View Full Version : Old Speedway Photos
Steve Holmes
03-05-2015, 03:26 AM
Hey Steve you were saying how you impressed that we had two 65/66 mustang fastbacks racing at one time at riverside, well to take that a bit further we also had a 69 boss mustang racing in the same grade it was owned by Trevor Uren, and we had a 66 notch back wich was owned by Roddy Ingles, and another notch back owned by Tim Polard, so we had 6 early model mustangs racing in the same grade,along with Don Blacks A9X torana,Norm Bulers camaro, Woods firebird,John McDerrmotts really quick escort,Russell Lees escort, and the Jeffcoats flying brick,Andy tuffleys XUI torana and Allan Shuttleworths GTR torana so we had a really good A/Grade, field in those days and we had the top 4 cylinder racing team in the South Island at that time and also the the top A/Grade saloon car team in the South Island at the time ,but looking at what I have just typed it is quite unreal that we had so many cars you would cream your jeans for to own today, hahaha but at that time you couldn't wait to cut them up to make a good stock car when you think about now we where a bit crazy back then must have been, I know like Riverside other tracks around New Zealand were in the same boat so when you take it all over New Zealand we must have cut up some damn good cars to go racing but boy didn't we enjoy every minute of it I know I did
WOW! That is impressive Merv!
Steve Holmes
03-05-2015, 03:30 AM
I posted this on the Random Photos thread, but thought I'd also try here, as this appears to be a speedway car.
Gavin Shaw runs a Facebook page in which he has been posting up his own old New Zealand racing photos, plus those of others.
A recent posting was this oddball, which nobody has yet identified. Its a second gen Camaro, and appears to be at Bay Park. The Camaro appears possibly to be a speedway car, converted to run on tarmac, and with equal sized wheels left-right. Its hard to tell, but it appears also to have a windscreen fitted.
Does anyone know who this is, and when this was taken?
Jac Mac
03-05-2015, 04:33 AM
Due to it being #1 might down the possibilities, dont you have to have been the previous year champ to wear #1 in Speedway stuff?
Steve Holmes
03-05-2015, 08:39 PM
Thanks Jac, that is the case these days, but back then I think you could have any number you wanted.
03-06-2015, 07:41 AM
Does anyone recognize the RX3 in the background?
Steve Holmes
03-16-2015, 10:18 PM
OK Stockcar anoraks, can anyone ID these drivers?
Thanks to Steve Elliott for supplying these pics
Steve Holmes
03-16-2015, 10:22 PM
Midgets. Stunning images!
Thanks to Steve Elliott
Steve Holmes
03-16-2015, 10:25 PM
These are amazing! Can someone tell me where this is? Is it a bicycle track? My knowledge on early speedway is extremely limited.
Thanks to Steve Elliott
khyndart in CA
03-16-2015, 10:44 PM
Steve, That is Western Springs back in the early days. I watched Bruce McLaren be the starter for a race back in 1959 (He waved the flag )and he tested one of his Coopers here before the 1964 Tasman races.
(Ken Hyndman )
03-16-2015, 10:55 PM
That`s Western Springs late `40s / early `50s. Gary Running - Dennis` brother - gave me a bunch of old midget photos a while back and I thought some people on here would enjoy seeing them ....
Steve Holmes
03-16-2015, 11:30 PM
Great stuff guys, thanks
Rod Grimwood
03-17-2015, 03:35 AM
Look at the 'Safety' fence. The bike track was great, Remember years later watching Pentti Arikkila in Chevette go all the way around sideways for about 4 laps with back of car about 3ft from top and fence. Back in 70s midgets used to hang arse right up on banking (the brave few) Butterworth, Shaw, Tracey, Tripp, Kenyon loved it. Was also a easy lay down for the mad bike boys when things went wrong (often)
#253 the bottom photo bloke 2nd from left looks very much like Paul Fahey, interesting to check.
03-17-2015, 07:40 AM
That`s your mate Peter Botma in No 44 stockcar on its side Rod.....
03-17-2015, 09:49 AM
That`s your mate Peter Botma in No 44 stockcar on its side Rod.....
Looks like Ray Chatfield stuck under him.
Next photo I am not sure on spinning car but #22 is Anthony "Dutchie" Wijdeven from Pukekohe.
03-17-2015, 07:37 PM
That`s me in #76 Tony, it was the ex Bruce Harris/ Ray Chatfield car. Both the top photos were from a `probables/possibles' Auckland teams race. Peter Botma was a flag racer, so I needed to `educate ' him. He hurt his wrist so they got him out of the car ....... Dutchie, who runs Brian Roberts Towing in Pukekohe - which I have on my HMC Camaro - is spinning Gary Eaton. This would have been approx. `85/`86. I damaged two vertabraes in my back in this car during an Auckland vs Gisborne teams race, so I sold it and built the Escort with the Chev in it for Sports Sedans.
The other stockcar photo is Graham Mitchell #10 and Tony Neal #100, both Pall Mall Team members and both cars built by our then next door neighbour in his garage, the late Eddie Sutherland.
Rod Grimwood
03-18-2015, 02:40 AM
Last I heard Botma was back down Waiuku way. He's a hard case bugger. When he was up here he had a bloody big Ducati only one in country in those days, and a helicopter. Pretty good engineer.
03-18-2015, 08:15 PM
That`s me in #76 Tony, it was the ex Bruce Harris/ Ray Chatfield car. Both the top photos were from a `probables/possibles' Auckland teams race. Peter Botma was a flag racer, so I needed to `educate ' him. He hurt his wrist so they got him out of the car ....... Dutchie, who runs Brian Roberts Towing in Pukekohe - which I have on my HMC Camaro - is spinning Gary Eaton. This would have been approx. `85/`86. I damaged two vertabraes in my back in this car during an Auckland vs Gisborne teams race, so I sold it and built the Escort with the Chev in it for Sports Sedans.
