View Full Version : Telecom Classic MOTORFEST, Hamilton Feb 19-20, 1994
Roger Dowding
09-08-2015, 05:55 AM
Telecom Classic Motorfest 1993 and 1994 in Hamilton
The thread now covers the two events run, Thanks to Remi Rutkowski, Laurie Brenssell [the main organiser ] and others.
These events were held in 1993 and 1994 at Frankton Hamilton NZ, using some of the roads that were later used in the 2000's for ITM 400 V8 Supercars series. [ updated info on the events from Laurie Brenssell ]
This is a collection of photos from the 1994 event ;.
This is a phone card issued at the time, has the same images as the program, which I have lost.
the card has never been used but understand they do expire.
A Morgan in the pits [ has been posted elsewhere.
Steve is going to shift other photos.
If anyone has the program, results, newspaper articles or photos please add to the thread
Update ; September 2019 . 4 years later ;
Now have the results and the full programme for both years events - thanks to Remi from France aka " Elvis Jagger ".
Will add the results to the post gradually [ two lots as 10 or so pages ]
khyndart in CA
09-08-2015, 06:13 AM
Roger needs help so if anyone has a programme that looks like this please contact him.
(Ken Hyndman )
Roger Dowding
09-08-2015, 06:29 AM
Ken, you champion - you can help identify the cars as I only wrote notes on 3, two Healey's and an MGB GT, which will be posted soon
See the program cost the same as the phonecard.
and now know that No 46 is a Zephyr from the Sprague family - replica !!, does not matter !!
Roger Dowding
09-08-2015, 08:53 AM
My Dad had one of these in 1963, when I was 16.. not this one though !!
This was my Dad's one, bought new in 1963 through Briscoe and Company - the original business Hardware and Ironmongers and the New Zealand agent for Michelin tyres - not that we had any !.
The Zephyr on its original plates - later was BL927 - was sold in 1968 and replaced by an Austin 1800 - Dad loved Austins - the Zephyr was his first of two Fords - the last one a Mazda clone a Festiva in the 1990's
I have a programme Roger... If you post pics on here and want them identifying, I'll do my best to label them.
I do have a fair few pics of the event all taken from the same place unfortunately, but as it is pre digital, either the negs or the prints need scanning. Scanning pics is very fast, but scanning film is painfully slow, so I can only manage a few before pressures of time (and boredom) start to kick in.
The site restrictions of 185kb and 950 pixels make it even slower as I have to copy all images then adjust before trying to post.
Post #1 - Mike Booth Morgan Plus 8
This event had a round of our own series, which was then the BMC Series - and the programme makes special mention of an appearance by well known Mini racer, Angus Fogg, who was backed by regular contributor, Beowulf!
As race programmes go, this is one of the better ones.
09-08-2015, 11:17 PM
Angus was having one of his BAD days that weekend. Think he was second fastest even though the engine back then was junk. Was one that I had built up and just about everything was wrong with it, and was on its last legs. I think it may have been a 1426cc with Triumph 2500 pistons. Angus had had no hand in its build, and at that stage we were just feeling our way with engines. Anyway we played around with it in the pits trying to stop leaks in the fuel line, fuel pump, and the radiators........really the scrutineers should have thrown us out. The suspension was all to hell as well so all in all an unhappy car.
At flag fall, race one, he got away ok, through turn one then the right hander onto Seddon road was his undoing. In trying a tricky passing move, which has been his trademark, he clipped a large grader tyre and flipped the car onto its roof, which resulted in a LOT of damage........end of racing. I have a good photo of it on the recovery trailer coming back to the pits, which I would post if I knew how !!!! [ I can put it on facebook a piece of cake.......why is it so hard on here....for me]
Just a couple I'd already scanned...
Mike John of course, followed by Tim La Trobe
Gordon Vogtherr and his much campaigned Healey Elliott
Roger Dowding
09-09-2015, 04:15 AM
I have a programme Roger... If you post pics on here and want them identifying, I'll do my best to label them.
I do have a fair few pics of the event all taken from the same place unfortunately, but as it is pre digital, either the negs or the prints need scanning. Scanning pics is very fast, but scanning film is painfully slow, so I can only manage a few before pressures of time (and boredom) start to kick in.
The site restrictions of 185kb and 950 pixels make it even slower as I have to copy all images then adjust before trying to post.
Post #1 - Mike Booth Morgan Plus 8
This event had a round of our own series, which was then the BMC Series - and the programme makes special mention of an appearance by well known Mini racer, Angus Fogg, who was backed by regular contributor, Beowulf!
As race programmes go, this is one of the better ones.
