sprint, hillclimb trial and gymkhana car on the weekend, daily driver during the week.
2020 - have now acquired the Entry List / Programme and also the Booklet issued about the event in 1972
Thanks to Tony Haycock and Russ Cunningham
Roger Dowding
01-10-2016, 06:54 AM
More pics from the Rally, interesting vehicles in the background, trucks a Bedford and in a previous shot a Landrover and a Flat nose Morris Commercial ?? Cocoa Cola truck.
As shown later in the thread the programme - the event was 1972
Our 1966 Austin Mini on the road to a wharf on the East Coast, near Mahia Peninsula I think.. Lucas Square 8 driving lights, very de riguer, even Rolls Royce used them, my second set as the first got stolen off the previous car an Austin A40 Farina.. this Mini was the get me to work, daily driver, Trials car, then Sprints Hill Climbs and Gymkhana's -
mechanically standard but later had widened wheels for sprints etc and the standard front wheels had Town and Country tyres for trialling.
In sprint mode driving lights removed, wider wheels on and by now some chrome trim removed. the grille had 2 turn buttons instead of the 20 or so screws to hold it on.
The port you mention was probably Waikokopu on the Mahia Peninsula. It was a thriving port in the days of the little 'Coasters'-small vessels that served small coastal settlements.
There is little left of it now, but the shed in the photo looks familiar-I suspect it may still be there.
Roger Dowding
01-11-2016, 11:21 PM
The port you mention was probably Waikokopu on the Mahia Peninsula. It was a thriving port in the days of the little 'Coasters'-small vessels that served small coastal settlements.
There is little left of it now, but the shed in the photo looks familiar-I suspect it may still be there.
rf84 have a photo of the " wharf " a very basic one.. will post it, thanks for the details, we stayed with my then wife's relatives in a small village near Gisborne and they told us about the Mahia area
Roger Dowding
01-12-2016, 06:54 AM
rf84 have a photo of the " wharf " a very basic one.. will post it, thanks for the details, we stayed with my then wife's relatives in a small village near Gisborne and they told us about the Mahia area
The shed again as commented on by rf84, quote
" The port you mention was probably Waikokopu on the Mahia Peninsula. It was a thriving port in the days of the little 'Coasters'-small vessels that served small coastal settlements.
There is little left of it now, but the shed in the photo looks familiar-I suspect it may still be there. "
the wharf at the end of the road that goes through the shed ' warehouse / cargo shed ' ..
Roger Dowding
01-12-2016, 07:54 AM
a few pics from a stop at I believe Mangonui, Northland in late 1978 or early 1979 [ pic date is Mar '79 ], and the TR is yet to get its racing Roll Bar.
Thanks for that. Yes-definitely Waikokopu. The shed is still there but not much of the wharf remains. Were you a surfer "back in the days" as there are some great surfing spots around this area.
Roger Dowding
01-19-2016, 04:22 AM
Rally, as in a gathering, at Western Springs Speedway, some driving done but mostly static display.
Hopefully these vehicles are still around today ;.
any unnamed ones please add to the thread and / or correct any wrongly named. the naming was done many years ago [ 1968 ] as I wrote on the back of the pictures.
some are slightly blurry, couldn't tell until I enlarged them.
Please identify !!
I knew Graham Craw well back in the 1980/90's - understand his collection is now housed in a Museum in Northland and is the best collection of Packards in the Southern Hemisphere .. unsure if this was his
More to follow ;
John McKechnie
01-19-2016, 05:32 AM
Rodger- dont think this is one of Grahams. I worked on 12 of his Packards and dont remember this.
This actually looks like the one Mark Ball owned, as I redid the top and side curtains.
As a fellow Packard lover I always enjoyed spending time examining the cars especially the Packard Merlin motor -with log books......
Roger Dowding
01-19-2016, 07:15 AM
Mixed collection of English and American - includes Riley's which were a favourite in the Dowding families immediate Post War ;.
Back in the day when Vauxhall rivaled Bentley with big engined cars a 30/98
The Americans - Chrysler
Those Rileys - an Alpine ?
Riley again
Riley Kestrel 6 or Monaco ?
The family had one of these and a Monaco at another time - one a Kestrel, I think was heavily modified in the engine and had to use aircraft plugs as the head was planed too much.
** The Rileys - the names on the photos of the models may not be correct - have posted elsewhere and been corrected so will check
Other cars there [ background in the photos - the huge 1960's Plymouth and a Daimler Limousine.
more to come
Roger Dowding
01-19-2016, 07:17 AM
Rodger- dont think this is one of Grahams. I worked on 12 of his Packards and dont remember this.
This actually looks like the one Mark Ball owned, as I redid the top and side curtains.
As a fellow Packard lover I always enjoyed spending time examining the cars especially the Packard Merlin motor -with log books......
John M, any pictures of your work and the cars ??, would like to see them posted !!
John McKechnie
01-19-2016, 09:12 AM
Roger- I have 5 photo albums of cars covering 38 years.
Posting them would take so long.
Currently have Jaguar XK140 Roadster in for full trim,
Just finishing a Ford Jailbar that was/ still is Bitumix truck
Also doing a Triumph TR4 with the type 1 seats.
Before Xmas did a MGTC- full resto. It had TR4 Type 1 seats with the original material underneath-great for a correct pattern
Please keep posting your pix , the b/w gives them a real historical feel.
01-19-2016, 03:44 PM
Roger Dowding
01-21-2016, 08:00 AM
Roger- I have 5 photo albums of cars covering 38 years.
Posting them would take so long.
Currently have Jaguar XK140 Roadster in for full trim,
Just finishing a Ford Jailbar that was/ still is Bitumix truck
Also doing a Triumph TR4 with the type 1 seats.
Before Xmas did a MGTC- full resto. It had TR4 Type 1 seats with the original material underneath-great for a correct pattern
Please keep posting your pix , the b/w gives them a real historical feel.
John M, thanks for the request," Please keep posting your pix , the b/w gives them a real historical feel." have lots more B/w's then we will get to colour even for the Vintage as have about 36 from the 1972 VCC International Rally, proper vintage Rally unlike the Western Springs gathering.. and I wrote details at the time so hopefully my notes are accurate, a friend of mine was an entrant in it.
Would like to see a picture or two from you.
Re' Graham Craw, I was his Bank Manager in the period 1988-92 at ANZ Bank in New Lynn, Graham was a valued customer but a farmer to the core, came to see one day, arrived in his London Taxi an FX3, I think still the Austin engined version, had a piece of rope to keep his trousers up [ lost the belt ], and was sitting outside my office waiting, my manager a very conservative and negaitive person saw him and came into my office as was concerned with this " scruff " sitting there, so I introduced my manager to Graham and after the interview the boss wanted his file, he was probably our biggest value customer .. don't judge a book by its cover !!,
Graham was terrific, I wanted some firewood so he sent his son around to my home with a truckload at a very good price ..
Remember he owned the old Montana Winery site on the scenic drive in West Auckland at one time, and of course interesting cars always,
John McKechnie
01-21-2016, 08:23 AM
Graham Craw showed me his collection of weapons and invited me to have a session with his Thompson Machine gun.
Very heavy, aim low as when it keeps firing the nose comes up.-
Dont believe any stories of guys strutting around with one in each hand.
Definitely a bucket list moment along with sitting in a Suhoi in Ukraine.
The time with the Bofors would be best in a pm. More on Graham and Packards.soon
Roger Dowding
01-23-2016, 03:12 AM
An English selection - with plates to match the cars year on one ..
Bentley and its motor,
Those SU's didn't change much from the 20's to the 60's ..
A large car from MG, an SA 4 seater cabriolet ..
from the motoring words of the day, " You buy a car but you invest in an Austin " - their advertising slogan.
My father had Austin Sevens including a two door early 1930's Ruby, was the first car I remember in the mid 1950's , he went to Fords for a while with an E94A Prefect, then a Mark 111 Zephyr, then back to Austin with a 1968 Austin 1800 " Landcrab - a good car, and then a 1300 cc Allegro, it lasted him well but was not a good drivers car.
I think he believed in their advertising - the Zephyr was the best in my memory and he had that when I got my licence in 1965.
Roger Dowding
01-23-2016, 05:54 AM
A few more a bit mixed and a Jazz Band on a truck ..
Dennis and Holden
General view of the track and the cars
The Jazz band on the " T " Truck.
A few more to follow taken with a borrowed camera - unsure whose, but have the negatives and the prints.
Roger Dowding
01-23-2016, 06:21 AM
A couple of model "A" s, wonder if the door got opened !!
Some fairly fancy English cars
MG Midget - the original, name reinvented in 1961 for the Sprite based BMC one
Singer - another name gathered up by Rootes group [ a 1934 Le Mans ]
did this with a Sepia filter as the white was too white in the print.
and to finish a Rolls Royce - a well known car with a story board on the front, and lots of badges.
That is all of this series.
Roger Dowding
02-10-2016, 09:37 PM
During a trip around East Cape and down to Hawkes Bay in 1971 came across the competitors in a Vintage Rally, photo's taken in Napier from memory
Not on the Rally, seen at the roadside a Chevrolet truck which appears to be a cut down car, looking at the door edge.
Our transport was more modern a 1966 850cc Mini, the sprint, hillclimb trial and gymkhana car on the weekend, daily driver during the week.
Have found 36 colour photos of the same Rally - taken on the ex-wifes camera from memory indicates the event was early photos of the same car in the same place .. memory fade obviously in the original posts.
Roger Dowding
02-10-2016, 09:49 PM
Have now acquired [ June 2020 ] the 1972 Booklet that was published with the Rally - three of the Routes include Napier ;
Route 011 Auckland to Nelson - via Tauranga and Napier and Wanganui,
Route 012 Auckland to Nelson via Rotorua, Taupo and Napier
Route 022 Hamilton to Nelson via Tauranga, Rotorrua Taupo and Napier.
Some of the coloured shots, have the list of the photos so names should be accurate.
A friend of mine was competing in the 1919 Dodge, pictured previously, thought I recognised him.
That helped me realise the same event as did the " GENTS " toilet block in some backgrounds. taken in Napier.
It was an International Vintage Rally; in fact the "13th International Vintage and Veteran Rally
1929 Graham Paige
1929 Essex and others leaving the restart ..
1928 BSA and sidecar
Model A Ford nosing out into the street.
Don Osborne's 1919 Buick which featured in a B & W shot earlier.
I worked with Don at one stage as did my ex-wife, and he actually helped us shift house using his 1963 Ford Galaxie convertible and a trailer as the moving " van ", was a fine day, as I remember so top down from Westmere to Mount Albert.
More details to come on the event now i have acquired the Souvenir Booklet
These photos were taken at Nelson Park Napier. It still looks much the same except there are a few more grandstands now. Used for cricket and rugby.
Roger Dowding
02-11-2016, 06:58 AM
These photos were taken at Nelson Park Napier. It still looks much the same except there are a few more grandstands now. Used for cricket and rugby.
Should have guessed as " the Local TRS Man " that you would know, cheers
Roger Dowding
02-17-2016, 03:35 AM
A few photos from inside the Hall in Napier where the cars had an overnight stop, the owners / drivers off to Motels ;
an unknown in the group - please identify .. photo #4, [ #18 in the series ]
some cars didn't have the yellow " Shell " logo plates with their Competitors number on, unsure why, some may have been local cars at the display only, or they had the plate on the back .
