View Full Version : Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.
Roger Dowding
05-18-2015, 05:58 AM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries between, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead.
Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his fiancee who became his wife in June 1942.
Amongst the group initially involved were, Ces Hodge, Jack Boot [ Ed's brother - in - law ] Phil Ornstein, Alan Pybus, Vern Clarke Jock Aitken and others.
It is now known Bryce Tye, and R Currey were on the original committee with Vern Clarke and Jack Boot.
Lawrie Powell [ the well known Ford V8 driver and later the " famous " Starter at Pukekohe ] and others, including Ron Roycroft, and Ralph Watson were members in the late 1940's too !!.
I knew Jock Aitken - he was the mechanic on my first car in 1967, and Alan Pybus - was a great mate of Ed's whom he stayed in touch with until recently when they both passed away.
I have met both Ron Roycroft [ at Glen Murray and at the Pukekohe swap meeting ] and Ralph Watson, a visitor to my house in Herne Bay [ when Lyle Chambers was my flatmate and had a BSA Special ] on several occasions to look at Lyle's BSA, arriving in his own BSA Special.
In some later photo's at Mackies Rest on a trial in 1946, is Ralph in his 1933 Singer Roadster with my Uncle Ed and his wife Una in their Morris 8 Tourer
Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days 1944-45 and Second President in 1945-46 years. Verne Clark was president 1943-45.
Jack Boot was " Organiser " on the first committee in mid 1943
The Club was Officially formed at a meeting in July 1943 and was formally incorporated in October 1943, but meetings [ informal club gatherings ] took place from 1942 on.
New information April 2020 [ thread started in May 2015 ]
Have recently been given images of 30 pages of a Photo Album created by Arthur Siddall with photos of various NSCC events found by Duncan Fox at the Whitford Tip - there are around 130 photos covering the period 1942 - first gathering, through to 1949.
Am gradually editing and sorting them to group in chronological order and putting the events together
Eddie is still alive and well at 95, [ Eddie passed away aged 98 in May 2018 ] and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.
Here are a few to start
NSCC Concours 1947 -
NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949 [ now believed to be 1946 - from new photos uncovered of the event. ]
Ralph Watson and Mate with the Singer, my Uncle Ed and Aunty Una in the Riley.
Photo from the same event - Outside the Helensville Hall at the end of the trial with Ron Roycroft in his car - is in the Book by Scott Thompson - " Up to Speed " - the Roycroft story.
Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.**
Now believed to be 1944 so mid 1940's
As I find more will post them.
July 2020 ; More information has come to light about the formation of the Club - a letter from 1943 and some notes attached, plus an early Membership Card and some more photos.
June 2022 - More information on the early years 1942 - 1950, and more recently on the early 1950's has come to light recently - Events, Competitors, Car details etc.
Thanks to Duncan Fox for the Arthur Siddall Albums and to Don Tilsley a competitor and Club Member in the 1950's.
The Original Members Card. from R Currey, passed on by family to Bob Kidd, It dates from 1943.
The Bryce Tye " B Tye " named on the card was tragically killed in his MG when a tyre blew and the car rolled in December 1943.
The thread is in memory of family, my Uncle Albert Edward [ Eddie ] Dowding - 1919 to 2018, my Aunt Una May Dowding 1920 - 2020 both appear at events and in photos in the thread. They were married in 1942 the year the club was first mooted.
My other Uncle, Jack Boot' I never knew as he passed away in 1945. Jack was a founding member of NSCC as shown in various notes / items in the thread.
My father Mac Dowding was Honorary Auditor for the Club upon his return from the war in August 1945 until the 1950's.
05-18-2015, 06:45 AM
Roger...amazing photos. Thanks and keep them coming. Cheers, Bruce D
Roger Dowding
05-18-2015, 08:03 AM
Roger...amazing photos. Thanks and keep them coming. Cheers, Bruce D
This will be really small, but there is a note on NSCC website that the car has been found and the current owner [ unkown ] wants some information, described as the G B Special, built by a Gordon Brown, Ford 10 Motor, Hillman gearbox and the photo was at a beach race NSCC meeting, at Muriwai. in 1948.
Roger Dowding
05-18-2015, 08:16 AM
a bit more NSCC information ;
their list of Past Presidents: some errors perhaps, Eddie always talked about being Club Captain, and in a Boat Club, that is the Top Guy.
Interestingly Jock Aitken, was a mechanic and he used to look after my first car in 1967, a 1960 Austin Seven - Mini, at his tiny workshop, two single garages down below Auckland University in Grafton Gulley.
When I first joined NSCC, 1967, buy a Car , join a Car Club, they held meetings at Edendale School Hall, and for the first one my Dad Mac took me, met Jim Sager, Ken Sager's father and a few others, they showed movie clips 8mm from the 50's .. where are they now ?, of Hillclimbs and Sprints,
The later Presidents, will be right as I remember Owen Thomas, Morrie Chandler, then Bob Kidd and others, including Rod Peat,
1943-45 Verne Clarke
1945-46 Eddie Downing .. Eddie Dowding
1946-47 Ces Hodge
1947-48 John Wilson
1948-49 Colin McGregor
1950-51 Jock Aitken
1951-52 Phil Ornstein
1952-55 Laurie Powell
1955-56 Roger Brown
1955-56 Peter Ayson
1956-60 Dudley Badham
1960-62 Lloyd Gerrard
1962-64 Jim Lockley
1964-66 Ian Runnerstrum
1966-70 Owen Thomas
1970-74 Morrie Chandler
** New information;
Eddie's name has been corrected on the NSCC Facebook Page and their Website page.
Have established that the intial gatherings were in the summer of 1942/43 and the Club was formally established in October 1943 - date of Incorporation..
Their Logo - from the Facebook page.
Logo from " Club Torque " - this from the May 1967 Edition. the word " Auckland " is not showing.
Roger Dowding
05-19-2015, 01:29 AM
Some more early photo's
Swanson Area late 1940's
Graham Wells Bentley and most of the club 1948 ** correction May 20th 1945 This is at a Hillclimb at Taylors Bay, Hillsborough - Manukau harbour looking South
Titirangi 1942, 3rd or 4th meeting *** now believed to be the " First Gathering " ..
Roger Dowding
05-19-2015, 01:39 AM
And some more ;
Mud Climb, Mackies Rest, off the Scenic Drive, Titirangi - Swanson area about 1946.
[ details from the backs of the photo's.]
Believed to be Ken Hemus in the Singer .. now known to be Ralph Watson.
My Uncle Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding [ 1919 -2018 ] steering and his wife Una [ 1920 - visited her recently in Auckland ] pushing the car described in the Ron Roycroft Book as a Morris 8, It is in fact a Morris Minor - manufactured from 1928 - 1933, with either Wolseley OHC 4, 1928 -30 or Morris Sidevalve 1930 on.. I mentioned the Car to Ed several years ago as I was surprised him owning one when he had usually owned Austin Sevens or various Rileys ..[ additional notes 4 March 2019 ]
Ken Hemus in the Sunbeam, Ken had a Singer in a different years trial.
Have now April 2020 obtained more photos of these events from the " Arthur Siddall album "- saved by Duncan Fox when it was destined for the Whitford Tip.
** The Album of 30 pages is handmade and has around 100 photos and lots of notes of the events and the competitors and attendees.
Duncan sent me the photos back in 2020 and in early 2023 passed it on to me as " Custodian "
some of the photos I had seen or had copies as my Uncle Eddie Dowding had them too !
Roger Dowding
05-26-2015, 02:24 AM
Back in the 1950's when Eddie Dowding and friends from the NSCC went to Ardmore they often went with Jack Fowler in a truck,Jack owned Swanson Transport and one of the guys going was a " Win Bristow " who was an artist of some note. at Ardmore in the early 50's - probably 1953 **, he did a series of sketches of cars.
** Now believed to be 1956 as noted in the next post.
Win passed away many years ago but had given Eddie Dowding the sketches of which I have copies.
Here are a couple - more to follow once I resize them.
Roger Dowding
05-26-2015, 02:32 AM
A couple more ; Moss Maserati and Austin Healey -
Note says Moss won in this car so that may help determine the year.
Now believed to be 1956
The Austin Healey 100 #16 was entered by Seabrook Fowlds for John Seabrook to drive -
Ross Jensen had the Austin Healey 100S that Seabrooks had bought in 1955.
Ross's car was entered in the GP and was a DNF
John Seabrook entered in the Sports Car races.
Ardmore 1956 events; The starting Field
Ardmore 1956 - results
05-26-2015, 04:15 AM
moss won in the 250F in 1956
If that's the case, the driver of Austin Healey #16 was John Seabrook...unsurprisingly, the entrant was Seabrook Fowlds.
In the sports car race he finished 10th : Moss won in a Porsche 550.
Roger Dowding
05-27-2015, 03:23 AM
moss won in the 250F in 1956
Sean, thanks, means the sketches are later than I first thought, was going off the notes on the Ron Roycroft Alfa sketch. which I have yet to show.
John B
05-27-2015, 04:01 AM
This will be really small, but there is a note on NSCC website that the car has been found and the current owner [ unkown ] wants some information, described as the G B Special, built by a Gordon Brown, Ford 10 Motor, Hillman gearbox and the photo was at a beach race NSCC meeting, at Muriwai. in 1948.
Here it is a little larger Roger.
05-27-2015, 04:33 AM
Is this not his Ford 10 special that he used for all sorts of things? I believe it had a "Ruxtall" (sp?) diff that gave 6 gear ratios.
He also drove early Bucklers as a guest driver.
Trevor Sheffield
05-27-2015, 06:10 AM
Is this not his Ford 10 special that he used for all sorts of things? I believe it had a "Ruxtall" (sp?) diff that gave 6 gear ratios.
He also drove early Bucklers as a guest driver.
The car illustrated is certainly the one and only versatile Ford Ten special built by Gordon Brown. His efforts encouraged Jock Aitken and others to follow on with the theme he introduced. He was certainly way ahead of Collin Chapman. LOL
A magazine article covering the car inspired me to build a special in order to take up motor sport, and I too used a modified Ruckstell rear axle from a Beauty Model T Ford, in order to overcome the disadvantage of a wide ratio three speed gear box. The article mentioned Gordon fitting a makeshift grader blade to the front of the car in order to level his newly acquired house section.
In those days we were all short of money and few could afford more than one car. When first built the car was used for general purposes as well as motor sport. It had weather protection and as you can see proper doors. At the time import controls meant that there were just a couple of new MG TD in the club and the Ford Ten light weight specials showed them the way at less than half the cost. LOL
Early on the NSSC was a true sports car club with restrictions as to membership. Due to import restrictions it became necessary to admit saloon car owners, but only to the extent that there remained a 50/50 distribution of open and saloon cars.
Long time ago. Trevor.
Roger Dowding
05-28-2015, 11:08 PM
The car illustrated is certainly the one and only versatile Ford Ten special built by Gordon Brown. His efforts encouraged Jock Aitken and others to follow on with the theme he introduced. He was certainly way ahead of Collin Chapman. LOL
A magazine article covering the car inspired me to build a special in order to take up motor sport, and I too used a modified Ruckstell rear axle from a Beauty Model T Ford, in order to overcome the disadvantage of a wide ratio three speed gear box. The article mentioned Gordon fitting a makeshift grader blade to the front of the car in order to level his newly acquired house section.
In those days we were all short of money and few could afford more than one car. When first built the car was used for general purposes as well as motor sport. It had weather protection and as you can see proper doors. At the time import controls meant that there were just a couple of new MG TD in the club and the Ford Ten light weight specials showed them the way at less than half the cost. LOL
Early on the NSSC was a true sports car club with restrictions as to membership. Due to import restrictions it became necessary to admit saloon car owners, but only to the extent that there remained a 50/50 distribution of open and saloon cars.
Long time ago. Trevor.
Trevor, thanks for your info, by the time I joined Feb 1967, Sports Cars were a minority, in fact my first 3 cars while a member were a Mini, an A40 Farina, then another Mini, before the Sprite[s] 4 of, 2 Triumphs GT6 and TR4A, and an Austin Healey 100/4.
Roger Dowding
06-08-2015, 05:08 AM
Here it is a little larger Roger.
John B,thanks, I was with Eddie Dowding today and he remembers Gordon and the car, but could not tell me anymore about it.
Trevor Sheffield's s comment about the membership, Eddie recollects that you had to have a Tourer, not specifically a sports car, and then the 50/50 rule with sports-open / saloons.
Trevor Sheffield
06-08-2015, 07:47 PM
As I correctly reported --- "Early on the NSSC was a true sports car club with restrictions as to membership. Due to import restrictions it became necessary to admit saloon car owners, but only to the extent that there remained a 50/50 distribution of open and saloon cars".
A full article covering Gordon Brown's car appeared in one of the first editions of the very first NZ magazine dedicated towards sports cars. I once had a copy but now am unable to recollect the exact title of the publication. Is there a copy out there somewhere?
The car was/is important as it was is incidental in popularizing the Ford Ten Special within NZ. When I have time to put my thinking cap on I will start a thread covering these cars as they are historically significant.
Roger Dowding
06-09-2015, 04:24 AM
As I correctly reported --- "Early on the NSSC was a true sports car club with restrictions as to membership. Due to import restrictions it became necessary to admit saloon car owners, but only to the extent that there remained a 50/50 distribution of open and saloon cars".
A full article covering Gordon Brown's car appeared in one of the first editions of the very first NZ magazine dedicated towards sports cars. I once had a copy but now am unable to recollect the exact title of the publication. Is there a copy out there somewhere?
The car was/is important as it was is incidental in popularizing the Ford Ten Special within NZ. When I have time to put my thinking cap on I will start a thread covering these cars as they are historically significant.
Trevor, again thanks for your input [ Eddie is 95 and memory is not as good as it could be] . cheers
Roger Dowding
06-09-2015, 04:37 AM
As I correctly reported --- "Early on the NSSC was a true sports car club with restrictions as to membership. Due to import restrictions it became necessary to admit saloon car owners, but only to the extent that there remained a 50/50 distribution of open and saloon cars".
A full article covering Gordon Brown's car appeared in one of the first editions of the very first NZ magazine dedicated towards sports cars. I once had a copy but now am unable to recollect the exact title of the publication. Is there a copy out there somewhere?
The car was/is important as it was is incidental in popularizing the Ford Ten Special within NZ. When I have time to put my thinking cap on I will start a thread covering these cars as they are historically significant.
The Ford Ten Specials and others, that would be great to see details,
I know Ed and his brother Mac, while not building a special did modify an Austin 7 tourer, [ around a 1930 model ], with cut down doors, raked windscreen, to make it look MG sports car like. think I have a photo somewhere.
Roger Dowding
06-09-2015, 09:40 PM
The Ron Roycroft Alfa Romeo, with some details of his races. sketch by Winton Bristow.
Roger Dowding
06-09-2015, 09:44 PM
Correction ; Ken Wharton's BRM in the pits, not the Whitehead Ferrari
duncan fox
06-13-2015, 09:36 PM
Hi Roger,
I have a similar collection of photographs in my possession. The car line up in post 5 is according to my copy the clubs very 1st run. Your print is reversed I see , the cars are all lh drive.
Your uncle Eddies Morrie 8 is the 2nd one in on your right. That’s also him in the mud climb. The other two are Ralph Watson (Singer 9 LeMans) and Ken Hemus Sunbeam.
Looked like good clean fun from a great era of NZ motoring.
I see I have several shots of the Brown Ford 10 special at Seagrove Airfield also.
Trevor Sheffield
06-14-2015, 08:01 AM
Greetings Duncan,
It would be very worthwhile to get the photos you have scanned and recorded here.
The Singer nine in the mud is Driven by Ralph Watson but is his Four seater, rather than the Le Mans which was his second Singer. Refer here, pages 6 & 122/6. ---
The NSCC mud plug was officially titled, “The Winter Trial” and was certainly a fun event, but it comprised a serious component in the clubs yearly calendar, with a still existing designated trophy. It was Ron Roycroft’s habit to specially acquire a Model T Ford each year in order to win the event. However on the last occasion, he ran second to me after I attacked the final hill at maximum speed in my very versatile ACV8. LOL
Them were the days. Trevor.
Roger Dowding
06-14-2015, 10:23 PM
Hi Roger,
I have a similar collection of photographs in my possession. The car line up in post 5 is according to my copy the clubs very 1st run. Your print is reversed I see , the cars are all lh drive.
Your uncle Eddies Morrie 8 is the 2nd one in on your right. That’s also him in the mud climb. The other two are Ralph Watson (Singer 9 LeMans) and Ken Hemus Sunbeam.
Looked like good clean fun from a great era of NZ motoring.
I see I have several shots of the Brown Ford 10 special at Seagrove Airfield also.
Duncan,yes my copy says first run and oops about the reversed image.
Thanks for your information and Trevor too!!. the Morrie 8 is the one mentioned in the Roycroft book, must dig out and check details.
Roger Dowding
07-08-2015, 01:55 AM
The Ford Ten Specials and others, that would be great to see details,
I know Ed and his brother Mac, while not building a special did modify an Austin 7 tourer, [ around a 1930 model ], with cut down doors, raked windscreen, to make it look MG sports car like. think I have a photo somewhere.
Found a photo of the Austin 7, with Mac's [ my father ] dog Kim, Ed Dowding and a friend, name unsure. photo from my Dads ones so think he probably took it, some sort of a gathering as other cars in view including a Morris 8. have sent a copy to Ed, he may recognise the friend.
Photo would be around 1937-38. no concern about same tyres on each axle, looks like 3 different tyres in the view.
three different tyres fitted probably to balance the cable brakes
Roger Dowding
07-08-2015, 02:29 AM
three different tyres fitted probably to balance the cable brakes
928, WHAT BRAKES !!, think that " Lord Austin " had the same idea as Ettoire Bugatti, the car is made to go, not stop. probably right though.