ERC, thanks for the offer to name the drivers and cars, and I see you have placed some already, I remember the Gordon Vogtherr Healey Elliott as I was still in the Austin-Healey Car Club, which welcomed all Healeys from 1940's up to the Jensen Healey.
Roger Dowding
09-09-2015, 04:19 AM
Sports cars in the pits area
Chris White - Austin -Healey 3000
Phile Mules - Austin-Healey 3000
Roger Dowding
09-09-2015, 09:34 AM
I do have a fair few pics of the event all taken from the same place unfortunately, but as it is pre digital, either the negs or the prints need scanning. Scanning pics is very fast, but scanning film is painfully slow, so I can only manage a few before pressures of time (and boredom) start to kick in.
Ray, I know the problem, it takes me ages to do anything, and mine are from prints we are from that era I guess, and I can not work out how to scan from negs yet. [ " boredom " and a very small room with the PC - laptop and printer detract from the job. ] However the forum connects people who back in the day did not even meet and yet here we are posting photos and memories from the same time. great
I bought a negative scanner years ago, which now sits in a cupboard, along with two Pentax film cameras, Dad's old Leica and a pile of good lenses. Any are for sale (except perhaps the Leica)!
After my first flatbed scanner, I then moved on to a Canon Scanner that also had the facility to scan one strip of slides/negatives - which I think also sits in a cupboard...
My current Canon 9000F scanner has the facility for two film strips and also copes with the old 2.25" square negatives. A very good piece of kit, but whereas you can scan photographs at say 300 DPI (dots per inch), the smaller negatives may need doing at 2,400 or even 4,800 Dpi, which makes it so slow (8, or 16 times slower).
The advantage is of course that in days past, a colour slide usually taken on a camera without a long lens, gave an image that was useless to show, yet may have been sharp. Scanning those previously rejected slides and cropping before scanning has given me some of the best older pics I have taken, once in digital form. As I said, extremely slow and 1,000's still to do, as I never threw away anything other than really badly exposed or out of focus slides.
Many negatives when scanned, you realise aren't as sharp as you thought, so you scrap the scan (another huge waste of time).
The software can adjust for some dust and scratches and also fading, grain correction and so on. I'm not too good on Photoshop, but often the software that comes with the scanner is also pretty good and Canon software that comes with the compact cameras is also useful.
Love this forum and for me, extremely useful when filing the images as I do need the exact date - or something very near it - before I am satisfied. Cross referencing against old race programmes is very time consuming too and as you will have guessed from previous posts, I didn't always manage to get a programme. I have a collection of over 400 programmes going back to the pre-war Donington days plus a pile I rescued from a bonfire when the Nottingham Sports Car Club vacated their rented office in about 1976.
Thankfully, the modern digital age makes it so easy as the pics are dated for you - which is perhaps as well, as everyone now runs with permanent race numbers!
Roger Dowding
09-10-2015, 02:47 AM
More pics from the same roundabout corner ;
Porsche, Jaguars and others
The " Cooper " Mustang, one shot cut off in taking.
Roger Dowding
09-11-2015, 02:41 AM
Three pics that were posted on another thread " Yards and Yarns ". this is where they belong ;
The traditional Aussie battle ; " Ford vs Holden"
Phil Mules Healey, now owned and raced by Bernie Huynen, who had the Valiant Healey mentioned on another thread.
The " Cooper " Mustang
Roger Dowding
09-11-2015, 04:13 AM
Some things English, MGB's and Sunbeam Rapier.
Two Blue, one a 1974 the other a 1966.
the 1974
Garth Bagnall's 1966 the plate tells the story - he even had a bit of sponsorship advertising on the front guards.
I knew Owen Faussett quite well back in the late 80's early 90's [ was his Bank Manager for a time ] and Garth Bagnall used to work on my 1974 MGBGT at his garage in New Lynn, where I also worked.
** Now with the actual entry list from Remi #54 is Owen Faussett, and not John Boyd - he was #58 Rapier..
Roger Dowding
09-12-2015, 01:20 AM
A mix of nations here something for SPgeti : these are the last of what I have found - there are more just have to find them !!.
This [ TR7, Moggie Porsche ] is and enlargement as was not that close to the cars
Roger Dowding
11-27-2015, 04:23 AM
Chris White, from Wanganui [ Whanganui if being PC ] ran his Healey 3000, one of many Healey's he has raced from Sprite to 100/4 the 3000 and a Jensen Healey.
Chris had a heart scare while driving and just slammed to a halt at the roundabout corner. I was standing with Barry Moon of Escort and Healey racing fame, and my 10 year old grandson, when Chris just stopped as he had collapsed must have put his foot on the brake in time. This is some minutes afterwards when the Paramedics have arrived and are working on him.
He well and truly survived which was great news for all.