Vauxhall Hurlingham Roadster
Model T Ford a later model 1926
unknown Vintage looks early 1920's or 1919 !!
My friend Don Osborne's 1919 Buick
to follow more scenes at the stadium ..
Roger Dowding
04-27-2016, 05:43 AM
Been ignoring this thread, still have quite a lot more from the 1972 International Rally, just need some time as have focused on the Austin Healey thread recently.
Roger Dowding
05-02-2016, 05:52 AM
More scenes and motorcars and motorcycles ;
unsure what this car is nor the actual road;
An American, need help here too !! [ my notes were OK but missed a few ].
Harley Davidson and sidecar, Military version !!
A very different Harley a Service Trike
A couple of FIAT's entrants from overseas
An American - 1930 Franklin at Centennial Hall, interesting Bus in the background, the parking area was full of commercials, as seen in a couple of the B & W pics earlier in the thread.
another 20 to follow, the usual note ; need to scan and resize. all takes time, ask ERC and others
rf84 any help with the geography - street names etc ..
05-02-2016, 07:14 AM
First in that series looks like the road from Hastings with the old fert store. Long time ago I travelled this road but???
05-02-2016, 08:42 AM
Nelson photos harvested from this site some time ago!
Roger Dowding
05-02-2016, 10:59 PM
Post #27, second picture, believe the car is a 1927 Chevrolet AA Capitol, they GM made a similar chassis " AA " car for the Oakland and Pontiac brands, according to Wikipaedia. help from a Facebook post !!, some comment over whether Chev had 5 or 6 stud wheels !!
Roger Dowding
05-03-2016, 01:08 AM
A few more English Sports Cars and a couple of Americans.
HRG 1939 model
Big American a Stutz
Morris Oxford Tourer, 1925, the basis for an MG perhaps ..
1931 Chevrolet Tourer .
MG and MG, 1932 J2, and behind a 1936 .
The J2, again early 60's Mercedes 200 in the background, nice to have one now the Merc, could tow the J2, to meetings ..
another dozen to finish a bakers one ..
John McKechnie
05-03-2016, 02:12 AM
If the Stutz had a strange boat tail at that time, then in the early 90s it had a new dual cowl Phaeton body built.
I trimmed the whole project including hood, side curtains and tonneau.
A rare car and he has taken stateside to tour
Roger Dowding
05-06-2016, 04:33 AM
1929 Chevrolet Tourer a couple of views
1930 Bentley getting ready
talking to the Marshall, Don Osborne and his Buick are in the background
Armstrong Siddeley [ an " um tum tiddeley " as I apparently said when very young, our friends from Walton, near Matamata owned a 1950's one which I traveled in a few times when about 5 or 6 ]
Kevin Hirst
05-06-2016, 07:54 PM
1929 Chevrolet Tourer a couple of views
1930 Bentley getting ready
talking to the Marshall, Don Osborne and his Buick are in the background
Armstrong Siddeley [ an " um tum tiddeley " as I apparently said when very young, our friends from Walton, near Matamata owned a 1950's one which I traveled in a few times when about 5 or 6 ]
I was from walton Roger, just wondering if you could give me a name & year, I might know them.
khyndart in CA
05-06-2016, 08:52 PM
Roger, I would be interested also as we lived on Walton Road just a few miles up the road in Kiwitahi.
Geez that might have been one of the cars that stopped when we would put an old purse on the side of the road with play money hanging out and with light fishing line attached from different angles we would lie hidden and as they approached the purse we would move it away and they would report us to dad who was usually on our side as I think he played the same prank when he was a kid !
Anyway that was one form of entertainment before TV etc for us country "bumpkins"!
(Ken Hyndman )
Roger Dowding
05-06-2016, 10:02 PM
I was from walton Roger, just wondering if you could give me a name & year, I might know them.
Kevin, and Ken H, the Fawcett family, there was Chris and Rose [ friends of my grandmother ], their son Bruce who married Betty, and they had three children Garth, my age, Kit [ young Chris ] and a daughter, name escapes me, had a dairy farm, which we used to stay at in school holidays in the 1950's and into the 1960's, was actually staying with Bruce and Betty in 1968 when the Storm that caused the Wahine to sink struck, split a huge window in there house ..
Chris and Rose who owned the " Um Tum Tiddeley ", used to take us to the Mount, where they had a bach !! went there in the Siddeley on a couple of occasions, and later on in new cars, mainly Vauxhalls I think.. small world.
Bruce had a PB Vauxhall in the late 60's which Garth and I borrowed and did laps of the roads and the back paddock, Garth had a Mk 11 Zephyr - Zodiac with a Raymond Mays head and a twin choke Weber, when I only had a Mini or an A40 [ around 1970ish..]
The Fawcetts stayed in Walton a long time, I think the farm was bought in the 1930's, by Chris and the Bruce took it over, Garth may have followed on I am not sure.
Kevin Hirst
05-06-2016, 11:57 PM
Kevin, and Ken H, the Fawcett family, there was Chris and Rose [ friends of my grandmother ], their son Bruce who married Betty, and they had three children Garth, my age, Kit [ young Chris ] and a daughter, name escapes me, had a dairy farm, which we used to stay at in school holidays in the 1950's and into the 1960's, was actually staying with Bruce and Betty with my cousin in 1967 when the Storm that caused the Wahine to sink struck, split a huge window in there house ..
Chris and Rose who owned the " Um Tum Tiddeley ", used to take us to the Mount, where they had a bach !! went there in the Siddeley on a couple of occasions, and later on in new cars, mainly Vauxhalls I think.. small world.
Bruce had a PB Vauxhall in the late 60's which Garth and I borrowed and did laps of the roads and the back paddock, Garth had a Mk 11 Zephyr - Zodiac with a Raymond Mays head and a twin choke Weber, when I only had a Mini or an A40 [ around 1970ish..]
The Fawcetts stayed in Walton a long time, I think the farm was bought in the 1930's, by Chris and the Bruce took it over, Garth may have followed on I am not sure.
Yes, remember them well,about two miles down the road from our farm [ Campbell's road ] as they say small world. We used to do the same trick on the Ngarua bridge with nice shiny 10 inch crescent tied to fine nylon & hide up under bridge
khyndart in CA
05-07-2016, 03:58 AM
I think our world just got a little bit smaller. This shows where we lived on Walton Rd and the quarry. So where were you Campbell's Rd ?
1 inch = 1.5 km.
Kiwitahi to Walton
(Ken Hyndman
Roger Dowding
05-07-2016, 06:21 AM
Yes, remember them well,about two miles down the road from our farm [ Campbell's road ] as they say small world. We used to do the same trick on the Ngarua bridge with nice shiny 10 inch crescent tied to fine nylon & hide up under bridge
Campbell's Road, now that brings back a memory or two, very small world Kevin and Ken ..we used to do the run up Campbell's to the T junction Right then Right at the crossroads through the kink to the next crossroads then right and right, and back to the farm gate .. last bit sedately. Think there was a bridge there too !! that is probably where the railway line is .. main rail traffic to the Waharoa Dairy Factory ..
see correction we did the run anticlockwise - all left hand turns, less stopping !!
Kevin Hirst
05-07-2016, 07:35 PM
I think our world just got a little bit smaller. This shows where we lived on Walton Rd and the quarry. So where were you Campbell's Rd ?
1 inch = 1.5 km.
Kiwitahi to Walton
(Ken Hyndman
half way down Campbell's Rd. a small rd. goes off to the left. Cuff's Rd. we were first on left down there. Railway ran through Walton village more in Ken's area from Morrinsville to Whaharoa
khyndart in CA
05-07-2016, 09:54 PM
Hey Kevin,
I no where u wos !
Walton area in 1979.
U thort if I lived far away in California that I would no nuffin !
Hey I can remember going to Ngarua school to play rugby for Kiwitahi and the Clarke brothers would come down to coach us little urchins. Ian Clarke showed me how to pack into the side of the scrum by grabbing my ankle. I do not think I washed the ankle for a week ! (I had been touched by God !)
Another time when Ian was driving trucks for Waitoa Transport he arrived at our quarry and the gate was locked while dad was out on the farm. Mum and I watched from a distance amazed as Ian just crouched down and lifted the gate off it's hinges, laid it down and drove his truck into the quarry and started loading it up ! (Another memory unrelated to this thread..sorry Roger. )
(Ken Hyndman )
Roger Dowding
05-08-2016, 12:26 AM
Hey Kevin,
I no where u wos !
Walton area in 1979.
U thort if I lived far away in California that I would no nuffin !
Hey I can remember going to Ngarua school to play rugby for Kiwitahi and the Clarke brothers would come down to coach us little urchins. Ian Clarke showed me how to pack into the side of the scrum by grabbing my ankle. I do not think I washed the ankle for a week ! (I had been touched by God !)
Another time when Ian was driving trucks for Waitoa Transport he arrived at our quarry and the gate was locked while dad was out on the farm. Mum and I watched from a distance amazed as Ian just crouched down and lifted the gate off it's hinges, laid it down and drove his truck into the quarry and started loading it up ! (Another memory unrelated to this thread..sorry Roger. )
(Ken Hyndman )
All good Ken, related in that it is about people who own or owned cars most of which were old when we bought them, could not afford new ones and looking closer at the map, I think our " run " around the block was anti-clockwise so all left hand turns, remember seeing 95 mph on the PB's speedo, near the kink by the side road " Given Road " Garth would have been driving ..
John McKechnie
05-08-2016, 12:33 AM
Roger- was your PB the model that had the needle for indicating speed or the revolving tube with the colour 30-40. orange 40-50, red for over 60 mph and black for over 100mph?
Roger Dowding
05-08-2016, 12:39 AM
Roger- was your PB the model that had the needle for indicating speed or the revolving tube with the colour 30-40. orange 40-50, red for over 60 mph and black for over 100mph?
Yes I think so, they had a fancy dash, The car was Bruce Fawcetts but Garth his son and I used to
" borrow " it, much as I would " borrow " my Dad's Mk 111 Zephyr .
khyndart in CA
05-08-2016, 01:11 AM
Geez Roger,
I hope you were not driving like that when ( OLDFART) Rhys's Mum was driving these roads on her way from Matamata to Morrinsville to try and teach something worthwhile into us little urchins with brains full of mush !
(Ken Hyndman )
05-08-2016, 05:41 AM
She was no slug either! In the 1930s she was driving over the Rimutakas in a Willys 88, and was only ever 5'1". She was happy touring all over NZ, often on her own from the 30s until she passed away in the 2010s.
One day on the way back from said Morrinsville she arrived home and asked me to have a look to see if I could fix the accelerator cable on her VW. I asked why, and she said it had broken, so naturally I asked how she got home. On the side of the road she had swapped the choke cable to the accelerator linkage and drove home using the choke lever as a hand throttle.
Later teaching at Putaruru she proudly told us that the Peugeot 404 was now run in and said she had tried it out to see what top speed really was. She was proud to say the speedo said more than the sales brochure said was top speed. That said 90+ mph!
Roger Dowding
05-08-2016, 06:04 AM
Oldfart Rhys .. " brilliant " as Chaindrive would say ..
