View Full Version : Photos: The Sprague Family Collection
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 07:46 AM
Firstly, I'd like to extend both my gratitude and apologies to Grant Sprague for this amazing collection of images. Grant sent me a folder of his families racing photos and scrapbooks a couple of months ago, but I'm now only just starting to upload them here. My scanner is not the most agile machine on the planet, and its taken me a while to get organised. But I'm into it now, and very excited to share this incredible collection.
The Sprague family is highly celebrated within New Zealand motorsport. Ernie Sprague raced for many years, in all manner of vehicles, and his sons Gary and Grant have followed suit. Many of the images in this collection have never been seen before. The variety of the cars on display here are fascinating. But this collection isn't just motorsport. It also includes images of the family car dealership, and road cars, which I find just as enjoyable. Its a joy to view, and the images are simply beautiful.
Some of the photos are marked with details on the backs, some aren't. Fortunately, Grant is a member here, so can fill in the gaps, and I'm really looking forward to his input.
My thanks again to Grant for taking the time to share these images. I know you're all going to enjoy them.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 07:50 AM
Kicking things off is this beauty, of Sprague Motors. As you can see, this is a Jaguar agent, and Ernie himself notched up some impressive results racing Jaguars. In behind the impressive line-up of Jags are an assortment of more modest vehicles, rangings from a Ford Popular, Zephyrs, and even a Land Rover.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 07:56 AM
Not all the images in the Sprague Collection are directly related to the families own racing exploits. With this family being so intertwined with New Zealand and, in particular, South Island motorsport, there are a number of images that relate to more general racing events. This photo is from Ruapuna. This is the front straight. Grant has written on the back of the photo: "Ruapuna, Christchurch. Opening?" So, is this the opening event for Ruapuna? The place sure has changed a bit over the years!
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 08:02 AM
Ernie Sprague is perhaps best known for racing Ford Zephyrs. Had it not been for a bingle with the hay bales in a preliminary race at the final round of the 1964 New Zealand Saloon Car Championship at Waimate, which caused too much damage to his MkIII Zephyr to contest the championship race, Ernie might possibly have been NZ Saloon Car Champion that year.
But Ernie raced a variety of Zephyrs, including this MkI. This appears to be some sort of tarmac sprint, or maybe a hillclimb.
02-24-2014, 08:05 AM
Stunning and a great tribute to a dynasty.
Isn't it fantastic that TRS has become a place for so many very cool things which may never have seen the light of day.
We owe a great debt to Steve for his vision and devotion.
02-24-2014, 08:30 AM
And an even bigger vote of thanks to Grant for passing the family collection of photos on to Steve so that we can all share some of the exciting history of NZ motorsport and especially the growth of South Island motorsport.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 07:43 PM
Stunning and a great tribute to a dynasty.
Isn't it fantastic that TRS has become a place for so many very cool things which may never have seen the light of day.
We owe a great debt to Steve for his vision and devotion.
Thanks Rhys, I really appreciate that. But the real thanks has to go to those who have been generous enough to share their amazing collections on here for everyone to enjoy.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 08:12 PM
Another significant Ernie Sprague race car. This is the '32 Ford roadster that really thrust Ernie into the limelight. The old '32 was still running a flathead V8, but judging by the later model wheels (probably 1939 Ford), it had been upgraded to juice brakes. The sign on the front bumper reads: "1932 Ford V8 Roadster. 106 mph. 16.86 (I think) standing 1/4 mile. Prepared by Central Motors". Central Motors was the name of Ernie's car dealership before it was later changed to Sprague Motors.
Grant Sprague
02-24-2014, 08:18 PM
Hey Thanks Steve , I often think what a waste of history , of piks locked away I know Ernie was apprehensive & his friend Ray Archibald of giving out private piks I never really could understand why as just so many people wanted to be a part of Dad but he was not forth coming but a great Dad all the same a man with a tower of strength & personality when he choose ?? Mum was the glue that held it to gether ? a beautiful fine Lady. The ones Steve have are a few only ,but there is enough to give you an idea what was going on in those days growing up in the family & a youngster starting to race as well as Gary in the early days ........ Thanks Guys please enjoy............ Grant
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 08:48 PM
Thanks heaps Grant, thats a great description. Am really looking forward to your input with these.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 08:52 PM
Ernie spent most of his career racing saloon cars. But he didn't limit himself to saloons. He dabbled in single seaters, including a Maserati 4CLT. Ernie bought the Maserati in 1957, by which time it was nearly ten years old. This amazing image appears to be from Wigram. I'm guessing its the 1958 Lady Wigram event.
Steve Holmes
02-24-2014, 09:01 PM
Great under hood shot here of the Maserati supercharger.
Kevin Pateman
02-25-2014, 12:50 AM
Great pic Grant, it looks like its outside the main gates to Timaru Botanical gardens, Ernie with long time mate Peter Wilson.
02-25-2014, 01:39 AM
what a great thread - Thanks Grant and Steve!!!
02-25-2014, 03:30 AM
Loving the whitewalls on the Mark III
bp photos
02-25-2014, 04:25 AM
What great photos!! Thanks for sharing them Grant and Steve!!
02-25-2014, 07:58 AM
Thank You Grant and Steve ,
Just fantastic to see these images . My first knowledge of Ernie was from about 65 onward ( as a younger fella )
and in later years befriended Robbie Gibb who knew your family from his Timaru days . I will look forward in
anticipation for more of this for sure ! . Best Wishes ,
Bazza .
Grant Sprague
02-25-2014, 08:58 AM
Thanks guys ... hey as for the white walls .. [MK111].... this pik was taken after the hay daz of nz saloon championships a few years hard battle around NZ race circuts The car was put back to standard trim as a road car this is how it looked as a standard car & sold off to a local engineer business man David Annette..... Engineering in Timaru........ no one knows what happened to the car at the end of the road .... well not many people , but I witnessed its last time on four wheels , I did tell A Dick but has never been printed , I think I mentioned to Steve, any way I will tell you as the time goes on ..... very interesting story
Steve Holmes
03-01-2014, 05:39 AM
This is Ernie, having returned back home to Timaru following the the 1966 Wills Six-Hour race where he teamed with 1966 NZ Saloon Car Champion Dave Simpson in the Jaguar pictured here. Sprague/Simpson battled for the lead throughout the race against Ray Archibald/Tony Shelly in a similar Jag, in which it rained throughout much of the event.
Despite their best efforts, the Sprague/Simpson Jaguar faded late in the race with brake problems, allowing the Archibald/Shelly machine the win. Even still, Ernie looks pretty happy with his efforts! Note the Jaguar still wears its race grime and numbers. Grant, would Ernie have driven the car to and from the race?
Grant Sprague
03-01-2014, 06:05 AM
Steve...... yes the wills 6 hr car & B & H cars plus the mk 111 were driven up to the North Island plus the ANZ falcon were driven up & down ..............just the way things were not a lot of $$$ around in those days ..But that's the way it was regardless for most during the 60,s & 70,s
Steve Holmes
03-03-2014, 06:09 AM
Thanks Grant, awesome info.
Steve Holmes
03-03-2014, 06:14 AM
How cool is this! Ernie battles with a couple of wheels as he prepares to unload the Maserati. Tow car looks like a 1938 or '39 Ford. The single axle open trailer oozes character and the ramps are held in place by wire. What a brilliant photo! How much would this car be worth now?
Grant, any idea where this was taken?
Steve Holmes
03-03-2014, 06:23 AM
Another shot of the dealership, although appears older than the image posted earlier in the thread, and possible a different location? Grant, can you fill us in? Gerald Fogg probably owned that MG at some point. Price was 685 quid.
Grant Sprague
03-03-2014, 06:36 AM
Thanks Steve.......... not really sure what the 4 CLT is worth to day I would guess start at one mil & keep counting would guess if you did a search you might get a better answer , The other GP car he had was the P3 Alfa F1 car my understanding 15 yrs ago it or the same sister car in NZ fetched 4.8 mil, one of them I think went back to Italy.
Some one who knows Ernie well said with a grin QUOTE "bet you wish you still owned the P3 Ernie " with a grin with great wisdom he said , "listen if you keep looking back you get a sore neck" a good lesson there . We were taught money is just money , does not buy the things in life that really count , many fall into the pit of false belief , but by saying that its good to be comfortable with balance
Grant Sprague
03-03-2014, 06:37 AM
Thanks Steve.......... not really sure what the 4 CLT is worth to day I would guess start at one mil & keep counting would guess if you did a search you might get a better answer , The other GP car he had was the P3 Alfa F1 car my understanding 15 yrs ago it or the same sister car in NZ fetched 4.8 mil, one of them I think went back to Italy.
Some one who knows Ernie well said with a grin QUOTE "bet you wish you still owned the P3 Ernie " with a grin with great wisdom he said , "listen if you keep looking back you get a sore neck" a good lesson there . We were taught money is just money , does not buy the things in life that really count , many fall into the pit of false belief , but by saying that its good to be comfortable with balance......... ps you can see Gary in the tow car back window probably about 3 or 4 , not really sure & mum in front seat, circuit I think Ardmore not number 47 ........ Bruce used this number about then
Grant Sprague
03-03-2014, 06:59 AM
Another shot of the dealership, although appears older than the image posted earlier in the thread, and possible a different location? Grant, can you fill us in? Gerald Fogg probably owned that MG at some point. Price was 685 quid.
23934Yep this is about one year before the other pik of the other car yard extension , this was soon to become apart of the business ,as part of this to the right , notice the blue stone church just to the right , Ernie bought that church then got apprentice Leo [Leonard ]to pull it down with a tow truck...... what you see here is a part of the show room , lube bay to the right where Norm Patement [Kevins Dad ex S.C.C.C presendent ] was looking after that & the petrol pumps in front of this pik , out the back behind was the work shop plus a large area for stored & wrecked cars , the area also took in a few houses to the street behind , but all sold when Ernie had enough before inflation set in , he never looked back & really enjoyed life all sold when about 43 .... but still dabbled
Grant Sprague
03-03-2014, 07:05 AM
Opps double up with a correction never mind
Steve Holmes
03-03-2014, 07:45 AM
Awesome Grant, this is really great stuff. I now understand the layout of the dealership as shown in another shot (which I'll scan and post soon) showing a new building in the same place as the church.
