View Full Version : Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl
John McKechnie
09-12-2016, 04:42 AM
#248-Was the boat front of this made about the same time as the Custaxie ?
Roger Dowding
09-12-2016, 05:06 AM
#248-Was the boat front of this made about the same time as the Custaxie ?
John Mck.. think the Custaxie looked better ..
John McKechnie
09-12-2016, 07:36 AM
Yep, that Mustang just didnt look right with that addition.
My favourite fast front was Jack Nazers......beautiful.
Good call John.
Pic from the Gerard Richards Collection here on TRS, Paritutu '65.
John McKechnie
09-12-2016, 09:09 AM
Thats a really neat pic- and I have never see it before....great post GD66
Uncle Jack still looks the same, hasnt aged a day.
Roger Dowding
10-10-2016, 07:14 AM
My time at Pukekohe really started in 1965 at the Wills Six Hour - Gold Leaf Three Hour meeting.. I did see some racing in 1964 from outside the track, as mentioned, think Dad didn't want tp pay in case I didn't like it .. or we just happened to be driving past !!..
In the thread there is no picture of the track;
Here from the Rothmans " Book of New Zealand Motor Racing " edited by Des Mahoney [ forward was by one Bruce Mclaren ] are the plan of the Original track, and a couple of scenes from the 1963 Grand Prix meeting - the first NZIGP held there;
The track
Aerial view of the stands and pits at Pukekohe ( top ) and John Surtees Lola and Bruce Mclaren Cooper early in the 1963 GP
" Starter George Smith [ is that Gee Cee Ess George, looks like him ] chats with Bruce Mclaren, while Les McLaren looks thoughtful; John Surtees adjust his helmet at left "
2nd pic
' " Will she, won't she? " Graham Hill looks tense, Innes Ireland anxious, [ standing ] as the Ferguson is push started ". quotes from the book, Italics are mine
Roger Dowding
10-10-2016, 11:06 PM
Have names for the people in the lower photos, will edit the post
khyndart in CA
10-10-2016, 11:12 PM
Is that Innes Ireland watching Graham Hill being pushed to the grid in the Rob Walker Team Ferguson P 99- 4WD that retired on the last lap (of 75 ) with gearbox problems ?
Car 29 was Chris Amon's Cooper T 53.
I was at this race. I remember it being a very hot day and we were parked at the "Loop" corner.
Just a little "nipper" in short pants.
(How ya doin mate ? )
Ken H.
10-11-2016, 04:29 AM
Is that Innes Ireland watching Graham Hill being pushed to the grid in the Rob Walker Team Ferguson P 99- 4WD that retired on the last lap (of 75 ) with gearbox problems ?
Looks awfully like him
Roger Dowding
10-11-2016, 05:06 AM
Is that Innes Ireland watching Graham Hill being pushed to the grid in the Rob Walker Team Ferguson P 99- 4WD that retired on the last lap (of 75 ) with gearbox problems ?
Car 29 was Chris Amon's Cooper T 53.
I was at this race. I remember it being a very hot day and we were parked at the "Loop" corner.
Just a little "nipper" in short pants.
(How ya doin mate ? )
Ken H.
Ken, H, and seaqnmac yes it is I have added the comment later to the pictures.. cheers guys.. all good here, hot today 32 deg celsius, not sure what that is in F, Fairly F *** in, hot I would imagine ..
10-11-2016, 06:11 AM
I'd have been up on top of the Hill at that meet. It was always hot when you were young - nothing else much to judge it against.. (reminder, must pull out my copy of that book....)
Roger Dowding
10-11-2016, 06:25 AM
I'd have been up on top of the Hill at that meet. It was always hot when you were young - nothing else much to judge it against.. (reminder, must pull out my copy of that book....)
SPman. just did re-read it doesn't take long only a thin Tome .. 100 pages and a lot of photos and maps of the various courses, Ohakea, Ardmore, Wigram, Waimate, Pukekohe, Levin and Teretonga. Only Pukekohe and Teretonga still in use ..
khyndart in CA
10-11-2016, 06:37 AM
I am not very smart so I take the Celsius reading and add 15 * and double that to get the Fahrenheit reading. (That is pretty close )
So 32 C plus 15 = 47 x 2 = 94 degrees F.
That is pretty warm my friend.
Cheers, Ken
Roger Dowding
10-12-2016, 07:27 AM
I am not very smart so I take the Celsius reading and add 15 * and double that to get the Fahrenheit reading. (That is pretty close )
So 32 C plus 15 = 47 x 2 = 94 degrees F.
That is pretty warm my friend.
Cheers, Ken
Thanks, I remember one day in Oregon in August 1988 seeing 101 F, so 38 C .. on the cars gauge as the outside temp, was in a modern Audi .. were offered a Healey for the day but declined.. wise decision I think..
Your calc was close 32C is 89.6 F .. just found a converter .. used know that rule you used..
as a complete aside .. there have been a few photos of my TR4A, racing and after an accident, well it actually had two accidents.. the second was minor.. but annoying as only a couple of months after finishing the first rebuild ..
seen here in the infamous "Kerbside Motors " garage in Herne Bay in 1984 .. the Healey sitting there too!!
Missing from the photo below - is the Garage Assistant " Sammy the Dog " my Golden Retriever 1980 - 1993 [ RIP Sammy..
10-13-2016, 10:09 AM
SPman. just did re-read it doesn't take long only a thin Tome .. 100 pages and a lot of photos and maps of the various courses, Ohakea, Ardmore, Wigram, Waimate, Pukekohe, Levin and Teretonga. Only Pukekohe and Teretonga still in use ..
If you look at page 8, under the photo of Stirling Moss, you will see that "The Editor is indebted to David McKinney for extensive assistance in compiling this book...." . The late David was all of 18 years old, just out of school in 1963 when the book was published, and said he spent a couple of months in a scruffy student flat in Wellington rewriting and updating it from 2 earlier NZ Grand Prix Annuals.
Roger Dowding
10-13-2016, 10:38 AM
If you look at page 8, under the photo of Stirling Moss, you will see that "The Editor is indebted to David McKinney for extensive assistance in compiling this book...." . The late David was all of 18 years old, just out of school in 1963 when the book was published, and said he spent a couple of months in a scruffy student flat in Wellington rewriting and updating it from 2 earlier NZ Grand Prix Annuals.
Stu, your wisdom.. is great .. thanks, David was an oracle on NZ motoring / racing history.. I am pleased I have the book, not sure when I got it, but my mother used to find things like this and would be my birthday / xmas present. I had a handbook for a Mark One Sprite in the early 60's still too young to even drive a car, from my Mother .. god bless her RIP, and in 1974 bought my first of four Sprites.. the book was useful.. I also know that David offered advice to Graham Vercoe, which wasn't always accepted.. better to have some history with errors than none at all !! .. thanks again,
Roger Dowding
10-18-2016, 11:07 PM
Picture from a book or magazine, posted on Facebook by Dave Howell,
a good selection of Kiwi engineering and well known drivers.. read the caption below;
Would like to know the source of the picture ; Jack Inwood, or Euan Sargeson perhaps, the mention of 8 years means was written and published around 1972
Not my picture but a good shot at the Elbow around 1965 ?? Morrari with wire wheels still ?? no look too wide .. ..
and another Elbow, nothing to do with Pukekohe ..
Kevin Hirst
10-19-2016, 06:50 PM
Not my picture but a good shot at the Elbow around 1965 ?? Morrari with wire wheels still ?? no look too wide .. ..
and another Elbow, nothing to do with Pukekohe ..
didn't think vanguard's where that thirsty
10-20-2016, 05:34 AM
What about A90s Kev?
+1 for Vanguard :cool:
10-20-2016, 05:25 PM
Yes I knew my Guardsvans, it was an obscure comment about what Kev raced way back. Sorry for being too clever.
Kevin Hirst
10-20-2016, 06:58 PM
Yes I knew my Guardsvans, it was an obscure comment about what Kev raced way back. Sorry for being too clever.
Yes, four M.P.G. around Puke with three big zenith truck carbs
John McKechnie
10-20-2016, 07:44 PM
Kevin- was there a marked improvement in performance with this .?
10-20-2016, 09:58 PM
Kevin- was there a marked improvement in performance with this .?
With a bit of luck Kev might reveal all the things he did to that car. It's a good story.
Kevin Hirst
10-20-2016, 10:40 PM
Kevin- was there a marked improvement in performance with this .?
Yes, went pretty well in it's day, started by buying N.O.S. A90 block & head for ten pound's each, boring block out to 3LTR. converted two port head into 6 port head racer brown american healy grind by old favourite M&S. lot of time building extractor's etc, made up HIRST floor shifter [spelt correctly] lot of work on suspension etc, was the car that was in the Earls Court motor show in 1956 before it came to NZ. would love to know what happened to it
Roger Dowding
10-21-2016, 11:55 PM
At Pukekohe .. borrowed pic, just hold the cursor over it .. posted by Chris Burles - but not his photo - see note below ** !!
early as running those Borrani Wire Wheels ..
** This photo is by Jack Inwood - Nigel Watts bought a copy of it from Jack along with many other of his photo's in 1967 - found this out in November 2018.
The Anglia is in fact an " Allardette " which was owned and raced at the time my C M " Morrie " Hogan.
another borrowed picture ..
Zephyr Corvette, when Rod Coppins had it ..
A mate Rod and wife to be beside the car
** The Mate is Glen " Jigger " Jones
Kevin Hirst, any other pics of the Vanguard ... " Guardsvan " ??, would make a good story - part of the cars owned thread perhaps !!
Kevin Hirst
10-22-2016, 07:44 PM
At Pukekohe .. borrowed pic, just hold the cursor over it !!
early as running those Borrani Wire Wheels ..
another borrowed picture ..
Zephyr Corvette, when Rod Coppins had it ..
A mate Rod and wife to be beside the car
Kevin Hirst, any other pics of the Vanguard ... " Guardsvan " ??, would make a good story - part of the cars owned thread perhaps !!
No, not my photo's Roger,cheer's
Roger Dowding
10-24-2016, 06:33 AM
Another Chris Burles posted pics on Facebook, the page " Classic Cars and Wrecks of New Zealand ..
Chirs has a large collection and is happy for me to " borrow them " !! .
" "
more like standard production cars than the one below.
Would that be Cyril Hyde in the Vauxhall Victor VX 4/90 ?? .. chasing the Rootes Group product, a good mix of Rootes Group and BMC Minis and A40's with a Fiat, Fords and that Vauxhall thrown in ..
and this one posted earlier
** Photo's look like two different meetings a " Motorman " banner on the fence in one and " Dunlop "in the other
10-25-2016, 02:28 AM
The victor might be frank Hamlin from Wellington.I seem to recall him racing one at Levin:blue colour I think
Roger Dowding
10-25-2016, 06:54 AM
The fourth car in the line up is my Daimler SP250, which finished in third place overall heading the Mustang into fourth place. My partner driver was my friend the sadly now late Bill Kelly. Our participation was a shoestring affair and the SP250 served as daily personal, business and family transport and certainly did not arrive on a trailer. We won the 1,601 - 3,000 cc class.
I vividly recall my very amateur pit crew, brandishing a “slow down” signal with shaken fists during the final laps, with them having in mind the class win. However I was thinking about the the extra money for third place and pressed on accordingly and got past the Mustang. LOL
Just re-reading your comment Trevor, the Bill Kelly, was that W R Kelly who owned the Service Station in Mt Albert,?? I used to go to him to get MANZ permits, for Gymkhana's and Trials in the mid / late 1970's for both Northern Sports Car Club and Austin Healey Club,
at one stage they split the responsibility and Bill did Speed and another MANZ steward in Epsom did the Trials ones..
Grant Sprague
10-25-2016, 07:00 AM
Damn great photos, thank you for sharing guys
Roger Dowding
10-27-2016, 06:59 AM
Photos from Chris Burles [ first 3 ** ] and Kevin Gerbic
** The photos of the Zephyr Corvette and the group of cars, photos 1** 2 and 3 are from Jack Inwood " MR PIX " archives and Nigel Watts has copies of both photo's 2 and 3 as well as others that he bought from Jack Inwood back in 1967 - see comment on Nigel's thread " Images From My Past - Nigel Watts Collection "
** Correction The Zephyr Corvette being hounded by the Mini - first pic - Terry Marshall advises that it is his photo .. Chris Burles was the one who posted so attributed to his archives - in error
This is not Pukekohe, the Zephyr has sprouted pipes, still in Team Molyslip colours ..
can anyone identify the Chev's . at the Elbow .. ?? one looks like it took to the haybales ..
Trevor Sheffield
10-27-2016, 10:46 AM
[QUOTE=Trevor Sheffield;49417]
Just re-reading your comment Trevor, the Bill Kelly, was that W R Kelly who owned the Service Station in Mt Albert,?? I used to go to him to get MANZ permits, for Gymkhana's and Trials in the mid / late 1970's for both Northern Sports Car Club and Austin Healey Club,
at one stage they split the responsibility and Bill did Speed and another MANZ steward in Epsom did the Trials ones..
Bill Kelly was a long standing friend and I was always very much aware of his driving ability. After becoming married he was "confined" to trials and the like and did no actual racing. He kept his reaction times honed competing with slot cars and was a champion. Others within the sports car circle at the time, were rather skeptical of my choice of partner and I withheld a sly smile of wisdom. Bill devoted a great deal of time towards the sport at grass roots level but sadly is not all that well remembered. He held positions of impotence, was well versed in rules and regulations and contributed accordingly.
Kelly's Mount Albert Garage was of the old school and my son Paul started there as an apprentice. "Old Man" Kelly was a wise veteran. After his death John Kelly ran the workshop. Like Bill, John was far from being inclined to boast of his mechanical ability, but I had obserevd and was impressed. I did all my own detailed work but john rebuilt the Daimler SP250 engine which had no modifications, together with a 1275 CC cooper S engine. The latter was improved significantly and although John never claimed credentials as a racing mechanic, he was up with the play and his diligence was beyond doubt.
Salts of the earth, both of them and worthy of a few words in print. Sincerely, Trevor.
Roger Dowding
10-27-2016, 11:11 PM
[QUOTE=Roger Dowding;55646]
Bill Kelly was a long standing friend and I was always very much aware of his driving ability. After becoming married he was "confined" to trials and the like and did no actual racing. He kept his reaction times honed competing with slot cars and was a champion. Others within the sports car circle at the time, were rather skeptical of my choice of partner and I withheld a sly smile of wisdom. Bill devoted a great deal of time towards the sport at grass roots level but sadly is not all that well remembered. He held positions of impotence, was well versed in rules and regulations and contributed accordingly.
Kelly's Mount Albert Garage was of the old school and my son Paul started there as an apprentice. "Old Man" Kelly was a wise veteran. After his death John Kelly ran the workshop. Like Bill, John was far from being inclined to boast of his mechanical ability, but I had obserevd and was impressed. I did all my own detailed work but john rebuilt the Daimler SP250 engine which had no modifications, together with a 1275 CC cooper S engine. The latter was improved significantly and although John never claimed credentials as a racing mechanic, he was up with the play and his diligence was beyond doubt.
Salts of the earth, both of them and worthy of a few words in print. Sincerely, Trevor.
