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Roger Dowding
03-16-2020, 01:52 AM
More from Club Torque - provided by Graham Woods.

A dirt meeting at Western Springs - a mix of cars.


Hill Climb at Birdwood Road, Massey - have featured a couple of competitors cars from Birdwood events previously
1965 again.


A couple of well known Guys in NSCC were Alan Woolf
- also my neighbour in the late 1950's early 1960's and a customer of ANZ Bank in Newton where I worked early 1968 to 1973 - his Wreckers later a Muffler Shop was on Dominion Road.
Then there was Colin Waite
- a panelbeater of some note and still has his business in New North Road run by family these days I believe - Used to go jogging with his son Paul in the 1990's running in Hash House Harriers.
Colin features in the Hill Climb results as does Trevor Sheffield
Both Alan and Colin were at the Springs meeting too !!
Alan and Colin both advertised in the NSCC Magazine - a couple of their ads from 1965.



Roger Dowding
03-22-2020, 01:43 AM
More from Club Torque in 1976 - Graham Woods archives.


Through the top gate- before the sweeper to the finish.


Roger Dowding
03-22-2020, 02:29 AM
Constructed during 1972 with many members providing the Labour ..
Here a scene from the opening ceremony in August 1972 - Minister of Transport Mr Gordon speaking, Morrie Chandler, Lew Lack and others seated.

Graham Woods archives from Club Torque-

Newspaper clippings of the Construction and comment about NSCC.
- from South Auckland Courier - a Suburban Newspapers publication - unsure where I found them



Rod Peat, Rob Grimwood, David Simpson and others commented on the Facebook page I found the top photo.

Roger Dowding
03-22-2020, 11:40 PM
Another page from Club Torque - showing a " yump " on Cosseys Hill and a rather sad Mitsubishi as rallied by Morrie Chandler former President [current at the time ] of NSCC and a senior member of MANZ/MSNZ in recent years.


again from Graham Woods archives-

[ I dumped my 1967 - 1980 Club Torques back in 1995 when shifting from a large old house with the double garage and a carport to an apartment with a single carport only - has to reduce my cars ( sold the AH 100 ) to only two, an MGB GT and Daihatsu 4WD and my collection by hundreds of magazines - ERC knows the problem ]

Roger Dowding
04-10-2020, 07:56 AM
Three photos of the cars outside the Helensville Hall - two from Arthur Siddall albums - courtesy Duncan Fox, the last from my Uncle Eddie Dowding's own photos.



disregard the date on the photo - we now know was 1945.. The Riley 9 Kestrel just seen to the left
Right - My Uncle Ed with pipe in the Riley and his wife Una as Navigator - Una turned 100 in January 2020.
Left - ** Ralph Watson and a Mate in the Singer
Ken Hemus was in a Sunbeam for this event and got stuck in Mackies Rest Mud Section as did many others.

Ron Roycroft won the event.

The full pages of the Album.


Poor editing on my part - the Album of Arthur Siddall state August 1945 - and the number plates are the " 1941 - 1946 " issue white on black with a , comma at the bottom centre of the plate - [ only taken 4 years to get right ].

I was also confused as Ed [ my Uncle Eddie ] and Una Dowding are in a Riley - they had a Morris Minor " 8 " Tourer in earlier years 1942 on and in the Winter Trial in August 1946 they are again in a Morris Minor " 8 " Tourer. I wonder was the Riley a " borrow " ?
What is confusing also is the colour of the Morris Minor " 8 " changed from dark in 1942 and 1946 to a light colour in 1947 when it appears in the Concour Photo taken at Cornwall Park in October 1947 and has the 1946 - 51 plates black on yellow with a - hyphen symbol centred

Trevor Sheffield
04-10-2020, 10:45 PM
It is interesting to note that Ron Roycroft is wearing motor cycle clothing i.e. leather jacket and extendable cap. Something he continued with throughout his motor-sport activities. He was never one for the traditional flat cap and duffle coat. LOL.

Roger Dowding
04-11-2020, 04:15 AM
NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries between, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead.
Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his girlfrend who became his wife in June 1942.

Amongst the group initially involved were, Ces Hodge, Jack Boot [ Ed's brother - in - law ] Phil Seabrook, Alan Pybus, Vern Clarke Jock Aitken and others
Lawrie Powell [ the well known Ford V8 driver and later the " famous " Starter at Pukekohe ] and others, including Ron Roycroft, and Ralph Watson were members in the late 1940's too !!.

I knew Jock Aitken - he was the mechanic on my first car in 1967, and Alan Pybus - was a great mate of Ed's whom he stayed in touch with until recently when they both passed away.
I have met both Ron Roycroft [ at Glen Murray and at the Pukekohe swap meeting ] and Ralph Watson, a visitor to my house in Herne Bay [ when Lyle Chambers was my flatmate and had a BSA Special ] on several occasions to look at Lyle's BSA, arriving in his own BSA Special.

In some later photo's at Mackies Rest on a trial in 1946, is Ralph in his 1933 Singer Roadster with my Uncle Ed and his wife Una in their Morris 8 Tourer

Eddie Dowding and his brother-in-law Jack Boot both belonged, Eddie was Club Captain in the early days 1944-45 and Second President in 1945-46 years. Verne Clark was president 1943-45
The Club was formally incorporated in October 1943, but meetings [ informal club gatherings ] took place from 1942 on.
New information April 2020 [ thread started in May 2015 ]
Have recently been given images of 30 pages of a Photo Album created by Arthur Siddall with photos of various NSCC events found by Duncan Fox at the Whitford Tip - there are around 130 photos covering the period 1942 - first gathering, through to 1949.
Am gradually editing and sorting them to group in chronological order and putting the events together

Eddie is still alive and well at 95, [ Eddie passed away aged 98 in May 2018 ] and many years ago gave me a few photos on NSCC and some events.

Here are a few to start

NSCC Concours 1947 -

NSCC Helensville Mud Trial 1949 [ now believed to be 1946 - from new photos uncovered of the event. ]
Photo from the same event - Outside the Helensville Hall at the end of the trial with Ron Roycroft in his car

Jack Boot Riley Special - raced at a Cinder Track in Huntly - year not known but late 1940's.**
Now believed to be 1944 so mid 1940's

As I find more will post them.

Please add to the thread.

Lots of new stuff to come so reposting Post #1 ..watch this space.

Roger Dowding
04-15-2020, 03:24 AM
A Famous Car - owned by a few in New Zealand pre-war and into the late 1940's

These photos of the Car from 1946 - when owned by George Sellars
First photo at Muriwai in March 1946 - The Beach Races
A collection of photos of the Car in July 1946 at Orewa Beach Races
[ Images from the Arthur Siddall collection - provided by Duncan Fox.]

The photo of the engine is interesting as have my own copy of it from my late Uncle Ed Dowding which I thought was a Riley as was with his photo of the " Bugley " - The Bugatti-Riley or Riley Bugatti - of A J Roycroft, Ron Roycroft and my Uncle Jack Boot

Muriwai .




a couple more to follow

Apologies for the sizes of the photo's - will try to get a bigger version [ 6 of them were on one page of the Arthur Siddall Album - the last 4 here and two more ]

Some details of previous owners to follow;
22 July 2024 - just been going through the images and the actual Album of Arthur Siddall.
The images are as sent to me by Duncan Fox in 2020 and in 2023 he aked me to be " Custodian " of the Album.

Roger Dowding
04-15-2020, 03:30 AM
A couple more photos from Orewa



Details from the Album - the previous Owners ;


The montage of Six Photos - as received;


The Engine and Cockpit - from my own larger print of the photo.


Trevor Sheffield
04-15-2020, 05:32 AM
It would appear that two different cars are being referred to. The famous supercharged Austin is illustrated in “My early Motor Racing Engineering” here:-


It will be seen that there are clearly differences between the images.

I have a dim recollection of advice that two cars were imported pre-war by Seabrook Fowlds (Spellin?) Auckland, Austin agents, and one could have had an engine transplant. It would be interesting to investigate the history involved.

Roger Dowding
04-15-2020, 07:14 AM
It would appear that two different cars are being referred to. The famous supercharged Austin is illustrated in “My early Motor Racing Engineering” here:-


It will be seen that there are clearly differences between the images.

I have a dim recollection of advice that two cars were imported pre-war by Seabrook Fowlds (Spellin?) Auckland, Austin agents, and one could have had an engine transplant. It would be interesting to investigate the history involved.

Trevor, thank you for the comments - looking at the pictures taken only a few months apart the car was a light colour at Muriwai, and darker colour at Orewa where the set of photos were taken.
The photo I have had since the 1970's is in the darker paint.

Did George Sellars Own or Drive both Cars ?
Or was it repainted - looks a bit scruffy at Muriwai.
One of the Austins was driven by George Smith - photos appear in other publications.

The comment
" It would be interesting to investigate the history involved. "
Indeed, may have to expand the search to some of the " Vintage Car Club " guys around the Country.

Will go and have another look at the " Ralph Watson " link you attached.

More comment will follow.

Appreciate the " inputs " as Ken H would say.

Thanks, Trevor.

Post Script;
An image from Trevor Sheffield article on Ralph Watson- show Ron Roycroft in the Austin Seven - looks the same as the latter photos and the one of the Engine and Cockpit - that photo shown again


The car quote " Supercharged Austin Seven No.1, Ron Roycroft. 1949 Wigram 105 mile, Championship Road Race. "

The photo won't upload - will try later.

Number Plate looks to be " 216 775 " and with Black letters on a light background

Very different from the car in this photo though
Number Plate " 224 ... " White letters on a dark background - the 1941 - 46 Issue Plates.


The other car - similar view.


Interesting as " Number Plates " would have changed in July 1946 - the Muriwai event being earlier in the year on the previous issue plate.

The Plates
1941 - 1946.


1946 - 1951


Trevor Sheffield
04-15-2020, 09:48 PM
The "famous" Austin was owned as well as driven by George Smith. It would appear likely that two different cars are involved. Note that the dashboards are clearly different.

# Refer to my book "Ralph Watson Special Engineer for photo and article by Ralph Watson, "My Years of Motor Racing Engineering".


Roger Dowding
04-16-2020, 04:16 AM
The "famous" Austin was owned as well as driven by George Smith. It would appear likely that two different cars are involved. Note that the dashboards are clearly different.

Thanks Trevor,
Yes, looks like two different cars as you state and the light coloured one looks very untidy, the darker one in much better condition.

Quite surprising the number of events when there would have been petrol rationing,understood that continued until around 1950

Have been working on the photos and most are too small to show individually - so will post in the pages.
From the details in the Album have photos from around a dozen events and the names of over 50 Drivers / Members and that is just from the 1940's.
Names that my Late Uncle Ed mentioned to me feature and have details of the cars they owned at the time

From the photos may be able to identify some of the Cars and Owners in this photo from the 1947 Concours D'Elegance as displayed on the Card Frame
Note that there are a few WAGS in the passenger seats but no drivers - presume the Boys walked up the Hill with the Photographer


Roger Dowding
04-17-2020, 03:34 AM
1942 the year Northern Sports Car Club began, after those discussions on the North Shore to / from Auckland Ferries.

These are from the Arthur Siddall - albums.
In some of the later photos Arthur is seen as a Competitor.

First event was a run to Titirangi, It is not recorded where they started.
Second photo is at Takapuna not known if the same event but is dated 1942.

Another photo at Titirangi along with photo from Helensville in 1946 - The Winter Trial - the " Jack Boot Cup "event.

My own copies of the photos - Cars at Titirangi described as First event and was a " Paper Chase ".
Reminds me of a Hash House Harriers event where we used Flour " from a " Dribble Dropper " [ a large Tin with holes punched in the bottom - on a stick, which you bumped on the ground to drop dribbles of flour, along with chalk for arrows of direction of travel - and sometimes Sawdust.

Ron Roycroft used Sawdust in what was described as a " Hare and Hounds " event -usually a paper chase " One day Ron was designated ' hare 'in the Brooklands Riley. Instead of paper he turned up with a bag of sawdust to mark his course "
- the competitors " ' hounds ' complained that they had to keep stopping as only close inspection revealed the difference between sawdust and horse manure ".

Quotes from the Scott Thomson book " Up to Speed " - The Roycroft years in New Zealand motor racing " underlined.

The photos from Ed Dowding's collection [ posted before - hopefully better clarity than the Arthur Siddall ones ]



Trevor Sheffield - the Scott Thomson book are two photos of the Austin 7 Monoposto
- one when newly acquired with Ron sitting in it described as thus " ready for a repaint " - It is in a dark colour.
- the second in a starting line up at Seagrove in 1947 - 13th April 1947 the frist Seagrove meeting and
" The Austin Racer resplendent in blue paint "
The grid is Ron Austin 7, Jack Brewer in a Midget style car, the Riley Bugatti ' Bugley ', Morgan, Riley and Frazer-Nash - they are beside a large late 1930's American Tourer which I presume was the Pace or Official Track car

Trevor Sheffield
04-17-2020, 04:04 AM
I am not involving the colour of the car and am referring to the difference in physical appearance.

Roger Dowding
04-17-2020, 04:27 AM
I am not involving the colour of the car and am referring to the difference in physical appearance.

Appreciate that Trevor, the photos are of the darker coloured car - the one that looks tidy.
George Sellars seems to have driven both cars .

The car being described in 1946 with George Sellars as being ex- Seabrook Fowlds ex- George Smith ex - Jack Mackay.
Ron driving the car in April 1947 at Seagrove, and at Wigram in January 1949.
- Wigram 1949 - your photo in the Ralph Watson Science of the web article
Car must have passed from George Sellars to Ron Roycroft in late 1946 - early 1947

Cheers Trevor. Thanks for your information as always.

Trevor Sheffield
04-17-2020, 05:05 AM
"your photo in the Ralph Watson Science of the web article" ???

Unfortunately through me trying to record a hot address, my previous post was not fully published. I have edited and now added:-

Refer to my book "Ralph Watson Special Engineer for photo and article by Ralph Watson, "My Years of Motor Racing Engineering". http://ralphwatson.scienceontheweb.net

However in spite of of my negligence we appear to be referring to the same photo. You will have to take into account that I am one eyed, and that eye is not the best and viewing this even very large monitor, is becoming a chore.

Trevor Sheffield
04-17-2020, 09:35 PM
Post-war, I never heard the famous car being referred to using “Monoposto” rather than “Single seat”. Furthermore Herb Gilroy was the only one I recall mentioning “Rubber Duck” and that was during a discussion concerning its handling features. In general discussion post-war it was usually referred to correctly as “The Brooklands Austin Seven”.

Photographs I have turned up show that the car displayed registration plates:-
272.940 (Herb Gilroy) and 216-775 (Ron Roycroft)

I hope that this is of some help.

Roger Dowding
04-18-2020, 01:25 AM
Post-war, I never heard the famous car being referred to using “Monoposto” rather than “Single seat”. Furthermore Herb Gilroy was the only one I recall mentioning “Rubber Duck” and that was during a discussion concerning its handling features. In general discussion post-war it was usually referred to correctly as “The Brooklands Austin Seven”.

Photographs I have turned up show that the car displayed registration plates:-
272.940 (Herb Gilroy) and 216-775 (Ron Roycroft)

I hope that this is of some help.

Trevor your information " I hope that this is of some help " It certainly is - in the Photo album by Arthur Siddall he calls it a " Monoposto " - appreciate the time and effort that you put into your book and keeping the late Ralph Watson's information from being lost.

The photo at Wigram 1949 has the plate 216-775 - the one black numbers on a dark yellow background with the " hyphen " between the two sets of 3 numbers - the 1946 - 1951 series.
I must look for photos with the Herb Gilroy plate 272.940 and see if I can decipher the plates when George Sellars owned / drove the Austin Sevens.
Have seen other photos of the car Herb Gilroy named " Rubber Duck " one I think was a Hill Climb at Mt Eden, and Laurie Powell was there in the Ford B4, and couple of Midget Style Racers too.
Laurie features in a couple of the photos from the Arthur Siddall collection - racing at Seagrove.

Thanks again for adding to the story, I am learning a lot and helping to get the photos and information in order, and chronologically too !.

Trevor Sheffield
04-18-2020, 03:13 AM
OK Roger,

The car was not actually named "rubber Duck" by Herb Gilroy. This was the nick name given to the R-type Austins during their hay-days in England and which may have started through the naming of a single car.

As I se it, the three album photos you have posted do not illustrate the NZ famous Brooklands, Works, Austin. A confused article was included in the Graham Vercoe book and I would say that the confusion indicates a mix up and that there was more than one car imported. Ralph Watson was highly critical of the Vercoe article.

The memory of a long ago conversation including a car with a Riley engine conversion, keeps ringing in my head, and this would line up with your three photos.

I am having a beer right mow so, a hearty "cheers!"

Roger Dowding
04-18-2020, 05:18 AM
Part of the collection of photos I have acquired - the Arthur Siddall Album - through Duncan Fox and Eddie Dowding photos given to me in the 1970's show quite a few from the Winter Trial usually held around August -
Initially I thought from the same event in 1945 or 1946 - but with a bit of work - looking at the notes on some photos and the number plates on the cars have determined they are from both 1945 -cars with the white letter Black Plates and 1946 cars with dark letters on Yellow Plates.

These from 1945 - my Uncle Ed in the Riley came 3rd [ dark plates the 1941 - 1945 issue with a diamond as the central mark - and muddy too ]
Winner was Ron Roycroft, second was Vern Clarke, Ed Dowding 3rd and Ces Hodge in 4th.




Ed in the Riley - next to a Singer - Ralph Watson and Mate [ photo re-posted ]


Roger Dowding
04-20-2020, 11:19 PM
Jack Boot - passed away in February 1945 - a fact advised by my Cousin John Dowding - Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding's only son, Johns Uncle.
John advises " Jack Boot’s full name was Sidney Lloyd John Boot and he died .... on 27 Feb 1945. " He is interred at Birkenhead Cemetry, on Auckland North Shore, not far from where Ed lived from around 1981 until going to a Retirement Village in 2016. Ed used to visit the Cemetry as his wife Una' parents and Jack and his mother are all there.

Both the 1945 and 1946 Winter Trials the Jack Boot Cup would have been for the Jack Boot Memorial Trial.

Some photos from the 1946 Trial - including the Trial placings - first 4 cars.
The Start at the Railway Station, Results, and two of the Competitors


Mackies Rest section the Mud Plug - with Ken Hemus Bert [ Herbert ] Gilroy, Ralph Watson and others


Mackies Rest with Ed Una and the Morris - the lineup at the finish at Helensville.


Above photos form the Arthur Siddall Albums - Duncan Fox collection

Individual Cars at Mackies - Ed Dowding archives;
Ralph Watson -1933 Singer Sports four seater, " Ralph in his first sports car " quote by Trevor Sheffield- same photo appears in Trevor Sheffield's book Ralph Watson - Special Engineer


Ken Hemus Sunbeam - stuck in the mud up to the sump.


Ed Dowding driving ? and Una his wife pushing. The Morris 8 Tourer.


Must re-title the photos more correctly with the recent information from Arthur Siddall album pages.

1946 - 1951 Number Plates - issued July 1946, Black numbers on Dark Yellow with a central Hypen " - ".

Roger Dowding
04-21-2020, 05:33 AM
Posted before the Report on the 1949 NSCC Winter Trial.
There was comment about a couple of cars - Gordon Brown's GBS, and Jock Aitken's Fordie - the two cars looked similar.
Both cars featured in the Trial results and as the photos from the Arthur Siddall Albums - shows the similarity.

Thanks to Milan Fistonic for the article, Trevor Sheffield for comments on the original post, and Duncan Fox for the photos from a Seagrove Race meeting - Arthur Siddall albums.
Note also Lawrie Powell in his Ford B4 V8 ahead of Gordon in his GBS.

The Article

The photo purported to be Gordon Browns GBS in the article is actually Jock Aitkens car.
Gordon won, Jock came 4th.



The Two Specials - looking similar.

Gordon Brown in the " GBS " - left photo, Jock Aitken in the " Fordie " right and Gordon with Lawrie Powell in his Ford B4 with V8 power. in the lower photo.


It is only 3 or so years ago that Gordon Brown was seeking to find his old car at the age of over 100.

Gordon Brown passed away in 2021 at the age of 106..

Trevor Sheffield
04-21-2020, 09:27 PM
"The photo purported to be Gordon Browns GBS in the article is actually Jock Aitkens car.
Gordon won, Jock came 4th."

Just how was this established ? I recall Jock Aitken's car as being quite different from Gordon Brown's. What is more, the car in the mud appears to have two occupants, whereas Jock Aitken was driving solo.

At the time these were built I was also building a special based on a Fiat 509 and therefore had a special interest in both cars. Jock Aitken's car was styled along the lines of a traditional sports car and was much better finished than Gorrdon Brown's. Don Tilsley's (spelling?) rough and ready Singford became by far the most competitive Ford Ten Special in speed events, due to engine developments and good hydraulic brakes.

Roger Dowding
04-22-2020, 09:48 PM
"The photo purported to be Gordon Browns GBS in the article is actually Jock Aitkens car.
Gordon won, Jock came 4th."

Just how was this established ? I recall Jock Aitken's car as being quite different from Gordon Brown's. What is more, the car in the mud appears to have two occupants, whereas Jock Aitken was driving solo.

At the time these were built I was also building a special based on a Fiat 509 and therefore had a special interest in both cars. Jock Aitken's car was styled along the lines of a traditional sports car and was much better finished than Gorrdon Brown's. Don Tilsley's (spelling?) rough and ready Singford became by far the most competitive Ford Ten Special in speed events, due to engine developments and good hydraulic brakes.

Trevor, agree - the way the article is written and cropped, makes it appear that the photo is Gordon - but the photo title below says " Top - J Aitken Ford 10 Special ".

Better photo of the GBS as posted some years ago 2016 - when Gordon was looking for the car.
This from the Northern Sports Car Clubs - Facebook page
enhanced by John Bennoch " John B ".


Would be interested to see any photos of your car the Fiat 509, which you have mentioned on this thread earlier -
when I mistook a Fiat for a Lea Francis.

My Uncle and friends and a Fiat 509 at Russell in 1941 [ 1941- 1946 number plates ]
- photo unearthed by my Cousin John [ Ed Dowdings son ] at the time of Ed's passing in May 2018.


Trevor Sheffield
04-23-2020, 03:02 AM

Unfortunately no photos of the car exist. At the time, taking photos was a very secondary consideration. The car recorded a class win at a NSCC North Island Hillclimb Championship and I ran it at the Mt Wellington road races.

It was subsequently owned by Ken Harris, who went on to own the Wharton Monza Ferrari. I was surprised when he drove it, along with his wife, on a lengthy road trip. It was necessary for him to visit a family sheep station involved in a legacy, which later enabled him to purchase the Ferrari. He bragged about a "dice" with a sports car on the way home, and how the special won the day. LOL

duncan fox
04-23-2020, 08:26 PM
The "famous" Austin was owned as well as driven by George Smith. It would appear likely that two different cars are involved. Note that the dashboards are clearly different.

# Refer to my book "Ralph Watson Special Engineer for photo and article by Ralph Watson, "My Years of Motor Racing Engineering".


Trevor, I looked at the photos and I think its possibly the same car that has had a rebuild with some side skirts a paint job and the Dash reformatted. In the early photo the car is rather tatty, also I see its running a D plate (D15) in the later Orewa pics.

Milan Fistonic
04-23-2020, 09:19 PM
The information I have is that there were only three "Works Supercharged Austin Sevens" and only one came to New Zealand in 1935. Of the other two, one was destroyed by fire in South Africa and the other was a victim of the Blitz in London.

Trevor Sheffield
04-24-2020, 12:13 AM
The information I have is that there were only three "Works Supercharged Austin Sevens" and only one came to New Zealand in 1935. Of the other two, one was destroyed by fire in South Africa and the other was a victim of the Blitz in London.

From where did you obtain this information ?

In order to further confuse the issue, refer to page 16 in Graham Vercoe's book. LOL

Roger Dowding
04-25-2020, 03:16 AM
More photos from the Arthur Siddall albums -
As mentioned the photos are small so best to show the whole pages from the album.
1946 - more events.

Pokeno Hillclimb - no details of the road used
Note - A.J. Roycroft in the Ford V8 Sedan



Whitford Time Trial 24th February 1946
Ron Roycroft in a Riley 9 Saloon.



Unfortunately a couple of the photos are missing but the captions tell of other competitors.

Roger Dowding
04-26-2020, 04:06 AM
Photos from the two November meetings of NSCC at Seagrove ;
dated 1947 and 1949
Photos from the Arthur Siddall albums - followed by an article from the archives of Bob Homewood on a meeting in 1949.
Is it the same meeting ?.

1947 two sets of photos ;

The regular members are there !.



1949 again two sets of photos.



Thanks to Duncan Fox for these album pages.

The Article from Bob Homewood
- Quote " the meeting held on a Sunday - perhaps the first time ever in this country ?. "
When I first was going to Pukekohe in the late 1960's there was a mad dash to get to the Jolly Farmer at Drury on Saturday afternoon - sometimes left before the last race - usually a bit of a free for all race.

Roger Dowding
04-28-2020, 01:56 AM
Other events from the Arthur Siddall albums - the last few pages

Posts #255 1946 Winter Trial
Posts 258 - 261, Austin Seven - supercharged
Post #264 Early events 1942
Post #271 1945 Winter Trial
Post #272 1946 Winter Trial
followed by Pokeno Hill Climb Post #280 and Whitford Time Trials Post #280
Post #281 Seagrove 1947 and 1949

Orewa Beach 1946 - where a lot of the Austin Seven photos were from.