One tyre looks like a Michelin - left front - which would make sense as Mac worked at Briscoe and Company Hardware and Ironmongers in Customs Street, and they had the Michelin Agency..
you are right roger. we had a 7 and a wooden anchor on a length of rope that we would throw at parking meters to help. got a laugh even from the blue boys
Roger Dowding
07-12-2015, 09:22 AM
Found a photo of the Austin 7, with Mac's [ my father ] dog Kim, Ed Dowding and a friend, name unsure. photo from my Dads ones so think he probably took it, some sort of a gathering as other cars in view including a Morris 8. have sent a copy to Ed, he may recognise the friend.
Photo would be around 1937-38. no concern about same tyres on each axle, looks like 3 different tyres in the view.
Found a couple more photo's with a pencil note on the back " 1940 ", so maybe a bit later than 1938, the car looks the same, but with the hood down.. not quite an MG but !! 747cc of absolute power .. maybe.
Roger Dowding
07-15-2015, 06:00 AM
Trevor S , sent you a private message, cheers Roger D. re Ralph Watson and another BSA Special.
Roger Dowding
07-31-2015, 06:25 AM
And some more ;
Mud Climb, Macky's Rest, off the Scenic Drive, Titirangi - Swanson area about 1946.
[ details from the backs of the photo's.]
Have found some information from Scott Thomson's book " Up to Speed " about Ron Roycroft, on the Mud Trial, a couple of the photos appears there.
The car back view on is a 1922 Sunbeam, with Ken Hemus, Arthur Small and Tom Palmer.
the location is described as Mackies Rest [ not Macky's - as on the back of my photos ], the year 1946, apparently it was a hare and Hounds type Paper chase, with Ron Roycroft in a Riley , as the Hare, but he used sawdust, 17 cars entered, actual date 18th August 1946.
O'Callahan in a Ford 10 won, with Ron second and a B Tappenden in a Pontiac third.
The book describes the May winter trial, the next one as harder than the 1946 one. the 1947 Trial was won by Herb Gilroy in an Austin Ulster, that later became Bruce McLaren's first competition car.
Roger Dowding
07-31-2015, 09:48 AM
Found a photo of the Austin 7, with Mac's [ my father ] dog Kim, Ed Dowding and a friend, name unsure. photo from my Dads ones so think he probably took it, some sort of a gathering as other cars in view including a Morris 8. have sent a copy to Ed, he may recognise the friend.
Photo would be around 1937-38. no concern about same tyres on each axle, looks like 3 different tyres in the view.
Have found out that the other person on the car is Ted [ Edward ] Kippenberger, who was a mate of Ed and Mac's and went on to be Director of Civil Aviation in New Zealand. knew him back in the 1960's .
Roger Dowding
08-11-2015, 06:13 AM
More of the sketches from Ardmore NZ Grand Prix 1956. By Win Bristow.
Interestingly the Austin Healey featured earlier John Seabrook driving #16, was subsequently owned by David Lichenstein, Phil Neill [ racer of some note ] and Mark Donaldson - founder of the Austin Healey Car Club of New Zealand.
Not much detail with a couple of the photo's
Roger Dowding
08-12-2015, 04:26 AM
Ardmore NZ Grand Prix, 1956;
Two more Win Bristow sketches, probably should have been another thread, all the photo's and sketches from Eddie Dowding.
Roger Dowding
08-13-2015, 06:53 AM
Not the early years, but a Northern Sports Car Club member [ racing for Austin Healey Car Club NZ ] at the 1983 Jaguar Drivers Classic Le Mans Relay Race.
A collection of photos, which will post as a new Thread to follow.
Roger Dowding
08-13-2015, 09:16 AM
Greetings Duncan,
It would be very worthwhile to get the photos you have scanned and recorded here.
The Singer nine in the mud is Driven by Ralph Watson but is his Four seater, rather than the Le Mans which was his second Singer. Refer here, pages 6 & 122/6. ---
The NSCC mud plug was officially titled, “The Winter Trial” and was certainly a fun event, but it comprised a serious component in the clubs yearly calendar, with a still existing designated trophy. It was Ron Roycroft’s habit to specially acquire a Model T Ford each year in order to win the event. However on the last occasion, he ran second to me after I attacked the final hill at maximum speed in my very versatile ACV8. LOL
Them were the days. Trevor.
" The Winter Trial ", as Trevor calls it was a very popular event and gets some mention in Scott Thomson's book, " Up to Speed " the Ron Roycroft biography. It mentions a lot of names, Ken Hemus [ who is an official at the 1956 Ardmore NZ Grand Prix ] and others who feature in NZ Car Club history of the time.
The last photo was taken at Helensville and is at the same Hall that the photo of Ron Roycroft in the book was taken
Milan Fistonic
08-13-2015, 07:59 PM
The author of "Up to Speed" is Scott Thomson.
Roger Dowding
08-13-2015, 09:12 PM
The author of "Up to Speed" is Scott Thomson.
Milan, you are so right - need to look before I type. now corrected in the post, thanks
Roger Dowding
08-28-2015, 05:36 AM
In a recent conversation [ E-mail ] Eddie Dowding advised me that as well as being Club Captain / President of NSCC, as a School Teacher at Seddon Technical College in the early 1950's he taught a teenage Bruce McLaren when Bruce was in the 4th Form.
Bruce's interest in cars was apparent then which Eddie would have enjoyed too!!
The College was based in the central city in those days, not at Western Springs where it is now. small world.
Roger Dowding
08-29-2015, 05:21 AM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries bewteen, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead. Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his girlfrend. amongst the group initially involved were, Phil Seabrook, Alan Pybus, Laurie Powell and others, Ron Roycroft was a member in the late 1940's too !!. Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days / years.
Eddie is still alive and well at 95, and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.
Here are a few to start
NSCC Concours 1947 -
NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949
Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.
As I find more will post them.
Please add to the thread.
In my rummage around the garage, I found Eddie's Memoirs written in 2006, It has some information on the his cars and a mention that he was Club Captain 1943-45 and its second President 1945-46, although the NSCC website has him as Eddie Downing, must get that corrected
** the entry was corrected back in 2016 following my contact with the Club
Roger Dowding
10-14-2015, 07:45 AM
As one of the founding members of NSCC an early Club Captain and later President, I am pleased to say had a good conversation with Ed today on his 96th Birthday.
Here he is on the left as a 20 year old .. with Ted Kippenberger
Roger Dowding
10-24-2015, 10:14 PM
1924 White Bus, photo from mid 60's.
Roger Dowding
12-15-2015, 09:09 PM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries bewteen, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead. Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his girlfrend. amongst the group initially involved were, Phil Seabrook, Alan Pybus, Laurie Powell and others, Ron Roycroft was a member in the late 1940's too !!. Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days / years.
Eddie is still alive and well at 95, and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.
Here are a few to start
NSCC Concours 1947 -
NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949
Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.
As I find more will post them.
Please add to the thread.
Rather than start a new thread, I have other articles photos, etc, connected with Northern Sports Car Club. Bob Homewood posted a photo on Facebook about his property, which would makes a great grass hill climb site, and Brent Thomas, Owen Thomas' son, Owen was President of NSCC back in the late 1960's made a comment which prompted me to reply.
Some of this has been posted on other threads, Hillclimbs Sprints etc by Ross Cammick and Yards and Yarns,
This will connect related pictures and articles, results etc.
PS, Eddie is still getting around, at 96, not in Riley these days, but a little Dae Woo. I was talking to him last week.
Roger Dowding
12-15-2015, 09:27 PM
Michael Clark now lives at the site - there was a video posted a while ago which shows the new sealed road is different to the original metal track, with a concrete pad at the start.
I first ran there in 1971, in this Mini [ this is a Dennis Green photo - at Woodhill - Tom Grace's farm also 1971]
Ross Hollings
12-16-2015, 02:56 AM
One from my wall, Mini Max [me]32156 Cosseys Farm 3/12/67 FTD and new hill record . 54secs .Not sure if they always used same start finish but seem to remember start was uphill on concrete.
John McKechnie
12-16-2015, 03:11 AM
Ross- 1974 Cosseys Farm was still uphill start on concrete.
Roger Dowding
12-16-2015, 06:37 AM
Ross- 1974 Cosseys Farm was still uphill start on concrete.
Yes, they used to chock a non driving wheel, so at the back on the Mini easy, not so on rear wheel drive, as had to get the chock out quickly, and the hockey stick ..
Trevor Sheffield
12-16-2015, 06:57 AM
I found that when I ran my quite warm 1275 Cooper S at Cossey's it was near impossible to get traction at the start and recording a decent time was therefore hopeless. I somehow recall cow dung on the concrete.
Roger Dowding
12-17-2015, 11:13 PM
Bob Homewood who competed on the day posted these pages from The Club's magazine " Club Torque ".;
The article and results.
Some pictures ;
a few well known names and cars ;
I has only just joined NSCC in February, when I purchased my first car a 1960 Mini, so unsure if I was there or not.
John McKechnie
12-18-2015, 12:02 AM
I found that when I ran my quite warm 1275 Cooper S at Cossey's it was near impossible to get traction at the start and recording a decent time was therefore hopeless. I somehow recall cow dung on the concrete.
Yep, I found the same with my Cooper S,, a lot of wheel spin.Too bad if you had a big cam, I can remember a yellow racing Mini Cooper 998- Sandringham Service Station on the side...Sid Ward?. At flat Andersons Farm , he absolutely flew, here, just couldnt get the revs right...high revs, then it would bog, rev then bog,,,sad.and cow dung was in abundance- but , hey, it was a farm.No road closures.And I dont think the gate posts were ever intentionally widened.
Trevor Sheffield
12-18-2015, 02:28 AM
Exactly, it was not a place for sissies. LOL
bob homewood
12-18-2015, 10:33 PM
Exactly, it was not a place for sissies. LOL
You are right Trevor ,it took some hard dedication to keep the foot flat there
Roger Dowding
12-18-2015, 10:39 PM
You are right Trevor ,it took some hard dedication to keep the foot flat there
Bob thanks again for the articles and photos from " Club Torque ",
I remember when I competed in my 850cc standard Mini, except for the wider wheels, the start was steep and I overrevved as I scrambled from the start, lots of wheelspin and not much traction, before slamming that long gearlever down into second, and yes Trevor the cowdung was prevalent, they did try to wash down the concrete start. Wonder what my times were in the Mini,?? very slow I would say.
12-19-2015, 02:19 AM
Bob thanks again for the articles and photos from " Club Torque ",
I remember when I competed in my 850cc standard Mini, except for the wider wheels, the start was steep and I overrevved as I scrambled from the start, lots of wheelspin and not much traction, before slamming that long gearlever down into second, and yes Trevor the cowdung was prevalent, they did try to wash down the concrete start. Wonder what my times were in the Mini,?? very slow I would say.
Might have been slow (don't know) but you were there doing it, and the national body encouraged club events, yada yada.
Trevor Sheffield
12-19-2015, 04:39 AM
Might have been slow (don't know) but you were there doing it, and the national body encouraged club events, yada yada.
Having been on hand as a member of the NSCC executive I can assure you that the national body was and has always been obstructive and arranging events was hard yacka. However at the time they were unable to tap into the commercial sector which rules at present. Money talks. LOL
Roger Dowding
12-19-2015, 09:01 AM
Not at Cosseys, but an NSCC event at Mangere Town Centre, back in the day when no shops were open on Sunday and a lot of sport was played in supermarket / shopping centre carparks, this is 1974, just before the roll bar [ by Reg Cook ] was put into the Sprite so I could do sprints / Hill Climbs and other events, already used in trialls and very close to the ground
Ross Hollings was there too in a Cooper [ mini ]
Photo by Dennis Green, who took a huge number of photos at Northern Sports Car Club events in the 1970's , he should have lots more, must follow that up..
Roger Dowding
12-19-2015, 09:20 AM
One from my wall, Mini Max [me]32156 Cosseys Farm 3/12/67 FTD and new hill record . 54secs .Not sure if they always used same start finish but seem to remember start was uphill on concrete.
Ross, love the attitude of the car and the driver, a great shot gives us some idea of the hill, done the start and the right hander then the short straight, the left hander on wards and upwards .. great memories for this guy.. thanks. Ross..
and the start was always the concrete pad, the finish, not so sure.
Ross Hollings
12-19-2015, 06:27 PM
Hi Roger,The finish was a straight over a series of yumps,have a photo somewhere all crossed up going for it.The 90 degree turn through the fence posts was fun.!!
The Mangere thing would have been my trusty little 850 Mini,which did circuit,grass track hillclimbs,never let me down.Was full race,extractor and twin carbs,!!
Roger Dowding
12-20-2015, 11:44 PM
The article by NZ Herald 1967 the event was March 1967 - as noted in Bob Homewood's " Club Torque " article
Rob Williams Ford V8 Coupe.
The course
Roger Dowding
12-21-2015, 12:19 AM
Map and a view of the area
Close up of the road where the track was
the start road, where we waited to run is at the corner of Appleby Road and Drury Hills Road, nervous piddle in the hedge before the run.
Cossey Road is a small No Exit road back from the corner running from Appleby Road.
Does anybody have an old Lands and Survey Dept map of the area, would have had many back in the day as was seriously into Car Trialling at the time and had to have the correct edition for the map reading section - especially if John Crombie was the plotter.
Roger Dowding
12-21-2015, 08:01 AM
Route Book and Regulations for the events - front cover who owned the Mazda HK6998 ??
The Officials
The Drivers, note 28 entries but only 23 turned up and only 18 went on from the Gymkhana, Rob Williams in Brutus was also a DNF
Gymkhana test and regs
Trial ASRs and Route instructions - Part One
Trial Part one continued and part of the Sprint regs.
More of the Sprint Regs, Trial Part 2 and the Hill Climb to follow, plus the results.
Imagine co-ordinating an event like this today nearly 40 years on.
Noo Noo
12-21-2015, 09:50 AM
Route Book and Regulations for the events - front cover who owned the Mazda HK6998 ??
The Officials
The Drivers, note 28 entries but only 23 turned up and only 18 went on from the Gymkhana, Rob Williams in Brutus was also a DNF
Gymkhana test and regs
Trial ASRs and Route instructions - Part One
Trial Part one continued and part of the Sprint regs.
More of the Sprint Regs, Trial Part 2 and the Hill Climb to follow, plus the results.
Imagine co-ordinating an event like this today nearly 40 years on.
On the driver list, no.28 is Warick Ashton. We had a mate of that name in our little group in the Wellington Car Club in the early '70s. He ran a Fiat 850 Sport in the '73 Heatway, then bought a Fiat 127 to do more rallying. Around the mid 70s he moved to Auckland and we've never heard of or from him since. Did you know him?. I'm wondering if it is the same guy. The 903 cc Fiat fits.
David Hunter
Roger Dowding
12-21-2015, 09:02 PM
On the driver list, no.28 is Warick Ashton. We had a mate of that name in our little group in the Wellington Car Club in the early '70s. He ran a Fiat 850 Sport in the '73 Heatway, then bought a Fiat 127 to do more rallying. Around the mid 70s he moved to Auckland and we've never heard of or from him since. Did you know him?. I'm wondering if it is the same guy. The 903 cc Fiat fits.
David Hunter
Warwick only did the Gymkhana in the Fiat, I probably did know him, The car being 903cc would have been an 850 Coupe.
Roger Dowding
12-22-2015, 03:55 AM
Sprint regs and track plan
The Trial part 2
The Hillclimb
ASR's and Results to follow - no pictures though, does anyone have some.
Roger Dowding
12-22-2015, 04:02 AM
Supplementary Regs
Times and results - Peter Levet did 57.75 in the Hill Climb and took the overall win.
Trial Explanation of check and time - I am sure that a lot of the roads have changed but could be the basis of a Retro Event, using as much of the old roads as possible.
That is all from the event ;
12-23-2015, 09:13 AM
I have a copy of the NSCC "Club Torque" of November 1965, courtesy of my brother being a member for a short time before moving permanently to Sydney. There is mention of work and working bees on a new hillclimb venue at Wharepapa, just south of Helensville, I presume. Did this venue ever eventuate? I don't recall any other mention of it. ( (
The articles on Cosseys Farm were only a year or so later, and are also talking about 'our own hillclimb venue', just wondering.
PS : I have scanned part of a 1980 edition NZMS 260 topo map of the Cossey's area, but Postimage won't let me upload it for some reason - I'll try again tomorrow.
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 04:09 AM
thanks for the article our man Tom Grace, always ready to help. never heard of the new Hill, but before my time, they may have run it once or twice, hopefully as putting in a lot of work.
The map image would be great if you can get it
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 04:16 AM
No photos from the event but here is my car Triumph GT6 MK 3 [ 1971 ] model at a Jaguar Drivers Club invitation Drag meeting at Meremere.
As I only had a restricted licence " closed Club " at the time had to run solo.
and yes rear tyres are bigger, ran 165 x 13 Dunlops on the front and 185 x 13's on the rear good for economy but not for acceleration
Have pictures of a few of the Jaguars - will post on yards and yarns. later
12-24-2015, 05:00 AM
thanks for the article our man Tom Grace, always ready to help. never heard of the new Hill, but before my time, they may have run it once or twice, hopefully as putting in a lot of work.
The map image would be great if you can get it
Here is the map - Edition 1980 NZMS 260 1:50000 scale. Nothing to indicate where Cossey's hillclimb track was, but contours might be a help to someone who knows the terrain out there. (
pic upload (
Someone must know about Wharepapa??
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 06:17 AM
Here is the map - Edition 1980 NZMS 260 1:50000 scale. Nothing to indicate where Cossey's hillclimb track was, but contours might be a help to someone who knows the terrain out there. (
pic upload (
Someone must know about Wharepapa??
thats is great, roads have changed a bit now.
I will post some of this on Facebook as John Coker, Rod Peat, Alan Boyle, Ron Brown and others some of whom were already racing in 1965 and had connections to NSCC and ACC may remember.