Roger Dowding
05-08-2016, 06:12 AM
Enjoying the stories Ken H, Oldfart and Kevin Hirst, as made me think back and remember great things happening as a young lad.
Here are a few more pictures, almost the last of them..
1924 Rolls Royce, featured in a B & W shot earlier on..
1930 Buick, a modern one compared to Dons 1919, featured previously..
1929 De Soto
A very English and large car , rival for a Bentley 1929 Vauxhall [ Hurlingham !! ].
1924 Mercedes, a pair of photos, ready to leave on the days run..
that is all for today .. the final few soon !!, back to you Ken H .. cheers
Roger Dowding
05-09-2016, 02:04 AM
This is I believe the last, certainly of the coloured ones from the International Rally in 1972.. may have a few odd Vintage shots, but will need to find them, [ my usual comment ].
Leaving the gates of the park, Ford Model A at the gate, Mercedes in the middle and an Austin, I think closest to camera.
a 1929 Essex Super 6, owned by B Ogston .. two views ;
my handwritten list of the photos, must have borrowed a programme [ possibly from Don Osborne - 1919 Buick ] to get the information, in my terrible and then minute handwriting / printing.
Another folder of photos can now be put away !!.
Take it away Ken H ..
John McKechnie
05-09-2016, 02:45 AM
Pretty sure that the Vauxhall Hurlingham is owned by Dick Langridge and is on display at his business- Metropolitan Rentals, Dominion Rd, Mt Eden.
Greg Mackie
05-09-2016, 04:50 AM
The 1924 Mercedes was christened 'Monster', by its creator, the late Bob Pritchett [that's Bob, with wife/navigator, Phyl in the car]. He grafted the Mercedes engine and drive-line into a Crossley chassis. When I asked Bob when the car was finished, he said that he started the project in 1938, and drove to Melbourne for the 1956 somewhere in between. Bob was a founder member of the VSCCA.
One of the best examples of Aussie 'specials', and it is still regularly exercised by Tim Shellshear, in VSCCA events.
Roger Dowding
05-09-2016, 06:29 AM
The 1924 Mercedes was christened 'Monster', by its creator, the late Bob Pritchett [that's Bob, with wife/navigator, Phyl in the car]. He grafted the Mercedes engine and drive-line into a Crossley chassis. When I asked Bob when the car was finished, he said that he started the project in 1938, and drove to Melbourne for the 1956 somewhere in between. Bob was a founder member of the VSCCA.
One of the best examples of Aussie 'specials', and it is still regularly exercised by Tim Shellshear, in VSCCA events.
Greg, thanks for you information, interesting car then. I thought that it was all Mercedes, the story makes it even more a " Special " Vintage Special .
I see your location is Southern Highlands NSW , we visited Tallong to stay with friends over Easter and went to the markets at Barrawong and to a winery at Berrima, a great part of Australia
Roger Dowding
05-09-2016, 09:21 PM
Pretty sure that the Vauxhall Hurlingham is owned by Dick Langridge and is on display at his business- Metropolitan Rentals, Dominion Rd, Mt Eden.
John, thanks, believe have seen it there some years ago ..
Roger Dowding
09-24-2017, 05:40 AM
During a trip around East Cape and down to Hawkes Bay in 1971 came across the competitors in a Vintage Rally, photo's taken in Napier from memory
Not on the Rally, seen at the roadside a Chevrolet truck which appears to be a cut down car, looking at the door edge.
Our transport was more modern a 1966 850cc Mini, the sprint, hillclimb trial and gymkhana car on the weekend, daily driver during the week.
Have realised that the event was in 1972 and been sent a copy of the front page of the " Official Souvenir Book "
Roger Dowding
12-02-2018, 09:59 PM
(Another memory unrelated to this thread..sorry Roger. )
(Ken Hyndman )
Just looking again at this thread, and comments by Kevin Hirst and Ken Hyndman about Walton and the surrounds.
Kevin and I actually met at Caffeine and Classics back in July this year and we both own MX5's the one he was in belonged to " The Boss ", his wife.
Kevin now lives " Up North " Mangawhai ?, and Ken you are in California, so I am now the closest to your old " Neck of the Woods " and in fact get closer as we visit Te Poi to stay on a farm and go to Matamata while there, plus sometimes pass through on or back from Auckland.
Must have a look through more " Vintage Car /Bike " photos to see what I haven't posted.
This one I have, it shows my TR4A quite early in ownership so Mid 1978 - before Russ Abbot,whom I bought it of fitted the three point roll bar -it had a inverted U mounting over the driveshaft tunnel and the side bars connected to the rear wheel arches. In another of the " Small World " stories - Had to get new tyres for my Suzuki SX4 and went to the local Tyre Guy at " Omokoroa Tyres and Alignment " next door to the Wof Guy and his name is Steve Abbott.
Turns out he is Russ's son and asked me later if I was into Triumphs - before I twigged who he was and the family. We are now locals in the same " Town " !!
The TR4 and a Motorbike at Manganui Northland back in 1978.
Roger Dowding
07-24-2019, 04:11 AM
I posted my photos of the 1972 International Vintage Car Club Rally a while ago on this thread.
Have just come across the " Nelson Photo News " photos from their Issues #135 February 1972 and #136 March 1972.
This is the same Magazine /Newspaper that did the Tahunanui Beach races, the Pig Valley Hillclimb and other Nelson Car Club and Tasman Stock car Club events.
Bringing the thread forward - nothing since 2018.
Photos of the cars in Nelson
The first 4 pages - 3 more to follow.
Roger Dowding
07-24-2019, 04:24 AM
As the headline said " The Old Ones are Coming " then " The Old Ones Arrive " and here they are :
Posted again as the 4 pages of the March issue - Magazine " Nelson Photo News "
The Cover of the Rally Book again ; Not mine although I do remember having one back then
Copy from John Manhire's archives - John runs the Facebook Page " South Island Motorsport ".
Roger Dowding
09-27-2019, 03:46 AM
Photos from the NZ Classic Driver Magazine issue #47 from 2013, by Tony Haycock.
Static photo by Nigel Watts - posted on another thread.
Action photo by ERC Ray Green at Chelsea Walsh 2015.
Thanks TRS members for the " borrows ".
Richard McNair - son of Wallace McNair built the car a 1931 Riley 9, with the Gypsy Moth 6.1 litre engine - same as in Richard's Tiger Moth - aeroplane..
Roger Dowding
10-06-2019, 04:46 AM
Have found some more photo's - to be scanned and posted - only 6 ..
Posting them soon.
Roger Dowding
10-07-2019, 04:42 AM
Been busy scanning and sorting [ ERC knows what that is like as do many others - takes time ] found the Hunua Hundred photos and a set of 8 or so from Gold Coast Indy 2003 - but not the Indy Cars - will post them on Lakeside [ my Australia thread ] .
Hunua Hundred 24th October 1971 [ coming up 48 years ago ]
- the 1930 Model A Ford that I was navigator in - Charles ' Charlie ' Liddell checking the Radiator, with me watching.
At the park the finish - checking again - with other cars Charlie checking and my Mate Peter in the background.
Another Model A Tudor Coupe and a Truck
Yet another Model A - A Roadster
Talbots Left and Right of a Buick
Last one a Graham - Paige Coupe - looks like a DKW and Ford Zephyr beside /behind the tree.
John Mck probably knows some of the cars -has worked on them ??
Charlie's Car is still on the NZ Register
" Year: 1930
Make: FORD
Model: SEDAN
Colour: Black
Second Colour: Red
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: BZ3656
Engine No: CAE404
Chassis: CAU1343 "
The accompanying photo on Carjam the Car is Red and Black - I do not remember !
Roger Dowding
10-07-2019, 04:55 AM
" Year: 1930
Make: FORD
Model: SEDAN
Colour: Black
Second Colour: Red
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: BZ3656
Engine No: CAE404
Chassis: CAU1343 "
" BZ3656
Plate Type: Standard
Origin: NZ New
Used as: Private Passenger vehicle
Cause of Latest Registration: New
NZ First Registration: 05-May-1930
NZ Last Registration: Get Full CarJam Report
Was Registered Overseas? No "
Car was New in New Zealand in 1930. Most likely a CKD Kit out of Canada - the John Stokes Book "Ford in New Zealand should tell.
Recent photo of the car - duotone and with cream or white wheels ..
Repost of the Official photo of the car - the start of the Hunua Hundred in 1971.
** Car has black wheels and I seem to think was only one colour " Black " at that time.
Carjam mentions Black with Red - so ?? - unless taken back to original, if known !!
The crew [ Ken H's Gangsters sans guns ]. Sepia print to reflect the right age ??
Ford in New Zealand - the book. John Stokes Fb photo Mark Three Zephyr - just like our family had 1963 -68 ..and the Author.
why the audi and daimler in the last photo?
Roger Dowding
10-09-2019, 03:51 AM
why the audi and daimler in the last photo?
928, your question ??
That is from John Stokes Facebook page - guess he likes them !! - I got for the Book Cover ..
Understand that John is writing another book on Ford in New Zealand, more about the Seaview Plant than the cars.
Ray Bell
10-09-2019, 08:51 PM
That Ford 'New Beauty' is the same as the one I went on my first trip to Boggabilla in...
No it's not! Ours had a spare wheel on a front mudguard. But it wasn't black, it was a very dark blue.
It was quite a trip, the exhaust pipe broke somewhere near Dungog and made it quite noisy until we got to Taree.
I remember this trip quite well, right up to when we went to play in the river at 'Little Bondi' between Boggabilla and Goondiwindi, but I recall nothing whatever of the drive home.
Oddly, I am the only person left who recalls the trip details at all. My 'big' sister doesn't remember anything, nor does my younger brother, my youngest brother was there, but only a baby and he died 11 years ago anyway.
It was certainly different to our previous car, a Chev 4 converted to a panel van.
khyndart in CA
10-09-2019, 10:01 PM
You will have to write a book, just the names of the towns / places, amused those I shared this with here at work today.
Ken H
Roger Dowding
11-28-2019, 04:14 AM
Saw this today at Fraser Cove Shopping Centre, Tauranga .. no photo just noted the Plate
" Year: 1931
Colour: Silver
Submodel: T80
Body Style: Convertible
VIN: 7A8HP0W0703756410
Plate: EK4
Engine No: 356025
Chassis: 2216 "
Car is now a dark green almost black - Huge Tourer and very tidy too !!.
John Mck - may know of it - done work on it or ??.
Roger Dowding
02-22-2020, 03:43 AM
An interesting car - 1952 Standard Vanguard - a wreck provided the chassis and some components including the Engine. -Motor has been modified with TR3 parts and stated to have TR4 specs.
Body of the car is Fibreglass, by Ferris De Joux
If it looks familar - It is - as Ferris De Joux used the same body on his own Holden powered Coupe.
Photos from Sports Car World March 1964 issue -kindly given to me by BMC BOY [ Ross there were some photos cut out from other articles in the Magazine ? ].
Car was built by Kevin Lamb around 1963 -details from SCW March 1964 - Australian Magazine - article written by Grant Howard who was the New Zealand correspondent for SCW in the 1960's
Photos a bit small - may try to resize !
This thread is called " Motoring pics Vintage cars -.."