Taylors Bay Hillclimb 1945 - Taylors Bay is on the Manukau, at Hillsborough, Frederick Street runs along the top - Unsure what roads they would have used.
There is a Bluff Road which runs to the Beach and Goodall Road which runs from Bluff across Frederick St and up to Hillsborough Rd.

This is where the photo of the group crowded into Graham Wells Bentley was taken - have had that photo for many years, but did not know where from. 1945 at Taylors Bay


Thanks again for Duncan Fox providing the images from the Albums.

Bigger version of the Bentley photo,my Uncle Ed and I believe Aunty Una in the back seat.


Roger Dowding
04-28-2020, 03:54 AM
An inquiry by Peter Farrell - who now lives in the USA on the Facebook Page " NZ rallying History " of a couple of years ago has resurfaced with the following. Post from 5th February 2018

" Does anybody know where this NSCC trophy of the Woodhill rally winners might be? Or maybe a good picture of it. Some great names are on this such as Rod Millen, John Woolf, Possum Bourne, etc. The winner kept it for a year and then gave it back to the car club. It had a Gold Datsun 180B coupe on it. "

Peter also writes just recently as in today 28th April 2020.

" This is the NSCC Woodhill Rally winners trophy. I know Rod Millen has at least 2 shields with his name on. I know John Woolf has 1 or more. I know Tony Teesdale won in 1979. I think Possum won it at least once. I won it in 1982 and 1983. Can anybody fill in the missing winners and any other names that may be on the shields and what year? "

Photo of the Trophy;


I note an HCMC Hibiscus Coast Motorsport Club Certificate and an NSCC one behind the trophy - not a good quality photo though.

** Update July 2024 - the Trophy has been refurbished and returned to NSCC to go into the Trophy Cabinet. a good outcome.

Roger Dowding
04-29-2020, 02:36 AM
Results of the March 1971 Hillclimb at Cosseys Farm, the NSCC venue. from Milan Fistonic archives.

Was probably there spectating or flagging/marshalling, but didn't compete on the Hill until around 1972/73 season in the Mini 850, and only at closed club events until later in the 1970's .


Some great names there including George Bunce - Holden, R [ Robbie ] Francevic - Holden, Allan Woolf in the 3 litre Capri he ran in the Heatway Rally , Rod Millen - in the Buggy - J W McKechnie from TSCC in a Triumph [ Herald ] lots of NSCC guys I remember.
There is a good mix of different Clubs entered. Auckland CC, Auckland University CC, MGCC, NSCC, Pukekohe CC and Triumph Sports CC - who were part of the Bardahl series in later years which also had HCMC [ Hibiscus Coast ] and
HCC [ Hamilton ]
Didn't realise that the Bardahl Series Hillclimbs with the " Bardahl Trophy " were running that early. You learn new everyday - will help with a story on the series that I ran in 1979/80 season fro Triumph Car Club / TSCC.

Roger Dowding
05-02-2020, 09:30 PM
The Bardahl Trophy and the series of Hillclimbs - have gathered some more results frorm Bardahl events which will post here once sorted events run by other clubs Pukekohe -thanks to Milan and others for the information.
Also other events by clubs not NSCC ones but will put here rather than starting a new thread.

Meanwhile John Larry Lawton has provided photos of an NSCC meeting at Western Springs - used to go to Speedway there from my teenage years on, and also went a couple of times when the track was used for the Heatway Rally - they ran sprint/races between the Rally cars arriving.

The " Cinder Racing " to follow.

Roger Dowding
05-02-2020, 09:37 PM
Photos from John Larry Lawton - a competitor in his own right.
His collection of photos and a brief report on the event from Motorman Magazine courtesy of Graham Woods in the next post.
Event held 8th May 1965 -[ 55th Anniversary next week ! ]

Frank Radisich Humber 80 was the Humber Zephyr, later to become the Humber Jaguar





Roger Dowding
05-02-2020, 09:42 PM
John Larry Lawton photos and the Motorman article [ Graham Woods ]



'scuse the typo in the tile [ 1865 really !! ]

Roger Dowding
05-02-2020, 11:08 PM
1974 Woodhill Rally - an NSCC event organised by Tom Grace whose farm backed onto the Forest - his farm was used by the Club for Grass Sprints.
Copies of the results if the 1974 event from John Coker - a Trials and Rally competitor over the years and a strong NSCC member.




Presume that stages with even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 were the Touring Sections [ confirmed by John Coker ] - quite short from memory as the Forest was not huge - Marshalled there a few times.
Well remember Wayne Parkin flipping his car and landing on its roof,Wayne gets out and looks around seemed OK, poor Sue Parkin was upside down still in her harness for a few minutes.

Roger Dowding
05-06-2020, 03:34 AM
Some Trials results and details from the 1976 and 1977 prizegiving Speed and non-Speed events.

2nd Trial

3rd Trial - invitation to Auckland University Car Club

Trials Trophy winners 1977

Speed Trophy winners 1976

Prizegiving 1976/77 season - published in Club Torque in February 1978 from the December 1977 ceremony.
Got to walk up and collect a trophy.
Actually won that " Philip Silich Cup " three times in four competition years
Got this note from the Club Secretary back in 2016 when I asked about Trophies
" Phil Silich Cup - this trophy has name appearing in 1975-76 1976-77 1978-79 ".


Thanks to Graham Woods for these extract from NSCC " Club Torque " posted from Old New Zealand Motor racing Facebook page - Graham tagged me to make sure I saw them.

the J Rye is John Rye who had at one stage a Mark 1 Triumph 2.5 PI, [ quite a rare car - believed to be the London Motor Show car ] and later a Fiat 125.
I navigated for him and sometime on Interclub events was with John and Bob Hayman and or Jim and Grace Hack, Jim had a Saab 92 at one stage and Bob a Cortina and later a 3 litre Capri.
My Barman partner at NSCC on a Saturday Night was a good competitor too, Bruce Hatrick - often with Rod Peat, but see John Crombie there too !!

Roger Dowding
05-09-2020, 03:54 AM
Auckland Star clipping - 19th April 1975 - about Woodhill Rally - completed and the top seed entries for the ACC Rally at Maramarua.
Photo : Blair Robson, Rally Specialist Escort.

- other entrants Rod Millen Mazda RX3, Paul Adams with Sue Adams [ nee Woolf - Alan and Colleens daughter ] - Escort, Dave Simpson Jim Richards Escorts and others include Robbie Francevic Mazda RX3-
Circuit Racers and Rally Drivers in the field.


Roger Dowding
05-10-2020, 08:41 PM
Graham Kyle comment " I was doing licence appraisal that day, l think my comment was`Over driving `. And when he bought the Escort and raced on the full circuit, some else remarked the same. I can`t remember if he was ever approved to race..."

Dave Simpson replied " Yes of course he was approved. He raced his Escort numerous times before ceding the drive to Jim R." [ Jim Richards ].

Comment from Bruce Blacklock " I recall an ACCC [ ACC ! ]club meeting when Jim came thundering past me at the other end of the circuit. My first thought was he is going so fast he won't make it, sure enough he lost the back end and clipped the rear guard of Tim Holt's Simca 1000. The thing I remember most was the three big bangs as the three tail lights hit the Simca and exploded like a clay pigeon shoot. "

Other comments on the " Jim " - this by James Donald " He raced a 1275 Cooper S too on the Club Circuit along with his lady Mary Donald. "

Italics - mine

The comments were about this photo from John [ Larry ] Lawton..


The Driver Jim Carney -

Have also " borrowed "some photos from Rod Duff - taken at Baypark in 1975 - will put on the [ Lost Tracks ] thread soon.

Roger Dowding
05-11-2020, 11:49 PM
More of the story - History of the Car [ Cars ].
Photos posted of the Car under George Sellars ownership / as driver -posted before;

Thanks for the comments by Trevor Sheffield and the Photos from Duncan Fox - as a result have gone back through some books I have ;
Scott Thompson book " Up to Speed - The Roycroft years in New Zealand motor racing " - published in 2006

New Zealand Classic Car - Limited Collector' Series Volume 2 " -" Classic Kiwi Motorsport " - section entitiled The Roycroft Chronicles - editor Allan Walton -[ now with NZ Classic Driver ]

New Zealand Classic Driver - The Best of Classic Driver - A Dashboard View - Collector Edition celebrating the First 10 Years - published in 2012 - editor Tony Haycock - Story - The Return of the Rubber Duck by Geoff Anders

Graham Vercoe books -
- " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " - published in 1991
- " The Golden Era of New Zealand Motor Racing " published in 1993

From these have gathered a number of photographs and also the story on the Car [ or Cars ] The article tells of three cars being built by Austin
- one of which " was sent here where men like George Smith and Ron Roycroft made it a superstar. "
The car " disappeared "but came back from Australia to New Zealand with Grant Cowie.

Will gather the photos and add to the story - for the moment a photo from the McLaren Trust archives and the group of photos previously posted ;

Photo from the McLaren Trust archives - published in the NZ Classic Car Limited Collector' series Vol 2.


Car in the hands of George Sellars [ Who was he ? - he owned the car after George Smith and Jack Mackay - before it went to Ron Roycroft ] here with light - white body / paintwork


The car at Orewa in 1946 with dark paintwork


More to come on the story ;

Roger Dowding
05-12-2020, 04:38 AM
Quick comment on the Austin Seven - according to Graham Vercoe [ yes I know some of his information was incorrect ] the car was purchased by C and R Racing [ Harry Chatteris and Ron Roycroft ] the now blue single-seater from George and Jack Sellars of Wellsford.
Both drove it regularly from 1948.
This indicates that the colour of the car did change under the Sellars ownership - was light / white with George Smith and as seen at Muriwai with George Sellars. then later dark at Orewa in 1946

The car was repainted by Ron and Harry by the 1949 Wigram Races. Poster from the event.


a continuing saga that needs additions and corrections. - more work to do.
Any " inputs " appreciated as Ken H would say.
We now know the car was a Pale Green [ Lettuce Green ] originally and has now been restored in the 2000's and painted that Pale Green

Roger Dowding
05-13-2020, 02:45 AM
Photos from John Larry Lawton, taken at Birdwood

Results and the article from Club Torque from Graham Woods to follow;

Rod Coppins

Jack Nazer

Barry Munro

Jamie Aislabie

The Results


Article in next post 2 pages.

Roger Dowding
05-13-2020, 02:58 AM
Results again [ to keep in one post ]


The article from NSCC " Club Torque ".
Trevor Sheffield gets a mention for his good work in setting up the timing equipment- thanks Trevor



Not Birdwood but a regular NSCC Competitor - the great Rob Williams in his V8 Coupe at a Club Circuit meeting at Pukekohe. Photo by Kevin Lancaster, so may have been an ACC meeting. Kevin was an executive member of ACC and also Rally New Zealand at some stage [ pun intended ].

Photo around 1970.


Roger Dowding
05-15-2020, 10:57 PM
More of the story - History of the Car [ Cars ].
Photos posted of the Car under George Sellars ownership / as driver -posted before;

Thanks for the comments by Trevor Sheffield and the Photos from Duncan Fox - as a result have gone back through some books I have ;
Scott Thompson book " Up to Speed - The Roycroft years in New Zealand motor racing " - published in 2006

New Zealand Classic Car - Limited Collector' Series Volume 2 " -" Classic Kiwi Motorsport " - section entitiled The Roycroft Chronicles - editor Allan Walton -[ now with NZ Classic Driver ]

New Zealand Classic Driver - The Best of Classic Driver - A Dashboard View - Collector Edition celebrating the First 10 Years - published in 2012 - editor Tony Haycock - Story - The Return of the Rubber Duck by Geoff Anders

Graham Vercoe books -
- " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " - published in 1991
- " The Golden Era of New Zealand Motor Racing " published in 1993

From these have gathered a number of photographs and also the story on the Car [ or Cars ] The article tells of three cars being built by Austin
- one of which " was sent here where men like George Smith and Ron Roycroft made it a superstar. "
The car " disappeared "but came back from Australia to New Zealand with Grant Cowie.

Will gather the photos and add to the story - for the moment a photo from the McLaren Trust archives and the group of photos previously posted ;

Photo from the McLaren Trust archives - published in the NZ Classic Car Limited Collector' series Vol 2.


Car in the hands of George Sellars [ Who was he ? - he owned the car after George Smith and Jack Mackay - before it went to Ron Roycroft ] here with light - white body / paintwork


The car at Orewa in 1946 with dark paintwork


More to come on the story ;

The Austin Seven ;
From my " research " into the Austin Seven supercharged factory racing car - built in 1931 - one of three [ or four according to some sources ] the one that came to New Zealand was apparently painted a pale green.
Grant Cowie, owns the car as at 2012. He took to Australia in 1990, restored over the next 12 years, and bought it back to New Zealand. It is featured in the NZ Classic Driver -" The Best of Classic Driver - A Dashboard View ", the collectors Edition celebrating the First 10 Years [ 2012 ] here are a couple of photos.
Through the various publications now have a time line of the car and who owned and / or drove it in New Zealand from 1935 when it first arrived, until 2012.



Photos from the NZ CD article with captions

The story continues ;

Roger Dowding
05-18-2020, 04:11 AM
Some more ancient history from the NSCC's Club Torque - February, July and October 1963.




Just re-reading these articles from Club Torque in 1963 that are articles from events in 1943 - 44 and on to 1946.
With the recent posting of the Arthur Siddall photos the article provide more information on events, such as the Gymkhana at Point England - Racing at Orewa Beach which seems to have been first used in 1944.

Thanks again Milan.

Roger Dowding
05-19-2020, 11:11 PM
Mention has been made some time ago of the GBS - built by Gordon Brown and more recently of the " Ford 10 Special " or Jock Aitken Special, built Jock who was a Mechanic and Engineer, he ran a small garage / workshop in Grafton Gully, near where the motorway is now - this was in the 1940's through to the 1960's from memory it was just a small garage with a ramp and pit beside it. My first car used to get serviced there back in 1967

This photo of the GBS and the Ford 10 Spl was posted recently, and I have found another photo of a car which looks the same as the Fordi 10 from Ohakea in 1952.

Photos from the Arthur Siddall collection from Duncan Fox.

Note an A Cowper behind Jock Aitken's Ford 10 left photo at top.

Ohakea 1952 - middle left car driven by A Cowper - I am sure that is the Jock Aitken car.
Extract from the 1953 Ohakea Programme from Mark Coulthard

C H Chatteris - Harry Chatteris who was in C and R Racing with Ron Roycroft.
George Smith in the Allard that is now with Rob Boult in Queenstown
A story on another Special bult by an NSCC member is coming soon.

Note the Jock Aitken car I had noted as the Fordie - that was from a photo and was my poor reading of the caption Ford10 I took as FordIe.. apologies - as noted by Trevor Sheffield later was my error

Roger Dowding
05-20-2020, 01:55 AM
Preamble ; " Having seen the " Ford Ten special built by Gordon Brown. His efforts encouraged Jock Aitken and others to follow on with the theme he introduced. He was certainly way ahead of Collin Chapman. LOL

A magazine article covering the car inspired me to build a special in order to take up motor sport, and I too used a modified Ruckstell rear axle from a Beauty Model T Ford, in order to overcome the disadvantage of a wide ratio three speed gear box. The article mentioned Gordon fitting a makeshift grader blade to the front of the car in order to level his newly acquired house section.

In those days we were all short of money and few could afford more than one car. When first built the car was used for general purposes as well as motor sport. It had weather protection and as you can see proper doors. At the time import controls meant that there were just a couple of new MG TD in the club and the Ford Ten light weight specials showed them the way at less than half the cost.
" I was around at the time and was particularly interested in Gordon Brown’s Ford Ten special as I also utilised a Ruckstell rear end in my Fiat Special "

The story of the Fiat 509 Special.

A photo of an Original Car. a Fiat 509 Tourer.


The story Part One ;

" Shortly after WW2, having secured a drivers license at the age of 15 years, an absolutely burning desire to own a sports car and to do some motor racing became an obsession. My sport had been competitive cycle racing and prior to school I was well into a Meccano sets and later building radios and electrical stuff. Sport and technology therefore ran hand in hand.

A bike ride out to an amateur motor race meeting held at a disused wartime airfield, really set my brain on fire. By hook or by crook I would acquire a suitable car. I could feel the wind in my hair and the feel of an engine in place of handlebars and peddles. It was rather odd that motorcycles never tickled my fancy.

I had picked up a book “Specials” by john Bolster of “Bloody Mary” fame and also a sports car magazine had appeared describing an interesting Ford Ten Special, cheaply built close by. Cycle racing was out and racing sports cars was in.

The theme in those days involving a special was dictated by an absolute scarcity of funds and the lack of obtainable new components. Of necessity, things had to be kept simple. Personally my tool kit was meagre not even a socket set. Only tube spanners scrounged from car tool kits and only a single Crescent and old right angle shifters were on hand. A power tool was a dream. I swapped a record playing amplifier which I had built, for a few extra hand tools and this helped a bit. What I did have, was an eggbeater hand drill, a carpenters brace and a few drill bits, plus a hacksaw.

A couple of specials had been built locally using a suitable available chassis fitted with a Ford Ten engine and these were leaving the only sports cars then on hand for dust. The pre-war models, including the MG brigade were well and truly out gunned on a power to weight basis. After selling a couple of racing push bikes I had one hundred pounds odd. My head and heart were pounding, but what could I do?

I had read all the classic stuff about overhead cams, hemispherical combustion chambers, inlet and exhaust systems etc. A Ford Ten engine was beyond my pocket and what's more did not appeal. Kept searching the papers. Fiat 509, 1927, two seat tourer, not running, unregistered, good for parts, NZ 65 pounds.

Looked up the specs. Overhead cam, close to the 1,100 cc class limit. Very pretty little engine with not an external drive in sight. The generator was driven from the front of the crankshaft and the fan directly from the single overhead camshaft. I was a gonna. Could not hold myself back.

Dragged it home. Dad’s car remained outside for a few days while I tore off the body an sent it to the tip. Dad complained, found space at a friends house. His dad complained. Moved it to my grandmothers small garage some mile and a bit from home. Discovered that the wheels were for beaded edge tyres, bugger. Cycled there and back at every opportunity.

Pulled the old girl to pieces, stood and looked at the bits rather soulfully, but never the less hopefully. What had I done? Ouch! No power to the shed but at home I had a length of telephone cable from a war assets radio I had acquired. Naughty but practical. No bench or vice. First off I cleaned and painted the chassis, all the time with grandiose thoughts propelling me forwards. Would have liked to shorten the wheelbase, but that was not on.
My head spun and my thoughts full-time were devoted to my racing sports car. I frequented a wreckers yard operated by quite a character “Merv. Hardy” and his helper “Gerry Matherson”. These guys had raced cars prior to the war and became my stalwart advisers. Merv. had a Ford T Frontenac racing car in his yard and Gerry was restoring it when time allowed. Gerry had owned and raced locally a quite famous classic Indianapolis Miller. His advice ---- “cam and com is the way to go”.

Cam grinding was out of the question but what the hell. The old 509 had the single central OHC operating the valves via short rockers. I had the rounded ends built up lengthened and ground flat, Bingo.

Merv. rented an extensive old building, no longer existing. The roof leaked and parts were simply strewn about as cars became dismantled. Merv. --- “over there in the corner, under all that crap you will find a Fiat 509 engine”. He had no book of inventory, but with his vibrant old brain none was needed. “Yeh know they used to race those things” he said. “Bloody great little engine, getting them breathing was a problem”. After some digging I found the engine and it tuned out to be from a 1926 Fiat 509, whereas I had identified mine as being a year later 509A, and this turned out to be very significant.

I discovered that the earlier model had the single carburettor located low down on the inlet side of the block, with the inlet passage cast within the block and siamised to exit the block and enter the head as two passages. Here these were again siamised towards the four inlet valves. I became exited. The later model which I possessed had the carburettor shifted to the hot side of the engine with a separate inlet manifold combined with the exhaust. This fed into two passages arranged within the head, so as to connect with the as previously arranged siamised ports.

This change had obviously been made due to problems experienced during cold weather and a sad blunder it would appear. However this suited Trevor. He put the earlier head on his engine which did not have the upward passages in the block, leaving the two passage junctions remaining within the head blanked off. These acted as plenums to be opened up so as to directly fit a pair of carburettors on the cold side of the engine. As a result he very happy to have the sort after classic set up. "

Photo - line drawing of the Engine of a Fiat 509


The Car with the body removed ;


Part two to follow;

Roger Dowding
05-20-2020, 02:10 AM
The story continues ;

" The design of the engine overall was quite interesting. The crankshaft included three bearings, but arranged in a quite novel way. The camshaft was driven from the rear via a chain drive which included an interim sprocket on an intermediate shaff witch drove a magneto. This protruded into the cockpit, very Bugatti like and quite a feature. A crankshaft bearing was located on each sides of the crankshaft sprocket, with the third bearing at the front end. Not a bad set up when one takes into account the cantilevered stiffness this provides. The engine proved reliable when regularly run to 6,000 RPM.

The arrangement of the accessories provided torsional damping for the crankshaft, camshaft and the intermediate chain sprocket. Not silly for sure, given that no supple belts were included in the drives. The cover and head were hand filed out behind the camshaft sprocket so as to provide mounting for a bearing assembly and flexible drive to a tachometer. This was made up by converting suitable discarded speedometer.

I had joined the Northern Sports Car Club and made a few friends including Ralph Watson who was developing his renowned BSA Special. He knew all about Amal carburettors and they were available very cheaply so that the choice became obvious.

A wide ratio three speed gearbox presented a serious disadvantage. However in the back of my mind remained details of the first locally built Ford Ten special which incorporated a Ford Model T Ruckstell two speed back axle, suitably modified. Again the choice became obvious. When in the presence of anyone not in the know, two reverse speeds provided entertainment. It also fun to become expert at handling two levers while double de clutching and blipping the throttle in neutral in order to make clean changes. There certainly was no synchromesh available in 1927.

I was lucky to be able to borrow for a short time, a gas welding set and constructed a body frame using electrical conduit taken from rewired houses. Everything was brazed rather than welded for good reason. Rounded sections on the basis of cost were beyond consideration and the frame was fitted with flat steel panels. Here is where the design fell somewhat outside of a modern clubman, as doors were included. The rear was finished off with a discarded tank of suitable shape, together with the spare wheel. All very pukka and in the British tradition, but also more importantly, a very cheap option. Painted with a brush in a light grey without any conception of a flash job, but never the less it was neat and tidy.

The radiator finished off the frontal aspect and was OK using the original radiator which was of a squared shape very much like a Rolls Royce. No problems with that ! Simple thermo syphon cooling was retained but the header tank was extended using sheet brass and solder.

A set of side and headlamps was spotted advertised in the daily paper at a cheap price and these turned out to be from an classic early Vauxhall tourer, a sort of poor mans Bentley. These Lucas “King of the Road lights”, were quite outstanding in both performance, quality and appearance. I used the quite large matching side lamps as secondary lights, which meant that dipping headlights were not required.

Strangely a stock of new Morris Eight wheels appeared on the market at a very cheap price, therefore a set was purchased and the hubs altered to suit. ( I think these may have been war assets and a story within itself.) Good second hand tyres were fitted. The original car had four wheel internal expanding rod operated mechanical brakes and these had to be accepted in order to minimise costs.

The first event entered was a road race over partly unsealed roads which were closed due to the area being set aside for new housing. Dust was a problem. Run as a charity event the bureaucrats were somehow circumvented. Huge spectator interest but never to be repeated. Not surprisingly the untried car disappointed but completed several races without failing.

Next came a National, hill climb championship with several brand new cars competing. I won the 1,100 c.c. class with time to spare. Just a home-made roadster, but up against some brand new stuff, it performed quite well. The nice spread of gear ratios was a bonus.

I did not have the car for long. An early marriage and a baby daughter intervened. Arranging weather protection was out of the question. The subsequent owner became a car racing friend. Equally short of cash at the time, to my surprise he drove my little Fiat Special on a very long trip down country without any problems. Sadly a photo of the car does not exist. [ Note ; photo's of the car have been found and attached - my comment ]

A Singer Le Mans requiring a lot of restoration took the place of the Fiat Special and as our one and only car. My wife also drove the Singer in competitive events and as a tiny tot daughter Jennifer was transported to and from events in the extended space behind the seats. To this day I am unable to understand and how we all put up with the rock hard suspension.

Them certainly were the days. LOL

T. R. Sheffield.

Photo notes would have shown the car was built and the story written by Trevor Sheffield - which he kindly sent to me for publication here. Thanks Trevor.

Photos of the completed car ;




The Montage of photos that Trevor sent with the article.


Trevor Sheffield
05-20-2020, 05:44 AM
Mention has been made some time ago of the GBS - built by Gordon Brown and more recently of the " Fordie " or Jock Aitken Special, built Jock who was a Mechanic and Engineer, he ran a small garage / workshop in Grafton Gully, nera where the motorway is now - this was in the 1940's through to the 1960's from memory it was just a small garage with a ramp and pit beside it. My first car used to get serviced there back in 1967

This photo of the GBS and the Fordie was posted recently, and I have found another photo of a car which looks the same as the Fordie from Ohakea in 1952.

Photos from the Arthur Siddall collection from Duncan Fox.

Note an A Cowper behind Jock Aitken's Fordie left photo at top.