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 10:02 AM
I have a copy of the NSCC "Club Torque" of November 1965, courtesy of my brother being a member for a short time before moving permanently to Sydney. There is mention of work and working bees on a new hillclimb venue at Wharepapa, just south of Helensville, I presume. Did this venue ever eventuate? I don't recall any other mention of it. ( (
The articles on Cosseys Farm were only a year or so later, and are also talking about 'our own hillclimb venue', just wondering.
PS : I have scanned part of a 1980 edition NZMS 260 topo map of the Cossey's area, but Postimage won't let me upload it for some reason - I'll try again tomorrow.
a gem from Bob Homewood, so It did exist, see below : we are getting lots of information..
Yes I went to both Birdwood Road and Wharepapa at different times ,I think the Wharepapa venue came about because of Tom Grace's efforts he lived just around the corner ,trying to think back and add what I can ,there are quite a few well known names there from those times ,Dud Badham from memory he worked for one of the Engine Reco firms at that time ,some one can correct me if I'm wrong .I see Bill Stone there in the ex Levis / Hollier Cooper Ford ,I think I actually tried to help him with his woes that day ,Jamie Aislabie I'm sure he can add a bit more to it all
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 10:35 AM
The location of Wharepapa " Hill " , just South of Helensville, would have been right in Tom Grace territory as he had a farm that backed onto Woodhill Forest and Muriwai Beach the scene of NSCC's first forest Rallys .. before that were grass sprints on Tom's farm.. here are photos by Dennis Green, the Mini in 1971, the Sprite in 1975, same driver same helmet, hopefully more skill..
patch of bog on the sill of the Sprite, used to leak and fill up with water inside - under the carpet, drove well though, one of those you wished you had kept.. like my TR4A, some of the others maybe..
sideways was a theme.. same driver same helmet but 1979 at Bald Hill, nr Waiuku ..
Anyway, It is now nearly time for the big Guy in the Hot Rod sleigh, so Merry Christmas ..
12-24-2015, 08:13 PM
Any of these yours?
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 08:38 PM
Any of these yours?
Wrong Country Allan all left hookers, lots of Spares though and that SCCA sticker , cheers.
My car was rebuilt however with a second hand bonnet from Eugene in Oregon purchased in 1982 while on my " USA Road Trip "
Roger Dowding
12-24-2015, 09:30 PM
Have found a few of the results sheets from 1979/80 series.
Can anyone remember how many clubs ran events .. I thought 10 ..??
Answering my own Question = 8
Auckland Car Club
Auckland University Car Club
Hamilton Car Club
Hibiscus Coast Motor(sports) Club
MG Car Club
Northern Sports Car Club
Pukekohe Car Club
Triumph Car Club - Auckland.
here are results from NSCC's Round [ round 2 Cosseys Farm ] 4 November 1979
The results overlap as on Foolscap pages - times in the mid 50's, so quicker than 1967 when 62 / 63 seconds was best, now 53.35 was best my time of 60.42 was better than the GT6 the year before at 65. seconds
Roger Dowding
12-30-2015, 11:11 PM
Any of these yours?
Interestingly my car almost went to a place like this after this accident, tendered and got it back from the Insurers to be rebuilt and later sold to another Racer who did some modifications / improvements [ twin D'ell Orto's and a hot camshaft ], we kept in touch and he told me had to rebuild the engine at around 100,000 miles, had done 85,000 approx when i sold it in 1985, to help buy a house, pity that had to happen.
as it was before the accident
Roger Dowding
12-31-2015, 05:01 AM
In the 1960's meetings at Pukekohe were run by Auckland Car Club, Northern Sports Car Club, NZ International Grand Prix Association [ for cars ] and the Auto Cycle Union [ for bikes ], sometimes the Car Clubs and ACU would run joint meetings as happened in other parts of NZ.
With the introduction of the Wills Six Hour and Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge, in October started a busy year
With NSCC meeting in November, ACC in December NZIGP January then NSCC and Auckland again
This is the details of Auckland Car Clubs Autumn Meeting, there last one for the year 4th April 1964
programme provided by John Hatton. thanks John.
Roger Dowding
12-31-2015, 05:07 AM
the race entrants continued.
Well known names here including the Man who did the legal work for my first House purchase Hugh Kettelwell in a Mini Cooper, Trevor Sheffield in his Daimler SP250, the aforementioned John Hatton in his Zephyr, some Big names in saloons over 2001cc field.
Roger Dowding
01-04-2016, 07:52 AM
No photos ** from the event but here is my car Triumph GT6 MK 3 [ 1971 ] model at a Jaguar Drivers Club invitation Drag meeting at Meremere.
As I only had a restricted licence " closed Club " at the time had to run solo.
and yes rear tyres are bigger, ran 165 x 13 Dunlops on the front and 185 x 13's on the rear good for economy but not for acceleration
Have pictures of a few of the Jaguars - will post on yards and yarns. later
** Found a couple of " distance " shots of the GT6 at the Motorsport Day at the sprints at the club circuit Pukekohe.
01-04-2016, 07:58 PM
I remember two incidents on the "club" circuit as it was known. In the first one one of the competitors was too far forward according to the start official and was asked to move back a few feet which he did, only to leave the car in reverse so when the flag dropped he went one way and the rest of the field went the other. I don't recall too much damage. In the second incident a competitor came round the stables corner, got into a major tank slapper, then veered across the grass in the centre of the track. There was only one car parked in the area and the un-named competitor got that car dead centre between the doors.
Roger Dowding
01-15-2016, 10:04 PM
I remember two incidents on the "club" circuit as it was known. In the first one one of the competitors was too far forward according to the start official and was asked to move back a few feet which he did, only to leave the car in reverse so when the flag dropped he went one way and the rest of the field went the other. I don't recall too much damage. In the second incident a competitor came round the stables corner, got into a major tank slapper, then veered across the grass in the centre of the track. There was only one car parked in the area and the un-named competitor got that car dead centre between the doors.
Allan, I remember another incident at the club circuit for the quickfire meeting that was run and televised around 1970.
A Triumph 2000 or 2500 broke a halfshaft coming past the stables on the right hand bend the halfshaft and wheel left the car and speared down the track. the errant part hit / was hit by a Mini in the front and looked like this afterwards [ no pic of the Triumph but here is the Mini ].
Hand drawn plan of the club circuit - from the NCSS Motorsport Day 1978 Regulations and Route Book.
Roger Dowding
01-29-2016, 02:01 AM
Article in the Western Leader, the Suburban Newspapers West Auckland Edition is the following article.
there was previously a call by a someone through the NSCC website some months ago for information on the car, now Gordon who is 100 years old and still driving is looking for it.
Would suggest contacting the Western Leader, to get in contact with Gordon if anyone has information.
Western Leader, their phone number New Zealand 09 8370340
The Graham Vercoe Book " Historic Racing cars of New Zealand ", published in 1991 had this to say about GBS, Gordon brown and his " Specials ".
Roger Dowding
01-31-2016, 01:48 AM
The Western Leader article was advised to me by my sister who lives in Massey, and new I was interested in the Cars of Gordon Brown, yesterday she took the article to Eddie Dowding, as he knew Gordon at the time of its construction, Gordon also lived in Herne Bay for a time as did Eddie, not at the same time though. Eddie was there from around 1929 to 1955.
Any information one the car please pass on to the Western Leader, or to me and I will contact them. either PM me or post on this thread. Am putting the picture, Western Leader Article and the Extract from Graham Vercoes book, on Facebook, to hopefully get some interest, and locate the car.
01-31-2016, 04:17 AM
Roger, I am sure you know the reputation of the Vercoe book. While I admire Graham for tackling this immense task, do not rely on the veracity of it.
Roger Dowding
01-31-2016, 07:28 AM
Roger, I am sure you know the reputation of the Vercoe book. While I admire Graham for tackling this immense task, do not rely on the veracity of it.
Agree Oldfart, [ both with the correctness of the book and the fact he even attempted it, - gives a base to work from ]. As Gordon says in the newspaper article car built in 1947, not 1949 but gives another photo of the car, which my Uncle Eddie remembers, more about getting the message out with my post.
Trevor Sheffield
02-01-2016, 07:56 AM
I was around at the time and was particularly interested in Gordon Brown’s Ford Ten special as I also utilised a Ruckstell rear end in my Fiat Special. I would say1947 is correct. I recall, that a full article on the car was published in the first or second issue of a short lived sports car magazine at the time and it was this that promoted my interest.
To the best of my memory Gordon Brown built only one car, which first off amounted to the sole means of family and personal transport. Fairly promptly he acquired an early Ford V8 saloon and also used this in competition. Incidentally, as was then usual the special was never trailered. Whatever, the car was the first of an ongoing series and certainly deserves recognition.
Roger Dowding
02-02-2016, 02:48 AM
I was around at the time and was particularly interested in Gordon Brown’s Ford Ten special as I also utilised a Ruckstell rear end in my Fiat Special. I would say1947 is correct. I recall, that a full article on the car was published in the first or second issue of a short lived sports car magazine at the time and it was this that promoted my interest.
To the best of my memory Gordon Brown built only one car, which first off amounted to the sole means of family and personal transport. Fairly promptly he acquired an early Ford V8 saloon and also used this in competition. Incidentally, as was then usual the special was never trailered. Whatever, the car was the first of an ongoing series and certainly deserves recognition.
Trevor, thanks for your comments, always good information .. my sister showed Eddie Dowding the article, as he remembered Gordon and his car too !!. Not sure if it has been mentioned but Jack Boot, who owned the Riley Bugatti, or was Bugatti Riley, was Eddie's brother-in-law and my Uncle too!!. Jack passed away before I knew him though, too young the date of the GBS is my year of birth, 1947 is quite a while ago, but 1916, Gordon's year of birth even more so..
Note ; Jack Boot passed away in February 1945 - so well before I arrived.
Roger Dowding
02-13-2016, 06:58 AM
Here is the text from the request posted on NSCC's Facebook Pages in January 2015.
" Can you help?
A member of the public is trying to find a old car he built and raced. The information we have is below:
Known as: G B Special
Built by: Gordon Brown
Year: 1947 approx
Ford 10 Motor
Hillman 4 Speed Box
Ford T 2 Speed Differential
Plus many other bits
Rego: 235622
He raced it with the Northern Sports Car Club at the Muriwai Beach Meeting in 1948.
Also he has a little shield showing it got 1st in the Open Saloon Handicap at the N I Beach Championships 28/03/1953.
He has been searching for this car for a while but cannot find where it may be. If you know of the whereabouts or have any information on this car please get in touch with us. "
I am assuming that " the member of the public " is in fact Gordon Brown. the picture was posted also separately.
Trevor Sheffield
02-13-2016, 08:15 AM
As far as I know this special was only used in competition by Gordon Brown and the fact that it was a very usable road going machine, means that it could have become used only only as such, to become ultimately worn out and discarded. Other more basic similar cars of its time continued to be used more exclusively in competition and as a result several have a recorded history.
Even so the search is very worthwhile as the car is of real significance as it was the first of an ongoing trend in Ford Ten specials. Let us hope for success.
Roger Dowding
02-22-2016, 12:04 AM
As far as I know this special was only used in competition by Gordon Brown and the fact that it was a very usable road going machine, means that it could have become used only only as such, to become ultimately worn out and discarded. Other more basic similar cars of its time continued to be used more exclusively in competition and as a result several have a recorded history.
Even so the search is very worthwhile as the car is of real significance as it was the first of an ongoing trend in Ford Ten specials. Let us hope for success.
Thanks Trevor, and speaking of Ford Specials, ERC has posted a " Standford " in his collection Just a Mix of Pics, taken recently, of a 40's type special, and presume a mixture of Standard and Ford ..
Here is another Ford powered Special, this time a mixture of 1930's and 1950's engineering, Ford 10 motor [ 1950's ] in a 1930's BSA based Special. seen before but different photos.
Would also like to know the whereabouts of this Car, Lyle Chambers BSA Special, built in the 1950's from a 1930's BSA Four wheeled front wheel drive saloon.. twin tube chassis with the BSA Front and Rear suspensions components welded on, any info post on here or PM me, cheers.
Roger Dowding
02-24-2016, 09:20 PM
A couple of newpaper pages - an article on NSCC races at Western Springs, seqnmac27 Sean posted them on the " Old Speedway Photos " thread, have put them here as the thread is linked to NSCC's facebook page and website.
some well known names.
Remember races at Western Springs as part of a Heatway Rally one year, they ran races between the arrival of the Rally cars for a Special Stage around the track, unsure if the same event
thanks Sean
Milan Fistonic
03-28-2016, 01:09 AM
Here's a report on a1949 NSCC event won by Gordon Brown in his Special.
Roger Dowding
04-03-2016, 03:04 AM
thanks for that, Laurie Powell was there in his V8 Ford ..
Jack Boot was a relation of mine [ he married Dot, my Uncle Ed Dowding's sister in law ], passed away a long time ago [ February 1945 ] as when I was growing up Dot had remarried .. I must pass the article on to Ed Dowding, he will love it, at 96 still has a reasonable memory, and enjoys car related stuff especially to do with NSCC.
Jock Aitken used to repair my first car a 1960 Mini, back in the late 1960's when he had a little garage near the University in Grafton, [ now the motorway ]
May 2020 - now have photos of both the Gordon Brown and Jock Aitken Specials - both Ford 10 based
and look a bit similar - as well as the photo of Jock's car in the article.
There is also a photo of Jock and Laurie Powell in his Ford B$ V8, all at Seagrove in 1947.
Roger Dowding
05-31-2016, 06:04 AM
The Bardahl series Hill Climbs were run by 8 different Car Clubs in the Auckland Frankton Waikato area over the
" summer " starting in late October and finishing in February.
The 8 Clubs involved were ; in order of events ** a correction ;
Hamilton Car Club, Round 1 Pekanui Rd, Puketotara, near Pirongia 27 October 1979
Northern Sports Car Club, Round 2 Cossey’s Farm, Drury, 04 November 1979.
Auckland Car Club, Round 3, Mclachlan Road, Kaukapakapa, 18 November 1979.
Triumph Sports Car Club, Round 4, West Road Clevedon. 25 November 1979
Pukekohe Car Club, Round 5, Bright Road, Waiuku 09 December 1979
MG Car Club, Round 6, Bald Hill Road, Waiuku 16 December 1979.
Auckland University Car Club, Round 7 Stoney Creek Albany 26 January 1980
Hisbiscus Coast Motorsport Club, Round 8 Bayers Road [ Farm ] nr Silverdale ?? February 1980.
Posted the Round 2 results earlier from NSCC
here is Round 3 run by Auckland Car Club, some well known names appear, this was a well supported round.
The 1301 - 1600 class appears twice [ bad editing - the pages were foolscap not A4 ]..
Also have the MG Car Club round 6 and the Hibiscus Coast MC round, unsure of the date of that as no details on the sheet ..
Roger Dowding
06-01-2016, 03:02 AM
More results HCMC and MG rounds, the MG one is hard to read, my copy is covered in coffee stains, No not red wine or beer, Coffee I am sure.
HCMC this was on a very large sheet so copied in two parts that over lap. Skip from Ken Booker, just below my name to Marty Finch
I figure it is the HCMC round as the number of competitors entered, there were always many more runner from the host club, I think some guys only did their own club events..
I think HCMC's was at Bayers Farm or Bayers Road, have found it on the map and seems the right place.
MG Car Club Bald Hill - scene of the TR photo slideways.
Roger Dowding
06-01-2016, 03:07 AM
I may be confused with the AUCC, Auckland University, and HCMC Hibiscus Coast Clubs events,
Can anyone help, Have a feeling as mentioned that the AUCC was near Pareremoremo Prison near Albany, and HCMC was Bayers or Bayes Road nearer to Waiwera / Puhoi.
BMC BOY took a photo of the TR at Bayers, but it doesn't help with the location, Back to Google Maps I guess.
Kevin Hirst
06-01-2016, 07:50 PM
The Bardahl series Hill Climbs were run by 8 different Car Clubs in the Auckland Frankton Waikato area over the
" summer " starting in late October and finishing in February.
The 8 Clubs involved were ;
Auckland Car Club, Mclachlan Road, Kaukapakapa Round 3, 18/11/1979.
Auckland University Car Club, Bayers Farm ? near Paremoremo Prison, Albany ?
Hamilton Car Club, Hamilton Round 1 ? October 1979 ?
Hisbiscus Coast Motorsport Club, near Silverdale Jan 1980 ?
MG Car Club, Bald Hill Round, Waiuku Round 6, Jan 1980.
Northern Sports Car Club, Cossey’s Farm, Drury Round 2, 4/11/1979.
Pukekohe Car Club, Bright Road, Waiuku
Triumph Car Club, West Road Clevedon.
Posted the Round 2 results earlier from NSCC
here is Round 3 run by Auckland Car Club, some well known names appear, this was a well support
The 1301 - 1600 class appears twice [ bad editing - the pages were foolscap not A4 ]..
Also have the MG Car Club round 6 and the Hibiscus Coast MC round, unsure of the date of that as no details on the sheet ..
Howard Collier, semi retired here in mangawhai selling beatifull pieces of his land that he purchased many years ago
John McKechnie
06-01-2016, 08:18 PM
Is Andy Mercers Marina V8 any relation to Graeme Parks same beast ?
Roger Dowding
06-01-2016, 08:37 PM
Howard Collier, semi retired here in mangawhai selling beatifull pieces of his land that he purchased many years ago
Kevin, remember Howard and the Escort with a straight cut and very noisy gearbox, was known as " Captain Howdy " at the time
Roger Dowding
06-01-2016, 08:41 PM
Is Andy Mercers Marina V8 any relation to Graeme Parks same beast ?
