View Full Version : Mt Maunganui NOT Baypark

08-14-2014, 03:05 AM
Does anyone have entry lists from the meetings there? Trying to authenticate some claims.
How many meetings were there?

08-14-2014, 05:09 AM
Think there were two, at the end of 1962 and 1963. This is part of the 1962 programme, the ever-amazing Milan will no doubt chime in with the 1963 equivalent.

08-14-2014, 05:24 AM
Thanks, is that the complete entry list for that year? So far showing my suspicions correct!

08-14-2014, 06:47 AM
No, but it's all I have. Contact Milan for further enlightenment.

They ran bikes at the end of 1963 as well, world 350 champ Jim Redman turned out on a works Honda 250 four.

bob homewood
08-14-2014, 10:09 PM
I have all the paperwork for the two car meetings ...Entry lists etc ....
Does anyone have entry lists from the meetings there? Trying to authenticate some claims.
How many meetings were there?

Grant Sprague
08-14-2014, 11:41 PM
Hey Bob , I see Kerry ran the A 40 at this meet 1962.. I was there 1963 when Ernie ran the Mk3 & Kerry had the lotus cortina ..

Was 1962 in yr program ..... Ernie mk2 zepher or the start of the mk3 ??? Thanks thought I would ask as it might show more on yr program ..... Grant

08-15-2014, 05:24 AM
That meeting in 1963 was the first car race I went to, and Ernie in the green MkIII was the STAR ! Chucking it round with gusto, really wowed the crowd. Also can recall Grahame Harvey in his FJ, and a few cars carrying the first glimpses of advertising...small Team Molyslip stickers.

khyndart in CA
08-15-2014, 05:49 AM
I remember the 1963 event at the Mount as my father had died suddenly on Dec. 14 th and my brother John, kindly took me along to the racing as it was a tough time at home. 2 weeks later he took me to Pukekohe for the NZGP and I will always be grateful to him for that.
It helped me through and got me hooked even more on motor racing.
I can remember the cloud of dust in the distance from the David Young and Maurie Stanton crash.
Also cheering on our Dennis Marwood from Morrinsville.

p.s. What is the car that Graham McRae was driving in the 1962 event ?

I have added this page from the book by Graham Vercoe.


( Ken Hyndman )

08-15-2014, 06:05 AM
Khyndart, McRae was driving the Masarrari, a special he built. Name came from the look of the car, obvious combination. Motor was variously A70, Lycoming and Humber 80 based versions (according to Vercoe)

08-15-2014, 06:06 AM

08-15-2014, 06:10 AM
Believe that to be from 1963, with Matich in #5. I'm sure this stuff is covered in another thread on TRS, will have a trawl...

Meantime, here's a TRS pic of the man in action...

bob homewood
08-15-2014, 07:37 AM
Mk 3 from memory Grant ,I'm pretty sure I remember him being up there at Ray Stones ,with the roof rack on it ,does that ring a bell ,was he camping ? do you remember

Hey Bob , I see Kerry ran the A 40 at this meet 1962.. I was there 1963 when Ernie ran the Mk3 & Kerry had the lotus cortina ..

Was 1962 in yr program ..... Ernie mk2 zepher or the start of the mk3 ??? Thanks thought I would ask as it might show more on yr program ..... Grant

08-15-2014, 05:00 PM
I would still like to see more of the entry lists if anyone can post please.

John McKechnie
08-15-2014, 06:25 PM
I have all the paperwork for the two car meetings ...Entry lists etc ....
Bob- Would love to see these 2 entry lists if you could post them please.
I was not aware that there was so much activity at Mt Maunganui at this time.