Ohakea 1952 - middle left car driven by A Cowper - I am sure that is the Jock Aitken car.
Extract from the 1953 Ohakea Programme from Mark Coulthard

C H Chatteris - Harry Chatteris who was in C and R Racing with Ron Roycroft.
George Smith in the Allard that is now with Rob Boult in Queenstown
A story on another Special bult by an NSCC member is coming soon.

I am quite sure that three of the group of four photos show Gordon Brown’s GBS.
Car number 11 is also in fact the GPS and the second of the pair of photos, would appear to show Gordon Brown driving the Jupiter owned by Dr. Ken Orre, who became my GP in later years. He never drove the car himself in speed events and in spite of discrete questioning I was never able to find out why this was so. Gordon Brown was a patient and therefore a natural choice. Know-one else drove the Jupiter, the only one competing at the time and one of three which came available during import licensing. Gordon went on to roll and bend it slightly.

I can not recall the Aitken car ever being referred to as the ”Fordie”. Whatever, it in no way resembled the GPS.

Roger Dowding
05-21-2020, 04:33 AM
Trying to get a complete list of roads used by NSCC from the early days 1940's through to now.
Have found a few but there are gaps in the order which probably means I am missing quite a lot

The list so far

1940's - late in the decade. First Hill Climb appears to be in 1946
1946 - 47.

Taylors Bay, Hillsborough - unsure which road was used.

Pokeno again no details on which road was used.

Ostrich Farm Road - late 1940's - understand this may have been the Auckland Car Club's venue not NSCC
* Ostrich Farm Road was an NSCC venue and used often - need to check dates / years.


" Wairamarama Onewhero Road, Onewhero "

described as Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray in some details about an early Hill Climb - near Ron Roycrofts place - used definitely in 1956.
Thanks to Trevor for the correction of spelling - makes it easier to find on a map !!


Wharepapa Road, Helensville - used early 1960's ** maybe 1964

Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was used in March 1967.

** Have now re-found an article about the last running of Birdwood Road in 1964 or 65 ! after that the new hill was to be Wharepapa Road, Helensville

1967 on.

Cosseys Farm [ private road ] Drury - 1967 until at least the late 1980's [ more information needed ]

Also researching the Bardahl Series of Hill Climbs which appears to have started in the early 1970's with the trophy being mentioned in results as Club events incorporating the " Bardahl Trophy "

Any information or comments welcome.

Trevor Sheffield
05-21-2020, 05:24 AM
Wairamarama (N.B. Spelling) was the exclusive venue of the Northern Sports Car Club for several years. It was originally a short section of a metal road which became sealed due the surface becoming a mud trap for farmers, who therefore put pressure on the local Council.

It was unusual at the time, being a sealed surface, rather than the usual loose metal rural road used for hillclimbs. It was used as I recall, from the late 1940's.

05-21-2020, 06:54 AM
Question forTrevor.
Do you know the chassis and such of GBS? Reason for asking is that my first special, acquired in 1967 from Rotorua was registered as GBS, but looked nothing like the photos posted of Gordon Brown's car, in reality very close to MGTF. Memory says the reg papers said it was built in Gisborne. Of course there is nothing to suggest it's the same car, not that the builder of "mine" didn't also use his own initials. Last known when I sold it minus engine and gearbox to someone near Ngaruawahia.

Trevor Sheffield
05-21-2020, 09:29 PM
Question forTrevor.
Do you know the chassis and such of GBS? Reason for asking is that my first special, acquired in 1967 from Rotorua was registered as GBS, but looked nothing like the photos posted of Gordon Brown's car, in reality very close to MGTF. Memory says the reg papers said it was built in Gisborne. Of course there is nothing to suggest it's the same car, not that the builder of "mine" didn't also use his own initials. Last known when I sold it minus engine and gearbox to someone near Ngaruawahia.

The Gordon Brown car always had a streamlined frontal aspect and therefore I can not see the car that you acquired being the same vehicle.

Furthermore as mentioned in the extensive article appearing in previous posts 299-300, the two-speed Ruckstell rear axle would have positively identified the Gordon Brown car.

Roger Dowding
05-21-2020, 10:00 PM
Wairamarama (N.B. Spelling) was the exclusive venue of the Northern Sports Car Club for several years. It was originally a short section of a metal road which became sealed due the surface becoming a mud trap for farmers, who therefore put pressure on the local Council. It was used as I recall, from the late 1940's.

Trevor, thanks for the notes about Wairamarama and the spelling - my notes were scribbled in pencil on a sheet of paper - need more attention to detail. Will correct it.

Roger Dowding
05-21-2020, 10:29 PM
The GBS - Gordon Brown Special - notes I have indicate Gordon did build more than one car as stated here by Graham Vercoe [ without getting into a discussion on the accuracy of his books " a 1904 cc Ford V8 - 60 " ?? ] .


Only photos I have collected are of the first car completed in 1947 [ not 1949 ] This car same as the Vercoe article above [ posted before ].


This the article when Gordon was looking for the car in 2016


Then there are the photos from the Arthur Siddall collection which I have now separated.
Seagrove in 1947



re-attached photos - hope they show.

Trevor Sheffield
05-22-2020, 01:32 AM
[QUOTE=Roger Dowding;72971]The GBS - Gordon Brown Special - notes I have indicate Gordon did build more than one car as stated here by Graham Vercoe [ without getting into a discussion on the accuracy of his books " a 1904 cc Ford V8 - 60 " ?? ] .

As mentioned in my lengthy effort posts 299 - 300, a full article appeared in a short lived locally produced sports car magazine covering the construction of Gordon Brown's car. I can not recall its title, but the magazine has been mentioned within this forum. Within the article it was stated that having just purchased a newly built house, Gordon fitted the car with a make-shift dozer blade and as a result it assisted with the leveling of the house section! How could one forget reading a report involving a sports car and such enterprise? LOL

Surely a copy of the magazine must exist somewhere.

Roger Dowding
05-22-2020, 04:23 AM
[QUOTE=Roger Dowding;72971]The GBS - Gordon Brown Special - notes I have indicate Gordon did build more than one car as stated here by Graham Vercoe [ without getting into a discussion on the accuracy of his books " a 1904 cc Ford V8 - 60 " ?? ] .

As mentioned in my lengthy effort posts 299 - 300, a full article appeared in a short lived locally produced sports car magazine covering the construction of Gordon Brown's car. I can not recall its title, but the magazine has been mentioned within this forum. Within the article it was stated that having just purchased a newly built house, Gordon fitted the car with a make-shift dozer blade and as a result it assisted with the leveling of the house section! How could one forget reading a report involving a sports car and such enterprise? LOL

Surely a copy of the magazine must exist somewhere.

Trevor, I hope so - would like to see a copy myself.
Having reminded me I will ask on the Facebook Group about Motorsport and Motoring books.

Milan Fistonic
05-22-2020, 04:44 AM
Trying to get a complete list of roads used by NSCC from the early days 1940's through to now.
Have found a few but there are gaps in the order which probably means I am missing quite a lot

The list so far

1940's - late in the decade. First Hill Climb appears to be in 1946
1946 - 47.

Taylors Bay, Hillsborough - unsure which road was used.

Pokeno again no details on which road was used.

Ostrich Farm Road - late 1940's - understand this may have been the Auckland Car Club's venue not NSCC


" Wairamarama Onewhero Road, Onewhero "

described as Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray in some details about an early Hill Climb - near Ron Roycrofts place - used definitely in 1956.
Thanks to Trevor for the correction of spelling - makes it easier to find on a map !!


Wharepapa Road, Helensville - used early 1960's

Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was used in March 1967.

1967 on.

Cosseys Farm [ private road ] Drury - 1967 until at least the late 1980's [ more information needed ]

Also researching the Bardahl Series of Hill Climbs which appears to have started in the early 1970's with the trophy being mentioned in results as Club events incorporating the " Bardahl Trophy "

Any information or comments welcome.

Unfortunately this report of a 1948 hill climb at Whitford doesn't mention the name of the road.


05-22-2020, 04:47 AM
Sorry Trevor, I read the posts on the Fiat as if it were a car you built, not one of Gordons.

Trevor Sheffield
05-22-2020, 04:49 AM
A worthshile read here:-


Trevor Sheffield
05-22-2020, 04:56 AM
Sorry Trevor, I read the posts on the Fiat as if it were a car you built, not one of Gordons.

Damn it you old fart, check your eyesight. LOL I bloody well built the Fiat 509 Special as a very young fella. LLOl+. Plenty of gas @ 91!

Roger Dowding
05-22-2020, 05:18 AM
Sorry Trevor, I read the posts on the Fiat as if it were a car you built, not one of Gordons.

Oldfart - The Fiat was Trevors as he says " Plenty of gas @ 91! " and that is not an Octane Rating - he sent me the story and I found some other comments of this, and Trevor found the photos too - that he thought were not around.

Roger Dowding
05-22-2020, 05:40 AM
Unfortunately this report of a 1948 hill climb at Whitford doesn't mention the name of the road.


Thanks Milan a good article.
The familiar names that my Uncle Ed used to talk about - Alan Pybus [ not Pubus ] was a great mate of Ed's and I can remember about 15 -20 years ago my cousin John, Ed's son, and myself carrying Alan up the stairs at Ed and Una's home. Alan was wheelchair bound but still had his drivers licence and a car with hand controls - a 3 series BMW from memory..
Other great names all connected Ralph Watson, Ron Roycroft, Ken Hemus, Arthur Siddall whose photos have featured here recently and the great " Starter of Pukekohe " Laurie Powell in the results - have photos of of lot of them and their cars from Arthurs Albums showing Housego and MacGregor too - The Albums rescued by Duncan Fox as mentioned here before

Trevor Sheffield
05-22-2020, 06:43 AM
I have been searching my brain in order to recall the owner of a Ford ten based special, current at the time of the GBS and Collin MacGregor has rung a bell. The car was simillar to that of Don Tilsley but not quite as quick. It was later owned by a well known NSCC member and official, Jim Lockley.

05-22-2020, 07:12 PM
As per an email to Trevor when the site wan't accepting posts, I originally did read Trevor's lengthy (as he puts it) posts on the Fiat special, and thought it was his. How that was supposed to assist in seeing if there was any link between "my" GBS, last known in Ngaruawahia and a Gordon Brown car I don't know. Probably no link at all apart from the same name.
Moving on.....
I suspect the article mentioned went to the same magazine who commissioned me to write some articles, never paid the agreed rate, and said I should take out a subscription to see what they published of mine. Folded soon after.

Trevor Sheffield
05-22-2020, 10:50 PM
As per an email to Trevor when the site wan't accepting posts, I originally did read Trevor's lengthy (as he puts it) posts on the Fiat special, and thought it was his. How that was supposed to assist in seeing if there was any link between "my" GBS, last known in Ngaruawahia and a Gordon Brown car I don't know. Probably no link at all apart from the same name.

Please read again:-
"Furthermore as mentioned in the extensive article appearing in previous posts 299-300, the two-speed Ruckstell rear axle would have positively identified the Gordon Brown car."

Roger Dowding
05-24-2020, 04:12 AM
I have been searching my brain in order to recall the owner of a Ford ten based special, current at the time of the GBS and Collin MacGregor has rung a bell. The car was simillar to that of Don Tilsley but not quite as quick. It was later owned by a well known NSCC member and official, Jim Lockley.

Trevor, Colin MacGregor features in the Arthur Siddall albums, I will find and separate a photo of his car or cars and post later. [ 5;12 ]

Later 5;35 ; only mention of a C MacGregor is driving an MG Magna - no Special that I can find so far.

Later again - a day later;
Have put up a post about about Jock Aitken and his Special(s), as understand he built two.
There is a comment in the Vercoe Book, that McGregor drove Jocks first Ford 10 Special when it was owned by Arthur Cowper in the 1950's

Roger Dowding
05-25-2020, 01:18 AM
Aitken Ford, that I called " Fordie " - I did that because under one of the Arthur Siddall photos is the notation
- J Aitken " Ford1o " - the printing was quite small and I thought - the " 1 - one " was a " I " and the " 0 Zero - o " was a " e "
Apologies for the double confusion as typed the comment wrong too -just corrected today 25th may at 4;00 pm .

More on the car quote from the Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " there is a small article on Jocks cars and a photo of the second car at Muriwai in 1954 ;

" Jock Aitken, of Auckland, drove a most attractive two-seat sports car both on the road and in competition in 1949.
The car would have been a credit to any manufacturer. It was based on a Ford 10 and powered by and 1172 cc 100E motor. [ Notes 1, and 2 mine ]
Aitken went on to build a second Ford 10 - based special, selling the original to Arthur Cowper, who immediately took a class win with it at Wairamarama in 1952. Colin McGregor sometimes drove this car for Cowper. [ Note 3 ] Phil Kerr used the car in 1954 to take second place in the Bryce Tye Memorial at Muriwai [ Note 4 ]and subsequently bought the car, driving it for a couple of seasons.
The second Aitken car made its debut at Seagrove in December 1951, Aitken finishing third. This car was eventually re-engined with a Ford V8 unit "

Note 1, Believe the first car was built in 1947 not 1949 - around the same time as the first GBS - also stated to be 1949.
Note 2, " Ford 10 .. 1172 cc 100E motor ".
I am not an expert on the Ford 8 and 10 English sidevalve Motors, but in the late 1940's would be an E493A but according to Wikipaedia went on through the 100E range until 1962 when they were still available in the " Poverty - Pack " - Ford Popular version of the 100E.
Quote from Wiki .... ;
" The Ford Sidevalve is a side valve (flathead engine) from the British arm of the Ford Motor Company, often also referred to as the "English Sidevalve". The engine had its origins in the 1930s Ford Model Y, and were made in two sizes, 933 cc (56.9 cu in) or "8 HP", and 1,172 cc (71.5 cu in) or "10 HP".
Production‎: ‎1932–1962 Power output‎: ‎36 hp (27 kW)
Displacement‎: ‎933 cc (56.9 cu in); 1,172 cc ... Compression ratio‎: ‎6.0:1 ".

Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper

Note 4, The photo in the Graham Vercoe book is of the second Special " Aitken - Ford 10 " with a simpler less rounded body and cycle guards - not fitted for the races at Muriwai in 1954 -

Photo of the Original Car - with Aitken driving at Seagrove in 1947, Cowper behind


and another photo undated with Jock Aitken and location not known.


Cowper in the car at Ohakea in 1952
from Mark Coulthard archives - in the 1953 Ohakea Programme I understand.


The car does look well built but using cut down Ford 10 guards front and rear. Wheels are Ford too !

Trevor Sheffield
05-25-2020, 02:05 AM
"Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper "

Not so, the McGregor car was a separate entity and went through several owners including Jim Lockley a well known NSCC office holder. Lockley senior's company was one of the first offset printers in Auckland and for several years printed Club Torque. Jim instigated this section of the business which was previously confined to plan printing and the supply of drawing instruments etc.

"Note 4, The photo in the Graham Vercoe book is of the second Special " Aitken - Ford 10 " with a simpler less rounded body and cycle guards - not fitted for the races at Muriwai in 1954 - "

I can not locate the photo and to the best of my memory Jock Aitken built only one special. Please explain.

The photos shown appear to be improved somewhat and it can be seen that the car has separately but closely mounted headlights. This would tie in with my memory of the car when comparing it with the Singford. Furthermore it it brings into the equation the car suggested by "Oldfart". i.e. "rather like a TF MG. The plot thickens. LOL

Roger Dowding
05-25-2020, 03:16 AM
"Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper "

Not so, the McGregor car was a separate entity and went through several owners including Jim Lockley a well known NSCC office holder. Lockley senior's company was one of the first offset printers in Auckland and for several years printed Club Torque. Jim instigated this section of the business which was previously confined to plan printing and the supply of drawing instruments etc.

"Note 4, The photo in the Graham Vercoe book is of the second Special " Aitken - Ford 10 " with a simpler less rounded body and cycle guards - not fitted for the races at Muriwai in 1954 - "

I can not locate the photo and to the best of my memory Jock Aitken built only one special. Please explain.

The photos shown appear to be improved somewhat and it can be seen that the car has separately but closely mounted headlights. This would tie in with my memory of the car when comparing it with the Singford. Furthermore it it brings into the equation the car suggested by "Oldfart". i.e. "rather like a TF MG. The plot thickens. LOL

Trevor, thanks, another car we need to find out about. The McGregor one !
- re ; " I can not locate the photo and to the best of my memory Jock Aitken built only one special. Please explain. "

The note about Jock building two cars is in the Vercoe book and there is a photo of it which I have yet to scan.
The photo shows the car parked next to the Singford and the Ivy Stephenson " blown MG TC ".

To add to confusion and bring another car into the story - there seem to have been 4 " Singford " cars built by the Tilsley boys, Don, Bob and Glen in the 1950's - 1951 - 1957 All before I was around the motor scene only 10 at the time the last Singford was built.

Trevor Sheffield
05-25-2020, 04:10 AM
Trevor, thanks, another car we need to find out about. The McGregor one !
- re ; " I can not locate the photo and to the best of my memory Jock Aitken built only one special. Please explain. "

The note about Jock building two cars is in the Vercoe book and there is a photo of it which I have yet to scan.
The photo shows the car parked next to the Singford and the Ivy Stephenson " blown MG TC ".

To add to confusion and bring another car into the story - there seem to have been 4 " Singford " cars built by the Tilsley boys, Don, Bob and Glen in the 1950's - 1951 - 1957 All before I was around the motor scene only 10 at the time the last Singford was built.

As far as I am aware, Jock Aitken built only one car but drove a Dodge Special owned by Clarry Irwin and may have had some hand in its construction.

PS After having located the photo on on page 2 of the Vercoe book, I am confident that the second car is indeed the first Singford, with its unpainted one piece aluminium bonnet removed. The third car is not that of Ivy Stephenson who owned a normally aspirated MG TD with disc wheels..

When did Ivy Stephenson own a blown MG TC as did Sybil Lupp ? Two ladies of renown.

There were only three Tilsley cars built i.e. two sports type specials and one single seater racing car. However there was a project car built by the Tilsleys which was completed and bodied by others.

Roger Dowding
05-27-2020, 02:40 AM
Trevor, thanks for your notes - and finding the photo in the Vercoe book

" PS After having located the photo on on page 2 of the Vercoe book, I am confident that the second car is indeed the first Singford, with its unpainted one piece aluminium bonnet removed. The third car is not that of Ivy Stephenson who owned a normally aspirated MG TD with disc wheels.. "

We know Graham Vercoe books have inaccuracies and he didn't seem to accept corrections to errors.
I understand that he acquired photos, etc to use in his books, forgot whose they were and never returned them.

Would be good find photos of Ivy's MG, there are a few of Sybill Lupp's cars - mainly her Jaguars.

Ivy of course had a Buckler in later years, into the 1960's and a Lola Climax in the later 1960's.

Ivy in her Buckler NSCC patch on her Overalls - Richard Armstrong archives


The Lola Climax at Pukekohe in 1966 - my own photo


As for the Tilsley Boys, I do not know a lot about their cars - I have more reading to do.

Trevor Sheffield
05-27-2020, 06:04 AM
The first car in the photo is captioned, "The Aitken-Ford 10 Special No. 2." at Muriwai 1954, reportedly having made its debut at Seagrove in 1951 and at a later date was fitted with a Ford V8 engine.

The car also appears partly concealed on page 55, showing a Buckler at Ardmore in 1951.
Apparently Jock Aitken drove Clarry Irvin's Dodge Special at Muriwai in 1954, at Ohakia and Ardmore in 1955 and definitely at a quarter mile sprint meeting held on the unfinished Northern Motorway 3/10/55, where he won the 3000 - 5000 cc class at 16.6 s. I ran my Singer Le Mans with my wife driving and the results show no record of Jock Aitken running in any other car.

I recall Jock driving a large engined car and thought this recollection involved the Dodge Special. However Ford V8 hangs in my ind rather than Dodge, so that it could be that there was a second car. Even so the car pictured does not fit the bill in my mind or opinion.

Roger Dowding
06-10-2020, 04:43 AM
A set of photo's of Peter Levet competing at Cosseys Farm in March 1974.
The first photos shows the talked about concrete pad that was the start with the " cowpats "
- also shows Steve Hamilton in the next car on the line and a few other competitors in the " paddock " area.
The photos from Milan Fistonic's extensive archives - Photographer stated as " unknown ".

The photos are in sequence from Start through the middle section the tight right hander and up through the "Top Gate " before the sweeper to the finish.





Photo from the 1967 article on the New Venue of Cosseys Farm, showing the track / road.


Roger Dowding
06-22-2020, 02:23 AM
Finding more our about when certain Hill Roads were used by NSCC and other Clubs and came across these via Bob Homewood - he has a facebook link about the great Late Ted Thompson of Kumeu and a few photos of the Mini-Ford,
A Ford crossflow 1500 Motor grafted to a Mini Gearbox running huge carburettors and 13 inch wheels on the front usual mini 10 inch on the rear.

The Hill Climb details ; Ted running a special Ford V8 engine in a Ford 10 - there are some pictures of the motor too



Forrest Cardon in the Lycoming - pre Jim Boyd - lots of other well known 60's [ 50's -70/80's ] drivers too !!

Roger Dowding
06-22-2020, 02:29 AM
Originally posted this, but more information has been forthcoming ;

1940's - late in the decade. First Hill Climb appears to be in 1946
1946 - 47.

Taylors Bay, Hillsborough - unsure which road was used.

Pokeno again no details on which road was used.

Ostrich Farm Road - late 1940's **- understand this may have been the Auckland Car Club's venue not NSCC ?

** Used in 1961 as have some results from an event there in November 1961 posted in previous thread
The plot / story continues ..

" Wairamarama Onewhero Road, Onewhero "

described as Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray in some details about an early Hill Climb - near Ron Roycrofts place - used definitely in 1956.
Thanks to Trevor for the correction of spelling - makes it easier to find on a map !!


Wharepapa Road, Helensville - used early 1960's ** maybe 1964

Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was used in March 1967.

Trevor Sheffield
06-22-2020, 08:10 AM
Originally posted this, but more information has been forthcoming ;

1940's - late in the decade. First Hill Climb appears to be in 1946
1946 - 47.

Taylors Bay, Hillsborough - unsure which road was used.

Pokeno again no details on which road was used.

Ostrich Farm Road - late 1940's **- understand this may have been the Auckland Car Club's venue not NSCC ?

** Used in 1961 as have some results from an event there in November 1961 posted in previous thread
The plot / story continues ..

" Wairamarama Onewhero Road, Onewhero "

described as Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray in some details about an early Hill Climb - near Ron Roycrofts place - used definitely in 1956.
Thanks to Trevor for the correction of spelling - makes it easier to find on a map !!


Wharepapa Road, Helensville - used early 1960's ** maybe 1964

Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was used in March 1967.

Ostrich Farm Road was definitely a NSSC hillclimb and to the best of my knowledge and recollection was never used by the ACC.

Wairamarama I am certain was an exclusive NSSC venue.

During this period the two Auckland Clubs as a matter of principle, did not attempt to gain the use of what was considered to be the others patch. This attitude was important so as to prevent confusion and possible competition involving applications made to the public body involved. It worked very well.

Roger Dowding
06-24-2020, 03:44 AM
Ostrich Farm Road was definitely a NSSC hillclimb and to the best of my knowledge and recollection was never used by the ACC.

Wairamarama I am certain was an exclusive NSSC venue.

During this period the two Auckland Clubs as a matter of principle, did not attempt to gain the use of what was considered to be the others patch. This attitude was important so as to prevent confusion and possible competition involving applications made to the public body involved. It worked very well.

Good information, Thanks Trevor.
I like the idea that the clubs collaborated, was certainly like that when I was involved in the 1970;s - helping out at ACC events and they with ours, plus with Pukekohe Car Club, Hamilton, Thames Valley and Tokoroa.

Roger Dowding
07-05-2020, 05:15 AM
Photo of the Car when George Smith owned the ex Phil Seabrook Car
[ Seabrook Fowlds - the Auckland Austin dealers ]
A bit more of the story.

This is from 1936 ..

Bob Homewood who posted the photo wrote ;

" A very early NZ visit by George Smith across the Tasman to compete at Victor Harbor in 1936 and amazing also when you research some of this stuff what else you find for instance this fact .......The 1937 Australian Grand Prix is a name which has been applied retrospectively to the 1936 South Australian Centenary Grand Prix, a motor race held on the Port Elliot-Victor Harbor road circuit in South Australia on Boxing Day, 26 December 1936 "

" The Austin was the ex Phil Seabrook ex works car ,by all accounts Smith was over handicapped out of the event and the race report has him retiring on lap 7,going on a comment I was told a long time ago ,also I don't think he was over happy with the roughness of the circuit it appears there was another NZ er at that meeting as well , a Eric Morgan who appears in the entry list as " Cire Nagrom' for reasons only known to him who was entered in the ex Zaborowski Miller 8 but apparently it was damaged in a race day accident on the way to the circuit and it was sold shortly after the meeting to a South Australian buyer "


A slightly later photo of the Car - still in the light Green colour but with a different George [ George Sellars ] who owned the car in 1946 .. here at Muriwai in 1946 - later in the year at Orewa the was a dark colour - Blue as it was when with Ron Roycroft in 1949 into the 1950's ..