Steve Holmes
03-05-2014, 03:11 AM
Ernie's famous MkIII Zephyr, showing the battle scars following a big off at Wigram in 1964, while battling Ray Archibald for the lead. On the final lap, Ernie over-cooked it, and ended up skating off into the hay bales as he entered the start-finish straight for the final time.
Grant Sprague
03-05-2014, 05:35 PM
Ernie's famous MkIII Zephyr, showing the battle scars following a big off at Wigram in 1964, while battling Ray Archibald for the lead. On the final lap, Ernie over-cooked it, and ended up skating off into the hay bales as he entered the start-finish straight for the final time.
23983Good pik eh Steve yr doing a great job mate, ok what happened here , Ernie often talked about this , Ray arrived with intermediate race tyres this meeting they just arrived from UK so Ernie was screwed to start with & simply over drove , Dad being Dad like most street fighters was not wanting to be first of the losers , the mk 111 had widened rims with cross plies....... it was never going to work unless he kept cool & dropped back ...... but dropped back he did with a DNF
Grant Sprague
03-05-2014, 05:35 PM
Ernie's famous MkIII Zephyr, showing the battle scars following a big off at Wigram in 1964, while battling Ray Archibald for the lead. On the final lap, Ernie over-cooked it, and ended up skating off into the hay bales as he entered the start-finish straight for the final time.
23983Good pik eh Steve yr doing a great job mate, ok what happened here , Ernie often talked about this , Ray arrived with intermediate race tyres this meeting they just arrived from UK so Ernie was screwed to start with & simply over drove , Dad being Dad like most street fighters was not wanting to be first of the losers , the mk 111 had widened rims with cross plies....... it was never going to work unless he kept cool & dropped back ...... but dropped back he did with a DNF
John McKechnie
03-05-2014, 06:37 PM
Seriously- did hitting the hay bales do that much damage? Looking at the rear door that is some real tearing of metal.
03-05-2014, 07:04 PM
Looks more like he hit one of those big scraper tyres they used in the '70s and '80s.:eek:
Rod Grimwood
03-05-2014, 07:46 PM
Have you not seen the size of the cows down that.
John McKechnie
03-05-2014, 07:49 PM
In that case, did he hit an old hard cow pat?
03-05-2014, 08:11 PM
Maybe the doors were skinned with alloy. That might result in the damage that is showing.
Grant Sprague
03-05-2014, 08:20 PM
Ha ha well look close at the two doors the were alloy panels so looks bad , the l/f & r/r gaurds steel..... mind you he went back wards into bales side on I wud think with plenty of jandal up it... this old girl I think was good for about 135mph in the day & the foot wud have been hard up it
Steve Holmes
03-06-2014, 01:28 AM
Maybe the doors were skinned with alloy. That might result in the damage that is showing.
You're on the money there Gerald!
Magazine articles of the day say the car spun at high speed as Ernie was desperately trying to beat the Archibald Jag. I assume they were bails of hay, and not just loose straw, which, if compacted and strapped well enough, and stacked tall and deep, can be very hard. Almost like hitting a brick wall.
Steve Holmes
03-06-2014, 01:36 AM
This is a beauty! The Sprague Motors tow truck has just recovered an inverted VW Combi. Ain't that old truck just beautiful!
Compare this photo to that in Post 23. Its the same forecourt, but now a large corrugated iron tin shed replaces the old church that Ernie had Leo Leonard tear down.
Peter Leversedge
03-06-2014, 04:22 AM
Not all the images in the Sprague Collection are directly related to the families own racing exploits. With this family being so intertwined with New Zealand and, in particular, South Island motorsport, there are a number of images that relate to more general racing events. This photo is from Ruapuna. This is the front straight. Grant has written on the back of the photo: "Ruapuna, Christchurch. Opening?" So, is this the opening event for Ruapuna? The place sure has changed a bit over the years!
Opening day was 24/11/1963
03-06-2014, 10:32 AM
How cool is this! Ernie battles with a couple of wheels as he prepares to unload the Maserati. Tow car looks like a 1938 or '39 Ford. The single axle open trailer oozes character and the ramps are held in place by wire. What a brilliant photo! How much would this car be worth now?
Grant, any idea where this was taken?
I think this may well be at Southbridge, Canterbury, in 1957, where there were 2 race meetings held, in June and December on a fairly rustic 4-mile-odd road circuit with about 1 mile unsealed surface! Probably December I think, the last "road" race held in NZ as distinct from "street" races (round the houses).
Where's his band of helpers, no-one to lug wheels around for him?
03-06-2014, 10:36 AM
Hey! Where's the photo of the 4CLT! Go back to previous Page!
03-06-2014, 10:51 AM
Here is a photo of Ernie's ex Parnell 4CLT in 2011 - please note the two spare wheels are still with the car!
This is a beauty! The Sprague Motors tow truck has just recovered an inverted VW Combi. Ain't that old truck just beautiful!
Compare this photo to that in Post 23. Its the same forecourt, but now a large corrugated iron tin shed replaces the old church that Ernie had Leo Leonard tear down.
I have an idea that this Tow truck is or was in the RUSH collection, I was speaking to Tim Rushs Dad at RUAPUNA about four years ago and he had just driven up from the Timaru area after flying down from Palmy to pick it up where he had purchased it and it had been restored partly from memory and was in a Red shade.
paul lancaster
03-08-2014, 11:26 PM
This is a beauty! The Sprague Motors tow truck has just recovered an inverted VW Combi. Ain't that old truck just beautiful!
Compare this photo to that in Post 23. Its the same forecourt, but now a large corrugated iron tin shed replaces the old church that Ernie had Leo Leonard tear down.
Hey grant, was that tow truck the one that lived at levels for many years, I remember that as a kid
Grant Sprague
03-09-2014, 04:59 AM
Hey grant, was that tow truck the one that lived at levels for many years, I remember that as a kid Yep Paul same one ...... when we were kids at West school I can remember Leo picking us up in the wrecking truck and putting our bikes on the back , I do remember Ernie saying he bought the truck from Tepuke BOP .. & drove it back so that would be the mid to late 5os at a stab in the dark. Hey Paul did u ask Paul about our road trip to heat way in his new sss ????. Nice warm day to day in Tauranga hope you not too cold down there:p
Steve Holmes
03-10-2014, 10:39 PM
OK, not sure why this is in the collection (Grant?) but its of great interest regardless. This is the Stanton Corvette, in one of its many guises, following a big hit. I know Morrie Stanton had a couple of big shunts in this car, one in which it was up-ended, at which time he stepped away from driving. Was this that shunt?
Grant Sprague
03-11-2014, 05:31 PM
OK, not sure why this is in the collection (Grant?) but its of great interest regardless. This is the Stanton Corvette, in one of its many guises, following a big hit. I know Morrie Stanton had a couple of big shunts in this car, one in which it was up-ended, at which time he stepped away from driving. Was this that shunt? I AM not sure Steve, but looks like one of those Timaru street race days
24106Not sure Steve looks like one of those Timaru Street race days
03-11-2014, 07:02 PM
Think you will find that it was Waimate Grant, looks like the white horse on the hillside above the front of the ambulance cab.
Grant Sprague
03-11-2014, 08:09 PM
You little detective Carl well done , I struggled with this , although I can not see the white horse on my PC it is probably correct, I only remember going to Wiamate once as a kid & that was when Ernie towed the Mk 111 down with pumpkin steering it on the end of a tow rope I was beside Pete [Pumkin] on a spare wheel I do remember that , & Jim Palmer or Roly growling at me for wanting their fizz bottles that were not quite empty lol
03-12-2014, 02:29 AM
Think that it might be from around 1964 - 65 as in 1966 it took out Porters shop window on the corner at the end of the front straight. Can recognise Murray Mckissock in the white coat on the left and it looks like Ray Egan on the far right.
John H
03-13-2014, 03:12 AM
OK, not sure why this is in the collection (Grant?) but its of great interest regardless. This is the Stanton Corvette, in one of its many guises, following a big hit. I know Morrie Stanton had a couple of big shunts in this car, one in which it was up-ended, at which time he stepped away from driving. Was this that shunt?
I was on the back straight right opposite this car in a huge prang. I was at the end of the back straight on the old street track at Tauranga as it rode over the rear wheel of David Young’s little Cooper. I can still see in my mind seeing the complete underside of the car as it was launched into the air. Had it not rolled and bounced down the other side of the road it would have been very bad for spectators.
Steve Holmes
03-21-2014, 12:25 AM
OK, this is Ernie with his 1934/35 Alfa P3. He owned this car in the late 1950s, possibly just prior to buying the Maserati in 1957?
03-21-2014, 01:11 AM
Was the Alfa P3 photo taken at the Mairehau track?
Steve Holmes
03-21-2014, 02:25 AM
I'm not sure sorry Bryan, I'm sure someone will be able to post the correct answer.
Steve Holmes
03-21-2014, 02:31 AM
Brilliant image here, which I assume is a publicity shot, either taken for a magazine article or advertising of some kind. Perhaps Todd Motors?
Anyway, thats Ernie on the left, and Leo Leonard on the right. Pictured are two pretty significant Charger race cars. The car in the foreground of Leo's massively successful E49, which dominated the 1972/73 Castrol GTX series. The white car is the 770 which Leo and Ernie shared in the Bensen & Hedges 500 race. I'm pretty certain this is the car they drove in the 1972 race, which finished second to team mates Jim Richards/Rod Coppins after a late pit stop for tyres and brake pads cost them time. If I'm right, and this is the 1972 770, then this is the car that later became the wild Graeme Addis Sports Sedan with the motor in the back.
Grant Sprague
03-21-2014, 04:21 AM
Was the Alfa P3 photo taken at the Mairehau track?Sorry Bryan not certain
Grant Sprague
03-21-2014, 04:25 AM
Brilliant image here, which I assume is a publicity shot, either taken for a magazine article or advertising of some kind. Perhaps Todd Motors?
Anyway, thats Ernie on the left, and Leo Leonard on the right. Pictured are two pretty significant Charger race cars. The car in the foreground of Leo's massively successful E49, which dominated the 1972/73 Castrol GTX series. The white car is the 770 which Leo and Ernie shared in the Bensen & Hedges 500 race. I'm pretty certain this is the car they drove in the 1972 race, which finished second to team mates Jim Richards/Rod Coppins after a late pit stop for tyres and brake pads cost them time. If I'm right, and this is the 1972 770, then this is the car that later became the wild Graeme Addis Sports Sedan with the motor in the back.