Trevor, thank you for your comments, and yes Bill was great to go to with my permits etc.. sometimes suggesting that we reduce the average speeds in some trials sections as he knew the entrants would drive faster anyway !! ..
cheers, Roger
Greg Stokes
02-21-2017, 06:17 AM
The Allcomers field heading for the grid
Johnny Riley heading for the grid
Humber Jaguar T Boyle
Zephyr Corvette K [ Ken ] Bailey
The Morrari,
Thanks to Milan for the race list from the programme - helped with some driver details.
Great pictures of the Morrari thanks!
Rod Grimwood
02-23-2017, 05:31 AM
Roger the 'mate' is Glen "Jigger" Jones
At Pukekohe .. borrowed pic, just hold the cursor over it !!
early as running those Borrani Wire Wheels ..
another borrowed picture ..
Zephyr Corvette, when Rod Coppins had it ..
A mate Rod and wife to be beside the car
Kevin Hirst, any other pics of the Vanguard ... " Guardsvan " ??, would make a good story - part of the cars owned thread perhaps !!
03-01-2017, 04:49 AM
can anyone identify the Chev's . at the Elbow .. ?? one looks like it took to the haybales ..
Found this picture in an old Motorman mag(June 1963). Looks like the same incident from the other side of the track. Car 70 is Frank Stephen, and the program identifies car 72 as Trevor Horncy. Stephen must have got going again quickly to finish a few places behind Stephen. A few other more familiar names were racing Ford or Chevy V8's around this time - Jack Nazer, Gary Pedersen(with "rookie" stripes which was the fashion at the time) Harvey and Souness. Which of the 3 damp spectators took the above photo?
Roger Dowding
03-01-2017, 07:16 AM
can anyone identify the Chev's . at the Elbow .. ?? one looks like it took to the haybales ..
Found this picture in an old Motorman mag(June 1963). Looks like the same incident from the other side of the track. Car 70 is Frank Stephen, and the program identifies car 72 as Trevor Horncy. Stephen must have got going again quickly to finish a few places behind Stephen. A few other more familiar names were racing Ford or Chevy V8's around this time - Jack Nazer, Gary Pedersen(with "rookie" stripes which was the fashion at the time) Harvey and Souness. Which of the 3 damp spectators took the above photo?
Stu, thanks, I knew a Frank Stephen or Stephens, ran a garage / workshop in Newton and a Few Chev Coupes would be there Glen Jones was working there too 1968-70 ish. Frank known as Sonny later got out of the Automotive field and ran the Potters Wheel Tavern in New Lynn, for the Waitakere licensing trust, a bit away from racing cars ..
Roger Dowding
03-06-2017, 06:56 AM
Steve, yes there are about 70 - 100 or so, some that I had found earlier, have been going through them as the print numbers on the back are helping me group them together.
There will be some duplication as have posted some before but this time trying to get them in a Timeline ;
from 1965 through the 70's.
the 1965 shots are colour from the Benson and Hedges, they need some work as have stuck together and need to be gently cleaned, so have started with the B & W's from April '66
corrected the year 1965 B and H
Roger Dowding
06-20-2017, 11:18 PM
Reposting these photo as are a couple favourites and to bring the thread to the front page.
A couple of Trailer Queens,No !!!
and Yes I know it is a Fairlane not a Galaxie, but did have the 7 litre that was available in both series of the Fords..
Roger Dowding
07-06-2017, 03:55 AM
Milan thanks for the entry lists, once again, helps with the details.
Have a photo of the Jim Boyd Volvo a P1800 sports coupe, will post that in the next group of photos.
here is that photo ;
Heron Daimler - built by Ross Baker and Ken Richardson according to Graham Vercoe's book.
unsure what meeting this was but would be 1966 or 1967. The Daimler 2.5 V8 with stack exhausts.
Some interesting cars in the paddock area.
Rob Williams Ford V8 coupe, at Pukekohe in 1968, which he still runs
a Custom Anglia
The Heron Daimler has come up on Swannie's Thread .. here is the photo again ..
Roger Dowding
08-12-2017, 01:50 AM
Posted by Graham Woods on Fb " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " page - extracts from the 1968 B and H meeting, the entrants to the big race and also the Group 5, small saloons.
The B and H race - large capacity classes 1601 and up
The up to 1600 classes
Group 5 support race
Would have been there !! gave the programme away in 2008 .. damnit !! or is that dam nit !!
John McKechnie
08-12-2017, 02:12 AM
Cooper S is interesting- they were 970, 1070, 1275.
Here two are 970 rest 998, 999
Roger Dowding
08-12-2017, 02:33 AM
Cooper S is interesting- they were 970, 1070, 1275.
Here two are 970 rest 998, 999
John, they used to take the 970's out to 999 for Formula Junior, now doubt a few boys had oversize pistons, and it is Group 5.
997 and 998 were Cooper [not S ] engines, the early long stroke 997 [ narrow bore ] and the more square 998 followed it
08-12-2017, 03:09 AM
Cooper S is interesting- they were 970, 1070, 1275.
Here two are 970 rest 998, 999
1070 is actually 1071
khyndart in CA
08-12-2017, 03:43 AM
John are you suggesting that some of those Mini owners were not being honest at keeping their engines under 1000 cc ?
That would have kept the scrutineers busy !
Roger, I was there that day also. (Remember that tall handsome guy with a babe on each arm. That was not me. )
It was a great line-up of present and future stars. Some of those lads would have been busy competing in both races.
I remember Bryan Innes and Dennis Marwood testing their Datsun 1600s before the big race in 1968 at night around the roads at Tatuanui and Ngarua while we were trying to practice for our next rugby game and our coach getting so annoyed when we all stopped and went to the fence to watch Dennis and Bryan go by. We could hear them coming from a mile away.
(Another fond memory.)
Ken H.
John McKechnie
08-12-2017, 05:08 AM
Nope, I was just commenting on that there were-
10 Mini Cooper S cars -under 1 litre
4 Mini Cooper cars -under 1 litre
Sales of the Mini Cooper were as follows: 64,000 Mark I Coopers with 997 cc or 998 cc engines; 19,000 Mark I Cooper S with 970 cc, 1,071 cc or 1,275 cc engines; 16,000 Mark II Coopers with 998 cc engines; 6,300 Mark II Cooper S with 1,275 cc engines. There were no Mark III Coopers and just 1,570 Mark III Cooper S.-Wikkipedia
Roger Dowding
10-02-2017, 08:30 PM
A couple of Pukekohe photos
first from Bob Homewood - March 1973 meeting, there was a question,who are they ??
and another Mustang - Red Dawson over Rothmans nose up - 1968-69 photo Jack Inwood taken from Old New Zealand Motor Racing Facebook page - post by Gerard Richards ..
Roger Dowding
10-10-2017, 04:40 AM
The Heron Daimler was number 16 at the April 23 1966 meeting and was driven by Ken Richardson
That was the reverse direction meeting not May '66 as on the photo.. some of my names / dates / details on the photos are now incorrect.
and was this the same car the Heron MK 11 at Waimate in 1966..driven by K Richardson ??
Roger Dowding
12-03-2017, 03:44 AM
1963 the first running of the long distance saloon car race at Pukekohe - the year the track hosted the first NZ International Grand Prix.
The Car -race # 6, they used the system used by Le Mans back then with Race numbers starting with the largest capacity cars. The Jaguars
Photo from Brian Ferrabee - who has provide the photo and entry list to the son of the Driver Bill Thomason.
The co-driver Johnny Riley.
The car was the most expensive in the field
One of the Triumph Vitesse further back in the Esses
The entry list ; from Brian Ferrabee
The car also competed the the long distance 5 hour race [ not six hours ] at Teretonga
entry list by Graham Woods;
Hopefully the results are out there with a TRS member !!
Roger Dowding
12-03-2017, 08:36 PM
Thanks to Mark Joblin who provided the results via Facebook page " Old New Zealand Motor Racing ".
The Mercedes retired
Roger Dowding
12-20-2017, 08:51 PM
The Boys in Blue, will be watching you
when the track looked like this ..
...and they may even catch you.
Roger Dowding
12-24-2017, 03:39 AM
...and they may even catch you.
Indeed they will, cheers Ray
Roger Dowding
01-07-2018, 04:42 AM
Indeed they will, cheers Ray
" Indeed they did " got caught on Highway 27 near Patetonga - speed camera 2 weeks before Christmas My own Christmas Present.
They say " 'tis better to give than to receive ".Not sure if a Traffic Ticket is considered a Gift.
Roger Dowding
02-12-2018, 03:55 AM
Rothmans Book of New Zealand Motor Racing - the cover
Story of the track from the Rothmans Book - above
From the 1963 NZIGP programme
Auckland Car Club article
posted before, the track in 1963 - from the Rothmans Book
One question asked is who actually designed it, an individual or was it the the NZIGP people
Ron Frost, Eric Mallard, Ross Jensen ? as a group,with the constraints of the Horse Track,size of the total property and the fact that it was needed by early 1963, after being advised that Ardmore would not be available.
Further details indicate that the McLaren's, Les and Bruce had some input, Eric Mallard was involved in the project in a huge way but not in the design according to his son Mark Mallard
Roger Dowding
02-15-2018, 05:13 AM
This is from Graham Woods, stuff from Motorman magazine and Graham's photo's
Motorman 1966 opening of the Club Circuit, do we still wish it was there ; Yes is my Vote
Article mentions the Dennis Smith Special - powered by an Outboard Motor. V4 of 1500cc .. amazing !!
Photo's of the car too quick and too fragile, I seem to remember !!
sorry about the size of the picture
Steve Holmes I need help !!
John McKechnie
02-15-2018, 05:28 AM
I have a newspaper pick showing Jim Palmer in his Lotus 20 with Mr Parton -President Grand Prix organization- and Bill Stevenson-contractor-standing on the track after a test run
Roger Dowding
02-15-2018, 05:47 AM
I have a newspaper pick showing Jim Palmer in his Lotus 20 with Mr Parton -President Grand Prix organization- and Bill Stevenson-contractor-standing on the track after a test run
John, send it too me I will publish it here .. would be a great article to add .. PM me cheers Roger D
02-15-2018, 07:02 AM
Photo's of the car too quick and too fragile, I seem to remember !!
I recall someone saying the reason it crashed was because he didn't provide any proper air outlets for the radiator, so at speed, the pressure built up and tried to tear the nose off......
02-15-2018, 08:09 AM
He also built a gorgeous sports car.
02-15-2018, 08:44 AM
He also built a gorgeous sports car.
Which is now being rebuilt by Louis McNair, son of Rob who built the gorgeous Riley Moth and Grandson of Wallace. Louis has already built penny farthing, often seen at Leadfoot, boardtrack twin engine Villiers, a plane... Bantam racer... Very talented young man, with more than a bit of parental guidance and skill to draw on.
02-15-2018, 08:46 AM
The single seater certainly had some aero issues, it wasn't nice looking at it from the bottom as it reared up around the kink on the back straight at Puke from a flag point!
02-15-2018, 08:54 AM
I was dead keen to see it, as it had been featured in the Harold, so went out to Puke, but he had already binned it. Did it sound OK?
02-15-2018, 10:31 AM
I was dead keen to see it, as it had been featured in the Harold, so went out to Puke, but he had already binned it. Did it sound OK?
It sounded incredible, those megaphones were awesome, in the real sense of the word. Heaps of revs. Think of a racing offshore powerboat, but louder!
Milan Fistonic
02-15-2018, 08:09 PM
He also built a gorgeous sports car.
This one with Allan Woolf at the wheel - Manfeild 1992
Roger Dowding
02-15-2018, 08:31 PM
This one with Allan Woolf at the wheel - Manfeild 1992
Is that Dennis beside the car ? I am sure he had a beard at some stage.
Milan Fistonic
02-16-2018, 03:47 AM
The Boys in Blue, will be watching you
Here's a more up-to-date version of your photo taken at Manfeild in 1992
Roger Dowding
02-16-2018, 04:50 AM
Here's a more up-to-date version of your photo taken at Manfeild in 1992
Love it Milan .. they get the best view !!
Roger Dowding
03-24-2018, 12:29 AM
The pictures are my own taken with a basic Kodak Camera with no adjustments possible, just point and shoot;.
The thread has changed it's purpose, now includes other peoples pics and news items ..
It is :" The Pukekohe Story " 1963 to now !!
April 1966 meeting ; the Reverse Direction one ; never tried again as too dangerous and quite a few accidents including
Ron Browns Mini; as mentioned Ron was Assistant Clerk of the course that day ; he was the Team Mate of Allan Boyle who also ran a Cooper " S ".
Dennis Marwood - Cooper
Ivan Segedin - Mustang [ The Fleetwood Mustang - with the feature of the time stack exhaust pipes, many a good bonnet wrecked ].
The Sports cars get ready - Car on left trhe Orchid Special with a De Joux body Bucklers with similar bodies , Daimler SP250 Honda S600 [ another photo later of this car ]
Information regarding the April 1966 meeting at Pukekohe ;
this from Bruce Blacklock
" The reverse direction meeting was to test a theory put forward by the great Jim Clark, who felt the normal direction was dangerous if a car came unstuck approaching the top of the hill. He felt it would fly into the hill stand. The track had approval for one meeting only to be run in that direction. Without the necessary approval a permit would not have been issued by MANZ. The hedge and fence at the end of the back straight were removed after negotiation with the land owner to provide a run off. "
There has been a picture from Milan Fistonic on the Facebook page " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " showing the small saloons,just after the start going up the Hill known for many years as Rothmans
Roger Dowding
03-24-2018, 12:56 AM
Following on the comment from Bruce Blacklock;
" The reverse direction meeting was to test a theory put forward by the great Jim Clark, who felt the normal direction was dangerous if a car came unstuck approaching the top of the hill. He felt it would fly into the hill stand. The track had approval for one meeting only to be run in that direction. Without the necessary approval a permit would not have been issued by MANZ. The hedge and fence at the end of the back straight were removed after negotiation with the land owner to provide a run off. "
Here is the Milan Fistonic photo ; After the start, they have been up the hill to " Rothmans " and are heading down to go through the Esses and on to the Hairpin. [ note from Milan ]
Bob Meek in the A40 near back of pack
Graham Park on the outside of the lead car, Graham thinks
Imagine the track going the wrong way - everything off camber, slower approach to the hairpin, but what about Railway, 90 degree left after the long straight, no wonder there were a few offs.
Posted before Ron Brown - from a magazine on racing at Pukekohe
Milan Fistonic
03-24-2018, 02:14 AM
Roger. The cars are coming down the hill from Rothmans
Roger Dowding
03-24-2018, 03:10 AM
Roger. The cars are coming down the hill from Rothmans
Milan, they are indeed, have just passed the " summit ".
You must have been near the flagpoint that was above the ditch !
Thanks for the photo. - will edit the comment, cheers.
Ron Browns accident, was I understand a bit further from Rothmans towards the hairpin, somewhere near the " Woolshed "
Roger Dowding
03-24-2018, 03:20 AM
Roger. The cars are coming down the hill from Rothmans
Milan, they are indeed, have just passed the " summit ".
You must have been near the flagpoint that was above the ditch !
Thanks for the photo. - will edit the comment, cheers.
Ron Browns accident, was I understand a bit further from Rothmans towards the hairpin, somewhere near the " Woolshed " often seen in photo's
Milan Fistonic
03-24-2018, 03:23 AM
Milan, they are indeed, have just passed the " summit ".
You must have been near the flagpoint that was above the ditch !
Thanks for the photo. - will edit the comment, cheers.