The other stockcar photo is Graham Mitchell #10 and Tony Neal #100, both Pall Mall Team members and both cars built by our then next door neighbour in his garage, the late Eddie Sutherland.
Cool. So right car, wrong driver at time lol. So you bought this car - (
Haven't seen Dutchie since I left NZ. he has been at Brian Roberts since he left school. I think it has been his only job.
You would know this bloke well then Steve - had a lot of laughs with him! (
Dutchie in Red/White hat in back ground (
03-18-2015, 09:18 PM
Yeah Tony, that's when Ray Chatfield had it prior to me buying it. I`ve known Dutchie for many years and since buying that business in the late `90s he has built it into a multi truck successful operation. The Waikaraka Park pits look a lot different now compared to when you took these photos .....
Steve Holmes
03-31-2015, 11:09 PM
Thanks again to Steve Elliott for these amazing images:
Steve Holmes
03-31-2015, 11:10 PM
Roger Dowding
05-18-2015, 06:16 AM
A photo I have just posted on a new Thread, seems to fit here too !!.
The car was raced by Jack Boot at a cinder track in Huntly in the 1940's It apparently handled very badly, and only did one or two meetings. Photo from Eddie Dowding's collection which I now have some of.
Steve Holmes
10-28-2015, 07:38 AM
Time to kick this awesome thread back into life once more. First up is a great shot of Australian Peter Crick's Monaro, when it visited New Zealand.
Steve Holmes
10-28-2015, 07:39 AM
American driver Gene Welch, and his incredible 2nd gen Camaro, which was really a Sprintcar with shortened Camaro body draped over the top.
John McKechnie
10-28-2015, 07:42 AM
steve- June 1970 Hot Rod mag also has a pic of him in action, I will scan and post it here.
At least you and I know its a Monaro, unlike the writer of the article
Steve Holmes
10-28-2015, 07:44 AM
Thanks John, and yes, not sure how they came to the conclusion Crocks Monaro was a Kingswood!
10-28-2015, 06:36 PM
Post #267, the purple car in the background, Holden was run by Jim Watson, on a shoestring, but showed up every night. Really nice guy, who also sailed landyachts with the Auckland club. My wife was one of the lap scoring team at Waikaraka for a few years. Thankless task!
John McKechnie
10-28-2015, 08:28 PM
Steve- here we go mate.- copyright New Zealand Hot Rod magazine
In keeping with my Monaro theme, can you please post #272 on my Team Cambridge Monaro thread
Later on I will put in some details of the racing with 3 Aussies who came over.
Steve Holmes
10-29-2015, 01:17 AM
Thanks John, nice couple of pics there. That Monaro must have been a burn-out or similar to have ended up on the speedway. Looks like its a GTS too!
Steve Holmes
10-29-2015, 02:36 AM
Some great American muscle here. Must have been mind-blowing for punters to see such exotic cars being pounded around Kiwi bullring ovals.
John McKechnie
10-29-2015, 02:43 AM
I am sure I saw MacConnachies Mustang on trademe many, many years ago, I dont know how may dirt track Mustangs Sports roofs there were.
Does anyone know of its existence or whereabouts ?
Steve Holmes
10-29-2015, 06:04 AM
Would love to find out more about that John. I just assumed it was long since dead and buried.
John McKechnie
10-29-2015, 08:13 AM
Could be tucked away in a quiet garage in ,maybe Eltham, or in the Naki (Stratford connection)?
Have to be about April 2006, there was this, and a Anglia 105E with a V8, both on Trademe.
The Mustang was so distinctive, a dirt track saloon car , absolutely was old school survivor from the 70s. Who else built one up?- maybe Dale bought it , and it lives a new identity as red
10-29-2015, 08:39 AM
Ohh under the shade of the mountain!!! I have found a few gems out there, hiding in sheds and lean to' a very rare 68 Camaro SS convertible and a 71 Z/28 ex race car....Dale didn't beat me to them...
John McKechnie
10-29-2015, 09:38 AM
Peter-The Camden Cowboy- Cricks Monaro looked immaculate in irredescent paint, mag wheels and pin stripes
Was heavily rammed on Anniversary Day in a first lap spin, severely damaging passenger door.won the first test match, but broke a great number of half shafts causing many spins in critical positions.
Max Kennerly-HR-really put on some tremendous drives-Hot Rod Mag.
This article was reviewing the second season at Waikaraka Park.
Where did all the Monaros go- to the Speedway of course , see
Steve Holmes
10-29-2015, 07:58 PM
I posted the Peter Crick Monaro image on our Facebook page a few days ago, and Chris Turner posted the following photos he took with the following description: "Kinda looks like this one I saw in cobber peddy SA"
More than likely not the same car; the rollcage is different, and Monaros were plentiful in Aussie speedway during the 70s and 80s. But still really great pics, and interesting to see they're still out there lurking.
Steve Holmes
10-30-2015, 06:10 AM
How about some early NZ stockcars. Pre war American coupes were the body of choice for many years, and vast numbers of these vehicles gave their lives to the bullring ovals during the '50s and '60s.
I myself have a '39 Ford Deluxe coupe that was due to end its days as a stockcar in the '60s, but fortunately the transformation was never completed.
Check out all the old coupes here.