24305Im sure the same E49 Gary & Leo shared at Bathurst . .... later sold to Bob Stewart in Tauranga then Gary did the next lot of super car races& winter series in it
03-21-2014, 06:41 AM
Im sure the same E49 Gary & Leo shared at Bathurst . .... later sold to Bob Stewart in Tauranga then Gary did the next lot of super car races& winter series in it
This E49 has lived in Oamaru for many years. I doubt that the owner will ever sell.
03-21-2014, 06:57 AM
Sorry Grant, the E49 in the pic is the first one that Leo ran in NZ from Sept 72, rego GF2018 its the car that held the lap record for every track in NZ and as spinner32 said it has been with the current caretaker in Oamaru since the early 1980's
The E49 which Leo & Gary shared at Bathurst 1973 was actually a VJ model (round headlights) but cams made them change the front sheetmetal to the earlier VH model for the race as a VJ E49 was not holomgated. It was returned to VJ specs immediately following the race as they had to give the borrowed panels back! That Car was with the late Norm Masters at Outram for a lot of years but is now with a collector in Melbourne.
Grant Sprague
03-21-2014, 07:35 AM
Thanks rt6pack.......much appreciated.....good to get the facts .. I was a teen during those yrs .. but was in the thick of it but never really got into the history of events... Gary showed me a pik of the Charger through the dipper when the chassis flexed & sprang the boot open .. that car [orange or red ] was worked on by the team at city Chrysler [darlinghurst] Sydney ......strange now how history goes by.... fantastic info Thanks mate .... ps was talking to Grant Fitzpatric [Tga ford nut] he meet a chap in Nelson that has one of the RT,s ?? I think he also has a Stanton & F5000
03-21-2014, 10:18 AM
I was going to ask if you went with the boys to Bathurst in 73 but I guess you were too young! That one is sunfire yellow colour, Leo's one in the earlier pic is mustard. Was there another E49 that Gary raced (apart from the Bathurst one) that was red/orange if so I'm wondering if the chap in Nelson has that one. It would be Russell Greer in Nelson, I've never seen the car but I know it has a big tank fitted and there was a story about Ernie dealing an E38 which pumpkin took the big tank out of for the car Gary was racing. I might be completely wrong but I wonder if that is the same car
03-22-2014, 09:32 AM
Was the Alfa P3 photo taken at the Mairehau track?
A note from the Graham Vercoe book "Alfa C5006 was sold to Ernie Sprague, who debuted the car at Mairehau in 1957. He didn't like it and had the 4CLT-48 Maserati before the end of the year.
Grant Sprague
03-23-2014, 05:00 AM
Thank Guys ..... rt .. I was just talking to Gary [he phoned from Perth] I should have asked re the colour... & yes Russell Greer would be the man in Nelson & is an electrical man .... Kwaussie no disrespect to Vercoe but a lot of hit & misses in his books might be correct ?
03-23-2014, 08:09 AM
Thank Guys ..... rt .. I was just talking to Gary [he phoned from Perth] I should have asked re the colour... & yes Russell Greer would be the man in Nelson & is an electrical man .... Kwaussie no disrespect to Vercoe but a lot of hit & misses in his books might be correct ?
Russell Greer's electrical business is in Blenheim. As much a part of Nelson, as Tauranga is part of Auckland. LOL
Steve Holmes
03-24-2014, 09:18 PM
Brilliant image here, which I assume is a publicity shot, either taken for a magazine article or advertising of some kind. Perhaps Todd Motors?
Anyway, thats Ernie on the left, and Leo Leonard on the right. Pictured are two pretty significant Charger race cars. The car in the foreground of Leo's massively successful E49, which dominated the 1972/73 Castrol GTX series. The white car is the 770 which Leo and Ernie shared in the Bensen & Hedges 500 race. I'm pretty certain this is the car they drove in the 1972 race, which finished second to team mates Jim Richards/Rod Coppins after a late pit stop for tyres and brake pads cost them time. If I'm right, and this is the 1972 770, then this is the car that later became the wild Graeme Addis Sports Sedan with the motor in the back.
I've only just noticed the E49 is wearing a non-standard front wheel. Looks like it was probably plucked off the 770 just for this photo.
03-25-2014, 02:35 AM
OK, this is Ernie with his 1934/35 Alfa P3. He owned this car in the late 1950s, possibly just prior to buying the Maserati in 1957?
Ron Rutherford at Mairehau in 1953.
Grant Sprague
03-25-2014, 03:21 AM
Ron Rutherford at Mairehau in 1953.
Grant Sprague
03-25-2014, 06:20 AM
Is Ron in the white coat Bryan ? actually looks a bit like him ..... but from left to right is Len Sheed was a house painter in timaru, I went to London with his son , then Gerald Mc Kisick one of the founders of SCCC Then Dad behind the wheel & Larry Voice , he was my Mums younger Brother .......
03-26-2014, 12:44 AM
Hi Grant,
The lower photo is of Ron Rutherford after winning the 1953 Mairehau 150 (from here ( I was trying to see if the photo of your Dad's Alfa was also taken at Mairehau (was it Ron's old car?). - the trees in the background look the same, and the cockpit surround looks the same.
03-26-2014, 02:56 AM
Is Ron in the white coat Bryan ? actually looks a bit like him ..... but from left to right is Len Sheed was a house painter in timaru, I went to London with his son , then Gerald Mc Kisick one of the founders of SCCC Then Dad behind the wheel & Larry Voice , he was my Mums younger Brother .......
A right pack of scoundrel’s and ragbag’s if ever I saw some. Until the day he died I don't think I ever ceased being Gerald McKissock's apprentice
Grant Sprague
03-26-2014, 03:15 AM
Hi Grant,
The lower photo is of Ron Rutherford after winning the 1953 Mairehau 150 (from here ( I was trying to see if the photo of your Dad's Alfa was also taken at Mairehau (was it Ron's old car?). - the trees in the background look the same, and the cockpit surround looks the same.Hi Bryan ..mate I am not sure to be honest .
Milan Fistonic
03-26-2014, 06:57 AM
Hi Grant,
The lower photo is of Ron Rutherford after winning the 1953 Mairehau 150 (from here ( I was trying to see if the photo of your Dad's Alfa was also taken at Mairehau (was it Ron's old car?). - the trees in the background look the same, and the cockpit surround looks the same.
Not Ron Rutherford in the lower photo. That's Ron Roycroft.
03-26-2014, 09:59 PM
Not Ron Rutherford in the lower photo. That's Ron Roycroft.
Oops!:eek: Brain fade (again!) :p
Steve Holmes
03-31-2014, 02:42 AM
Some production racing, with muscle cars to the fore! This is Ernie in his Phase II GTHO, at Timaru. I'm pretty sure thats Brian Crosbie giving chase in the '69 Firebird. Any clues on the Monaro? Rego looks like DI 5133, which could make it Jim Richards?
Grant Sprague
03-31-2014, 10:54 PM
Some production racing, with muscle cars to the fore! This is Ernie in his Phase II GTHO, at Timaru. I'm pretty sure thats Brian Crosbie giving chase in the '69 Firebird. Any clues on the Monaro? Rego looks like DI 5133, which could make it Jim Richards?
24506 Steve I am certain it is Jim.... Think he came 2nd or 3rd to Ralf Emson .. you might have a pik there of them standing on rostrum [levels]
Steve Holmes
04-01-2014, 02:02 AM
Thanks for that Grant, I've gone through some old mags and that rego number does appear to match up with Jim's Monaro. I wonder what became of both the Monaro and the Firebird driven here by Crosbie?
Steve Emson
04-02-2014, 03:00 AM
Hi Grant,
That race that Dad won against your Dad in the GTHO, I was there hanging out the pit board with my Mum doing the timing (One of the very few times she came to a race).
I do not remember the falcon having sign writing on it like in this Photo. It was a bloody good race and my old fella was driving really well getting the XU1 all sideways off that short front straight.
Maybe this is a different race, or maybe my memory of your Dad's car has faded..................... Back then my family were not big Ford fans, and I didn't take too much notice of them.....Ha Ha!
In fact I think we really, really were not Ford fans. That changed many years later. I think there were a few things Dad did not like when I was young, Fords, mag wheels, small steering wheels, sunglasses and car trailers.
He certainly changed over the years. I got him using all of the above.
Let me say this,....your Dad was a fierce competitor, and certainly was extremely hard to beat. Undoubtedly a very talented man, both as a driver and car preparer. If the Sprague family were involved you knew you were in for the fight of you life.
That is how we first met, you know I brought my Fiat down from the North to check you out. As it turns out I should have kept my powder dry............................................Ha! I will remember next time when we return to racing as bloody old farts.
Your family certainly earned many peoples respect.
Regards to you and family,
Steve Holmes
04-02-2014, 03:07 AM
Thats an awesome post Steve!
Grant Sprague
04-02-2014, 04:38 AM
Thanks Steve [E] might I add the same as the Emsons hard to knock off the top rung , As for that weekend at Levels , I am not really sure which meeting it was could have been one prior But do know your Dad won the championship I think at a final at levels , there is a pik some where of Ernie , Ralf , & Jim side by side grinning like you would not believe.
As for the Fiat 128,s we tried hard mate in the finals there was only two that really tried a wee bit harder than the rest , as years went by after you left to go to Oz I got involved with different classes , I still tried pretty hard for results , but like you took a different turn ..ifs & buts & what could have beens, I studied different competitors over the years over lots & lots of races & you never for get the ones that were really good & had hard fought battles you were one of only a couple Steve that I respected as fast , you had a good teacher also.........great to hear from you .... Grant
Steve Holmes
04-07-2014, 12:47 AM
Brilliant image here, which I assume is a publicity shot, either taken for a magazine article or advertising of some kind. Perhaps Todd Motors?
Anyway, thats Ernie on the left, and Leo Leonard on the right. Pictured are two pretty significant Charger race cars. The car in the foreground of Leo's massively successful E49, which dominated the 1972/73 Castrol GTX series. The white car is the 770 which Leo and Ernie shared in the Bensen & Hedges 500 race. I'm pretty certain this is the car they drove in the 1972 race, which finished second to team mates Jim Richards/Rod Coppins after a late pit stop for tyres and brake pads cost them time. If I'm right, and this is the 1972 770, then this is the car that later became the wild Graeme Addis Sports Sedan with the motor in the back.
