View Full Version : New Zealand Motorsport DVDs

06-05-2015, 10:02 AM
Its been quite a while since I last contributed to the Roaring Season, but I still lurk in the shadows and read all the threads that come along. A few months back there was a post that linked the 1986 Nissan Mobil 500 on youtube which was sadly removed only after a few days due to copyright. Several members lamented the missed opportunity to see this classic NZ motor race.

It reminded me that a fellow Roaring Seasoner 'Faminz' had been doing some great work transferring old VHS videos to dvd as I had purchased a dozen or so dvds off him a year or so ago. I made contact with Brett again and he kindly sent me his updated list of what classic NZ motorsport he now has on dvd. All I can say is 'oh my god'.... Brett has assembled a library of motorsport to the tune of some 300 dvds. I have since bought another 27 dvds and have spent every last spare minute since watching Nissan Mobil 500s, Formula Pacifics and Sports Sedan racing from the 80's and 90's....

There is much much more in Brett's lists. The only disclaimer i'd throw in that the footage has been taken from 25 year old VHS tapes so some are a little rough, but most are of good quality.

We're talking;
1985 Nissan Sport 500 - The WHOLE race
1986 Nissan Mobil 500 (just over an hour highlights of the race)
1987 Nissan Mobil 500 January Race with the Jags - 3 hours of the race missing just the very end
1987 Nissan Mobil 500 WTCC race - missing the last 30 minutes only
1988 Nissan Mobil 500 missing the first hour only
1989 Nissan Mobil 500

Lots and lots of Formula Pacifics including 1984, 87, 88, 89, 91 NZGPs and racing from all over the world. I watched the 1988 Indy 500 and 1988 Monaco GP the other night - awesome stuff.

I doubt we'll ever be able to buy this footage commercially so if you're even a little bit interested, I strongly recommend you email Brett and ask for a copy of his mega list. For the small fee of $5 per disk, you too can enjoy these classic motor races. There is a lot of motor racing on each disk. Brett can be contacted on faminz@gmail.com

I'm only posting this up because I'm very confident that there are a bunch of you out there that would love to see this footage - and now you can!

06-05-2015, 05:35 PM
Do you know if he has a copy of the 1981 Motogard Rally won by Jim Donald? Television programme that seems very hard to find. I will email him also.

06-05-2015, 08:07 PM
Thanks for the plug superford. Id better clarify 'bought' tho. I'm not selling dvd's, just asking for a 'donation' per disk for my time to copy the DVD and the materials. 27 disks takes a few evenings!!! :D