10-30-2015, 06:51 AM
The Tasman Car Scramble Club
Lansdowne RoadNelson, February 1969
Pics from Photo News
10-30-2015, 06:54 AM
'Rex Wells must have had his faith in stock car racing restored. This season has been one long, hard luck story for 32-year-old Rex. But in the Tasman Stock Car Club championship race he drew the pole position for the first time this season. And also for the first time, he finished in a local race. And it was the first race he'd won. Defending champion, Chris Guard, was trying to make it three in a row. But he didn't. He took the southern corner too fast, dust ruined his vision and he went into the windrow and stayed there. Ivan Neal was second to Wells and Cecil Woodford was third. About 5000 people watched the event'.
10-30-2015, 06:58 AM
'Rex Wells must have had his faith in stock car racing restored. This season has been one long, hard luck story for 32-year-old Rex. But in the Tasman Stock Car Club championship race he drew the pole position for the first time this season. And also for the first time, he finished in a local race. And it was the first race he'd won. Defending champion, Chris Guard, was trying to make it three in a row. But he didn't. He took the southern corner too fast, dust ruined his vision and he went into the windrow and stayed there. Ivan Neal was second to Wells and Cecil Woodford was third. About 5000 people watched the event'..
10-30-2015, 07:03 AM
From Nelson Photo News
Hundreds of people flocked to Wakefield for the Timberland Carnival, organised by Wakefield Jaycee. The highlight of the event was the stock car racing, but there were numerous other attractions which contributed to the success of the occasion.
10-30-2015, 07:23 PM
Steve Holmes
11-01-2015, 12:03 AM
Awesome pics you guys! Keep 'em coming.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:15 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:16 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:17 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:18 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:21 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:22 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:22 AM
Steve Holmes
02-24-2016, 02:23 AM
02-24-2016, 08:42 AM
Glouster Park - Onehunga? Looks like Mangere Mountain and mangere Bridge in the background. Before my time!
02-24-2016, 09:43 AM
Not truly speedway, but rather the Northern Sports Car Club's April, 1975 Western Springs meet
Alan Boyle in the Coke Viva, he won the final for the 8 fastest saloons
Rod Millen driving Fred Watchlins Torana, finished 3rd Mike Marshall splitting he and Boyle
Roger Dowding
02-24-2016, 09:02 PM
Not truly speedway, but rather the Northern Sports Car Club's April, 1975 Western Springs meet
Alan Boyle in the Coke Viva, he won the final for the 8 fastest saloons
Rod Millen driving Fred Watchlins Torana, finished 3rd Mike Marshall splitting he and Boyle
Some familiar names in the events including Alan Woolf in his Capri, thought this was the event that ran in conjunction with Heatway Rally Special Stage, but may have been quite separate, Sean, I will borrow these for my NSCC the early years Thread, as it is now linked to NSCC's website and Facebook page, cheers
Steve Holmes
06-06-2016, 02:39 AM
One of the many very cool photos Bruce Robertson has sent me for the Kiwi speedway book I've been working on.
This is Bruce in the very first Tank, in its original covered wheel guise, having some fun on the Bay Park circuit track.
Rod Grimwood
06-08-2016, 08:25 AM
#302 & #303 are actually Steve Millen (in Torana)
They got it wrong in mag.
Steve Holmes
06-14-2016, 08:40 PM
In the speedway book I just finished, Shane McIntyre, from Hypermac, who builds very successful Super Saloons down in Cromwell, is featured. He sent me a scan of Stockcar & Speedway Sport magazine, from 1973. The Camaro on the cover was built by his Dad John, who was teamed up with Keith Marriott in the Shermac team.
They built this Camaro that raced out of Palmerston North. This is the same car raced a little while later by Ian Easton. The article said the Camaro started life as a 1972 Z28 that had been rolled. The magazine is from 1973, so the Camaro must have been wrecked almost straight off the showroom floor! The article says it had just 13,000 miles on it. There can't have been many new Camaros in NZ at the time, so this must have made news.
06-15-2016, 08:43 AM
Steve, is that Bruce Robertson from Wanganui? (Hint Steve, you have my new address)
07-03-2016, 03:25 AM
Looking for something in my library today and I came across the book by Allan Batt which I don't think has been mentioned in this thread before. Anyway something to look out for in the 2nd hand bookshops. "Stock Car Racing, A Pictorial History of Stock Car racing in Canterbury The First 21 Years 1954 to 1975". A couple of other books he did included The Dusty Trail (1936-1975) Midget Car Racing in Christchurch; Aranui A Speedway legacy and the Speedway Kings of Kilbirnie.
Roger Dowding
07-03-2016, 06:34 AM
Looking for something in my library today and I came across the book by Allan Batt which I don't think has been mentioned in this thread before. Anyway something to look out for in the 2nd hand bookshops. "Stock Car Racing, A Pictorial History of Stock Car racing in Canterbury The First 21 Years 1954 to 1975". A couple of other books he did included The Dusty Trail (1936-1975) Midget Car Racing in Christchurch; Aranui A Speedway legacy and the Speedway Kings of Kilbirnie.
tonttu, can you post the covers ?? , those things are treasured
Steve Holmes
08-01-2016, 06:48 AM
As always, any help with ID's always appreciated.
Steve Holmes
08-01-2016, 06:50 AM
Steve Holmes
08-01-2016, 06:51 AM
Milan Fistonic
08-02-2016, 02:59 AM
Here's some stuff from the programme of the first meeting promoted by Cowan- Black at Waikaraka Park.
08-02-2016, 03:50 AM
Can you put a date on that Milan?
Steve Holmes
08-02-2016, 06:20 AM
Thanks for that great info Milan.
Milan Fistonic
08-02-2016, 07:06 AM
Can you put a date on that Milan?