I had wondered if the white car pictured here was the Charger sold to Graeme Addis, and which became his wild Sports Sedan racer. Graeme kindly emailed me regarding this, as follows:
"I can confirm the 770 picture, with Ernie and Leo, is in fact my ADDIS Charger,
"I can remember having second thoughts about removing the sign writing after buying the car from Todds after the meeting. It was purchased through Wilson Pearce Motors the Chrysler dealers in Waiuku for commercial reasons, but the deal was done at the track ½ an hour after the meeting . Mike Pearce sorted it out.
"That car was never a road car, which is unique".
Grant Sprague
05-28-2014, 01:20 AM
I had an interesting convo last week , a friend of mine bumped into Malcom Fowler [use to own Malcom Fowler Motors in Tauranga ] This Charger or the one before had a connection with Malcom Fowler Motors or the one prior.....I guess Todd Motors owned it [them] but gave them to Ernie & Leo to play with I know the VG 318 v/8 also had Todd motors over it ....... I could always ask Gary or Leo if this was the case ... as I was only about 15 at that present time ...... Thanks Steve ...keep them rolling mate
Steve Holmes
05-28-2014, 02:30 AM
Thanks Grant, great info. Sorry I've not been posting on here much lately, been really busy. But will be adding more pics shortly.
Steve Holmes
06-02-2014, 08:36 PM
Superb shot here capturing the saloon car grid just moments after the start at Wigram during the 1963/64 season. Judging by the lack of bodywork damage on the cars, I'd say this is the first heat, which didn't count for points. On the front row, from left to right are: Paul Fahey (Lotus Cortina), Ernie Sprague (Zephyr MkIII), Ray Archibald (Jaguar MkII), Kerry Grant (Lotus Cortina). Note further back the Sunbeam Alpine. Amazing what used to pass for a saloon car back then!
In this race Grant made a slow getaway, and in trying to make up ground, lost control in the Loop and clobbered Fahey. Both cars were out on the spot. Then, later, Sprague made a final last-gasp effort to overhaul Archibald and put the Zephyr into the hay bales. The results are shown elsewhere in this thread.
All three cars were beaten back into shape, and Grant went on to win the championship race, from Archibald and Sprague.
Grant Sprague
06-09-2014, 11:43 PM
Some production racing, with muscle cars to the fore! This is Ernie in his Phase II GTHO, at Timaru. I'm pretty sure thats Brian Crosbie giving chase in the '69 Firebird. Any clues on the Monaro? Rego looks like DI 5133, which could make it Jim Richards?
24506 Is this that Monaro on the right Jim is driving it here at level.....would be about 1972 ??
06-10-2014, 12:03 AM
Some production racing, with muscle cars to the fore! This is Ernie in his Phase II GTHO, at Timaru. I'm pretty sure thats Brian Crosbie giving chase in the '69 Firebird. Any clues on the Monaro? Rego looks like DI 5133, which could make it Jim Richards?
Monaro is Jim Palmer isn't it?
Grant Sprague
06-10-2014, 12:14 AM
He did race a yellow one remember seeing him race it against Ernie,s 3.8 Jag so that would be a couple or 3 yrs earlier ... Steve did the research on this one & Jim,s car..... the year they also ran GTRXU,s etc in the south .... Some where Steve has a pik of the guys that were here receiving awards from this race being Ralf Emson , Ernie , JR & I think Leo as well ..
06-10-2014, 12:19 AM
He did race a yellow one remember seeing him race it against Ernie,s 3.8 Jag so that would be a couple or 3 yrs earlier ... Steve did the research on this one & Jim,s car..... the year they also ran GTRXU,s etc in the south .... Some where Steve has a pik of the guys that were here receiving awards from this race being Ralf Emson , Ernie , JR & I think Leo as well ..
If you look on the Monaro thread I posted a pic I took of him (Jim Palmer) and Andy Buchanan side by side at Pukekohe.
Grant Sprague
06-10-2014, 03:13 AM
I think Jim also raced an other ??? [so two perhaps]??I think it showed up on Bay Park thread
06-10-2014, 04:38 AM
And judging from Rhys' pics on the Monaro forum, its not that one. However I have seen that number plate somewhere else, will keep looking.
John McKechnie
06-10-2014, 05:45 AM
HT 350 was EK 1374 at B and H support race 1970
06-10-2014, 06:54 PM
John, replied to your PM
Steve Holmes
06-10-2014, 08:33 PM
Re the Monaro, I'm slightly confused myself. The rego number appears to be DI 5133 in the photo I posted earlier giving chase to Ernie in the GTHO. Jim Richards is pictured driving a Monaro with this number in a couple of my old magazines from 1971. Autonews did a feature on the HT Monaro GTS350, and test drove two cars at quite different times, those of Ron Rutherford and Jim Richards.
There are no captions with the photos, so I have to guess a little, but the rego numbers on the two cars are: EK 1374 and DI 5133. There is one photo that shows DI 5133 parked at Ruapuna with Cayton Cars decals all over it, and the Jim Carney Willment twin-cam Escort next to it. Allan Dick, who wrote the feature, said he'd hired Ruapuna for the day to test drive JRs Monaro for the feature, so I have to assume its this car, and the same that appears earlier in this thread chasing Ernie in the GTHO.
Rod Grimwood
06-11-2014, 02:06 AM
Jim Richards also ran Monaro at 'Wiri' drag meeting on new industrial estate. He may have shared it with Jim Palmer but not sure.
Grant Sprague
06-23-2014, 08:49 PM
Re the Monaro, I'm slightly confused myself. The rego number appears to be DI 5133 in the photo I posted earlier giving chase to Ernie in the GTHO. Jim Richards is pictured driving a Monaro with this number in a couple of my old magazines from 1971. Autonews did a feature on the HT Monaro GTS350, and test drove two cars at quite different times, those of Ron Rutherford and Jim Richards.
There are no captions with the photos, so I have to guess a little, but the rego numbers on the two cars are: EK 1374 and DI 5133. There is one photo that shows DI 5133 parked at Ruapuna with Cayton Cars decals all over it, and the Jim Carney Willment twin-cam Escort next to it. Allan Dick, who wrote the feature, said he'd hired Ruapuna for the day to test drive JRs Monaro for the feature, so I have to assume its this car, and the same that appears earlier in this thread chasing Ernie in the GTHO. Steve, I thought it might be worth a mention [re an other road test he did in Ernie,s HO] Ernie was some where around Dunedin probably at his batch in Moeraki. S/C .. he was contacted by Allan , to do a road test in the falcon not sure which mag it was put in now , BUT Allan got in the HO & gave it s...t Ernie was not impressed by it all & was stopped by a cop , not sure on the out come , Ernie always tried hard not to draw attention to mufty or black & white cars ........ Dad told me about this many years later & guess what he was still not happy about it of those guys in that time spand that took things very serious ........ lol
John McKechnie
07-05-2014, 04:50 AM
Talking about the ex Sprague Anglia Fastback here- when Peter Kocis had it in 1970, he had TERMINUS TERROR on the side.
Any one got any info on this?
Jac Mac
07-05-2014, 07:56 AM
Talking about the ex Sprague Anglia Fastback here- when Peter Kocis had it in 1970, he had TERMINUS TERROR on the side.
Any one got any info on this?
Terminus Hotel Redruth, the terror part is open to speculation! If only those old walls could talk!
07-05-2014, 09:10 AM
Terminus Hotel Redruth, the terror part is open to speculation! If only those old walls could talk!
The Doncaster, the Hibernian and the Queens could tell many a story too couldn't they young Mr Sprague.
John McKechnie
07-05-2014, 06:58 PM
So this TERROR wasnt the busty barmaid, bedbugs, a local brew or house special of Toad in Hole then?
Steve Emson
07-07-2014, 12:33 AM
All South Island motorsport people are so naughty.
07-07-2014, 04:00 AM
All South Island motorsport people are so naughty.
Which is why you enjoyed spending so much time with them
Grant Sprague
07-07-2014, 06:41 AM
Which is why you enjoyed spending so much time with them ha ha Steve I saw that one coming .......Steve probably does not remember him & I & John Wolf met up at the Hib hotel in Timaru .....mid 70s cant really remember much what happened that night lol,
John , I don't remember that pub,s name on the Anglia that Pete K bought off Ernie .... But do know [Bucket ] the owner at that time use to look after the boys with sponsor ship with different cars......... LOL Carl yep I was a bit young for the real hey daz . you being a little older would know some other stories....with the others but when I became teen I caught on very quick re what was going on .......became very street wise .... yep I do remember Ernie, Pumpkin & Leo meeting at the said pub on the odd eve for pool , raffles, & beers.....probably where a lot of planning was held...... plus other things :rolleyes::cool::p:confused:
Steve Emson
07-07-2014, 09:35 PM
I might rephrase that.
Main land motorsport nuts are incredibly naughty people! Conversely us, the remainder, were just babies in the woods. Or is that wet behind the ears.
On another subject
Those secret B & H meetings must have been enlightening.
How do we make the brakes last longer than anyone else?
Ah , grass hopper, catch the fly and all will be revealed.
Maybe they had the cone of silence from Maxwell Smart.
Whatever they came up with certainly worked. Timaru is certainly the Area 51 secret skunk works of motorsport.
Us mere mortals never had a chance!
While in Waimate with Carl not so long ago;
Carl; So you would have turned the pistons around in the Datsuns like we were all doing?
Dad & Me; Huh? Geez...............(You know nothing John Snow!)
Grant Sprague
07-07-2014, 10:04 PM
He . He Love it .... I do recall though .... my big brother saying ..the North Islanders think we are a bit behind the times compared to the big smoke .. but yep the south island did produce some clever things , eg the Beggs , Briton bike etc .. As for brakes I do know one thing for sure , we did have the quickest brake pad change ... I witnessed the tools being made to do just that , or was it [Grass hopper ... Be gentle on the pedal] I should re phrase last:):p:confused: this was a pub where lots of talent hung around not so much other things was a good place for that for teenage boys ??;)to do a bit of u know what ....... back to B&H while most were using G clamps etc & pump up jacks ........all were a matter of choice for the teams ....... Steve , winter has set in bloody cold 11 deg in Tga that means probably 1 in Timaru for Carl lol, Gold Coast min 6 high 21......Think Steve is in the correct place ..
07-08-2014, 12:51 AM
Grant was 4 degrees here at Yandina on the Sunshine Coast at 8am, still 14 at 11.50.