Good that more information is being found.
Thanks to Bob Homewood, an NSCC Guy from back in the 1970's

Roger Dowding
07-12-2020, 03:39 AM
This thread was started with photos given to me by my late Uncle Ed [ Albert Edward Dowding ], known as Eddie within NSCC circles in the 1940's.

note from the first post on the thread -
" NSCC, was formed during the second world war - believe or not and from what I have gleaned from my Uncle Albert Edward " Eddie " Dowding, initial discussions took place on the Ferries between, Auckland City and the North Shore jetty's, Devonport, Northcote and Birkenhead.
Eddie lived at the time in Herne Bay and caught the Ferry to Northcote to visit his fiancee who became his wife in June 1942. "

Edddie's wife Una, my Aunt - his navigator and at times pusher in Trials and Mud Plug events - passed away this week at 100 years and 6 months - the end of the senior generation in our Family.

3 photos which have them both and others at early NSCC events.

Taylors Bay Hill Climb in 1946 - seated in Graham Wells Bentley - they are in the back seat - very crowded it was too
[ cosy in fact ].


In the Morris 8 Tourer - Mackies Rest in the Waitakere Ranges, near Piha - also in 1946. Una pushing.


In their Riley at Helensville Hall at the end of a Trial [ think Ken Hemus in the Singer ** now known to be Ralph Watson ]. the 1949 Winter Trial


RIP Una Dowding [ 1920 - 2020 ] and Eddie Dowding [ 1919 - 2018 ].
Una was still driving in her early 90's and Ed gave up his licence in 2017 having had it since 1934.

Trevor Sheffield
07-12-2020, 09:32 AM
"In their Riley at Helensville Hall at the end of a Trial [ think Ken Hemus in the Singer ]. the 1949 Winter Trial"

Definitely the late Ralph Watson driving the four seater Singer shown in the photo. RIP all the old guys who started the club, "on a shoe string".
Somehow the NSSC originally retained an essence of dignity, when compared with the ACC.

Roger Dowding
07-28-2020, 04:36 AM
Trevors comment - " Definitely the late Ralph Watson driving the four seater Singer shown in the photo. RIP all the old guys who started the club, "on a shoe string"."

Trevor,you are correct - and on looking at that photo and one of Ralph on early Mud Trial in the Singer, the same gentleman is navigating - must correct my notes on here and on the photo. Ken Hemus had a Sunbeam which was on the same trial as Ralph - photos posted before.

As an aside, I had a visit from Bob Kidd and his wife Lynn, whom I knew from my time in NSCC in the 1970's.

Bob had with him a letter from 1943 from a G Newsome to R Currey about forming of a club for MG's [ Sports Cars ] - It is about the formation of NSCC and in pencil on the back are notes about the club and who would be the original committee.

" B Tye " - Bryce Tye - who has a trophy named after him competed for by Club Members each year.
" R Currey " - unsure of his christian name
" V Clarke " - Vern Clarke - who features in a number of photos of early events
" J Boot " - Jack Boot, my Uncle who passed away in 1945, was the owner of the Roycroft Bugley - Midget style racer.

The information ties in with this piece from Club Torque in 1962 about the Clubs formation in 1943.
- from Milan Fistonic archves [ posted before - but belongs here]

Included in what Bob gave was also an early Membership Card with B Tye and R Currey listed on the card in their positions within the Club

There were also some photos of an MG Sports Car [ two in fact ] taken around the time - ownership not known.

Images of the letter the Card and photos will follow when I have scanned them - another part to the Club's early History preserved.

Roger Dowding
07-30-2020, 04:18 AM
The letter written in June 1943 by G Newsome to R Currey. R Currey became the Clubs first Treasurer.
This is from Bob Kidd, who many years ago was given the Envelope with the letter card and photos in it.
Bob thinks it was at the 1993 Event -
the 50th Anniversary of the Club.
Bob is a former President of NSCC, and was Trials Committee Chairman in the 1970's - he mentored me and I took over as Chairman for a year or two in 1975/76.

They appear to be from R Currey archives
- they came in an envelope postmarked 1976 from a Gail Hamblin in Auckland 3 postcode to a Mrs A Bruce in Torbay Auckland 10.

The letter;



The pencil notes on the back of Page Two.


The notes connect with the page from Club Torque - republished recently.

An early NSCC Membership Card [ Members Card ].
Bryce Tye and R Currey have their names on the card.


A couple of photos that came with the letter - presume cars that R Currey owned - the plates are the 1941 46 issue White letters on a Black background with the symbol in the middle a Diamond.




There were two others photos of the MG [ MG's ]

Roger Dowding
07-31-2020, 04:11 AM
A couple more photos of the MG [ MG's ] as noted in previous post. from around the time -
The cars have the 1941 -1946 issue plates - the first series of 5 year plates - prior to 1941 plates were issued annually.



Roger Dowding
08-02-2020, 01:16 AM
Posted before with the photo on a card with the details.

Have re-scanned for better quality - and here is the photo sized for TRS - I got it to 183 kb allowing for the max of 185.5 kb


The Original Photo on the card.

Many of the cars seen in the Arthur Siddall photos - from Duncan Fox. Both Arthur Siddall and Jock Aitken ran Ford 10's as seen in the back row.
Would be interested in identifying all the cars and drivers / owners ?- I know some.

Sports Cars and Tourers in the front row, Saloons behind and in the back row
The Morris Series E would be a fairly new car.


Roger Dowding
08-09-2020, 11:31 PM
Re - writing and amending the list from earlier posts ;

The list so far

- late in the decade. First Hill Climb appears to be in 1946
1946 - 47.

" Taylors Bay, Hillsborough " - unsure which road was used.

" Pokeno " - again no details on which road was used.

" Ostrich Farm Road " - late 1940's - understand this may have been the Auckland Car Club's venue not NSCC ** Definitely an NSCC venue and used in the 1960's

" Whitford " - un-named road
1948 near Whitford - report appears on the thread


" Don Buck Road, Massey "
24/09/1950 Hill Climb, Don Buck Road, Massey
" Wairamarama Onewhero Road, Onewhero "

described as Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray in some details about an early Hill Climb - near Ron Roycrofts place - used definitely in 1956.
Thanks to Trevor for the correction of spelling - makes it easier to find on a map !!
The Hill was used on the following dates

[ information from Trevor Sheffields book about Ralph Watson - thanks again Trevor ]
23/03/1953 - information from Milan Fistonic and cover of programme - Post #339

16/01/1954 as noted in Don Tilsley photos

15/01/1955 - copy of the cover - Programme for this event now added Post #339
later in 1955 - exact date not detailed

later in 1956 **- exact date not detailed " ----/1956 NSCC Hill Climb - Ron Roycroft ran the Bugatti - Jaguar
**presume this is still using Wairamarama Road


" Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe, Franklin County "

11/10/1961 Ostrich Farm Road
November 1961 **
17/12/1961 Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe - the NSCC's Gold Star Championship Hill Climb

As noted ; ** Used in 1961 as have some results from an event there in November 1961 posted in previous thread post #327

" Wharepapa Road, Helensville " - used early 1960's ** maybe 1964 - now seems likely this was after Birdwood Road - see dates now added.

" Birdwood Road, Massey "

14/03/1965 Birdwood Road Massey - results appear in a previous post

Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was first used in March 1967 ?.
Then we have Wharepapa -both roads used in 1965.

" Wharepapa Road, Helensville "

-/12/1965 Wharepapa Road

By March 1967 NSCC had " built " Cosseys Farm Road into a Hill Climb venue - cowpats and all.

Question - Is it Hill Climb or Hillclimb ?

Milan Fistonic
08-10-2020, 02:27 AM
Here is confirmation of the dates of two Wairamarama hillclimbs.



Roger Dowding
08-10-2020, 02:37 AM
These photos were put on the NSCC Facebook page back in 2017 - I had seen them and with the new information coming to light the should be here
The notes on the photos from the NSCC page

#1 photo NSCC 1951 #231
1951 Seagrove
“ Singford Special at NSCC Club Championship meeting at Seagrove 18 Nov 1951.
Up to 1500 cc 1st. MGTD 2nd Jowett Jupiter 3rd. General Handicap up to 1500 cc 1st. McHugh Special 2nd. Standard Special (Bob Crisp) 3rd. Byce Tye Cup for Sports cars. 3rd. 1st.Allard J2 (George Smith) 2nd. Jaguar 120 (Peter Harrison) “


#2 photo NSCC 1953 #232
1953 Ohakea
“ Ohakea Trophy Race 14 March 1953. D.N.F. for Don on the 24th lap (of 25) while holding 2nd place broke steering arm. Could have finished 3rd or 4th. Don received 10 pounds for completing 23 laps! “


#3 photo NSCC 1953 #233
1953 Muriwai ACC event
“ Singford Special 1st place won by Don at the NZ Hillclimb Championship Class F at Muriwai 18 April 1953 run by Auckland Car Club. “


#4 photo NSCC 1954 #234
1954 Wairamarama
“ Picture of Don's car Singford Special 1st Class F 1101-1500cc North Island Hill Climb Championship at Wairamarama -16th Jan 1954 run by NSCC. “


#5 photo NSCC 1955 #235.
1955 Muriwai Beach
“NSCC meeting at Muriwai beach, June 1955. Herb Gilroy A40 special and Don Tilsley Singford Special Mk 3 (Ecurie Drambuie) Dead heat 1st. “


The first 4 photos are the original Singford - details of which have been commented on **-on this thread.
Last photo is the Singford Mark 3 as noted on the photo.
** specific comment from Trevor Sheffield - who was racing at the time !
" There were only three Tilsley cars built i.e. two sports type specials and one single seater racing car. However there was a project car built by the Tilsleys which was completed and bodied by others. "

Thanks Trevor - always good information from your great memory and archives - Cheers ..

Must check the Hill Climb dates for the Timeline in the previous post. #338.
Another date also from Milan as noted in post #339 - Thanks.

Roger Dowding
08-10-2020, 02:41 AM
Here is confirmation of the dates of two Wairamarama hillclimbs.



Thanks for that Milan- a date I didn't know about and have found another one from the Don Tilsley photos .
Great thank you.


Roger Dowding
08-12-2020, 05:01 AM
Early in the thread I posted the names of the Presidents from 1943 - 1974 - the first 30 years - repeated below

" 1943-45 Verne Clarke
1945-46 Eddie Dowding
1946-47 Ces Hodge
1947-48 John Wilson
1948-49 Colin McGregor
1950-51 Jock Aitken
1951-52 Phil Ornstein
1952-55 Laurie Powell
1955-56 Roger Brown **
1955-56 Peter Ayson **
1956-60 Dudley Badham
1960-62 Lloyd Gerrard
1962-64 Jim Lockley
1964-66 Ian Runnerstrum
1966-70 Owen Thomas
1970-74 Morrie Chandler "

** Note two names for the 1955-56 year
These were the later Presidents
1974 on - including Bob Kidd, who gave me some early information recently.

" 1974-78 Grahame Knight
1978-81 Robert Kidd
1981-82 David Smith
1982-83 Brett Norager
1983-88 Bob Mitchell
1988-89 John Sinclair
1989-90 John De Vere-Ellery
1990-92 Bill Johnston
1992-98 Joe Smith
1998-99 Rod Peat
2000-01 David Armour
2001-08 John De Vere-Ellery
2009-current Vicki Burnitt "

The Clubs Logo seems to have only changed twice -
The 1943 Members Cards had the image of an MG T series and just the words ;
" Northern Sports Car Club
Incorporated "
The " Members Card " [ courtesy of Bob Kidd - President 1978 - 81 ]


The original logo from the 1950's as shown on the recent pages posted by Milan Fistonic
here cropped from his post of the 1953 Wairamarama Hill Climb.

Trevor Sheffield may know if this was also a badge for members - either lapel or a larger car badge ?


The later logo from the 1960's Had a sticker like this on the windscreen of my first car in 1967.


Roger Dowding
08-19-2020, 03:58 AM
John Coker an NSCC Member for many years,Trials and later Rally Driver, ran a Skoda 120 at one stage - an ex-works car is now a keen cyclist and took photos recently.
He noted that his time up the Hill [ even though a better track and slightly different layout ] was his slowest ever.

- photos won't load - will try later ..
Photos will not load to this post #343.
Something is NOT right.

Managed to load this photo though from Cosseys Farm.


Scenic views of Drury, has changed a lot ;

26/12/20- photos still won't load must be the format -
26/08/20 Photos will not load to this post #343.
Something is NOT right.

The Road in 1967 ..


Roger Dowding
10-12-2020, 05:08 AM
These images came from Richard Bauz of Switzerland [ has the Fb name Sand Mandli ] He owns the " Orchid Special " that Keith Yeates / Yeats ** built around 1969-61 [ a bit of a story there ] and raced in the 1960's
Keith's surname spelt both as Yeats and YeatEs ..

Programme Cover NSCC meeting December 1966 and some entry lists which show Keith was an NSCC member and entered under that club.


Think this is the entry list from the December 1966 programme


Other entry lists with the Orchid under NSCC entry by Keith Yeates / Yeats. **




See Trevor Sheffield and his Daimler SP250 #215 in the last three entry lists - appear to be from the same meeting.

Roger Dowding
10-12-2020, 05:24 AM
Entry Cover and list from the NSCC Hiilclimb at Ostrich Farm Road - Gold Star event in 1961 with Keith Yeats entered - from his archives which Richard now has.
Must have been one of the earliest events for the " Orchid ".


The full entry list - with some times for the cars


A Certificate for Keith Yeates in the Orchid at an NSCC Race meeting in 1962


Great to know this information has been kept.
Richard Bauz * is looking for more information on the car

* I have attributed the archives to Richard Sandman [ his Fb name is " Sandmandli " - correct surname is Bauz ]

Roger Dowding
12-22-2020, 10:24 PM
Motorman Magazine front cover, article and a Castrol Advert about the results - all from Milan Fistonic.
A series pf photos from a competitor John " Larry " Lawton will follow :

The Cover ; Motorman July 1965


The article



The Advert


Roger Dowding
12-23-2020, 05:53 AM
John Larry Lawton photos of the cars at rthe start - Farmers Carpark in Hobson Street - when it was a two way road.


Double photo John Larry Lawton at the exit and on the street



Driver names and Placing details on the photos thanks to J L Lawton.

Roger Dowding
12-23-2020, 11:09 PM
More John Larry Lawton photos
Farmers Carpark - the start




Control at Ngatea ;


Wayne Jones in the Imp = didn't he run a Simca 1000 at some time - again a rear engined 1000cc car ??

More from Ngatea and at the finish at Pukekohe to follow

Roger Dowding
12-23-2020, 11:15 PM
John Larry Lawton photos

Control at Ngatea - including the Marshall and his car.




After the finish - a lap or two at Pukekohe - numbers are off for the drive home.


Won by a Standard 10 - the Advert again - to finish the set.


Roger Dowding
12-26-2020, 04:09 AM
Historic Times coming up for NSCC .. 1971 the Clubrooms at Mt Richmond Domain were first actively promoted and then constructed in 1972 so 50 years ago it started.
1942 the first gatherings of the "social club " began.

2021/2022 will be therefore 50th and 80th Anniversary's of major events in the clubs history.
2023 would be the Clubs " Official " 80th year as incorporated in October 1943.

There is some chatter about a function for the clubrooms which hopefully leads into 80th Anniversary Celebrations.
Rod Peat, Mal Clark [ formely of Bygone Autos ] and Bob Homewood all competitors from the 1960's ,Bob, 1970's, Rod and Mal and on, are sounding the idea out.
Hopefully it will develop into some great functions and events.

Roger Dowding
01-24-2021, 05:32 AM
Ross Haldane was an NSCC member from the early 1960's and a serious Triallist winning many Club and Gold Star Trials - He was Trials Gold Star Champion in 1972.
Bob Kidd a former NSCC President, who called into visit me a few months ago,advised that Bob had passed away in the last week.

Roger Dowding
01-24-2021, 05:43 AM
Graeme Staples who is writing a book on Motorcycle Circuits and Racing in New Zealand has sent me an artcile on Seagrove in 1949 - Had already posted page one back in April 2020 on this thread.
There were two pages that were published in a booklet called Motor Sport Nostalgia - published in 1989 by Graham Vercoe. There were several events at Seagrove and there is mention of the " Competitors Car Club " and Northern Sports Car Club " [ NSCC ]. What the CCC was I do not know and hadn't heard of it before the article I saw in April 2020.

Cover of the booklet


Here is the full article [ repeating the first page - page 21 ] - the magazine covers many events from 1949, and there was a 1950 edition too -also published by Graham Vercoe in 1989.



Cover of the 1950 edition


Roger Dowding
01-28-2021, 04:49 AM
The following picture was posted by O J McLean on the Facebook page " NZ Car related street scenes 1950-1980's "
- with the comment ;
" 18-year-old Jim Richards of Manurewa in his "extremely rapid" Ford Anglia at a northern sports car club meeting in Pukekohe on Saturday December 9th 1967 he was placed first, second and fourth respectively in the three races he entered. "
Would have been there, probably on crowd control with one of those " white coats " was 20 at the time- always Jim was a tad older..** see post #354 regarding the event.

NSCC meeting Dec 1967.
O J McLean archives. Photographer not stated - could be own photo.


Roger Dowding
02-22-2021, 09:04 PM
Previous post - the extract " quoted above " said that the Jim Richards photo of the Anglia was from an NSCC meeting in December 1967.

It would seem it was either the incorrect date or was an Auckland Car Club meeting, as NSCC's National Meeting near the end of the year would be this one.
The first of the Gold Star meetings for the season.
NZ Herald advertisement from 30th October 1967 for the NSCC meeting " Next Saturday ".


a straightened version of the photo. Entry 80 cents

Roger Dowding
02-22-2021, 09:26 PM
Thanks to Milan Fistonic for this interesting magazine article - the Auckland Car Club 24 Hour " Hepolite " Trial from 1954.
Run 24th and 25th July 1954.
Article appeared in the " The Autocar " 27th August 1954. As noted by Milan.
Some interesting names in the results.
Phil Ornstein was President of NSCC in 1951 - 52
K Orr is Dr Ken Orr who was well known for loaning his cars to others to Race - seems he did the Trials though.
J Boyd - is that Jim Boyd ?, would be an early event for him, I think.
Interesting that a 1929 Studebaker was the oldest car [ at 26 years old ] in the event driven by Phil Neil


Roger Dowding
03-07-2021, 04:57 AM
NSCC Hill Climb Events and venues
Re - writing and amending the list from earlier posts ;

The list so far - a bit more added - 1962 event.

- late in the decade. First Hill Climb appears to be in 1946
1946 - 47.

" Taylors Bay, Hillsborough " - unsure which road was used.

" Pokeno " - again no details on which road was used.

" Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe " - late 1940's - an NSCC venue and later used in the 1960's

" Whitford " - un-named road
1948 near Whitford - report appears on the thread

1949 Riverhead - road not stated ; 20th March 1949 -report in Post #358


" Don Buck Road, Massey "
24/09/1950 Hill Climb, Don Buck Road, Massey
" Wairamarama Onewhero Road, Onewhero "

described as Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray in some details about an early Hill Climb - near Ron Roycrofts place - used definitely in 1956.
Thanks to Trevor for the correction of spelling - makes it easier to find on a map !!
The Hill was used on the following dates

[ information from Trevor Sheffields book about Ralph Watson - thanks again Trevor ]
23/03/1953 - information from Milan Fistonic and cover of programme - Post #339

16/01/1954 as noted in Don Tilsley photos

15/01/1955 - copy of the cover - Programme for this event now added Post #339
later in 1955 - exact date not detailed

later in 1956 **- exact date not detailed " ----/1956 NSCC Hill Climb - Ron Roycroft ran the Bugatti - Jaguar
**presume this is still using Wairamarama Road


" Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe, Franklin County "

11/10/1961 Ostrich Farm Road
November 1961 **
17/12/1961 Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe - the NSCC's Gold Star Championship Hill Climb

October 1962 Ostrich Farm Road
As noted ; ** Used in 1961 as have some results from an event there in November 1961 posted in previous thread post #327

" Wharepapa Road, Helensville " - used early 1960's ** maybe 1964 - now seems likely this was after Birdwood Road - see dates now added.

" Birdwood Road, Massey "

14/03/1965 Birdwood Road Massey - results appear in a previous post

Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was first used in March 1967 ?.
Then we have Wharepapa -both roads used in 1965.

" Wharepapa Road, Helensville "

-/12/1965 Wharepapa Road

" Kiwitahi Road, Helensville " near Tom Grace farm Woodhill, near Helensville - noted by Bob Homewood.
" Wright Road, Brookby " - 1966
In use after Wharepapa Road - have a report from an event in 1966 - this is a new location / event in the timeline. with Wharepapa Road used in December 1965

By March 1967 NSCC had " built " " Cosseys Farm Road " into a Hill Climb venue - cowpats and all.

A recently unearthed advert for Ostrich Farm Road HillClimb in 1962 - the event was in October as in the same paper was an advert for a Motor Cycle race meeting in Te Aroha.

The NSCC advert ; thanks to Graham Woods again for this archive item.


Roger Dowding
04-20-2021, 01:49 AM
Photo of Cars at Mount Eden for the Kidston Cup Hill Climb has been posted before but now more information has been gathered ' Cars in the photo - notes by Graham Woods;
" Des Herrick in Hudson midget. (239.185) Bill Massey in a Rugby midget behind Des. Ron Roycroft beside Des in the Austin 7 and Laurie Powell in the V8 roadster."

The photo again -enhanced - a small version

Extract of the results

Not known if the event was organised by NSCC, but both Ron Roycroft and Laurie Powell were NSCC members and feature in many early NSCC events - as posted on this thread.

The Austin 7 is " Rubber Duck " which had been in New Zealand since before WW2.

bigger copy of the photo from Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand.
Also details the cars and drivers.

Roger Dowding
04-22-2021, 04:10 AM
1949 Events, racing at Seagrove and a Hillclimb at Riverhead.

Amongst the cars competing were Gordon Brown in his Ford 10 Special;
Here is a comment about Gordon and his cars.
Note the description of the Axle as a Ruxley - I understand the correct name was Ruxtall and the axle / differential was a dual ratio one - giving the Three speed gearbox and effective Six speeds.


Another car mentioned is the Laurie Powell Ford B4 V8 Roadster.


A Hillclimb at Riverhead on 20th March 1946, featuring both the above cars and others;
Of interest to me is the name Wyn Bristow who was a great mate and in the 1950's a neighbour of my Uncle Eddie Dowding. Winton Bristow [ correct spelling ] was a club member and was also the artist who did a series of sketches of cars at Ardmore in the mid 1950's [ 1956 ].
Gordon Brown, Laurie Powell and Ralph Watson feature, as do others mentioned in the Seagrove report.


Thanks to Graham Woods for these little snippets of NSCC History which were posted on Old New Zealand Motor racing following the piece on the 1948 Kidston Cup which features Laurie Powell in the previous post.

Roger Dowding
04-22-2021, 05:06 AM
Photos from Barry Sexton archives - think the event was a stage in a Rally as in one photo they are going down the Hill.
Event was a " Rallysprint " as noted by Milan Fistonic in post #360

- That photo is of Barry Sexton, and note 1984-ish.
Maurice Wright

Rodney Dixon

Bruce Farley ?

All at the same corner - through the gate.

A view of the service area full of trailers and service vans and cars.


Barry Sexton heading downhill at Cosseys in his BDA.


Milan Fistonic
04-22-2021, 11:28 AM
"- think the event was a stage in a Rally as in one photo they are going down the Hill"

It would have been a Rallysprint like this one in 1983.

Neil Allport going up the hill...


...and going down the hill


Roger Dowding
04-24-2021, 12:54 AM
Thanks Milan, for the information and the photos too !!
" Rallysprint " would explain - No Navigator in the cars also

Will alter the text to the photos !!


Milan Fistonic
04-24-2021, 01:30 AM
Thanks Milan, for the information and the photos too !!
" Rallysprint " would explain - No Navigator in the cars also

Will alter the text to the photos !!


All my photos from the Rallysprint show co-drivers in all the cars as does Barry's shot of a car going downhill. Perhaps Barry's shots showing cars with just the driver going up the hill are from another Hillclimb event.

Roger Dowding
05-21-2021, 04:15 AM
Photos from John Larry Lawton - a competitor in his own right.
His collection of photos and a brief report on the event from Motorman Magazine courtesy of Graham Woods in the next post.
Event held 8th May 1965 -[ 55th Anniversary next week ! ]

Frank Radisich Humber 80 was the Humber Zephyr, later to become the Humber Jaguar





A year ago I posted this [ well a year and a couple of weeks ] and another photo from the event has surfaced. Will add to a new post.

Roger Dowding
05-21-2021, 04:35 AM
Photo from Roger Herrick [ Des Herrick's relation he [ RogerH ] states " my father and Des were first cousins "
- Des was an early competitor at NSCC events and also competed in a Midget style racer in the 1940's _ he was at the 1948 Hill Climb at Mount Eden, organised by the NZ Racing Drivers Club - now Auckland Car Club ].
Western Springs meeting 8th May 1965
- previous photos were in a post 12 months ago - photos from John Larry Lawton - including the clubs magazine " Club Torque " report on the event. [ posted again as previous post is back several pages ].


The report


05-21-2021, 10:28 AM
Roger - I'm not Des' son but my father and Des were first cousins - so related but a generation apart. I'm fortunate to have his #66 midget which evolved into the A40 Special.

Roger Dowding
05-21-2021, 10:52 PM
Roger - I'm not Des' son but my father and Des were first cousins - so related but a generation apart. I'm fortunate to have his #66 midget which evolved into the A40 Special.