According to the Waikaraka Park Facebook page it was December 4 1967.
08-02-2016, 06:39 PM
Thanks for that Milan, which explains the reference to pounds (of money spent) in the script and the 20 cent cost of the program.
Roger Dowding
08-03-2016, 12:23 AM
Bobs Hamburger Bar, used to use the phrase " Bobs Burger Bar ", before caller ID, when answering the phone, years ago, didn't realise it existed in Ellerslie all those years ago.. Major Sponsor ..
Milan Fistonic
08-17-2016, 04:38 AM
This is the announcement that Stock Cars were coming to Western Springs.
Milan Fistonic
09-19-2016, 08:26 AM
Don't know if you are still looking for stuff about Speedway but have you seen this book?
Milan Fistonic
09-19-2016, 08:53 AM
And this one.
09-20-2016, 06:00 AM
09-20-2016, 11:32 PM
Steve Holmes
03-27-2017, 06:27 AM
I stumbled upon this photo on facebook today of the McConnachie brothers Mustang. This is the only colour photo I've ever seen of this car.
This car must have looked like a spaceship compared to the old Zephyrs and early Holdens that were common in the Salon Car ranks at the time.
Note the cars parked on the side of the road including the Mustang.
John McKechnie
03-27-2017, 07:07 AM
That is my ultimate saloon car,,,looks like it could join the HMC field .
And yes it looked like it was from another world compared to the others.
Similar when the XB Coupe appeared in pure black a bit later.
Its still out there, was on trademe about 10 years ago.
03-27-2017, 08:04 AM
I stumbled upon this photo on facebook today of the McConnachie brothers Mustang. This is the only colour photo I've ever seen of this car.
This car must have looked like a spaceship compared to the old Zephyrs and early Holdens that were common in the Salon Car ranks at the time.
Note the cars parked on the side of the road including the Mustang.
Yellow 69 Boss 302 Steve.............wonder were that is? Jim Richards Sidchrome started life as a yellow 69 Boss 302, couldn't have been many back then. Anyone have a timeline of this photo?
Dale M
03-27-2017, 08:08 AM
That is my ultimate saloon car,,,looks like it could join the HMC field .
And yes it looked like it was from another world compared to the others.
Similar when the XB Coupe appeared in pure black a bit later.
Its still out there, was on trademe about 10 years ago.
I so much remember this car at Forest Lake, the talk of Speedway when it turned up. As a street car was worth more than a decent house back then let alone turning one into a speedway car(usually from a wreck/insurance job).........Rod Grimwood.........whats the story on this one mate. Dale M
10 years ago on TM John.....WOW...........were is it now? if still alive a sorry state i bet after all what could you use it for?
03-27-2017, 08:24 AM
Dale, my good friend bought a yellow 69 Boss 302 that was in bits and needed the motor etc reinstalled. I think he bought it from Auckland. This would be 1991/2. I will have a chat to him in the morning about it. Sold it within 12 month of buying it after fixing it up.
He will have the details of it.
Steve Holmes
03-27-2017, 05:25 PM
Yellow 69 Boss 302 Steve.............wonder were that is? Jim Richards Sidchrome started life as a yellow 69 Boss 302, couldn't have been many back then. Anyone have a timeline of this photo?
Dale M
Thats good spotting Dale and yes you are right, the Sidchrome was a yellow Boss. I'm pretty sure the Sidchrome was purchased in 1972 before being converted into a race car.
John McKechnie
03-27-2017, 06:18 PM
Ivan Jujnovich, that well known Hot Rodder and panelbeater from out West could answer your questions as his name is on the car.
The pic is not taken from McConnachie family home which was in Sanft Ave,Mt Roskill
John H
03-27-2017, 07:26 PM
Hi All. I have been given about 600 or so old mags to get rid of, Autocar..Wheels..Motor Sport, Hot Rod, Speedsport etc. Any one want them? Im in Kohimarama Auckland. Sorry this probabley not the post for this. Chrs John Hatton
Go Slideways
06-01-2017, 04:27 AM
Hi all, first post here.. I photographed an old speedway program from Palmy which has lots of cool pictures in it.
I like the Sunbeam Tigers, I think thats Blondie in the background. ( image online (
Go Slideways
06-01-2017, 04:30 AM
Graeme Stretch racing his Ford V8 at Palmy, and a couple of photo's I took on 6th October 2009 shortly after the same car was rescued. I think it was found in a paddock in Pahiatua. The last time I saw this pretty cool car was in Jacob Bakers workshop in Palmy, Jacob still owns the car and it is being restored by Barr Motorsport . Graeme Stretch was the very first official 1NZ Stockcar Champion, not sure if it was in this car, but I'd love to know more about this car. I love the open exhaust pipes. I once visited a house down a long drive in Maxwells Line in Palmy that Graeme made several of his cars at, and there was a clean up going on. Unfortunately my mate and I were a week late and didn't have the chance to save some historic items. I think Pervy from Palmy might have got a couple of cars. We did buy a few interesting things including a Lincoln Zephyr V12 engine and about 100 hubcaps..
PS: I would absolutely love to see any pictures of Ian Taylor 21w or Ian "Jac Jac" Eston. ( host ( ( url upload ( ( hosting 10mb limit (
I'm doing a project on Ian Taylor and Ian Easton and would love to see photo's or hear stories of these two.
Ian had a pretty cool Sprintcar, I admired the old school open faced helmet, no gloves, rolled up sleeves, open exhaust headers and I think dragster slicks on the rear attitude. I think he's still wearing his watch... no SNZ or Osh in those days. ( photo sharing ( ( image online (
Go Slideways
06-01-2017, 06:36 AM
A yarn I had with Charlie Bernsten at his home shortly before his unexpected passing away.