John, I am unsure I do know that one of the Marina V8's was rolled at the Bright Road Hill Climb during this series, unsure if ever rebuilt and also remember a comment that one had been taken back to the 4 cylinder engine and restored, could be the same car, I am unsure and too far away these days to find out. John Windleburn also ran a Pontiac or similar at the PCC Bright Road event, it had been burn't out, arrived with no roof a bench seat [ from memory ] and a big roll hoop. passed scrutineering OK, and was loud.
bob homewood
06-02-2016, 12:21 AM
Just a mention that probably belongs in this thread ,Bevan Cossey of the Cosseys Farm Hillclimb connection ,passed away a couple of days ago ,sadly another long time friend gone miles before his time
Roger Dowding
06-15-2016, 02:10 AM
Just a mention that probably belongs in this thread ,Bevan Cossey of the Cosseys Farm Hillclimb connection ,passed away a couple of days ago ,sadly another long time friend gone miles before his time
Bob, thank you for the news, NSCC had a lot of events at Cosseys, including an afternoon event, that finished with a BBQ at the top of the Hill after, the Club was very lucky to get to use it all those years ago, 1967 onwards..
Roger Dowding
06-15-2016, 02:13 AM
This is from one of the yearbooks about NZ Motor Racing. from 1964 and then the GP in 1973, both NSCC and ACC helped to support the NZIGP with Marshalls, flag and crowd control.
John McKechnie
06-15-2016, 02:35 AM
Great to see the V8 Daimlers being called Darts...thats the name I always knew them by.
Especially after driving an anaemic 6 cylinder convertible Dodge Dart around Bribie Island and Brisbane 1994
(not enough power to pull the skin off a rice pudding )
Roger Dowding
07-07-2016, 02:12 AM
Allan, I remember another incident at the club circuit for the quickfire meeting that was run and televised around 1970.
A Triumph 2000 or 2500 broke a halfshaft coming past the stables on the right hand bend the halfshaft and wheel left the car and speared down the track. the errant part hit / was hit by a Mini in the front and looked like this afterwards [ no pic of the Triumph but here is the Mini ].
Hand drawn plan of the club circuit - from the NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 Regulations and Route Book.
The Mike ..... ?? mentioned above was a good mate of Wayne McMath, who also ran a Cooper 'S' in various meetings in the 1970's, he was quite a quick peddler, lived in Herne bay for a time, and was I think a member of both NSCC and ACC .. as were many guys ' back in the day ', made it easy to enter lots of closed club events.
Trevor Sheffield
07-07-2016, 05:33 AM
The Mike ..... ?? mentioned above was a good mate of Wayne McMath, who also ran a Cooper 'S' in various meetings in the 1970's, he was quite a quick peddler, lived in Herne bay for a time, and was I think a member of both NSCC and ACC .. as were many guys ' back in the day ', made it easy to lots of closed club events.
"Back in the day", when motor racing constituted a true sport, most of those from the Auckland area competing, belonged to both clubs and many also to Pukekohe CC for good measure. Even without a cheque book, one could then compete on most weekends. Club fees were not too expensive in spite of the governing body even then being greedy. LOL
Roger Dowding
07-17-2016, 12:08 AM
A couple of newpaper pages - an article on NSCC races at Western Springs, seqnmac27 Sean posted them on the " Old Speedway Photos " thread, have put them here as the thread is linked to NSCC's facebook page and website.
some well known names.
Remember races at Western Springs as part of a Heatway Rally one year, they ran races between the arrival of the Rally cars for a Special Stage around the track, unsure if the same event
thanks Sean
Finally got my copy of the NZ Classic Driver Magazine from May - June issue 66, with the article about Alan Boyle, stalwart of both NSCC and ACC back in 60's / 70's and later. A good read.
Alan features in this article and also some Club Torque articles from Bob Homewood about the early Hill Climbs at Cossey's Farm, Drury. in 1967.
Here is another well known driver at Cosseys in 1975, Ross Cammick photo.
Rob Wiiliams in " Brutus ", Rob recently competed in his Elva FJ at Hampton Downs, still doing it !!
Roger Dowding
07-17-2016, 11:49 PM
Bob Homewood posted this on Facebook [ another piece of History ].
Written by James Ganley.. must be a relation of Howden and Dennis, surely !!
Note the teams ratings at the bottom, for the relay race, and the range of cars from Austin Seven to Grand Prix cars and of course Specials
J Scurrah in the JBS, which according to Graham Vercoe's book was a rear engined 500 class single seater, not known what engine it is running here. There were a series JBS cars made in the early 1950's some still racing in the mid 1960's in NZ.
another Historic shot from Milan Fistonic, Roy Harrington in an Anglia, Birdwood Road, Massey NSCC Hillclimb, early 1960's [ 1963 ? ].
Roger Dowding
07-19-2016, 12:15 AM
A few pics from an old " autoNews ", 23 March 1970. Posted on the 70's 80's photo thread
This was the NSCC run event, the end of the season nothing of the 1.6 litre National Formula Series but other cars
Dave Silcock's mighty Jaguar MK 2, 3.8 saloon
The grid for the Formula Vee race
Fahey and Coppins battle it out in the wet
Photos by Gavin Evitt, magazine by Allan Dick.
Roger Dowding
07-23-2016, 05:43 AM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries bewteen, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead. Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his girlfrend. amongst the group initially involved were, Phil Seabrook, Alan Pybus, Laurie Powell and others, Ron Roycroft was a member in the late 1940's too !!. Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days / years.
Eddie is still alive and well at 95, and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.
Here are a few to start
NSCC Concours 1947 -
NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949
Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.
As I find more will post them.
Please add to the thread.
The Riley Special, was known as the " Riley - Bugatti " owned for a time by Jack Boot, raced by Ron Roycroft was also known as the " Bugley " believed to have been built originally by A J Roycroft in the 1930's.
I would like more information on the car Please.. PM me or post on the thread as NSCC related
Roger Dowding
07-27-2016, 05:53 AM
A Couple of newspaper articles regarding the Club setting up at Mt Richmond Domain back in 1972.
Don't think I did many of the working bees, but did become one of the barmen after it opened. the said social activities.
Remember they passed a resolution at one meeting that the bar could not open until the Official business was conducted, think that got relaxed over time.. [ not a lot of time .. thirsty work meetings !! ]
Roger Dowding
07-27-2016, 06:00 AM
From Eddie Dowding's collection a photo of one of his several Riley's a Monaco, at Russell, Bay of Islands.
As mentioned Eddie was an early member Club Captain 1944-45 ish and then President 1946-47
Found out where the photos was taken from posting it on Facebook, and what model the car was.
Here is another of Eddie's Rileys a Riley 9, in 1949 ** [ now confirmed as 1945 or 46 ] . posted before - at Helensville the Mud trial
Eddie with his Pipe, other car believed to be Ken Hemus' Singer
Roger Dowding
08-05-2016, 06:09 AM
Rob Williams, the panelbeater in Glen Eden when I first met him, still at school from memory, has had many cars over the years. " Brutus " the K1/2 Allard, apparently had K1 and K2 parts in it, The car I first remember in the late 60's early 70's was the Ford V8 Coupe. i have a couple of photos of the V8, and recently found a great one on Facebook - courtesy Stephen Meares. shows Rob in action at a grass sprint, probably either Tom Grace or Peter Hildreths farms in and around Woodhill West Auckland.
Rob did exhaust work on several of my cars, including my first Mini in 1967, with Agricultural Muffler [ Massy Ferguson Tractor one, - no sales tax as farming equipment ], and later when the Sprite boys in AH Car Club used modified Mini Cooper exhaust manifolds, to replace those cast iron things that came with the cars; cut of the bottom section turn it 90 degrees and sleeve and weld it so suitable for an in line engine;
Robs car in the carpark at Pukekohe in 1966 at an NSCC meeting, my pictures.
I last saw Rob at " The Gables Tavern " in Herne Bay around 2007, with his wife, having dinner with Allan Woolf [ my neighbour in New Lynn in the late 1950's ] and Colleen, and Colin Waite and his wife, three great NSCC competitors, who are still involved in cars and racing.
Rob and " Brutus " shared the NSCC Sports Car Trophy with me in about 1975, when I had an Austin Healey Sprite.
Rob did all the Speed events Hill Climbs and Club Circuit and Grass Sprints, I did Hill Climbs, Grass Sprints and Trials
Roger Dowding
09-01-2016, 06:30 AM
May not be an NSCC event but a few Club members in the field here ; put on my " Pukekohe early pictures " thread but worth being here too !!. Picture from a book published in the early 1970's by reading the notes ..
Here is another NSCC member, a very early one mid late 1940's , Ron Roycroft on a metal hill road near his home in Glen Murray, about 1979. Ross Cammick photos.
and after an oops.. right through the wire fence ..
That is Ron on the left in the red shirt..
the car was Jaguar powered 6, and called the RJR Special .. Trevor Sheffield will know the car
09-01-2016, 08:34 PM
RJR is currently being restored by Peter Benbrook.
Roger Dowding
09-02-2016, 06:32 AM
RJR is currently being restored by Peter Benbrook.
Yes, and Ross Cammick has sent me a photo of it, and one with Peter and Ron from a few years ago.
Must post them here.
Roger Dowding
09-02-2016, 07:02 AM
Oldfart, these are for you and others ; some photos that Ross Cammick sent to me just recently..
Ron Roycroft Peter Benbrook, and Terry Roycroft ** new info
The RJR being rebuilt
The Jaguar engine in the Bugatti ..
Ross understands that Terry Roycroft has the Bugatti engine and also the actual Jaguar engine used in the RJR, the the rebuilt car will have a different Jaguar engine..
09-02-2016, 07:37 AM
Is the blue car to the right of this photo a version of the RJR special?
Milan Fistonic
09-02-2016, 08:48 AM
May not be an NSCC event but a few Club members in the field here ; put on my " Pukekohe early pictures " thread but worth being here too !!. Picture from a book published in the early 1970's by reading the notes ..
That was taken at the Auckland Car Club meeting on April 4 1964.
Motorman used a photo that must have been taken a few seconds before the one posted above.
And the caption appears to be wrong. From this entry list the Zephyr looks like Frank Radisich's number 144.
09-02-2016, 04:19 PM
Oldfart, these are for you and others ; some photos that Ross Cammick sent to me just recently..
Roycroft and Peter Benbrook, unsure of the third person
The RJR being rebuilt
The Jaguar engine in the Bugatti ..
Ross understands that Terry Roycroft has the Bugatti engine and also the actual Jaguar engine used in the RJR, the the rebuilt car will have a different Jaguar engine..
That is correct, at one time the RJR had that engine on site to go in, but it went back to Terry.
John H
09-02-2016, 08:42 PM
That was taken at the Auckland Car Club meeting on April 4 1964.
Motorman used a photo that must have been taken a few seconds before the one posted above.
And the caption appears to be wrong. From this entry list the Zephyr looks like Frank Radisich's number 144.
That's me the last MK 1 Zephyr, paid 400 pounds for it as it was nice and straight and no rust. My main memory from that race my first was the amount of wheel spin and tyre smoke from the guys at the front of the grid and the amount of laughing when the race was over!!. I didn't know about brake fade but quickly learnt as I headed to railway corner full tilt ! just managed to get around there. As I was so young I needed Mums signature to race. She's now 102 and remembers it all. I was planning to race at Ohakea as few weeks later but destroyed the car around the back roads at Maramarua as I was trying out my new set of tyres. I may be wrong but I seem to also remember Amons low line Cooper for sale less motor for 400 pounds some time later. Chrs
John McKechnie
09-02-2016, 09:30 PM
John H- so yours is that light coloured one at the back? a neat number from here
Look like it was a fun grid with road cars, no wonder everyone was having a good laugh at the end.
Using the big track too.
I remember the late David McKinney telling me that at that time, saloon cars were to help fill in the time between real car racing.
The front of Rods Coupe shows it aint a garage queen- front bumper looks very businesslike
Any more pics of that period waiting to be posted?
Trevor Sheffield
09-02-2016, 10:00 PM
John Mc,
Be very sure that the saloon cars "filling in" were racing in the real sense of the word.
The drivers as a result of economy, may have been forced to utilise what was available and this was sometimes the family car. However racing was deadly serious and there were drivers involved who were in fact more skilful than much or the cheque book brigade, Rod included. From a spectators point of view, the races had considerable merit and added a great deal to the meetings of the day. Club days using the large circuit drew substantial crowds and were financially viable in respect of the promoting club.
John H
09-02-2016, 11:03 PM
John Mc,
Be very sure that the saloon cars "filling in" were racing in the real sense of the word.
The drivers as a result of economy, may have been forced to utilise what was available and this was sometimes the family car. However racing was deadly serious and there were drivers involved who were in fact more skilful than much or the cheque book brigade, Rod included. From a spectators point of view, the races had considerable merit and added a great deal to the meetings of the day. Club days using the large circuit drew substantial crowds and were financially viable in respect of the promoting club.
You are right John and Trevor. To see a saloon car on a trailer was regarded as a bit odd. About this time Paul Fahey raced a VW and then a PA Vauxhall. To be fair the old Coupes were not really much of a ‘race car’ just no roll cage etc.. You can now see how the Lotus Cortina were the big thing when they arrived.. .
09-03-2016, 02:35 AM
John McK in 1964 there was only the big track.
John McKechnie
09-03-2016, 04:38 AM
Didnt know that as this was before my time, thanks for the heads-up Allan
John H
09-05-2016, 12:27 AM
Yes John it was a nice little Zephyr. I bought it off a family friend of my parents. It had been their pride and joy for some years. I then got hold of it. Wrecked it within a few months as I have mentioned then bought it back of the insurance company. Put big scoops on the bonnet painted it red lowered it with race stripes 4 exhaust pipes etc.
The aforementioned family friends had a complete meltdown but now it was a real car.
BTW. Bill Stone who was a sales rep of some sort used to call in at my workshop in Maramarua and we would talk racing. He was racing a Cooper at the time, a black one, perhaps it was the ex Rly Levis? Not sure, but I had a photo of him sliding backwards into a marshal barrier going into the hairpin at Puke. That Zephyr was belted around the metal back roads late at night in Maramarua! How I managed to not kill myself!!!
As the Judge told me at the Pukekohe Courthouse..I seemed to have a reputation of being a bit of a speedster around the town! Don’t know how he knew that!!!! I did try and deny that but he looked unconvinced. Chrs
Roger Dowding
10-06-2016, 06:51 AM
That's me the last MK 1 Zephyr, paid 400 pounds for it as it was nice and straight and no rust. My main memory from that race my first was the amount of wheel spin and tyre smoke from the guys at the front of the grid and the amount of laughing when the race was over!!. I didn't know about brake fade but quickly learnt as I headed to railway corner full tilt ! just managed to get around there. As I was so young I needed Mums signature to race. She's now 102 and remembers it all. I was planning to race at Ohakea as few weeks later but destroyed the car around the back roads at Maramarua as I was trying out my new set of tyres. I may be wrong but I seem to also remember Amons low line Cooper for sale less motor for 400 pounds some time later. Chrs
Great memories, and could be part of a memoir, your Mum still around at 102, amazing, I think my Uncle Eddie at 97 on the 14th of October is going well, cheers !!
Roger Dowding
10-06-2016, 07:01 AM
all cars in New Zealand, including Racing Cars had to have a number plate, remember seeing them inside saloons on the floor and elsewhere ;.. a series of the plates over the last Century or so .. part of motoring heritage in NZ..
then there were different plates for vehicles other than cars, Govt, Taxi, Heavy Vehicles, Buses etc, and even motorcycles.
I got these images from Richard Armstrong the first three [ Car plates ] and Dave Howell for the " Other " number plates. no doubt from an Archive.. Don't know who the Graham is but he buys them ..
Roger Dowding
11-13-2016, 09:36 PM
Ralph was a member of Northern Sports Car Club in the 1950's when he built the car and a regular competitor at NSCC and other Clubs events, including Auckland Car Club, Hamilton Car Club, Taumaranui Car Club, as well as competing at the NZ International Grand Prix, the Lady Wigram Trophy races, NZ Drivers Championship events at Ryal Bush, Mairehau Road Races and elsewhere.
In 1985, Ralph wrote an article for the Sports Car Club of New Zealand covering his various cars the BSA Special, cars he worked on, like some of Ron Roycroft's - the Bugatti Jaguar, Alfa P3, Ferrari's and his own car ;The Lycoming Special. the article was published in the SCCNZ's Special Edition Magazine called Sports Car Talk .. this is an extract from the 1986 Special Edition..
Jim Clark driving the car at Teretonga
The car just completed with Ralph and Warren Parkinson
The Competition Record from late 1956 to 1968 .. the first few years
Ralph Watson at the 1958 Grand Prix
more to come, the rest of the history and some more photos - the above all from the SCCNZ article, the book was given to me by Ross Hollings, along the the first and third edition of the SCCNZ Special Editions, the 1984 and the 1989 ones.
Have just previewed the attachments and realise these are the uncropped ones so have parts of the article with the photos .. must try harder in the next segment ..
Roger Dowding
11-13-2016, 09:55 PM
The Specifications and Competition Record have reposted the first part as cut out some of the early events..
here is the correct sequence ;
The Specifications
I saw the car at the Hamilton Car Club grass track races at Waharoa on 11th March 1967, had just bought my first car a 1960 Mini [ Austin Seven ], had seen the Lycoming at previous events at Pukekohe in 1965 and 1966 and at the 1967 Grand Prix meeting. Have a couple of photo's from 1966.
As has been mentioned on " The Roaring Season " Trevor Sheffield wrote a great history of Ralph, entitle " Ralph Watson Special Engineer " Trevor being a long time member of NSCC, and mate of many of the great Racing Car guys of the 50's and 60's, a quick driver himself, in cars ranging from a Singer to a Daimler SP250 [ Dart ] ..
Here is Jim Boyd competing in a Hill Climb; note the narrow wheels compared to the Jim Clark photo but the wider guards to accommodate those widened wheels with the strengthening straps ..