The car is that now 1952 Chassis, mid to late 1950's mechanicals and created in 1963, Under the 30 year rule its a Vintage - wonder if it still exists.
Any information welcome.
Have gleaned quite a bit more about this car and the other similar bodied one - Bodies by Ferris De Joux - some details posted on the De Joux thread ..
Rumours are of a third car No1, Holden 6 powered - later repowered with a Holden 253 V8 - then ?a 350 V8.. however there is a comment that the Holden car was wrecked in 1967 .. sohis is there a third body - as a non Vanguard powered car - a V8 was for sale in 2013 ??
Questions, ??
Roger Dowding
06-09-2020, 02:22 AM
Cigarette Cards - just going through my boxes of Motoring Memorabilia and uncovered these.
The Album was put together by my late Father when he was young - he was smoker so assume he collected them himself in the late 1930's the cards a set of 50 by WD and HO Wills and they are in a
" Three Caftles " - Castles but using the old fashioned for of the " s ".
The 50 cards take up about half the album - I had found some cards in another book but they turned out to be duplicates.
The " Three Castles " Album
and the Five pages of cards.
Images were photgraphed not scanned - will see how they look and later scan both the photos and the reverse with details of the cars.
Have also just acquired the " Souvenir Booklet " from the " 13th International Vintage and Veteran [ Car ] Rally " held in New Zealand in 1972.
I took a lot of photos of the Rally group who went on Route 22 the Hamilton to nelson Section when the cars were in Napier - have posted the photos previously but will post some highlights and now have more details on the cars.
Booklet came from Tony haycock a Vintage Car guy and former editor of the NZ Classic Driver Magazine back in the early 2000's through to around 2015.
More to come on this thread.
Roger Dowding
06-09-2020, 02:49 AM
Have found 36 colour photos of the same Rally - taken on the ex-wifes camera from memory indicates the event was early photos of the same car in the same place .. memory fade obviously in the original posts.
With the Souvenir Booklet now at hand can more correctly identify the cars in Napier which I photographed some in Monochrome some in colour - was using two different camera's my Brownie Starlet [ square prints ] with the B W ones and my ex-wifes one as mentioned in the post - for the colour shots and maybe some B W too !!
The 13th International VV Rally .. the booklet and another book cover ..
Just acquired a copy of this booklet too - set is complete of the Rally's publications - unless there is a further book with results etc.. [ 18 June 2020 ]
My Mate the late Don Osborne and his 1919 Buick..
a Colour photo with Don standing by the car facing the Guy with his back in view.
More to come on this thread with the booklet and the just posted Cigarette Cards.
Roger Dowding
11-11-2020, 07:29 AM
Attended the Tauranga branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand on Sunday at their Clubrooms - Cliff Road, Tauranga.
A few of the true Vintage Cars - made well before the current 30 year rule.
From the 1920's and 1930's.
Rover and Dodge
Ford A and others
Old Rolls Royces
Car that was sold as a Chassis in Australia with a local body
Story board with the car
Another older Roller
1913 Brass fitting Model T.
Roger Dowding
11-19-2020, 08:38 PM
More from Tauranga, 1940's 50's mainly.
Alvis, the early one - was a later one for the 1960's group
Ford 8 REV instead of FEV, or FEF for today. Rear End View.
Love the sign on the boot.
MG's a 1950's TF and a 70's B GT
Triumph TR3, 1958
American 40's English 50's or vv..
something unusual 1950's Dodge Power Wagon.
1960's to follow
Roger Dowding
11-21-2020, 05:03 AM
A very nice Graber styled Alvis Convertible ..
" ROGBJ8 " - a slightly different photo from those posted on the Austin Healey thread..
The TR4 - again
A couple of Fords - A Consul Classic and a Corsair
The Corsair - Had seen that car at a Greerton Vintage Fayre a year or two back.
More to come - some Trucks and some Rolls Royce form different decades..
Roger Dowding
11-24-2020, 04:46 AM
Mark One Capri [ not counting the Consul 315 based car of the early 60's ]
Mark Three - Zephyr and Zodiac
The Grant Sprague - recently rebuilt Mark One Escort alongside a Rotary Mazda from the early 1970's
It sounded great as it left the event.
Back to the 50's with this Mark One Zephyr that was parked outside the event, next to my modern - he was there first.
More to come - a mixture, including a Truck and some Vans..
The Zephyr Six in pale blue is a Zephyr 6 Special - the New Zealand only model assembled at Seaview, was intended as a Fleet Car and was missing some items on the normal Z Six - the grille does not have the body coloured centre-piece only a chrome strip with the badge
Roger Dowding
11-24-2020, 05:51 AM
Ford AA Truck - the Truck version of the Ford Model A Car.
VW Kombi - a 1961 model - was for sale
A newer Kombi Camper and a Beetle..
A little story that was on the back of a Ford 8 - seen in an earlier post.
Part 6 to follow.
Roger Dowding
11-25-2020, 12:24 AM
Part Six and Six photos.
Last set will be from " Over the Hedge " .. as I was leaving, so were a lot of the cars!
Show ran from 8;00am to 2;00pm but from midday onwards there was an exodus and most of the Swap Meet cars and people had already gone.
Whangamata Beach Hop starts today with the Waihi Drive In Show - bad weather in the Bay of Plenty
[ Plenty of rain ]
- Steve Abbott the local tyre guy was getting his late 60's Plymouth with a 383 Big Block ready.
Giving it a miss - the Waihi Show because of the weather.
The " Beach Hop " got postponed from March to now but the 2021 event will be on in March again.
Roger Dowding
11-29-2020, 01:08 AM
The last pics - what was left of the cars by 1;00 pm approx - lots had left
" That's all Folks " .... 40 odd photos
Roger Dowding
02-15-2021, 04:28 AM
V - Day meant Vehicle Day, on Valentines Day in the Pahoia, Omokoroa, Te Puna, Whakamarama area.
A local show [ mentioned on the AH thread ]. A lot more than the AH BT7 were there.
A selection ;
The Poster / Flyer
The Organiser vehicles - Brian Kirk - the Bus.
Steve Abbotts, new to him Chev Pickup Truck
A very smart looking Plymouth Coupe
The French connection two Citroen B15's " Big 15 " - according to their Rego stickers Not an expert but the one on the left looked bigger - It had a nice woodgrain dash, so an English built car.
They did came out as a 12 - 4 cylinder engine and a 15 - 6 cylinder engine and big 4 too !!
Need a French car expert.
The closer car is this one which would be a Big 15 ? with the 1911 cc four.
Carjam details below
Not an expert on French vehicles but I know the model did come with a Six as well.
Both cars had the big boot, not just the spare wheel on the back, and have the 4 cylinder engine.
" Year: 1955
Model: B 15
Colour: White
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: RW1487
Engine No: AZ09980
Chassis: 9555058
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car/Van
Seats: 5
CC rating: 2,000cc
Fuel Type: Petrol
Assembly Type: Unknown
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Industry Class: PRIVATE "
" RW1487
Plate Type: Standard
Origin: NZ New
Used as: Private Passenger vehicle
Cause of Latest Registration: Re-Registered
NZ First Registration: 19-Mar-1993
NZ Last Registration: Get CarJam Report
Was Registered Overseas? No "
The other car is this one Rego IS54 - supposedly an NZ New Car but Rego dates from 1979
" Year: 1954
Model: B15
Colour: Black
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: IS54
Engine No: 19302894
Chassis: 9535524
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car/Van
Seats: 5
CC rating: 1,979cc
Fuel Type: Petrol
Assembly Type: Unknown
Country of Origin: Not known
Industry Class: PRIVATE "
" IS54
Plate Type: Standard
Origin: NZ New
Used as: Private Passenger vehicle
Cause of Latest Registration: New
NZ First Registration: 03-Dec-1979
NZ Last Registration: Get CarJam Report
Was Registered Overseas? No "
Roger Dowding
02-24-2021, 04:53 AM
There were very few pre-war Cars - the Plymouth already posted and then there was this a 1930's Morris Minor.
Car is unregistered unwarranted and it would seem immobile.
Fords were there in a big group,mainly Zephyrs, a Mark One, several Mark Twos - including the one towing a small period caravan, and a number of mark three's including my neighbours Rod and Pat Galbraith.
The Guy who owned the farm Tony, is rebuilding a Mark Two - it was there without enginbe or brakes so had two concrete blocks to hold the back wheels.
Z and Caravan
A pair including Rod and Pats Mark 3
A patina'd Mark Two - this is for Andy Thorpe who has a Farnham wagon also - as well as his Austin Healey
Rod and Pats Mark 3 again - backing into place in the group.
More photos to come once resized - Morris Minors more Fords and a mix of newer cars - 1970's mainly
Roger Dowding
02-24-2021, 07:03 AM
Looking up the Hill, the main group of cars
A few more were to the left and right beside where the photo was taken
- more photos to come
Roger Dowding
03-12-2021, 04:35 AM
Manunui Coastal HillClimb 2021
28th March 2021
The event is on again, the second running,
After losing " Chelsea Walsh " the road at the Chelsea Sugar Refinery, in 2018, the Waitemata Branch of the Vintage Car Club were invited by MG Car Club to run at Maioro Road, Otaua, Franklin County South Auckland - the event that was started by Austin Healey Car Club back in 1983 and handed to MGCC in 1991,
The event is at Pakiri off Pakiri Road, near Mangawhai, Lower Northland
" "
Map of the Track. A Private Road
Hopefully someone from TRS is going and can take some photos.
03-14-2021, 01:13 AM
Gravel or seal and what length?
Roger Dowding
03-14-2021, 04:19 AM
Gravel or seal and what length?
Allan, It is sealed, a private road that does show on Google Maps Manunui Road is off Pakiri Road, Google 1085 Pakiri Road.
There is on facebook a post by Nigel Hunter Russell, a Formula Junior and VCC guy has posted a drive up the road.
Nigel's run took 1 minute 41 the fastest last year was 59 seconds ;
See if this works " "
Roger Dowding
04-01-2021, 04:16 AM
The Manunui Hill Climb was a great success, apparently and quite a few photos have appeared on several Facebook pages, by Nigel Hunter Russell [ who posted the above images of the upcoming event ].
In the meantime, back to the Pahoia event - hopefully no repeats.
Another general view;
Roger Dowding
04-01-2021, 04:31 AM
British Sports Cars, a couple of my favourites too !! AH and TR.
AH seen on the AH thread
This TR was at the local Tyre Guys shop recently - Steve Abbott, the son of Russ Abbott who was into rallying and Hillclimbs and other Motorsport in the 1970's / 80's. Steve had the Chev C10 Pickup posted earlier.
Other BMC BL vehicles in RED.
More Fords - they were a big group, but think the Morris Minor Club group was even bigger " the MM Club arrived in convoy, as did the local branch of the Ulysses Motorcycle Club, having made the event part of their Sunday runs.
More to come- more Fords, the Morris Minors and others.
Roger Dowding
04-01-2021, 04:47 AM
A bit of a mix of vehicles ;
Fords, again !! The Mark two is a rebuild was held in place by concrete blocks as had no brakes or engine.
The Club arrives,
then park in a big group - split by a gateway
Top of the Morris group with the AH TR and other further up the hill
Lots more to come;
Roger Dowding
04-04-2021, 03:56 AM
" Little " on his own ..
