View Full Version : Frank Matich

bob homewood
05-11-2015, 08:23 AM
I had a phone call earlier from across the Tasman ,that Frank Matich passed away today , RIP

05-11-2015, 08:44 AM
A very fast racer - not many with his pace reached 80 years of age. God speed FM

05-11-2015, 08:47 AM
Sad news indeed

05-11-2015, 09:02 AM
I will remember him just like this!

05-11-2015, 09:16 AM
And this one is a ripper.

05-11-2015, 10:26 AM
These were on an Aussie FChat tonight.

khyndart in CA
05-11-2015, 06:33 PM
Frank's cars were beautifully prepared and beautifully driven. A real class act and I am glad I saw him driving in his prime.

Frank Matich with his new McLaren M10[B] with Repco engine. Amaroo Park, NSW. Sept. 1970

Frank Matich at speed. Warwick Farm. May 1970


(Ken Hyndman photos )

Grant Sprague
05-11-2015, 10:14 PM
One of those guys ............. great talent great man RIP

John H
05-11-2015, 11:17 PM
One of those guys ............. great talent great man RIP

What a real loss.

05-12-2015, 01:57 AM
Saw him race on numerous occasions in both F5000 and sports cars and he was always a front runner. Time waits for no man and this is becoming a more common occurrence unfortunately. RIP

05-12-2015, 03:30 AM
I remember him racing at Mt Manganui (not Baypark)29063

05-12-2015, 06:20 AM
http://s25.postimg.org/sge94l79r/Frank_Dennis_Jim_Tasman_06.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

December 2006 Tasman Revival... Frank Matich with part of that year's New Zealand invasion, Dennis Marwood & Jim Palmer

Frank Matich 25/1/35 - 11/5/15
As we approach 12 months since fellow racer and racing car constructor, Jack Brabham passed away, it's sad to see another of the greats has left the grid.

I only met him once at the 2006 Tasman Revival at Eastern Creek. He was more than happy to sign something and I was more than happy to just sit and watch Frank sitting with Frank Gardner bantering away with each other and enthusiasts. Maybe FG has left a spot on the new grid FM! But maybe not pole!

My condolences to all Frank's family and friends.


John H
05-12-2015, 06:41 AM
Allan. You mush have been standing near me that day. The Stanton came past us rolling down the road hit the logs they had there. Good photo.

Michael Clark
05-12-2015, 08:48 AM
I photographed FM talking to Graham McRae that day at Eastern Creek - afterwards GM told me it was the longest conversation they'd ever had...which surprised me given they were the two giants of the first few years of the F5000 phase of the Tasman Series.

He was certainly one of Australia's best.

05-12-2015, 11:42 AM
Saw this on TNF earlier tonight.

05-12-2015, 07:29 PM

Ray Bell
05-22-2015, 10:45 AM
What a shame that clip doesn't show one of the great attempted passing moves in the history of Warwick Farm...

As Matich came up to lap Peter Caldwell's Tojiero Climax halfway between the Northern Crossing and the Causeway he went one side and Amon went the other. Grass clippings flew from the outside wheels of both cars.

What year is the Mt Manganui pic from?

khyndart in CA
05-22-2015, 12:53 PM
The Mount Maunganui race meet was on December 28 1963.

(Ken Hyndman )

Ray Bell
05-22-2015, 01:16 PM
So that should be an early outing of the Lotus 19B then, not the Lotus 19...

05-22-2015, 11:16 PM
I photographed FM talking to Graham McRae that day at Eastern Creek - afterwards GM told me it was the longest conversation they'd ever had...which surprised me given they were the two giants of the first few years of the F5000 phase of the Tasman Series.