Ron Browns accident, was I understand a bit further from Rothmans towards the hairpin, somewhere near the " Woolshed "
Yes, between Rothmans and the right-hander before the hairpin. Where Bruce McLaren ended up in the ditch in 1965.
Roger Dowding
03-24-2018, 04:15 AM
Yes, between Rothmans and the right-hander before the hairpin. Where Bruce McLaren ended up in the ditch in 1965.
Cheers, Milan, i see you have posted the entry list for the race in your photo " down from Rothmans " on " Old New Zealand Motor Racing ". thanks. I thought the A40 Ford with the stripes was Mike Meek, not Bob Meek, maybe they shared the cars, as brothers ??
Roger Dowding
09-25-2018, 07:17 PM
Photo on the Dog Box Club thread - there is a post regarding the Baypark Fire Truck - A Dodge that replaced an F100 that replaced a Ford Ranchwagon.
Here [ photo borrowed ] is the Ranchwagon, with a Tow Truck, Dodge Ambulance and the famous Timing Bus.
The Dodge - an older shot.
A recent photo- the vehicle is for sale and should be saved for NZ Motoring History.
Roger Dowding
11-11-2018, 07:10 AM
a Milan Fistonic photo at the meeting ;
My own photo's the same meeting !!
On the Hairpin ;
On /Off the Hairpin ...
He did win, not sure if the same race ..
Thanks Milan - have borrowed the photo.
Roger Dowding
11-22-2018, 12:25 AM
Ron Brown wrote - " Pukekohe, mid-60's. Roy Harrington and myself at the head of the pack lining up for another 1000cc race. Original dummy grid area, above and to the left of the track crossing. "
Alan Boyle added - " Ron Brown sits in his Blue 997 Mini next to the yellow Imp of Roy Harrington who is standing behind my G/friend Margaret. Ken Sleath at far right, Ken died some years ago. . In the Centre in Blue jacket Peter Hutt, Ron’s mechanic ex Dominion Motors, where Ron also worked, Pukekohe late 1966 to 68 ? "
I am picking 1967 - 68 ..
The Ron Brown archives Photo.
Posted before Ron Brown beside his Mini - unsure if the same car - ** See note below the photo's
This is April 1966 - the Reverse Direction meeting.
before Ron had a bad off in the sweeper between Rothmans and the Hairpin [ back to front of course - usually Hairpin to Rothmans Hill !!
after - loading onto the trailer ..
** Ron advises that the " Reverse Direction " meeting Mini was a 1293 cc not the 997 in the colour photo.
Roger Dowding
11-30-2018, 11:59 PM
November 1971 ..
1971 most likely the GP meeting " International " .
Sports car and Formula Ford race 1971
John McKechnie
12-01-2018, 12:32 AM
Race 9...great field of cars, many still going ....
82- Frank Radisich RS 1600 Escort now running in HSC
Roger Dowding
12-21-2018, 05:04 AM
Entry lists for the first Three Years of the Wills Six Hour races. Thanks to Graham Woods for the images.
The Standard Production Car Races - they were preceded by the Gold Leaf 3 Hour race for factory modified cars Mini Cooper S, Lotus Cortina etc
- some were not saloons as Austin Healey 3000's and Daimler SP250's ran, as seen on photos posted previously
Kevin Hirst
12-21-2018, 06:10 PM
Entry lists for the first Three Years of the Wills Six Hour races. Thanks to Graham Woods for the images.
The Standard Production Car Races - they were preceded by the Gold Leaf 3 Hour race for factory modified cars Mini Cooper S, Lotus Cortina etc
- some were not saloons as Austin Healey 3000's and Daimler SP250's ran, as seen on photos posted previously
Are the 3 hour entries available Roger?
Are the 3hour entries available Roger?
Milan Fistonic
12-21-2018, 07:44 PM
Kevin, the first 3 hour race was held in 1965.
khyndart in CA
12-21-2018, 08:58 PM
I remember being at this race and it was the first time I had seen a Mustang race. I thought the Segedin /Simmons "Fleetwood" Mustang was the most magnificent car in the world. (It still looks great, it never ages in my opinion.)
Roger Dowding
12-21-2018, 09:46 PM
I remember being at this race and it was the first time I had seen a Mustang race. I thought the Segedin /Simmons "Fleetwood" Mustang was the most magnificent car in the world. (It still looks great, it never ages in my opinion.)
Ken H, agree, love that car and you have the 1965 programme for the meeting - copied here.
and a Peter Bruin photo of the start with the Bill Dunster - now Ross Cammick AH 3000 and those Daimler SP250's ..
Both shown before - but puts them together !!.
John McKechnie
12-22-2018, 12:38 AM
First Mustang I saw race was Bullitt
khyndart in CA
12-22-2018, 05:32 AM
I am sorry to know that you were so delayed on entering the Mustang scene by 3 years !
The Pukekohe 3 hour race was on the 9th of October 1965.
The movie "Bullitt" Release date: October 17, 1968 (USA)
You have certainly made up for that handicap start and pulled way ahead !
Trevor Sheffield
12-23-2018, 01:20 AM
Ken H, agree, love that car and you have the 1965 programme for the meeting - copied here.
and a Peter Bruin photo of the start with the Bill Dunster - now Ross Cammick AH 3000 and those Daimler SP250's ..
Both shown before - but puts them together !!.
The beloved, trailer transported, spoiled and sponsored, mighty muscle 4.6 litre Mustang, was beaten into fourth place and off the podium, by the 2.5 litre blue car shown fourth on the grid, which was raced on a shoe string budget, served as mundane daily transport and come Monday, took me and the manager cf Britannic Cables UK, on a very rapid business tour of the upper North Island. LOL
khyndart in CA
12-23-2018, 03:47 AM
But Trevor I doubt your car would have had half the seat springs removed to save weight !
Imagine racing around Pukekohe for 3 hours with that handicap ! LOL
Trevor Sheffield
12-23-2018, 08:38 AM
But Trevor I doubt your car would have had half the seat springs removed to save weight !
Imagine racing around Pukekohe for 3 hours with that handicap ! LOL
In actual fact my car was a stock and legal production car complete with spare wheel, as required by the regulations. The Mustang was far from legal and should not have been running. I would have enjoyed another comfortable straight arm hour or two no sweat and the car would have happily finished the course without changing the brake pads. LLOL
Roger Dowding
12-24-2018, 03:10 AM
Aerial photo of the track with a car superimposed - 1963
NZIGP map 1964 - back in the days when they ran trains, and you got off the carriages straight through the gate and in - then the long walk to the stands or Rothmans Hill.
As has been mentioned on this the thread the curve to Railway was a late 1966 addition,giving Pukekohe three layouts.
The original as seen here at 2.2 miles, the 1.75 mile GP circuit first used for the NZIGP in 1967 and the small Club Circuit.
Roger Dowding
01-25-2019, 05:22 AM
A couple of " Stickers " owned [ collected ] by Milan Fistonic that feature the Track ..
one from an NZIGP meeting with BP as the sponsor. The original track layout so pre 1967..
another from Milan - his Club - Auckland Car Club .. with both [ all 3 ] versions of the track.
and Finally also from Milan - I would have had one of these as was a regular at the Business in Mt Eden - top end of Dominion Road - the owner had been a neighbour in the 1950's/ 60's - a customer when I worked in Newton in the late 1960's and I was his customer in the 1970's /80's - including making up some good pipework for that TR4A ..
Not Pukekohe, but he raced there often !!
Thanks Milan - have " borrowed " your stuff .. as opposed to " Stealing " It..
Roger Dowding
03-11-2019, 08:03 AM
Photo from Allan Dick archives
Rod Coppins 38/39 ! Ford Corvette, Ivan Segedin Anglia, Garth Souness 32 Ford Corvette,
then one of the Lotus Cortina's Paul Fahey or Alwyn Marshall ??
Is it a Ford or a Chev. for Rod Coppins - not in the entry list if the same meeting
Entry list from Graham Woods
03-11-2019, 05:59 PM
In the 1964 photo check out the wheel destroying curbing. Imagine how the V8 supercar guys would deal with that. A curb strike would really be a curb strike.
Roger Dowding
03-12-2019, 10:59 PM
Photo from seaqnmac archives the 1965 Shell Annual
a colour shot at that Elbow ;
posted before ?? at the same corner Jack Inwood photo's from Steve Twist archives.
" Auckland Star " photographer on the Stables roof
Roger Dowding
04-03-2019, 08:55 PM
A photo I had not seen before ;
[ ** don't remember would be more correct as would have bought the magazine from the shop across from Kelston Boys High ]
- from the NZ GP meeting January 1965.
Photo from Milan Fistonic [ ## correction - please ignore note on the photo's - my error ]
Milan commented that he hadn't seen any mention of the crash or a photo in Motorman. maybe Don was elsewhere.
Did it fall over [ yes ] - or were they just - servicing it [ no ] ??..
Doesn't look any better this way up either ..
It fell over - there is damage to the fence
Here in Humber - Jag guise in May 1966 - by then Frank had moved on to an Anglia Twincam.. Terry Boyle driving
Bigger engine needed "Bigger " wheels ..
my own photo.
Roger Dowding
05-30-2019, 04:11 AM
A couple programmes I was sent by BMC BOY - thanks Ross.
1985 Benson and Hedges;
Entry List - including a friend John Trigance in a Corrolla GT
1986 NZ Grand Prix
List of Officials - with the recent MSNZ awards a few of these Old names were there :
Previous winners Ardmore and Pukekohe - and First New Zealander home
05-30-2019, 10:47 AM
Photo from Allan Dick archives
Rod Coppins 38/39 ! Ford Corvette, Ivan Segedin Anglia, Garth Souness 32 Ford Corvette,
then one of the Lotus Cortina's Paul Fahey or Alwyn Marshall ??
Entry list from Graham Woods
A photo of # 108 G.P.McRae Humber would be a find for the history book!
Roger Dowding
06-03-2019, 04:55 AM
A few photos have emerged recently of the Fleetwood Mustang .. so will put a bit of a story together.
In the meantime a photo.
Photo by Peter Bruin - from Ross Cammick's archives ..
Start of the 1965 Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge Race for Imported / Modified Cars that preceded the Wills Six Hour race for Standard Production Cars [ NZ assembled CKD cars I think ]
The Red Austin Healey of Bill Dunster is a 1959 BN7,3000 which BMC BOY has owned since 1973 and restored in 1978, - it has had some refurbishment more recently.
Roger Dowding
06-04-2019, 03:41 AM
Pukekohe 1964.
Pukekohe in 1967 added the Elbow to railway section creating the 3 circuit configuration " Club " using the loop,the new shorter track and the Original - now the long track.
In 1986 there was this proposal
Copy of Sunday Star article 23 November 1986 - Milan Fistonic archives.
As has been noted only the Pit Lane entry was created and slightly different to this plan.
The Map /Plan only
It didn't happen and the Club Circuit disappeared also. Must check the year of that.
Roger Dowding
06-05-2019, 01:50 AM
Been on the track a few times myself as seen here !!
Ross " BMC BOY" Cammick photo from 1979.
Photo my own camera - may have been the same event. Sprints, two cars away at the same time about 16 - 20 cars on track at the one time.
Some Sprint events used the full circuit, others the " new " part Elbow to Railway - been on both.
Have run out of my own photos, Sharing others on the Track and the Cars that Raced on it.
Roger Dowding
06-12-2019, 01:22 AM
" John Riley in his Chev Impala at the Pukekohe Club Circuit in August 1968. From the Auckland Car Club Bulletin. "
- Milan Fistonic archives.
( note disregard the " Dawson " reference on the photo - my oops - now corrected on my file.
My own photos of a Chev and Victor - same meeting ? If so will enable me to correct dates on some pics of mine.
Presume the Victor was the 3.3 litre Six version not a 2 or 2.2 litre 4 cylinder..
coming :
and going :
John McKechnie
06-12-2019, 04:49 AM
With that grille, it is a Ventura 3.3
Peter M
06-12-2019, 05:46 AM
The later Victor 3.3 litres had the Ventora grille fitted. I do remember in the UK they never had a 3.3 Victor, you could only get the 3.3 litre 6 cylinder in the Ventora. New Zealand was probably the only market in the world where you could get the base model Victor with the 3.3 litre motor, that was in the days of local assembly.
General Motors NZ probably thought after seeing the PC Crestas racing in the 66 and 67 Wills 6 hour race being fairly competitive with the Ford Zephyrs and Zodiacs, they might have a potential winner for the annual long distance race at Pukekohe.
The Victor 3.3 won both the 68 and 69 B&H race.
John McKechnie
06-12-2019, 06:41 AM
Roger... same meeting pix August 18 for this meeting 0n Club circuit
...Don Davie or Barry Phillips in the 3.3. Was a warm up for B&H 500 coming up
Milan Fistonic
06-12-2019, 07:18 AM
Milan... same meeting pix August 18 for this meeting 0n Club circuit
...Don Davie or Barry Phillips in the 3.3. Was a warm up for B&H 500 coming up
Jim Palmer also had a drive in the Don Davie Victor. Don and Jim shared the car in the 1968 B&H.
Michael Clark
06-12-2019, 07:23 AM
I recall Leonard/Hawes won in '68 - who won in '69?
John McKechnie
06-12-2019, 07:26 AM
Milan...have Motorman 1968 ,they give results for the first 6 races of 32 action packed races...56 competitors.
So no mention of Jim Palmer
Milan Fistonic
06-12-2019, 10:02 AM
Results from the August 18, 1968 Club Circuit meeting at Pukekohe.
Peter M
06-12-2019, 06:44 PM
Leo Leonard and Ernie Sprague won in 1969. Brent Hawes ( business partner as well as driver to Leo) was tragically killed at Ruapuna in a sports car race in early 1969.
Roger Dowding
07-04-2019, 03:26 AM
Thanks to Steve Sharp for this grid photo.
- Milan Fistonic for the entry list and handwritten results
Milan noted about the entry of Jim Boyd " You might have noticed in the entry list I posted that Jim Boyd is listed as driving the Lycoming (22) and a Cooper Climax (39) and both cars are shown on the grid. The reason apparently was that Jim sold the Cooper, just prior to the meeting, to Grant Bloore. "
The meeting was known for the Accidents and some of the first photos on this thread are of Ron Brown - before and after shots of his car and the accident in the Esses - between Rothmans and the Hairpin.
Some comments on the event ;
Glen Ducey wrote " Must have been a little daunting whistling down the back towards the 90deg Railway with no evidence of any form of escape road !
Bruce Blacklock wrote " With the co-operation of the owners of the land the fence was removed for the weekend and the ground graded to provide a run off area. "
Alan Boyle : about the track " It is interesting that that meeting was run as an experiment suggested by non other than the late Jim Clark. He was worried that in a tangle a car could be sent up the earth face of the banking and into the hill stand. i recall the out cry over the lack of a run off at Railway Corner, which was resolved for the day but there was no real concern about the right turn at the Elbow, where the racing club track railings were. "
Alan Boyle [ Ron Browns best Mate and Team Mate when they both ran Mini's ] " We were lucky that our great friend Ron didn't suffer severe injury or worse when he took out the steel hawser cable fence off the top of Rothmans hill. "
A photo from a Magazine about the incident [ posted before ]..