Steve Emson
07-08-2014, 02:44 AM
[QUOTE=Grant Sprague;41960]He . He Love it .... I do recall though .... my big brother saying ..the North Islanders think we are a bit behind the times compared to the big smoke .. but yep the south island did produce some clever things
Yes, the NI competitors all thought you were an inbred bunch of toothless cousins, wait a minute, that is the bros in the swamp in Florida.
Mainlanders,..............Ah yes, a bunch of very clever, talented individuals. The striking thing was how well we were treated when we came down to visit. Always helpful and very friendly. Lots of funny stories from our visits, and certainly many good times were had.
Grant, for the record I do remember drinking with you and John Woolf and also Grant Whittaker and another friend of theirs, Mark.
We were all camping together in Alan Woolf's camper trailer towed by the mighty Triumph Vitesse.
That was a great holiday, camping, racing and most everything together.
You may not remember what we talked about, but I do,...................................Ha Ha. Put $10,000 in a brown paper bag and leave it were I know were it is, and I will not tell!
A couple of things i remember from that trip. As you know i drove my 128 down to the SI especially to race you and find out how quick you were. Just before the meeting in Timaru (i think) i went through a police radar with all the boys on board. They told me not to stop as I would be put in goal. I didn't. At practice and then the race meeting i was sure they would come for me. Every time they mentioned my name over the loud speaker system I thought they would be tapping me on the back any second.
The other funny thing was on the way home. we got off the boat in Wellington very late. We were driving down the motorway when we got pulled over by the Police for not having tail lights working on the Vitesse and trailer.
They told us to not go any further. They said you will have to stay the night. We said where?
They pointed to the grass verge next to the motorway.
So next morning there was 2 fully sign written race cars and a pop up camper fully set up, as the commuters all went by on their way to work. We ate our breakfast and watched them all go by...........................
Quite funny.
You probably already know that John & Grant went on to do rallying. I think i had already started rallying before them. I remember then driving down to Baypark were I was racing to show me their new toy. An ex Rod Millen RX3 Mazda. I had to go out to the car park to view it, as they were so excited by it.
As it turned out that car broke my windscreen in a Marlboro rally in the SI later. John had caught the car in front and I had caught them both. It was a long 5th gear straight and we would have been doing 110mph maybe, and I was determined to pass my mad mates.(Bragging rights) I tried to pass them, but they were throwing huge rocks all over my car. Then the windscreen broke and we were blinded until we smashed it out.
John & Grant went on to become big players in NZ rallying. All i ever heard from them was, Steve, get a Mazda, get a Mazda!
Then of course they went to the USA and were doing exceptionally well.
The last time i saw them was at John's wedding to Carol. Carol knew my wife, as they went to school together. At the wedding they came over to my table and we spend hours talking about rallying. They wanted me to come over to the USA and stay with them. They thought that Rod (Millen), them and I could really kick some American butt.
Of course I got a phone call from my Mum one afternoon, that changed everything.....forever.
They were fantastic guys, always laughing and having fun. I drove with John on 2 occasions in the B & H races.
So, some of the memories of the SI good times involve people who are no longer with us. Of course we all know what that is like.
lets hope we have many more good times to come!
Grant Sprague
07-08-2014, 06:16 AM
Thank you Steve...... I meet John once or twice a really nice guy ...we are going back 40 years [shit are we that old ha ha lol ] though so not sure about a lot , re the 128,s I recall Ernie saying , drive the car to NI & when you get to the Ferry explain you have no money [& I did not true story....] tyres came from wrecking yards or left overs [one caught me out ] I met two really good chaps that worked on the boats Nick Nicholson & Alex McKenzie...... still remember their names oddly enough .. any way I turned the key off & said I can not start it they pushed me to the side & said .... WAIT THERE..[Littleton] or [Picton] ... I waited & waited some how we got the car on board with out paying ...... pushing on... cant really remember lol.... Soooo they said please come down for a drink to our mess lol , I THOUGHT ??what!!!!! any way down I went to the worker,s bar [crews] or what ever it was I had a quick scan ....nup all old girls ....... had a beer & went .....the rest is history . You know Steve I do hope we meet up one day .... I see a few mates in Gold Coast from time to time one day we will connect perhaps a swim in the surf, a cold beer , or burn some rubber ..but time moving quick ....Kind regards always .. Grant [this could have been a road trip story lol ]
07-08-2014, 08:44 PM
Pity we don't have long distance races like we used too. Easiest way to get brakes to last Steve was not to use them until you have to........
Reverting to rallying, when I came back south and was running the Group One RX3 and Barry Robinson was running his Viva GT both had very small brakes that overheated very quickly, Barry being Barry used the theory that a locked wheel never generated heat and that he was wearing his tyres out anyway. Both cars had about 6 good stops in an event before the brakes went so you had to make them count.
John & Grant, still think of them quite often, they were good buggers, we were pretty close to going over there around that time too and their accident saw a lot of pressure come on from two sets of Grandparents for us to remain in NZ
Grant Sprague
07-29-2014, 08:04 AM
Pity we don't have long distance races like we used too. Easiest way to get brakes to last Steve was not to use them until you have to........
Reverting to rallying, when I came back south and was running the Group One RX3 and Barry Robinson was running his Viva GT both had very small brakes that overheated very quickly, Barry being Barry used the theory that a locked wheel never generated heat and that he was wearing his tyres out anyway. Both cars had about 6 good stops in an event before the brakes went so you had to make them count.
John & Grant, still think of them quite often, they were good buggers, we were pretty close to going over there around that time too and their accident saw a lot of pressure come on from two sets of Grandparents for us to remain in NZ Carl Re G clamps ...these were not to stop the brake pressure to front worn out brake pads & destroying discs....after 4 or 5 hrs racing ......the G clamp some people used were to SLOWLY push the piston back in the caliper [calipers]. and fit new brake pads .... they... most of used that .....Ernie used the impact gun with a clutch thrust bearing to do that in a few seconds.......quick pit stop that two or three times in 6 hrs give perhaps 2 laps lead.......... lol nothing has changed .......
08-28-2014, 11:33 AM
Gary at Levin
08-28-2014, 11:35 AM
Same attack chasing Roger Anderson
11-10-2014, 06:24 AM
Grant has given me a stack of photos from his photo albums so I am going to put them up and he can add further information to explain the what and when of each one.
Ernie inspecting an MER sports car
The family tent on the embankment at Baypark
Grant and Alby getting prepared for a Wellington street race
Grant holding aloft the spoils of victory
11-10-2014, 07:04 AM
Here are some more to look over
Ernie in the Alfa P3
Ernie in the Maserati 4 CLT
Ernie on the front row at Teretonga
Ernie with his replica Mk III Zephyr
11-10-2014, 07:35 AM
Took these photos of an M.E.R at the McLaren festival, Hampton Downes. Not sure if it is the same car.
Grant Sprague
11-10-2014, 05:43 PM
Re MER this I owned for about 20 years sold it to a chap up north .. I fitted a 1340 split webber engine from a mini that I use to hill climb & do club events.. this was taken inside a shed from a car yard I use to work out of at rear of property on Cameron Rd Tga , one of Dad,s visits up north you can see he is interested... I bought this off local racer & friend Murray Nicholson
11-10-2014, 06:20 PM
There is only one of the MER like that, and still owned by the "guy up north" that Grant sold it to. Rarely used, and it's not me :)
Grant Sprague
11-10-2014, 06:33 PM
Old Fart....... Angus wanted to buy this off me but I think he realised he had too much on his plate ....... I will add to other piks later
Grant Sprague
11-11-2014, 06:31 AM
Tent pik is the famous embankment ...... Alby Collier ..[-.great mate] always had the tent we would put it up on practice day .....provided we were not racing .. you can see Ernie there me with cap with one of the local girls great times .. our tent was always full of motor racing nuts lol..... ... The two of us standing at Wellington Street circuit [team mates ] was again Alby & I, using the glass of his ute to use as a mirror putting on sun screen before our practice or first race , this was an other north v south gathering of pre 65 cars was a great weekend until I knocked the kill switch while leading ...s....t happens. ifs buts lol all good fun
Grant Sprague
11-11-2014, 06:43 AM
Holding a Taupo old circuit...... end of season was yet an other ..hard fought year in v8 class against good friend Dean Perkins , Alby, Ronny Zandvort , Billy Mckinnen George Shewery etc etc ..end of 2nd race decider for this championship ..neck & neck every meeting in the v8 one gave an inch not an 1/8th lol .
11-12-2014, 02:10 AM
Here are some more photos from the album
Cutting the cake at the South Canterbury Car Club 25th anniversary
Ernie and Molly with motor racing friend
351 Falcon as a road car
Grant and Mustang with another trophy.
Grant Sprague
11-12-2014, 03:08 AM
Photo Of Molly & Ernie at Timaru home with good mate Mike Hill he is the guy that helped with the SCANZ car , this was a trip to levels one of many trips home .. xmas meeting early 90,s
Steve Holmes
11-13-2014, 06:21 AM
Ernie on the front row at Teretonga
I love this photo! Whose is the beautiful looking '69 Firebird? Is that Brian Crosbie?
Grant Sprague
11-13-2014, 07:06 AM
Steve that is Brian in the firebird ..... to the right is Leo the car they had just won the B&H in .......beaut photo .. Hey Steve Mike & I would like to add some piks never seen here you have them down there , when you get time we would love to re group them & ad a few more ..... Thank mate Grant
11-13-2014, 08:15 AM
Great photo, never seen that one before.
Just had a look at Teretonga 25 and the only race date for the front trio was 31/10/70.
Times for grid positions....
L. Leonard 1.22.1
E. Sprague 1.22.5
B. Crosbie 1.22.6
J. Kennedy 1.23.6
R. Empson 1.25.1
I think that R. Homewood Cortina GTE is two behind Ralph Empson!
Grant Sprague
11-13-2014, 07:09 PM
Any one notice the rear of the VIP bonnet:cool: lol
11-14-2014, 04:32 AM
Here are some more of Grants photos.
Grant and Alby off the grid at Pukekohe And a trick cylinder head from the Anglia.