Roger [ another one ] thanks for the clarification - will correct.


PS any early NSCC stuff you may have would like to see it on here, If you would like to.

Trevor Sheffield
06-30-2021, 08:10 AM
R.I.P. Collin Waite, a venerable long standing member of the NSSC, he passed the chequered flag for the last time onSaturday 26/06/21, aged 92 yrs. He was at the forefront of club activity for many years and will be well remembered.

Roger Dowding
07-01-2021, 01:49 AM
R.I.P. Collin Waite, a venerable long standing member of the NSSC, he passed the chequered flag for the last time onSaturday 26/06/21, aged 92 yrs. He was at the forefront of club activity for many years and will be well remembered.

Thank you Trevor, I had found out through the NZ Rallying History Facebook Page.
Was about to put a Post up.

Paul Francis Smith from NZ Rallying History advises as follows ;

" just been notified
On a sad note, Colin Waite has died ?
Funeral 10am Friday at Purewa ".

As Trevor notes - he was a very long standing member of the Club.
I first met him, Laurie Evans, his good mate and others in early 1967 when I became a member - His other great Mates were my ex neighbour Allan Woolf [ and Colleen Woolf ] , and also Rob Williams, whom I met while still at High School.
Last saw Colin, Allan and Rob [ with their wives at "The Gables Tavern, Herne Bay back around 2004

Colin was running a Cortina GT back in 1967 well before being involved with the Skoda Team for the " Heatway Rally " and later in life with his Stanguellini Formula Junior.

Colin in the Cortina GT at Cosseys Farm - the first meeting March 1967 - from " Club Torque " - he was quick too, coming 3rd overall.


Roger Dowding
07-12-2021, 04:30 AM
NSCC Hill Climb 1959 * - the photo had the caption 1959 approx. posted on a Facebook page by Evan James.
NSCC did use the hill until 1962/63.

The driver I don't know, in the 1959 Championship event there was an XK150 driven by R Gibbons.

This is an XK120 - as described in the photo notes - and would have only been a 7 to 10 year old car - relatively new in NZ standards.


Car is on 1956 -61 plates as far as I can make out.

Definitely Ostrich Farm as have another photo from the same spot, but a different year.

Trevor Sheffield
07-12-2021, 05:24 AM
Bob Gibbons came up from Wellington for the event. He was prominent in hilll-cimbs and chased the championship around the country.

Ralph Watson chose him to drive the Lycoming in circuit racing events. He was a very steady, safe and "scientific" type of driver and I recall watching him timing competitors starting distances with a stopwatch, relative to wheel-spin and traction. Coincidently this was probably at the event depicted here, when I would have set up the timing and communications gear I had specially built for the club.

Bob Gibbons later acquired a genuine 1,100cc twin Cooper 500 type car, specifically to extend his hillclimb endeavours with some success.

Trevor Sheffield
07-12-2021, 10:24 AM
In view of my distant past I have been asked to contribute comment and in order to comply I have compiled these notes:-

The necessity of accurately timing speed events has proven a constant chore for the stalwart volunteers lending a hand. I became involved very shortly after joining the Northern sports car club due to my technical interests.

At that point the club was using a set up kindly developed by the brother of Ron Roycroft, who although not directly interested, helped out due to his background in electronics. This was prior to the availability of solid state components and of necessity used valves rather than transistors and as a result it required several car batteries as a power source. A quite massive fixed length of multi cable combining several separate elements was wound on a large drum to be played out down the hill and this did not provide for marshal point telephones. The length of necessity, was hugely excessive for most of the courses being used and there were constant breakages. Overall the gear had become unduly cumbersome practically overnight, particularly with the advent of transistors, and although their application was at that stage limited, I set about providing something more up to date.

I had just become self employed and held an agency for a UK cable manufacturer. I leaned on them and was successful in obtaining, free of charge, a run of four conductor relay cable. Thus on paying the freight, more than enough excellent material ideal for the job, became available.

Solid state measuring devices were but a dream at the time and although excellent specialised mechanical devices existed, it was deemed best to utilise standard stop watches. Particular as the club was willing to invest in two one-hundredth second watches, which would then have multiple uses. I was club secretary at the time. These watches were operated using solenoids taken from old mechanical dipping headlights.

The cable was wound on drums of portable length fitted with plug connectors and this provided for telephones at intermediate points. At the time there was no possibility of using CB radio or even ham frequencies. Wifi and Bluetooth were over the horizon.

N. Z. Railways had just modernised their telephone network and their old magneto phones, importantly with modernised handsets, became available at Five shillings each, or two and six to amateur clubs. I modified a bunch to make them more portable. There was a lot of war assets stuff available and signal lamps on tripods were valuable for the brake-beam finishing set up. The only just then available light dependent transistors were a godsend and the paint could be removed from a normal glass enclosed transistor by way of economy. LOL

I hockey stick style start switch was employed, rather than a light beam for good reason and both micro switch and pneumatic switches were tried. In this respect it is worth noting just how long it takes for a car to travel the first inch or two. I fitted a stop just ahead of the switch to be placed directly against the car tyre, as a means of insuring repetitive accuracy across all competitors. Obviously a place within a speed event can often be decided by less than a second

On the funny side; I recall an incidents involving a championship hillclimb held on Ostrich Farm Road. The committee was hell bent on making sure of an early start and the club caravan and all equipment was on site the evening before, with me sleeping on the floor in the caravan.

The gear was transported on a trailer behind my Ford V8 engined AC sports car, which was later to become part of the coming event. Another member of the work party joked that he had never before seen a car towing a trailer crossed up while negotiating a corner. “Just trying out the surface ready for tomorrow” was the reply. LOL

The cable had been laid out down the course mostly on the farm fences and everything was tested and OK for an early start. On wakening and for good measure, or was it goo luck, I checked the cable and found it open circuit. Bugger! Inspection disclosed that sheep love to chew nice malleable NSCC cable and there were many munchings. However through good management, there was time to effect repairs.

At this point I think that enough comment, is enough. However I could report the running over of the nice guy whop took over the timing gear !!!!?????

Kevin Hirst
07-12-2021, 11:57 PM
Bob Gibbons came up from Wellington for the event. He was prominent in hilll-cimbs and chased the championship around the country.

Ralph Watson chose him to drive the Lycoming in circuit racing events. He was a very steady, safe and "scientific" type of driver and I recall watching him timing competitors starting distances with a stopwatch, relative to wheel-spin and traction. Coincidently this was probably at the event depicted here, when I would have set up the timing and communications gear I had specially built for the club.

Bob Gibbons later acquired a genuine 1,100cc twin Cooper 500 type car, specifically to extend his hillclimb endeavours with some success.

Trevor, is this the same Bob Gibbons as part of the Hope gibbons company from wellington, If so he retired to Puketona between paihia & kerikeri, He had model A at that time, I only found out about his extensive motor racing life after he had passed on, he used to come over to our workshotp all the time for a chat, neet guy to spend time with, May was his wifes name, interested to know if this is the same person

Trevor Sheffield
07-14-2021, 08:06 AM
Trevor, is this the same Bob Gibbons as part of the Hope gibbons company from wellington, If so he retired to Puketona between paihia & kerikeri, He had model A at that time, I only found out about his extensive motor racing life after he had passed on, he used to come over to our workshotp all the time for a chat, neet guy to spend time with, May was his wifes name, interested to know if this is the same person

Very possible Kevin, but I lost track of him and can not confirm.

However, you say: "he used to come over to our workshop all the time for a chat" and I would have expected the Bob I knew to have raised motor racing as a topic. Furthermore I would not have expected him to own a model A Ford unless it was special and a collectors item.

Roger Dowding
07-17-2021, 11:24 PM
Bob Gibbons came up from Wellington for the event. He was prominent in hilll-cimbs and chased the championship around the country.

Ralph Watson chose him to drive the Lycoming in circuit racing events. He was a very steady, safe and "scientific" type of driver and I recall watching him timing competitors starting distances with a stopwatch, relative to wheel-spin and traction. Coincidently this was probably at the event depicted here, when I would have set up the timing and communications gear I had specially built for the club.

Bob Gibbons later acquired a genuine 1,100cc twin Cooper 500 type car, specifically to extend his hillclimb endeavours with some success.

From the Lycoming story that appeared in the Magazine " Sports Car Talk "
- published by the " Sports Car Club of New Zealand Inc " back in the 1980's.
I have three editions of the " Annual " Magazine and the article on Ralph Watson and the Lycoming appears in the 1986* Edition.


It includes these two photos of Bob Gibbons in the Lycoming at the 1959 New Zealand Grand Prix meeting at Ardmore.
Photographer credit on the photos. " Barry Makay ".


The events entered with the Lycoming up to and including 1959 and beyond Driven by Ralph Watson then Bob Gibbons- before it was sold to Malcolm Gill, later going to Forrest Carden and then Jim Boyd.



Photos Posted before - this brings them into the recent " conversation ".. and saves going through pages of the various threads.

Numerous NSCC run events are listed
Thanks Trevor Sheffield for your information some of the above appears in your own book from the Late Ralph Watson records which were very detailed.

Milan Fistonic
09-07-2021, 10:43 AM
This advert was in the May 11, 1960 edition of The New Zealand Herald.


Kevin Hirst
09-07-2021, 06:48 PM
This advert was in the May 11, 1960 edition of The New Zealand Herald.


Hi, Milan, I still deal with this company today, J.P.R. Johnsons piston rings, very good firm to deal with

Milan Fistonic
09-07-2021, 07:44 PM
Hi, Milan, I still deal with this company today, J.P.R. Johnsons piston rings, very good firm to deal with

They were one of my customers for over thirty years when I was a contractor at NZ Couriers. Great bunch of people ran the company over that time.

Roger Dowding
09-07-2021, 11:51 PM
Thanks for the poster - Was not aware of " Indianapolis " sponsorship for their big Trial - later on it was " Castrol " in the late 1960's into the 1970's. Was co-plotter with " Rosemary Allen " [ who had been Navigator for the late Bob Hayman ] at one time for the NSCC's Premier " Castrol " Trial. In around 1975/76 from memory.
It was the " Castrol 1000 " was a 24 hour trial for a time but later mid 1970's shorter being an all day -daylight event.
I know you have published details of the longer duration Trials must go back and look. [report on the 1965 Castrol from you and photos from John L Lawton have been posted, Thanks ]

Trevor Sheffield
09-08-2021, 02:56 AM
It is significant that the President of the NSCC, 1956-60, Dudley Badham, was a manager of B. Johnson and Sons who manufactured the Indianapolis brand of piston rings, subsequently to become self employed. Notably, he and his wife were granted life membership as a result of their lengthy personal and stalwart services to the club.

Furthermore, workshop foreman was NSSC member Dawson Donaldson, who sadly lost his life at the young age of 34, while taking a part in an Ostrich Road Farm hillclimb in December 1958. Lacking real HP, he was driving on the limit and drifting every corner. He rolled his ex-Bruce McLaren Austin 7 Ulster off the road into some scrub and despite the car suffering little damage, he was seriously injured and died from his injuries in hospital on Wednesday, 17 December 1958.

I vividly recall the sad event and will never forget that when we reached him, he was in very severe pain from internal injuries and bravely exclaimed, “excuse me guys I just can't help it if I cry.” He and Dudley were very close friends.

Milan Fistonic
09-08-2021, 10:47 AM
It is significant that the President of the NSCC, 1956-60, Dudley Badham, was a manager of B. Johnson and Sons who manufactured the Indianapolis brand of piston rings, subsequently to become self employed. Notably, he and his wife were granted life membership as a result of their lengthy personal and stalwart services to the club.

Furthermore, workshop foreman was NSSC member Dawson Donaldson, who sadly lost his life at the young age of 34, while taking a part in an Ostrich Road Farm hillclimb in December 1958. Lacking real HP, he was driving on the limit and drifting every corner. He rolled his ex-Bruce McLaren Austin 7 Ulster off the road into some scrub and despite the car suffering little damage, he was seriously injured and died from his injuries in hospital on Wednesday, 17 December 1958.

I vividly recall the sad event and will never forget that when we reached him, he was in very severe pain from internal injuries and bravely exclaimed, “excuse me guys I just can't help it if I cry.” He and Dudley were very close friends.

Dawson Donaldson's grandson worked at Johnsons Piston Rings for a time when I called there.

khyndart in CA
09-08-2021, 02:12 PM
From the 1968 NZGP programme.

(Ken H)

khyndart in CA
09-08-2021, 02:17 PM
This has the word Northern in it and I thought you might be interested in this scene from 1957 in the 1958 NZGP programme.


(Ken H )

Roger Dowding
09-11-2021, 04:38 AM
This has the word Northern in it and I thought you might be interested in this scene from 1957 in the 1958 NZGP programme.


(Ken H )

Ken H,
I am sure there is a connection - this Northern Sports Car Club and a Triumph guy 3 times with a GT6, The TR4A IRS Overdrive and a 2.5 P. I. used to go mainly to Collett and Fleming the Triumph and later BL dealers in Point Chevalier, but most of their stuff came via Northern Automobiles, so that is the connection.
" COLLETT & FLEMING LIMITED was registered as New Zealand Limited Company on 04 Nov 1948, registered at 133 Vincent Street, Auckland , New Zealand. "
Company was deregistered in 1990 but Neil Hyde took over the business [ premises and trade ] in 1984 and Hyde Automotive is now in New Lynn where I used to work late 1980's 1985 to 1992 - two stints, New Lynn has many Automotive Specialists, and my MGB used to go there for work to be done by an MG Specialist and MG Racer Garth Bagnall,
but I digress !!

Here is the Bob Tullius TR6, being unloaded from a plane - Those TR's get around.



Roger Dowding
09-13-2021, 03:03 AM
The Club Meeting held by the NSCC at Ardmore the week following the NZ Grand Prix.


Just going back over the thread ; - as have found out more information about Jack Boot and his involvement with the Roycrofts [ A. J Father and Ron J son ] and the " BugLey " the Riley - Bugatti-Riley or Riley Bugatti - more to come on Jack Boot later.

In the attachment above from Milan Fistonic of " Little Ardmore " in January 1960 meeting are Allan Woolf in a Ford - his Ford 8 and there is in the Sports cars R Billington in the " Elfo Special ".

Had not seen the " Elfo " until I came across this photo. R Billington from Whangarei in the Elfo Special at Levin in 1958. A Ferris De Joux body on the Ford Special it had an 1172 cc side valve Ford 10 motor.


Roger Dowding
09-15-2021, 10:47 PM
Constructed during 1972 with many members providing the Labour ..
Here a scene from the opening ceremony in August 1972 - Minister of Transport Mr Gordon speaking, Morrie Chandler, Lew Lack and others seated.

Graham Woods archives from Club Torque-

Newspaper clippings of the Construction and comment about NSCC.
- from South Auckland Courier - a Suburban Newspapers publication - unsure where I found them



Rod Peat, Rob Grimwood, David Simpson and others commented on the Facebook page I found the top photo.

There is a plan for a Celebration by " The Older Guard " of the Club to hold an event at the Clubrooms in Mount Richmond Domain in August 2022 .. Rod Peat, Mal Clark and others are giving advanced notice.
There does not appear to be anything " Official " from the Club.
We shall wait and see !!.

2022 would be the 80th Anniversary of the first gatherings of the group that formed the Club in 1943 - formally at a meeting in July 1943 and it was Incorporated in October of 1943, I understand - all this with a War going on..
All sorts of restrictions - petrol and food rationing, etc,



Roger Dowding
09-23-2021, 04:19 AM
" Competitors Car Club ". [ Italics mine - see note ]
Had read about this Club originally from Bob Homewood with a report on a Race Meeting at Seagrove, Manukau in 1947/48. Later got the full report from Graeme Staples - known as Spyda in Motor Cycle racing circles
Re-reading the Book - A Limited Edition by NZ Classic Car Magazine entitled " Classic Kiwi Motorsport " published in 2004.
The article some 50 pages was a series of seven article that had previously appeared in the magazine about Ron Roycroft.
It states that the Competitors Club was an " unofficial ' intersection ' club within NZMRDC [ later Auckland Car Club ] and NSCC, which organised the races at Seagrove on a monthly basis over the Summer.
This would have been just prior to the formation of the ANZCC, Association of New Zealand Car Clubs around 1948/50 [ must clarify ]

An extract from the Book ;


The original article from Bob Homewood and Graeme Staples archives.
Note the report is 1949 the event is late 1948. - November.

Pages 21 and 22 of Motor Sport Nostalgia publication



[ posted before - provide the explanation for the CC ]

Trevor Sheffield
09-23-2021, 11:16 AM
The results in respect of those early meanings may appear confusing. I attended a couple and it was notable that those driving shiny production sports cars, seemed to be out on a Sunday drive and in no way stressed their rare and valuable machinery. Where as the drivers of specials and the like were hard at it. It is not surprising that Laurie Powell overtook the field in a handicap race. It is also significant that Dr. Ken Orr's very new Jowet Jupiter was not being driven by its owner when rolled. Not to say that Gordon brown was reckless.

Medical officer at many important motor races, Ken Orr was my chosen GP until he became specialist in physical medicine. Laurie Powell was also a patient. I recall when I attended Ken's surgery at night, I would often let others in the waiting room go ahead of me, so that I was last to receive attention. As a result we often talked fast cars well into the night.

One conversation involved an incident which occurred when Ken Wharton was killed driving his Monza Ferrari in the sports car race, run at Ardmore together with the NZIGP. Ken described how during the high speed run to Hospital in the back of an ambulance, he and an assistant bored a hole in the patients head using a screw driver, as a means of releasing blood pressing on the brain, but to no avail.

Together with Laurie Powell I manned a flag point at the this unfortunate event. We were close to a tight but fat corner and I can truly say that this was the only time I have seen a car properly drifted. Ken Wharton braked the Ferrari absolutely on the limit, then set it up under brakes somewhat side ways to drift the car into and through the corner under a balanced throttle. He then opened up to roar off with the minimum of wheelspin and repeated this on each lap, until he ceased to appear. What is more he drove sitting back with straight arms.

If any one is interested I can advise as to the exact reason for the accident.

The late Ken Orr was an excellent doctor and continued in practice through to a good old age. When I asked why? He replied "why not".

He called in at my home on the way home one evening to collect a copy of my book and paid on the spot. It was good to see him. He was small in stature and quiet of voice, but a very big man.

Roger Dowding
09-26-2021, 05:32 AM
Trevor, thank you for your story.

" If any one is interested I can advise as to the exact reason for the accident."

The Ken Wharton accident has been the subject of quite a few comments and statements about what actually happened. Have read a few in books,but not from the newspapers of the day.

Your close proximity " Together with Laurie Powell I manned a flag point at the this unfortunate event." to the accident
I for one would appreciate your comments.

Regarding Dr Ken Orr and his cars - have also read a little about them and Gordon Brown Racing his car and others.

Please keep contributing to this thread,
Northern Sports Car Club website actually has a link to the TRS " unofficial story " of the Clubs early years, which I started as being about the 1940's information from my late Uncle but now goes forward into the 1980's and even a bit from later.
With the 50th year celebration of the NSCC Clubrooms next year, and it being the 80th Anniversary of when a few Sports Car enthusiast got together in mid 1942, 2022 should be a big year for the Club.

I confess I have not managed to get to the Club to go through all those Club Torque magazines that you contributed back to the Club.
I unfortunately disposed of all of mine from 1967 to 1980 - now regret that happening.

Trevor Sheffield
09-27-2021, 03:09 AM
"Your close proximity " Together with Laurie Powell I manned a flag point at the this unfortunate event." to the accident
I for one would appreciate your comments."

The huge disparity in respect of road speed between the front to back runners caused grave concern. Officialdom lacking racing experience wrongly set down an extraordinary rule whereby overtaking was only allowed on the outside.

Furthermore instructions covering the rule were issued only verbally at the drivers meeting. The was no guarantee that they were properly heard or correctly understood. Nor was there any check or confirmation ensuring that all drivers were present. Some drivers did verbally raise objections but to no avail.

A slow car driver observed a fast car coming up on his rear. There was maximum room to his left, therefore he moved gradually over towards his right so as to provide even more space. The fast overtaking driver assumed that he must abide by the rule and attempted to overtake on the right. The slower car inadvertently slowly shut him out and he was forced to run wide beyond the edge of the course and climbed an obstruction which in any event should not have been so close.

The officials were the direct cause of the accident by upsetting normal well known and expected, racing rules and procedure for no good reason. There was no logic involved in imposing a specific and extraordinary rule for a single and individual race. It was tantamount to requiring daily drivers to revert to driving on the right within only a small section of a city.

I heard Rolly Crowther say that the faster car should have simply driven straight through the slower car. However it was a fact that the fast driver was a sportsman, a gentleman and that would not have been cricket.

Roger Dowding
10-06-2021, 05:33 AM
A bit more of the story of " Bugley " the Bugatti Riley or Riley Bugatti - cut down Bugatti chassis from a car that A J Roycroft owned - The car was created by Arthur Dexter R A Dexter, son of Reuben A Dexter in 1938.
Dexter senior was a car dealer as was A J Roycroft.

A photo of the car with " Dexter Motors " notation in 1938 - appears in the book " Flat to the Boards " from Ron Roycroft archives


Photo that my Late Uncle Ed Dowding had of his brother - in - law Jack Boot sitting in his car in 1944 at Huntly Cinder Track where Ron Roycroft raced it for Jack.


A bit of the story of the car and Jack Boots involvement - we [ family ] believe Jack owned it from early 1943, and it was sold to Morrie Proctor " after the war " as Jack passed on 27th February 1945 from " Tb " ( tuberculosis ).
He was only 28 according to family information - born in 1917.

both of these extracts from the " Flat to the Boards " book give some detail of the origins of the car - they are the Postscript in the book entitled " Where are they Now " Page 169.
The Bugatti was a type 23 .. A J Roycroft had also owned a Type 13 and bits from that were used too !
Later of course Ron had the type 35 that is currently the Bugatti-Jaguar with Ron's son Terry Roycroft.


This extract is not correct as " After World War 11 it was sold to Jack Boot " - that would have been when family sold it after Jack's passing in 1945 - we presume to Morrie Proctor


The connection to Northern Sports car Club is the people.
- Jack Boot was a founding member and on the first Committee when he owned Bugley, Ron and A J Roycroft were both early members and my other Uncle A E " Eddie " Dowding [ Oct 1919 - May 2018 ] was the 2nd President in 1945 -46 year.
Vern Clarke the inaugural President 1943 -45, when Ed was Club Captain 1944 - 45 as I understand.
Ron Roycroft was also born in 1917 [ passed away in 2000 ] ;

There is a School connection too Ron went to Bayfield Primary in Herne Bay in 1922, my Father Mac Dowding 1917 - 1999 was there from 1927 as was Eddie Dowding - they may been at the school at the same time. -[ have just established that my Father, Mac and Uncle, Ed, arrived in New Zealand with their mother and her sister on 30th December 1926 in Wellington, and then travelled by train to Auckland arriving in early January 1927 ]
Bayfield was also my Primary school from 1952 to 1955, then we moved to New Lynn.

Ron and family A J and mother were living at 44 Albany Road when Ron was born - the house is still there.
The Roycroft family moved to Helensville, where A J had a garage but I do not know the year [ mid / late 1920's or early 1930's - at the moment ]
The Dowding Boys [ with their mother, my Grandmother - she was widowed in 1919 ] lived at 42 Sentinel Road, from early 1927 on - on the other side [ harbour side ] of Jervois Road, Herne Bay. I lived at No 42 from 1947 to 1955
Their Uncle and Aunt lived at 88 Sarsfield Street from 1923, that house was finally sold from the family by myself in 1995, having lived there from 1981, after my grandmother Dad and Ed's mother passed away in late 1980.

Ed and Jack were good Mates as brothers - in - law, and both heavily involved with cars - Ed taught a young Bruce McLaren at Seddon Technical Institute, when it was still in the City.

Roger Dowding
10-13-2021, 04:37 AM
" Northern Sports Car Club – Hill Climbs 1960’s
" Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe, Franklin County "

11/10/1961 Ostrich Farm Road
November 1961 **
17/12/1961 Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe - the NSCC's Gold Star Championship Hill Climb

October 1962 Ostrich Farm Road
As noted ; ** Used in 1961 as have some results from an event there in November 1961 posted in previous thread post #327

" Wharepapa Road, Helensville " - used 1960's ** maybe 1965 - now seems likely this was after Birdwood Road - see dates now added.
" Birdwood Road, Massey "

14/03/1965 Birdwood Road Massey -
Birdwood Road, Massey - area now called Birdwood as Massey is a large area. used 1964 - 65, did they keep using it until Cosseys was first used in March 1967 ?.
Then we have Wharepapa -both roads used in 1965.

" Wharepapa Road, Helensville "

-/12/1965 Wharepapa Road
“ Kiwitahi Road, Woodhill near Helensville “ ** newly noted venue - noted by Bob Homewood to be close to Tom Grace's farm which backed on to the Woodhill Forest, -Kiwitahi Road, is near Wharepapa Road

" Wright Road, Brookby " - 1966
In use after Wharepapa Road - have a report from an event in 1966 - this is a new location / event in the timeline. with Wharepapa Road used in December 1965.

" Cosseys Farm Road "
By March 1967 NSCC had " built " " Cosseys Farm Road " into a Hill Climb venue - cowpats and all.