Trevor Sheffield
11-15-2016, 05:12 AM
Roger Dowding
11-15-2016, 07:40 AM
Thanks Trevor for reposting that I have it as a favourite on my Laptop refer to it often . Roger
Roger Dowding
11-29-2016, 06:52 AM
Ivy Stephenson in her Buckler - Climax, that was later owned by Bruce Sutcliffe - a very well known car and driver.
photo provided by Richard Armstrong
George Sheweiry
12-06-2016, 03:21 AM
I think this was a combined club circuit ACC/NSCC event my first season racing. I was about 17 years old and had not long purchased the ex Francevic Falcon. My first GT is the XT parked next to me with a cover over it. I was a long haired Yetti in those days.39731
Roger Dowding
12-29-2016, 04:53 AM
Rallying in NZ acutally started out with events like this. This is Dad in a rally Imp. I think Andrew Cowan helped Dad, and sent him specs to convert it to front radiator trim.
My first impressions of rallying was Dad taking me as navigator in the Rally of the Pines in a LC XU1. I was only young and still at school, awhile away from getting my drivers licence.( I might have been about 13- 14). I remember thinking Sh*t!!!, how was he able to drive the thing sooooo fast, he had it all sideways through the pine needle covered forestry tracks.I may have thought Fark, if i even knew that word then.
Dad also took me as navigator in a Woodhill rally in a LJ 72 XU1 he raced on the circuits. We made the front page of the Auckland Star. What I remember about that was John Woolf was navigating for his Dad Allan. We were together on the road and we both wrong slotted a turn point. We came flying over a rise to find them stopped at a gate, jumping out of the car because they knew we were coming.........................interesting, Dad got it all stopped in time however.
This is the Imp, mentioned at the start of the comment - thanks to Steve Emson . comment is as written ..
Milan Fistonic
04-14-2017, 04:13 AM
These are from the NSCC magazine Club Torque dated September, October and November 1962.
Roger Dowding
04-20-2017, 02:40 AM
These are from the NSCC magazine Club Torque dated September, October and November 1962.
Milan, thank you for that, a great read, the J Boot [ my late Uncle - never met him as died before I was born ] was of course Jack Boot who had the Roycroft Bugley " Bugatti / Riley or Riley Bugatti " depending on which is first chassis or engine, and the E Dowding is my Uncle Ed [ Eddie Dowding NSCC Club Captain and later President in 1945/46,] saw him on Good Friday, still with us at 97, in fact am using his car at the moment. Alan Pybus mentioned in the story was a great mate of Ed and family, I knew him also.
I wonder if they ever found the Minute Book or Club Captain's book, I hope so.
Milan I would like to copy / save these pages and show them to Ed in the coming weeks.
Trevor Sheffield
04-21-2017, 03:20 AM
Milan, thank you for that, a great read, the J Boot [ my late Uncle - never met him as died before I was born ] was of course Jack Boot who had the Roycroft Bugley " Bugatti / Riley or Riley Bugatti " depending on which is first chassis or engine, and the E Dowding is my Uncle Ed [ Eddie Dowding NSCC Club Captain and later President in 1945/46,] saw him on Good Friday, still with us at 97, in fact am using his car at the moment. Alan Pybus mentioned in the story was a great mate of Ed and family, I knew him also.
I wonder if yhey ever found the Minute Book or Club Captain's book, I hope so.
Milan I would like to copy / save these pages and show them to Ed in the coming weeks.
Certainly some very interesting and valuable history.
The listed C. Hodge (Cecil Ces.), was a close friend of Ralph Watson and along with Ralph was early on the owner of a Singer Le Mans. A genuine sports car enthusiast who I remember well. He was involved with the racing of the Roycroft cars as well as the Lycoming Special and on occasion headed the pit crew. He is mentioned within my book in connection with the racing of the Lycoming Special. —-
Milan Fistonic
04-21-2017, 09:07 AM
Some more ancient history from the NSCC's Club Torque - February, July and October 1963.
Roger Dowding
04-21-2017, 08:01 PM
Some more ancient history from the NSCC's Club Torque - February, July and October 1963.
Milan, thank you again this is brilliant, would like to know who " Gremlin " was - maybe Trevor Sheffield may know.
again will copy the articles and keep.
Roger Dowding
05-05-2017, 03:41 AM
John's car has featured in a photo at Pukekohe for the Autumn Auckland Car Club meeting in 1964.
Here are a couple of John's photos of his car a Hillclimb in 1965, and at rest - had a repaint as the top is now dark !!
John now has a much newer car, A Falcon that has been rebuilt and was recently at Hampton Downs for a Classic meeting
Roger Dowding
06-12-2017, 03:02 AM
Tomorrow the 14th of June will be the 75th Wedding Anniversary of Eddie and Una Dowding, and a small group of family will visit them for a cup of tea and cake and of course a chat.. maybe not much about NSCC, it is interesting to note that not only did the club start during the war, but Eddie an early Club Captain and then President, was married also during the War.
posted before, here are Ed and Una in their Riley Nine, next to Ken Hemus' and a mate in Ken's Singer, at the NSCC Winter [ mud ] Trial in 1949, other cars in the line up appeared in the Scott Thomson Book " Up to Speed " the Ron Roycroft story.
and Ed and Una pushing the Morris 8 tourer at Mackies Rest, Waitakere Ranges in around 1946, again the NSCC Winter Trial, which became known as the Jack Boot Memorial trial,Jack was Ed's brother in law.
Roger Dowding
06-25-2017, 04:44 AM
The Riley Bugatti [ Bugley ] at Huntly in 1945 - Ron Roycroft driving Photo from Website
Jack Boot sitting in the car at Huntly -my note says 1940's could be the same meeting.
It was mentioned to me by Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding my Uncle and Jack Boot's brother - in law that the car was not successful, it was modified and improved and has quite a history.
It is mentioned in Scott Thomson's Roycroft Biography " Up to Speed " and in Graham Vercoe's NZ Motor Racings Histories ..
Photo from Ed Dowding Collection, I have an Original Print.
Roger Dowding
07-07-2017, 04:17 AM
Great Photo provided by Mungo Lloyd to NZ Rallying History.
believed to be Dave Bristow in his Holden 308 V8 powered Escort, event unsure if just a Hill Climb or part of a bigger event, like an Invitation Club Rally.
Michael Clark, would that be close to your front door ??
Michael Clark
07-07-2017, 08:35 AM
Bloody close!
Roger Dowding
07-28-2017, 02:04 AM
Rex Rattenbury has posted a few photos of various cars at Cossey's Farm the NSCC Hill Climb venue from early 1967 until the mid 1980's ?? [ unsure when the last event was ]
Here are a few shots - going through the gateway before the big sweep to the finish ..
Mini Clubman - unsure who ??
Rex in his Escort
BMW Paul Adams ..
VW Buggy Kevin MacNamara..
and posted again, when it all began
John McKechnie
07-28-2017, 02:37 AM
There is a rally Escort that belonged to one of the Cossey family that has been saved and being resurrected at Takanini
Could the Mini Clubman GT be Peter Levet, most of us were still running Cooper S , but he was very modern
07-28-2017, 02:57 AM
I see that is an Aussie Clubman GT.
Roger Dowding
07-31-2017, 05:07 AM
Posted before but have found out a little more -
- where the Hamilton Car Club event was
and have placed the known rounds 1, 2 , 3 and 6, as have the results,
I am sure Triumph Car Club Round was the last.
I broke the oil pipe from the filter to the oil pressure gauge and finished up with a pint or two of oil in the passenger footwell. Russ Abbott,from Empire Motors had the pipe blocked off so I could continue to run without the gauge working.
The car would have been in his workshop on Monday for the repair !!
The Bardahl series Hill Climbs were run by 8 different Car Clubs in the Auckland Frankton Waikato area over the
" summer " starting in late October and finishing in February.
The 8 Clubs involved were ;
have placed them in order as best I remember and then corrected from Milan's information ;
Hamilton Car Club, Hamilton Round 1 Pekanui Rd, Puketotara, near Pirongia 27 October 1979 ?
Northern Sports Car Club, Cossey’s Farm, Drury Round 2, 4/11/1979.
Auckland Car Club, Mclachlan Road, Kaukapakapa Round 3, 18/11/1979.
Triumph Sports Car Club, West Road Clevedon. Nov 1979
Pukekohe Car Club, Bright Road, Waiuku Dec 1979
MG Car Club, Bald Hill Round, Waiuku Round 6, Dec 1979.
Auckland University Car Club, Stoney Creek near Paremoremo Prison, Albany ? Jan 1980
Hisbiscus Coast Motorsport Club, Bayers Farm near Silverdale Jan 1980
Milan Fistonic
07-31-2017, 08:24 AM
Posted before but have found out a little more -
- where the Hamilton Car Club event was
and have placed the known rounds 1, 2 , 3 and 6, as have the results,
I am sure Triumph Car Club Round was the last.
I broke the oil pipe from the filter to the oil pressure guage and finished up with a pint or two of oil in the passenger footwell. Russ Abbott,from Empire Motors had the pipe blocked off so I could continue to run without the guage working.
The car would have been in his workshop on Monday for the repair !!
The Bardahl series Hill Climbs were run by 8 different Car Clubs in the Auckland Frankton Waikato area over the
" summer " starting in late October and finishing in February.
The 8 Clubs involved were ;
have placed them in order as best I remember ;
Hamilton Car Club, Hamilton Round 1 Pukeowhare Rd October 1979 ?
Northern Sports Car Club, Cossey’s Farm, Drury Round 2, 4/11/1979.
Auckland Car Club, Mclachlan Road, Kaukapakapa Round 3, 18/11/1979.
Auckland University Car Club, Bayers Farm ? near Paremoremo Prison, Albany ?
Hisbiscus Coast Motorsport Club, near Silverdale Jan 1980 ?
MG Car Club, Bald Hill Round, Waiuku Round 6, Jan 1980.
Pukekohe Car Club, Bright Road, Waiuku
Triumph Car Club, West Road Clevedon.
These are the dates and venues as advertised in the ACC Bulletins.
Round 1 - Oct 27 1979 - Hamilton CC - Pekanui Road
Round 2 - Nov 4 1979 - NSCC - Cossey's Farm
Round 3 - Nov 18 1979 - Auckland CC _ McLachlan's Road
Round 4 - Nov 25 1979 - Triumph Sports CC - West Road
Round 5 - Dec 9 1979 - Pukekohe CC - Bright Road
Round 6 - Dec 16 1979 - MGCC - Baldhill Road
Round 7 - Jan 26 1980 - AUCC - Stoney Creek
Round 8 - Feb ? 1980 - HCMC - Bayer's Farm.
Milan Fistonic
07-31-2017, 08:33 AM
These are the results from the 1979-80 Bardahl Series.
Roger Dowding
08-01-2017, 05:08 AM
These are the results from the 1979-80 Bardahl Series.
Milan, fantastic, thanks for that, I didn't even make 6th in class - 1601 - 2500 in the 2138cc TR4A, against all those Escorts and the odd Mazda Rotary .. I can now put some of my notes in order.. comment about TCC being the last round oops !!
There was some mention that the Hamilton Car Club round was at / near Pirongia, must now Google the Road Names in the area, and am going to be in Pirongia this weekend, so maybe drive the road[s] ..
Milan Fistonic
08-01-2017, 08:38 AM
Pekanui Road was used a number of times as part of a stage in Rally NZ. It starts at the cross-roads up on Mount Pirongia and goes through to Ngutunui.
This photo shows Mikael Ericsson at the start of Pekanui Road. He has just come through the intersection from Okupata Road while the road on the left is Pirongia West No 2 Road. Pirongia West No 1 Road is on the right.
Roger Dowding
08-09-2017, 01:16 AM
Pekanui Road was used a number of times as part of a stage in Rally NZ. It starts at the cross-roads up on Mount Pirongia and goes through to Ngutunui.
This photo shows Mikael Ericsson at the start of Pekanui Road. He has just come through the intersection from Okupata Road while the road on the left is Pirongia West No 2 Road. Pirongia West No 1 Road is on the right.
Great photo Milan, the road is now sealed up to that intersection,I dove up there on Saturday, the three Roads Pirongia West, Okupata, and the extension of Pekanui are still metal.
Top of the Road the signs where Milan's photo was taken
Bottom of the Road - intersection with Ngutunui Road
The Esses, think this was the first corner on the 1979 HillClimb
Roger Dowding
09-04-2017, 12:45 AM
Milan Fistonic has posted an article that appeared in the " Auckland University Car Club " magazine - written by Allan Grout. there is a comment that it was called a Sporting Trial, as clubs were testing the Rally Rules. I do remember Rod Peat suggesting that I enter in my 850cc standard Mini, as Roll Cages and Full Harness seat belts were not yet required. I didn't enter but went to help as a Marshall, which meant you did get to drive on some of the roads.
Thanks Milan for the post, I thought it is appropriate here :
Trevor Sheffield
09-05-2017, 12:34 AM
As I recall a member of the Cossey family owned a very worthwhile replica/special Brooklands Riley and later a C type Jaguar or the like. Does anyone know anything of these cars?
Milan Fistonic
09-11-2017, 08:19 AM
A report on a NSCC race meeting at Seagrove in early 1948.
Roger Dowding
09-11-2017, 07:13 PM
Milan, Thanks again will add to my archives
Trevor Sheffield
09-12-2017, 12:28 AM
I retained all of the Northern Sports Car club monthly news bulletins “Club Torque” which I had received over a lengthy period and later passed these on to the club at their club rooms. The late Jim Lockley also had a full set as Lockley Offset Printing produced the publication. There must also have been others in existence.
At this point in time it would be very worthwhile to assemble and archive a full set and this site could help in locating same. Is this something you could head up?
Roger Dowding
09-12-2017, 03:23 AM
Rod Peat told me that the magazines are there. at some stage I am going to the club to find some information.
Indeed it would be good to get them into order and scanned I could be interested in doing it,
It would keep me out of mischief.. may not get full support from " Her Indoors " though.
Milan Fistonic
10-18-2017, 12:23 AM
A report from March 1956 of a NSCC Hillclimb at Wairamarama.
Roger Dowding
10-18-2017, 01:44 AM
A report from March 1956 of a NSCC Hillclimb at Wairamarama.
Love your work Milan, see the great Lawrie Powell is featured, and I wonder what the BSA Special of M Roberts is, in the 751 - 1100 cc as a friend of mine had a Ford powered BSA Special, which has featured before, it had a Ford 8 or 10 motor which may have been 1172 or 988, previously it had a four cylinder BSA car motor of around 930 cc.. was based on a BSA Scout four wheel car I have been seen a couple more photos of the car. Taken at a Sprint meeting at Pukekohe.
There is a GB Special in the results driven by I Buchanan,is it the Gordon Brown GBS ??
Milan Fistonic
10-18-2017, 04:10 AM
There is a GB Special in the results driven by I Buchanan,is it the Gordon Brown GBS ??
I believe so.
khyndart in CA
10-18-2017, 04:38 AM
Would the D.Caldwell in the Allfa Romeo be related to Bill and Alastair Caldwell ?
I saw this that Alastair had written about his High School third form class which was I think, in Hamilton.
Can you imagine having a class like this !
Besides Alastair Caldwell there was;
" John Muller who became Chief Mechanic of Brabhams and worked at McLaren;
Graham Lawrence who became a Formula 2 driver over in Europe and New Zealand Gold Star Champion;
Howden Ganley who became a Grand Prix driver;
Jimmy Palmer who became New Zealand Gold Star Champion;
Robbie Francevic who became a New Zealand Saloon Car Champion;
Pete Kerr who became Chief Mechanic at March, and then Jackie Oliver’s outfit;
Steve Millen, who became a professional racing driver in America and Australia.
From this one school in one little town we had these guys who influenced motor sport all over the world."
(Ken H)
10-18-2017, 07:13 AM
Would the D.Caldwell in the Allfa Romeo be related to Bill and Alistair Caldwell ?
I saw this that Alistair had written about his High School third form class that was I think in Hamilton.
Can you imagine having a class like this !
" John Muller who became Chief Mechanic of Brabhams and worked at McLaren;
Graham Lawrence who became a Formula 2 driver over in Europe and New Zealand Gold Star Champion;
Howden Ganley who became a Grand Prix driver;
Jimmy Palmer who became New Zealand Gold Star Champion;
Robbie Francevic who became a New Zealand Saloon Car Champion;
Pete Kerr who became Chief Mechanic at March, and then Jackie Oliver’s outfit;
Steve Millen, who became a professional racing driver in America and Australia.
From this one school in one little town we had these guys who influenced motor sport all over the world."
(Ken H)
Weren't you in that same class Ken ?
John McKechnie
10-18-2017, 07:24 AM
Must have been a special batch of the free school milk
10-18-2017, 03:27 PM
There is a GB Special in the results driven by I Buchanan,is it the Gordon Brown GBS ??
I believe so.
I wonder! I owned a car which was also called a GB Special, built by a chap in the Gisborne area it looked very much like an MG TF. It had BMC B series engine and gearbox, chassis believed to be Singer. I sold it less engine and gearbox in 1968 in the Hamilton area, and never been able to find it again. I think Gordon still had his GBS in March 56.
10-20-2017, 08:26 AM
Would the D.Caldwell in the Allfa Romeo be related to Bill and Alastair Caldwell ?
I saw this that Alastair had written about his High School third form class which was I think, in Hamilton.
Can you imagine having a class like this !
Besides Alastair Caldwell there was;
" John Muller who became Chief Mechanic of Brabhams and worked at McLaren;
Graham Lawrence who became a Formula 2 driver over in Europe and New Zealand Gold Star Champion;
Howden Ganley who became a Grand Prix driver;
Jimmy Palmer who became New Zealand Gold Star Champion;
Robbie Francevic who became a New Zealand Saloon Car Champion;
Pete Kerr who became Chief Mechanic at March, and then Jackie OliverÂ’s outfit;
Steve Millen, who became a professional racing driver in America and Australia.
From this one school in one little town we had these guys who influenced motor sport all over the world."