That is Barry standing the grey shirt red cap between the Marshalls, I stayed with my Grandson as the incident was quite disturbing.
Chris earlier in the day
11-27-2015, 06:06 AM
Thanks Roger....I love the Sunbeam Rapier, a memory from the younger days when I had long hair and my good mate owned one of these.
Chris White is still alive and kicking and caught up with him at MG Classic the other week.
Roger Dowding
11-27-2015, 06:35 AM
Thanks Roger....I love the Sunbeam Rapier, a memory from the younger days when I had long hair and my good mate owned one of these.
Chris White is still alive and kicking and caught up with him at MG Classic the other week.
Bruce " snap ", in the late 70's I had longer hair and my flatmate Lyle Chambers had long hair and had a Sunbeam Rapier, and his mate Richard Leaper had short hair as recently left the RNZAF had a rough Alpine the 1500 cc so a series 1 or 11.
Was Chris still racing, last I heard had a Jensen Healey, saw it and him at the Classics at Pukekohe around 2003 or 2004
11-27-2015, 06:43 AM
I raced against Chris or with I think is the right term from 2004 to 2007 in the Manfeild Winter Series. Still into his Mini's and shared a cuppa coffee at the Palmy Hot Rod Swap meet this year as well. He still has the Jensen Healey.....nice bloke as they all were.
John McKechnie
11-27-2015, 07:23 AM
Bruce- talking of street races, how does a street race at Kawerau sound to you ?
11-27-2015, 07:30 AM
I'll bite......what's the guts......
John McKechnie
11-27-2015, 07:41 AM
My man on the spot is coming to see me on Monday, will give you more then.
Great place for it though., done a dog agility competition there that services all the East Coast.
Handy to everyone,and most suitable for Classic Saloons
And we are not talking Friday night after closing time.
Remember how much fun these are ?
11-27-2015, 07:50 AM
Yes....many times, lotsa fun, beer and fish and chips....after...
Roger Dowding
01-04-2016, 07:01 AM
Some more photos, not the best spot though - tyre barrier.
an unusual Healey - ERC posted a photo earlier.
a newer Healey, by a few years,
and newer again
Probably the last.. found these today.
Roger Dowding
02-14-2016, 07:30 AM
These events were held in the early mid 90's at Frankton Hamilton NZ, using some of the roads used for ITM 400 V8 Supercars series.
This is a collection of photos from the 1994 event ;.
This is a phone card issued at the time, has the same images as the program, which I have lost.
the card has never been used but understand they do expire.
A Morgan in the pits [ has been posted elsewhere.
Steve is going to shift other photos.
If anyone has the program, results, newspaper articles or photos please add to the thread
Have found a set of photos from the early 2000's at Whenuapai, so thought here as good a place to post.
the first few to follow ;
Roger Dowding
02-14-2016, 07:41 AM
Went this day with John and Sharon Bennoch [ " John B " from TRS and the SPR models guy ], we were neighbours from 1999 to 2003 and remain friends.
His [ Sharon's !! ] Porsche 944 and my MX5, which is still in the family, has been since 1996, when it was 5 years old..
John's 550 RS, a replica with a McRae body and a 3.2 litre Porsche motor. John in the overalls ..
John on the track ..
a mixed field ; Lancia Beta, Austin Healey and a Rootes group Hunter - could be a Chrysler Hunter by then ;
Ford Falcon Coupe late 1970's '78 !!
John B , please correct on my description of you car !!
Milan Fistonic
03-15-2016, 03:19 AM
Roger. Here's the entry list for the 1994 Telecom Classic Motorfest. Good luck with identifying your photos from the list as it's not in numerical order and car numbers are repeated for different classes.
03-15-2016, 03:45 AM
Thanks Milan....its got my Riley Elf in the programe and thank you....its the missing link.
Alan Hyndman
03-15-2016, 05:05 AM
Heck, there are some wildly inaccurate engine capacities in that programme...
03-15-2016, 06:08 AM
Yes, I see our Cooper S has grown to 1500cc.......interesting......big bore/long stroke. Actually it was a 60 thou overbore. Some poor person has been tasked with typing all that info out, and frankly has gone cross-eyed doing it......He/she is forgiven.
Roger Dowding
03-16-2016, 03:02 AM
thanks for the information, it will help, some great names in there, Mike John in the Viva, a Courtney or three, Fred, John and Mike, Gordon Vogtherr in the beautiful Healey Elliott Saloon, great..
03-16-2016, 05:35 AM
Bruce Edgar??
Alan Hyndman
03-18-2016, 12:36 AM
Bruce Edgar??
Not the cricketer. I'm reliably informed that Bruce the MG driver now resides in Melbourne.