You'll need to turn your volume right up.
Hope you enjoy it.
Steve Holmes
06-01-2017, 08:52 PM
Hi all, first post here.. I photographed an old speedway program from Palmy which has lots of cool pictures in it.
I like the Sunbeam Tigers, I think thats Blondie in the background. ( image online (
Awesome! There were a few of these Sunbeam Tiger speedway saloons being raced in the '70s. I assume they started out as Alpines? There is even one currently being raced as a Streetstock, which was one of the old original saloons rediscovered.
Steve Holmes
06-01-2017, 08:54 PM
Graeme Stretch racing his Ford V8 at Palmy, and a couple of photo's I took on 6th October 2009 shortly after the same car was rescued. I think it was found in a paddock in Pahiatua. The last time I saw this pretty cool car was in Jacob Bakers workshop in Palmy, Jacob still owns the car and it is being restored by Barr Motorsport . Graeme Stretch was the very first official 1NZ Stockcar Champion, not sure if it was in this car, but I'd love to know more about this car. I love the open exhaust pipes. I once visited a house down a long drive in Maxwells Line in Palmy that Graeme made several of his cars at, and there was a clean up going on. Unfortunately my mate and I were a week late and didn't have the chance to save some historic items. I think Pervy from Palmy might have got a couple of cars. We did buy a few interesting things including a Lincoln Zephyr V12 engine and about 100 hubcaps..
PS: I would absolutely love to see any pictures of Ian Taylor 21w or Ian "Jac Jac" Eston. ( host ( ( url upload ( ( hosting 10mb limit (
I'm doing a project on Ian Taylor and Ian Easton and would love to see photo's or hear stories of these two.
Ian had a pretty cool Sprintcar, I admired the old school open faced helmet, no gloves, rolled up sleeves, open exhaust headers and I think dragster slicks on the rear attitude. I think he's still wearing his watch... no SNZ or Osh in those days. ( photo sharing ( ( image online (
The body on the Graeme Stretch stockcar is a 1939/40 Willys coupe. Back when this car was being built in the 1960s, Willys coupe bodies were cheap. These days, they're incredibly desirable, at least as much so as 1932 Ford 3 window coupe bodies. The body alone in good condition would fetch US$20,000. Of course, its no longer in good condition, but still a fascinating historical piece.
06-01-2017, 11:38 PM
Graeme Stretch moved to Tauranga probably late 70's early 80's, he lived two streets over from my parents house, remember him visiting a few times back them, I know he had a son whom I think may still live in Tauranga, not sure? I remember him saying he was the first NZ stock Car Champion. Dale M
Graeme Stretch racing his Ford V8 at Palmy, and a couple of photo's I took on 6th October 2009 shortly after the same car was rescued. I think it was found in a paddock in Pahiatua. The last time I saw this pretty cool car was in Jacob Bakers workshop in Palmy, Jacob still owns the car and it is being restored by Barr Motorsport . Graeme Stretch was the very first official 1NZ Stockcar Champion, not sure if it was in this car, but I'd love to know more about this car. I love the open exhaust pipes. I once visited a house down a long drive in Maxwells Line in Palmy that Graeme made several of his cars at, and there was a clean up going on. Unfortunately my mate and I were a week late and didn't have the chance to save some historic items. I think Pervy from Palmy might have got a couple of cars. We did buy a few interesting things including a Lincoln Zephyr V12 engine and about 100 hubcaps..
PS: I would absolutely love to see any pictures of Ian Taylor 21w or Ian "Jac Jac" Eston. ( host ( ( url upload ( ( hosting 10mb limit (
I'm doing a project on Ian Taylor and Ian Easton and would love to see photo's or hear stories of these two.
Ian had a pretty cool Sprintcar, I admired the old school open faced helmet, no gloves, rolled up sleeves, open exhaust headers and I think dragster slicks on the rear attitude. I think he's still wearing his watch... no SNZ or Osh in those days. ( photo sharing ( ( image online (
06-01-2017, 11:45 PM
I have a ton of old Speedway pics I took as kid, mostly Bay Park, Rotorua and the old Tokoroa's one I took of Bruce in the Rotorua pits in the early 70's. Dale M
Milan Fistonic
06-02-2017, 01:10 AM
Graeme Stretch moved to Tauranga probably late 70's early 80's, he lived two streets over from my parents house, remember him visiting a few times back them, I know he had a son whom I think may still live in Tauranga, not sure? I remember him saying he was the first NZ stock Car Champion. Dale M
New Zealand Champion in 1966.
Go Slideways
06-02-2017, 02:58 AM
Awesome! There were a few of these Sunbeam Tiger speedway saloons being raced in the '70s. I assume they started out as Alpines? There is even one currently being raced as a Streetstock, which was one of the old original saloons rediscovered.
Here's some more I found..
Kevin Johnson - Gisborne (not sure what year) ( hosting services (
Ex - Mike Whems car ( photo upload (
I took the next 3 photo's at this years Manawatu Streetsock Champs ( image hosting ( ( hosting ( ( upload (
Go Slideways
06-02-2017, 03:17 AM
Steve - would it be Ok if I put photo's of restored old speedway vehicles on here?
Or would you just like old photographs?
I have taken lots of photo's of restored cars, like this one at Harrisville. ( shot pc (
Go Slideways
06-02-2017, 04:30 AM
Here's some info and pictures on an old Sprintcar that my mate found in a barn some years ago.
The car was built in 1976 by Joe McQuarter in Whangarei using CAE plans (Jim Culbert Automotive Engineering USA).