Grant Sprague
08-15-2014, 07:00 PM
[QUOTE=GD66;42478]Believe that to be from 1963, with Matich in #5. I'm sure this stuff is covered in another thread on TRS, will have a trawl... Thanks Guys... Bob I do remember coming up to NI with Mum & Dad.. we had the roof rack on with a blow up tent etc on top , Gary , Wayne & my dear Sister Sharon were flown up to Auck & stayed with relations & meet us at Mt Maunganui we stay in that tent at some friends that lived at the Mount that year was the year of the opening Pukekohe but here in this program [1962] Kerry is driving the A40 & Ernie a Zepher this might have been the year before....?? I have a pic some where of him & Kerry to gether might be the pre oil cooler yr before Ernie got his teeth into it , I do remember Ray Stone was a big part of the deal at Puke opening round Ernie had a great race with Bruce in the finals in works cooper S , last time I saw Ray was at Roly,s 80th. [ a really nice man ]... PS good to see the old boy trying hard never seen this pik b 4 a little bit of over steer [radials lol] poor man that's all they had except for Ray in the semi works 3.8 Jag [race rubber]...........................................................................

08-15-2014, 09:21 PM
Yes the 1962 and 1963 entry lists are somewhere on TRS. I've been searching but got waylaid by the amount of incredible stuff that you've all contributed to the various threads. However check out threads The Way It Used To Be and Allan Cameron Collection Part 1 for some great colour photos and other information on the 62 and 63 Mt Maunganui races

08-15-2014, 10:42 PM
You beauty ! Yeh I knew there were some pics in somebody's collection, so I started from the back and ...well, there went the afternoon...
Anyway here are the links to those two threads.



And here's Ernie again...:cool:

Milan Fistonic
08-16-2014, 01:27 AM
There were only two meetings.

This is the entry list for 1963.


08-16-2014, 01:35 AM
Found it!!!: http://www.theroaringseason.com/showthread.php?847-Matamata-Round-the-houses/page2

but Milan has posted the entry list anyway but there are some other comments here including Milan's correction:

"I've just noticed my scanner has chopped off the top line of the 1963 list.

52 Fuller, R. W. Wellington Humber 80 Fuller Motor Bodies Ltd"

08-16-2014, 02:12 AM
Thank you all. My point has been proven.
Interesting that it shows Kerry Grant in a GT Cortina in 63, not a Lotus. I suspect the person entering the car would know what it was?

John McKechnie
08-16-2014, 02:21 AM
Rhys- would the size of the motor cast light as well?

08-16-2014, 03:32 AM
I seem to remember that Grant raced both a cortina gt and a lotus cortina and the twin cam engine in the GT shell

Jac Mac
08-16-2014, 04:05 AM
Rhys- would the size of the motor cast light as well?

1650cc quite likely a pushrod , std twin cam was 1558 (as per Fahey car @ 1560cc) although no real reason why they could not be other cc ratings....1475cc or thereabouts was the 1340cc consul 315 with 85mm bore.

08-16-2014, 04:32 AM
1650cc quite likely a pushrod.
Yep it was a push rod Willment

Grant Sprague
08-16-2014, 05:28 AM
Kwaussie well done . was pretty quick plus he was backed to drive the car from you know who? & was put into the single seater my understanding from Len Southwood I can find out for sure by phoning Kerry ........Grant

khyndart in CA
08-22-2014, 01:54 AM
I found this old photo showing Ernie Sprague cornering from Hull Road on to Totara Street at Mount Maunganui Road Races.
December 28 th.1963


(Ken Hyndman )

Sorry Grant but that young man in front does not seem too interested in your dad's driving skills !

08-22-2014, 02:45 AM
First meeting I ever attended. I'm sure I paid more attention to the MkIII

08-22-2014, 03:15 AM

08-22-2014, 03:17 AM

08-22-2014, 03:19 AM

08-22-2014, 03:21 AM
I'm having the odd problem uploading these but I will keep tryng.

08-22-2014, 03:27 AM

khyndart in CA
08-22-2014, 04:24 AM
Thanks Allan, great photos in color that sure bring back memories for me. Well done.

Grant Sprague
08-22-2014, 06:57 AM
Thank you Ken ........ so this answers a few things this was 1963 so Ernie must have raced there in 1962 in the mk 3 I guess at the end of the day it matters not .. really appreciate these piks Ken .......Kind Regards Grant
I found this old photo showing Ernie Sprague cornering from Hull Road on to Totara Street at Mount Maunganui Road Races.
December 28 th.1963


(Ken Hyndman )

Sorry Grant but that young man in front does not seem too interested in your dad's driving skills !