(Ken H)
I believe Dave Caldwell came from Glen Murray, as did Ron Roycroft and Johnny Mansel - Wairamarama is just down the road. No relation to Alastair or Bill, but Alastair might be able to invent one.
Robbie Fran(i)cevic I understand was educated at St Paul's College, Grey Lynn, lived nearby at Surrey Crescent.
Steve Millen was born in 1953, on Auckland's North Shore. This was about when Palmer, Ganley, Lawrence might have been third-formers at Hamilton Boys High - don't know about the others. If this was a detective story, someone might be asking, at this point, if the defendant might like to reconsider any parts of his statement.
Your quote is from an article by Simon Taylor in 'Motor Sport' Magazine of December 2014, and on the cover there is a comment "I cleaned up at McLaren... then invented ground effects! .. p90." Not sure they believed it either.
khyndart in CA
10-20-2017, 07:50 PM
Perhaps I should have done my homework on that A.Caldwell quote which I found at this site;
Thanks for keeping us honest here at TRS.
But honestly my sister did go to primary school with "Spinner" Spencer Black at Kiwitahi many many years ago.
(Ken H)
Trevor Sheffield
10-21-2017, 01:25 AM
I believe Dave Caldwell came from Glen Murray, as did Ron Roycroft and Johnny Mansel - Wairamarama is just down the road. No relation to Alastair or Bill, but Alastair might be able to invent one.
Spot on and an exactly correct belief. I also had noticed the error. LOL
Michael Clark
10-21-2017, 10:03 AM
Stu is also spot on as regards the dubious memory of AC
10-22-2017, 04:03 AM
I'm embarrassed by the kind words - if I'm trying to pick holes in Caldwell's story, I'd better be accurate myself. From about 2009 to 2012 I swapped a large number of emails with the late David McKinney, and our David was very hot on any inaccuracies, so I quickly learned to check all the facts. Sorry if I came over as a bit schoolmasterly, Khyndart - not intentional!
I have just re-read the "Motor Sport" article and the last sentence sum it up very well. Simon Taylor quotes Caldwell as saying "But first of all you need bullshit".
Also looked at Caldwell's website - above applies to it too.
With reference to AC, you might want to read Tom Rubython's book 'Shunt'. It might fill in one or two gaps.
Rod Grimwood
10-23-2017, 07:55 AM
Millens North Shore/ Murrays Bay.
Roger Dowding
10-28-2017, 03:04 AM
Had a look at Carjam today and the 1967 Triumph TR4A IRS with NZ Registration DF4958 is still there, also rediscovered that I bought the car on 9/11/1978 with mileage 68735 miles, sold it on 15/04/1985 with mileage of 85750, quite a few of them racing / competition miles.
Latest Wof showing is 23/07/2011 with 32662 on the speedometer -,seems it may have had a metric unit fitted in 1996
Now have a bit more of its history, but no names of other owners etc, because of our wonderful " Privacy Act ".
I bought it through Russ Abbott of Empire Motors at the time and sold it to Charles Matschek in 1985,to help finance a house purchase.
The Car was used in Competition under different Car Clubs depending on the type of meeting.
Northern Sports Car Club,
Triumph ( Sports ) Car Club Auckland,
NZ Triumph TR Register
and the ;
Austin - Healey Car Club of New Zealand.
Roger Dowding
02-09-2018, 03:52 AM
Ken published this on his new thread, so I borrowed them.
part of the programme for the February 1966 meeting
The AllComers over 1600cc entry list,they allowed under 1600 cc cars to enter but no points or prize money,and only 3 laps, but would be on the " Full circuit " which included the loop. 2.2 miles. - the 1.75 mile track came in 1967
Thanks Ken H.. any more pages available ??
Roger Dowding
05-03-2018, 01:09 AM
Sad to report that my Uncle Ed [ Eddie ]Dowding passed away last night aged 98 years and six months - after a short illness.
He, along with my father, were the reason I joined a Car Club and specifically NSCC back in February 1967 when I purchased my first car a 1960 Mini for Five Hundred Pounds.
Eddie was still enjoying reading about Cars and I would take him my " Classic Car " magazines to read.
Here is Eddie and His wife Una in their Riley - Una who is 98 is still with us.
The other Car Ken Hemus and mate with Ken's Singer.
Photo taken at Helensville - the NSCC Winter Trial I think the 1947 event, if the scene looks familiar, there is a picture of Eddie's friend and fellow NSCC member and motorist Ron Roycroft in the Scott Thomson book " Up to Speed ". Page 83 with Ron also in a Riley.
Ed and his good mate Kip [ Ted ] with my fathers Dog Kim, photo by Mac my Dad around 1939
Both photos provided by Ed and in my archives.
Ed was an early member, then Club Captain of NSCC and later its President in 1945-46.
Milan Fistonic
05-03-2018, 03:06 AM
Sorry to read about you Uncle's passing.
This is a brief report on the NSCC's 1947 Winter Trial from Modern Motoring.
Roger Dowding
05-03-2018, 04:27 AM
Bob Homewood posted this on Facebook [ another piece of History ].
Written by James Ganley.. must be a relation of Howden and Dennis, surely !!
Note the teams ratings at the bottom, for the relay race, and the range of cars from Austin Seven to Grand Prix cars and of course Specials
J Scurrah in the JBS, which according to Graham Vercoe's book was a rear engined 500 class single seater, not known what engine it is running here. There were a series JBS cars made in the early 1950's some still racing in the mid 1960's in NZ.
another Historic shot from Milan Fistonic, Roy Harrington in an Anglia, Birdwood Road, Massey NSCC Hillclimb, early 1960's [ 1963 ? ].
Just re-reading my story on this part of the thread, Jim Ganley was Howden and Dennis Ganley's father, Denise Ganley Dennis's daughter often mentions Uncle Howden and Grandfather Jim / James. Jim had a bad hand, but was still a quick driver.
khyndart in CA
05-03-2018, 08:12 PM
Sorry to hear of your uncle's passing.
I can imagine he was fun to be with and had a good sense of humour like you.
With kindest regards,
Ken H
Roger Dowding
05-04-2018, 04:34 AM
Sorry to hear of your uncle's passing.
I can imagine he was fun to be with and had a good sense of humour like you.
With kindest regards,
Ken H
Thanks Ken,
He was a motoring enthusiast since the 1930's and still interested, I would visit him in the rest home with another Car magazine " Classic " type and he would sit and read, to the extent that his lovely wife Una would say " Ed, we've got visitors ", I always said it is OK they can keep as the article are about old cars, so wouldn't even be a recent magazine. he loved them.
Recently I was in touch with the family that bought his very special SD1 Rover a Vitesse Van den Plas with Walkinshaw modifications, one of only two in NZ, Told Ed and he was pleased to know the car was still around - Ed sold it in the mid 1990's.
This car ; here with a P4 owned by the same family
Roger Dowding
05-07-2018, 03:59 AM
A couple of cars that Ed either owned or were his mates so he travelled in them, they did a lot of touring back in those days.
This one the 1930 Austin Seven which Ed and my Dad Mac modified with the raked windscreen, cut down doors [ like an MG ] and a modified exhaust, straight through pipe with small copper tubes inserted, apparently made a lovely sound.
Here at Mt Messenger, picture by the other guy in the second Car Unsure who the person on the left is, could be Win Bristow who did those sketches at Ardmore GP in 1954/56.
My Dad Mac [ 1917 - 1999 ] in the middle and Ed [ 1919 - 2018 ] on the right, both with Pipes.
With some mates in Russell in 1941 ; His Mates car - Ed in the middle - A Lea-Francis !!
See note below from Trevor Sheffield - A Fiat 509
Photo's from Ed Dowding archives, courtesy his son [my cousin ] John Dowding.
Trevor Sheffield
05-07-2018, 08:08 AM
Roger, I think that the car looks like a Fiat 509 rather than a Lea-Francis, going by the shape of the radiator and badge also in particular, the alloy covered generator driven from the front of the crank.
P.S. After posting as above I googled regarding the Le-Francis and am convinced that I am correct. My first car was a special which I built based on a Fiat 509, so that I know the car well.
[QUOTE With some mates in Russell in 1941 ; His Mates car - Ed in the middle - A Lea-Francis !! [/QUOTE]
Roger Dowding
05-08-2018, 03:56 AM
Roger, I think that the car looks like a Fiat 509 rather than a Lea-Francis, going by the shape of the radiator and badge also in particular, the alloy covered generator driven from the front of the crank.
P.S. After posting as above I googled regarding the Le-Francis and am convinced that I am correct. My first car was a special which I built based on a Fiat 509, so that I know the car well.
[QUOTE With some mates in Russell in 1941 ; His Mates car - Ed in the middle - A Lea-Francis !! [/QUOTE]
Trevor, thank you for sharing your knowledge ; The car was identified as a Fiat 509 on another forum when I posted the photo, so your confirmation helps. The note about the Alloy Cover, something I had not noticed.
Sadly, cannot ask the Man in the photo, Eddie Dowding. My Cousin Ed's son John was trying to identify the people also.
khyndart in CA
05-08-2018, 05:26 AM
The Fiat 509 was a good looking machine.
Ken H
Roger Dowding
06-27-2018, 01:38 AM
Another Gem from Graham Woods the NSCC Hillclimb of 1956, some great names.
Have established that Wairamarama would be the Wairamarama Onewhero Road, near Glen Murray, home of the Roycrofts back in the day,
- others may no more of the events,
- a bit before my time was only 9 then and still on a trike trolley or scooter, although did have a few Dinky Cars !
Roger Dowding
08-05-2018, 02:55 AM
Reposting some of the information as a new Item has come to light !!
The Programme and Regulations Book - the Cover. It had the Trial Instructions in it as posted before ;
Rod Peat entered an RX3 but not this one - The event was just before Rod and Judy Peat went to the UK.
The Officials
The list of Entrants
Class and overall results
The Final Results and Times
The Trophy presented to Peter Levet - he still has it - photo Milan Fistonic who visited Peter recently
The GT6 and I got 4th in the Trial [ex-wife as navigator ] 8th in the Hillclimb at Cosseys and 9th Overall.
One of the best days Motorsport I ever had, don't think they ever did it again.
Roger Dowding
08-14-2018, 03:15 AM
A introductory Brochure for Northern Sports Car Club - Date not known but has 6 digit phone numbers so guessing 1970's
The Clubrooms are shown [ built in 1972 ] and there is mention of the Benson and Hedges 500 Race
The Club Circuit still in use too !!
Many thanks to Milan Fistonic for this piece of NSCC History;
Will make a correction if date becomes known !!
khyndart in CA
08-16-2018, 06:14 AM
I thought of you when one of the lads brought his dad's TR 4 into Moss Motors, Goleta, CA, today.
That is my BMW wagon in the background with the door open as I rushed to get this taken before the "gawkers" arrived !
Cheers mate.
Ken H
Roger Dowding
08-16-2018, 08:29 PM
I thought of you when one of the lads brought his dad's TR 4 into Moss Motors, Goleta, CA, today.
That is my BMW wagon in the background with the door open as I rushed to get this taken before the "gawkers" arrived !
Cheers mate.
Ken H
Love it Ken H .. my car still has the Rego number but is on the hold list [ see below ]
- you can keep the Registration Number if the car is being rebuilt /restored or suspended for other reasons - not being used etc..
Could find out who owns but costs a bit.
Just waiting to win the Big Lotto, so I can by it back, plus tidy up the MX5 too.. not sure what " Her indoors " will say. Think would need to buy her a big gift too !!. Having three cars would be a bit much. Ask ERC - he has six and I know you have at least two BMW and Mini-Cooper, any more ??
Cheers to you too !!
Roger D
Roger Dowding
09-28-2018, 04:57 AM
Here's a report on a1949 NSCC event won by Gordon Brown in his Special.
Just looking at this report on the 1949 Winter Trial - The " Jack Boot Memorial Trophy " Trial for Northern Sports car Club and noticed an error ??
The first photo is the ** Gordon Brown Ford 10 based Special and not J Aitken, who would be Jock Aitken, mechanic and mate of both Eddie Dowding the former Club Captain and President of NSCC in 1945 -46 and my father Mac Dowding who was the clubs Auditor for a time in the 1950's
Laurie Powell in his Ford B4 with V8 power too in the results.
The article from Milan Fistonic amazing archives
Trevor Sheffield
09-28-2018, 09:37 PM
Just looking at this report on the 1949 Winter Trial - The " Jack Boot Memorial Trophy " Trial for Northern Sports car Club and noticed an error ??
The first photo is the Gordon Brown Ford 10 based Special and not J Aitken, who would be Jock Aitken, mechanic and mate of both Eddie Dowding the former Club Captain and President of NSCC in 1945 -46 and my father Mac Dowding who was the clubs Auditor for a time in the 1950's
Laurie Powell in his Ford B4 with V8 power too in the results.
The article from Milan Fistonic amazing archives
Roger, I am unable to detect any error, please explain..
J Aitken (Jock) was the second NSCC member to build a Ford Ten Special, immediately after Gordon Brown and his car was built to a higher standard of finish but, lacked the two speed Ford T diff fitted to Brown's car which put it at a disadvantage.
As a Mechanic he operated a one man garage in a shed in a quite conspicuous situation on the left side of a right hand bend after coming down Grafton Road from Symonds Street. No longer in existence as a result of the motorway. It was a very tidy workshop in contrast to that operated by George Smith and he was popular with the taxi fraternity. As I recall he went on to build a Ford V8 Special. Like Brown he often drove his Ford Ten Special as a road car for business purposes.
In later years Ron Roycroft used to acquire a Model T Ford special for the event, which he won until the occasion when I beat him driving my AC V8. "The Winter Trial" was a the officially designated title, but all and sundry referred to it as "The Mud Trial".
Roger Dowding
09-28-2018, 10:43 PM
Roger, I am unable to detect any error, please explain..
J Aitken (Jock) was the second NSCC member to build a Ford Ten Special, immediately after Gordon Brown and his car was built to a higher standard of finish but, lacked the two speed Ford T diff fitted to Brown's car which put it at a disadvantage.
As a Mechanic he operated a one man garage in a shed in a quite conspicuous situation on the left side of a right hand bend after coming down Grafton Road from Symonds Street. No longer in existence as a result of the motorway. It was a very tidy workshop in contrast to that operated by George Smith and he was popular with the taxi fraternity. As I recall he went on to build a Ford V8 Special. Like Brown he often drove his Ford Ten Special as a road car for business purposes.
In later years Ron Roycroft used to acquire a Model T Ford special for the event, which he won until the occasion when I beat him driving my AC V8. "The Winter Trial" was a the officially designated title, but all and sundry referred to it as "The Mud Trial".
As mentioned elsewhere Jock serviced my first car in 1967, after being introduced by Mac Dowding - my Dad - at the garage in as you mention " Grafton Road from Symonds Street. No longer in existence as a result of the motorway "
Trevor Sheffield
09-28-2018, 11:25 PM
Trevor, wasn't aware that Jock's car Ford 10 special looked similar to Gordons, my error - will correct - thanks for the information.
As mentioned elsewhere Jock serviced my first car in 1967, after being intorduced by Mac Dowding - my Dad - at the garage in as you mention " Grafton Road from Symonds Street. No longer in existence as a result of the motorway "
Sorry my bad. Did not see the caption to the photos which is incorrect. Jock's car was not the same as Gordon's
Milan Fistonic
10-16-2018, 07:57 AM
The Club Meeting held by the NSCC at Ardmore the week following the NZ Grand Prix.
Milan Fistonic
10-16-2018, 08:39 AM
NSCC Hillclimb at Ostrich Farm Road in October 1960.
Roger Dowding
10-17-2018, 04:53 AM
Milan, your archives are amazing Thank You .. as an aside my Uncle Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding would have been 99 last Sunday RIP Ed Dowding [ 14 October 1917 2nd May 2018 ] - he loved seeing much of your stuff - used to show him the Roaring Season posts or copied some of your post and E-mailed them to him.
Ed was the NSCC President 1945-46 year and had been Club Captain the year before.
The NSCC " Winter Trial " - as Trevor Sheffield has noted was also the Jack Boot Memorial Trophy Trial - Jack was Ed's brother in law .. Trevor is nearly 90 !!
This was the 1949 event and is mentioned in the Scott Thomson biography of Ron Roycroft -" Up to Speed "
Paul B
10-17-2018, 08:02 AM
Great pic Roger, Its great to read the history.
Also agree, Milan always amazes me with what he has and shares with his posts
Milan Fistonic
10-27-2018, 10:52 AM
NSCC meeting at Ardmore - November 1959.
Milan Fistonic
10-30-2018, 04:32 AM
Not sure of the date - could be 1959 or 1960
10-31-2018, 03:34 AM
Not sure of the date - could be 1959 or 1960
I have the same cutting. It was Sunday, December 13 1959, the day after Bruce McLaren won the United States Grand Prix at Sebring. Not really the day after, due to the time difference, only about 7 or 8 hours later.
Brother and I were there - there was also an Auckland Car Club meeting at Ardmore the previous day, but the family car wasn't always available for motor race jaunts, so I missed that one.
Stu Buchanan
10-31-2018, 03:38 AM
[QUOTE=Milan Fistonic;68162]Not sure of the date - could be 1959 or 1960
I have the same cutting. It was Sunday, December 13 1959, the day after Bruce McLaren won the United States Grand Prix at Sebring. Not really the day after, due to the time difference, only about 7 or 8 hours later.
Brother and I were there - there was also an Auckland Car Club meeting at Ardmore the previous day, but family car wasn't always available for motor race trips, so we missed that one.
Stu Buchanan
Roger Dowding
11-05-2018, 04:41 AM
Another piece of NSCC History from Milan Fistonic -[ not sure if posted here already- don't think so !! ]
*** correction see post #196 = my bad Milan..
Article from NZ Herald on the Monday January 18th 1960
Some stalwarts of NSCC there Phil Ornstein, Ken Sager and some of those names became more famous ; I Dawson, A Woolf, D Marwood et al ..