Roger Dowding
03-19-2016, 04:24 AM
Yes, I see our Cooper S has grown to 1500cc.......interesting......big bore/long stroke. Actually it was a 60 thou overbore. Some poor person has been tasked with typing all that info out, and frankly has gone cross-eyed doing it......He/she is forgiven.
Malcom Flynn got your cc's of 1330 in the Jag ... WTF ..
03-19-2016, 05:53 AM
Loads of errors, frankly so many that who gives a monkeys?
Trevor Sheffield
03-19-2016, 08:57 AM
These are not errors in the mind of the entrant. In the event that one is not exactly sure of, or cannot prove the capacity of
an engine, the fair and honest approach is to enter a figure which brings it only just within the nearest capacity classification for the event involved. This is an honest approach which should be commended rather than criticised. Obviously recording a figure in excess of the actual, guards against any possible protest. So WTF LOL
03-19-2016, 06:19 PM
In this case I would be interested to know if ANY are correct! MGTF with 4770 and a 1000cc Mustang for examples.
Not a bad concept you have given Trevor, as long as they were never a background for handicappers to consider.
As a keen student/collector of race programmes for reference, to make classifying photographs easier, I hate it when there are errors and it reflects badly on race organisers.
Maybe not a major issue in a clubby event, but when you are paying for a professionally printed programme, then it should have been properly checked at the proof stage.
Mind you, since we moved to on line entry systems, where drivers are responsible for inputting their own information, there are indeed several drivers who can't even get their own information correct - or never bother to check!
Roger Dowding
06-21-2018, 03:20 AM
The event was run for several years by Hamilton Car Club with much support, Laurie Brenssell was a prime mover.
Laurie has recently published some of his own photos of the events and the programme covers.
I only kept my Phonecard Ticket, which still has the $5.00 on it - the cost was $20.00
The programmes ; thanks to Laurie
A photo, unsure which year, of a Buckler - others may know more [ Rhys N ?? Bruce D ?? ] looks like the Ivy Stephenson Bruce Sutcliffe car, from the Colour !!
06-21-2018, 10:11 AM
Correct ID on the Buckler Roger.
John McKechnie
06-21-2018, 10:33 AM
I would like to give a belated thank you to the Hamilton Car Club and also to Laurie for making this event so much fun to be at...especially the night race.
Unforgetable seeing Rick Cooper -1965 Mustang between Farmer and Williams Porsches all disc brakes glowing brightly in the dark.
Roger Dowding
06-21-2018, 09:33 PM
I would like to give a belated thank you to the Hamilton Car Club and also to Laurie for making this event so much fun to be at...especially the night race.
Unforgetable seeing Rick Cooper -1965 Mustang between Farmer and Williams Porsches all disc brakes glowing brightly in the dark.
This Rick Cooper Mustang John McKechnie ..
John McKechnie
06-22-2018, 12:09 AM
Great pix Roger...mind you Rick new how to put on a show for the cameras
That car went through CMC with Richard Gatwood and is on trademe now painted blue.
Would you have a pic of Andrew Anderson airborne in the Pinepac Mustang at the first corner, looked great from behind.........?
Steve Holmes
06-22-2018, 01:06 AM
This Rick Cooper Mustang John McKechnie ..
Here it is now:
Roger Dowding
06-22-2018, 04:48 AM
Great pix Roger...mind you Rick new how to put on a show for the cameras
That car went through CMC with Richard Gatwood and is on trademe now painted blue.
Would you have a pic of Andrew Anderson airborne in the Pinepac Mustang at the first corner, looked great from behind.........?
Sorry I do not John, only another of Rick Cooper
But do have one of a Falcon Coupe
posted before I think, too lazy to check back today.. Oldtimers Disease >> going forward .. >>>...
John McKechnie
06-22-2018, 05:30 AM
Kevin Allely in the XA Coupe, Vern Reeves in the XU1
John McKechnie
06-22-2018, 07:48 PM
And while on the topic of road races that have stopped, today 3 years ago( 23.06.2015) Race to the Sky at Cadrona was cancelled.-
Roger Dowding
08-18-2019, 04:06 AM
Previously posted the Ticket [ Telecom Phone Card ] and the 1993 Programme.
Recently came across a post by " ** Elvis Jagger Abdul Jabbar ! " with these. I had posted some of my photos from the 1994 event and " ** Elvis " commented and added these items !!
** " Elvis " is TRS's Remi .. mystery solved and has now added the Race Entries for each class plus an article from April 1994 NZ Classic Car - which I would have had !!.
Programme Cover.
Competitors Tickets and other passes.
The Entry List Summary - a list of all cars, classes and drivers, some drivers entering more than one race or class.
The Programme Cover - separated.