Rons Car before -Ron getting in - or out ?
and after - loading onto the trailer -
The lady Anna Rowland with blond hair beside the car drivers door - worked with Ron at Dominion Motors in the 1960's and was a friend of Alan [ Boyle ] and Ron [ Brown ] for many years - Anna was my neighbour growing up in Herne Bay in the 1950's, Anna passed away a year or so ago. Her family and ours remained friends over all the years- I last saw Anna's Mother at my uncle Ed [ Eddie from NSCC 1919 - 2018 ] and Aunty' Una [ 1920 and still with us ] 60th Wedding Anniversary in 2002.
Roger Dowding
08-22-2019, 04:14 AM
Before my time there - that was late 1965 [the B and H race - on - although did watch the B and H for a while outside the track in 1964 with my father - story told before !!
This the results from that First Pukekohe Grand Prix.. Graham Woods archives.
Small field finished the race,which apparently made it quite boring as opposed the the exciting Ardmore GP the year before when Sir [ then just Mr ] Stirling Moss won in the rain.
Roger Dowding
09-03-2019, 01:10 AM
Pukekohe in the trackside paddock area by the Stands and near the Wooden Tote building.
Mike Feisst picture
a couple of recent photos by the current owner - and rebuilder Kent Larsen - and yes the " Big Wing " is going back on.
Holes in the rear hatch screen ready for the Wing ..
looks like they missed the holes with the wing installation in the first picture.
Roger Dowding
09-03-2019, 08:48 PM
looks like they missed the holes with the wing installation in the first picture.
928 - yes, perhaps they were for ducting when Scott Wiseman created the Beast ..
Roger Dowding
09-05-2019, 02:19 AM
Alan's Coca Cola sponsored Vauxhall Viva ; First outing was the 1971 GP meeting, car had just been finished and the suspension / ride height had not been fully sorted.
My photo of the car in the paddock area
A couple of Graeme Lindsay photos - Graeme was a Flag Marshall at many events and has a large collection of action shots at Pukekohe over the years.
The Viva sitting high ; coming out of Railway
Through the Esses heading for Rothmans and over the top to the Start /Finish line
Another photo posted on TRS Facebook page - Gary Simkin photo Alan Boyle Viva and believed to be Tim Slako in the Mini - at the hairpin - the early livery so maybe 1971 GP meeting again. Has the gaffer tape on the fronts of the flares as in the Graeme Lindsay photos
At a later meeting - photo from Alan's own archives ; meeting and date not noted - doesn't / does it look like Pukekohe ?? !
Different livery and a front / chin spoiler fitted - sitting lower too !!
Post #364. Fifth place Rex Flowers Gemini. I presume that is the same FJ Gemini now owned by Jim Barclay? If so, a stunning result for a Junior - or was it fitted with a 1500cc engine back then?
Whenuapai 1989
Roger Dowding
09-06-2019, 03:59 AM
Post #364. Fifth place Rex Flowers Gemini. I presume that is the same FJ Gemini now owned by Jim Barclay? If so, a stunning result for a Junior - or was it fitted with a 1500cc engine back then?
Whenuapai 1989
Looks like the Tony Herbert / Remi Rutkowski Ginetta next to the FJ Lotus.
Another photo for you Remi !!
09-08-2019, 08:22 PM
I spotted it! Thanks!
The Gemini looks great
Roger Dowding
09-23-2019, 10:44 PM
Posted on Telecom thread but belong here ;
Was at Pukekohe for the first time since 2007 [ saw the NZ V8's at that meeting ] for the Saturday of the " Supercars " .. have a few photos to download, mainly the Muscle cars and some Mustangs - plus the Radisich Mustang - a real screamer -revs to 11,500 rpm apparently.
Roger Dowding
09-27-2019, 04:52 AM
NZ Muscle Cars -I presume the group that was " Central Muscle Cars " Saturday 14th September.
Sadly the Camaro had an off on the Sunday hitting a wall.
More photos to edit;
Roger Dowding
09-29-2019, 03:52 AM
A few more of mainly the " NZ Muscle Cars " but first the Mustang Parade group and as " they " - the Muscle Cars started ;
Programme Cover ;
Mustang Parade Laps finished ;
Some of the Muscle Cars - had a couple of favourites :
Damn that wire fencing - even with a long lens [ 55 - 250 ] couldn't get to stand high enough up !!
Roger Dowding
10-04-2019, 05:37 AM
A Montage of that TR4A - the slideways one -
when first bought in 1978
at Pukekohe 1979/80
after the accident 1980
at a Concours in 1978/79 not sure - a mate was there in his TR7 - an NZ Triumph TR Register gathering.
Roger Dowding
10-14-2019, 08:40 PM
Thanks to Graham Woods for these images from the programme and both Graham and Milan advised it is the december 1964 meeting;
Eric Mallards welcome.
Driver Profiles
Race 1 Saloons to 1000cc
Race 2 BMC MINI Race
Race 3 is missing will add when I get it ??
Race 4 Saloons 1301 - 2000 and 2001 and over class.
Rob Williams in his Ford V8 Coupe Graham Park in his well known Plymouth Coupe, Rob's great mate and my ex neighbour Allan Woolf in a Triumph 2000. Allan had lived in Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn when he had the Ford 8 as a race car - he moved to a new house in Green Bay around 1960 or so.
Roger Dowding
10-14-2019, 08:47 PM
Race 5 - All comer Saloons
Race 6 Sports Cars - some Austin Healeys, Daimler SP250 with Trevor Sheffield Milan has the first 3 placings.
as ...
" The race was won by Jim Boyd (Lycoming), from Ian Green (Tojeiro Jaguar) and John Donnelly (HWM Thuderbird). "
This from a magazine / book showing three SP250 Daimler's - including Trevor Sheffield leading and David Oxton .. From the March 1964 Race with Bob Wilkin in the middle SP250
Trevors car has the old style plate on " Black on Yellow "
The 1961 - 1964/65 plates -
They started issuing the Aluminium Silver on Black plates in July 1963 for the 1963/64 year for Motorcycles and Trailers, Cars for the 1964/65 Registration year and Heavy Vehicles - Trucks Buses and Taxis etc the 1965/66 year
Race 7 Single Seaters or Racing Cars as they are known
Big gap to Race 15 -[ will add later ] - assume that some of the above would have had second or even third Races
Roger Dowding
10-18-2019, 05:24 AM
1965 from Graham Woods archives - somewhere have a photo of the Team Cars - now to find it !! will post when I do !
Three Lawrences ..amongst some other well known drivers
The Zephyr Corvette ran those colours Ivory with stripes for a while ..Pukekohe a Terry Marshall photo. Team Molyslip on the door and no stack pipes through the bonnet yet
C M " Morrie " Hogan ran the "Allardette " .. here chasing the Morrari.. a Jack Inwood photo
John McKechnie
10-18-2019, 05:48 AM
Both cars have registration and WOFs with licence plates....nostalgia !!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin Hirst
10-18-2019, 09:08 PM
Both cars have registration and WOFs with licence plates....nostalgia !!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine trying to do that with the Morari today
farm tractors come in all shapes and sizes. from low single seaters with flat treaded tyres to huge 4wd monsters
Roger Dowding
10-18-2019, 09:40 PM
Imagine trying to do that with the Morari today
A replica is being built - by Greg Stokes - unsure how far it has got - not using an old Ferrari chassis though too expensive !!
10-18-2019, 10:38 PM
I seem to remember that all race cars back in the 60s and maybe 50s had to have a registration plate attached somewhere. Someone whose memory is better than mine may like to correct me if i'm wrong.
had to be on the car when it went for scrutineering, but the reg did not say attached. wof had to be attached though.
10-19-2019, 12:55 AM
Ardmore 1957
10-19-2019, 03:50 AM
Roycroft Ferarri 375 showing no plate painted on nose.
John McKechnie
10-19-2019, 08:52 PM
Ye, all hand painted, no stick on number plates like now
Roger Dowding
10-21-2019, 12:22 AM
I seem to remember that all race cars back in the 60s and maybe 50s had to have a registration plate attached somewhere. Someone whose memory is better than mine may like to correct me if i'm wrong.
Allan - Correct - often they were bolted to the floor in saloons, and if not a Road Registration vehicle were to have a
" Daytime Warrant " - not requiring lights or indicators.
928 comments -" had to be on the car when it went for scrutineering, but the reg did not say attached. wof had to be attached though. "
Life is too complicated these days - Registration Papers only have the current owner on them - unlike this where you have a history of a car.
Cars displayed a Registration Sticker and a Warrant Sticker and of course in Mid 1979 through to some time in 1980 a Carless Day sticker all stuck on the inside of the windscreen - no little stick-on pockets like today for the Rego ..
Carless Days stickers;
Rego stickers 1970's on became much smaller by the 1990's
My Carless Day sticker for the Triumph TR4A - put it in " clingwrap " and attached to the windscreen here with two paid for but never affixed Rego stickers from the Austin Healey 100 - was hardly driven 1991 - 1995
WoF stickers have changed over the years but still a similar size and now have those punched out numbers.
Here an old one .. that graced a certain Healey in the 1980's BQ538 -
Old Number Plates to complete the picture.
Some items are mine some collected from Richard Armstrong and others..
Roger Dowding
11-02-2019, 01:24 AM
Entry List for the 1963 Sports Car Trophy Race - which was previously held at Ardmore some years a Trophy Race other years there appears to be a Handicap Race at Ardmore, maybe both. Sports Cars were also able to enter the Main GP race if they qualified fast enough.
In the field the McLoughlin Healey Ruddspeed 3000 driven by P McLoughlin
[ Pat or Peter - some clarification of the name as had entered as P A T McLoughlin at the December 1964 ACC meeting with the car now running the Austin 4 litre motor ]
Brother Roger McLoughlin entered in an AH Sprite.
More on the Leathers /McLoughlin /Hick Austin Healey Ruddspeed 3000 - Austin 4000 is being posted on the Austin Healey thread once i have some details confirmed.
The Ruddspeed with the Mcloughlins Healey 100 Six - this around the time that Russell Leathers and McLoughlins swapped cars and some cash Leathers took the 100/6 as part trade.
This photo would be late 1961 as has the new Black Yellow plates 420.664
- before becoming BN2253 with the permanent plates introduction in 1964
- was 603.043 in white on deep red plates of the 1956 - 61 issue - car registered in NZ in 1960 or 1961.
Car is a 1959 3000 BT7 - so an early 3000 one of the first produced according Myles Hicks.
Roger Dowding
12-02-2019, 04:17 AM
A couple of Duncan Laird photos - presume at the same meeting which according to the Driver of the Anglia Dave Simpson would be December 1965 - the Auckland Car Clubs meeting.
The Fleetwood Mustang chasing Ron Brown in his Mini .. part of the Brown / Boyle Mini Team - with the Yellow Shield on the front Guards ..
Dave Simpson Anglia ahead of the Morrari another Anglia [ Paul Fahey ? ] and others
Believe this is the January 1966 NZ GP meeting looking at the crowd, not the Dec 65 National Meeting [ Auckland Car Club ]- those fastback Anglia's had debuted at the December 1965 meeting at Pukekohe - the second round of the 1965 / 66 Championship [ after Renwick ]
Duncan has posted quite a collection of mid 1960's meetings at Pukekohe on the Facebook group ;
" Old New Zealand Motor Racing ".
Milan Fistonic
03-09-2020, 08:43 AM
I've just found another variation to the Pukekohe track that was being contemplated in 1990.
Roger Dowding
03-20-2020, 07:45 AM
I've just found another variation to the Pukekohe track that was being contemplated in 1990.
Milan, have not seen [ or not remembered [ that proposal - the loop was an interesting part of the circuit.
I fell off it in 1978 at the " NSCC Motorsport Day " event -4 events in one day ; Gymkhana ay the Clubrooms - on the Football field I think !! , 2 part Trial, part one then the Sprints at the Club Circuit, Trial part two followed by a Hill Climb at Cosseys Hill ( farm ) - in the Triumph GT6 - and spun badly in 1979 at the Stables corner - hit nothing, but a very slow lap in a Sprint event - In my TR4A was was up against an E-type Jaguar .. he got away and got caught by an MGB - not all bad as later owned one - MGB GT not an E-type ....
All contributions are appreciated - and as some of you will know - I have a few oops in my post - enjoy the corrections too.
All about preserving our Motorsport History
1978 ;
Roger Dowding
03-24-2020, 04:24 AM
This gem from Motorman in 1962 Donn Anderson must had a spy in the right place.
The full page article with a Race Meeting report
The article [cropped] the shape a bit different than what actually was built but mention of a " Club Circuit " even in the early stages - what a pity that it went.
Item from Graham Woods - " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " Fb page.
1962 a bit before I started to get the Magazine in 1964 - when my pocket money had built up.
My pocket money went on Autocar - the original UK one and Motorman - ordered at the bookshop across the road from School - Kelston Boys High, Archibald Road, Kelston, Auckland - was an Inmate there from 1961 to 1965
[ slow learner spent two years in the Fifth Form having failed School Cert by 4 marks and got nothing on the recount ]
Roger Dowding
03-27-2020, 05:43 AM
Written by Rhys Jones - known in the Media and as a Motor Cycle racer for many years.
I have an Autographed [ Complimentary ] copy of the book published in 2008
-thanks to working with Rhys wife back in 2003 - 2009.
New images - downloaded today but had the book a while
Roger Dowding
04-01-2020, 05:40 AM
Saloon car race the " Bigger Bangers " I think was usually 1600 and over class.
Two photos one seen before - of the same race - second one a few seconds or a is it a later lap field still very close
First corner by the looks of the field -
was John Hatton in this race ? in his Zephyr Mark One - if so April [ not December ] 1964 the Auckland Car Club Autumn meeting - the last of the season.
Looks like him at the back and have the Programme for the meeting - posted here before - thanks to John H
From a " 1972 " Magazine or Book by the way the Caption reads - gives you the drivers names. ** see correction next post
Roger Dowding
04-03-2020, 01:00 AM
Saloon car race the " Bigger Bangers " I think was usually 1600 and over class.
Two photos one seen before - of the same race - second one a few seconds or a is it a later lap field still very close
First corner by the looks of the field -
was John Hatton in this race ? in his Zephyr Mark One - if so December 1964 the Auckland Car Club meeting.
Looks like him at the back and have the Programme for the meeting - posted here before - thanks to John H
From a " 1972 " Magazine or Book by the way the Caption reads - gives you the drivers names.
The Radisich Family - Chris Radisich believes the caption is partially incorrect - the Race appears to be the Autumn Meeting of Auckland car Club on 4th April 1964. Of which I have the Programme as given to me by John Hatton Car #143
The White Zephyr #144 is Frank Radisich - from around the time he moved from a V8 Coupe. Bryan Innes is not in the Race.
Here is the entry list for the Race - Race #5 the copy cut off the numbers but first car in the list is George Bunce Chevrolet in #74 the rest are in numerical order from I W ' Red ' Dawson #139 then #141 Coppins #143 John Hatton - then Frank Radisich #144 and in order from #145 to #158 [ no #157 is missing [ apologies for the bad scanning - tried to do two pages at a time.
Roger Dowding
04-04-2020, 01:42 AM
Two pages of a Programme with all our -[ well mine anyway ] Heroes of the 60's and beyond.
Dawson, Coppins, Radisich, Riley, Souness, Marwood Saloons and in Sports - Conway [ as he drove a Healey of course ] Riley David Oxtons Dad in the SP250, our own Trevor Sheffield in his SP250 and an oddball car John Donnelly in the HWM Continental.