I would imagine that Trevor Sheffield was there, on the day.
Milan Fistonic
11-05-2018, 07:29 AM
NSCC meeting at the Ardmore Club Circuit in 1960
Roger Dowding
11-11-2018, 04:50 AM
Thanks to Milan Fistonic for this piece from the " 8 O'CLOCK " the Saturday night Sports Paper - published by the Auckland Star .. remember my Dad rushing off to get it from the local dairy firstly in Herne Bay - when it was early and when we moved to New Lynn, was well after 8 O'Clock.
Some great names here at an event at Ardmore .. I didn't realise until recently that both ACC and NSCC ran events at Ardmore - that it wasn't just the Grand Prix venue ..
Roger Dowding
11-12-2018, 04:53 AM
More from Milan Fistonic, posted on Old New Zealand Motor Racing - Fb page . I am " borrowing " your stuff again, Thanks
" "
Article from the newspaper 16 January 1960 - could be date of the event.
Too Young to know !! well was 12 and already into Cars in a big way. Looking at and having Dinky Toys, Matchbox Toys.
Did meet Jim Sager, Kens Dad in 1967 at the Edendale School Hall at an NSCC meeting and film evening - well before the Mt Richmond Clubrooms.
11-14-2018, 03:12 AM
Those are rare photos of the Mermaid which Graeme Meekings had!
Roger Dowding
11-29-2018, 04:49 AM
Bob Homewood who competed on the day posted these pages from The Club's magazine " Club Torque ".;
The article and results.
Some pictures ;
a few well known names and cars ;
I has only just joined NSCC in February, when I purchased my first car a 1960 Mini, so unsure if I was there or not.
Reposting these articles and photos from " Club Torque " of the first Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm, Drury with a photo of " Tomato " one of the cars that achieved FTD .. at 1.minute 1.2 [ 61.2 seconds ] see that later on [ later events ] Ross Hollings in Mini-Max did 54 seconds at some stage.
Here is " Tomato " - with Alan Boyle and a few trophies !!.
Trevor Sheffield
11-29-2018, 06:12 AM
Reposting these articles and photos from " Club Torque " of the first Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm, Drury with a photo of " Tomato " one of the cars that achieved FTD .. at 1.minute 1.2 [ 61.2 seconds ] see that later on [ later events ] Ross Hollings in Mini-Max did 54 seconds at some stage.
Here is " Tomato " - with Alan Boyle and a few trophies !!.
The FTD times were in directly proportion to the amount off cow dung on the staring pad (concrete cowshed entrance) and whether it was dry or wet. Comparison between meetings are highly suspect. I recall on one occasion waiting for what appeared to be hours trying to get traction when driving my 1275 Mini Cooper. Shit of a day for FWD. LOL
Roger Dowding
11-29-2018, 08:25 PM
The FTD times were in directly proportion to the amount off cow dung on the staring pad (concrete cowshed entrance) and whether it was dry or wet. Comparison between meetings are highly suspect. I recall on one occasion waiting for what appeared to be hours trying to get traction when driving my 1275 Mini Cooper. Shit of a day for FWD. LOL
Thanks Trevor, remember it well, start uphill, in the Cow Dung then onto the loose metal .. first time for me was in an 850cc Mini in 1971 - next a Mark 3 Sprite '75-76 , then a Triumph GT6 76 - 78, and finally the Triumph TR4A 1978 and in the 1979/80 " Bardahl " series ..
The Track ; posted before - showing the " Cow Dung " start, those sharp turns and there was a big " yump " by the gate near the top. Photo from a Newspaper article, which I still have - it has yellowed over the years [ 1967 - 2018 ].
Trevor Sheffield
11-29-2018, 11:16 PM
As I recall, one of. the Cossey family owned a Riley Brooklands replica and I think later an E type, but was seldom seen within the car club fraternity. He did not compete in the hillclimb except for maybe once.
At the time I was no longer part of the NSCC committee so was not in contact with the Cosseys and this aspect always intrigued me. I had the feeling of a Woolf in sheep's clothing hiding from view.
Roger Dowding
12-11-2018, 04:38 AM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries bewteen, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead. Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his girlfrend. amongst the group initially involved were, Phil Seabrook, Alan Pybus, Laurie Powell and others, Ron Roycroft was a member in the late 1940's too !!. Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days / years.
Eddie is still alive and well at 95, [ Eddie passed away aged 98 in May 2018 ] and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.
Here are a few to start
NSCC Concours 1947 -
NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949
Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.
As I find more will post them.
Please add to the thread.
Have found [ located ! ] a couple more photos of the Bugley - and a bit more of its History.
" .The car is / was known as the " Bugley " - Bugatti chassis cut down and the Riley engine, the man sitting in the car at the time is my Late Uncle Jack Boot, and the car in the race is being driven by Ron Roycroft who drove it for Jack Boot the car was with the Roycrofts both A J and Ron for a while.-previously belonging to Arthur Dexter. known as the Bugatti-Riley or Riley-Bugatti Midget, depending on whose info you read.. some of this from my Uncle Eddie Dowding, Jack Brother-in-law, Ed passed away early this years aged 98 . Jack passed away in the later 1940's around 46/47. I believe.. There is mention of the car in the Graham Vercoe Books, and also in Scott Thomson's Biography of Ron Roycroft. "
My Late Uncle Ed believed that Jack acquired the car " not later than 1943 " - note he wrote for me back in 1991.
Arthur Dexter had A J Roycroft build [ cut the down to a Midget ] the car in 1937. It was quite successful with both Dexter and Roycroft.
This is now found to be incorrect.
Arthur Dexter [ R A Dexter the son of R A Dexter ] built the car by cutting down a Bugatti T23 Chassis that was owned by A J Roycroft and raced by him at Muriwai - more to come on the cars History and the connection with Jack Boot then Morrie Proctor
Here two photos of the car at Huntly with Ron Roycroft driving, the other car is Ron Rutherford in the RGR Special another Midget - photographer unknown but the two car photo appears in Graham Vercoes Book.
The photos date from 1944 - 45 period.
Roger Dowding
12-11-2018, 05:12 AM
Not only TRS members " Trevor S Ross H and Kevin H " and more - and a lot NSCC members too !!
From Milan Fistonic - posted on " Gentleman Jim Richards "Fb page .
the drivers
" Clockwise from top left. G22, Jim Boyd; B30, Jim Richards;E34, Shack Manon; H55, Arthur Hopkins; A10, Ted Dutch; H14, Peter Bruin. "
The results - entry list
Roger Dowding
12-17-2018, 03:17 AM
Showing the photo again - It appears in Allan Dick's column [ pages ] in the latest Classic Driver magazine - his column is called " Burning a Grey Pipe ".
Notation with the photo [ quote ]
" Hennings Speedway in Auckland or is it Gloucester Park ? No indication which,but in the thirties and Ron Roycroft in the Riley Midget goes under one of the Sutherland Brothers who is very determined as he pumps up pressure in the fuel tank. The crowd is close ".
Allan has noted elsewhere, [ copied in notes below ] that he was unaware of car Club activity during the war - with #1, Northern Sports Car Club starting in 1942 and being formally recorded Officially as October 1943, and the racing at Huntly in 1944 and 1945. We all learn .. Sadly cannot ask people involved at that time as not many still with us.
The RGS is now owned by Mal Parsons and was originally Ron or Merv Sutherlands Car
Mal writes " Allan [ Dick ] I did some research & spent a couple of days in the Huntly library a year or 3 back & was able to read the local papers report on the AGM then the first meeting at the track. Merv Sutherland is the driver of 75. I acquired the photo off the previous owner in 2002 "
- The Bugley is as it appears was when Jack Boot owned it and Ron raced for him - the car was built originally by A J Roycroft for Arthur Dexter in 1937
*** - correction - Car was created by Arthur R A Dexter from the Bugatti T32 chassis of A J Roycroft that Dexter cut down and then fitted a Riley motor - there is a photo from Ron Roycroft collection in the book " Flat to the Boards " ( FttB ) by A R E " Dick Messenger [ the late Dick Messenger ] and Douglas E Wood - published in 1985 - Dick Messenger passed away in 1980 and Douglas Wood completed the book from his research # photo of the car when Arthur Dexter built it now attached Has Race #2 on it as in later photos
[ new information added 13th September 2021 ]
and looked a bit different then, compared with the photo taken in 1944.
There is a photo in either the Scott Thomson Roycroft book or one of Graham Vercoe's books, [ away from my archives today - will correct if required ] of the Bugley as Dexter had it in the late 1930's. ** photo from FttB above.
The cover of the FttB book thanks to " Hotrod1 " for the recently acquired copy
I believe that the photo is actually at Huntly where the Bugley often raced and probably 1944 at the earliest.
Jack Boot - according to his brother in law Eddie Dowding [ my late Uncle - they both were my Uncles actually married sisters ], Jack purchased the car no later than 1943 - a comment he wrote on a piece of paper that he put in my copy of the Graham Vercoe book [ It is still in there at the page with the Bugley details ].
Mal Parsons as noted now owns the Sutherland car and believes it is at Huntly in 1944 . Mal is a member of the Vintage Speedway Drivers Club.
Mal's comment when he posted the photo
" Bottom pic is taken at the Huntly speedway March 1944 (I think) I will add pic of it racing against the car i now own. Photographer unknown. " the below pic is the one Mal added ;
Allan Dick responded " l posted this photo somewhere recently . I thought it was Hennings Speedway and l thought the other car was one of the Sutherland brothers. I do not know who the photographer is either but l have had the photograph for a long time. It is the second time this week l have been surprised to learn there was motor racing activity in NZ during the war. "
2021 - now have a copy of the book, " Flat to the Boards " only took ten years from knowing about it in 2011.
Roger Dowding
12-21-2018, 09:09 PM
Showing the photo again - It appears in Allan Dick's column [ pages ] in the latest Classic Driver magazine - his column is called " Burning a Grey Pipe ".
Notation with the photo [ quote ]
" Hennings Speedway in Auckland or is it Gloucester Park ? No indication which,but in the thirties and Ron Roycroft in the Riley Midget goes under one of the Sutherland Brothers who is very determined as he pumps up pressure in the fuel tank. The crowd is close ".
Allan has noted elsewhere, [ copied in notes below ] that he was unaware of car Club activity during the war - with #1, Northern Sports Car Club starting in 1942 and being formally recorded Officially as October 1943, and the racing at Huntly in 1944 and 1945. We all learn .. Sadly cannot ask people involved at that time as not many still with us.
The RGS is now owned by Mal Parsons and was originally Ron or Merv Sutherlands Car
Mal writes " Allan [ Dick ] I did some research & spent a couple of days in the huntly library a year or 3 back & was able to read the local papers report on the AGM then the first meeting at the track. Merv Sutherland is the driver of 75. I acquired the photo off the previous owner in 2002 "
- The Bugley is as it appears was when Jack Boot owned it and Ron raced for him - the car was built originally by A J Roycroft for Arthur Dexter in 1937 and looked a bit different then. There is a photo in either the Scott Thomson Roycroft book or one of Graham Vercoe's books, [ away from my archives today - will correct if required ] of the Bugley as Dexter had it in the late 1930's.
I believe that the photo is actually at Huntly where the Bugley often raced and probably 1944 at the earliest.
Jack Boot - according to his brother in law Eddie Dowding [ my late Uncle - they both were my Uncles actually married sisters ], Jack purchased the car no later than 1943 - a comment he wrote on a piece of paper that he put in my copy of the Graham Vercoe book [ It is still in there at the page with the Bugley details ].
Mal Parsons as noted now owns the Sutherland car and believes it is at Huntly in 1944 . Mal is a member of the Vintage Speedway Drivers Club.
Mal's comment when he posted the photo
" Bottom pic is taken at the Huntly speedway March 1944 (I think) I will add pic of it racing against the car i now own. Photographer unknown. " the below pic is the one Mal added ;
Allan Dick responded " l posted this photo somewhere recently . I thought it was Hennings Speedway and l thought the other car was one of the Sutherland brothers. I do not know who the photographer is either but l have had the photograph for a long time. It is the second time this week l have been surprised to learn there was motor racing activity in NZ during the war. "
Some more information - from Mal Parsons who now owns the restored car #75 the Sutherland car..
Huntly Speedway opened in 1944 as seen on this programme cover
The event run by the " Huntly Motor Racing Club " on 12th March 1944 - will try to find if Mal has the entries listings.
Mals car #75 in a group at the recent " Galaxy of Cars " in Auckland 2018
As an aside - When I sold my Austin Healey 100 - the 1953 BN1 in 1995 [ having purchased it in 1982 ] It went to one of the Elliott Boys, Lance Elliott a panelbeater of some note and restorer of a few Speedway Midgets.
Lance restored my Healey, but I have not seen the result.
As a result of being in contact with Mal Parsons I have found out that Lance passed away recently, as had his wife. Brother Roger Elliott a talented Motor Trimmer Upholsterer, ran a business in Newton beside Lance's Panelbeating workshop in Newton - From memory the two businesses were at the blind end of Abbey Street, of Gundry Street which Abbey St crossed..
Roger and Mal are still in contact. Am hoping to find out more of the #75 and other Midgets, and the whereabouts of " My ALEX the RED " the RED " LX 100 " ..
Seen here in Havelock North - outside the Motor Camp / Holiday Park that the AH Car Club of New Zealand held its Easter 1984 Rally, the car had been tidied up bodywise, but still on the 14inch Hotwire Mags and the " ID9783 " Registration that dated from 1977 when re-registered and put back on the road by Roy Cooney from Cooks Beach, Coromandel.
Side shot with my American Mate Wayne Brown in the car at the Gymkhana ..
Milan Fistonic
12-22-2018, 01:25 AM
This is a picture of Ron Sutherland in his midget from a Wheelspin magazine dated April 1953.
Roger Dowding
12-23-2018, 08:55 PM
This is a picture of Ron Sutherland in his midget from a Wheelspin magazine dated April 1953.
Milan, with your permission will pass that image and text on to Mal Parsons - the cars current owner.
Cheers and merry Christmas
Roger D.
Roger Dowding
12-31-2018, 02:09 AM
Another item from Milan Fistonic - from ACC's " Bulletin " **
The first time the Club Circuit was used in October 1966 - when the track was added to by a section from the " Elbow / Stables " corner, just after the start, to the " Railway "corner - that section was run in reverse when club circuit was used.
The Northern Sports Car Club ran the first meeting in October - this is from the second meeting - the First by Auckland Car Club
[ correction ** I got my details confused ]
Cars BIG and small, from Mini's and Sprites to the huge Chevrolet Impala, and all sorts in between.
The 1967 New Zealand International Grand Prix used the the smaller circuit 1.75 miles - created when the link was completed. previously the now " Full " circuit was 2.2 miles.
I gave all my Blue covered magazines to be recycled in about 1984/85 - was a member from February 1967 until end of the 1979/80 Club year but never had this issue, as before my time.
Milan Fistonic
12-31-2018, 02:48 AM
NO Roger. it's not from NSCC's Club Torque. It's from the December 1966 Auckland Car Club Bulletin.
The Pukekohe Club Circuit was opened in 1966. NSCC held a meeting on October 22 and the Auckland Car Club's first use of the track was on November 12. The results and some photos from that day.
Sorry I didn't make it clear in my original post that it was the ACC meeting in November.
Roger Dowding
12-31-2018, 02:55 AM
NO Roger. it's not from NSCC's Club Torque. It's from the December 1966 Auckland Car Club Bulletin.
The Pukekohe Club Circuit was opened in 1966. NSCC held a meeting on October 22 and the Auckland Car Club's first use of the track was on November 12. The results and some photos from that day.
Sorry I didn't make it clear in my original post that it was the ACC meeting in November.
Milan, Thanks I picked that up from your post on Old New Zealand Motor Racing and have corrected - thanks always for your interesting Motorsport History information -
Roger D.
Milan Fistonic
12-31-2018, 02:55 AM
This is the Motorman report of the first meeting held on the Club Circuit. It was run by the NSCC on October 22, 1966.
Milan Fistonic
12-31-2018, 03:21 AM
This is from the ACC Bulletin of July 1966 and shows that the NSCC financed the construction of the new stretch track to establish the Club Circuit. It must have been completed in good time as that first meeting was held a week before the suggested date of October 29.
Milan Fistonic
01-28-2019, 09:05 AM
A bit more information about Midget No 75 in Post 216.
This is from the first issue of a magazine called NZ No 1 in Speedway and dates from 1981.
Roger Dowding
01-29-2019, 05:30 AM
Milan - Thanks, must pass that information on !!
Roger Dowding
03-11-2019, 03:52 AM
Posted recently on the Ken H thread " Old Programmes, movies and memories from the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies. " by IKE.
The comment is about some photos of mine from that event with details of cars and drivers - plus other information.
Here is the comments and the photos added-
" This is in reply to the post on ...PAGE 17 .... 30.08.2015 by Roger Dowding & 31.08.2015 By Milan Fistonic
The Meeting is from 1968
Pukekohe Club Circuit .....Sept 1st 1968 Northern Sports Car Club
Photo # 1 (top working down)
My old album, has part of a program listing
#61 as Brian Pellow--- Brabham
#4 is Graeme Morley----ex McRae U2
# ? Could be M Mc Donald ----Mini Minus Special or R Duirs MER
# 3 is Rob Allen .Spencer Allen Motors- Manurewa / Begg & Allen Manuewa ---- Almen Formula Vee
# 6 is Ivan Berry, No Number on the nose --- Ike Formula Vee
Photo #1,
Photo # 2
# 6 is Ivan Berry's Ike Vee ----This Vee was the 2nd in the country after Barry Munro. The Ike Vee was built in Australia in 1966
by the owner Ivan Berry. The car was a copy of an Elfin space frame chassis, The body was an a altered Elfin body also built by the owner. The car was raced in Victoria at various tracks before
being shipped to N.Z. mid 1967.
# 3 is Rob Alens Almen Vee.
Photo #2 - with myself kneeling behind the first car and my Mates standing beside Rog Allport and Ron Lucka.