08-22-2014, 07:46 AM
Is this better Grant?


08-22-2014, 07:47 AM
Is this better Grant?


Grant Sprague
08-22-2014, 06:54 PM
Thank you
Is this better

25771 Thank you Allan..... I remember the day Dad had practice.... Mum & Dad dropped me off at the end of Hewletts Rd [I think it was] they had trampolens there , I was dropped off for an hr or two jumping up & down loved it as there was nothing like that around in the SI....... after that we all ended up at a local pub [its still there] every one joined in , Ernie bought me a root beer..... & told me the root beer came from those native plants [north island punga & banana trees] roots lol, he was a great story teller....the sort of mother & father you felt very safe to be around....beaut parents we were very lucky but hard task master was Dad

Grant Sprague
08-22-2014, 06:55 PM
Thank you
Is this better

25771 Thank you Allan..... I remember the day Dad had practice.... Mum & Dad dropped me off at the end of Hewletts Rd [I think it was] they had trampolens there , I was dropped off for an hr or two jumping up & down loved it as there was nothing like that around in the SI....... after that we all ended up at a local pub [its still there] every one joined in , Ernie bought me a root beer..... & told me the root beer came from those native plants [north island punga & banana trees] roots lol, he was a great story teller....the sort of mother & father you felt very safe to be around....beaut parents we were very lucky but hard task master was Dad

khyndart in CA
08-22-2014, 08:38 PM
You have good memories to share. Maybe the young fella in my photo should have joined you on the trampolines !
Excuse my dumb question but what is the white something on the front windshield as I can see it in my photo as well ?
I know it was a hot day so is it a vent perhaps ?

Grant Sprague
08-22-2014, 09:23 PM
Ken its not a dumb question ........... you think like me my friend.. I looked at this also I am 100% certain it is the reflextion frm the sun onto chrome molding .... as for the young fella he looks pensive & more interested some thing else these cars were noisy in the day with straight pipes etc so he could be checking out the girls lol.... nice warm saturday here Ken .......

Roger Dowding
09-03-2022, 05:10 AM
Going through this thread - from " Oldfart's " Inquiry.

These photos from Graeme Kennish archives - Allan Dick had posted them and indicated it was 1964.
From comments here It seems that the track was used in 1962 - 1963.

Jaguar and Zephyr .. Alistair McBeath #66 and Sprague had #51 in 1962


Small Saloon Car field, Austin A40's, a VW, Anglia's, Mini's. - 1962 - [ not as noted on the photo- to be corrected ]. Details from Milan Fistonic - Race numbers from Entry List ;
Kerry Grant A40 994 cc ?#70
Paul Fahey VW #71
C M Hogan Anglia 997 #42
-[ pre the Allardette version - Supercharged rated at 1. 5 times = 1495 cc 997 or 1497 cc - 998 motor ]
Neil Johns Mini Cooper 997 #59
Brian Ax A40 948cc #64


J Murphy Q *** in his Anglia #34 - attacking the Haybales. He is entered in 1963 as #34 Anglia with a 1640cc engine.
Another Anglia was #34 in 1962 with a 998 cc engine - this has narrow wheels so maybe the 1962 Race. Also others of Allans photos from 1962.


Need to check the details against the Entry Lists from GD66 and Milan Fistonic copied below

December 1962 - the last weekend of the year which became the traditional date for the Big Baypark meeting.


December 1963


I have a couple of Newspaper /Motorman articles which I show as being 1964 .. buy guess published in January 1964 about the December 28th, 1963 Event ??

Milan Fistonic
09-03-2022, 07:51 AM
The two Mount Maunganui events were held on December 29, 1962 and December 28, 1963.

The cars in the second photo are:

Kerry Grant - A40
Paul Fahey - VW
Morrie Hogan - Anglia
Neil Johns - Mini
Brian Ax - A40

They finished in the order Grant, Johns, Hogan, Murray Charles and AX. Fahey retired on lap 3.

Roger Dowding
09-05-2022, 03:53 AM
The two Mount Maunganui events were held on December 29, 1962 and December 28, 1963.