It was one of several (6?) CAE Sprintcars in NZ around the early seventies.
Other CAE cars were owned by Willie Kay, Gary Murch, Bob Fulman.
The car runs a worked 283 Chev and puts out approx 400Hp. It uses a forklift radiator.
My mate Nathan holding one of the original wings. ( to screenshot on windows 7 (
This info came with the car. ( image hosting (
The photos of 7A were probably taken around 1996 when Warren Wilson was with HISCONZ. The second pic of 7A the guy with the cap is Warren Wilson who owned the car at the time. ( photo sharing ( ( free hosting (
This photo was taken at the Kumeu Hot Rod Festival some years ago in the days Warren Wilson was considering the formation of a vintage club dedicated to early modifieds and sprintcars. ( print screen (
I took this photo at Harrisville in 2012 of the restored car. I'm sorry I can't remember the owners name but he was a nice chap, from Hawkes Bay I think.. might be wrong. ( windows (
Go Slideways
06-02-2017, 09:49 AM
In the speedway book I just finished, Shane McIntyre, from Hypermac, who builds very successful Super Saloons down in Cromwell, is featured. He sent me a scan of Stockcar & Speedway Sport magazine, from 1973. The Camaro on the cover was built by his Dad John, who was teamed up with Keith Marriott in the Shermac team.
They built this Camaro that raced out of Palmerston North. This is the same car raced a little while later by Ian Easton. The article said the Camaro started life as a 1972 Z28 that had been rolled. The magazine is from 1973, so the Camaro must have been wrecked almost straight off the showroom floor! The article says it had just 13,000 miles on it. There can't have been many new Camaros in NZ at the time, so this must have made news.
I'd love to see the article on Ian Taylor and the Camaro that Jac Jac eventually drove in the magazine for research toward an upcoming video interview project I'm doing Steve, I've got several magazine's but not this one.
Here are a few of the magazines that I do have: ( a picture ( ( hosting over 10mb ( ( hosting more than 5mb ( ( image upload ( ( photo hosting ( ( image hosting (
Go Slideways
06-02-2017, 09:53 AM
And a few more.. ( pictures free ( ( image host ( ( imagem ( ( screenshot ( ( image upload ( ( (
Go Slideways
06-02-2017, 09:55 AM
A few more.. ( image online ( ( image sharing ( ( url ( ( sharing (
Go Slideways
06-03-2017, 08:06 AM
I went to a Harrisville Classic Speedway Club day today and took this picture of an old Sprintcar that came from California without an engine and now runs a Hilborn Injected Chev. Sounds great.
Neil Cowley ( images (
This car was having its first run at Harrisville after being recently imported from USA.
Eric Beardmore ( upload (
06-03-2017, 10:01 PM
Fantastic pictures Go Slideways, keep em the meantime when time allows I will add some of my old Stock car/Speedway pics. Dale
06-03-2017, 10:08 PM
Heres some old Bay Park Speedway pics from the early 70's...
06-03-2017, 10:12 PM
Dudley Jones from Te Puke with his son Colin at the wheel, Colin is probably around 14 or 15 years old in this pic...from memory it was flat head Dodge 6 powered........ Dale M
Go Slideways
06-04-2017, 07:59 AM
The old Sunday News car at Harrisville ( images (
ex Barry Butterworth ( (
free upload (
Genuine ex Steve Kinser Maxim ( ( ( hosting ( ( on pc (
Go Slideways
06-04-2017, 08:06 AM
Previous owners - Bill Bartlett, Walt James, Hank Becker ( ( free hosting ( ( ( ( (
gif uploader (
Steve Holmes
06-04-2017, 08:07 AM
Fantastic pictures Go Slideways, keep em the meantime when time allows I will add some of my old Stock car/Speedway pics. Dale
I agree Go Slideways, keep 'em coming! You too Dale. Love these old speedway pics.
Steve Holmes
06-04-2017, 08:22 AM
This is the rest of the Camaro story Go Slideways. Hopefully its not too small to read? Am happy to email it to you if need be.
Go Slideways
06-04-2017, 08:35 AM
I would be grateful if you could email me the articles thanks Steve.
Sunday News ( pictures ( ( ( ( ( (
how to do a screen shot (
Go Slideways
06-05-2017, 06:37 AM
The late Graeme Smith in his Snoopy Stockcar
And Greame with his car at Huntly on 21st November 2009 ( ( (
John McKechnie
06-05-2017, 07:59 AM
Nice curves on Snoopy compared with the flat bodies on either side.
Luv the truck spinner on the steering good to have one on my XA Coupe.
Go Slideways
06-20-2017, 03:26 AM
Some more vintage Speedway cars from Harrisville Outlaw Speedway Ohakea ( ( ( ( ( (
Go Slideways
06-20-2017, 03:32 AM
And some more from Harrisville ( ( ( ( ( (
Go Slideways
06-20-2017, 03:33 AM
Harrisville ( (
Whanganui (
This car is steered by levers out of a bull dozer. ( ( (
Go Slideways
06-25-2017, 12:56 AM
Western Springs 1938. I'm not sure if these cars were called 3/4 Midgets or Speedcars. (
06-25-2017, 08:14 AM
Hope that you don't mind this post - it has nothing to do with NZ cars but the engines mentioned are maybe around in a few workshops in NZ.
Ranger engines were fitted to most of the Grumman Widgeon aircraft that were imported but were replaced by updates as they timed out.
Roger Dowding
06-25-2017, 08:00 PM
Ron Roycroft in the Bugley at Huntly in 1945 - photo from archives - posted on my NSCC thread but belongs here.