Some other well knowns were in the smaller classes Saloons and Sports as well as the Single Seaters [ Racing Cars ] - posted a while ago - but follows the story ..
John H
04-04-2020, 03:13 AM
Saloon car race the " Bigger Bangers " I think was usually 1600 and over class.
Two photos one seen before - of the same race - second one a few seconds or a is it a later lap field still very close
First corner by the looks of the field -
was John Hatton in this race ? in his Zephyr Mark One - if so April [ not December ] 1964 the Auckland Car Club Autumn meeting - the last of the season.
Looks like him at the back and have the Programme for the meeting - posted here before - thanks to John H
From a " 1972 " Magazine or Book by the way the Caption reads - gives you the drivers names. ** see correction next post
Hi Roger. You keep this site interesting. Yes thats me right at the back in my immaculate Mk1. Zephyr. For the next race at Ohakea I was testing it on the back roads of Maramarua and rammed another car fortunatly no injuries. Bought the wreck back from the insurance co and rebuilt it only to do the same again a year later. Bill Stone was a sales rep and racing a black Cooper at the time and would call in to see the rebuild at my workshop in Maramarua.. Ha all fond memories..
Roger Dowding
04-05-2020, 10:14 PM
Before the Mini, a Morris Minor.
Ron Brown - an Auckland Car Club guy - later became Club President and was actively involved as Clerk of the Course at Pukekohe over the years 1970's
This photo by Alan Boyle, Ron's best Mate, and a Mini racer of note - a couple " Tomato " and " Violet ", then later the Viva GT.
." George Johnson on the wheels, Ron Brown under the bonnet."
Comments from Kevin Lancaster, another ACC Guy, Alan and Ron.
" Looks like Bill Dunster's Austin Healey 3000 and Murray Cox Hillman No.67. I see Ron' s Minor has his three driver observation stripes to qualify for full racing license. I think you had to do three meetings without incident. "
Alan Boyle
" Yes with a bit of advice from Eric Mallard and the close scrutiny of Les Rankin. "
Ron Brown
" I think this was my first race meeting. I was greeted on the practice start line by C.O.C. Les 'friendly' Rankin with words to the effect of "Brownie, get your bloody helmet on!" Later went on to become his assistant, learning a lot before gaining full coc self accreditation. "
See details from Milan about the meeting.
Sadly Eric Mallard passed away in the last day or so - Stalwart of ACC and NZIGP Association - remember going to Ellerslie to get my Tickets for the GP at the Offices. Eric would be there.
Milan Fistonic
04-05-2020, 10:35 PM
I think that photo is from the March 1963 meeting as Ron had number 24 on his Minor that day.. If it is then No 67 is John Bernard's Austin A90. There were six Healeys entered but Dunster was not named as a driver of any of those In the Lawrence trailer would have have been the Lola sports car that was to be be shared by Doug and Graeme. Tony Lawrence was also there to race the family Peugeot. The car to left of Ron's looks like another A90 and if the programme is to be believed then it must be Don Hadfield's.
On another site Alan has identified the Healey as No 108 so that makes the driver R. Cullen.
Roger Dowding
04-06-2020, 04:12 AM
I think that photo is from the March 1963 meeting as Ron had number 24 on his Minor that day.. If it is then No 67 is John Bernard's Austin A90. There were six Healeys entered but Dunster was not named as a driver of any of those In the Lawrence trailer would have have been the Lola sports car that was to be be shared by Doug and Graeme. Tony Lawrence was also there to race the family Peugeot. The car to left of Ron's looks like another A90 and if the programme is to be believed then it must be Don Hadfield's.
On another site Alan has identified the Healey as No 108 so that makes the driver R. Cullen.
Thanks Milan,
Alan also posted a subsequent photo of the Minor and an A90 - on the track together - must put that on here too !!
Roger Dowding
04-06-2020, 04:27 AM
March 1963 meeting - as advised by Milan.
A wet meeting - Alan Boyle photo - Alan actually titled the first photo - in the paddock " Putting Wets On ".
There were a few Austin A90/95's in Motorsport at the time mainly in Trials and Rally's - Don Hadfield ACC, and Aub Highstead NSCC come to mind - and our own Kevin Hirst had one I believe - think he found one again recently.
04-06-2020, 03:37 PM
That 'wet' meeting at Puke was when Jim Boyd raced a front-engined Cooper-Holden which caught fire as he crossed the S/F-line so he slowed it down and pulled onto the grass on the left, then aimed it for the inside fence before jumping-out and the car carried-on to hit the fence. If my memory serves me correctly, it was the same race which Rod Coppins had his accident on the back straight.
Kevin Hirst
04-06-2020, 06:30 PM
March 1963 meeting - as advised by Milan.
A wet meeting - Alan Boyle photo - Alan actually titled the first photo - in the paddock " Putting Wets On ".
There were a few Austin A90/95's in Motorsport at the time mainly in Trials and Rally's - Don Hadfield ACC, and Aub Highstead NSCC come to mind - and our own Kevin Hirst had one I believe - think he found one again recently.
Yes, was 1956 A90, now have A95, almost ready for final paint then W.O.F. & registration but all on hold at the moment
Milan Fistonic
04-06-2020, 08:18 PM
Don Hadfield actually won Race 1 that day.
Roger Dowding
04-19-2020, 04:09 AM
Rex Rattenbury photos - Rex was a newspaper [ Auckland Star I think ] photographer as well as a Car Club Competitor
At Stables / Elbow corner three well known cars well two very well known one less so.
The Morrari - Garth Souness, now on wide wheels and stack pipes out the bonnet / hood.
Ford V8 Coupe - Robin Tanner
Zephyr Corvette -Rod Coppins, in its dark paint and stack pipes and bonnet scoop -
Must be the NSCC meeting as most drivers back in the day belonged to both ACC and NSCC and would enter in the name of the club running the event
Graham Woods provided the entry list - borrowed it from " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " Fb page.
Kevin Hirst in the Austin A90 did enter.
04-19-2020, 12:26 PM
Some events back then had a restricted entry imposed by MANZ, a given number of clubs invited. As a result some of us had to belong to a few clubs.
khyndart in CA
04-19-2020, 06:52 PM
Morrinsville was well represented in the Reserves with the two being from farms within a mile of town.
Terry Scott, father of Kayne and Ross Douglas, in their Mini Coopers.
Brian Innes (Not eligible for any award !) lived a bit further away in Tatuanui.
( Useful information supplied by Ken H.)
Roger Dowding
04-20-2020, 09:54 PM
Some events back then had a restricted entry imposed by MANZ, a given number of clubs invited. As a result some of us had to belong to a few clubs.
Too True, Rhys,
Events were :
- Closed Club,
- Restricted Invitation - one or two other clubs, from memory.
then to
- Open Invitation
Events like the Bardahl Hillclimb Series run by 8 Clubs including ACC Hamilton, HCMC, NSCC, Pukekohe, Auckland University, MG and Triumph, - and the Mercury trophy Trial series - which I think was 10 to 12 clubs, the above plus Thames Valley, Te Awamutu, and Volkswagen Owners.
- Top tier was the National Events, like Gold Star Hillclimbs Trials and the Main Race meetings. and finally International events like the NZ Grand Prix and the Trans Tasman races with drivers from England, Europe Australia and even the USA.
When I first joined Northern Sports in 1967, our Governing body was Association of New Zealand Car Clubs Inc [ ANZCC ], later MANZ then MSNZ.
Remember getting my first closed club Speed Licence around 1971 - only did closed club trials before that, and you got this " Pocket Book " with all the Rules and Regulations, including requirements for the Car, - double throttle springs, increased level of seat belt requirements. - Wish I had kept it.
Still have my 1971 issue Helmet - I notice the outer fibreglass is cracked and the standard for then, NZS1971, no longer applies.
Part of my " Motorsport and Motoring " collection
Something else for " SWMBO " to deal with in the future.
By the mid late 1970's 1976 on I belonged to 2 MANZ affiliated clubs [ NSCC and Triumph for my licence ] and later 2 Classic Car clubs [ Austin Healey 1974 and the NZ Triumph TR Register 1978 ], plus had belonged to the New Zealand Grand Prix Association since 1967 to get preferential tickets and pricing for the Grand Prix and the Wills / Gold Leaf Saloon races, in October .
Roger Dowding
06-29-2020, 05:12 AM
Three photos from John ( Larry ) Lawton of the Elbow.
Our own Trevor Sheffield is in the first one, leading an E-Type in
his Daimler SP250 [ Dart ] - ACC Dec 11th 1965 - a Gold Star meeting.
Ivan Segedin in the Fleetwood Mustang - probably its third meeting - first was the Gold Leaf Three Hour in October, presume was at the November NSCC meeting too !!
Roger Smith in another SP250 gets it a bit wrong
Photos borrowed with permission - posted on " Old NZ Motor Racing " Facebook page.
Roger Dowding
09-10-2020, 02:13 AM
The " Orchid Special " has been in Switzerland for a number of years owned by Michael Rohrmoser and now owned by Richard ....
The car is mentioned in the Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " having been built by Keith Yeats in ** 1962/63.
: " Keith Yeats, of Auckland, built up this Ford 10 -based sports car with a Buckler [ read De Joux ] fibreglass body in 1962. **
It was based on an even earlier Ford 10 Special going back to 1953 with Bruce Lawrence. It had twin SUs and an 8hp head with 7.5;1 compression ratio.
Yeats scored a number of class wins around 1963 including the Chamberlain Road Hillclimb and the Bombay Hillclimb ** Des Windsor later raced the car and it is now with Barry Suckling ".
Car raced at Pukekohe - specifically in the ACC April 1964 meeting and at the April 1966 [ reverse track ] meeting as evidenced by these Entry Lists and a photo of mine.
April 1964 Race 3 [ and 4 ] Entry list from John Hatton
April 1966 Entry list from Milan Fistonic
Keith Yeats still racing the car as in the photo
The car left of picture with Bucklers a Daimler and others in the paddock.
Richard is looking for more information and photos of the car to fully track its history.
Car has been restored /rebuilt and has it NZ Numbers CY6331 as NZ - CV6331 its Swiss registration.
An old photo of the car showing it was built in 1959-61 not 1962/63 as mentioned above.
Later 13 September 2020.
A lot more information has come to light about the car and its History from the current owner - Worth a story under the heading " NZ Specials " - will probably go onto the " Dunedin 1984 ... "thread
A more recent photo of the car - with previous owners / drivers on the side [ hard to read though ].
NZ American and European names and flags on the car.
Kevin Hirst
09-10-2020, 07:06 PM
The " Orchid Special " has been in Switzerland for a number of years owned by Michael Rohrmoser and now owned by Richard ....
The car is mentioned in the Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " having been built by Keith Yeats in ** 1962/63.
: " Keith Yeats, of Auckland, built up this Ford 10 -based sports car with a Buckler [ read De Joux ] fibreglass body in 1962. **
It was based on an even earlier Ford 10 Special going back to 1953 with Bruce Lawrence. It had twin SUs and an 8hp head with 7.5;1 compression ratio.
Yeats scored a number of class wins around 1963 including the Chamberlain Road Hillclimb and the Bombay Hillclimb ** Des Windsor later raced the car and it is now with Barry Suckling ".
Car raced at Pukekohe - specifically in the ACC April 1964 meeting and at the April 1966 [ reverse track ] meeting as evidenced by these Entry Lists and a photo of mine.
April 1964 Race 3 [ and 4 ] Entry list from John Hatton
April 1966 Entry list from Milan Fistonic
Keith Yeats still racing the car as in the photo
The car left of picture with Bucklers a Daimler and others in the paddock.
Richard is looking for more information and photos of the car to fully track its history.
Car has been restored /rebuilt and has it NZ Numbers CY6331 as NZ - CV6331 its Swiss registration.
An old photo of the car showing it was built in 1959-61 not 1962/63 as mentioned above.
A more recent photo of the car - with previous owners / drivers on the side [ hard to read though ].
NZ American and European names and flags on the car.
We competed against the orchid special when owned by Doug St George in the mid 90's gymkhana's & sprint's etc. I presume it was the same car
Milan Fistonic
09-10-2020, 08:18 PM
We competed against the orchid special when owned by Doug St George in the mid 90's gymkhana's & sprint's etc. I presume it was the same car
Yes it was the same car. Doug St George owned the car some time after after Barry Suckling had it.
Roger Dowding
09-11-2020, 01:38 AM
Kevin Hirst and Milan Fistonich, thanks for that fills in a gap in the History.
Have also established that the Original Chassis was built by Roly Levis and sold to Keith Yeats, according to Allan Dick in an article in Classic Driver Magazine. I do not have a date for the article.
It started with the Orchid then went to write about the Roycroft Ferrari and the De Joux body that went onto the car the went to the
" Orchid " - this is the Orchid comments.
Roger Dowding
09-13-2020, 02:55 AM
January 1963 the first time Pukekohe was used for the New Zealand Grand Prix
Here are Trap speeds taken by Auckland Car Club on the back straight for the various fields of cars.
The McLoughlin Ruddspeed 3000 features as the the Yeats Orchid Special.
Thanks to Kelvin Brown for the images;
Roger Dowding
11-15-2020, 05:21 AM
The full list of entries for the February 1966 meeting and a photo from the grid.
Entry List by Graham Woods.
The Robin Tanner [ RIP Robin ] Edelbrock Ford V8 with a group of Mini's and at least one Anglia - thought to be a Handicap race by Milan Fistonic.
Note Kevin Hirst Austin A 90 in the entries #165 ..
Trevor Sheffield in his Daimler SP250 in the Sports Car entries too
Roger Dowding
02-22-2021, 08:32 PM
Herald Advert 30th October 1967 for the November 1967 National Meeting. promoted and run by NSCC
Club Circuit event - think this was an ACC event
Allan Woolf and Jim Richards on the front row
from 1967 Who is in the Commer Cob / Hillman Husky in fourth ?
Roger Dowding
07-20-2021, 09:34 PM
John Hartley was a mechanic who worked on one of the Cortina GTE entries - there were quite a few in the 1301 - 1600 cc Clas ;
John asked " looking for the results for the 1970 B&H500 the years are catching up and I cannot remember who co-drove with Angus Hislop, Thanks John, my first Cross flow to prepare.".
Graham Woods had the entry list for all the classes, plus the results and a comment about protests and scrutineering ;
The 1301 - 1600 Class - with the Angus Hyslop Dick Langley GTE.
The other classes - the small cars ;
The BIG classes to follow in the next post
Roger Dowding
07-20-2021, 09:44 PM
The over 1600 classes ;
1601 - 2500
2501 and over Class.
A photo of early in the race from Graeme Lindsay archives ;
Shows a couple of the Ford Cortina GTE's Cars #22 and #24 ..
The entry list for that group
The small cars.
Roger Dowding
07-20-2021, 10:13 PM
Much has been written about the Paul Fahey and Dave Simpson Fastback Anglia's which both debuted at the same meeting and had been created [ supposedly ] without one group knowing what the other was doing.
A Peter Levet photo of just after the start of one of the races at the December 1965 meeting.
This was the second meeting in the National Championship series - the first being Renwick.
The Humber Jaguar #191, Frank Radisich, Lotus Anglia #104, Paul Fahey and part of the Dave Simpson Anglia #177.
Thanks to Milan Fistonic for the photo and the archive details - entry lists and results.
The entry lists ;
Race 3
Extract from the Race report - Race 3.