Mk I Cortina at Levels
Grant Sprague
11-14-2014, 06:48 AM
opps Did not mean to put the one of Kylie & I here as it was a few photos thrown at my good friend Mike as we were in a race [Mans Cave] last week & past them to Mike in a rush &asked PLEASE put these on the link rush rush rush [That's me ]..but guess its ok ......Kylie Is my beautiful wife so this was taken a about 150 years ago ..pretty then & still pretty ........ as for the other piks we will pick through them later ............... ANY questions are welcome NO BIGGY
John McKechnie
11-14-2014, 09:38 AM
Leo used to run a 1500 Crusader, is that him next to the Cortina?
Grant, I tried to pm you a number of times a couple of months back but your post box was always full, your lady Kylie looked after my brother Clive's funeral in Tauranga in July. She's a ripper, very genuine and couldn't have been more helpful, even drove the hearse (a Ford as well!). Our family was very grateful for her work, please pass on our thanks.
Grant Ellwood
11-14-2014, 12:58 PM
Grant, was that semi-down draught Weber set-up (post 127) made in NZ? Looks great!
Grant Sprague
11-14-2014, 05:20 PM
Thank guys...... firstly..... Yes that is Leo next to Ernie ...on far side I think Ron McPhail........ the red mk one was bought as a burnt out wreck Dad & his mates turned it into a race car....... soon sold it then came the fast back Anglia.........GD66 sorry about post box I need to learn how to empty e mail free to make contact mate .. as for my Darling wife yes Kylie is very well respected in Tauranga & is a great asset to the place she works for, but getting tired of it as very draining emotionally......not only is she a fantastic funeral director she is a great mum & wife... I will pass that on thank you GD66...... Grant E that cylinder head was bought off our great mate [Mr FORD] Grant Fitzpatrick......[a meaty head] Kevin Bann [now part owner kelford cams] built that head , it was hard to keep together with little leaks here & there but when it worked it was good , I reverted back to normal head after a few races
Grant Sprague
11-15-2014, 06:07 AM
Kinect with a small k........... kinect :confused:
Rod Grimwood
11-16-2014, 12:10 AM
Any one notice the rear of the VIP bonnet:cool: lol
Theres that little 'trick' again Grant
Grant Sprague
11-16-2014, 05:05 AM
Ha ha Rod [hope u ok bro ??] as for the air pressure release .... Bruce Mc cut holes in front of bonnet, Ernie [& a few Auckland boys] lifted the rear of bonnet :cool:.....I love physics.... Dad,s fathe,s his name was Newton Sprague thats another story ..but a good one
Grant Sprague
11-16-2014, 05:10 AM
Ha ha Rod [hope u ok bro ??] as for the air pressure release .... Bruce Mc cut holes in front of bonnet, Ernie [& a few Auckland boys] lifted the rear of bonnet :cool:
Rod Grimwood
11-17-2014, 02:16 AM
Will get there Grant. Snuck onto computor for quick look at Roaringseason, looks like a bit to read and catch up on.
Now 'Newton', that starts to explain a few things cobber.
Also giggle at 'tent' at Bay Park.
11-27-2014, 01:13 AM
Here are a few more photos from Grant's photo album.
A young Grant with Mk II Escort taken at Teretonga in February 1981
Teaming up with Aaron Harris at Pukekohe in November 1999
A couple more taken at Pukekohe in Nov 99
Another shot of that great Mustang at the NZ Trans Tasman 1999
Grant Sprague
11-27-2014, 11:10 PM
Thank you Mike for adding these, Aaron Harris {BMW} is a good young man & was good to team up with him as we were same build & weight, he had just won the mazda series & his Dad Rex & him got this car [ex Craig Baird] off Lyall what they did not know was the shocks were screwed up to hard & was a damn hand full through the right hander [turn one ]it would skip out to the grass one photo here does not show it that well but two wheel in the air an other with four with air under them I will see if I can locate it , had the shocks been tuned more I recon we would have had an easier drive , I tested the car at manfield the car was good through flat turns & no bumps my job was to co drive & not get involved in set up made that easy for me as left that to Aaron & Rex , we entered the car at Puke under my sponsors name Supply Services ......was a big field , I think by memory we finished 5th or 6th out right no match for Craig & Jas in the later newer spec BMWs half way through the race it rained hard only to catch out the quicker v 8s.....which helped us up the leader board..we had this car booked to do the 2000cc 2500cc class at bathurst [not the big bathurst race] the organizer pulled the pin with a month to go........
Grant Sprague
11-28-2014, 07:58 AM
The pre 65 Mustang was a gem of a car I was blessed to have had the full package did not start out that way though , hard work like most of you know get you results , it was a mid field car pretty basic from the SI I bought it after I was prodded in the neck from Tim Prentice [supply services] to up my anti promised by support..we rebuilt the car to make it work better re stopping , turning ,weight horse power etc etc BUT ... I felt bad after we blew up our first new roller engine at manfeild while leading race two all of a sudden I thought s....t now what ..most of you have been there done that but in those days a good 289 with pre historic rules mods to get hp cost between 25 & 40k.was ridiculous .. with the Mallory metal used to do an internal crank balance etc could have bought a steel crank , solving issues the v8s were having [not to mention the feeble 289 block [casting ].. we were reving the poor little thing to 7800 in all gears .to get speed & lap times needed for champion ships & keep sponsors happy .....but the block & cranks were not up to speed , NOW they have seen the light and use different cranks & blocks the day I ran[ the then committee] were not interested in listening the problem thank god for the mustangs etc to day they run different blocks & cranks .a bit late at waking up.......the car after a few years went back to the south island ..........
12-01-2014, 09:04 PM
Here are some more photos from the Sprague family albums
Grant and Albi in close formation at Manfield
Ernie in the Mk III replica at Levels 1988
Ernie in the original Mk III with Kerry Grant at Levin
Ray Archibald, Ernie and Ian Dow (?) at Ruapuna
Ernie and Ray hard at it - hairpin Ruapuna
Ernie at Teretonga 1967
Grant Sprague
12-02-2014, 05:34 PM
Thank you Mike.... you can see the early developement of the rep MK3 with a big lean on .......I am sure the car is in the north island , does any one know of its where abouts please.... I think it would be great to see it at H D in Jan
12-02-2014, 08:04 PM
Hi Grant, It is in the ownership of Keith Tunnicliffe here in Feilding. Not sure of his plans but I can wander down to his favourite watering hole on Friday night and ask if he is planning to go to HD. Cheers, Bruce
Grant Sprague
12-02-2014, 08:30 PM
Thank you Bruce ........ Dale was wanting a few of us with connections to a bit of history on old prominent cars [they dont need to be driven just displayed is ok ] & some history of family to do a bit of a draw card to connect this with the public ....... I will keep you posted thank again ... Grant
12-02-2014, 08:36 PM
I will have a chat with him on Friday night and come back to you Grant. That sounds like a good idea of Dale's.....anything to interest the punters and display history is good for the cause. Cheers..
12-04-2014, 02:57 AM
Here are a couple more photos. I have some more to scan yet.
Ernie and Leo at Levels.
Erne in the 4 CLT at Wigram
Grant Sprague
12-04-2014, 04:02 AM
Thank you Mike ........... these old racing cars [2 of Ernies the P3 & 4CLT] are now worth muilty Millions ........ some one asked Dad , "how do you feel knowing what you had are worth a fortune" Dad,s reply with a grin said; "if you keep looking back you get a sore neck".....[dont live in the past ]....good message in this ...... for a wise man to ponder my view these are just cars [THINGS] just enjoy the ride & have fun roof racks or tow balls on the hearse :D
12-04-2014, 07:14 AM
Some more for the collection.
Grant hill climbing the Anglia
Grant in his Escort Sports
Jamie, Grant and Lester at Taupo 1987
Gary in a Fiat 125T at Levin - really got some attitude going
Ernie and Gary with the Mk IV Zodiac - race winners
Grant Sprague
12-04-2014, 08:45 AM
The Anglia was at a south island hill climb my car was called the road runner.....had alloy panels for this climb , I was 17 & just bought new webbers off Dennis Marwood , the car was a little rocket.. [well seemed like it lol]
Escort Sport series........started off MMmmm a learning curve.......but learnt quick as the guys in front were more street wise ....soon got my s..t to gether
& joined the ranks they called this series the $10,000 stock car series.....if you did not give a hit back you were doomed ..I was not doomed lol
Scanz .... following the master of sports cars...Jamie the man
Gary doing what he does best ........I think this was a long distance race at Levin teamed with Barry Cottle & won this race those days with [nz homolagted] cars it was pretty big time was part of the B&H series
Dad & big Brother at Puke .........with a grin ..was not easy fronting up to the big boys like Giltrap etc ..Ernie was never phased is an illusion [maya] ?? but it helps to balance the package ....... I often recall people saying oh "they win because they have more money" lol , I thought geeeeee wake up........the tall poppy word became a house hold name & the green eyed monster was looking up lol :rolleyes:
12-05-2014, 03:42 AM
Love that pic of the Zephyr at Levin Grant! Looks like a Jack Inwood job.? I have a large photo of it at Levin on my den wall.I'm sure the same race and and about the same place on the track, as the same dent on the rear panel is there.I have also always wondered if the car had the same gear set up as the road car ie steering column or floor change.The engine must have been modified somewhat too?
12-05-2014, 03:47 AM
A few more photos.
Molly modelling the latest Citroen
Grant after a session behind the wheel.
The Saker Tull built by Bruce Turnbull
Pre-65 field at Taupo
Grant being hounded by Dean Perkins at Taupo
Grant and Albi in close formation at Taupo
Grant Sprague
12-05-2014, 08:33 AM
Hilstwist.....I would say the steering in those days were hit & miss....more of a hit ...heavy oil in shocks cut down springs & double sway bars .. I was only 10 here re this pik , Jack's photo is very sharp a very clean one at that ....... if you look close Kerrie had a little over steer ...the Hillman way back is going side ways as it is entering this corner .... Ernie,s car has got the right attitude like 100% for those days for the steering ... I recall very basic .......but floor change jag gear box 4 speed floor change I recall engine had plenty of hp for it,s day
12-10-2014, 03:40 AM
some more from the albums
Grant leading Angus at Wellington
Grant hill climbing the XU-1 at Craigmore
Grant in the XU-1
Racing the Fiat in the GTX Championship 1974
Another shot of the Fiat
Grant Sprague
12-10-2014, 08:27 AM
These were great little cars ....Steve Emson being the North Island man me the South ....only probs were the odd head gasket [over heating] or syncros due to fast changing ....... nothing has really changed ..same rules still apply ............the trick was to have lose seat belts ....move over the other side [automatic corner weights]....I see some piks of Steve leaning same way lol
Grant Sprague
12-10-2014, 06:30 PM
If you you did not lean over the other side....the car would fall over as mine did & Steve,s just about did.........:rolleyes:
Rod Grimwood
12-11-2014, 03:53 AM
If you you did not lean over the other side....the car would fall over as mine did & Steve,s just about did.........:rolleyes:
Designed for right hand tracks Grant, be good at Manfield, Puke, gee amazing how many left hand track when you get into them.