Huntly was a cinder track, and there is still a track there, not sure if in the same place !!.
Had previously posted a picture of Jack Boot sitting in the same car, Jack owned it at one stage.
07-28-2017, 12:34 AM
I posted this on the Random Photos thread, but thought I'd also try here, as this appears to be a speedway car.
Gavin Shaw runs a Facebook page in which he has been posting up his own old New Zealand racing photos, plus those of others.
A recent posting was this oddball, which nobody has yet identified. Its a second gen Camaro, and appears to be at Bay Park. The Camaro appears possibly to be a speedway car, converted to run on tarmac, and with equal sized wheels left-right. Its hard to tell, but it appears also to have a windscreen fitted.
Does anyone know who this is, and when this was taken?
Is this it here,I was there at Ocean View Speedway in Wanganui having the USA drivers touring round the country was great as they were match racing all the locals at there own tracks.If i remember correctly he ended up climbing the front straight wall causing major damage and not been able to finish racing that night.44698
Steve Holmes
07-28-2017, 03:45 AM
Is this it here,I was there at Ocean View Speedway in Wanganui having the USA drivers touring round the country was great as they were match racing all the locals at there own tracks.If i remember correctly he ended up climbing the front straight wall causing major damage and not been able to finish racing that night.44698
Wow! Thats awesome. Sure looks to be the same car, and explains why I never saw it. It went back to the US. Thanks for posting this, clears a lot of things up.
Milan Fistonic
07-29-2017, 04:47 AM
The Gene Welsh Camaro from 1973-74
07-30-2017, 11:45 PM
Or this one.........
Rod Grimwood
08-04-2017, 10:44 PM
this was 2nd visit and in car more like ours, was Burnt Orange and went.
Go Slideways
08-06-2017, 10:53 AM
I'm doing a project on Ian "Jac Jac" Easton about his racing career covering 45+ years of racing speedway, tarmac, rally cars, sidecars, truck racing, jet boats and more which will eventually go on You Tube.
Ian has kindly loaned me 2 big boxes of his personal collection of many old photo's, programs, plans and other memorabilia. Pretty much all of it has never been on the internet.
One of the photo's is this one of the original Gurney Eagle powered Stockcar. Ian still races a Roush powered 66 Mustang muscle car, which is getting a new very special engine built for it. (
Steve Holmes
08-09-2017, 02:42 AM
I'm doing a project on Ian "Jac Jac" Easton about his racing career covering 45+ years of racing speedway, tarmac, rally cars, sidecars, truck racing, jet boats and more which will eventually go on You Tube.
Ian has kindly loaned me 2 big boxes of his personal collection of many old photo's, programs, plans and other memorabilia. Pretty much all of it has never been on the internet.
One of the photo's is this one of the original Gurney Eagle powered Stockcar. Ian still races a Roush powered 66 Mustang muscle car, which is getting a new very special engine built for it. (
This is awesome! His photo collection must be amazing. I hope you'll share more of them?
Go Slideways
08-14-2017, 04:30 AM
I sure will share them Steve, I'm doing quite a big project on Ian's racing and have interviewed him at his home on video, which went for about an hour. I'm just sorting out the many items Ian has loaned me, my scanner will be doing overtime lol. I'm also going to be loaned another box of photo's from Ian's collection when he gets back from Knoxville next week.
It'll take me a while to put it all together and I want the end result to be worthy of such a great contribution to NZ motorsport, but I'll get there.
One fantastic thing about this site and the World Wide Web is that it save guards the material forever. Ian lost a bit due to some water damage and a while ago some bastards burgled his home and stole his whole collection of video tapes.
Here is a just small portion of what I have got so far. I don't really care how long the final You Tube video goes for - I'm going to include all of it, but it'll take me a wee while.
I am also doing some research for a similar project on my good friend Ian Taylor. Ian has very few photo's so I'd be grateful for anything that hasn't already been posted on here. (
Ian's race number used to be 2p. When the governing body, before SNZ came about, decided that he couldn't use #2 he adopted #11 .....because 1 + 1 = 2.
There was a rumor that Ian loaned his number 11 to Steve Kinser to use, but I'm not sure how much truth there is to that one. haha (
One of Ian's many Sprintcars. (
Steve Holmes
08-15-2017, 02:14 AM
Wow, that'll be cool. I look forward to seeing it.
Go Slideways
09-02-2017, 03:33 AM
I was very fortunate to spend an afternoon with the late Bob Jamieson, Howard Lockwood and Brendon Lucas at Bob's place one day shortly before he passed away. Bob showed me many things in his personal collection and shared some fantastic stories with me. I always intended to return with my video camera but sadly I left it too late, but I did take quite a few photo's.
Bob was instrumental in creating the very first Boss Mustang powered Tank for Bruce Roberston. Bob built a lot of cars. Not many people know this but Bob also built a monocoque tarmac race car that was driven by Sterling Moss.
The picture's below are of Bob holding a picture of the car and a signed one of Sterling Moss in the car. ( (
Bob gave me this photo from his personal collection. It shows Howard Lockwood's car outside Bob's garage in Main Street Palmerston North, where the original Tank was made and many cars were prepared. No booze was allowed in the garage while the guys were working on their cars and everybody had to remain for half an hour after work had finished in case a spark had ignited the wooden floor of the workshop.
The garage is still there, just around the corner from my home, but it's just a petrol station now, although the original workshop is still behind the modern new frontage. (
This picture is of the original Tank at the "Tanks verses the Rest" meeting that was held at Palmy. Sorry I can't remember the date, maybe 2009.. (
Bruce Robertson racing his original 1p Boss Mustand powered Tank at Palmy Teams Champs, sorry forgot which year.. Dutchy is in 24h, not sure about the 62h purple car. ( (
Cool cars - rest in peace Bob Jamieson.
