View Full Version : Just wondering!

11-26-2015, 06:45 PM
Some of you will know that I have been trying to promote the VCC eligible Pre 61 Saloon cars. Stumbling block has just become apparent in the form of the online entry system, so I am informed. How?
Well it goes like this. I intended to rattle up all those with eligible cars for the Taupo HRSCC Vintage and Historic Speed Festival, (Weekend of 5/6 Dec), however I am told that they can not tell me who has entered until after closing date for entries. What this means is double edged.
1) Anyone who I can inspire now has to pay late entry (irrelevant the fee)
2) Leaves only 5 days to do any final prep, and in my case the decision to go (519km each way according to google maps) as well as a trip to Auckland to collect a trailer (500km round trip) becomes ever so much harder.

If others have come across the similar situation is this a factor in why meetings are shrinking? It used to be that folks like me would be told who had entered so far, and you would make a few phone calls. Now we don't know whether emails are supposed to be the magic answer (NO they are not, personal touch needed) and event organisers can't/won't release info to help.

So who has an answer or way to assist. I am beyond my "best before" date over this!

11-26-2015, 07:36 PM
I presume the HRSS event has its on-line entries through the Motorsport Entry site. If so, there is a way of getting entry updates before closing as we (TACCOC) use the same site and have no trouble in getting updated entry lists before close off. Suggest you contact Chris Watson and ask him how you do it (if you haven't got his email address PM me).

11-26-2015, 09:09 PM
As per Roger's post. Chris and his team have always sent me an up to date list on request and it is in the promoter's best interest to make sure that info is available, so that the various series co-ordinators can chivvy along their members. I see that as part of my role as a coordinator, to chase along the tardy ones.

I don't see that meetings are shrinking, but eventual entrant numbers relate to what classes are invited. TACCOC for example run a mix of what we'd call 'purist' meetings for CoD compliant cars and also meetings catering for specific series, with or without a CoD. As there are fewer cars with a CoD than without, then it stands to reason that the numbers may be lower at any classic meeting where a CoD is deemed compulsory.

When you do get the entry details, again, it is useful to circulate it on boards such as this.

11-26-2015, 09:15 PM
so that the various series co-ordinators can chivvy along their members. I see that as part of my role as a coordinator, to chase along the tardy ones.
That is why I wanted it! As well as making up my own mind!

11-27-2015, 10:03 PM
I have had some feedback from the Hawkes Bay group.
Richard Anderson will have the RA Vanguard
Peter Carroll, quick Austin 7 special
Exciting one is that Paul Stichbury, who has owned the original Heasley, championship winning Humber 80 has entered in that car,
Craig Harmon from the Waikato in a Singer Gazelle, ex south island car with long vintage car club history.
The online site does not show the cars, only the drivers and I don't recognise them all, some Alfas, a number of formula Juniors, and lots I don't know.

11-29-2015, 05:03 PM
I have further been advised that there are 14 VCC entries, so far. Great news. If only the collator would say who and what :)