View Full Version : Current magazine issues of interest

05-03-2015, 11:42 PM
I have several overseas magazines each month (an addiction of 50 years or more I am having difficulty breaking) and these days occasionally pick up a local one.

The current issue of Classic Driver (May-June 2015) caught my eye as I do occasionally buy it, and a quick flick through it shows a picture of Old fart - in the Lycoming and a less than flattering pic of AMCO's car in an article about the Motorsport Club and a letter from Kiwiboss.

I thought that maybe if contributors came across relevant articles of interest in current magazines, then maybe a heads up might be appropriate on here before they disappear from the shelves and get sent for recycling?

For myself, these regular trips to far off places has left me with a massive backlog of magazines (21) I haven't yet opened, not to mention a pile of hardback books, so by the time we return mid August, there will be another dozen magazines...

05-04-2015, 02:18 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I have just had a major cleanout of magazines that I have been collecting since the early 80's
I have reduced this down to around 11 big Plastic containers...;)

05-04-2015, 05:33 AM
Haven't even seen that myself!!
I did promise to write a "driving Impressions" and while scribing the computer screen disappeared into a mass of gibberish, so I had a ride in a big dayglow yellow "bus" to Kawakawa hospital for a check up. Thankfully no lasting reasons or effects. Now I have run out of excuses to not finish the article.

Kevin Hirst
05-04-2015, 10:12 PM
Haven't even seen that myself!!
I did promise to write a "driving Impressions" and while scribing the computer screen disappeared into a mass of gibberish, so I had a ride in a big dayglow yellow "bus" to Kawakawa hospital for a check up. Thankfully no lasting reasons or effects. Now I have run out of excuses to not finish the article.

Gosh Rhys, I hope every thing is OK, best wishes from us both, are you sure it wasn't the computer screen, mine plays up sometimes so I switch it off & do something else,

05-05-2015, 02:14 AM
Gosh Rhys, I hope every thing is OK, best wishes from us both, are you sure it wasn't the computer screen, mine plays up sometimes so I switch it off & do something else,
Thanks Kev, you have both seen me since then, spending money so something must have tripped in the body, I normally avoid that habit :)

khyndart in CA
05-05-2015, 02:26 AM
I think if you did a few laps of Laguna Seca in that 1970 Shadow Can Am machine should cure any doubts you had about yourself !

( Ken H )