" BIG and Little "
Roger Dowding
04-05-2021, 03:38 AM
The Morris Minor set.
MM Motors - A series
In the white convertible
In the green Van
MM Motor - something else
The " Toyota " motor was in this MM - have seen a similar Toyota Twincam in an Austin Healey Sprite - the one Allan Horner competes in the " Classic Trial " series of circuit events at Hampton Downs and Pukekohe.
The van runs EFI, Allan runs carburetors [ less bulky under the bonnet of the Sprite ]
Hopefully no more duplicates .. Oops !! with a couple.
Roger Dowding
04-05-2021, 05:15 AM
A bit of a mix ...
Sunbeam - a 1960's one - a 1950's featured earlier.
The backs of the MM's and a few others..
The Bikes arrive - turns out it was the local branch of the Ulysses Club - our local Librarian is a member - Liz and her husband both arrived on their bikes. Matthew put a series of photo's in the local paper that they publish.
Roger Dowding
04-06-2021, 04:20 AM
Most of the small group or single car shots have been posted.
A mix of the others; the Galbraith Zephyr - another photo
The White Truck - in Blue.
The Morris Minor group -
Zephyrs from the back
More Fords from the back
Roger Dowding
04-06-2021, 04:41 AM
More of the Morris Minor group.
scene two;
scene three;
MM quintet not so many people in the photo - more of the cars / vans.
More cars from the rear
Chev Corvette, Red Rover etc..
A distant Zephyr - as it arrived - the Galbraith car. It has a lovely sound with its 3 into 2 into one exhaust manifold instead of the terrible single pipe version.
Roger Dowding
04-08-2021, 05:11 AM
A few more
- this first one features " Her Indoors " and another Zephyr.
Three from BMC / BL, - AH TR and MM.
The AH engine. posted on the AH thread before.
A BL MGB GT - the high bumper late model version.
Well that is all from Pahoia
Ray Bell
04-11-2021, 08:41 AM
No Chrysler representation, Roger?
Roger Dowding
04-12-2021, 05:45 AM
No Chrysler representation, Roger?
You must have missed this Plymouth - thought it was in an early post.
Just for you Mate - and it was a beautiful car too !!.
Cheers Ray Bell - we never quite met when in QLD, it was close though !! Had a couple of phone calls..
Ray Bell
04-12-2021, 08:10 PM
That looks like the one-year-only IFS model, 1934?
Good looking thing...
Roger Dowding
04-17-2021, 04:08 AM
The very last photo's - promise hopefully no repeats.
AWSTIN, the interior [ will be on the AH thread ]
General view - taken as I was leaving, just before the Morries from behind photos.
" That's all from here,
Waiting for next year. "
Roger Dowding
05-07-2021, 04:39 AM
Photos of mine from the archives - the 3 x 3 prints were made from film in a Kodak Brownie Starlet Camera that I got as a young fellow in 1962.
Cars include ones owned by family and friends
Many of the later posted photos are from Seabrook Avenue in New Lynn, where I lived from 1955 to 1970.
Others from Muriwai and other places.
Some on the old Black on Yellow plates
My Mates Morrie and Muriwai.
My Aunts Austin A40 at Whangaparaoa Peninsula. -1962
Our Mark 3 Zephyr near Helensville in 1963
A neighbours brand new Mark One Cortina in 1962 at New Lynn
Large Dodge /Plymouth in Seabrook Ave in 1965
The car again Seabrook Ave 1965
A bit of a " Mix of Pics " or " Images from my Past " type post like ERC and Nigel have
Roger Dowding
05-09-2021, 03:28 AM
Seen in and around Auckland.
at Whenuapai Airport - when it was a Commercial one too
New MG's at Princes Wharf, Downtown Auckland
Us boys and our cars in 1967 at 54 Argyle St,Herne Bay - the house behind a two storey brick place was demolished in the early 2000's and a modern place built. The Mini was mine.
An FL1 Austin Hire Car version of the London Taxi the FX3.
Firstly at Waiheke - before I bought it for $170, It was owned by a Mates Father at the time.
Had to ship it back to Auckland via Subritzky's barge. It failed to start when trying to leave the boat at Half Moon Bay and was unceremoniously hauled off by a Tractor - the Subritzky Boys were not amused at the extra work involved.
Here in Mount Albert with my daily driver a 1996 Austin Mini 850 in 1973 - my second Mini.
The FL1 was later sold, for around $250, to an American, living in the Waitakere's as a project along with a bunch of spare body panels from a wrecked FX3
Roger Dowding
05-10-2021, 04:23 AM
GM big - Australian big
GM small - the smallest at the time
At Orewa, with my little Sister in the car
Never owned a Sunbeam but drove several, a mates 1950's Talbot and an Alpine like this.
Borrowed another mates Alpine when my TR4A met with an accident in 1980 as was carless for while.
Ignore the typo on the photo,
The real details ;
" Year: 1965
Colour: White
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: EX4796
Engine No: GFSAY/38072
Chassis: CA257/766951
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car/Van
Seats: 5
CC rating: 1,275cc "
Another MG
My mates MM, which he got from his Grandmother - here again at Muriwai.
Complete with a sticker for the Dunlop Motor Races at Pukekohe.
Roger Dowding
07-07-2021, 05:08 AM
Some more photos have emerged from my Late Uncle Ed Dowding's archives [ Eddie the NSCC man - Club Captain 1944 and President 1945 ]
My Great Aunt Dolly [ Mary ] Bell and her 1936 Nash La Fayette [ the basic version of the Nash Six ]
My father Mac Dowding in the Austin Seven that he and Ed owned 1938 - 1940 - before Mac went to War.
A Riley - think a Monaco - some doubts about the body - could have been a Coachbuilt one.
My Uncle with a couple of mates and a Fiat 509 [ Trevor Sheffield knows these cars as he had a Fiat 509 Special ]
in Northland they went camping. The car was not one in our family
More photos are coming to light, as my cousin goes through his fathers archives.
Roger Dowding
08-31-2021, 04:02 AM
Mike Courtney - a guy I have known since by Banking Days in New Lynn late 1980's early 1990's [ 1985 - 1992 ] is looking for this car, his old car. We had a chat only yesterday about the car.
Mike writes on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Facebook page ;
" Looking for this car I built some years ago Austin 7 special Rego when sold was TP7 as aust1n plate went on a veteran .is it still around keen to catch up with it .cheers mike ".
Photo of the car with its " AUST1N " plate - date of photo not stated;
If anyone has information on the car please post on here or PM me
Plates on Carjam
" TP7 25-Aug-1995
AUST1N 09-Jan-1991
Cheers Roger
Roger Dowding
04-01-2022, 04:49 AM
New Zealand Number Plates.
A lot is known but much information is also lost or incorrect on the History of New Zealand Number Plates, from the early ones mentioned in Jellywrestler Graeme's thread on the pre 1925 plates to the latest 3 letter 3 number issues.
Plates are useful in identifying when a photo was taken as from 1925 to 1941 Plates were issued annually and valid 1st July onwards in the year of issue until 30th June the following year.
When in 1941, because of material [ metal ] shortages, plates were changed to a 5 yearly cycle [ 1941 -1946 ] a Registration Sticker was issued for the second and subsequent years until the next plate issue took place.
Have several version of the lists of plates - images with colours of each plate and some with the description of the plate as well as the colour - defining what symbol was used between the 2 sets of numbers on the 1925 to 1964 plates.
Here from Graham Freeman the numbers plates up to 2017 - the current issue of 3 letters 3 numbers plates with a slightly different font to earlier - 1986 on plates.
The issue of Permanent Plates began in 1964 for cars with Heavy Vehicles in the 1965 year [ 1965 - 66 ], and plates were allocated alphabetically staring with AA at the bottom of the South Island and Northland receiving the AX series as shown in this newspaper article from Mark D archives.
The permanent plates were issued in the sequence as shown above and in groups in subsequent years.
Here is the list from 1964 into the 1990's.
They show when a plate was first released to the Registration Authorities - mainly the New Zealand Post Office in the early years and some would have had plates not released until the following year on occasions.
More to come on this topic including Registration Stickers and other stickers NZ cars have had over the years.
Roger Dowding
04-03-2022, 01:00 AM
Registration Stickers were first used during the war when in 1941 the plate issue was changed from Annually, to 5 yearly with the release in July 1941 of the 1941 - 46 series of plates.
This one ;
Stickers were issued for the subsequent years - 1942 - 1943, then 1943 - 1944 etc.
Have not been able to find an image of sets of the 1940's into the 1950's stickers apart from seeing one or two on car windscreens in various photo's.
Mark Dawber does have a few images of a few from various years but not a set.
This for the 1949 - 1950 year.
This for the 1963 - 1964 year, the last of the old plates [ Black on Yellow ] - archive Ben Hutchinson.
When permanent plates were introduced in the 1964 - 65 licensing year, stickers were continued on an annual basis, and now we have those slide in ones to go into the pocket on the windscreen.
Here are stickers from 1965 on - until 1996.
Thinking that there wasn't a sticker in the 1964 - 65 year as the first year of new plates.
Comment states " missing the 1964 - 65 .. year " but that could be why.
Any information TRS members may have please add to this thread.
Still have a couple of 1990's issue stickers that were for the Austin Healey 100, used to register it for 3 months every two years to keep the " Number Plate " active.
Still on the backing sheet.
More to come on other stickers as I find images - remembering 1979 and Carless Days and also other Number Plates for Commercial Vehicles - pre 1964 - 65 permanent plate issue.
Roger Dowding
04-04-2022, 04:43 AM
Plates from 1908 to the release of permanent plates in 1964 - a different version with details of colours and also the central symbol [ * . , - ].
Plates for Heavy Vehicles with " H " prefix. pre - permanent plates " HA " - " HB " and even the supplementary class plates depending on weight and size of the Truck
Special Plates and others
Government Plates
Dealer Plates - I note that even current ones are Black on Yellow - is that a throwback to the last of the 5 yearly plates from 1961 - 1964/65 ?
These are from various years with the first National Plate the NZ prefix Green plate of 1925 - others with different symbols ;
Diamond, Triangle, Dash, Dot, Comma, etc..
Note ; Images are from various sources - noted on the images where known.
04-04-2022, 06:54 AM
I seem to remember when registering the race bikes as farm machinery that the Registration sticker carried a letter E where the examples above carry a C.
And yeah, all the bikes had to be registered and farm machinery was the cheapest class acceptable. Don't know how common it was on racecars, they tended to get more scrutiny.
yep, race cars had to be registerd and have a WOF. tractor reg was the cheapest and a daylight WOF solved the light problem
04-05-2022, 12:53 AM
Interesting. The bikes didn't need a wof - even for street circuits. If you rode it to the meeting, yes you needed a wof for that - but no way could you make something like a Manx road legal so the registration was mainly an ownership tracker.
Milan Fistonic
04-05-2022, 03:40 AM
These are the regs about registration and WOFs from the 1961 ANZCC National Competition Rules.
Roger Dowding
04-05-2022, 04:41 AM
Thanks, Milan -
I remember seeing race cars, Saloons in particular, with a number plate bolted to the floor inside the car.
There are many photos too, of Grand Prix / Single Seaters with number plates attached to the bodywork from the 1950's 1960's.