Race 10 the Feature [ Championship ] Race;
More from the Race Report - about race 10 ;
Dave Simpson, Lotus Anglia #177 and Garth Souness, Morrari #172 through the Esses at Pukekohe is this the same meeting ? Yes it is as noted below;
I initially thought Large crowd so maybe the NZ GP meeting in January 1966, seem to remember at the GP meetings that carpark area near the hairpin would have been totally full - so is the December and the Race Number matches #177 for Dave Simpson.
GP meeting January 1966 Allcomer entry lists; D A Simpson was in a Lotus Cortina not the Lotus Anglia
Photo from Graeme Lindsay archives [ posted before ]
Milan Fistonic
07-21-2021, 02:22 AM
Quote: GP meeting January 1966 Allcomer entry lists; D A Simpson was in a Lotus Cortina not the Lotus Anglia
They really messed up in that programme. As you say, they had Dave Simpson driving a Lotus Cortina in the Open Saloon Car Scratch Race but then in the Saloon Car Handicap Race he was listed as driving an Anglia Cortina.
He was definitely in the Lotus Anglia Fastback in the first race when he finished fifth after the car tossed a rod coming over Rothmans on the last lap. He obviously didn't start in the handicap race.
Milan Fistonic
07-21-2021, 02:29 AM
Your photo from the December 1965 meeting is probably from the first lap of Race 10 as the order of the cars is as shown in the Motorman report; Simpson, Souness, Fahey, Nazer, Radisich and Kerry Grant's A40.
Roger Dowding
07-21-2021, 05:00 AM
Quote: GP meeting January 1966 Allcomer entry lists; D A Simpson was in a Lotus Cortina not the Lotus Anglia
They really messed up in that programme. As you say, they had Dave Simpson driving a Lotus Cortina in the Open Saloon Car Scratch Race but then in the Saloon Car Handicap Race he was listed as driving an Anglia Cortina.
He was definitely in the Lotus Anglia Fastback in the first race when he finished fifth after the car tossed a rod coming over Rothmans on the last lap. He obviously didn't start in the handicap race.
Thanks Milan for that and the extra information on the photo.
As you can see I did " borrow " from your post on " Old New Zealand Motor Racing ". Appreciate the details you have in your archives.
Roger Dowding
09-30-2021, 03:56 AM
Photos from Ian Tilley archives - photos are Family Archives taken from Colour Slides
The Segedin [ co driver D Simmons ] Mustang and a Daimler SP250 - think David Oxton ** see comment Trevor Sheffield believes it is him - he and Bill Kelly finished third, a place ahead of the Mustang.
Mustang again, with a Mini, Race # 2 or #3 I think - the Matich Stanton Palmer Honda S600 and Lotus Cortina.
Some Mini's under the Dunlop Bridge on the loop [ Ian thought this photo was 1966 so was on the notes but realised when Mustang in the group photo that it was the " Gold Leaf 3 hour Challenge Race ".- have amended the notes on the photo ]
The Entry List - as posted before from Ken H.. and I think Milan Fistonic has it too !!
Trevor Sheffield
09-30-2021, 06:08 AM
I think that the photo depicts me driving the SP250 Daimler, when I was overtaking the Mustang which I finished ahead of. At that point the Oxton car had retired due to losing a wheel.
Roger Dowding
09-30-2021, 10:00 PM
I think that the photo depicts me driving the SP250 Daimler, when I was overtaking the Mustang which I finished ahead of. At that point the Oxton car had retired due to losing a wheel.
Trevor thank you for that - was I thought you or David Oxton hard to read the numbers;
I will pass that information on to Ian Tilley [ his photo ] and also to Peter Smith, Roger's Brother who has a dossier on Roger Smith's racing exploits.
This is the start with, I believe you, tucked in behind David Oxton and the Mustang in the centre - from the 1966 " Shell Book of New Zealand Motor Racing " by Peter Greenslade and Euan Sarginson [ Euan Sarginson photo ]
You with W " Bill " Kelly finished 3rd behind the Morris Cooper S's of Mullins / Neilson 1st and Hamlin / Charles 2nd, with then the Mustang, Segedin / Simmons 4th the Buchanan Austin Cooper S 5th and then Roger Smith and J Bowden in another Daimler SP 250 6th.
Don't have the full results - only details from the book. Note ; " F Sheffield " when it should be T R Sheffield as in the entry list.
Roger Dowding
10-01-2021, 04:03 AM
The photos are from Family Archives - taken from Colour Slides - a few more ;
Lotus Cortina #15 [ R Wilson W Thompson ]
The Bill Dunster Healey [ co driver Charlie Conway ] with a Fiat and a Cortina
A wider view of the Mustang, Mini Cooper S -[ Sheppard Kettelwell ] Honda and a Cortina.
The Saint Johns Ambulance First Aid ' Boys ' in the foreground.
The Programme cover
from Ken H - thanks again Ken
Roger Dowding
06-28-2022, 11:23 PM
I think that photo is from the March 1963 meeting as Ron had number 24 on his Minor that day.. If it is then No 67 is John Bernard's Austin A90. There were six Healeys entered but Dunster was not named as a driver of any of those In the Lawrence trailer would have have been the Lola sports car that was to be be shared by Doug and Graeme. Tony Lawrence was also there to race the family Peugeot. The car to left of Ron's looks like another A90 and if the programme is to be believed then it must be Don Hadfield's.
On another site Alan has identified the Healey as No 108 so that makes the driver R. Cullen.
Looking again at the information ; Post #401 from mid last year.
The Six Healeys, two were Sprites-
R McLoughlan in one Sprite, his brother P [ P A T ] McLoughlin in the ex Russell Leathers " Ruddspeed 3000 "-must check if it was now the " 4000 ' - with the Austin A125 Boat Anchor of a motor.
The car under restoration with Myles Hicks, Gavin Hicks son in recent times.
Roger Smith in a 100 - 4 cylinder, Austin Healey that preceded his Daimler SP250 Dart in 1965.
Roger raced the 100 at Matamata in 1964.
have this partial list from the event - not from the programme, must have been an " Official " list - used by Timekeepers and Other Officials. - List from Kelvin Brown archives, thanks to Milan Fistonic, I have this copy.
Would like the previous page as would have the rest of the Saloons.
The photo that started the comment has appeared in the latest NZ Classic Driver #102 just out. !
- under Allan Dick's column - " Burning a Grey Pipe "
Allan states - " lots of detail in this paddock shot at ' Ardmore, probably 1962 ' Have fun identifying the makes and models of cars - some of which are tow cars, others were there to be raced ".
Perhaps a correction needs to be sent to NZ Classic Driver
The Healey in centre background Race #108. R Cullen as noted by Milan Fistonic.
The Ron Brown Morris Minor in foreground - RIP Ron Brown, who passed away recently - Alan Boyle's best Mate since primary school and fellow team member of the " Evweld " Racing Team in 1966 in their Mini Coopers
From the same meeting another photo -
Don Hadfield in his Austin A90, #68 beside Ron Brown in the Morris Minor.
Don was a serious Triallist hence the roof light and the spot / driving lights on the front
another Austin A90 #67 appears in the paddock photo.
Milan Fistonic
06-29-2022, 03:08 AM
Perhaps a correction needs to be sent to NZ Classic Driver
Already done that.
Roger Dowding
06-29-2022, 11:09 PM
Perhaps a correction needs to be sent to NZ Classic Driver
Already done that.
Thanks Milan, I got a letter to the Editor published in the latest issue - Hope yours gets through
Roger Dowding
06-30-2022, 02:26 AM
Ardmore from 1954 to 1962 was the home of the " New Zealand International Grand Prix ".
Thanks to " Allan ", I now have these Programme's.
They will be looked over and used to support photos that are around in the various forums including TRS.
Thanks again Allan,- they arrived today
Roger Dowding
07-23-2022, 05:17 AM
A selection of photos from Pukekohe
A Daimler SP 250 close to a competitors car that had come to grief in the Horse barriers.
[ 1961 -64/65 Black on Yellow plates ]
A few years later, the 1967 season, from memory; and the biggest car in NZ Motor Racing ' :
Engine size and body size.
The Robbie Francevic Ford Fairlane 7 litre Car, of Coventry Motors.
At the start, alongside a Mustang.
Losing a BIG Car in a BIG WAY !!.
An appropriate post as the Track is scheduled to run its last Car racing meeting in April 2023.
Much conversation in various media at the moment.
RIP Pukekohe .. January 1963 - to April 2023.
khyndart in CA
08-05-2022, 06:38 AM
Almost 60 years old. The original Pukekohe circuit. ( Image from Oct. 1965. race programme.)
For those of you who drove the whole original track, how were your times ?
Many memories and many round trips from Morrinsville.
NZ car prices in 1965 ( In pounds, shillings and pence, remember what that was like ?)
Ken H )
Roger Dowding
08-05-2022, 07:46 AM
" For those of you who drove the whole original track, how were your times ? "
Wish I knew Ken H,
on the 1.75 mile circuit - before chicanes and other impediments did 1;29 - in a Triumph 2.5 P I - with a passenger, and a tad slower in the TR4A on my own - think a 1;30 .. ..
Great stuff Mate, thanks for posting - saved to my archives ..
Milan Fistonic
08-05-2022, 09:12 AM
This is possibly one of the first published track maps of the new Pukekohe track. It is from the July 1962 issue of Motorman.
Interesting that by the time the October 1962 Motorman was published the cost of the track had risen to 53,000 pounds.
08-05-2022, 11:44 AM
Remember that the non commonwealth cars had a huge chunk more duty . 54% compared to 17% if memory serves me correctly.
Roger Dowding
08-06-2022, 03:35 AM
Milan, Thanks for adding the "Early Pukekohe " details from Motorman .. All part of the History.
1962 was before I started buying Motorman, which was in 1964 and for the last two years at High School, I bought Motorman and " The Autocar " from the bookshop across the road from Kelston Boys High School ..
- Yes the one that Graham ' Ted ' Henry was Principal of, before he became a famous coach -I was there 1961 - 65, he was there in the 1980's., although I did meet him there when the company I worked for were helping sponsor their " Softball " Team.
RIP Pukekohe 1963 - 2023.
Did they hold an event in 1962 ?? - as mentioned in the article.
- prior to the 1963 " New Zealand International Grand Prix ". in January.
Programme from Nigel Watts archives and is # 55 .. Have another image of the Programme from Richard Bauz, who owns the "Orchid " De Joux bodied Sports Car - his is # 2031
khyndart in CA
08-06-2022, 07:14 AM
More of the October 1965 entrants for the 3 hour Challenge Race at Pukekohe.
The Daimler SP 250 certainly had much more range than Ford Mustang.
The week before on October 3rd 1965 the Australians held their long distance race, The Armstrong 500 at Bathurst. ( Some good footage in this clip before Holdens and Falcons arrived on the scene.)
(Ken H.)( Excuse me Roger for using your thread but I wanted to add some 1965 racing. This was during my last weeks of schooling, school C etc.. )
Milan Fistonic
08-06-2022, 11:46 AM
Did they hold an event in 1962 ?? - as mentioned in the article.
- prior to the 1963 " New Zealand International Grand Prix ". in January.
Not that I know about.
A newspaper clipping I have states that "Sealing work on the New Zealand Grand Prix motor racing track at Pukekohe was completed on Monday afternoon." The clipping was dated December 26 so Monday would have been December 24th. With practice for the Grand Prix getting under way on Thursday January the 3rd and a race meeting being held at Mount Maunganui on December 29, it would not have been possible to arrange an event on the new track.
Roger Dowding
08-15-2022, 12:48 AM
Believed to be in 1968; [ or 1967 ?? ] See notes 1969 !!
Cars in the photo include Jack Nazer Escort Twincam, the Scott Wiseman E-Type Jaguar, with the high spoiler a Lotus Cortina and many others.
Mini's Imps - a couple of Sport Racing cars, and is that the Dave Silcock Jaguar XK near the E-Type ?
Names and details of other cars - please add to the thread.
Photo from Bruce Dyer archives - unsure of the exact date.
Looks like a good crowd. Is it a Grand Prix meeting !! ??.
Notes from Milan Fistonic in comment below post #444.
" car numbers match up with it being the 1969 NZ GP meeting.
" 47 Bruce McLean Lotus Cortina
37 Ross West Lotus 23B
25 Scott Wiseman E Type Jaguar
125 Baron Robertson Heron 1500
74 Ted Dutch Hillman Imp
63 Jack Nazer Escort Twin Cam
I think the grey car next to Jack's white Escort is Ross Skinner's Supercharged Cortina. "
08-15-2022, 05:10 AM
I don't think that photo is the GP, not enough people on the Hill.
Milan Fistonic
08-15-2022, 09:24 AM
I don't think that photo is the GP, not enough people on the Hill.
That was my first thought but the car numbers match up with it being the 1969 NZ GP meeting.
47 Bruce McLean Lotus Cortina
37 Ross West Lotus 23B
25 Scott Wiseman E Type Jaguar
125 Baron Robertson Heron 1500
74 Ted Dutch Hillman Imp
63 Jack Nazer Escort Twin Cam
I think the grey car next to Jack's white Escort is Ross Skinner's Supercharged Cortina.
08-15-2022, 02:10 PM
Maybe one of the practice days? I was at the 69 one and at practice too. The hill was absolutely jam packed, as was all the way down to the hairpin, even the inside of the track looks sparse.
Is that the Riley Lotus 19B between Ross West and Scott's E type?
Milan Fistonic
08-15-2022, 06:12 PM
Maybe one of the practice days? I was at the 69 one and at practice too. The hill was absolutely jam packed, as was all the way down to the hairpin, even the inside of the track looks sparse.
Is that the Riley Lotus 19B between Ross West and Scott's E type?
I thought it was Baron Robertson's Heron as the number looks like 25. He did use that number at earlier meetings, but with 25 on Wiseman's Jaguar, he took the number 125 at the GP. The fact that the number on the car hasn't been changed could indicate, as you say, that it's a practice day.
08-15-2022, 06:43 PM
I thought it was Baron Robertson's Heron as the number looks like 25. He did use that number at earlier meetings, but with 25 on Wiseman's Jaguar, he took the number 125 at the GP. The fact that the number on the car hasn't been changed could indicate, as you say, that it's a practice day.
I couldn't read the number, I was just looking at the colour. For me the heron was always at it's best when blue with Peter Ackroyd :)
Roger Dowding
08-28-2022, 05:13 AM
Before Pukekohe 1963 - 2023, there was Ardmore 1953 - 1962.
The New Zealand Grand Prix Meeting were held there in January each year and both Auckland and Northern Sports - Car Clubs ran " Little Ardmore " event after the GP meeting.
In 1958, because of the nonavailability of Ohakea - Information from Milan Fistonic - an Event was held on the 1st March 1958 - with the main Race the Ardmore " FIFTY ".
Entry Lists from the event - there were no Programmes as such and even this paper has a space for " Late Entries ".
Thanks to Don Tilsley for this information - the piece of paper is rather " Tatty " but complete.
A big entry list with some famous names - Bruce Mclaren, Dennis Hulme, George Lawton who became Internationals and lots of others Ross Jensen, Merv Neil among them - including a couple of Guys who were at the NSCC Reunion - Allan Woolf in his Ford " 8 " 980, and John Windelburn in his Austin A35 among the small saloons.
I hope there are some Results out there.