This is a photo of Gerry ... in his Riley at an NSCC Hillclimb around 1966, with a bit of a story and the photo from John ( Larry ) Lawton.
The brief story - " Gerry Smaller in his Riley Elf. Unfortunately Gerry wrote this off not long after this was taken when he lost it under braking at the Pukekohe Club circuit and hit a flag marshal's barrier. I think this shot was taken at a Northern Sports Car Club hillclimb that was somewhere between Waimauku and Helensville. I think that they only used that venue once. Think I competed in my mini. Would be interested to know if my memory is correct if there any NSCC historians out there who would like to comment ".

Comments included one from Bob Homewood mentioning Kiwitahi Road, near Tom Grace's farm so that could be the location - before my time in NSCC. Others may know more !!


Roger Dowding
11-18-2021, 05:19 AM
Dennis Green a fellow NSCC member in the 1970's was also Club Photographer and took 1000's of photos at various events.
Recently Ross Cammick got hold of a couple of large boxes of Dennis' photo collection - mainly negatives which he has been scanning and identifying to preserve the images;

A small selection - including two of myself in my first Sprite FD8739 a 1965 Mark 3 Sprite which was painted yellow when I acquired it in early 1974, It had a Black factory hardtop and a Black stripe across the boot and down the rear of the guards behind the wheel arch.

Main competitors for the NSCC Sports Car Trophy for the 1974/75 speed/trial season were myself in the Sprite and Rob Williams in his Allard. Rob did Sprints Hillclimbs and Autocross/Gymkhana events and I competed in Autocross Hillclimbs and Trials.in 1975 we shared the trophy.

1974 an Autocross / Grass Sprint at I think Tom Grace Farm at Woodhill, It is definately West Auckland

Rob in the Allard ;


A Monaro - probably Mark Parsons who owned several in the 1970's - at the Autocross.


The Sprite ;



1975 - Gold Star Hillclimb at Cosseys Farm, in January '75 - Cosseys Farm the Clubs Hill venue since March 1967

A Monaro -


Rob Williams in the Allard ; John Williams the owner of the car from 1962 to 1967 obtained the AL7285 number plate in 1964 by seeking the AL prefix at the Post Office.


Roger Dowding
11-18-2021, 05:33 AM
Robs V8 powered cars a couple more photos..
Photo from Milan

Dennis Green photo

Roger Dowding
11-22-2021, 03:05 AM
1974 an Autocross / Grass Sprint at I think Tom Grace Farm at Woodhill, It is definately West Auckland

Rob in the Allard ; big crowd on the hill


A Monaro - probably Mark Parsons who owned several in the 1970's - at the Autocross.


The Sprite ;



The photos appear when clicked on but unsure why not displaying in the earlier post.
[ I did take a long time loading the first four -
ERC may know
- bearing in mind that my laptop is 12 years old and needs a cleanup ]

Roger Dowding
12-07-2021, 07:47 AM
It is a long story, to be told later, but here are a couple of photos of a Ford Fairmont, being driven hard in 1975 ..



More details to follow in a couple of weeks - all will be revealed

Roger Dowding
12-15-2021, 04:59 AM
A Dennis Green, photo - recently located by Ross Cammick from Dennis' huge collection of negatives.

Cosseys Farm Hill Climb in 1974 - 17th March - see Milan's notes [ car sold in June 1974 - replaced with the first of 4 Austin Healey Sprites ].


Woodhill - Tom Grace Farm NSCC Autocross another Dennis Green photo - from a print I bought from Dennis at the time.


Milan Fistonic
12-15-2021, 07:35 AM
A Dennis Green, photo - recently located by Ross Cammick from Dennis' huge collection of negatives.

Cosseys Farm Hill Climb in 1974 [ could be 1972 or 73 as sold the car in March 1974 ].


I think these results are from the March 17, 1974 event at Cossey's Farm.


You also competed in an Autocross event at Tom Grace's place on March 3, 1974. That could be where the other photo was taken

Roger Dowding
12-17-2021, 05:33 AM
I think these results are from the March 17, 1974 event at Cossey's Farm.


You also competed in an Autocross event at Tom Grace's place on March 3, 1974. That could be where the other photo was taken

Milan, Thank you so much for the information - Ross Cammick told me that Dennis Green didn't really start taking Motorsport photos until 1974.
That would tie in with Ross' comments to me.

Would like to see the Autocross results too, if they are available, Milan.

My relying on memory is not that accurate, it would seem.



Milan Fistonic
12-17-2021, 09:19 PM
Autocross at Tom Grace's farm on March 3, 1974



Roger Dowding
12-20-2021, 04:28 AM
" Autocross at Tom Grace's farm on March 3, 1974 ",

Thanks for the results Milan.

Ross has discovered 3 photos of the Mini at this event at Tom Grace's farm on March 3, 1974, and we have worked out that the Autocross photo of the Mini posted earlier is from an event previous to these three - there is no NSCC sticker on the windscreen now and the number plate has been moved to the bumper.

The 3 Dennis Green photos - raising quite a bit of dust ..




Only had one photo of the car competing, until now. 47 years later I have four !. These things take time.

Roger Dowding
12-26-2021, 04:39 AM
" It is a long story, to be told later, but here are a couple of photos of a Ford Fairmont, being driven hard in 1975 ..".

The Dennis Green photos of a Ford Fairmont FW2991, were believed to be of Tom Grace - the event held at his farm in Woodhill, however Robyn Grace, Tom's daughter says no it isn't, - presume she had shown a photo to Tom who is turning 80 about now..

Regardless of who is driving here are a few more of the Fairmont at the same event from the Dennis Green negatives that Ross Cammick is scanning and saving. [ and sharing ].






Roger Dowding
12-26-2021, 04:46 AM
A couple of the real Tom Grace in his Falcon GT - when Clerk of the Course for the NSCC Woodhill Rally in 1977



Photo entitled " Building the Yump " - Woodhill Rally 1978 - Tom Grace in the tractor


Tom holding an original copy of a 1977 Woodhill photo ; Mark Parsons archives.


Roger Dowding
01-27-2022, 04:22 AM
Photos by Dennis Green, part of a series being posted by Ross Cammick on " Old New Zealand Motor Racing ".
17th March 1974 was a Closed Club event, and at the end of the month was a Bardahl Series [ round 4 ] event.

Photos below appear to be mainly from the the Bardahl event as some cars have their Club banners on the side MGCC and TSCC - [ Triumph Sports Car Club ] which by 1978 when i joined was called Triumph Car Club.

Some cars tie in with the results the Subaru and the Marina and probably the MG Midget - one of several MGCC competitors in the Sports car Class. The Triumph GT6 indicated as Pat Boyer, by the Fb page notes but not in the entry list.
Questions ??
Anyway - the photos Dennis Green, and the results from Milan Fistonic.
any corrections / comments appreciated-






The Results ;

khyndart in CA
01-27-2022, 05:31 AM
Was that Rod Millen that came 1st in a Buggy in the Sports/ Racing class?
This was a steppingstone on the way to a wonderful career and also helped him master the Pikes Peak Hill Climb in Colorado.

(Ken H)

Roger Dowding
01-27-2022, 05:59 AM
Was that Rod Millen that came 1st in a Buggy in the Sports/ Racing class?
This was a steppingstone on the way to a wonderful career and also helped him master the Pikes Peak Hill Climb in Colorado.

(Ken H)

Yes that would be Rod Millen, both he and Steve Millen ran the Buggy [ were there more than one I do not remember.
The Buggy was run at the NSCC Woodhill Rally in the mid 1970's with a steel or aluminium plate as a roof attached to the rollcage to classify the car as closed which made scrutineering and entry easier, and the car safer, i would think.
Have the results for the 1974 Woodhill, must check them out and add here if they mention the Millen's .

watch this space ;

No Millens in a Buggy at the 1974 Woodhill, others were entered but not many ran ..

Page three of the entry / results from John Coker another NSCC guy at the time .He was a DNS too.


Well here are the full results, pages one and two - if seen before then my bad .. oops !!
keeps the story together.



A few well known drivers fell over too !!

khyndart in CA
01-27-2022, 08:15 AM
Excuse me for drifting off the topic but,,,
Here is a FB photo of a Millen buggy probably at their Mt. Albert home.


In the background is the yellow Hillman Cob which lined up beside my brother John in his Mini Cooper at Pukekohe. Nov. 1970.

(Listing thanks to Milan )

(Ken H)

Roger Dowding
01-28-2022, 05:39 AM
" Here is a FB photo of a Millen buggy probably at their Mt. Albert home. "
The Cob beside it ... So !!

Would like to borrow the photos Ken and the writeup from Milan for the Hillman Commer Cob group on Facebook, if that is OK Guys ??


PS not " drifting off " or " sidetracking ", as we appreciate your " inputs " Ken H - and Milan too, meaning that I do, very much - all adds to the stories.


Roger Dowding
01-28-2022, 06:39 AM
Getting back on the track - the Rally Track - following on from the Tom Grace posts, and the Full Entry List results form John Coker for the 1974 NSCC Woodhill Rally - here is this from the NSCC magazine " Club Torque ". thanks to Milan Fistonic.

The highlighted results - Overall and Class wins and trophies.
NSCC guys will know that Graham Knight - who put up a bottles of wine from his Pharmacy was part of the Skoda Rally Team, and President of NSCC during the 1970's -80's - have the detail somewhere, and it is back in the thread,many posts ago.

The " Club Torque " page.


Roger Dowding
03-21-2022, 03:30 AM
People not cars this time ;

The Starters / Finishers at work;

a couple of photos unearthed from Dennis Green archives by Ross Cammick ;



The photos were in an envelope marked " January 1978 " and thought to be from aAutocross /Sprint at Ridge Road.

Milan Fistonic notes the following ;
" There was a Bent Sprint run by the Pukekohe Car Club on a grass track in Ridge Road advertised in the NSCC's Club Torque for 26 March 1978. A Closed Club Autocross was run at Peter Hildreth's farm on Kiwitahi Road, Woodhill on 5 March 1978."
Milan also noted there was an " Autocross " at Tom Grace Farm on 8 January 1978.

Rod Peat - in the second photo said that " It was the Sunday before he got married ".

With Tom and Rod doing the starting would seem to be an NSCC event and most likely the 8th of January event at Tom's place;

more to come on this story;

The Boys and Girls running the event with the NSCC Caravan at the back ;
Same Day - same shorts same shirts for Tom and Rod..

There are photos of cars too !!.
Some may follow this post later, once gathered together.

Roger Dowding
03-21-2022, 05:22 AM
Faily sure this is / was at Tom Grace Farm at Woodhill.

The cars

The Eggelton Brothers Vitesse 6 powered Triumph - in a Herald body/chassis single headlights could just be a Herald bonnet .


thought to be David Thexton Datsun 1200 - great car in its time.





More to come - some of the same cars.

Roger Dowding
03-21-2022, 05:35 AM
More from Dennis Green.







Roger Dowding
05-09-2022, 04:54 AM
There is a plan for a Celebration by " The Older Guard " of the Club to hold an event at the Clubrooms in Mount Richmond Domain in August 2022 .. Rod Peat, Mal Clark and others are giving advanced notice.
There does not appear to be anything " Official " from the Club.
We shall wait and see !!.

2022 would be the 80th Anniversary of the first gatherings of the group that formed the Club in 1943 - when it was Incorporated in October of 1943 - all this with a War going on..
All sorts of restrictions - petrol and food rationing, etc,



Plans for the Event are progressing and contributions to Story boards are sought.
Rod Peat has asked for some of my 1940's images and there are others from the Arthur Siddall Album collection now with Duncan Fox, as well as images and comments posted by Milan Fistonic, Bob Homewood, Trevor Sheffield and others.

I would like to add the items from Milan, Bob, Trevor and the others to help Rod Peat and other put a visual story together to celebrate not only 50 years of the Clubrooms but the Club earlier History 1942 to 1972.


Trevor Sheffield
05-10-2022, 05:38 AM
It should be emphasized that when first established, membership was restricted to those owning a true sports car. However it was quickly accepted that this was much too restrictive and was amended to cover open cars with a folding hood. Subsequently this restriction was altered such that saloon cars could not exceed open cars.

As time passed this requirement became passed over and somewhat sadly the club lost its original prospectus and identity. At the time when I joined, the club enjoyed a degree of sophistication which unfortunately, quite quickly became lost.

Roger Dowding
05-11-2022, 04:01 AM
Trevor, an interesting comment " At the time when I joined, the club enjoyed a degree of sophistication which unfortunately, quite quickly became lost. " which is echoed here in a different way.
An extract from New Zealand Classic Car - Limited Edition Collectors Series #2, a story about Ron Roycroft, in the period 1948.

The Middle paragraph about the NZMRDC and NSCC - a comparison - not too PC in this modern world.


They mention Racing at Seagrove beginning in 1948, but from other reading talks of Racing in 1949 with the " Season Opener " run by the Competitors Car Club in November 1948, and from the Arthur Siddall albums there is a page captioned Seagrove 1947, which may have been Sprints, not Races.

Trevor may know more - Would like to know when you first joined ? , If I may Trevor ?? .
More for the History of the Club .. From 1942 to now 2022

Trevor Sheffield
05-12-2022, 03:26 AM
Trevor, an interesting comment " At the time when I joined, the club enjoyed a degree of sophistication which unfortunately, quite quickly became lost. " which is echoed here in a different way.
An extract from New Zealand Classic Car - Limited Edition Collectors Series #2, a story about Ron Roycroft, in the period 1948.

The Middle paragraph about the NZMRDC and NSCC - a comparison - not too PC in this modern world.


They mention Racing at Seagrove beginning in 1948, but from other reading talks of Racing in 1949 with the " Season Opener " run by the Competitors Car Club in November 1948, and from the Arthur Siddall albums there is a page captioned Seagrove 1947, which may have been Sprints, not Races.

Trevor may know more - Would like to know when you first joined ? , If I may Trevor ?? .
More for the History of the Club .. From 1942 to now 2022

I have no records, but I would say that I joined the NSCC 1948/49. I remember that I was able to quote ownership of a qualifying car in that I was building my Fiat 509 Special. My first NSCC event with the car was the North Island Hill Climb Championship, Wairamara, where as I recall, a ran second to Ralph Watson driving his BSA Special, in the 1100 cc division. I think George Smith gained FTD, with Ron Roycroft close, driving his Bugatti.

I remember being envious of drivers of the faster cars which were sliding round last corner on the sealed surface and thinking, if only I had more power I could have fun doing that. A good crowd of spectators was on hand and an enthusiastic PA announcer set quite a scene.

Roger Dowding
05-12-2022, 04:38 AM
Trevor, Thank you for that.

I have just been going through your great book " Ralph Watson - Special Engineer " as has details of many NSCC events that Ralph's cars and the ones he worked on for the Roycrofts competed in.

Another question ?
There is mention in the Scott Thomson book " Up to Speed " the Ron Roycroft story about NSCC holding a gravel Hill Climb at " Mt Shelscott " in May 1947, but no indication of where that might be ??.

Current Maps - " Google " do not recognise the name - maybe it has reverted to it traditional " Maori " name, or is an unofficial name.
Would imagine that it is in the area between Kaukapakapa across to Orewa, in the North and Glen Murray, Onewhero in the Waikato as a Southern point, looking at other events the Club held all those years ago

Thanks again,

Have the article about your Fiat and images suitably saved in my information on Motoring Memorabilia,

Milan Fistonic
05-12-2022, 11:45 AM
The North Island Hill Climb Championship at Wairamarama on 21st March 1953



Trevor Sheffield
05-13-2022, 02:01 AM
Thanks Milan,

After so many years, I now appreciate that my Fiat 509 Special, built at a total cost of less than around the then 200 pounds, was faster than Bruce McLarn's Ulster Austin, which was a quite smart piece of kit. I have never considered myself to rate among N Z special builders, but as of now am inclined to have a change of mind. LOL The special was fun to drive having two gear levers operating a two speed rear end and crash three speed gear box.

05-13-2022, 03:54 AM
It could have been worse. Works Kreidler 50cc riders had a 4 speed foot change box - and a 3 speed 'twist the left grip' hand change on top of that.
As you would expect, when asked "what gear are you in at so and so corner" they could never tell anyone.

Roger Dowding
05-13-2022, 04:56 AM
Thanks Milan,

After so many years, I now appreciate that my Fiat 509 Special, built at a total cost of less than around the then 200 pounds, was faster than Bruce McLarn's Ulster Austin, which was a quite smart piece of kit. I have never considered myself to rate among N Z special builders, but as of now am inclined to have a change of mind. LOL The special was fun to drive having two gear levers operating a two speed rear end and crash three speed gear box.

Milan, Thanks also from me. I had seen your image of the Programme Front Page of the NSCC Championship Hill Climb 1953, at Wairamarama, but not the entry list with the times etc.
Along with Trevor, what a great list of names, Jock Aitken, Phil Kerr, Ron Roycroft appears to be a no show, Ivy Stephenson, Don Tilsley, George Smith, Laurie Powell, J Mansel is I assume Johnny Mansel, and Arthur Harris in his Buckler, probably the first Buckler in New Zealand - no times was he also a No show.
A great piece of NSCC History on one page.

The story of Trevor Sheffield's Fiat features on this thread - now we know it was a quick car - especially in its Class 751 - 1100 cc.

Trevor Sheffield
05-13-2022, 08:38 AM
OK Roger,

I have it in my mind that Ron Roycroft ran the Bugatti rather than the Alfa and this could account for his name being crossed out. I can't recall the Alfa having being used in a hill-climb. Whatever, I could be wrong.

Without doubt the open wheel buckler entered, was the first in New Zealand. I can't remember it at the event and I would say that it did not show. What is more, I can't recall Arthur Harris ever driving it in serious competition, with this at first being left to his son.

During those early days, crash hats were in short supply and I did not own one. During the running of a hill-climb, a car would return helmets to the finish in order to facilitate the their loan.

Roger Dowding
05-18-2022, 11:25 PM
Motorsport Day was held on 28th January 1978, by NSCC for the first time.
A 4 event day.
3 Speed events a Gymkhana, at the field by the Mt Richmond Clubrooms, a Club Circuit Sprint at Pukekohe and the Hillclimb at Cosseys Farm, Drury.
The travel between, Mt Richmond Domian, Otahuhu and Pukekohe, then from Pukekohe to Drury was a Trial in two sections.
Much of the event programme has been published as have the results.

Following is the "Club Torque " article written by Rod and Judy Peat, and the results as seen in the Clubs magazine I guess in February 1978.

The Cover of the Instruction / Regulation / Trial Instructions Booklet that had the entrants Officials and the ASR's

The Entrants List - posted before ;


Club Torque article - from Milan Fistonic archives ;
3 pages including the results.




Roger Dowding
05-19-2022, 03:25 AM
A set of photos from Dennis Green archives - as processed by Ross BMC BOY Cammick.
Ross is unsure who took the photos as Dennis appears in some of the set and in a photo below.

Competitors in Numerical order;

Number 5 - from the entrants list.
On the Gymkhana.


on Cosseys Farm Road Hillclimb - Number 17 - the photo archivist.


also on Cosseys - in the smaller class - Number 22


again on Cosseys - the story writer. - Number 14 - was also second place-getter


The detailed results - Class Placings and Overall.


The Winners trophy [ posted before - but makes the story more complete. ]
The winner - Peter Levet in his Mini 1275cc ..


More to come when downloaded..

Plate history the GT6, the Simca and others - Plates are no longer current or even in the archives.
The plate on the escort of one D Green - photographer, I cannot decipher.

Roger Dowding
05-19-2022, 05:08 AM
More photos from Dennis Green archives - all at the same corner on Cosseys Farm Road - The Hillclimb.

John Coker -Mazda


Thought to be David Thexton Datsun 1200 SSS..


One of several Ford Escorts


Another Escort


another Datsun 1200 - think just a 1200 not an SSS


One of several Mini's entered .. unsure whose ??


As an aside ; None of the plates are current - well it was 1978 some 44 years ago.

Milan Fistonic
05-20-2022, 10:55 PM
I have it in my mind that Ron Roycroft ran the Bugatti rather than the Alfa and this could account for his name being crossed out. I can't recall the Alfa having being used in a hill-climb. Whatever, I could be wrong.

Roycroft at a Muriwai hill climb.


Roger Dowding
05-23-2022, 01:06 AM
Posted on NZ Rallying History and Old new Zealand Motor Racing by Rob Scott.

" Northern Sports Car Club are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the building of their clubrooms in Mount Richmond Domain, Otahuhu.
The clubrooms have provided a social hub for not just NSCC members, but a number of marque clubs and has been the home of Rally New Zealand for many years. It's also seen its share of drama and triumph as the finish venue for a number of NZRC rallies and Gold Star trials.
The celebrations are scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Saturday 20th August 2022.
Further details will be available closer to the date. For more information, please contact Rod Peat (rod.t.peat50@gmail.com) "

Articles in South Auckland newspapers.



The Official Function in August 1972.


Roger Dowding
06-17-2022, 02:29 AM
The Singford - with the Tilsley brothers - Don Tilsley racing in NSCC and ACC events
Note from Don Tilsley, which I received today with a photo.
The photo appears in the Graham Veroce book Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand with an incorrect caption.

Don notes ;
" Auckland Car Club.Mt Eden Hill-climb 5th.April 1952.The A.C.C. always ran the class
1101-2000cc.The International class was 1101-1500cc. The N.S.C.C. always stuck to the
International classes and their handicapping was far superior as well.Competed against
Ron Roycroft in the Bug and Herb Gilroy in the Rubber Duck on the day and got 3rd.
Herb 1st in 34.0sec. Ron 2nd.in 35.2 and me in 36.6. FTD George Smith GCS 31.0sec.
Cheers Don. "


Caption in the book says " Don Tilsley on the startline at Mt Eden in the Singford [ MkII ], with bother Glen holding down the tail " - Event is correct but the Gentleman " holding down the tail " is Laurie Powell.

On the same page of the Vercoe book is another photo of Don at Ohakea noted " Stripped for the track, the guardless Singford at Ohakea in 1952, Don Tilsley driving.

Programme Cover for the ACC Mt Eden Hillclimb Don Tilsley archives.


According to Dons own records it was the 1953 event with notes as follows ;
Singford at " Ohakea Trophy Race 14 March 1953. D.N.F Don Tilsley 24th lap of 25 holding 2nd place broke steering arm. Could have finished 3rd or 4th. Don received 10 pounds for completing 23 laps! "


Don competing at A couple of NSCC events -posted before but brings them together.

Seagrove in November [ 11th ] 1951.


Wairamarama Hill, NSCC North Island Championship Hill Climb January 16th 1954.


Don came first in Class F 1001 - 1500 cc.
** now have more details of the meeting and also events at Seagrove from Don - a story is building.

All photos Don Tilsey's own archives.
Thanks Don

In another comment about the Mt Eden photo Don notes : " Ref. Laurie Powell a regular competitor in
his Ford V8 Roadster. Was a past N.S.C.C. Club Captain and President 1955-56. Also
well known at Western Springs in his midget car. I note the Club Auditor was one H.Dowding.
Cheers Don. "

H Dowding was Hector Macdonald Dowding [ 23/3/1917 to 11/09/1999 ] my late father. I knew he was Honorary Auditor for the Club, as he told me, but never known any record of it

Roger Dowding
06-26-2022, 04:22 AM
Details of the events which were held a week apart by NSCC -

Information from Don Tilsley - who competed in his Singford 11 -

Don writes ;

" “7/12/1952. Mt.Wellington circuit races.( 1.25 miles). Due to the narrow track mostly rough loose metal (and extremely dusty)
surface with a short and much cambered tar-sealed uphill section it was restricted to cars up to 1500cc. although some time trials were held for bigger capacity cars.
Event one.4 lap scratch race for Specials.
Starters. Winter Spec., Riley Spec., Standard Spec., BSA., Aitken Spec.,Mk2., McHugh Spec., Singford Spec.
Results.Singford 1st.7'-3" , BSA 2nd.7'-14.8", Aitken 3rd.7'-34.8"
Event Two. 4 Lap. Open Handicap. 3 Specials Versus 3 MG's..
Starters. Singford, Aitken, BSA. TD M.G.x3.
Results. Singford 1st.8'-02.8"(H/cap 1'-20"), BSA 2nd.8-03.8(H/cap 1'-15") TD Somervell 3rd.8'-05"( H/cap 1'-15")
Event Three..4 Lap. 1sts. and 2nds. from previous events athough the Jupiter driven by Gordon Brown replaced the BSA.
Results. Singford !st.8'05.3"(H/cap 1'-30"), Jupiter 2nd.8'-05.8"(H/cap1-15") Somervell TD 3rd.8'-06" (H/cap1'-15")
Event.Four.4 Lap. MG v Specials Scratch race.
Results. Singford 1st. 6'-59.2", Somervell TD 2nd. 7-01.6", Greenwell TD 3rd.7-18.9".
During one of these events the Singford on passing Jock's special on the short uphill section contact occured between the cars.
The Singford's L.H. front hub taking out all the hub cap clips on Jocks R.H. front wheel and removing the grease cap on the Singfords.hub
not noticed till the races end! It was quite an effort I can ensure you for the scratch car to pass other competitors in the dust and
flying metal.