Competitor Ticket and passes.
List of Entrants - split in half as script too small as one picture.
The Top Half followed by The lower Half - a small overlap so no one got missed;
Some errors in there - the Alfa Spyder a 1935 model - think that is 1953, and John Boyd's Sunbeam Rapier at 1275cc, should be 1500 [ 1498 ] or 1725 .. Sure there are others - !!
No post is complete without a Healey - so here is a repost.
Roger Dowding
08-18-2019, 08:21 PM
These events were held in the early mid 90's at Frankton Hamilton NZ, using some of the roads used for ITM 400 V8 Supercars series.
This is a collection of photos from the 1994 event ;.
This is a phone card issued at the time, has the same images as the program, which I have lost.
the card has never been used but understand they do expire.
A Morgan in the pits - with my Grandson Jason " Admaia " Peita - who is now nearly 35 standing beside it
[ Photo has been posted elsewhere. ]
Steve is going to shift other photos.
If anyone has the program, results, newspaper articles or photos please add to the thread
After receiving the Programme Cover, firstly from Ken h - post #2, and more recently from " Elvis " I now have the detailed list of entrants and realise some of my notes are incorrect - e.g. The Sunbeam Rapier - is not my old mate Owen Faussett. Will go through when I get a moment and correct the details.
Refer to post #48 above for the list.
Thanks to Ken H, John Mck, " Elvis " and Organiser Laurie Brenssell for more information.
Beware Roger, the programme has so many errors in it, it isn't funny. Lines have been transposed.
I don't think Bruce Edgar's MG TF would have had an engine capacity of 4770cc nor Carl Hansens TR7 V8, 1275cc, Bernie Hines Minisprint, 5700cc...
The entry lists for each race may be more accurate.
Often, the checking pre-print for some race programmes leaves a lot to be desired. Having scanned over 1,000 pages of old race programmes over the last couple of months, even in the days of typeset programmes before the advent of photocopied and later, computer info, there were errors. Some because no doubt the entrant's writing wasn't the best and at other times, secretarial duties by typists who had very little knowledge of cars or drivers.
Even though HRC use the competitors' own info, that they input into the system themselves, there are occasional errors! Drivers rarely update the info held in the system, even though they are supposed to, when they enter each event.
John McKechnie
08-18-2019, 11:12 PM
Absolutely, I am number 6 in the program above and they have given my Mustangs engine size as 3046cc.
And Harley Noragers MGBV8 is conservative 1800cc.
For me the most important part is who was there and what were they driving
Roger Dowding
08-19-2019, 07:43 PM
ERC " Some because no doubt the entrant's writing wasn't the best and at other times, secretarial duties by typists who had very little knowledge of cars or drivers. "
John Mck " For me the most important part is who was there and what were they driving "
Agree Guys - but it is at least some detail - would like the actual race entries if anyone has the time to scan and post them here !!
08-20-2019, 02:07 PM
I am Elvis :)
I will post each race enrty list to check if more accurate
Roger Dowding
08-21-2019, 09:19 PM
I am Elvis :)
I will post each race entry list to check if more accurate
Remi, " Elvis " a long way from your real name !! I did wonder as a French address came up against your Facebook profile. cheers - will rename the photos if you wish.
Would make the story more complete -
Roger Dowding
08-21-2019, 10:15 PM
Just looking through the entries and see Donn White, from Tauranga in his Mini Clubman which was a rather Special one - built for Competition by BMC Australia back in 1973. Donn got the car brand new in 1973
Donn sold the car - must check when, but know he bought it back around 1990 had it restored and still has it.
Didn't get a photo at the " Telecom " but did take these in Tauranga at a Greerton Fayre in March 2019.
Need to get a close up of the Information Board.
The same car in Donn's hands back in 1973 - a Hamilton Car Club Sprint - photo by Richard Armstrong. Same photo appears on the Info Board !
The other famous GM Reg'd Mini was that of John Crombie - the " Kayak Moulders "Guy and a stalwart of both Auckland and Northern Sports Car Clubs with GM799 - which was trialled Gymkhana'd Hill Climbed and Rallied
08-26-2019, 06:30 AM
08-26-2019, 06:35 AM
08-26-2019, 06:40 AM
08-26-2019, 06:48 AM
Hi Remi,
Would really like a copy of this programme.
It has my Elf in it.
Are you able to scan and email to me please.
Many thanks
Roger Dowding
08-27-2019, 04:29 AM
Hi Remi,
Would really like a copy of this programme.
It has my Elf in it.
Are you able to scan and email to me please.
Many thanks
and from me to " Elvis " - Thanks Remi, my archive is now much more complete .. am going to save all those pages to my photo archive of the event !!