Photo # 4 answer by Milan Fistonic
The photo of the advertisment "FORMULA V DEVELOPMENT" The photo used by Ken McQueen Motors in the Add was
taken by Jack Inwood for "Motorman Magazine" at a track test for an article published in the January 1968 issue of
Motorman... The photos used in the add is being driven by the Editor of Motorman Don Anderson.
Ken McQeen motors sponsored the "Ike Vee" for the 1967/68/69 season and used the chassis design as the basis for the subsequent
McQueen Vee. Ivan Berry was supplying the bodies, seats and windscreens for the McQueen Cars.
Photo #4 The McQeen Formula V - Advert.
Some other memories.......
Peter Bruin ...Bright yellow Cooper Vincent was always competing ..... Dark Blue overalls - Red Helmet!
Ken Flashman... Went on to drive a Formula Vee for Lynn Motors in a "Rebel Vee"...... Ken was unfortunate to damage his hand badly in the intake fan of the VW motor. "
These photos were posted also on the Pukekohe thread - and comments were added - must compare notes and add here.
Notes by Ross Hollings " AHH memories, Minimax on back of grid with Ken Flashman in the ex Peter Bruin Cooper Vincent.The U2 drivers name escapes me but will come when the brain electrodes join up!! [These comments relate to the dummy grid photo.] Have actually seen an 8mm film of this race,film exists in Australia with Doug Wentworth.
Just read other posts,Yes Graeme Morley ,should read before I type,did not realise i raced against it again when i had the Humber 80 Special.! " who went on to Race and Hill Climb the MiniMax
Thanks to IKE Ross Hollings and "Oldfart " Rhys for comments
With regards to the MER ; Rhys wrote this " The "Mini Special" looks very MER like to me, could also be Les Reisterer? He had the first one of several built by Matamata Engineering. "
I can now accurately date the photos.
Roger Dowding
03-21-2019, 04:45 AM
Photo from a Motorman Magazine [ before I started to buy them - that was in 1964 ] - thanks to Graham Woods for his extensive archives.
Note added August 2022.
The Road used at Paparimu, in the Hunuas - I am unsure of - in that period -1963
The Club was using Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe in late 1961 - 11th October 1961 there was an event.
By February 1965 the road used by NSCC for Hill Climbs was Birdwood Road, Massey, which I understand was used in 1964 also.
Some photos from Milan Fistonic of Bob Homewood and Roy Harrington were from Birdwood Road Hill Climb in 1964 [ or 1965 ].
May find out more next weekend when i see people at the Anniversary Celebrations and go through some Club Torque magazines
as an aside, Bob Homewood - who also has a large archive, has some more information [ images and writings ] about the circuit at Seagrove - the area that was an airfield during World War Two - situated on the South side of the Manukau Harbour near Karaka.
It was used in 1948 - 49, and perhaps later !!.
Bob was a member of NSCC for many years, before I joined and after.
03-21-2019, 06:01 PM
At certain times of the year the layout of Seagrove is quite visible from the air.
Roger Dowding
03-22-2019, 05:00 AM
Milan Fistonic - posted these recently - a bit more of Motoring History, and would be a connection with NSCC ..
Would be mid/late ?? 1950's with Bruce in the Austin Seven, and Ralph Watson running the BSA Special, which is still around.
Names of drivers are on the photos - includes Phil Kerr, who was with McLaren - the Man and the Company !!
1951 - 56 Number Plates, in both photos - White on Black with a - , - comma symbol
Plates from the period 1940 - 41 last of the Annual Plates to 1961 -66 last of the 5 year plates
[ 1965 as permanent plates were introduced in 1964 and 1965 - depending on the vehicle Class ( Car Truck Bus Motorcycle Trailer etc ) .]
Trevor Sheffield
03-22-2019, 09:18 AM
As I recall the Muriwai hill climb was an exclusive Auckland Car Club venue and was not used by the NSCC. Most competitors at that time belonged to both clubs and the fees were very moderate.
John McKechnie
03-22-2019, 09:34 AM
Our family owned a farm between Muriwai and Bethels in late 50s , early 60s.
I can remember bike scrambles and bent sprints on our roads
...Oaia Rd, Taipa Rd and Constable Rd
Roger Dowding
03-26-2019, 04:58 AM
Comment by Kelvin Brown [ unsure if a relation ] posted on the Bucklers Fb page.
Gordon was a regular competitor in NSCC events in the 1940's / 50's.
" Our old friend Gordon Brown was interviewed on Radio NZ this morning a very positive person, he features in a book written on NZ centurions " Keepers of History " by Hollis. Gordon spoke of his life and automotive history including building cars and winning the first race with a Buckler in NZ. He was born in 1915 and on his 100th birthday drove some laps of the Hampton Downs track in a Lamborghini, still has licence but is considering giving up driving. An inspiration for us older folk eh ! ".
Had not heard of the book - must look that up ..
Believe Gordon never found his cars - a post from some 3 years ago !!
Roger Dowding
08-04-2019, 03:20 AM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries between, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead.
Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his girlfrend who became his wife in June 1942.
Amongst the group initially involved were, Ces Hodge, Jack Boot [ Ed's brother - in - law ] Phil Seabrook, Alan Pybus, Vern Clarke Jock Aitken and others
Lawrie Powell [ the well known Ford V8 driver and later the " famous " Starter at Pukekohe ] and others, including Ron Roycroft, and Ralph Watson were members in the late 1940's too !!.
I knew Jock Aitken - he was the mechanic on my first car in 1967, and Alan Pybus - was a great mate of Ed's whom he stayed in touch with until recently when they both passed away.
I have met both Ron Roycroft [ at Glen Murray and at the Pukekohe swap meeting ] and Ralph Watson, a visitor to my house in Herne Bay [ when Lyle Chambers was my flatmate and had a BSA Special ] on several occasions to look at Lyle's BSA, arriving in his own BSA Special.
In some later photo's at Mackies Rest on a trial in 1946, is Ralph in his 1933 Singer Roadster with my Uncle Ed and his wife Una in their Morris 8 Tourer
Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days 1944-45 and Second President in 1945-46 years. Verne Clark was president 1943-45
The Club was formally incorporated in October 1943, but meetings [ informal club gatherings ] took place from 1942 on.
Eddie is still alive and well at 95, [ Eddie passed away aged 98 in May 2018 ] and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.
Here are a few to start
NSCC Concours 1947 -
NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949
Photo from the same event - Outside the Helensville Hall at the end of the trial with Ron Roycroft in his car
Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.**
Now believed to be 1944 so mid 1940's
As I find more will post them.
Please add to the thread.
Moving this thread to the fore - as I have added more information to the first post - clarifying and correcting some details of dates names, places etc as I have found out more information.
Some later posts have also been updated.
Enjoy !
Trevor Sheffield
08-04-2019, 09:03 AM
Would you please advise regarding this text which includes the word "infamous":-
Lawrie Powell [ the well known Ford V8 driver and later the infamous Starter at Pukekohe ]
On the basis of technique and knowledge, Lawrie was the one and only expert starter. He took the job very seriously and no one ever got the better of him. Controversial yes, but never infamous or unsporting. Sadly on many occasions celebrities and fools messed up an important duty.
Roger Dowding
08-05-2019, 04:20 AM
Would you please advise regarding this text which includes the word "infamous":-
Lawrie Powell [ the well known Ford V8 driver and later the infamous Starter at Pukekohe ]
On the basis of technique and knowledge, Lawrie was the one and only expert starter. He took the job very seriously and no one ever got the better of him. Controversial yes, but never infamous or unsporting. Sadly on many occasions celebrities and fools messed up an important duty.
Trevor the comment was intended with the highest respect for Lawrie, whom I knew casually when involved with NSCC in late 1960's [ 1967 ] though to the early 1980's ; By then I was more involved with the Classic Car movement.
He was as you state he was an expert so perhaps the word " famous " would have been a better comment.
Obviously very well regarded as did ACC NSCC and NZIGP events over those many years.
P.S. have edited the Original post to "famous "..
Roger Dowding
08-19-2019, 08:36 PM
Brian Ferrabee who is an announcer at Lakeside and obviously a Car enthusiast found this Gem on the Lycoming.
Sports Car World February 1967 ;
Fits in with posts #131 and #132 on this thread the " Sport Car Talk " article.
The photo of Jim in action - Chamberlain Road Hill Climb - the Auckland Car Club venue for many years from the 1960's on..
The SCT 1984 Annual Magazine Cover
Perhaps the story needs to be together on a " Special " thread.. must see what has been posted.
John McKechnie
08-19-2019, 09:42 PM
I have this mag at my place
Trevor Sheffield
08-20-2019, 12:50 AM
Unfortunately, the Daniel Tee article contains many inaccuracies particularly concerning the specifications relative to the Lycoming Special. This type of misinformation plagued the late Ralph Watson throughout his latter life.
However Jim Boyd, being the character that he was, is quite well covered. He was one of a kind.
Roger Dowding
12-01-2019, 03:35 AM
A selection of photos on the NZ Skoda Rally Team. 1971 NZ Rally .. A rally with international Competitors - if not an actual International Rally
Extract from a History of the Silver Fern Rally
" "
" A change of name in 1971 to the Heatway Rally saw New Zealand achieve some international status. There were 15 entries from outside NZ, and several local Dealer supported “manufacturer” teams. The NZ Motor Corporation had a team of Minis, with their lead driver Scot Andrew Cowan, while Todd Motors used Hillman Avengers, and there were plenty of Ford’s, Skoda’s and Holden’s. Australian pairing Bruce Hodgson and Mike Mitchell driving their MKII Lotus Cortina were the winners from Kiwi pairing Ralph Emson and Wayne Jones in a Holden Torana GTR-XU1. The event covered 3000km with 48 special stages, and ran from Auckland to Wellington over 6 days. "
Story from John Coker that was with the Colour photo's - A post on NZ Rallying History Facebook Page.
John Coker wrote
" Laurie Evans and Colin Waite are in the roof spotlight car. Team won the Manufacturer's prize on the 71 Heatway International, despite the orange car going 100 metres over a bank near Matawai and then rejoining under what we now know as Rally2 regulations. It was nick named the crumpled pumpkin! All three were pretty standard 110Ls with 50 horsepower, before the works built cars came for later years. "
A photo of the Team members from Kenneth Burnett ;
" Lots off stalwart NSCC members there. Colin Waite, Tom Grace, Graham Knight, Laurie Evans ".
Note by Rod Peat. Motorsport competitor, former Club Captain and later President Northern Sports Car Club, and Bus Driver.
Standing ; Colin Waite - 5th from left, Laurie Evans - Right - leaning on the Car
Sitting ; Tom Grace - 2nd from left, Graham Knight - Right.
A couple of others look familiar, but cannot remember the names. - will edit post as I find names.
" My late dad not in that shot but Grahame Boot team manager -"
Note by Alan Boot - never thought of it - maybe a connection to my Late Uncle Jack Boot - a founding member of the Club
I do remember the name Graham Boot, and knew Colin Waite, Laurie Evans, Tom Grace, Graham Knight and others from NSCC including Rod Peat and John Coker - Rod helped check a couple of my Car Trials including when I was co-plotter of the NSCC Castrol Trial in 1975.
One of the Cars had a huge off !!
But finished - amazingly :
Colour photos of the cars from John Coker - who was also an NSCC stalwart Trial and Rally Driver, and Skoda Rally Driver too !!.
The Team Cars ;
12-01-2019, 10:16 AM
The middle car in the team photo became mine a bit after the rally. It was my only car, driving to school as a teacher, and everything else one did in a car! At least mine was one of the team cars, and that colour. It had a perspex shield over the lights which went quite soft if all the lights were turned on while not being driven. Known in the Huntly Car Club as "the Flying Dork", might have been me, might be the Skoda insignia.
I did 54 events, trials, gymkhanas, Kerepehi grasstrack etc and made an $8 profit.
Roger Dowding
12-02-2019, 01:07 AM
The middle car in the team photo became mine a bit after the rally. It was my only car, driving to school as a teacher, and everything else one did in a car! At least mine was one of the team cars, and that colour. It had a perspex shield over the lights which went quite soft if all the lights were turned on while not being driven. Known in the Huntly Car Club as "the Flying Dork", might have been me, might be the Skoda insignia.
I did 54 events, trials, gymkhanas, Kerepehi grasstrack etc and made an $8 profit.
Great to read Rhys - keep a copy of the photo, sorry it is small, but that was how the were posted by John Coker .. he scanned them and didn't even crop the picture so was a full page with a small photo .. - speaking of Kerepehi, attended that meeting once in 1967 [ February I think as had just got my first car and joined NSCC .. a certain Jim Boyd was there with the Lycoming, and there were a few V8 Coupe's all very rough looking but great to watch..
Roger D...
12-02-2019, 01:32 PM
Boydie was a "character" of the top level. In 66 (?) we were all sitting round having lunch at the bottom of the Tarawera hillclimb when he told the following. (my words, but pretty close.)
"I was on my way down here (Lycoming) when I got stopped by a cop as I went past the Waharoa airfield, for speeding. I told him I didn't really think so as I was only doing about 1400 rpm, and the car being of the age it was didn't have to have a speedo. Being very humble (!) I asked if he would drive up the road and wave out the window when he was at legal speed, I would take note of the revs, and I promised to never speed again. The cop did as I asked, no ticket, and here we are".
Roger Dowding
12-16-2019, 08:08 AM
Before Cosseys Farm - 1967 to around 1980 was Birdwood Road and Wharepapa Road,in early -mid 1960's - going further back was Ostrich Farm Road.
Here from Alan Boyle archives - taken on 35m colour film is a Sprite run by Auckland Car Club member Robbie Bark ..
Number plates are the 1961 - 64/65 issue - the last of the non- permanent plates that were introduced in 1964 for cars.
Maybe time to put the NSCC Hill Climb venues into a time line - some details have been put on this thread - more to find and post.
As an aside Alan Boyle got joint FTD at the first running of Cosseys Farm Road in March 1967.. in Tomato the first of his Minis with a longstroke 997cc motor - ..
From Bob Homewood this the results ; March 1967 from "Club Torque " the NSCC Magazine
a photo
- " Tomato " from Alan Boyle archives.. the joint FTD car.
a photo of Alan, Bob and others at the event .. from Club Torque .. thanks to Bob homewood.
Roger Dowding
02-28-2020, 07:32 AM
An interesting photo of cars at the Elbow, by Milan Fistonic - was at that meeting but most of my pictures were in the pit area.
From behind the barrels, many photos were taken from the stairs or platform of the building on the corner of the Stables
The combined Motorcycle and Car meeting - cars only got a few races - used to have the programme..
" May 1966 - Tim Boyle (Humber Jag), Frank Radisich (Lotus Anglia), Hugh Kettelwell (Mini), John Riley (Ford Corvette), ?? (Anglia), Garth Souness (Morrari), Mike Meek (Austin Ford) and Ian Bradley (Lotus Cortina) "
The month after the accident filled "Reverse Direction " meeting in April.
Thanks Milan - had to ' borrow ' the photo for here - and in colour too !!
Milan Fistonic
03-07-2020, 11:38 PM
The 1968 Castrol 1000 Rally organised by the NSCC.
Roger Dowding
03-08-2020, 05:26 AM
Thanks Milan,
I probably played a very minor part - having joined the Club in February 1967. - NSCC didn't have Clubrooms yet so unsure where the Rally [ Trial ] started - was probably a parking or crowd marshall ..
Peter M
03-08-2020, 07:40 AM
Very interesting from the entry list, quite a few ended up doing special stage rallying in the 1970s when they started.
Names that come to mind Jim Scott,Ralph Emson, Ivy Stevenson,Colin Taylor,Mary (donald) Carney,Paul Adams,Neil Johns and Blair Robson.
Rotorua Car Club was very active for Rallies in the 70s and 80s club members on the list Tony Long,Steve Boreham and Tony Baker.
This is the same Tony Baker as well as his brother Ross who built the Heron sports cars, another Rotorua local at the time Peter Ackeroyd raced one.
Milan Fistonic
03-08-2020, 10:30 AM
Thanks Milan,
I probably played a very minor part - having joined the Club in February 1967. - NSCC didn't have Clubrooms yet so unsure where the Rally [ Trial ] started - was probably a parking or crowd marshall ..
As stated in the report, the event started in Taupo at midnight on June 1 and finished at the Pukekohe circuit on June 3.
Roger Dowding
03-09-2020, 03:39 AM
As stated in the report, the event started in Taupo at midnight on June 1 and finished at the Pukekohe circuit on June 3.
Milan, should have read the details - great to have this for the NSCC thread.
Around 1975 I was co-plotter - the junior one for that years running of the event, which finished at Mount Richmond Domain - the NSCC Clubrooms, by then it was a one day event.
Roger Dowding
03-15-2020, 05:43 AM
Some Hill Climbs event to start - details from Cosseys Farm, Drury.
The Clubs Hill from March 1967 until well into the 1980's
The items are from Club Torque - the NSCC Magazine - these from Graham Woods archives
1976 at Cosseys - October ; 1976-77 Bardahl Series event - big entry list
1976 -a closed Club event last of the Season May 1976
1977 Invitation Club event - Gold Star status
1977 closed Club - the last of season event, my " Old Barman Mate " Bruce Hatrick was the organiser
A different event the Annual " Sporting Trial " a Car Trial with emphasis on two person crews so less complicated, more of a Drivers Trial - as the " other guy / lady " would have to be navigator mapreader and time keeper.
I was in my 1971 Triumph GT6 with another " Old Mate " John Rye - John, myself and the guy who won the late, Bob Hayman along with Jim and or Grace Hack [ G Hack in the results ] often crewed together in Interclub and Mercury Trophy Trials - usually in Bob's 3.0 litre Capri, or John's Triumph 2.5 PI Mark one or his Fiat 125. I only had sports cars from mid 1974 until around 1981.
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