View Full Version : Motor Racing Quiz night

Michael Clark
05-09-2015, 11:46 PM
All are welcome to attend the trivia night on Wednesday the 8th of July at the Horse and Trap Pub in Auckland.

Get a team together or just turn up on your own and join a team.

Probably 8 rounds of 10 questions where the quiz master will actually give the answer...and a couple of options.

Start planning and advise Ray Hawke of the Historic Sports and Racing Car Club - his details to follow. There will be a modest entry fee of 10 bucks per player.

Roger Dowding
05-18-2015, 09:08 AM
All are welcome to attend the trivia night on Wednesday the 8th of July at the Horse and Trap Pub in Auckland.

Get a team together or just turn up on your own and join a team.

Probably 8 rounds of 10 questions where the quiz master will actually give the answer...and a couple of options.

Start planning and advise Ray Hawke of the Historic Sports and Racing Car Club - his details to follow. There will be a modest entry fee of 10 bucks per player.

Michael, can't be there, but the H and T is a great pub, but a bit far from Bellara, interestingly though will be in Auckland in June.
Good luck with the event, Love Trivia nights.

Michael Clark
05-18-2015, 09:34 AM
Roger - that's a shame because June was when we had it last year.

You've picked the perfect time to be here and not in Qld - not. Will you have spare time for a coffee/beer?

Milan Fistonic
06-13-2015, 07:16 AM
Any more news about the quiz?

How do we contact Ray to enter?

Malcolm McLeod
06-16-2015, 08:46 AM
I'd better get to this one...no excuse now I'm living in Auckland!

06-18-2015, 11:26 PM
Thanks Michael and thanks to HSRC for organising, We'll be there.

Michael Clark
06-19-2015, 09:31 AM
Thanks Michael and thanks to HSRC for organising, We'll be there.

It is all go for those who have enquired.

Just turn up and join a team, or come with three mates. Max of 4 to a team although at least one TRS member should be forced to play as a team of 1.

Michael Clark
06-29-2015, 06:22 AM
Questions are finished, answers are being checked, tension is mounting, excitement levels building...

Wednesday week - only down side is that it will clash with the AB v Samoa game.

Come anyway...

06-29-2015, 06:43 AM
Check your I-phones at the door...

Michael Clark
07-06-2015, 10:22 AM
Manu Samoa v NZ is an afternoon game so if you're in Auckland, there really aren't any excuses!

khyndart in CA
07-06-2015, 09:43 PM
I regret that I can not participate in a good fun time of " rugby, racing and recreational refreshments ".
For me to participate from overseas perhaps you could send the answers and I will guess what the questions are !
May you all have a good time.

(Ken Hyndman )

Michael Clark
07-07-2015, 07:51 AM
It has been pointed out to me by a pedant that I have failed to advise a start time - it is 7pm - not 7.30, 7pm

Roger Dowding
07-07-2015, 11:30 PM
Questions are finished, answers are being checked, tension is mounting, excitement levels building...

Wednesday week - only down side is that it will clash with the AB v Samoa game.

Come anyway...

In Queensland and New South Wales it clashes with " State of Origin " Leageu - not the real Rugby though, there in spirit Michael

Michael Clark
07-09-2015, 06:54 PM
We had a smaller than hoped for gathering but great to see some 'names' from the past turn up - Dauntsey Teagle was in Milan's winning team with Mike Boyle and Brian Rice while the team anchored by David Oxton and Howard Wood were runners up.

It seems the questions were far too easy and need to be toughened up for 2016...

Small group but great fun and lots of laughs. There seems to be a real demand for a round on Indy roadsters next year as well.

Rod Grimwood
07-10-2015, 09:35 PM
We will have a team next time, It just clashed this time (pity)

Have to be pretty good to beat that team, did Mike, Brian and Dauntsey answer any questions cause Milan is an encyclopedia. and then you got David and Howard, good competition.

Michael Clark
07-10-2015, 10:13 PM
Milan, Mike, R.Bubble and DT are going to split up for the next one - in fact a suggestion of picking up teams on the night has been made.

And when I say 'next one' - that doesn't necessarily mean next year - there have been suggestions of it being more regular. We shall see! Maybe a TRS team