Even more complete now as Remi has sent 38 pages - which include the programme, articles on the Race Meeting and the Results for all races -
Roger Dowding
09-01-2019, 03:47 AM
A word about the organisers and the Officials of the " Town " Hamil-tron ..
Thanks to Remi for these images.
The Results - the cover !! - same as the programme and the Ticket - the Phonecard which according to promotional material is very collectible ..
Fastest Laps and the Superkart results.
Historic Sports Cars
Clubman Sports Cars
Clubman Sports cars and Historic Sports Cars.
Historic Sports other races, BMC Class, Saloons, Racing Cars and last BMC Class races to follow.
Roger Dowding
09-01-2019, 04:27 AM
Historic Sports Cars Races 1, 2 and 3.
BMC Class
Racing Cars
BMC Championship the Scratch and Handicap Races. looks like a duplication - the scan had two pages per scan oops !!
That the lot.
Thanks again to Remi - who now owns the Tony Herbert Ginetta - which is in France.
That's pretty much the end to this thread - except for some other pages from the programme.
This was the second, and sadly the Last, of these events - became too difficult to organise.
Thanks to Laurie Brenssell and his team for giving us two years of Classic Racing in Hamilton.
09-02-2019, 04:57 AM
I didn't find a topic for it so I put the programme for the 1993 event here
09-02-2019, 05:01 AM
09-02-2019, 05:02 AM
Roger Dowding
09-06-2019, 04:56 AM
Thanks Remi - who has now sent me about 50 pages of scans on the 1993 event - they will follow.
The topic of the Thread should be the Telecom Classic Motorfest 1993 - 1994.
Any photos welcome !!
09-07-2019, 10:28 PM
Hello.....there must be someone out there that has a photo of the Fogg Cooper S upside down on the corner leading into the Seddon road straight. It had glanced one of the big earthmover tyres and flipped during a passing manoevre.........would be very interested to see it. Thanks.
Sorry AMCO, wasn't aware of that incident! I was only there for one day.
I have already posted several pics on my thread from the 1994 meeting. But, they are well scattered. At least 23 pics.
Roger Dowding
09-08-2019, 04:14 AM
Sorry AMCO, wasn't aware of that incident! I was only there for one day.
I have already posted several pics on my thread from the 1994 meeting. But, they are well scattered. At least 23 pics.
ERC and AMCO - will try and see what is out there - on Old NZ Motor Racing where I have put some of the Telecom 1993 - 1994 stuff. Someone must have a photo ..!!
ERC - will have a look for your photos of Telecom and if you like " borrow " them and put on here.
The incident I most remember from 1994 is the Chris White one
- Chris hard a heart attack or similar part way through a race but managed to stop safely - they pushed his car onto the roundabout - and looked after him
Posted before but showing again !.
Chris on a lap - a bit earlier
Chris was OK and continued racing at other events later on in this and then a Jensen Healey as he thought the 3000 was worth to much
Roger Dowding
09-09-2019, 01:52 AM
AMCO72 - your comment again
" there must be someone out there that has a photo of the Fogg Cooper S upside down on the corner leading into the Seddon road straight.
It had glanced one of the big earthmover tyres and flipped during a passing manoeuvre.........would be very interested to see it. "
Gerald Fogg wrote that they haven't seen a picture of the accident but this is loading the car on the trailer afterwards. He also commented that it took 16 years to have the car rebuilt and back on a track
Entrant /Driver was Angus Fogg - as seen in this entry list
the 1993 event.
Roger Dowding
09-21-2019, 01:19 AM
NZ Classic Driver due out in Late September - early October will be the first of the quarterly editions as compared to bi-monthly until now.
In the Issue will be the story of the Telecom Classic Motorfest events of 1993 and 1994 - The article has been written by Laurie Brenssell - who was the Chairman of the organising committee.
Should be a good article.
as Laurie says " Remember the Telecom Classic Motorfest? We travel back to Hamilton in the early '90s to look back at this event in our upcoming edition. Were you there? ".
Looking forward to the issue being published. Issue #86..
Issue #87 is due out December ..
Roger Dowding
09-23-2019, 03:16 AM
AMCO72 - your comment again
" there must be someone out there that has a photo of the Fogg Cooper S upside down on the corner leading into the Seddon road straight.
It had glanced one of the big earthmover tyres and flipped during a passing manoeuvre.........would be very interested to see it. "
Gerald Fogg wrote that they haven't seen a picture of the accident but this is loading the car on the trailer afterwards. He also commented that it took 16 years to have the car rebuilt and back on a track
Entrant /Driver was Angus Fogg - as seen in this entry list
the 1993 event.
Two more pictures of the car after the accident, but before it went on the trailer.