12-11-2014, 03:58 AM
Probably being driven not quite as designed :cool:
Steve Emson
12-16-2014, 02:57 AM
If you you did not lean over the other side....the car would fall over as mine did & Steve,s just about did.........:rolleyes:
I guess you mean these photos.
I think it is fair to say that you and me Grant were the two quickest drivers in these cars. With all the lap records we held between us that kind of backs that up.
I put that down to our extremely quick fathers we both hung around as kids. Monkey see monkey do!
Oh,................we never had any head gasket problems, you must have planned the s&^% out of yours
Ha Ha!
12-16-2014, 07:08 AM
yet some more photos
Gary in an E49 Charger
Gary in the Twincam Escort
Gary in the Matich workshop
Grants eulogy to Ernie
A couple of Ernie's great cars
Grant Sprague
12-16-2014, 07:51 AM
lol Steve.... I do recall an issue of over heating at Teretonga.......... a head gasket was replaced & off to Levin we went ....only to find out after we practiced & raced [dnf,s] Ernie was not happy , the temp gauge went off the dial only to find out it was a radiator , that's probably the reason ....ummmm did you blow a head gasket at Manfeild ....might have been the Datsun 1600 but did read that some where hehehheheeh....... was over at the mount last week what did I see parked out side a wrecking yard on display A FIAT128 lol , I thought of you right away....they look so pre historic but yes we extracted the best out of them they just reved & never really broke .....golden years eh Steve..............., I have a couple of friends in historic muscle cars trying to entice me back in ,me like you had support from friends etc those have now moved on so would find it very testing to find the time to do it properly not to mention finding the other support $$ the only way to do it is to do it properly ....
Steve Emson
12-17-2014, 01:24 AM
I read that somewhere also, however do not remember it. It would have been a Datsun 1200 coupe which was 1300cc and racing against Dennis Marwood who had a 120Y. Those were very quick cars, you would have enjoyed them. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Regards to all,
Grant Sprague
12-17-2014, 05:59 AM
Thank you Steve , same back to you & yr lovely family...........if u are up for a race we can meet at surfers and body surf down a few waves say best out of three........2015 ?????? winner buys a beer or 4 .....merry xmas
Grant Sprague
01-01-2015, 01:03 AM
Just re reading some stuff on PC...... Steve mentioned the quick Datsun would this be the one as yr profile pik...on two wheels ????........ might have mentioned some time ago never saw you racing this or yr Pacific car as out of country ....would be great to see some photos of them both ...did see some a while ago on different links .....Re the Datsun [ Nissan] I guess reg Cook came along after he seemed to be quick also ....but like you weighed as a lite weight ........[power to weight ]
was at the front most of the time like the Emsons ................. have a fanastic 2015 Steve & every one here
Rod Grimwood
01-01-2015, 01:17 AM
If I remember right, Steve came along and put uncle Reg in place.
Grant Sprague
01-01-2015, 01:23 AM
He he ...... yep I could see that happening .........Hey Rod hope u good mate see you about 3 weeks .....
Rod Grimwood
01-01-2015, 07:40 AM
Plumbing should be out in 2 weeks. Mate, I am that positive I have packed my sleeping bag for Hampton
Grant Sprague
01-01-2015, 07:54 AM
Chud is taking big camper up , u can crash with him just take yr sleeping bag & 5 doz sleeping pils beer will not do it [ lol snooooooring ] I will catch you 2nd week & stay at Rangiriri Pub about 30 mins south of there .....out of ear shot of the .... snoooooring the bantering he he
Rod Grimwood
01-01-2015, 08:43 AM
There is a good group that camp there and last year we had a great catch up with the boys. Parkes and his crew held court last year so Chuddly will make it more interesting.
khyndart in CA
06-30-2015, 09:12 PM
I had the pleasure of finally meeting with Grant Sprague on our brief trip to NZ. Grant made the time to share some articles on the family and although they are reproduced from photos I took of the original pages, it gives an idea of that era in NZ racing. I am not sure of the date but I think it was about 1970 when this wonderful photo at Levels Raceway was published.
Grant, thanks for sharing these, we enjoyed meeting you and wished we had had more time. As Judy said you seemed too nice to be a race driver..what ever that means !
( Ken Hyndman )
Grant Sprague
07-01-2015, 05:54 AM
Thank you Ken .... the old news paper cutting getting a bit old ..[yr camera up to speed]..these guys were way up there , among others, a young looking four ..........Hi to Judy ....things change when the hard had goes on lol other wise we would not be serious & racing to be up the pointy end .......
khyndart in CA
07-02-2015, 03:21 AM
Another of the Sprague family business.
I need help in dating this..could it be 1969-1970 ?
My input does not do it justice but here it is. Very cool. Note the makes that Ernie sold. He never seemed to be afraid of a challenge !
( Ken Hyndman )
Noo Noo
07-02-2015, 05:38 AM
Another of the Sprague family business.
I need help in dating this..could it be 1969-1970 ?
My input does not do it justice but here it is. Very cool. Note the makes that Ernie sold. He never seemed to be afraid of a challenge !
( Ken Hyndman )
From my B&H programmes : in 1968 Ernie and Gary Sprague were in a Mk4 Zephyr entered by Lyons Motors Ltd
in 1969 Ernie and Leo Leonard were in a Victor 3.3 entered by Leonard Sprague Racing
in 1970 Ernie and Leo were in a Valiant VIP entered by Hepburn Motors Ltd
David Hunter
khyndart in CA
07-03-2015, 03:17 AM
As Gary Sprague was close to my age I always admired the way he could keep his car under control as the tail always seemed to be hanging out. This scrapbook cutting from a race at Baypark 1969-70 in his Escort TC is a great illustration of this.
(Ken Hyndman )
Steve Emson
07-15-2015, 07:44 AM
Hi Grant,
Sorry i have only just seen your post. I do have alot of photos of my Shellsport Datsun B110 coupe, however would not want to post them on this thread as this is about your family. That is a great shot of our Dads together after that long distance series.
if you are interested and seeing you have asked about it, I won the shellsport championship 2 years in a row. Reg Cook was the reining champion at this time and was the man to beat. We built my car from whatever parts we could get and never moved the engine back and all the other tweeks that he did. Fortunately we started winning and breaking all his lap records and taking the poles etc.
I was leading the championship from the second meeting we ran with a brand new unsorted car. Datsun then brought out the Cherry for Reg Cook to drive which was a full on factory deal, complete with the Japanese competition manager.
This car/driver combination could not run with my car at all. They then put Robbie Francevic in Cooks old car and ran as a two car team. Robbies job was to stop me winning the championship against the Quasi factory team. He was quite open about this to me and freely spoke about it as long as nobody else was around to hear.
They still couldn't stop me from winning, and things got pretty intense. A funny thing happened at Manfeild. In private practice i went quick, way under the record, and 'they' were in the stands timing me. Not long after one of the drivers came to me and told me I was a very silly boy. he said you should not have shown us how fast you are as we know we cannot do those times. He said we are going to take the fuel injected, dry sump works motor out of the cherry and put it into the coupe so Reg can beat you. They worked all night and did exactly that. The Schick car was bloody quick with that engine. I won again. In the last race of the season I was told they would take me out and i would not finish the race. And that is exactly what they did. Robbie was pushing me from the inside and Reg caught us up while we were locked together and hit me from the other side. My car was lifted into the air and my tyre valve was cut off on the right front. This was at the end of the back straight at Baypark. (We were seriously honkin at this point). I was out of that race.
I won the second (final)race easily. We all ended up in court, and the judge found Reg Cook quilty and was penalised and Robbie Francevic was reprimanded for their on track behaviour. I still have the summary of the Judge, and he makes no bones about it.
The second season Reg Cook did everything he could to beat me in the Cherry, but couldn't.
This all happened along time ago, but was an amazing thing to live through.
My little car was fantastic fun to drive, even if it wanted to run with opposite lock on and jumping up onto 2 wheels. You would have loved it. They were very quick in their day.
My best to you and your family.
Again, love the shot of our two Dads, and the master JR.
Grant Sprague
07-17-2015, 12:47 AM
Steve.... what an interesting read....... or course unfortunately I never saw u drive that nissan but I can very well imagine what you would have been up against .seen it all before it takes the fun out of it when people sling shit like that .so the way to deal to it is the way you went about it had the woow factor Steve no two ways about it .......a shame you did not have a competitive.. pacific car too ......... as you know I left for UK when u & I finished GTX looking back it was still the right move as far as lifes experiences go ....... hey we had some fun eh............. I am getting my second wind & would love to do some more feel very confident might be historics who knows least we have been there done that lol............. & the best to yrs my friend ............ Grant
07-17-2015, 03:43 AM
I recently found this photo and am hoping that Grant can explain to us all just what is going on here. I believe that the "Sprague' is Gary and not Grant so do tell.
Grant Sprague
07-17-2015, 07:01 AM
Ok ...well I should have phoned Gary first as to get story correct ...........I think this is how it goes .... Graeme I think recently became world champ TT Isle of Man ..... Gary was one of those drivers that had great record. finishing up front not wrecking gear . so they were both chosen to drive the 2nd car owned by Graeme Bowkett & Kent Baigent these cars were fast in the day [Nissan skyline turbos] , my understanding is Gary & Graeme were first Kiwis home that year but I might be wrong for the guy on the roof lol not sure about that but will find out ........Mike thank you for this ... I would love to find the piks of big Brother at Bathurst [4] cars ...Gary did not collect photos
Grant Sprague
07-17-2015, 08:42 AM
Ok ...well I should have phoned Gary first as to get story correct ...[WELLINGTON]........I think this is how it goes .... Graeme I think recently became world champ TT Isle of Man ..... Gary was one of those drivers that had great record. finishing up front not wrecking gear . so they were both chosen to drive the 2nd car owned by Graeme Bowkett & Kent Baigent these cars were fast in the day [Nissan skyline turbos] , my understanding is Gary & Graeme were first Kiwis home that year but I might be wrong for the guy on the roof lol not sure about that but will find out ........Mike thank you for this ... I would love to find the piks of big Brother at Bathurst [4] cars ...Gary did not collect photos WELLINGTON
07-17-2015, 11:36 PM
This one is on ebay atm
07-18-2015, 02:47 AM
That is a great photo of two very fast drivers.