Information from Don Tilsley – Email dated 22 June 2022

" “14/12/1952. Mt.Wellington.
Event. Time Trial over 1500cc.
Results.George Smith G.C.S. 1st.1'-29.2". 2nd. Peter Harrison XK120 1'-32". 3rd. Fred Zambuca De Soto Spec.1'-35.6".
Event. Time Trials.Under 1500cc
Starters. Aitken Spec., Jupiter, 3- TD MGs, 1 -TC MG.
Results. Singford 1st.1'-40", Jupiter (Gordon Brown) 2nd.1'-41", 3rd. Somervell MG TD 1'-42".
14/12/1952, Mt Wellington – continued;
Event.Scratch Race. MGs V Specials.
Results. Singford 1st.6'-48.9", MG TD (Greenwell) 2nd., MG TD (Somervell) 3rd.

Information from Don Tilsley – Email dated 22 June 2022

Details of the Track from Don Tilsley Email dated 23 June 2022.

" The course was the same for both days and was situated in an area to the left of the Southern Motorway
before it crosses the Mt.Wellington Highway. If you have a road map of the area you will see Commissariat Road, which was the main straight and start and finish line. There was some housing on the north side of this road but the other sides were small farmlets with live stock. I have some video of the events Ex Avery Bros, and Gordon Brown.

A photo of Dons car with others - at a different event though ; At Muriwai .. Dons car #34 with bonnet askew !


06-26-2022, 09:47 PM
Hi Roger. I didn't get any PM from you and don't know if you received mine. Let me know here please.

Roger Dowding
06-26-2022, 10:47 PM
Hi Roger. I didn't get any PM from you and don't know if you received mine. Let me know here please.

Allan, my message box was full and I didn't notice - will now send a new message.


06-27-2022, 04:05 AM
On their way to you as we speak.

Roger Dowding
06-27-2022, 04:35 AM
On their way to you as we speak.

Very kind of you Allan,
Thanks - will be appreciated.


and on 30th June they were received,
Thanks again Allan..

Roger Dowding
07-07-2022, 09:27 PM
Have had a look through the Ardmore Programmes.

Don tells me he has all the Ardmore Programmes from 1954 to 1962, and the 1963 Pukekohe event, first running of the NZ I GP at the
" new " track.
They list the Executives and Officials of the NZ Grand Prix Association.
Lots of great period advertisements too.


Both Auckland Car Club and Northern Sports Car Club ran events seperately to the Grand Prix, which they called
" Little Ardmore " .. as seen in newspaper clippings on this thread.

Roger Dowding
07-10-2022, 09:27 PM

More details are to hand about the event - no format yet, but expressions of interest and a deposit [ towards refreshments is sought ]

" We are now seeking Expressions of Interest and a deposit, to cover the cost of refreshments, from those wishing to help celebrate this momentous occasion, so that we can put the final touches to the day.

So, get in early for this fun-filled event, where the emphasis will be on camaraderie, with plenty of time to catch up, tell lies, recall days past, and to rekindle old friendships made over the past years.

Hopefully the celebration will appeal not only to past NSCC club members, but anyone that celebrated an event at the clubrooms in days gone by.

To be in now, Deposit $20.00 (non-refundable) to the NSCC bank account. (add your name as id) and e-mail thru your names, contact details and confirmation of payment please. "

" NSCC BANK ACCOUNT – ANZ BANK – 01-0221-0010851-00 "

Committee details and Email to send confirmation of payment -

" Rod Peat (Chairman), Dennis Green, John Dorking, Bob Mitchell, Jill Greenland by e-mail :- jarland@xtra.co.nz
Contact - Rod Peat on 021-478914

The Email again " jarland@xtra.co.nz ". for confirming deposit paid and providing details.

Rod Peat has his own Email for other correspondence

" rod.t.peat50@gmail.com ".

Cheers from this guy !!.


NSCC Logo's over the years



1960's onwards

Roger Dowding
07-15-2022, 04:54 AM
NSCC usually held Gymkhana events on grass, and often had an Autocross course at the same event.
In the 1970's there were grass events at Peter Hildreth and Tom Grace Farms at Waimauku and Woodhill,quite close to each other.

This event was held on a Sunday at the Carpark of the then new Mangere Town Centre.
Shops were closed on Sundays and carparks were used for all sorts of Sports - some shopping area carparks actually had Netball Courts and other markings for their sports. -

A selection of cars at the event from Dennis Green images, which have been processed by Ross Cammick, many never seen before.

This car is not your usual LIP Vauxhall Velox 6..
Car had twin carburettors and modified manifolds, an Inline Hurst Shifter replacing the Column change shift and as seen Escort flares fitted to the rear guards.
I rode in this car a few times, it was quite quick in a straight line, but cornering was a bit unusual - these Vauxhalls had a front suspension that rose up under heavy braking.
Dave Hotham, a school mate of my younger brother owned the car. I knew Dave well also, as his family had a bach at Onetangi, Waiheke Island, not far from my Grandmothers house.



This car was there that day too !! - as seen on the Austin Healey thread


a mix of cars.

The BIG,


The Small
Dave Hughes in the Imp


and smaller - just ..
Graham Hill in the Mini Clubman.


As an aside,
I understand that Don Tilsley is attending the NSCC Celebration, 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms.
He is coming with Allan Woolf and John Windleburn.

I hope a few more of the Guys who were seniors in the Club when I joined also attend.

Will post more details when known.
NSCC Celebration, 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms
Date is set ; Saturday 20th August 2022.
Format is being worked on but understand I will be an afternoon into ealy evening Event

Roger Dowding
07-16-2022, 02:41 AM
NSCC Celebration

" 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms ".
Saturday 20th August 2022.
At the Clubrooms,
Mount Richmond Domain, Great South Road, Otahuhu

The Details - announced today on the NSCC 50th Anniversary Facebook page;

" Seeing as the event is only just over a month away, an update is probably required.
We have had a really good response to the
celebration and have had a good number submit their registration form.
Most of these people are staunch NSCC types, but there are quite a few who want to come along to see folk they haven't seen for a while.
The program starts at 1.30pm on Saturday the 20th August with a mix and mingle and the formalities start at 2.00pm.
There will be a few speakers including a representative from the McLaren Trust to present NSCC with a gift for storing the orange car for a number of years.
There will be a few iconic NSCC cars on display as well.
Afternoon tea will be served after the speeches and the cash bar will be open.
All in all it should be a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and share some tall stories with like minded people.
If you want to be a part of it and haven't registered yet, PM me your email address and I'll send you the form.
Rod Peat ,
On behalf of
The Anniversary Committee "


Not specifically the Anniversary, but the sign above the montage of photos, hangs above the bar kitchen area, up where the pool tables were and maybe still are !!.
The Clubrooms were Rally Headquarters for Rally New Zealand over many years.

Will be heading there, in one of these ;


But not driving like this :


Roger Dowding
07-18-2022, 03:17 AM
Thanks to Don Tilsley for this image - which is from a publication and has notes on it from a couple of famous NSCC people " Colin Waite and Allan " Woolfie " Woolf.

Printed on the photo is " the Ford 10 Special, never really liked and owned for only six months "
Date of the event 30th October 1955.
Amongst other competitors was an M Roberts driving the BSA Special of Ralph Watson.


As noted on the photo " taken at a carpark at the end of Rosebank Road ", Avondale, used as the pit/paddock area for the event which was a Sprint Meeting on the unfinished North western Motorway - the first section from Point Chevalier to Te Atatu.

Description on the back of the photo ;
" Bruce at NSCC Sprint meeting on N. W. Motorway near Rosebank Road.
Ford 10 Special ex Bob Crisp new body built on his Standard 8 Chassis and with Ford 10 engine. The Standard Spec-ial was a very successful car in the 750 -1100cc class
A rather young looking Bruce McLaren - well, he was born on the 30th August 1937 - so just turned 18.

Roger Dowding
07-30-2022, 04:05 AM
Northern Sports Car Club ran an Event in the " New Zealand Hill Climb Championships " at Wairamarama in the 1950's.
In 1952 the Event was known as the " New Zealand Hill Climb Championships "
By 1953 it became part of the " North Island Hill Climb Championships " - the same in 1954 and 1955.
The Hill had been used as a " Club Event " in September 1951, where Don Tilsley competed for the first time in the Singford Special.

Here from the archives of Don Tilsley - the Programme Cover and the List of Entrants - which includes handwritten times, which would have been done by Don's wife Muriel Tilsley.

This is the 1952 Event;
Programme Cover.


The Entry List with handwritten times.


Details on Competitors -


Previously posted are these from the 1953 event - Milan Fistonic archives.
Now the " North Island Hill Climb Championships "
Done to give a timeline to the information.



To follow - the information from the 1954 event from Don Tilsley - Don was a competitor again.
Also information on the 1955 event from Milan Fistonic.

Trevor Sheffield competed in the 1953 event in his Fiat 509 Special - the story of this car appeared in posts #299 and #300 on page 15 of this thread.

A photo of Trevor's car when first completed - in another photo it shows the 1951 - 56 number plates;


Roger Dowding
07-30-2022, 04:26 AM
To continue the Timeline of the " Championships " Hill Climbs - more form the archives of Don Tilsley - 1954 and copies again the 1955 event from archives of Milan Fistonic;

1954 the Programme Cover - with a few doodles on it.


The List of Competitors. With times again handwritten by Muriel Tilsley.


The list again - unedited to show the Competitors Race Numbers better.


" - Note in 1954, a couple of International Competitors, " Horace Gould, Britain - Cooper Bristol and Tom Hawke, Australia - Allard " who would have been here to compete at the New Zealand Racing Events over the summer, at Ardmore, Ohakea, Wigram, the Airfields / Airforce bases and Dunedin the Street Race meeting. "

1955 the Programme Cover.


- [ must check if Milan Fistonic he has the full Entry List ]

Wairamarama Hill, Onewhero, sometimes described and the Wairamarama Onewhero Road,and at others times Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray, was used by NSCC for Hill Climbs again in 1956.
More to come on the events.

The Event was moved from March to January for 1954 and 1955

Roger Dowding
08-11-2022, 06:43 AM
Through the Top gate, before the sweeper to the finish, the road was narrow through that gate and there was a big bump..


One for Ken H,

Roger Dowding
08-14-2022, 03:53 AM
TRS people - the Event is on next Saturday.

Just to repeat the details ;

" The event is definitely on at the Clubrooms, Mt Richmond Domain, next Saturday 20th August - starting at 1;30pm with a speech or two around 2;00pm and then afternoon tea..
You need to register - Email to Rod Peat .. " rod.t.peat50@gmail.com ".

The non- refundable $20.00 deposit needs to go to this Bank Account.
" NSCC Account 01-0221-0010851-00 - with reference - your name ".

When payment is made you need to advise Jill Greenland at
" jarland@xtra.co.nz ". "

To those who are going, look forward to seeing you there ..

Copy of an old Club Brochure cover - from Milan Fistonic archives


08-14-2022, 06:30 AM
Further to the photo of Bruce with the Ford special, how about this one?

Roger Dowding
08-14-2022, 10:33 PM
Further to the photo of Bruce with the Ford special, how about this one?

" Rhys " - thank you for that - not seen that one before

Ford is it a " Y " series in the background ??

Roger Dowding
08-18-2022, 04:23 AM
TRS people - the Event is on next Saturday.

Just to repeat the details ;

" The event is definitely on at the Clubrooms, Mt Richmond Domain, next Saturday 20th August - starting at 1;30pm with a speech or two around 2;00pm and then afternoon tea..
You need to register - Email to Rod Peat .. " rod.t.peat50@gmail.com ".

The non- refundable $20.00 deposit needs to go to this Bank Account.
" NSCC Account 01-0221-0010851-00 - with reference - your name ".

When payment is made you need to advise Jill Greenland at
" jarland@xtra.co.nz ". "

To those who are going, look forward to seeing you there ..

Copy of an old Club Brochure cover - from Milan Fistonic archives


Have just found out that the Deposit of $20.00 is the full cost, for the function. That includes the afternoon tea.

Only extra is if you want a drink from - the " Cash Bar " !!.

Roger Dowding
08-25-2022, 04:49 AM
The event has been and gone. In this building.


There was a great turnout, and I personally caught up with people I hadn't seen for up to 40 years.

A general view of the event, during the speeches.


Geoff Ridder [ Photography ] took over 80 photos which have been posted on the Reunion Facebook page and also on the " NZ Rallying History " Fb page.

As noted on the " Ralph Watson In Memoriam " thread, Trevor Sheffield was there, as was I but we failed to see each other to have a chat.

There were Club Members from 1950's through the 1960's and into the 1980's and 1990's.
Quite a few former Presidents were there, as was the current President Vickie Burnitt.

Here they are at the moment of the presentation of a Painting by the McLaren Trust -presented by Jan McLaren on behalf of the Trust.
Left to right, Bob Mitchell, Rod Peat, Morrie Chandler, Jan McLaren, Vicki Burnitt, Bob Kidd and the gentleman on the right I do not know [ make that remember ]


My old neighbours from the 1950's were there Colleen and Allan Woolf ;


Rob Williams was there as was his Ford V8 Coupe that has featured in this thread a few times. Rob on the left.


Don Tilsley former racer of the " Singford " cars seen here with Rod Peat and others.


[ Note; I incorrectly typed Geoff Riddick on the photos but it is Geoff Ridder as seen on the images ]

Roger Dowding
08-28-2022, 04:50 AM
A couple of my own photos.

Don Tilsley standing with Rob Williams looking at Don's Album - a real Gem of NSCC History - Don's racing exploits in the 1950's.


Robs Ford Coupe and Rod Peats Cortina GT wagon.


Club Torque - 1975 - a double page of photos by Dennis Green mostly.


That Sprite is there again.. with others ..

Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 10:51 PM
A few more photos of people and the cake ; Geoff Ridder photography.

Names I know and some I don't.

They gave you a swinger Ticket with your name and the Clubs Logo.
Should keep it - for next year as I understand that Bob Mitchell, former President and some others are looking at holding the " 80th Anniversary of Northern Sports Car Club " - which will be July next year [ 2023 ]Officially

The Cake and a couple of Cars;

The Cake;

People; Colleen and Allan Woolf with Jan McLaren

Mark Donaldson admiring the Trophies

Morrie Chandler - President at the time of the building of the Clubrooms and a prime mover of the idea to have the Club's own premises.

More photos to come.

Roger Dowding
08-31-2022, 11:14 PM
More images -mainly Geoff Ridder photography.

The Swinger you got; and my Album that was among several taken to the event.


The Painting that was presented to the Club by the McLaren Trust - for " Services Rendered " in connection with the saving of a McLaren Can-Am car.


The Rally Skoda that was rescued and restored by Colin Waite [ RIP Colin ] and arranged to be at the event by son Gary Waite.

Woolfie and Robbo

Woolfie looking at cars - His Triumph Vitesse was there too - was recently restored.

Milan Fistonic
09-03-2022, 08:10 AM
Roger. As you've told us that at one time you lived in Green Bay, you might be interested in this NSCC Gymkhana held there in January 1967.





Roger Dowding
09-05-2022, 04:00 AM
" Green Bay, you might be interested in this NSCC Gymkhana held there in January 1967. "
Just before I joined the Club, don't remember it.
At the NSCC Reunion they had the magazines back to to 1972 only.

Thanks for the post Milan.

The Simca's of Wayne Jones ( pictured ) and Ralph Emson .. - finished 2nd and 3rd..

Not an NSCC event but an ACC Club Circuit Day at Pukekohe - Ralph in his Simca - a John Larry Lawton photo.Also a 1967 event.
The Club Circuit was quite new ..


Roger Dowding
09-21-2022, 04:06 AM
Posted details of the HillClimb held there in December 1959 in a previous post.
John Windelburn sent me this recently.
John in his Austin A35

Ostrich Farm event in February 1959.
The Entrants and class results.
Trevor Sheffield in his AC V8.
[ would like to know more about that car too ]
His great friend Bill W Kelly in a Cooper 500
Ivy Stephenson in her Buckler Climax - the car well known for her exploits and later with Bruce Sutcliffe.
Car is now in the UK and was at Goodwood very recently
** Photos added to the Buckler thread of the car now with UK Registration DAA300..


John and I had a chat at the NSCC Reunion and are now in contact again.
Had not seen John since a Bardahl Hill Climb at Bright Road Pukekohe in 1979 a PCC event.

Roger Dowding
11-10-2022, 05:08 AM
New Zealand Motor Cup - Centennial. - The Event has been cancelled.
An event was proposed by the New Zealand Grand Prix Association and the Historic Racing Club to celebrate.
100 years since the NZ Motor Cup was first competed for at Muriwai Beach in 1921.
The event had been postponed twice, but was scheduled for December 2nd 2022.

It is hoped that some cars of the era and the Cup will be at the Ellerslie Concours next year.

Here is the communication issued through Ticketeck who were responsible for the bookings

" The Historic Racing Club and NZIGP have today made the difficult decision to cancel its New Zealand Motor Cup Centenary Celebration to be held at Muriwai on Friday 2nd December 2022.

The decision comes after having to postpone the original event twice over the past 2 years due to COVID and now the rapidly rising costs of hosting events and the increasingly difficult logistics of being able to run the event mean we were left with little option. This coupled with Motorsport New Zealand having to cancel their 75th Gala Dinner on the day after our event due to similar issues means that a lot of the guests we were expecting will now not be attending.

There are plans to have some of the cars and the New Zealand Motor Cup on display at the Ellerslie Concours on Sunday 12th February 2023

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this decision, however, we hope you understand it is not one we made lightly. "

The Trophy - photo from Alan Boyle archives..


A couple of Alan Boyle archive photos form early events where Alan's father Bill was involved as mechanic/rider.



Roger Dowding
12-20-2022, 04:09 AM
Report and Results of the event from the May 1967 NSCC Club Torque.



Photos from the event.



Also in the Magazine is the 1966 - 67 Season Prize List - with the Trophies and the winners.


Rob Williams features in one of the photos and in the Prize List with his Ford V8 Coupe- that he still owns and was displayed at the NSCC Reunion in August 2022.

Lots of well known people in the Prize List - better known today than back then perhaps.. Paul Adams, David Oxton et al ..

Roger Dowding
01-07-2023, 05:18 AM
Have posted the photo of Bruce Mclaren standing beside his Ford 10 Special at Rosebank Road in the Pit Area for the event that was held on the new Motorway - before it opened.
Thanks to Don Tilsley - passed on by Mark Donaldson I now have the time sheets as written by Don's future wife Muriel at the event.

Don Tilsley was there and very quick in the " Singford "
John Windelburn was in his Morris Minor and Bruce McLaren was in the Ford Special - ex Bob Crisp.
Phil Kerr was there too in his Ford Special and there is a Wolfe in a Ford 10 - is that Allan Woolf.. I am not sure.
Les McLaren was in the Austin Healey 100 that Bruce had success with in later years 1956 on.
Les was much quicker and in the top few with a time of 16.4 same as Herb Gilroy and Hugill in a Cooper.. Hugill appears to be the FTD Man at 16.0 seconds



The photo of Bruce in the Pit [ carpark ]. this would be near where the Go-Kart track was in later years.

Note that the car has bolt holes in the scuttle where the windscreen would go.

** Would like more details on the car and to assist a modelmaker the colour of the Bob Crisp Standard 10 / Ford 10 Special..

Don Tilsley notes on the back of a reprint of the photo he sent me last year.


Trying to get details of the cars involved as with some on the lists there is the drivers name only.

The gathering of this information all happened because of the NSCC 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms,which created the opportunity to meet new friends like Don Tilsley, John Windelburn who I met briefly once before and catch up with Mark Donaldson of Austin Healey Club whom I have known for about 50 years..

Mark was there with Jan McLaren who I also met for the first time..


Roger Dowding
01-08-2023, 05:02 AM
Some John Larry Lawton photos - with notes by him.

Will put on Pukekohe thread too !!.

" Peter Akeroyd in the Heron leads Ivy Stephenson in the ex Bill Caldwell Lola. "
[ This was Ivy's Racing car after the Buckler - Climax - my notes ]


" Jack Nazer " - in his Anglia
- with the " Sabrina " headlights as remarked by others on similar photos.


" Wayne Jones - Simca 1000 finished 2nd to Ian Runnerstrum in the Group 1 race "
Sunbeam and Cortina behind
- trying to picture where this is - by the Elbow where the Stables were.

Track still the 2.2 mile circuit in November 1965


" Herman Munster " is all that J L Lawton had on this image..


Roger Dowding
01-11-2023, 04:48 AM
Post of the 1955 Sprint Meeting on the new Motorway at Avondale.
I posted the photo of Bruce and the Standard Ford 10 Special and decided to do a bit of searching to find out more about the car.

The Standard 10 Special - as it is described in Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand ", states that Bob Crisp built the car [ around 1951 ] with Standard 10 components, not the Chassis which was a ladder frame.
When the car was sold to Bruce McLaren it was sold minus the engine.

Photo from the Vercoe book - shows several NSCC members - they could all be - at Muriwai with
Don Tilsley, Singford 11, Bruce McLaren Standard / Ford, David Long in Ralph Watson BSA Special, TSL Special and Trevor Sheffield in the Singer Le Mans, that was previously Ralph Watson's.


The article in the Vercoe book - page 273.


Would like to accurately date the photo as in Trevor Sheffields story about Ralph Watson David Long raced the BSA Special at Muriwai in October 1954 [ 9th October in the Ten Mile Race ]
Bruce McLaren in his Book "From the Cockpit " talks of selling the Austin 7 Ulster in August 1955 to buy the Standard Ford, which he got without the Standard 10 engine.

Any information would be appreciated.

Roger Dowding
01-15-2023, 04:12 AM
Photos from John Larry Lawton and Programme - Entry Lists from Milan Fistonic

Start of the up 1000cc Saloon Car Race - Minis Anglia and an A35 and others.


Part of the same field Minis and the A35.
Hugh Kettelwell W Marshall and B Cox in the A35 - Result 1st H Grocott Mini 2nd B Cox A35


Modified Production Saloons Mudford #134 Cortina


Fiats and a Vauxhall into Stables - the Elbow corner. Reynolds in the Vauxhall
John Larry Lawton notes he took all his photos from the " Stewards " stand that day.


Entry List Race One - Production Saloons with results written Fiats 1st and 2nd, the PA Vauxhall 3rd


Entry List Race Three - Modified Production Saloons with results A Cooper S and Anglias in the first 3.


Roger Dowding
02-14-2023, 01:00 AM
Wharepapa Hill Climb, the road near Woodhill, West Coast Auckland in 1965.

The first running on the " new "venue in December 1965.

Photo by John Larry Lawton
L Spitz in his Sunbeam Alpine - there was some comment that it had an MGA Twincam Motor at one stage but a later owner returned it to Sunbeam power - a good motor in 1500 and 1600 cc format anyway.


Motorman cutting from Milan Fistonic - which helped date the event.


Birdwood Road Massey was used by NSCC around this time 1964 / 65 - must go back over the archives.
By March 1967 the Hill event was of course " Cosseys Farm Road " at Drury.

Roger Dowding
02-14-2023, 03:44 AM
More John Larry Lawton photos - with notes - on the NSCC Pukekohe meeting 21st February 1965
- follow on from post #457.
Photos were taken from the Stewards Stand near the Elbow Stables corner - this is before the revised track was built in 1966 to provide the 3 Circuits that were used in later years, The 2.2 mile full circuit, the 1.75 mile circuit that became the Grand Prix Circuit and the Clubmans favourite " Club Circuit ".

Jim Boyd in the Lycoming.


" Black in the Lola in front of Bill Stone " - in the Cooper -Ford.
Presume Spencer " Spinner " Black in the front engined Lola Racing Car that went to Kenny Smith and others.


Sports Cars - is that Trevor Sheffield ?? - in one of the what appears to be two Daimler SP250's followed by a Sports racing car and a Morgan.


" Rod McCallum loses his Humber 80 " - entering the Elbow - he went straight ahead


A Mini - Race #137 damaged and going the wrong way - as J L Lawton notes - the driver would have earned the ire of Les Rankin the Clerk of the Course on the day.


Note that VW Kombi [ Combi ] of the Marshall near the Start Finish - in behind the " Horse Fences ".

Only have a couple of pages of entries for this event.

Roger Dowding
03-10-2023, 04:42 AM
Believed to be the last of these events, as Pukekohe was now available as a permanent racing circuit and was supported by both the main Auckland Car Clubs Auckland Car Club and Northern Sports Car Club.

These images from 1963 are of the Auckland Car Club meeting.

Cars on the Beach in the main race ; Allan Dick - Classic Autonews archives
John(ny) Riley Ferrari Monza, Bill Thomasen Cooper - Climax and Ivan Cranch Maserati 6CM [Ivan was President of ACC around this time.]
Cars on the second row not stated - on the left looks like one of the Ford Specials from 1950's such as Jock Aitken and Phil Kerr raced [ the same Jock Aitken built car ] or the GBS Gordon Brown Special.


Motorman Magazine report on the event - the main placegetters are in the above photo. Graham Woods archives

Any further information of the event would be appreciated

Roger Dowding
03-29-2023, 05:08 AM
Some time ago on this thread photos from Arthur Siddall a founding member of NSCC were published.
They came from an Album that Duncan Fox found at the Whitford Tip well over 20 years ago.

The images were just photos of the pages of the Album.

Yesterday I was given the Album as " Custodian " by Duncan Fox and will progressively scan /photograph the images.
I am going to try and restore the Album to some extent - photos need re-attaching and also the Covers are well used.

The front cover on the inside has a handwritten note -
" A Siddall "
" 5 A Emerald St "
" Epsom "
The cover will be retained but trimmed slightly .

How the Album looks at the moment and the first two photos.




To save having to turn your device - the two photos and notes turned.


The top photo I have a very small copy of from my Uncles Eddie Dowding's archives - given to me in the 1970's.

