View Full Version : driver contracts

paul lancaster
03-14-2015, 04:54 AM
On the back of the sauber vs van der garde debacle, it has always intrigued me, what is in a driver contract, both from a drivers, and teams point of view.
obviously money buys you a drive, but I would like to hear your(if your lucky enough to have had one)story,whether that be a driver contract, or a sponsorship contract

Malcolm McLeod
03-14-2015, 09:14 AM
Now, a wee while ago Motorsport magazine had an article in it about driver contracts, written by Nigel Roebuck.
I think he had come across a copy of Gilles Villeneuve's McLaren F1 contract, and compared it with a modern McLare driver contract.
Apart from being several pages more (40 compared with about 6, I think), it was largely fairly similar.