The Main Race
- there is the list of Entrants in two Heats to qualify, to be in the final of 24 cars for the Ardmore " FIFTY ".
The event was organised by the NZ International Grand Prix Association as a " National " meeting, when Ohakea got cancelled - as mentioned by Milan.
Milan Fistonic
08-28-2022, 11:06 AM
The results from the March 1, 1958 meeting at Ardmore.
Roger Dowding
08-29-2022, 05:11 AM
Thanks Milan for the results. More information about an event that I did not know much about.
There is mention of the event in Ron Roycroft Diary about races in the 4 and 1/2 litre Blue Ferrari. Ron came 2nd.
Interesting is the comment about being the First " National " event organised, as the Grand Prix is an " International " event.
Extract from Ron Roycroft records - as published in a Special Edition of New Zealand Classic Driver in 2012.
Photo re-added !!
Roger Dowding
08-30-2022, 04:41 AM
A rather late reply to Ken H..
" Excuse me Roger for using your thread but I wanted to add some 1965 racing. This was during my last weeks of schooling, school C etc.. "
You are excused - With the closing of Pukekohe next year, and not wanting to create another thread - this will be the " North Island " story of now closed tracks and others that are in use - with the Dunedin thread for the South Island events.
I have come across a series of photos from the 1965 " Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race " and the " Wills Six Hour Saloon car Race ",
by John [ Larry ] Lawton - who has provided photos from NSCC events Trials and Races, now on that thread.
He was also at the track and from where the photos are taken we all must have been close but did not know each other.
I also was in my last weeks of schooling - having to sit UE Exams but only getting a higher leaving certificate for attending the 6th form -was good at playing cards and eating my lunch,a big disappointment to my father.
A John Larry Lawton photo from 9th October 1965 .. Austin 1800 - that retired from the Wills Six Hour Race Car #25.
khyndart in CA
08-30-2022, 06:32 AM
Roger and Ray Bell,
Why were Holdens and Falcons not competing in these events in 1965 ?
I repeat this Australian race once again which was one week before the Pukekohe event.
(Ken H)
Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 02:53 AM
Roger and Ray Bell,
Why were Holdens and Falcons not competing in these events in 1965 ?
(Ken H).
Ken H,
you probably know the answer but here are my theories ..
Is there an eligibilty criteria in the Programme that you have for the Gold Leaf and Wills Event -
Was there a local assembly criteria or did the Big Guys GM and Ford decide that only their British Car brands could enter .. Ford with " Cortina " and " Zephyr " and GM " Vauxhall ".
I think the next year there were even more Vauxhalls and the new Mark 4 Zephyr V6 in 1967 definitely so..
Vauxhall PC Velox / Cresta and Zephyr Mark 4 V6, front of the field.
The Australian Ford Falcon wasn't big in the NZ market until around 1967 - 68,from memory.
Trentham Ford plant was building CKD British Fords, not sure about GM.
Copy of the Wills Six Hour Race - Entry List - Ken H and Milan Fistonic archives - not sure whose copy it is..
A lone Vauxhall in the list, but lots of Fords, and a selection of Europeans too Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Renault Citroen, Peugeot and Simca, plus a lone Datsun ..
The Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race had different criteria
The Entry List.
The results of both Events - from Graham Woods archives, probably from Motorman Magazine.
The photos on the 1965 Gold Leaf and Wills Event 9th October 1965 are coming - just checking my notes..
Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 03:13 AM
Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race - John Larry Lawton Photos.
The Oxton Daimler - White Nose and Stripe - Car #19 and a Lotus Cortina
The Segedin " Fleetwood Motors " Mustang
The Stanton Palmer Honda S600 - did Matich actually compete ?? -
The Roger Smith Daimler SP250 - Car #18 .. Registration BV449. with White triple stripe
Big guns in the Wills Six Hour Race - were the Jaguar Mk 11, 3781 cc Saloons.
Archibald - Sprague and Ward - Coppins on the opening lap.
Ward Coppins Jaguar - the Winners.
Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 03:39 AM
Between the two events Gold Leaf 3 Hour in the morning and the Wills Six Hour - there was " Minispinning ".
Actually a Mini and an MG Midget, with Paddy Hopkirk and Timo Makinen demonstrating, Paddy in the MG and Timo in the Mini
Here at " Rothmans Hill - they also did spins in the grid part of the staright and in front of the Main stand.
Then there was the Main race -
This occurred too - a Parade Lap - presume before the event, as some cars were not available after the race.
The " All Female " Crew in one of two of the smallest cars in the Field Fiat 500 Bambina.
Evelyn Hadfield and Margaret Hough.
From the smallest to a car in the large - Over 3000cc Class - the lone Vauxhall Velox of M E Reynolds and A G Washer
Tall heads and a couple of the smaller cars an 1100 [ BMC ] and an 850 [ Fiat ] - Renault 1100 just tucked in behind.
The lone Peugeot - the Lucas brothers Murray and Graham..
More to come - the last set - from John Larry Lawton ..
Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 03:56 AM
The last of the John Larry Lawton photos -
English and European Cars ..
Simon Taylor and John Manby Rover 2000 - the Class winner
More Hadfield's - Don and S Hadfield - the sole Datsun Bluebird 1300
The Ray Thackwell R I Moore Alfa Romeo [R I Moore - was that Ronnie Moore the speedway motorcycle guy ?? - Answer in the results in a previous post #453 - Ronnie Moore
More Europeans the Paul Fahey Barry Cottle Fiat 1500 " Crusader " and one of the Mini's
Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 04:13 AM
But wait, there's more - well one more from John Larry Lawton.
The Austin 1800 of Peter Ellis and Roger Staniforth was a non- finisher - retired with mechanical issues.
A long way back in this thread are some of my photos.
Shown again here .. taken from outside the track - I think my father was trying to get me to go home but still had a couple of shots left.
Renault 1100 and the sole Simca
Zephyr 6 - just like the car I went in, and one of the Alfa Romeo plus others around the loop.
To finish - the beginning - Front Cover of the Programme that Ken H posted on here a number of years ago. in Post #82..
08-31-2022, 06:32 AM
Probably not Ronnie. Middle name Leslie. Sergent has him active 1951 to 1957.
Milan Fistonic
08-31-2022, 08:22 AM
Probably not Ronnie. Middle name Leslie. Sergent has him active 1951 to 1957.
It was Ronnie Moore the 1954 and 1959 World Speedway Champion.
Roger Dowding
09-03-2022, 04:26 AM
More John Larry Lawton photos.
The Grand Prix - the start.
Front of the field
Rest of the field
Start of one of the Sports Car Races
The Lycoming being pushed back to the pits.
The Willys - Corvette
Milan Fistonic
11-05-2022, 02:48 AM
I'm not sure if I've posted this track map before. It's from a Motorman magazine from early 1962.
It would seem that the "Elbow" would have taken the track behind the stables rather than in front.
Interesting that even at that early stage a club circuit was included in the plans.
Roger Dowding
11-05-2022, 03:04 AM
Have just heard from Don Tilsley that the planned Centenary Celebrations for 100 Years of the New Zealand Motor Cup, originally held in 1921, at Muriwai Beach has been cancelled.
The event was planned for 2021 but delayed by the Pandemic and now the NZIGP and and Historic Racing Club have cancelled the event.
I also understand that the Motorsport New Zealand 75th Gala Dinner has been cancelled as well.
Originally ANZCC [ Association of New Zealand Car Clubs ] later MANZ [ Motorsport Association of New Zealand ] and now MSNZ was formed in 1947.
The message sent via Don Tilsley states that MSNZ and the other groups hope to have a display of Cars and the New Zealand Motor Cup at the Ellerslie Concours on Sunday 12th February 2023.
11-06-2022, 10:52 AM
pretty cool Milan, the layout of the stands shows the person who did it didn't look at the fact that they indeed more in line with the horse track rather than 45 degrees away. Pick up the hairpin computer style and swing it around and drag the rest with it and it's not too far off.
Roger Dowding
11-24-2022, 10:57 PM
" " Have put a lot of other North Island Tracks, Levin, Matamata, Napier, Ohakea the Mount Maunganui Street Circuit that preceded Baypark, and Paritutu, New Plymouth on the " Dunedin 1984 " thread and will continue to do that.
-revised September 6th 2022.
The " Dunedin 1984 " Thread is already used for other South Island Events." "
Have found a few John Larry Lawton images from Paritutu in 1965.
Will post on the " Dunedin 1984 " Thread as noted in the first post on this thread.
Also some from Ryal Bush - from Classic Autonews archives of Allan Dick
More to come;
Roger Dowding
12-12-2022, 04:46 AM
A few images from the Auckland Car Club meeting April 1964 - from the ACC's magazine the Bulletin.
Photos by Barry Person in the Bulletin - from Milan Fistonic archives.
Holden versus Ford - but not in the traditional " Australian " way
Graeme Harvey leads Garth Souness.
Which way should I go TRS member Trevor Sheffield in his Daimler SP250 in front of the Triumph TR3 of Murray Lucas
Morgan's a trio - must be from one of the later races at the event as two Morgans are 1340 cc Ford powered and one is 1991 cc Triumph [ TR3 motor ] powered in the over 1500 cc class.
Terry Waterfield in his 1340 leads W R Darling 1991 cc plus 4 and M R Brown 1340 cc 4/4.
Entry List for the up to 1500 cc Sports Cars Race 3 - has two of the Morgans.
The above race must have been a later race when they had mixed classes based on speed not capacity ..
The Entry lists for races from Race 8 on had none or only a few entries.
For the over 1500 cc Sports cars see post #467 by Milan Fistonic.
While on the Sports car theme and the Daimler SP250 .. here is another one in February 1965 at Pukekohe from the archives of John Larry Lawton.
Roger Smith in his SP250 - the car that was in the Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge Race at the Wills meeting in October 1965.
The car behind is Brian Aislabie, Jamie Aislabie brother ? in his Cooper Jaguar - Jamie also raced a Cooper at one time the Cooper Holden.
Trevor Sheffield
12-12-2022, 10:04 AM
I am certain that the second photo showing car number 41 is wrongly captioned. I never ever raced my SP 250 as a sports car with the hard top in place and the wheel centers appear different from those on my car. Furthermore the driver is far too close to the steering wheel in contrast to the way I drive.
Milan Fistonic
12-12-2022, 07:22 PM
I am certain that the second photo showing car number 41 is wrongly captioned. I never ever raced my SP 250 as a sports car with the hard top in place and the wheel centers appear different from those on my car. Furthermore the driver is far too close to the steering wheel in contrast to the way I drive.
The photos were taken at the April 1964 Pukekohe meeting and this is the entry list for the over 1501cc sports cars at that event.
The incident was probably this one described in Motorman.
"A further incident at the Elbow occurred during a sports-racing handicap event when Sheffield's Dart spun and was narrowly missed by Thomasen while it was airborne."
The spin was also mentioned in the ACC Bulletin report.
Roger Dowding
12-19-2022, 04:10 AM
Had a visit with Lloyd Gleeson, whom I first met at a TACCOC Car Trial in September 1967.
Lloyd was visiting my next door neighbour, they are old friends from Thames back in the 1960's.
After a visit to a Vintage Car and Motorcycle Guy here in Omokoroa who now owns Lloyds old Morgan 4/4 - and a Harley Davidson from the 1930's - Lloyd presented me with a collection of Programmes from Pukekohe 1963 to 1967, including the 1964 1965 1966 and 1967 Wills Six Hour events - there are three programmes 1964, 1965, and 1967, the 1966 Booklet is the Supplementary Regulations with an insert of the Eligible Vehicles.
From the 1964 Programme - the report on the 1963 event and the Trophy Results the Entry List - only the Six hour race in both 1963 and 1964.
First the Covers of the Programme's..
1964 - 1967.
1963 event - the report and results - Class Winners and Trophy Winners
The entry list for the 1964 Wills Six Hour Saloon Car Race as at 11th September 1964.
Event held on Saturday 10th October 1964.
More to come on these events - have posted quite a bit on the 1965 event previously.
Other Programmes are for ACC Meeting in 1963 - 1964 and both Auckland and Northern National Meetings Rothmans and Dunlop 1966 and 1967.
I went to the meetings from the 1965 Wills Six hour onwards but gave my Programmes away in 2008 - now have a few back.
Roger Dowding
12-20-2022, 03:23 AM
From previous post - the first two images keep vanishing in my viewing..
Another image of the Programme Covers..
Roger Dowding
12-28-2022, 10:47 PM
Some recently acquired Programmes again from Lloyd Gleeson they are of Auckland Car Club and Northern Sports Car Club events. One pre-dates Pukekohe as is the 10th December 1960 meeting which would have been held at Ardmore
ACC Programmes 10 Dec 1960, 7th Dec 1963 and 4th April 1964 - a second copy of this programme as one was sent to me by John Hatton back around 2015.
The White Programme is undated with the only date reference in the Advertisement inside the front cover - article from NZ Herald 6th February 1960. - Milan Fistonic advised it is the ACC 10th December 1960 meeting.
President Ivan Cranch wrote the welcoming address which includes some notes on the cars competing
Other Programmes are from 1966 and 1967 - when Rothmans and Dunlop sponsored meeting run by both ACC and NSCC.
The 1966 Programme Covers.
The 1967 Programme Covers and an NSCC Club Torque Magazine cover from May 1967 - It includes a report, results and photos from the NSCC Second Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm in April 1967
The Hill Climb information has been posted on the NSCC The Early Years thread
More details to follow from the Programmes and will help identifying competitors and the races - photos.
Roger Dowding
01-15-2023, 05:37 AM
Some John Larry Lawton photos from NSCC Meetings at Pukekohe in 1965 have emerged and been posted on the thread
" Northern Sports Car Club ... ".
" "
A couple are repeated here but go to page 23 for the complete set - Programme Entry Lists from Milan Fistonic also help identify cars drivers winners and placegetters for some events.
Roger Dowding
01-22-2023, 05:31 AM
Reports on the first 10 years of the New Zealand Grand Prix at Pukekohe and the annual Wills / Gold Leaf / Benson and Hedges Race meetings appear in these magazines.
Already had been given [ a couple of years ago ] the 1963 - 1967 Editions of the booklet style -
" The SHELL Book of New Zealand Motor Racing ".
Recently was given a full set which is the Lot " 1963 - 1972 ".
In 1973 there was a Hardback Book also sponsored by SHELL covering the 1972 - 73 season, which also graces my bookshelf(ves).
Thanks to the generosity of a neighbour in the townhouse adjacent to where my late Uncle " Eddie " Dowding lived from the 1980's until 2015 RIP Eddie 1919 - 2018.
Thanks Rex Corbett - a car guy back in the day.
Some snippets from these will appear on this forum once I have had time to scan / copy and edit.
Roger Dowding
02-05-2023, 04:18 AM
NZ Grand Prix meeting, timely as today is the NZ GP at Hampton Downs - on as write this
Also an Auckland Car Club Meeting.
A bit loose, Noel Goodwin- sponsored his own car loses his Mark 2 Zephyr.. Grand Prix meeting January 1969.
Going back to the April 1967 meeting.
Ross Hollings in his Mini - an Auckland Car Club " Dunlop " meeting
Marcel Grand in his Anglia #144 - car was a late entry as not in the Programme.
On his own.
In a group
Dennis Phillips in the other Anglia
A bit of damage to this Mini - J L Lawton had the caption "Harrington did this "
A grid start a photo that J L Lawton has in his collection not his photo.