Many of the photos in the Album are larger than as already posted.

Apologies for the repetition.

More to come once I process the photos.

Roger Dowding
04-17-2023, 03:13 AM
I have just received an Email, via Don Tilsley's email from his son Russell Tilsley that Don passed away on the 12th of April 2023 after a short illness. He had gone into care about a month ago.

RIP Don Tilsley, a serious competitor with Northern Sports Car Club and others in the 1950's in both his own cars the "Singford " of which there were several, and also driving for others at Ohakea, Ardmore and elsewhere.

A couple of photos.
Don in the " Singford II " with the late Laurie Powell on the back bumper at the Mt Eden Hillclimb in April 1952


Don standing talking to Rob Williams at the NSCC " 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms " Reunion in August 2022.


A service will be held for Don at Schnapper Rock, North Shore, Auckland as detailed by Russell.

" There will be a service for Don on Friday the 21st of April at 1pm, at the North Shore Memorial Park Chapel, Schnapper Rock, Auckland.
For those unable to attend there will be a live video stream available, details yet to be confirmed. "

Extract from the New Zealand Herald;
" DONALD TILSLEY OBITUARY. TILSLEY, Donald Noel. Born 1 January 1929. Passed away on Wednesday 12th April 2023 after a short illness. "

Trevor Sheffield
04-17-2023, 07:20 AM
Don Tilsley was one of the very first to build and drive, what was a very significant shoe string, home
brew, Ford ten special. The car showed the way to factory MG TD and a Morgan sports cars, imported at a time when an import license decided the outcome of an event. He was a "special" builder and competitor in the true sense of the word.

Roger Dowding
04-21-2023, 06:26 AM
Well said Trevor,Don was indeed a serious and successful competitor
- " The car showed the way to factory MG TD and Morgan sports cars, " He beat them more than a few times

Had a message a couple of days ago from John Windelburn, fellow NSCC and ACC Club member and competitor at the time. regarding Don's passing.
John is 90, another competitor from the era that you raced in too !! .

Cheers Trevor,


Roger Dowding
06-14-2023, 11:24 PM
Slow progress with the Album as my Old Laptop does not talk to my scanner anymore - however, we have bought a new laptop for general use and I will get the newer Laptop, with huge capacity to do my Motoring Stuff and Emails etc, plus store my photo archive of many thousand photos, largely mine but with a lot of " borrows ".

Another image of the " Early Years " 1942 the first events .. from the Album, the third photo had become unstuck but I have recently re-attached all the loose photos ..

The third photo is from the First run to Titirangi, which I already had as a small "contact " print but now have a 10 x 8 inch version and can see that my Uncle Eddie's Morris is there, with his new wife Una in the passenger seat. .. The Morris Minor 8hp is on the right in the third photo, second left in the top photo..


More to come from this Album and moving on to more recent times, more Dennis Green photos have been digitized ** by Ross Cammick of Cosseys Farm Hill Climbs from 1977 - or thereabouts.. will gradually add those too

** American autocorrect ...zed !!

Roger Dowding
06-16-2023, 04:50 AM
" Dennis Green photos from Cosseys Farm 1977 .. must have been a busy period as 3 Hill Climbs there within two months February and March, 2 Club and the Gold Star event ..

One of the photos - wheels off the ground ...


and again .. names of drivers dates and entry lists later ..


There are around 20 photos and most drivers are named.
Graham Sowden in Datsun 1200 ..
Ole Sorenson in the Anglia
The Datsun photo was part of page in Club Torque, April 1977 Issue with a Rally Car Morrie Chandler Mitsubishi - after crash in the lower photo.

Entry Lists to come from Milan Fistonic vast archives..


Milan Fistonic
06-16-2023, 11:00 AM
" Dennis Green photos from Cosseys Farm 1977 .. must have been a busy period as 3 Hill Climbs there within two months February and March, 2 Club and the Gold Star event ..

One of the photos - wheels off the ground ...


and again .. names of drivers dates and entry lists later ..


There are around 20 photos and most drivers are named.
Entry Lists to come form Milan Fistonic vast archives..

Cossey's Farm got plenty of use around that time. From November 1977 to February 1978 five events were held at the hill.

Nov 20 - Bardhal Series Round 2
Dec 4 - Closed Club
Jan 5 - Gold Star
Jan 28 - Closed Club Motorsport Day - Night Hillclimb
Feb 18 - Closed Club - Night Hillclimb

Roger Dowding
06-17-2023, 11:25 PM
Thanks for those details, with those and three sets of results from early in 1977, a very busy year for the Club.

" Jan 28 - Closed Club Motorsport Day - Night Hillclimb ".
Competed in this event in my Triumph GT6, the Four Events on Motorsport Day were :
- Gymkhana at Mount Richmond Domain - on the field in front of the Clubrooms,
Two part Trial
- Part one from Clubrooms to Pukekohe Race Track
- Part two from Pukekohe to Cosseys Farm Drury.
Between the parts of the Trial a Sprint was held on the 3/4 mile Club Circuit.
- Final Event the Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm


Posted before the Booklet with ASR's Trial Instructions and details of the Gymkhana, Sprint and Hill Climb.

Rod Peat, a competitor wrote a good article in Club Torque, which has been posted on the thread .

Roger Dowding
06-18-2023, 03:19 AM
The Dennis Green photos, as processed by Ross [ BMC BOY ] Cammick.

They appear to be from the Gold Star Hill Climb of 6th February 1977.
Ross had the photos in 3 groups, so here are the rest of Part One -
The Graham Sowden Datsun 1200 SSS was in part 3, and the Ole Sorenson Anglia from Part One.

Another Datsun IF7492 ..


Ford Escort HL6076, one of a number of them competing, this is Clive Smith


Mazda RX3, Darcy Meier GZ8511 .. a few names were mentioned but Darcy saw himself, so should know !!


Holden Torana FL5057


Triumph Herald CZ3698


More to come and the Entry List Results from the Gold Star Event and others..

Roger Dowding
06-18-2023, 03:27 AM
Part Two of the Dennis Green photos.

Marty Loughnan Vauxhall Viva


Ford Escort Warren Hull GB7110


A Mini Race #147 .. Driver not known.


Ford Escort, HO4628 with the Photographers Sponsorship windscreen banner


Ford Escort, with something non-Escort under that bonnet - Max Irwin, V8 powered


Roger Dowding
06-18-2023, 03:38 AM
Dennis Green photos part 3 - the last set.

Believed to be Laurie Evans Anglia BE5853


Mazda RX3 Mark Parsons - Airborne ..


Renault Dauphin CF2791 - what was it powered by ? - It is not the John Miller rear engined V8 one !,


Another European - Alan Grout in the Volkswagen Type 1 [ Beetle ] ..all sorts of wheel angles happening.


The Results / Entry List from Club Torque the event 6 February 1977..
Many of the Entrant names appear but not all ; this from Graham Woods, but Milan Fistonic also had a copy [ and confirmation of the date ] and posted with the Dennis Green / Ross Cammick posts on Old New Zealand Motor Racing.


The photos could be from several events from 1977 - we know the Hill was well used in that year and into early 1978.

Roger Dowding
06-18-2023, 03:50 AM
The end of season Hill Climb 13th March 1977.
archive - Graham Woods


Night Hill Climb February 19th 1977 - Milan Fistonic archives


Thats all on 1977 Hill Climbs for now, from Cosseys Farm ..

Have seen another set of photos from Dennis Green of the Ridge Road Hill Climb - perhaps they go on the " Hill Climbs and other events thread ..

Ken H is winging his way home today, Safe Travels back to your family.


Roger Dowding
07-12-2023, 01:14 AM
A Motorcycle Road Race was held around a loop including Cossey Road and the Roads near to Cosseys Farm that was the NSCC Hill Climb venue from March 1967 until the late 1980's - unsure when the last event was held
The Motorcycle Race was a one-off event in 1962.

Image from Graeme Staples " jellywrestler " A K A " Spyda " from his Motorcycle Book on NZ Circuits.


Reading the notes,
- I remember attending the New Lynn event one year as my brother lived on a road that was one away from the track and we went down a walkway between his house and the Church to watch the action - back in 1977 by the notes.
Unsure how many years they ran the New Lynn circuit, there were quite a few offs with people having Motorcycles and Sidecars on their front lawn after an OFF ..

Roger Dowding
07-17-2023, 04:53 AM
Dennis Green photos form an event at Cosseys Farm in 1975 - not sure of the date.
Wheels on the ground but a few good drifts through the corner.
Photos processed by Ross Cammick from Dennis Green's vast collection.

Milan will probably have the Club Torque details ;

Notes on the drivers from Graham Wing - the Mini and the Datsun 1000, others by the drivers Rod Peat and Mark Parsons, Rod also noted which Skoda Driver it was - one of the works Rally Team from a previous Heatway.

- Ken Wood


- Rod Peat Datsun 1200., before he moved onto a Mazda RX3,


- Mark Parsons " Skid Mark " Monaro 327


- Hillman Imp - lots of opposite lock


- Escort Van, not sure who but remember one that used to compete in the Woodhill Rally, and used to carry huge cans of petrol in the back.


a couple more to follow. and photos of a well known NSCC, ACC, HCMC competitor.

Roger Dowding
07-17-2023, 05:10 AM
the 1975 Hill Climb-

- Datsun 1000, note by Graham Wing - had a Datsun 1200 motor - Driver Steve Little.


- Skoda 120 Rallye .. one of the Team cars from the Heatway - what year ?? need to check.
Morrie Chandler behind the wheel according to Rod Peat.


RIP - Allan Woolf.
A couple of photos to commemorate Allan Woolf who passed away recently.
These are from Allan's last event " Leadfoot Festival " at the Millen Ranch in 2018 - He hung up his helmet after this.

Richard Opie - " in the forest ".


crossing the finish line " last event, last run of the day, last corner ". Chris Denby notes and photo.


The Vitesse was at the NSCC Reunion back in August at the Clubrooms.

Allan Woolf Funeral Service has an invite for Racing / Rally Cars to attend - the note says no trailers, but bring the cars..


Roger Dowding
07-20-2023, 10:44 PM
More Dennis Green photos, processed by Ross Cammick.
From the Entries would be an Invitation event, maybe a Bardahl or Gold Star series event.

Have got some of the names - but any details most welcome.


More than one VW competing in these images - Doug Bremner - " Volks - Vair " - see next post.



John Steward - in his A40 Ford -


Well known Triumph Guy - Russ Abbott, who loked after my three Triumphs in the period 1976 - 1984.

Having an argument with a fence.

More to come - including a small car with BIG lights and another VW..

Roger Dowding
07-20-2023, 10:54 PM
Dennis Green photos as processed by Ross Cammick.

A Small Car with lots of Big Lights.
note from Milan " That's Malcolm Michael's Honda Civic "



The Allan Grout VW .. not sure what engine it was using .. a photo from this event and a couple of other events.


The same car in 1977 .. at Cosseys.


In a montage of photos from the ACC [ Auckland Car Club ] Bardahl Round of the series in 1975 at Chamberlain Road


Milan Fistonic
07-20-2023, 11:23 PM
Dennis Green photos as processed by Ross Cammick.

A Small Car with lots of Big Lights.


That's Malcolm Michael's Honda Civic

Roger Dowding
07-21-2023, 12:25 AM
Thanks Milan,
there was a mention of his name but the writer was not sure. - note added to the post and photo.



Roger Dowding
07-27-2023, 05:04 AM
Came across these in 2016 on NZ Rallying History page. -
Rex named some of the drivers but was not totally sure - others may know - and there is an Entry Results List out there I am sure.

Not the John Crombie Clubman his had a roof rack and was GM799 from memory.


caption on the photo was " me " -


Is it Paul Adams ??


Buggy Kevin McNamara - right way up.


Buggy Paul Swan - wrong way is up ..


Milan Fistonic
07-27-2023, 10:06 AM
Is it Paul Adams ??


Yes that's Paul Adams


07-27-2023, 11:57 AM
I believe Paul Adams still has the 2002.

07-27-2023, 06:28 PM
He ran it at Leadfoot not so long ago.

Milan Fistonic
07-27-2023, 07:44 PM
I believe Paul Adams still has the 2002.

Not sure it's the same car as it has a different rego.


Roger Dowding
07-28-2023, 03:12 AM
" Not sure it's the same car as it has a different rego.".

FF4077 still exists "

" 1970
Make: BMW
Model: BMW 2002
Colour: RED
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: FF4077
Engine No: N/A
Chassis: 1651834
CC rating: 1,990cc (2.0l)
Fuel Type: Petrol

Rego for FP7254 is not showing.

FP Rego was 1971, my Triumph GT6 was FP4651 plate.


Note years of issue approximate as some issuers [ Post Office ] had plates still from previous years in stock, And as has been discussed recently on the VCC Facebook Page - the first issue for 1964 for cars and then the Trucks and others in July 1965 needed more plates so E and F series plates were issued in 1965.
Had a Sprite, well two of them one a 65 and one a 66 with FD Plates, both NZ new Registrations, but the GT6 had FP plate was a 1971 new Rego.

F series plates started, according to the list with FB, in 1969 - note that FA was not listed, and the F series went to 1972.

Thanks for the information Milan.

07-28-2023, 06:03 AM
Not sure it's the same car as it has a different rego.

I think that photo is Heads Rd at Ruakaka? I believe that he had owned the car for many years, now I'm unsure if it was his original, although the memory is saying it was.

Milan Fistonic
07-28-2023, 10:17 PM
I took the photo at the Northland Car Club's 60th Anniversary Hillclimb at Doctor's Hill.

This excerpt from a profile on Paul Adams explains when the change over to the new car took place.


07-29-2023, 07:07 AM
Of course Milan, Doctors Hill, I knew the exact road, just used the wrong name! Thanks.
So still a long term ownership, wrong car, as always your references are better than an old man's memory.

Roger Dowding
07-30-2023, 04:41 AM
Hill Climb 28 November 1971 - report with photos and results form NSCC " Club Torque ". from Milan Fistonic vast archives.
Thanks Milan for sharing.

Paul Adams and Father in Law Allan Woolf with Class wins the Vitesse now 2500 cc motor
Paul Adams in the Rallied BMW FP7254 - that is mentioned in previous posts

Busy with Buggy's Millen Swann Fry and McNamara - as in the recent photos - same event ?


Results - small classes 0 - 1000, 1001 - 1300, 1301 - 1600 cc .


Bigger Saloons and Sports and Racing Cars.. [ and Buggy's ].


Roger Dowding
11-08-2023, 05:08 AM
Graeme [ has been spelt Graham in this thread ] Wells was an early member of NSCC competing events in 1945 as shown in some photos already.
His son Anthony Wells contacted me with photos of Graeme with his cars and photos of other peoples at events in the early 1950's.

Some events will be NSCC and others may not be; - One looks like a Hill Climb at Muriwai on a road way up above the Beach which was used by Auckland Car Club for many years.

A couple of photos for starters.
Looking to identify the cars and drivers on some of them.

This looks like Muriwai - from other photos I have seen.


A well known car - the Ralph Watson BSA Special, which is still around - restored, Ralph competed in the car into the 1980s. Have details of Ralph's Motoring endeavors from the Trevor Sheffield book, so may be able to identify the location.



Believed to be Ivy Stephenson in her MG, she certainly was racing it in the period, before others cars including the Buckler.


The Number plates on many of the cars are the 1951 - 56 issue, which helps with the period.
The note " NSCC 1950 " - series - on the photos was just to group them
More to come on these and any notes / comments welcome.
There are over 20 photos so far - some on Graeme's cars being worked on.

Roger Dowding
11-09-2023, 04:43 AM
More from the Graeme Wells archives, appear to be at the same event as some pictures in the set have the 1951 - 56 plates.




Any details of Drivers / Owners and location of event would be appreciated.

More to come ;
- Some Single Seater Formula 500 - Coopers and others, a couple of Specials and a Bugatti and an Alfa Romeo.

Roger Dowding
11-09-2023, 05:01 AM
The Graeme Wells archives, thanks to Anthony Wells for these - a few more.


The same car;


Another Single Seater - what is it ? has its number plate


A Special - in the same place - same event ?


Another Special at a Race meeting by the looks and is that an Austin Healey beside - the beading around the cockpit tells me it is ?
This would be later in the period of the Number Plate - again 1951 - 56 plates.


Roger Dowding
11-09-2023, 05:10 AM
More from the Graeme Wells archives - keeping them together.

Graeme standing beside the Bugatti - was it his ? - he was a Bentley Man. 1946 - 1951 plates


Bugatti at a Hill Climb - Ron Roycroft or who ??



Alfa Romeo P3, Ron Roycroft had one of these for a time.


A more Humble but well known Car - well the type was.
- 1956 - 1961 Plates - white on black with the " comma " " , "


Roger Dowding
11-09-2023, 05:21 AM
The last few photos in the set - Graeme Wells archives;

- a Riley being worked on



In the shed



An engine but what is it ??
See GregT answer in the next Post


Moving on to the 1960's - after mid 1964 the new Permanent Plates -
Background could be Western Springs where the VCC held gatherings in the late 1960's - remember going to one in 1968 where there were a few Riley's.


Details still on Carjam
Sold new in New Zealand in 1937.

" 1937
Colour: BLACK
Body Style: Saloon
Plate: BI3798
Engine No: K6596
Chassis: SS27K6596
CC rating: 1,200cc (1.2l)
Fuel Type: Petrol "

" BI3798
Plate Type: Standard
Origin: NZ New
Used as: Private Passenger vehicle
Cause of Latest Registration: New
NZ First Registration: 27-May-1937
NZ Last Registration: 27-May-1937 "

Registration WoF details go back to 1966 - probably when the plate was issued and the last WoF showing is December 2015. That has happened with other cars on Carjam, including my now ex MX5

Good to see the plate came up - wonder where the car is now !! ??

11-10-2023, 01:31 AM
The engine pic is a Riley with four Amal carbs - and a pair of what look like SU float chambers.

Roger Dowding
12-29-2023, 03:28 AM
Dawson Donaldson - known as Daws Donaldson had acquired the Bruce McLaren 1930's Austin Seven Ulster Sports Car by 1957.

Bruce had sold the car in August 1955 for 280 Pounds to buy the Bob Crips Standard Ford for 310 pounds, borrowing the 30 pounds he was short - according to his book " From the Cockpit ".
Is there another owner between Bruce and Les and Dawson Donaldson ?.
Yes !!, according to the article posted here - below. The owner is not named.

By 1956 Bruce was competing in the Les McLaren Austin Healey 100. ex Seabrook Fowlds [ driven by Ross Jensen ]

Peter Donaldson his, [ Dawson's Son ] has these images and is seeking more information on the cars exploits.

He placed the images on the Bruce McLaren Tribute Facebook page.

Here a photo of Daws competing in a Hill Climb and also a typed article, which is believed to be for the NSCC Club Torque magazine of the time 1957.



The Austin Seven when Bruce had it. He used to drive the Seven to School - Seddon Tech.


Car has the 1951 - 56 Number Plates and Bruce looks very Young - would have turned 15 in August 1952 - [ the 30th ] Bruce had owned the Austin for 3 years in August 1955, so had the car as soon as he could hold a drivers licence - maybe even before - it was the 1950's.

Roger Dowding
01-05-2024, 04:44 AM
January 1978 was running the Triumph GT6 and entered the " Motorsport Day " which details have appeared on this thread.

Two weeks later I had changed cars, sold the 1971 GT6 back to the Fava Brothers in Greenlane and bought the 1967 Triumph TR4A and was competing for NSCC in the AUCC Grass Gymkhana at Western Springs
- Event held in the Carpark / Sports Field in front of the Stadium entrance.

A huge entry was in attendance as shown by these results - from Milan Fistonic vast archives - Thanks Milan.
An event I has forgotten about, and would have been my first in the TR4A.
- Was quicker than Jens Fogelberg in his TR6, but not as good as the MG's - had a bad run in test 3 by the looks.






Being University types they had a complicated class structure with ;
- where the engine was - front or rear wheel drive and a wheelbase component.
Sports Cars in two classes but some in other classes ??

Roger Dowding
01-07-2024, 10:59 PM
Dawson Donaldson - known as Daws Donaldson had acquired the Bruce McLaren 1930's Austin Seven Ulster Sports Car by 1957.

Bruce had sold the car in August 1955 for 280 Pounds to buy the Bob Crips Standard Ford for 310 pounds, borrowing the 30 pounds he was short - according to his book " From the Cockpit ".
Is there another owner between Bruce and Les and Dawson Donaldson ?.
Yes !!, according to the article posted here - below. The owner is not named.

By 1956 Bruce was competing in the Les McLaren Austin Healey 100. ex Seabrook Fowlds [ driven by Ross Jensen ]

Peter Donaldson his, [ Dawson's Son ] has these images and is seeking more information on the cars exploits.

He placed the images on the Bruce McLaren Tribute Facebook page.

Here a photo of Daws competing in a Hill Climb and also a typed article, which is believed to be for the NSCC Club Torque magazine of the time 1957.



The Austin Seven when Bruce had it. He used to drive the Seven to School - Seddon Tech.


Car has the 1951 - 56 Number Plates and Bruce looks very Young - would have turned 15 in August 1952 - [ the 30th ] Bruce had owned the Austin for 3 years in August 1955, so had the car as soon as he could hold a drivers licence - maybe even before - it was the 1950's.

A bit more about Dawson Donaldson and the Austin Seven Ulster.
The car was with Herb Gilroy before Les and Bruce McLaren, according to the Vercoe books and in his book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand [ page 20 ] ...Dawson Donaldson later took it over but was fatally injured in the 1958 Ostrich Farm [ Road ] Hill climb ".

" Ostrich Farm Road " was an NSCC Hill Climb venue for several years - from 1957 I believe, [ as they were still using Wairamarama, Onewhero in late 1956.] until 1962 at least.

Hopefully more to come on the car. Was it ever rebuilt after the Hill Climb event in 1958 ?.

Roger Dowding
05-15-2024, 01:53 AM
John Windelburn celebrated his birthday recently, his 92nd Birthday I do believe.

There is a this tribute to him in the Facebook Group " Sports Sedans ".
It is an extract from the Auckland Car Club - tribute to drivers ;

" John Windelburn has been involved in both the motor industry and
motorsport for several decades. He began racing an Austin A30 at
Ardmore in the early 1950s and progressed to the ex-Jim Palmer
Lotus 11 in which he enjoyed some success. After moving to
Auckland and setting up North Shore Transmissions he began
campaigning a B4 Roadster and with his mate George Bunce also
contested long distance production races including many races in the
well known Z28 Camaro and eventually a potent V8 sports sedan
during the 1980s. John also held volunteers in high regard and
donated the John Windleburn Trophy for outstanding volunteer
contribution to the Club. "

John's first event was in 1954 [ 70 years ago ] in a Sports Car a Singer S M Roadster not in the Austin A30/35 or Morris Minor Saloons that he competed in.

Here is John's Certificate from the First Event he competed in, run by Auckland Car Club.
** The event was at Bright Road, Franklin County - where Pukekohe Car Club ran their Hill Climbs including the Bardahl series event that I first met John in 1979. he was driving a huge Pontiac or Chevrolet convertible that had been burnt out.
I was in the Triumph TR4A.

- he sent the image of it to me, today. and later sent me the details of where ** !.


A Euan Sarginson photo of John in the Austin A30 - event not known, but moving quickly. 1961 - 64 plates on the car.
Is it at Pukekohe, exiting the Elbow ?


John was a member of Auckland, Northern Sports and Pukekohe Car Clubs over his motoring career, and was at the NSCC 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms in August 2022,

Roger Dowding
07-23-2024, 03:15 AM
Three photos of the cars outside the Helensville Hall - two from Arthur Siddall albums - courtesy Duncan Fox, the last from my Uncle Eddie Dowding's own photos.



disregard the date on the photo - we now know was 1945.. The Riley 9 Kestrel just seen to the left
Right - My Uncle Ed with pipe in the Riley and his wife Una as Navigator - Una turned 100 in January 2020.
Left - ** Ralph Watson and a Mate in the Singer
Ken Hemus was in a Sunbeam for this event and got stuck in Mackies Rest Mud Section as did many others.

Ron Roycroft won the event.

The full pages of the Album.


Poor editing on my part - the Album of Arthur Siddall state August 1945 - and the number plates are the " 1941 - 1946 " issue white on black with a , comma at the bottom centre of the plate - [ only taken 4 years to get right ].

I was also confused as Ed [ my Uncle Eddie ] and Una Dowding are in a Riley - they had a Morris Minor " 8 " Tourer in earlier years 1942 on and in the Winter Trial in August 1946 they are again in a Morris Minor " 8 " Tourer. I wonder was the Riley a " borrow " ?
What is confusing also is the colour of the Morris Minor " 8 " changed from dark in 1942 and 1946 to a light colour in 1947 when it appears in the Concour Photo taken at Cornwall Park in October 1947 and has the 1946 - 51 plates black on yellow with a - hyphen symbol centred

Posting again with an additional set of photos of the event from the Arthur Siddall Album.
It is the first page on the event page 4 in the Album and has the Results and show Ralph Watson in the Singer in action.
Ron Roycroft won the Cup with Vern Clarke second and "'[ Uncle ] E - Eddie Dowding 3rd, Ces Hodge 4th.


The Blank space with the corner stickers is a missing photo with Wally Housego in an M.G and George Sellars in the Austin Seven - presume the " Monoposto " Racer, so not from the Trial Event.