Possibly not all that amazing Michael, considering they probably shared a mutual professional dislike. Both attempting to dominate the locals and stick it up the visitors at Tasman level, both attempting to be competitive in the US, both designing and building their own cars. As you know from racing, you can get along with some folk but on-track it can be pretty gritty when they come into your immediate space. It may have been only later that they have both let the competitive spirit subside, and the long-suppressed acknowledgement of appreciation flow, however begrudgingly. Anyway, I would love to have cast an ear over that conversation. Two giants from our end of the globe.

Edit : This gets mentioned in that excellent Derek Kneller interview on the next page...

John H
05-22-2015, 11:35 PM
Levin..I think 1972-3 McRea was in SPT colours and was on pole. Matich was I down in 13th? I think... McRea called out in front of everyone on the dummy grid mocking Matich being so far back on the grid. True story. :)

05-23-2015, 12:21 AM
Don't think so, John. In 1971 McRae was on the front row with Neil Allen, Matich/Amon on row 2. McRae won, Matich dnf.
In 1972 McRae and Matich shared the front row and finished 1-2.
In 1973 McRae and Stewart were on the front row, Matich/Brown on row 2. McRae won, and Matich finished second.
In 1974 Matich didn't contest the NZ rounds.

John H
05-23-2015, 03:34 AM
You are right..it would have been 1973 of corse it wasn’t 13th place on the dummy grid. But Matich was a little behind on the dummy grid and McRea turned and said “get ready to finish in 13th place”. Tell me with McRea being so brilliant on that track I would love to know how did he manage to pull out a 2-3 second lead in the first lap?
Matich had 2 cars in that orange colour with I think Walker in the second car. Just amazing racing.

05-23-2015, 04:41 AM
That sounds better. Yes, we were lucky to be able to get an eyeful, and an earful of the racing in those great days, mate.

05-30-2015, 04:11 AM

05-30-2015, 07:53 AM
I told Graeme McRae today at lunch time today that Frank had passed away. Graeme did not know.

06-03-2015, 07:47 AM
A sad loss. RIP Frank and thank you.

Murray Maunder
06-03-2015, 11:46 PM
A lot of similarities between Frank and Graham. Determined, creative, talented, turned out beautiful cars which they drove with enormous verve. Sad passing, thanks for the memories Frank.

06-04-2015, 09:38 PM
I told Graeme McRae today at lunch time today that Frank had passed away. Graeme did not know.

Where is Graham these days ? The last I heard from him he was in Canada

06-07-2015, 07:13 AM
Graham is living here in Kingsland, Auckland. I see him most days. He told me yesterday that he was 78 years old and was feeling weak.

John H
06-07-2015, 07:19 AM
Woody: Would you ever ask him to place comments on here? What a genies and legend the man is. We never did hear enough from him.

Grant Sprague
06-09-2016, 06:06 AM
34966 more photos coming , ..worked for Frank at his business about 1972 ... became friends although I was a teen , he let me run the wheel alignment part of things , knew
bit about those things before I arrived there from home , plus from city Chrysler in Darlinghurst

Grant Sprague
06-09-2016, 06:08 AM
34967This was a xmas party, on the shore "franks Place"

Grant Sprague
06-09-2016, 06:12 AM
34968 By this time I had a pool rescue raft around me , an ...opportunity knocked , but had other things to witness around the planet & do ...we move on....no regrets had a couple of beautiful daughters ??

khyndart in CA
04-18-2017, 10:31 PM
I was going through some Moss Motors archive material and found this article on one of my favorite Australian drivers, Frank Matich, in the early days of his wonderful career in racing.


(Australian Austin Healey..March 2014)

(Ken Hyndman )

khyndart in CA
04-21-2017, 10:31 PM
As Frank mentions in this interview that both he and Joan competed together at hill climbs in the early years and he would compete on the track. I remember meeting Joan Matich at Amaroo Park in Sept. 1970 and she was very friendly and nice and Frank was in a good mood as he had just enjoyed driving his new McLaren M10B Repco F 5000 car.
Here is an early photo of Joan and Frank from David Finch's collection.

(Ken Hyndman )