Thanks to Laurie Brenssell the Organiser of the events [ Chairman of the Organising Group ] for the photos.
Laurie Brenssell has more photos of the event - taken by " Geoff Ridder Photography " Officially for the event which I am looking to obtain - plus there is film footage including some of the TV broadcast, we may get to see that too !!
AMCO72 this is for you, and other TRS members - still no actual accident shots so far
09-23-2019, 05:54 AM
Holy smoke, that was some wack........Angus is looking a bit pale, as well he might. I have to say he apologised profusely to me when he arrived back at the pit.......but I forgave him.......well what else could I do ?........and he paid for all the repair. Was the first festival at HD, the Bruce McLaren that was the catalyst to get it back on the track 16 years after the incident. We are taking her to the South Island in January....Levels and Skope so that should be a bit of fun........probably travelling down with Gordon and the Alfetta so the two cars can swap stories.
Roger Dowding
09-23-2019, 10:32 PM
Holy smoke, that was some wack........Angus is looking a bit pale, as well he might. I have to say he apologised profusely to me when he arrived back at the pit.......but I forgave him.......well what else could I do ?........and he paid for all the repair. Was the first festival at HD, the Bruce McLaren that was the catalyst to get it back on the track 16 years after the incident. We are taking her to the South Island in January....Levels and Skope so that should be a bit of fun........probably travelling down with Gordon and the Alfetta so the two cars can swap stories.
AMCO72 - comment has been made that Angus then [ 1993 ] - looks a bit like Brendon Hartley does today.
Good luck with the trip South -will you also be at Taupo mid January [ 11 - 12 Jan 2020 ].. ?? a few TRS guys will be there, and I am trying to get there too !!.
If I find any more photo's will post here - as mentioned Laurie Brenssell has a big archive of photos..
Two other Mini Photos from Pukekohe that I have come across lately ..
Derek Haynes 1976 - Martin Haynes photo - the AMCO car !! Was that you ??
Murray Cox, Mini and an Imp - Bob Homewood photo 29 April 1973
Should put these on Shano's Mini's and Imps story and my Pukekohe story too.
John McKechnie
09-24-2019, 07:40 PM
Holy smoke, that was some wack........Angus is looking a bit pale, as well he might. I have to say he apologised profusely to me when he arrived back at the pit.......but I forgave him.......well what else could I do ?........and he paid for all the repair. Was the first festival at HD, the Bruce McLaren that was the catalyst to get it back on the track 16 years after the incident. We are taking her to the South Island in January....Levels and Skope so that should be a bit of fun........probably travelling down with Gordon and the Alfetta so the two cars can swap stories.
Reminds me of this Gary Larsen joke- are you gonna tell your Dad, Chuck ?
Roger Dowding
09-25-2019, 04:27 AM
Reminds me of this Gary Larsen joke- are you gonna tell your Dad, Chuck ?
Arn't i the silly one - not connecting AMCO72 with G Fogg duhh !! as Homer would say..
John Mck the pic ..
and ... Angus was back the next year - Race no 20 .. in 1994 ..
Roger Dowding
10-11-2019, 05:02 AM
NZ Classic Driver due out in Late September - early October will be the first of the quarterly editions as compared to bi-monthly until now.
In the Issue will be the story of the Telecom Classic Motorfest events of 1993 and 1994 - The article has been written by Laurie Brenssell - who was the Chairman of the organising committee.
Should be a good article.
as Laurie says " Remember the Telecom Classic Motorfest? We travel back to Hamilton in the early '90s to look back at this event in our upcoming edition. Were you there? ".
Looking forward to the issue being published. Issue #86..
Issue #87 is due out December ..
Issue #86 is out with the Article on the Telecom Classic Motorfest [ s ] 1993 and 1994 ..A good read, and some photos including the one of Angus Fogg looking at the wrecked Cooper S some stuff on the night race in 1994, which I didn't see, was there during the day only with a 9 year old in tow [my grandson] and my Nephew ..
Allan Dick and Digby Paape are mentioned as commentators as is Dougal Stevenson ..
Allan Dick has also written a story on Jim Bennett and Furi 9 the " Impulse " in the Issue - A 1930's style racer based on the Austin Seven racers of the time. The Furi cars are on the Dunedin thread .. with a lot of information from Jim Bennett.
A photo to connect to each article !! .
Telecom [a car for Spgeti - not an Elf ] my photo
Furi 9 -not my photo as have only seen Furi 2 the Jaguar powered car the Jim still owns.
- mentioned in the article the car as a " work of art ".
On display at the Dunedin Museum of Art a few years ago .. 1990 actually.
Photo from Jim Bennett archives.