Ron Roycroft Austin Seven Special " Rubber Duck " with its Number Plate on its tail a 1946 - 51 plate.
The 1946 -51 Plate.
More for the " History of New Zealand's " Motoring and Motorsport.
Greg T and others thanks for " your inputs " too..
Had the ANZCC Books [ later MANZ Books ] from later in the 1960's when I first competed in Trials and later in Autocross and Sprints where a Competition [ Speed Category ] Licence was required, " Closed Club " then later " Invitation " level Licence
That was a high as I went with Motorsport.
Roger Dowding
04-10-2022, 04:05 AM
1979 into 1980, New Zealands answer to the " Second Oil "crisis, the first being in 1972, not counting the Suez crisis of 1956.
Carless Days [ " Car-Less Days " Officially - or as was referred to Carlos Dias, by some ].
Part of the story - from NZ Memories Magazine in 2020 ;
The Stickers the Seven Days and the Exempt " X " sticker. Auckland University Students are believed to have created there own Sticker which had " Yesterday " as the day, so I am told.
The sticker that was on my Triumph TR4A - chose Tuesday as could carpool with friends to work, and for part of the time had a second car. It meant that Motorsport was not interrupted.
Another Tuesday Sticker with a 1966 -67 Registration Sticker - seems a bit odd, unless current Rego was elsewhere on the windscreen. [ source not known ].
Advert for Carl-Less Day Stickers from John Vevers archives - John is an Austin Guy - Austin 3 Litre cars that is.
During the 1972 crisis Car Clubs made some concessions reducing the length of Trials by 10%, [ basically just plotted a trial that was a bit shorter than the same event the previous year as a guideline ] I think Race meetings ran a couple less races.
The Government had Petrol Stations closing at Midday on Saturday - so our Saturday Trials were held in the morning with a Check at a Petrol Station near the end of the trial so you could fuel up for the rest of weekends motoring.
More to come on Warrants of Fitness, and " Old and New " plates and stickers details.
Roger Dowding
04-11-2022, 09:25 PM
Registration Plates Registration Stickers, Car-Less Days and Warrant Stickers.
Warrant Stickers.
These have changed over the years as has the process.
Warrants were due 6 monthly from when I got my first car in 1967 - regardless of the age of the Vehicle.
In the 1990's [ actual date I am not sure - others may know ] New cars went to an Annual Warrant of Fitness and were able to do that for 10 Years.
Now in 2022 - much to my surprise the Warrant of Fitness on a new car is valid for 3 years.
[ Presume as all new vehicles sold are under a minimum of 3 year warranty with at least annual servicing.
Some Warrant Stickers - Inspection Receipts from 1957 to 2022.
Warrant for a famous Austin Healey from 1957.
Warrant Sticker for an Austin from 1985 - John Vevers archives.
A newer sticker - date unreadable - an October Expiry - some time after the 1985 one.
Warrant Sticker on another Austin Healey BQ538.
A January 2022 Registration Sticker with 3 year expiry -
[ on our new car - a future classic ? well it has the good name of MG on the badge - " MG since 1924 " !! ]
Other Regimes ;
New South Wales - your " Safety Certificate " is valid for 12 months even on new cars - or was back in 2011.
Queensland, however has no regular safety inspections after a car is sold and Registered in the State.
We took a 3 month old vehicle from NSW to QLD in 2011 and had to have a full Safety Inspection - they reasoned " we could have modified the car after purchase " then there were no more State Government requirements or inspections unless the car was being sold.
United Kingdom
I understand that in the UK MoT Inspections are annual, but there are exemptions for Old or " Classic / Vintage " Vehicles
" Oldfart " and " ERC " would know more on that.
Other Countries, I have no real knowledge.
brtitish columbia in canada, introduced safety checks in 1972 i think. my car was booked in and i was informed of when and where and time. passed easily but i was used to nz wof system.
04-12-2022, 06:15 AM
UK, IF you register your car as "Historic" status you can choose to not have MOT (equivalent of WOF).There are a lot of rules relating to originality, no engine swaps, wheel changes etc which mean that you may still be required to have the annual MOT. The car must still always be to standard.
Roger Dowding
04-13-2022, 04:32 AM
In the original post was an image from Graham Freeman with all number plates from 1908 t0 2017.
Here is the full article as published in NZ Memories magazine in 2020. Issue #144.
Article was 3 pages ;
Pages 1 and 2
Pages enlarged
Page One,
Page Two [ as posted before - images of the plates].
Page Three
Hope this helps with identifying cars and when photos were taken.
Thanks to " Oldfart " for the comment about UK " exemption " for ' Historic ' cars and to 928 for the comment about Canada.
No doubt Ken H, can give us an insight into California rules and maybe other States too- in the USA they talked about a " Pink Slip " but am unsure if that was Registration or a Compliance " Safety of Vehicle " certificate.
khyndart in CA
04-13-2022, 10:36 PM
Here in California the pink slip for the automobile is the ownership form, for my job it means something else !
Every two years in order to register our vehicles we have to only pass a smog certification. (No safety check !)
One can have bald tyres, no lights and the doors hanging off and all it needs to register, is to have passed a smog test.
But if you are stopped, be involved in any accident etc. be ready for the insurance companies and lawyers to come down hard !
Only vehicles built later than 1975 need to be smogged so you might be surprised at some of the older cars (Muscle Cars etc) that you see on the road today.
(Ken H)
Roger Dowding
04-14-2022, 05:17 AM
Ken H,
Thanks for the information.
" Every two years in order to register our vehicles we have to only pass a smog certification. (No safety check !) ".
Sounds a bit like Queensland - the onus on the owner to keep the car up to standard.
As another aside;
Remember in Los Angeles [ Ventura ] 1982 we bought a VW Kombi ' 751JMG ' which was a mid 1970's car it had the California SMOG fittings, and " airpump " from memory, and as the car was over 5 years old the VW guy Jim Mann, who was an Austin Healey owner as well, disconnected a belt that drove the "airpump " as it gave us another couple of Horsepower.
Guess it was an easy thing to put a new belt on if required.
A California Plate - not one of the " treasured " Black plates ..
As a matter of interest the " Masterson " noted in the number plate surround - is a Historic Racer, which has been at Laguna Seca
khyndart in CA
04-14-2022, 05:58 AM
Masterson Motors was a VW dealership in Ventura. CA. that did have a racing division.
(That looks like a Lotus 30 # 222 in this old photo taken at Laguna Seca.)
You should have borrowed my 1977 NZER lic. plate which now has a reverse camera hovering over it as this "old codger" needs all the help he can get !
(This plate has been on a number of my vehicles over the 45 years.)
(Now just trying to get my 2001 BMW 325 wagon to pass smog before next month !)
(Ken H )
Roger Dowding
04-15-2022, 07:51 AM
Ken H,
" Masterson Motors was a VW dealership in Ventura. CA. that did have a racing division. ".
makes sense now 40 years later !!
Like the NZER plate too !!
PS spelling corrected on my post Master'S'on ..
Roger Dowding
04-18-2022, 12:48 AM
For Ken H and others - " foreign " plates.
All " Fifty " States;
Our old, recently sold, car on its second plate from Queensland June 2011 - March 2017. Car was Registered new in New South Wales in March 2011.
The Registration Sticker is from 2012, shortly after that they stopped issuing stickers as a "savings " measure.
Car was brought to NZ in June 2017.
Part of my small collection - in fact all of my collection; - gave a few away when we went to Australia.
A gift from a friend from Oregon in 1988.
A gift from a New Zealand friend, came off a VW Camper that was brought to New Zealand - a 1973 issue, I am told.
Roger Dowding
05-26-2022, 05:02 AM
A few more Images ;
Bus Plates from Mark D - He was a Bus Driver in Christchurch ;.Plates from the 1930's to 1950's.
A collection of the Alloy Silver and Black Plates and the "Modern Black on White [ reflective ] -images from Paul Francis Smith archives -A Rally Guy who runs the NZ Rallying History Facebook Page among other things.
Do not know where the collection is though.
A few pre permanent plates in this image too.
Some plates from Tyler Keyes own collection - Tyler advertises for plates to buy them!.
Roger Dowding
06-03-2022, 02:32 AM
Borrowed from the Auckland Harbour Bridge Facebook Page - they were posted on Timespanner - another History Group about Auckland..
Taken at the time the Southbound Tolls were removed - No tolls and no tollgates either, on those lanes .
Article from the Herald in 1972
One of the Signs was acquired in recent years from an Antique Shop in Pukekohe. Gentleman not named.
The 20 Cent Tickets - still in my collection.
Northbound Tolls didn't go until the 1980's - People living on the North Shore had to pay to get home.
The Police also found the Tollgates a very convenient place for a Breathalyser Check as the cars were travelling slowly [ usually ].
The Auckland Harbour Bridge Authority - used a variety of vehicles to rescue / push stranded or broken down motorists.
The earliest were these ; my own photo from 1963
Later these - a Publicity photo from AHBA. Lew Redwood archives - GB and GC plates date from 1972
Even later these - there seems to be a theme in the style of the Vehicles used. Dave A Howell archives.
KH2277 plate issued in 1981
All qualify as Vintage Vehicles now...
Roger Dowding
06-04-2022, 03:22 AM
New versions of Old Stickers ;
These are now available for those who want to be in that 1979 - 80 timewarp.. with period stickers for their car.
Reproductions of these are now available via a website " Doozi " -
Being reproduced are " Carless Day " stickers - the week - 7 days and the exempt.
Registration Stickers from the same period are also available.
Registration Stickers for the period ; 1978 - 79 and the one for the " Carless Day " era, the 1979 - 1980 Registration Year.
The 1961 - 64/65 plate. Last of the Old Style alongside the new 1964 - 1986 issue
- 1987 saw the first of the Black on reflective white series, starting with the " N " prefix.
The range of Carless Day and the Registration Stickers 1965 on, until 1986 .. At bottom left the last of the old style stickers for the 1961 - 66 plates - which actually finished in June 1965. June 1964 for cars - with this sticker. Heavy Vehicles changed in the 1965-66 Registration Year
Note about Carless Days by .... Geoff Lewis ..
“Carless days were introduced by the Third National Government of New Zealand on 30 July 1979.
The enabling legislation was one of several unsuccessful attempts to help the declining New Zealand economy after the oil shocks of the late 1970s—other such policies included the Think Big strategy.The carless days scheme was highly unpopular, and largely ineffective.
It lasted less than a year, being scrapped in May 1980,though the 80 km/h limit remained for several years "
Just noticed the spelling of Colours
Roger Dowding
07-23-2022, 05:03 AM
Came across these receipts today at a friends place - they relate to his late Uncles Vauxhall 10 - purchased in 1957 for 190 Pounds,
Registration was Five Pounds Two Shillings and Sixpence [ $10.25 decimalised - compares with $102.98 as an example of a Current [ recent ] Registration.
Warrant of Fitness Receipt and one of the Receipts for the purchase.
The Gentleman was also a member of the " Waikato Motor Racing Club Inc ". for the 1957 - 1958 Year ..
Subscription was One Pound
- in 1943 Northern Sports Car Club charged 5 shillings for Membership in their first year.
Did that Club become " Hamilton Car Club ",?? would like to know..