Milan advises it is the Allcomers race from the meeting in late January 1966 and that it is Frank Radisich in the Dave Simpson Anglia [ not as noted on the photo].
Have a couple more photos from the NSCC meeting in February 1965 - from J L Lawton will go on the NSCC thread
Roger Dowding
02-12-2023, 03:52 AM
Some photos taken at the Elbow / Stables corner at the Auckland Car Club meeting.
Rod Coppins in the lead in the Chev V8 Coupe..
At the back of the field in the Mark One Zephyr is John H [ John Hatton ] - who sent me the priogramme for this meeting many years ..
Now have a second copy [ Red ] and these from December 1960[ White ]and a 1963 ACC programme [ Blue ].
Roger Dowding
02-15-2023, 05:13 AM
Well known Anglia - with a well known Race #105.. well they were the 105E Anglia
A couple of other Anglia's
John Larry Lawton photos..
Roger Dowding
03-10-2023, 05:06 AM
The NZIGP 1965 Meeting - January 1965.
A series of photos of the Bob Jane Jaguar - which featured in only one Race and was being beaten by Rod Coppins in the Zephyr Corvette and actually was a dnf.
Most photos taken from the same spot - the Elbow /Stables corner
- photo credits attached - the first two are from Euan Sarginson and appeared in the 1965 Shell Book of New Zealand Motor Racing - which covered the 1964 - 65 Season.
More to come including the Programme Cover and the Entry List. - another Australian is in the list.
Roger Dowding
03-10-2023, 05:17 AM
A couple more photos and the Programme Cover and Race Entry.
[ the photos from Steve Twist archives may have been posted before ]
The spinning Cortina is Alwyn Marshall ..a mixed field of Group 2 and Allcomer cars.
Another photo of the " Alwyn Spin "
Cortina #123 is John Ward .Old NZ Motor Racing archives
The Programme Cover
Entry List -John Climo archives.
Motorman Magazine photos GP meeting - John Climo archives.
The other Australian entry was Ian " Pete " Geoghegan in a Lotus Cortina .. long way to come for one race or did they compete at other meetings in the Tasman Series at Levin Wigram and Teretonga ?
Roger Dowding
04-07-2023, 04:33 AM
The New Zealand International Grand Prix meeting
The Auckland Star Trophy Race - and the Ken Wharton Memorial Trophy Race .. Event 9.
The Entry List - probably seen before but has notes on it for late entries and whar would appear top be placings down the side ..
Roger Smith was there in his Austin Healey, by the end of the year he had moved on the the Daimler " Dart " SP250.
Roger Dowding
05-06-2023, 03:15 AM
In 1960 Lou Kingsley with his modified Holden FE.
Standard Engine size - the original Holden motor
" Engine: 2.2L GMH '132' I6
Production: July 1956 – April 1958 ". actually 2171 cc
The engine was at 2,440cc [ 149 ci ] same capacity as later Holden's had - but presume a modified 132 ci,the next engine size in 1960's was the 138 ci = 2260 cc.
Lou and the Holden did the New Zealand " Season " from Ardmore to Teretonga, including Levin and the two W's - - -Wigram and finally Waimate,
according to Allan Dick.
A newspaper article on Lou Kingsley from Naomi Tait archives, followed by a photo of the family archives at Ardmore.
The Saloon Car Race at 9.30 was the under 1500cc - event
Entry List for the Event.
The Saloons got one race that day as did most other classes, except the Grand Prix entrants and the competitors who could enter but did not qualify for the Grand Prix itself.
Three Holden engines in the event with another Saloon 2171 cc and the Holden powered 2171 cc De Joux Coupe of Ferris De Joux.
Copy of Programme from Allan on TRS, now in my archives.
Entry Lists from the two " W " events,
The Lady Wigram Trophy Races at Wigram, Christchurch ...
- and the Waimate " 50 " event at ... Waimate, Canterbury.
from the archives of John Windelburn - a typed list and not from the Official Programme
The Waimate event was for cars over 1550 cc - unlike Ardmore where the cut off was 1500cc - but a similar class structure applied at Wigram 0 - 1100 and 1101 to 1550 cc, the 1551 to 2300 cc [ no entries ?] and the over 2300 class
Lou Kingsley had signwriting on his car as the Worlds Oldest Racing Driver and the mention of New Zealand when he visited.
.. I am sure Cyril Hyde would later beat that and a few others since here in New Zealand.
Roger Dowding
05-06-2023, 04:05 AM
The NZ Grand Prix meeting and in the small Saloon class a big spin at the top of Rothmans.
Cyril Hyde in his Anglia hit a patch of oil - a sequence of John Larry Lawton photos.
Appears to have caused an issue for Roy Harrington in his Imp - did they hit ?
Cyril and the spin -close to a Marshalls Post.
The Harrington Imp is close - did they hit ?? Looks like it !! First photo no damage to the rear
The Anglia getting loaded up and the Imp on a rope tow.
Cyril Hyde also entered the Larger capacity Saloon Car Race at the meeting
Here the Entry list for that race - Event 8 at 2.20 pm
Colour photo of the start - archives B Marshall.
The Entry List for the 0 - 1000 cc Race Event 2. at 10.55 am
*** See Milan's post #482 - Article from Motorman about the race.
05-06-2023, 06:35 AM
From post #379 I see Cliff Knight winning class in his Standard 10, road driven from Kaitaia and di the whole lot of meetings, then drove home. He told me they camped everywhere, canvas tent in the car too.
Milan Fistonic
05-06-2023, 10:08 AM
The NZ Grand Prix meeting and in the small Saloon class a big spin at the top of Rothmans.
Cyril Hyde in his Anglia hit a patch of oil - a sequence of John Larry Lawton photos.
Appears to have caused an issue for Roy Harrington in his Imp - did they hit ?
Cyril and the spin -close to a Marshalls Post.
The Harrington Imp is close - did they hit ?? Looks like it !! First photo no damage to the rear
The Anglia getting loaded up and the Imp on a rope tow.
The Motorman report of the incident.
Roger Dowding
05-07-2023, 03:55 AM
Milan, The story is complete,
Thank you for the article from Motorman.
Roger Dowding
05-07-2023, 05:06 AM
A short story about a Track that lasted 50 years ..
Worth reading again !!.
A photo from 1968
Barry Keen The BEGG CHEV 4.7 ..
Photo from the first time I went and took photos - 1965 Wills Six Hour Meeting in October.
First Time that car was at the track too !!.
The Book published in 1983 about Ardmore and Pukekohe - the track was 20 years old
2004 Did a Track Day with the MX5 Club and had competed in Sprints in the 1970's and finally a Le Mans Relay Race in 1983.
Last time I went to the Track was a Spectator for the V8 Supercars - September 2019.
All memories are welcome, of Motor Racing around Auckland,- Ardmore, Pukekohe and other Tracks or events.
Milan Fistonic
05-18-2023, 03:50 AM
This is from the August 1990 Auckland Car Club Bulletin
Roger Dowding
05-27-2023, 03:27 AM
Series of photos of the Fleetwood Mustang of Ivan Segedin.. from its first Race - the Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race for Modified Cars..
On " The " Trailer - Rhys Nolan photo
The car is standard compared with later events. Race Number 22
With Bonnet Scoop - Straps and the Grille in place.
[ Photographer /Archive not known - seen recently ]
November or December 1965 probably. Race Number 194
The Fleetwood had #194 at the Auckland Car Club December 1965 meeting
April 1966 now with Stack pipes and no grille - my own photo - Race Number 82
Steve Twist photo with Stack Pipes and the Grille fitted - Race Number 82
Believed to be the January 1966 Grand Prix meeting - the car had the number #82, and the crowd looks big.
Another Steve Twist photo - same meeting
Note ; some photos posted before - some time ago
Roger Dowding
06-18-2023, 04:07 AM
1964 - A photo page the New Zealand International Grand Prix ..
Bruce McLaren Cooper - Climax - the winner.
Bruce won and Wigram and Teretonga that season, was second at Warwick Farm and Longford, Australia
Two 3rd placings at Levin NZ and Lakeside QLD ..
The year before 1963 Bruce had also raced this Mini Cooper
Roger Dowding
07-08-2023, 04:38 AM
Comments on the image -
Have the Programme for this meeting and the cars entered in the event seem different - Rod Coppins in a Chevrolet and no Spinner Black ..Was this the first event for the Zephyr Corvette ? and Spinner was a late entry - Thanks John Hatton for the Programme.
Jack Nazer in the 1300 - 2000 class.
The 2001cc and Over Entry
Milan Fistonic
07-08-2023, 10:04 AM
Comments on the image -
Have the Programme for this meeting and the cars entered in the event seem different - Rod Coppins in a Chevrolet and no Spinner Black ..Was this the first event for the Zephyr Corvette ? and Spinner was a late entry - Thanks John Hatton for the Programme
That's not the April 4, 1964 meeting. Coppins was definitely driving the Chev Coupe at that meeting - photo in Motorman of him leading the field into The Elbow.
I reckon it's the December 12, 1964 meeting. Nazer with number 105 and Coppins in the Zephyr were close throughout their race.
Black was not on the entry list but could have been a late entry. Or the black Mark 1 could be Ivan Cranch's Consul-Jaguar.
Roger Dowding
07-10-2023, 03:21 AM
Milan, thanks,
I initially thought the date was wrong - The December 1964 meeting must have been on of the first events for the Zephyr Corvette in the White and Blue colour scheme - the Motordrome Team .
Roger Dowding
07-21-2023, 12:23 AM
Those Le Mans Relay Races - run originally by Jaguar Drivers Club and later the Porsche Club - in 1983 at least both Clubs ran their events. Think the first Jaguar Drivers event was in 1981.
This from later on - in 1986.
" Porsche Le Mans Pukekohe 1986.
Paul Walbran passing the garter to Steve Whitren for his stint in the MG Magnette for the MG Car club.
Tony Sturm getting into his MGB in the background, able assisted by Ed Vaughn.
Those were the days.... full grandstands too.
Great photo by Donn White, full of the occasion. "
Notes and photo Steve Whitren.
Photos from the Jaguar Drivers 1983 event in February that year appear on the Austin Healey thread..
Roger Dowding
08-15-2023, 03:45 AM
The Typed Results from the Wills Six Hour Race in October 1963.
The " Confirmed Results " are dated 26th October 1963.
The event started that year with only the Six Hour Race and the same in 1964, by 1965 however it was joined by the
" Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race " for modified production cars - and in the first event featured Sports Cars and Saloons in 1965.
Unsure of the actual date of the Race, but the Programmes I have from 1964 to 1967 were all early in the months.
These from the archives of Mark Joblin, which I was given some time ago but had forgotten about.
Shows the result for Allan Woolf and J Hayes in a Triumph Herald of 1147 cc .
Raced on this track ... image from the Rothmans Book of Motor Racing - published in 1963.
08-21-2023, 03:16 AM
Here is the car, described as the Lotus-Ford Mini, or any variation of the three names, only ever saw it once at this quickfire Televised club circuit meeting in 1968, same meeting as the single seater photos, Ted Thomson was an Engineer of some note, and I believe was deaf [ others may be able to confirm ], grafting a Lotus Twincam onto a Mini gearbox final drive was some feat.
The club circuit part of Pukekohe was deceptive as I found out in the 1978 NSCC Motorsport Day, a five event motoring day, in a Triumph GT6 Coupe
[ Gymkhana, Trial part 1, Club Circuit Sprint, Trial part 2, and Hillclimb at Cosseys Farm ], got wide at the top of the loop off the track and on the grass which was cambered, kept going 'til I got back on the seal again. No pictures though sigh !!! .
Yes you are correct as I saw Ted machining the crankshaft at the start then half way through machining and then the next time he had just got it from having oil ways drilled he built it with the clutch extention on shaft the carbs faced forward he was a very smart cookie I had quite a bit to do with him. He built a reasonably hot ford 1500cc gt motor for Mike Miers Standard 8 that I used to own.
08-21-2023, 04:05 AM
Yes you are correct I was at Ted's workshop when he was starting to machine the crankshaft then half way through and next time he had just got it back from getting oil ways drilled he built a great ford 1500cc gt motor for Mike Miers Standard 8 that I owned and I help Mike to fit motor. Ted Thompson was a great engineer and motor tuner and yes he was hard of hearing but tuning was done on vibration. We had many trips to Kumeu from Hamilton.
08-21-2023, 11:11 AM
Ted was the balancing wizard for a very long time. He only sold on that business in the early 90s.
Trevor Sheffield
08-21-2023, 09:27 PM
Ted wound up becoming an expert on go-cart motors and worked on one for my grand daughter..
Roger Dowding
08-28-2023, 04:28 AM
Bruce Dyer put some photos on the Historic Vintage Racing Assn, NZ page of Glen McIntyre's Fist 124 Coupe.
3 photos from Pukekohe in the 1970's.
On the grid - in colour..
On the track in Monochrome ..
On the trailer - to go with post #486 ..
The Team Odlin Sticker - sponsors of the car.
The car in recent times with Andy Greenslade - it is fully restored.
Roger Dowding
09-11-2023, 04:42 AM
More John Larry Lawton photos -
3 from the 1965 GP meeting of the main Saloon Car Race.
Bob Jane was the Overseas Driver in his 4.2 litre Jaguar - when the motor was usually 3.8 litre, up against the Allcomer
" Corvette " powered cars and the Lotus Cortinas.
Bob Jane in 2nd place before he was out with mechanical issues.
Big Car Big Motor - Colin Lumsden in the De Soto..
Another photo of the De Soto, this from the Auckland Car Club meeting April 3rd 1965.
Robbie Francevic in the Anglia in 3rd place at the time of the photo.
Roger Dowding
11-05-2023, 09:08 PM
The Typed Results from the Wills Six Hour Race in October 1963.
The " Confirmed Results " are dated 26th October 1963.
The event started that year with only the Six Hour Race and the same in 1964, by 1965 however it was joined by the
" Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race " for modified production cars - and in the first event featured Sports Cars and Saloons in 1965.
Unsure of the actual date of the Race, but the Programmes I have from 1964 to 1967 were all early in the months.
These from the archives of Mark Joblin, which I was given some time ago but had forgotten about.
Shows the result for Allan Woolf and J Hayes in a Triumph Herald of 1147 cc .
Raced on this track ... image from the Rothmans Book of Motor Racing - published in 1963.
John Windelburn with Vic [ Don ] Simpkin competed in the Simca Etoile see Entry List not an Aronde 1290 cc Saloon, and did rather well, [ Placed 3rd ] as seen in the results - Car #16.
A photo from John's collection, which he sent me recently.
Still looking for the Entry List book for the 1963 Race - the First of the Wills Six Hour races held, and the 1966 Race - have the 1964 1965 and - 1967 Entry Lists
- [ Have only the Supplementary Regulations for the 1966 Event same cover as the Programme - photo added date from 10th - 1964 to 7th - 1967 of October - the Saturday].
For 1963 and 1964 there was only the Wills Six Hour Race, from 1965 onwards there was the Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge Race added for factory modified cars - later called the Wills Three Hour Challenge which became the Benson and Hedges Events in the 1970's
Milan Fistonic
11-05-2023, 10:02 PM
Quote - Unsure of the actual date of the Race, but the Programmes I have from 1964 to 1967 were all early in the months.
The date is shown at the top of page 1 of the results - 26th October 1963
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