Roger Dowding
10-15-2019, 04:10 AM
Front Cover of the Magazine and the Lead page of the article on the Telecom Classic Motorfest 1993 1994.
Thanks to Laurie Brenssell for the article.
Another story in the book is about Jim Bennett and Furi 9 the Impulse - by Allan Dick - who also includes a brief summary of all the Furi Cars. That is for the Dunedin thread later.
Will post more details once the Magazine has been around for a while
04-07-2020, 09:42 AM
Roger. Here's the entry list for the 1994 Telecom Classic Motorfest. Good luck with identifying your photos from the list as it's not in numerical order and car numbers are repeated for different classes.
they ran bikes at the 1993 meeting under the guidance of Ken McGeady, in talking to him he couldn't recall whether they did the second year? can anyone help answer this please?
none appear in this list so i'm guessing not?
Milan Fistonic
04-07-2020, 11:31 AM
they ran bikes at the 1993 meeting under the guidance of Ken McGeady, in talking to him he couldn't recall whether they did the second year? can anyone help answer this please?
none appear in this list so i'm guessing not?
One race on Saturday and two on Sunday according to the 1994 programme.
04-07-2020, 08:27 PM
thank you, interesting the piccie of chris white having a heart attack, i remember him having that as i'd worked with him up until a couple of years ago but never knew it was while racing
Roger Dowding
04-08-2020, 01:09 AM
thank you, interesting the piccie of chris white having a heart attack, i remember him having that as i'd worked with him up until a couple of years ago but never knew it was while racing
Jw - Was a scary time - Chris was OK after and I saw him again racing at Pukekohe in the early 2000's in a Jensen Healey.
Barry Moon, Reg Whittaker, and BMC BOY Ross Cammick caught up with Chris at Manfield in January along with Frank Karl who was racing - have a photo somewhere of the Lads - which Ross sent to me.
Roger Dowding
04-08-2020, 07:46 AM
Jw - Was a scary time - Chris was OK after and I saw him again racing at Pukekohe in the early 2000's in a Jensen Healey.
Barry Moon, Reg Whittaker, and BMC BOY Ross Cammick caught up with Chris at Manfield in January along with Frank Karl who was racing - have a photo somewhere of the Lads - which Ross sent to me.
The Photo .. Manfeild at the end of 2019
Ross Chris Reg Frank and Barry
The three Boys trackside
04-08-2020, 09:03 PM
chatted with Chris weekend before lock down at a swapmeet, he was a motor mechanic at the post office when i was a sparky there and while our interests had different number of wheels as i'm a bike man, we could always get some enjoyment from each other on projects we'd seen in our feilds.
Roger Dowding
08-30-2020, 03:14 AM
A Youtube Clip has been posted about the 1993 Event, by Laurie Brenssell who was the main organiser.
" Unedited raw footage of the inaugural Telecom Classic Motorfest - 17th & 18th April 1993.
Features Classic Car Racing, Motorcycles, Scooters and demonstration footage of modern racing machinery. "
" A big thank you to Graeme Kite for helping to get this up on You Tube
1994 Telecom Classic Motorfest to follow, plus 50th Anniversary of the Hamilton Car Club
Laurie Brenssell"
This is from the TVNZ archives,
Laurie has kindly shared it with others including Digby Paape and Allan Dick the commentators for the event.
" "
Hope you can all see it from the link - It is One Hours and Sixteen Minutes long.
I understand that a similar Clip will be assembled on the 1994 event through Laurie's efforts.
Poster for the first event.
Thanks to Remi for this image - have got a similar one from Laurie Brenssell
Roger Dowding
09-06-2020, 04:59 AM
The 1994 Event Video has been uploaded to Youtube by Laurie Brenssell.
Here is the video -hope this works - a photo from the video
The 1994 Programme - Your ticket looked the same and it was a Telecom Phone Card with a $5.00 value - mine still unused
The Phonecard
A link to the video - I don't seem to be able to get them up as Ken h and others do !!
" "
09-06-2020, 06:28 AM
Thanks Roger, the first time I have seen my Elf Racing.
I am very pleased but I need to copy it and save it.
Cannot seem to save it.
Search for '4K Video downloader' Bruce. You only need the free version. More effective than the one I paid for (Xilisoft).
Saves YouTube video files to your PC.
09-06-2020, 08:44 AM
Thanks Ray.
09-18-2023, 07:59 AM
09-18-2023, 07:59 AM
Roger Dowding
09-19-2023, 04:27 AM
Great work BRY3500, had heard / read about Videos being out there from Laurie Brensell, one of the organising Committee members - was Chairman I think.
Just realised it is Laurie's work but when I posted it - didn't work ..oops.
09-20-2023, 07:01 AM
Cheers Roger
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