No mention on the Hamilton Car Club website or Facebook page - the " About " section has virtually no History although the Club [ HCC ] was formed in 1949.
Was it under that name or ?? - More work to do !!
Roger Dowding
07-25-2022, 02:48 AM
Included among the L J Tuffey receipts and card in the above post #123 was also this.
An Invoice from Mission Bay Service Station - and on the back a hand drawn map of how to get there from the Southern Motorway.
They had built the first part of the North Western Motorway Point Chevalier to Rosebank Road in 1955, and seem to remember the Southern Motorway first section, ran from Newmarket [ not the Viaduct ] near Market Road to Mt Wellington. This was, was this ? built before the NW Motorway ??
The Mission Bay Service Station was apparently owned by the same famliy or had some connection with Long Drive Motors -according to Ewart Stronach who worked at Long Drive Motors at the time.
The Map..
Roger Dowding
09-23-2022, 04:36 AM
Registration from 1987 - 1991 The new style of sticker and one of the " C " ones from 1981 -82
According to the Instructions attached below " Any old labels must be removed ".
The stickers below are on an Aero Screen for a racing sports car - The " Orchid Special " - now residing in Europe..
These qualify as being Vintage [ just or actually next year ].
1993 Registration Stickers and an old and faded warrant sticker from the era.
1993 sticker - front
Notes on the back
1994 sticker - my own collection for the Austin Healey LX100 that I owned 1982 to 1996.
Used to register the car for three months every two years to keep the Registration and Plates active - before Continuous Registration was introduced.
In more recent times you can put the registration on hold for 3 months up to 12 months without cost until Re- Registration is commenced.
Need to teach my computer [ or the operator that from is not form ]
Roger Dowding
10-13-2022, 04:45 AM
Plates from 1925 and 1939
The first two images are for Plates for sale on Trade Me - thanks to Lew Redwood for seeing them.
1925 - 1926 the first issue of " National Plates ". They were modeled on California USA plates and made in the USA initially.
1931 - 1932 Issue
a 1939 - 1940 plate archive Lew Redwood - plate looks a bit aged.
Plates EA and EB prefix last of pre - permanent plates 1961 - 1965
Permanent Plates Alloy - Silver on Black commenced issue in 1964 - 1965
also from Lew Redwood.
The prefix were used on various vehicles and E series were also issued to Motorcycles- not just other vehicles -
Apparently they must have exceeded the 999,999 vehicles and couldn't go to Seven digits
[ correction of information ].
New Zealand Number Plates – Motor vehicle Registration –
NZ number plates – pre 1963 – some Notes..[ added June 2023.]
Until 1941, New Plates were issued every year, In 1941 due to steel shortages caused by WWII the period was increased to 5 yearly until the last issue in 1961. The dates I've noted elsewhere of when plates were replaced with Permanent plates which stayed on the vehicle until it was de-registered or replaced with a personalised plate. If a Personalised plate is removed the vehicle is often re-registered with a new issue permanent plate, in some instance's the original permanent plate may be able to re-issued.
Roger Dowding
12-20-2022, 02:20 AM
A photo sent to me some time ago by Lloyd Gleeson a VCC guy from New Plymouth.
This is Lloyd in Ralph Watson's BSA Special many years ago on a VCC Trial.
Last weekend Lloyd was in Omokoroa staying with our next door neighbour John who has known Lloyd since schooldays in Thames in the 1950's/60's.
Lloyd and John were attending a friends 80th Birthday Party and also visited another Vintage Car Guy Rod Smith who owns one of Lloyds previous cars a Morgan 4/4. - Lloyd still has another Morgan as well as this little " A110 "
The car is called " Binki " after a young Italian girl called Bianca who helped Lloyd with his French and Italian when at a European Car Show.
The car is a Mexican built one - apparently Renault had insufficient space for the full Alpine production in France so they were built in other countries.
Chassis Number is " 67MEX0146 ". built in 1967 in Renault's Mexico plant.
Registration sticker from Mexico which is still on the car.
Car imported in 2004 to New Zealand by Nigel " Hunter " Russell a Formula Junior enthusiast
Roger Dowding
12-20-2022, 03:18 AM
Put some of this on the Motoring Books thread ;
My Mistral archive has just grown with these gems - given to me by Lloyd Gleeson.
The first two pages of the Blue " Weltex " Booklet - photo above.
The Sheppard Speed Equipment -page in the Weltex Booklet - Manifolds for your Chev Ford Vanguard and Vauxhall
Roger Dowding
01-25-2023, 05:10 AM
Re found as in had a tidy up and found this Album ..
Long story
- it was in a Family house that I moved into in 1981.
My Great Uncle [Grandmothers younger brother ] and wife had bought new in 1923.
It passed through the family .. to Great Aunt, then Grandmothers Older Sister - another Great Aunt to Grandmother and then in 1980 / 81 to my father.
I with another Car Guy - and Austin Healey / Vintage Car guy called Lyle Chambers [ owned a certain BSA Special that has been posted on this forum and is now with a Clive Butler in Auckland ] rented the place of my Father in 1981 and we " flatted " there for the next 3 years, then, when I remarried my new lady moved in, the flatmate moved out, and in 1985 we bought the place.
The Album was in a wardrobe or a cabinet in the house.
Of particular interest is a 1920's Nash Two Door - which I remember hearing about in my childhood.
This is the car..
- with Family members and friends .. Most I have no idea who..
- Humour me..
One photo can be dated within a 12 month period as has the first " National " New Zealand number plates introduced in 1925 [ July ] and were valid to 30th June 1926.
Can anyone identify the " Royal Hotel "
Another Car on the same page as the Nash with the plates shown " NZ96.264 "is this
I thought it could be a Rolls Royce because of the bonnet shape but ???
Any notes on the cars appreciated to update the " Family Archives "
Ray Bell
01-26-2023, 03:26 AM
That has a lot in common with the 1922 Roller seen here, Roger:
Roger Dowding
01-26-2023, 07:15 AM
That has a lot in common with the 1922 Roller seen here, Roger:
thanks and yes ..looks similar,
The Album I found is interesting as the family photos are from England and New Zealand.
My great Uncle was living in NZ in 1923 and a bit earlier, my Grandmother and her two young sons, My Dad age 9 and Eddie age 7 .. Eddie from the Northern Sports Car Club archive, they arrived in late December 1926..
The rest of the photos are largely family, so no more cars !!
Have been told as in suggested that the " Royal Hotel " was in Christchurch, which would make sense as one of Frank Bell's cousins -
Ernest Adams .. of Cake fame lived there, and his brother George Adams, also a Baker was in Australia when Frank came to NZ.. Frank came to NZ via Australia..
Uncle Frank passed Away in 1929, but his wife obviously like the Nash Car .. as in in 1935 had this one..
A Lafayette,which was Nash's slightly lower version but still fancy in New Zealand .. and believe these were assembled in Canada to get the " Empire " tariff.
Most US Auto Companies did the same Ford Chev - GM et al..
Ray Bell
01-26-2023, 08:19 AM
Yes, the bridge...
Ambassador Bridge. Linking Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, this bridge enables car makers to keep up supplies to and from their Canadian factories.
...that connects Detroit with Windsor in Canada carries a lot of car parts.
For more than a century it's been the key to selling American cars in Commonwealth countries.
Roger Dowding
02-19-2023, 04:44 AM
Big as in Big cars - some virtually were buses but with a series of doors down the side, others were just big cars Newmans used Cadillac's and others..
Here a Studebaker President at Queenstown with it S prefix number plate for Service Car - the plate is 1940 - 41 the last of the annual issue plates..
- montage from " NZ Memories " Magazines.
The plates 1935 - 2017 from the article by Graham Freeman published in NZ Memories in 2021.
The Studebaker photo is in the current issue #159 Dec 2022/Jan 2023, which also has article about a 1928 Packard Tourer that was the School Bus and was driven by the " Sole Charge " Teacher to take the children to and from School.
Trevor Sheffield
02-19-2023, 05:24 AM
Ron Roycroft had a special interest in these cars and during a period late in their lives, he and close friend Herb Gilroy, carried out a quite extensive expedition, searching the back blocks for in particular, Cadillac service car remains. I am not sure as to what records they left behind, but I am sure that they were succesful to some degree.
I recall my mother and grandmother speaking of memories involving these cars when they moved about the West Coast, as a result of my grandfather's activities as a surveyor. An illustration is not complete if lacking sundry attachments for transporting luggage. Often soft items were laid between the front guards and the bonnet. Wheel chains served as an essential accessory and male passengers expected to become involved when progress became difficult and they dressed accordingly. The car in the photo lacks its side mounted spare and more than one was carried. I strongly quetsion the dating of the photo.
Roger Dowding
02-20-2023, 04:37 AM
Re ; " I strongly question the dating of the photo. "
The article said 1940's - suitably vague, better dating was from the Number Plate on the car the 1940 - 41 issue.
The car is of course a lot earlier than that, around 1930, but my knowledge of " American Iron " is not good.
It is a great looking car. Studebaker used interesting names on their cars " President " and " Champion " are two that spring to mind.
Classic.Com - has this to say " The Studebaker President was a series of cars that debuted in 1927. During its lifespan, the President represented the top offering from Studebaker, built as a full size car until 1942, "
Later in the mid 1950's they built another range of the President as a compact, or in our parlance mid sized car..
As Trevor noted the car is missing the Spare wheel being mounted by the front mud-Guard, and usually one on each side.
Here an early series President Roadster, a 1931 model.
A later President, a 1940 Club Sedan [ 2 dr Coupe ] at the Studebaker National Museum.complete with sidemount spare.
Have seen a few photos of Newmans and other company's Services Cars from the 1920's to the 1940's.
Roger Dowding
02-20-2023, 07:25 AM
Believe these are all Cadillac Service Cars - can see the S prefix letter on the number plates in a couple of the photos.
S.842 Masterton Pahiatua Palmerston North service
S.131 Newman Brothers Car
Side view showing the rows of seats and the side doors ..
Note the circle and Flash on the the rear wheel " Spat " is the same .. was that Cadillac or Newmans ??.
The wheels are all Truck style, but they have the sidemount Spares ..
Roger Dowding
02-23-2023, 04:59 AM
Trevor - transporting luggage - as you mentioned.
" An illustration is not complete if lacking sundry attachments for transporting luggage. Often soft items were laid between the front guards and the bonnet ".
Another Nash - the same 2 door Sedan style - plates on this seem to be the 1929 - 1930 plate White on Dark Blue with a " . " - dot symbol.
Complete with a large bag on the running board / front mudguard against the bonnet / hood
Photos of Alistair Howard's grandparents and their car
Note ; This car has wind deflectors on the front door windows.
Reg 68.606..
Roger Dowding
05-17-2023, 05:05 AM
A bit of Motoring memorabilia form the 1960's when we still used Miles per Gallon.
Calculate your MpG at each fill..
Remember " Bell Rings at 19/20ths of a Gallon - Not Full Measure " - as the signs on the pumps said at the time.
A few years later and the Warrant of Fitness - The Check sheet form 1972 - Price 75 cents - presume the cost of getting the sticker, or was that the cost of the Warrant ??
This was for Trailers and Motorcycles - so maybe the full cost !!
It had gone up from 5/6 [ 55 cents ].