The cars in the second photo are:

Kerry Grant - A40
Paul Fahey - VW
Morrie Hogan - Anglia
Neil Johns - Mini
Brian Ax - A40

They finished in the order Grant, Johns, Hogan, Murray Charles and AX. Fahey retired on lap 3.

Thanks Milan, noticed two VW entries in the 1962 event.

C M Hogan - The Ford " Anglia " was a 997cc in 1962 and a 1498cc in 1963 - presume as the Allardette was Supercharged and they put a 1.5 ratio on the cc's of supercharged cars. Was it the same Anglia just with the Allard supercharger kit or a new car ??

Allard under Sidney Allard's son [ Allan Allard ] have made recreations of the Allardette in recent years.

Photos from a 2019 Edition of Octane Magazine

Roger Dowding
09-04-2024, 05:12 AM
A photo has emerged at the Mount Circuit with a Jaguar Mk2 and a Humber 80 number #54.
Some discussion about the car as originally noted as the Archibald Jaguar.

Humber 80 - in 1962 a Humber had race #54 driven by R W Fuller, in 1963 it was Dennis Marwood race number.
Simon Taylor ran a Jaguar Mk 2 in 1962 - Race #33.
Alister Mcbeath ran one as Race #66 in 1962 - his car did not have the nose covering.

So ... Who is it ???

The Photo; Car Race number on the Jaguar looks like " #50 "
Note ; Plate is " 708.158 " not as on photo - had to magnify to read it properly and is not the plate that McBeath had " 239.322 "


John H
09-04-2024, 09:09 PM
The Photo; I was there beside the road when the Stanton rode up the rear wheel of the David Young Cooper clearly I remember seeing the underside of the car as it flipped. Matich pulled up looked around the moved on. From then on the marshal had no difficulty getting the spectators to move back!! it could easily have been a 1955 Lemans. The Stanton crashed down the other side of the road amongst the logs.

Milan Fistonic
09-05-2024, 11:30 AM
The number on the Jaguar is 50. It's John Ward's car from 1963.


Roger Dowding
09-05-2024, 11:03 PM
Milan, thank you

" The number on the Jaguar is 50. It's John Ward's car from 1963. "
Interestingly the photo of the Jaguar #50 and the Humber #54 featured in the Motorman report on the Event.
Here is the same photo - image from John Climo archives.

Also note that the other Humber that was #54 in 1962 of R Fuller was in the race at #52.


Would like to have images of the rest of the races - to fill in a few gaps in " The Knowledge ".

Whose car was it, before John Ward got it - has similar nose protection to the Archibald Jaguar and others of the time.

Here from Levin 1960 - not sure who - not Simon Taylor [ in my opinion ** see Milan's note and entry list post #48 - next one ] as he didn't seem to protect his car at events. seems like he did. !


Milan Fistonic
09-06-2024, 04:25 AM
Here from Levin 1960 - not sure who - not Simon Taylor [ in my opinion ] as he didn't seem to protect his car at events


Probably this race from the November 1960 meeting at Levin.

I can see Zephyr 41, Singer 34, Simca Aronde 7, Jaguar 45 (Simon Taylor), Mini 67, Morris Minor 65? and possibly the A40 next to the Jaguar.


Roger Dowding
09-28-2024, 09:39 PM
This photo appeared on the " Broadspeed + .. ] Facebook group - with no details.

It is the Mount


The car had a 1650cc motor and was, I understand, not a Lotus Twincam, but a very good OHV engine in a Lotus Cortina body/chassis.

John Climo, who now lives in Kallangur Queensland, and was behind the Rod Coppins Zephyr Corvette recreation that is now for sale - has this from Motorman. Early 1964 Edition.


Page 2, with the Ward Jaguar, Marwood Humber photo.


Page 3,


Page 4,


The Track was Totara Street a small section of Hull Road rectangle using a small piece of Hewletts Road and Tasman Quay as the other long straight - Image from a recent AA Map.

- Where was the start finish ? and which direction did it run - Clockwise ??


Roger Dowding
09-28-2024, 09:56 PM
The Track Map Glen Ducey archives.


Aligned top = North. Above

Below - as it was in the Programme ?


The recent Map [ again ]. In Monchrome.