View Full Version : Happy Christmas

12-19-2014, 05:33 AM
I'll be offline for a couple of weeks so just wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone here a great Christmas and New Year!!
Thanks for all the fantastic contributions to this wonderful thing Steve has started - keep them coming! :)
Cheers Bryan

Grant Sprague
12-19-2014, 06:11 AM
Thank you Bry........ really wish you all a fun filled xmas and new year ....well actually not just that but for ever ...enjoy the ride have fun ..... from the Spragues

12-19-2014, 06:39 AM
Santa jumped back on his sleigh,
After spacing his reindeer correctly apart,
He was just about to set off on his journey,
When there was a horrendous fart ...

In and out of consciousness,
He thought `this is really bad,
I`ve got to get my arse in gear,
Or a lot of kids are going to be real sad....

One of his helpers saw his predicament,
So he grabbed his van and starting loading the presents on board,
Santa, still in his bewildered state yelled out,
You won`t get far in that damn thing, it`s a bloody Ford ...

As Santa slowly regained his senses,
His eyes still stinging and heavy,
Realising he was way behind time,
He went out to the shed and fired up his trusty old Chevy ....

After his global run was over,
He sat back to enjoy a nice cold beer,
And with that I`d like to wish everyone on The Roaring Season,
A Merry Xmas and Happy New Year !!

12-19-2014, 08:35 PM
Ho Ho Ho!

I suppose that as we are away for the winter, staying home over Christmas, I'll be the only one around here for a week or two?

Yup, Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for the input. Especially good for those of us without a water cooler or a lunch room to chat around.

See some of you at Taupo 10th/11th January and hopefully, many of you will come and say 'Hi' at the 2nd weekend of the Ganley Festival.


12-19-2014, 10:25 PM
Ho Ho Ho!

See some of you at Taupo 10th/11th January and hopefully, many of you will come and say 'Hi' at the 2nd weekend of the Ganley Festival.


Yep; hope to catch up with all at both of these events.
Will need them to recover from Xmas as we have 3 under 7 year olds in this house.....and another BIG kid according to the wife. All will be good with the world as long as the keys to the MV Agusta F3 are in my Christmas stocking...

khyndart in CA
12-20-2014, 08:45 AM
At this time a year ago I hardly knew anything about The Roaring Season site and now I feel we are all like a big family around the world.
Thanks for letting me join in with my collections of "stuff". Your replies and encouragement were most appreciated.
Even if I almost got off course keeping track of Grant's English barmaid stories it has been a wonderful journey down memory lane.
You are a great bunch and I want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2015.
One day I hope to get back and meet up with some of you. I really look forward to that and until then take good care of each other.

Remember over here in California we do not worry about TOMORROW because it is already TODAY in New Zealand !

(Ken Hyndman )

Steve Holmes
12-21-2014, 07:45 PM
Merry Christmas everyone. I apologise for the lack of updates to the site in recent months. Other projects have taken over.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Christmas, and Happy New Year. Take care and have fun.

12-21-2014, 10:38 PM
seasons greeting to one and all.may the racers win all their races, the mechanics get all the praise, and the spectators go home pleased with all they watched.

12-22-2014, 08:59 PM
Merry X-Mas everyone!! finally got the keys to my new workshop, a great X-mas present, yeee harrr.

See most of you at the Ganley Festival

Dale M

Rod Grimwood
12-22-2014, 10:50 PM
Merry Christmas to all the team/family at The Roaringseason, hope Santa looks after all of you and I look forward to catching up with some of you at the Ganley Festival. Hope you all have a Great and Happy New Year and it is good to all of us.



12-24-2014, 03:53 AM
Hey all;
Merry Xmas, look after yourselves and your loved ones and see you next year.
Thank you for the advice, guidance and laughs you have all given me, invaluable input to keeping my feet firmly on the ground.
We have a great branch of the sport, because we all love it for what it is.
Without your input, the sport would be the poorer.

Raymond Bennett

12-24-2014, 07:06 AM
Merry Christmas Everyone and a Roaring New Year

Grant Sprague
12-24-2014, 10:06 AM
Just got back from a country street [xmas party ]..in Williams road Pyes Pa ,, Tauranga [thought of you Ken ] re the WILLIAMS road name ... a bit of fun .............hey hope we [all of us] have a hoot of a year in 2015 plus many more to follow.......Grant

Grant Sprague
12-24-2014, 10:10 AM
Dale that is sooo cool......was worth waiting for eh ...well done you deserve it ..............Grant

12-24-2014, 06:29 PM
I echo the sentiments already expressed her. Have a great festive season and that 2015 will be a great year for you all. Look out for your families and friends and keep safe.

Mike Feisst

12-27-2014, 02:26 AM
Ho Ho Ho!

I suppose that as we are away for the winter, staying home over Christmas, I'll be the only one around here for a week or two?

Yup, Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for the input. Especially good for those of us without a water cooler or a lunch room to chat around.

See some of you at Taupo 10th/11th January and hopefully, many of you will come and say 'Hi' at the 2nd weekend of the Ganley Festival.


Don't worry Ray, I'll be here if you get lonely and want to converse, if not see you at the Festival.

Dave Graham