Roger Dowding
06-03-2023, 10:29 PM
Seen from the Outside as a driver, but this was the AHB Officers desk at the Toll Booth.
Roger Dowding
06-05-2023, 03:37 AM
Bagnall - Jaguar, Originally built in 1949 according to Allan Dick by Rob Bagnall with a Mercury V8 of 4 litres, later had a Talbot 6, then apparently a Willys 77 motor and finally a Jaguar Twincam Six of 3,442 cc with C Type then D Type mods.
Graham Vercoe has quite a bit of story on the car [ E & OE ...etc ], but no photos. some notes here from Vercoe.
This photo from 1961 - 64 period,based on the Number Plate.
Car would have been with Brian Watson at this time in its life - creator of the " Missator " Ford 10 Special.
Event not known and the bodywork scruffy and looks modified from its 1949 beginnings.
Any more photos of the car would be appreciated.
The above photo from Allan Dick, and on checking my archive found another copy - from Alexander Turnbull Library archives, which I have noted as 1963 - 64.
There is this note at the " Natlib " archives [ National Library ] but the photo cannot be viewed in a good size - It is the same photo, so that is the location of the event - Palmer Road, Wellington.
" A Bagnall-Jaguar car at the Palmer Road Hill Climb, Breaker Bay, Wellington, in 1964. Photograph taken by Bruce Valentine Davis. "
Car was badly crashed by Watson at Houghton Bay Hill Climb, Wellington in the 1967 - 70 period and rebuilt in 1974, being known as the " Phoenix ".
Any more photos of the car would be appreciated.
These extracts from the Jaguar Drivers Club brief History 1950 - 1972
" 1962 was perhaps the heyday of the Mk2 3.8, with four of them racing - Ray Archibald won the NZ Saloon Car Championship in his silver Mk2, and Alistair McBeath was 2nd in his dark green Mk2. Simon Taylor raced the D-Type at Ardmore, Levin, and Wigram, but crashed and overturned at Teretonga, only to be racing again late in the year at Mount Maunganui. There were plenty of other Jaguars racing at various venues – the Gardiner Tojeiro, Cranch’s Maserati 6CM-Jaguar, the Bagnall Jaguar, ‘Mk1’ 2.4 and 3.4, Mk2s, XK120, XK140, and XK150s. "
" At Pukekohe in 1965 there were only four Jaguars racing - Australian Bob Jane drove his Mk2 4.2, Gary Bremner his Mk2 3.8, the Tojeiro was entered, as was Ivan Cranch’s Consul Mk1-Jaguar. The Bagnall Jaguar joined Bremner’s Mk2 4.0 at Levin. At Wigram, Ian Dow and Gary Bremner in their Mk2s were joined by Dave Silcock’s rapid XK120. "
" Beach races at Nelson in early January 1967 saw Bill Harris racing his Ford V8 Coupe fitted with a Jaguar XK engine, and Neil Stuart racing his Stuart Jaguar single seater. At Pukekohe there were only three Jaguar related entries – Lumsden’s Mk2 3.4, Silcock’s XK120 and the Watson Bagnall Jaguar. Only Watson raced at Levin, and only the Stuart Jaguar at Wigram. Noted builder of ‘specials’ in Jamie Aislabie fitted a Jaguar 2.4 XK engine (later a 3.8) to a Cooper sports car body and in his Cooper Jaguar he achieved modest success in hillclimbs and on the track. Ernie Sprague won the Rothmans 30-minute race at Ruapuna in his Mk2 3.8 with Ian Dow also competing in his Mk2 3.8.
By 1968, Jaguar presence on the track had waned significantly. March saw the last event for Brian Watson’s Bagnall Jaguar before the Jaguar XK engine and suspension were saved and the car sent to the dump. "
Roger Dowding
06-07-2023, 04:36 AM
A photo appeared on the Bruce McLaren Tribute page - with a young Bruce and an Atlantic Attendent - refuelling a Jaguar - the plates are the 1956 - 61 series - picking the photo is around 1960
- any comments please !!
The McLaren's Service Station on Remuera Road, Remuera. 1956 -61 plates on the VW - I think..
Another version of the same photo - was the refuelling photo at McLaren's ??
Can't see an Atlantic pump ...
The building was being redeveloped in 2017 - 2018 and the McLaren trust moved out and had the "Museum " at Hampton Downs - I am unsure what the current status is - they [ the Trust ] were expected to move the Trust Museum back to the Service Station site later..
27 September 2023.. Understand from Amanda McLaren - Bruce's daughter that the Trust will relocate to the Service Station in the near Future .. It will have all the collection in Museum quality display and a couple of cars - The Austin 7 belonging to the Trust and others cars on loan.
Amanda has posted on the Facebook page " Bruce McLaren Tribute ", regarding the relocation as the display at Hampton Downs is closed and the cars returned to the various owners / donors.
Roger Dowding
06-07-2023, 04:46 AM
Need help with Classic Lucas wiring - well this should be of assistance.
- from the Archives of Rex Urban and Austin Healey [ Sprites mainly ] and Austin guy from Salem Oregon.
He ran a business " Mini Motors " back in the 1980's when i met him in 1982 with his business partner Paul Lawry.
Rex has had Austin Mini and Morris Mini's as well as Austin A35 and Austin A40 Farina cars over the years.
The Chart ;
Something associated with Lucas was the unreliable nature of the products - and some humour ..
A Metal sign for Lucas ..
Advertisement for Lucas Accessories , Light etc ..
Roger Dowding
06-17-2023, 01:02 AM
Had a Trip to New Plymouth - not a Road Trip as flew from Auckland, but did drive to Auckland and then had a Trip around Mt Egmont, while there - New Plymouth to Inglewood, South Hawera on Highway 3 then along the Coast of #45 through Okato and Oakura, saw the Kapuni Gas Plant at a distance.
While in Hawera had good Coffee and cake at a small Cafe then went to Ethel Anne Antiques - the shop occupies four shops and has connecting doors ..
There was a collection of Vintage Ash Trays - which sparked my interest, however they seemed expensive at between
$115 and $195 .. They were Dunlop Goodyear and others as well as a Blue Reidrubber one.
My sources tell me that pricing around $25 to $50 is more like it when they appear at Swap Meets.
The Hawera collection.
The Reidrubber Ashtray in the centre of the display - in Blue - the most expensive at $195.
My own Reidrubber / Ridge Remoulds one - in Red, which I acquired 30 or so years ago.
It sits with a 1920's AA Auckland Badge that has the RAC " Royal Automobile Club Associate " notation.
The Badge was my Great Aunts I believe and would have been on her late 1920's Nash, which she had until the mid/late 1930's.
06-17-2023, 06:54 PM
So you missed on the most extensive collection of vintage memerobilia in Kaponga! Shame on you.
Roger Dowding
06-17-2023, 09:30 PM
So you missed on the most extensive collection of vintage memorabilia in Kaponga! Shame on you.
Oldfart, sadly, from my and a friends Uncle another car guy, on the trip, we were being taken around by non-car people, didn't know about Kaponga, and just looked at the map we did SH3 and SH45 so missed it all together .. something for next time Rhys,
We were travelling in a Diesel Kia Sportage .. not sporting but went well, 5 people and all our luggage, Auto so didn't need Mr de Normanville's technology ..
Roger Dowding
08-03-2023, 04:28 AM
New Registration for the year started 1st July 1979 and the " Carless Day " regime started on 29th July ... may be a day or two out.
The new Registration Sticker with the " C " and a Carless Day sticker being displayed by a lady - no idea who or whether it was part of the Promotion of the scheme ..
Sunday - was a " Blue " Sticker ..and the 1979 - 80 Registration sticker was a pale " Blue ".
Posted before - the range of Registration and Carless Days stickers
- Registration from 1965 to 1996
- there has been mention of the 1964 - 65 sticker missing in the image, but possibly as the new plates were issued no sticker was required for the first year.
Commercial Vehicles - Heavy Transport, Buses and Taxis didn't get new plates until July 1965, so presume they did need a sticker - I am unsure.
Stories abound of people getting a Carless Day car - mine was an Austin A35 for " Tuesday " - the Carless Day for the TR4A ...
Roger Dowding
02-22-2024, 04:09 AM
Car Show again at a Farm in Pahoia, last held in 2021 then Covid prevented the 2022, and rain stopped the 2023 show.
About 70 cars, a bit less than in 2021.
The Plates say it ;
A Couple of Z cars
Modern MG with an MM trailer - part Morris Minor the bodywork, part BBQ.
This was part of the Morris Minor Club of Rotorua group with some local MM's.
Photos to follow.
Roger Dowding
02-22-2024, 04:17 AM
The Pickup has a Toyota Twin Cam motor, and those Truck pipes are false, has side pipe at the front of the tray.
SOFT54 and DA12
The Convertible MM was an early-ish one
" 1954
Model: MINOR
Colour: GREY
Body Style: Convertible
Plate: SOFT54
Engine No: 90UL77004
Chassis: FCH53251567
CC rating:ⓘ 998cc " not the original cc - sidevalve was 918 cc then the first MM OHV were 803cc .
Not known when first in NZ - Plate appears to have been issued in 1994. Carjam records are not always correct as we know.
DA12 the car beside it is NZ New in 1957.
" DA12
Plate Type: Standard
Origin: NZ New
Used as: Private Passenger vehicle
Cause of Latest Registration: New
NZ First Registration: 20-Mar-1957 "
Roger Dowding
02-25-2024, 04:43 AM
Part Racing Car - Part Workshop Hack " Van ".
These photos appeared on the Bruce McLaren Tribute Fb group with credit " T Alexander ".
Presume that would be Tyler Alexander who was with Bruce from 1963 approx onwards.
In Bruce's book " From the Cockpit, he says.
" recruiting mechanics for the tour. Wally [ Wilmot ] Harry Pearce and Timmy's [ Mayer ] American mechanic Tyler Alexander " in the end Harry couldn't go.
The " tour " was the NZ Australian season in 1963 - before the time of the photos.
The book published originally in 1964
The photos; at the McLaren Factory at Colnbrook in 1969
: " Testing the rear wing - High Wing - design for the M8B
Roger Dowding
06-18-2024, 03:51 AM
This would be 1960's [ late 1960's ] looking at the Pumps - rather squat compared with the pumps of the 1950's and earlier.
Looks like 83 Octane on the standard pump - Boron - was it a bit more.
Cortina seems to have the Black base number plate so at least 1964 on and the model came out in originally around 1962.
An Advert / Article on McLaren [ Elva ] - from the Can-Am era - 1968.
Roger Dowding
12-08-2024, 04:47 AM
An event that took place in 1973 has recently been featured in NZ Memories Magazine;
The story of Rex and Elaine Carkeek and their 1954 Citroen.
A bit of NZ " Motoring History ".
The article - 6 pages [ 3 double ].
The Newspaper cuttings from the Article;
Roger Dowding
01-05-2025, 04:41 AM
Petrol [ Fuel ] Ration Coupons from the 1940's in New Zealand.
THey cover " Motor Spirits " - " Power Kerosine " - Diesel Oil " - " Fuel Oil " " Lubricating Oil ".
The Coupons ;
A portion of the Certificate authorising the issue of the coupons - dated with Christchurch 1948 and 1949 stamps.
Would like to know more about this;
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