Go Slideways
09-02-2017, 03:46 AM
Bruce Robertsons brand new Tank at Jamiesons with the controversial front wheel guards. (
Dave Evans, at Whanganui I think. (
Go Slideways
09-06-2017, 07:07 AM
I took this photo in 2013 (
Steve Holmes
09-10-2017, 01:52 AM
Bruce Robertsons brand new Tank at Jamiesons with the controversial front wheel guards. (
Dave Evans, at Whanganui I think. (
Neat photos! I interviewed Bruce Robertson a couple of years ago for a book I wrote about people who race in speedway. His memory is so sharp and he recalled all his old cars. He has also done quite a lot of circuit racing.
Bruce has built up a hugely successful business empire and I found it enjoyable listening to his early days starting out with a small panelbeater workshop in Fielding.
Despite being a millionaire many times over and being the agent for a large number of car and truck brands, Bruce can usually be found in the little office of his Regent Motors dealership, which is his first car dealership established back in the 1970s, and which nowadays sells mostly cheap trade-ins from his other dealerships.
Go Slideways
09-10-2017, 06:23 AM
Yes Steve, I am good friends with Bruce and he certainly has a good memory. He's made a huge contribution to speedway over the years and it remains his passion, his nickname is "speed".
Here he is racing one of the GTHO Falcons he drove, this one might have been owned by Ian Easton at the time. Despite owning a large Holden dealership now, he is still a Ford man. lol
I've been a bit sidetracked lately, but I'm intending to crank my scanner into life this week.
Cheers. (
Go Slideways
10-02-2017, 05:30 AM
From Ian Easton's collection.
Gurney Eagle (
With 88r Neville Stanaway (
Go Slideways
10-03-2017, 02:38 AM
From Ian Easton's personal collection"
Jac Jac: "That is my 1st sprintcar which I purchased off Warren..funny story when he was delivering it he managed to put the car and trailer in the drain at the end of my drive. (Remember that Warren)Pete that is the same car that I put the polished alloy panels on, which you have a photo of.." (
The Gurney Eagle - from Ian Easton's personal collection - I know the reason why it's number 11, with Jac there's always a reason, or story, to explain everything. lol
Jac Jac: "This is the car when it was finally finished. It has now got the quick change diff, knock on front wheels and drum catcher."
Darian Reridder is restoring the car. (
Go Slideways
10-03-2017, 08:35 AM
The famous all alloy body Gurney Eagle behind a nice Mercedes Benz........ .....I like Mercs, good strong cars, fortunately. (
Go Slideways
10-07-2017, 12:09 AM
One of, if not the, most iconic Stockcars of all time - the brand new Gurney Eagle. (
Harrisville Speedway.
Not sure if this was the old "Sunday News" car or not, bit its exceptionally cool anyway. ( ( (
10-07-2017, 08:02 AM
The famous all alloy body Gurney Eagle behind a nice Mercedes Benz........ .....I like Mercs, good strong cars, fortunately. (
I remember watching this car at Palmerston North Speedway.
Go Slideways
10-07-2017, 08:27 AM
Pretty sure this one is at Whanganui (
Go Slideways
10-08-2017, 08:40 AM
Harrisville is a pretty cool friendly place, always some cool cars there too.
This one was a fresh import having it's first run, a pretty special car. ( ( ( ( ( (
Go Slideways
10-09-2017, 04:49 AM
Before "Big Bad" Charlie Bernsten took up Stockcar racing he was a pusher of Midgets. He was going to build one for himself before Stockcars came along.
This is outside Jamiesons Garage on Main Street in Palmerston North, just around the corner from my house. The garage is still there, but its just a petrol station now. ( (
I was privileged to interviewCharlie at his home shortly before he passed away.
Here is the interview.. turn your sound right up. Hope you enjoy it, the original Stockcar Legend:
Steve Holmes
10-09-2017, 06:47 AM
From Ian Easton's personal collection"
Jac Jac: "That is my 1st sprintcar which I purchased off Warren..funny story when he was delivering it he managed to put the car and trailer in the drain at the end of my drive. (Remember that Warren)Pete that is the same car that I put the polished alloy panels on, which you have a photo of.." (
The Gurney Eagle - from Ian Easton's personal collection - I know the reason why it's number 11, with Jac there's always a reason, or story, to explain everything. lol
Jac Jac: "This is the car when it was finally finished. It has now got the quick change diff, knock on front wheels and drum catcher."
Darian Reridder is restoring the car. (
Will it be restored with an alloy body?
Roger Dowding
06-21-2024, 01:35 AM
I've been inspired to start a new thread, thanks to a batch of cool old New Zealand speedway dirt track photos posted on Facebook by Dale Mathers from the scrapbook he created when he was a young bloke. While The Roaring Season seems to cover many aspects of motorsport history, the glaring omission is speedway.
So, if you have any old speedway pics, be they dirt track, or paved oval, post them up here.
This is a thread I have not really followed, went to Speedway with my father as a teenager, he was into the Motorcycles and loved it when the English Team came for a series at Western Springs.
The " Springs " as we know has been home to Rally Stages, and competition by other cars, Racing Sports and Saloons.
" Ten Years After " - needs to come to the fore again.
A couple - make it a set - of John Larry Lawton photos of NSCC event(s) at Western Springs from the 1960's
Notes on the photos are J L Lawtons own comments.
These have appeared on the NSCC thread but relate to this Story.
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