Grant Sprague
07-18-2015, 04:37 AM
Thank you Bry....... [& mike] great to get this photo up here 1 down 3 to go .......there were two more drives [Re Gary] in the v 8 falcons ... with Warren Cullen ... an other in E49 with Leo ..........these were grass root days walking in an un known desert with no water .......never afraid of snakes or spiders sponsors front up with your ability & give it a go....that's real stuff....
07-18-2015, 10:03 AM
Katcode 3 make a nifty model
07-18-2015, 10:48 AM
07-23-2015, 12:44 AM
I came across this one - Bathurst 1973..Half a Valiant!
Grant Sprague
07-23-2015, 02:03 AM
I came across this one - Bathurst 1973..Half a Valiant! lol ... Hey Bry thanks for finding at least half a car , I do know Gary had one of this car [photo] going through the Dipper & the boot lid sprung open ... but hey this is cool thanks again looks like big brother driving here ....... Grant
07-23-2015, 03:53 AM
lol ... Hey Bry thanks for finding at least half a car , I do know Gary had one of this car [photo] going through the Dipper & the boot lid sprung open ... but hey this is cool thanks again looks like big brother driving here ....... Grant
there seem to be a lot of photos on the autopics web site. Is the photo of the dipper/boot this one?
A beauty ! Certainly pressing on...
Grant Sprague
07-23-2015, 06:15 AM
Well Bry amazing you found this ....... I had seen a similar photo...this car was prepared in darlinghurst Sydney by ernie & Leo and local Crysler people .... ....not sure what the deal was but the car I think is the south island or was recently sold & back in Aussi will catch up with Leo in a few months will find out more .... or just ask Gary .....this car is the one Gary did the winter series in . late 70,s ..and then belonged to Bob Stewart.. a family friend .....a good southern man
Terry S
07-24-2015, 04:57 AM
Well Bry amazing you found this ....... I had seen a similar photo...this car was prepared in darlinghurst Sydney by ernie & Leo and local Crysler people .... ....not sure what the deal was but the car I think is the south island or was recently sold & back in Aussi will catch up with Leo in a few months will find out more .... or just ask Gary .....this car is the one Gary did the winter series in . late 70,s ..and then belonged to Bob Stewart.. a family friend .....a good southern man
Grant, your mention of car being prepared by Chrysler people in Darlinghurst makes me think it may have been at HARDEN & JOHNSTON. They advertised as biggest Chrysler distributor in Australia. There Service Dept was in Darlinghurst Rd near Kings Cross. My father had his Chryslers and Dodges serviced there and to a young fella it seemed enormous.
Their new car showroom was very big and on the corner of Anzac Pde and South Dowling St. I remember my father buying a new 1957 Chrysler Royal from there, the first car sold in Australia with automatic transmission.
Sydneysiders may remember these Anzac Pde premises.
See the attached for interest:,6901726&hl=en
For interest if you move across to the left beyond the bottom of the ad there is an article on the start of some Sydney dealers, which may be on interest.
Grant Sprague
07-24-2015, 06:37 AM
Thank you Terry , I remember the place was called CITY CRYSLER in Darlinghurst.... I arrived there [ Sydney ] as a teen 100% bullet proof & ended up working there with an other kiwi mate then [bondi here we come ] , this was when the 340 chargers were outlawed ...for Bathurst this time Dad, Leo & Gary had been there done that in the E49 plus I think Leo in the 3 speed E38 a year or two before that , oddly enough I was close to Darlinghurst last week on a family holiday ....... interesting stuff ...... we got the job there mainly because of the connection , so many jobs were available in those days for boys that wanted to work . then for Mr Matich over in the shore . hey Terry a bit off the beaten track but thanks for being involved ....I wonder if this was the same place ??????
Grant Sprague
08-09-2015, 05:50 AM
I recently found this photo and am hoping that Grant can explain to us all just what is going on here. I believe that the "Sprague' is Gary and not Grant so do tell. answer a question talked to Gary this arvo , asked about the man on the roof ...... he had arrived later that weekend & missed this promo thinking the owners of these two nissans had a few ski out lets but was not 100% certain .... Ross & Jimmy Stone looked after these two cars during this race
08-16-2015, 10:37 PM
Just found this photo of Ernie and Ray at play. They are obviously hard at it too.
Roger Dowding
08-16-2015, 10:43 PM
Just found this photo of Ernie and Ray at play. They are obviously hard at it too.
Great shot, houses close by, any idea where the race was..
Grant Sprague
08-16-2015, 11:11 PM
Guessing Wigram GP meeting
08-17-2015, 06:08 PM
Check out the skinny left rear wheel on the Zephyr.
08-17-2015, 07:47 PM
I recently found this photo and am hoping that Grant can explain to us all just what is going on here. I believe that the "Sprague' is Gary and not Grant so do tell.
From memory the dude on the roof was a ski junkie that was after a speed record whilst attached to a car
Ray Williams would be the bloke to ask about this
08-18-2015, 01:31 AM
Grant . Great photo of the Zephyr and the Jag. Do you have any more like that?
Grant Sprague
08-18-2015, 05:06 AM
Hi Mate........ there are a few more photos earlier on in the section showing the mk3 ...... I have never seen this before so was good to see..... this shows the alloy panels & plastic windows this would be the race the car went into the hay bales or the same weekend , not sure why there is a narrow wheel l/r not that it would effect things a great deal as 95 % l/turns lsd would still work ok as well ......hope this helps ..... Grant
Grant Sprague
09-05-2015, 07:01 AM
Gary & Leo........ slowly finding more loll B&H 1978
Grant Sprague
09-05-2015, 07:35 AM
Gary like Leo...... was talented & got the best out of any thing they drove .......& still has the fire in their belly many others in those years ....such a cool photo..........
Roger Dowding
09-08-2015, 08:43 AM
Gary like Leo...... was talented & got the best out of any thing they drove .......& still has the fire in their belly many others in those years ....such a cool photo..........
Grant !, this one is for you .. Telecom Classic Motorfest 1994 ;; Zephyr
Grant Sprague
09-12-2015, 04:56 AM
Thank you Rog, I think this is Mr Pierce [not sure his first name].... he did a lot of work to the MK3 I was talking to the new owner a couple months ago ..... & his mate has our old bread van Anglia....I was offered to drive it at HD.. [Mk3].....some display historic weekend , I have not raced for over 10 years .... but now that I have a few other things out of my hair I will get my licence again ........second childhood ha ha ........
Grant Sprague
09-12-2015, 05:08 AM
Grant !, this one is for you .. Telecom Classic Motorfest 1994 ;; Zephyr
Grant Sprague
09-12-2015, 10:44 PM
Thanks Don for finding this..... 1987 Taupo.....looks like just changed diff ratio , clipping on rear panel......great car
10-03-2015, 12:13 AM
Grant Sprague
10-03-2015, 10:25 PM
Thank you Bry..... Really Miss the old boy.....he would have given me a not so good look if I called him that ...[old boy bit] lol
Grant Sprague
10-12-2015, 08:28 AM
Grant Sprague
10-12-2015, 08:31 AM
11-07-2015, 08:32 AM
Here are a couple more photos that Grant received from Donn White. Grant will provide some captions
Grant Sprague
11-07-2015, 08:10 PM
Thanks Mike , The Telstar.. Dick & Gary drove at Puke , Donn mentioned they easily won their class not to mention way up the pointy end at the end of this long distance race , the Telstar prepared by Ford man Ray Stone [Ford NZ], The Anglia showing Donn White in driver doing an article for driver BOP times ... this car came from Timaru managed to go very well this little car [it is still racing in pre 65] as for the SCANZ car this was at a local Hill climb around Tga wet weather tyres & soft pads were the go nose cone was removed as too many dips & dives not to mention stones & rocks
11-21-2015, 08:42 PM
Here are a couple more great photos that Grant has obtained from Donn White. These were taken in 1991 and 1992
khyndart in CA
11-21-2015, 11:10 PM
kiwi285. Mike, thanks for these photos of Grant.
I hope one day you can get him to share the many folders, clippings and photos he has tucked away and put them on TRS.
He has some wonderful material just waiting for your input.
Grant with some of that material.
(Ken Hyndman photo )
Grant Sprague
11-22-2015, 02:04 AM
Thanks Mike ..... The HQ belonged to the Pollock family [Rex the man bless his soul a great Man] Steve asked me to do a driver change race at Bay Park with him ... photo of HQ at hair Pin is Grant .... I remember taking off a few side mirrors in this race , Rex like a few other people in Tga were very kind to me over those years , Supply Services [Tim] being the other main man and become a very close friend ......great years & more fun to come .. thank you Donn for photos
11-22-2015, 06:13 AM
Hi Ken, Thanks for the kind words. I manage to have a beer with Grant about once a month to do some petrolhead reminiscing. I have had the privilege of looking through some of those folders and there is some amazing cuttings and photos there. I have posted some of them on this thread for Grant.
Looking forward to seeing him behind the wheel of the Mk I Escort again at the Porsche Festival especially if it is wet. He and Howard Wood in the 2002 should provide some great racing even if it is dry.
11-26-2015, 03:48 AM
Here is another Donn White photos taken at Manfield that Grant has passed on. Will leave him to explain what is happening here.
Grant Sprague
11-27-2015, 09:04 PM
Dr Jack & I racing for the lead on one of the most controversial corners [hairpin manfeild] , as two lines can be taken here we have Jack coming down from the high line while I took the opportunity to shoot the gap....not sure about the A pillar but shit does happen from time to time , I have great respect for Jack as he was a very polished driver ...... escort sports racing provided plenty of action
12-04-2015, 03:29 AM
Here is another Donn White photo. This is Gary's XD Falcon Ghia at the Baypark round of the B & H series in 1981.
Steve Emson
12-04-2015, 05:41 AM
So Grant, you were a mad HQ driver! I got talked into running one over here in Brisbane. Did some races and ended up President of the Qld HQ racing association for a year.
Grant Sprague
12-04-2015, 06:05 AM
Steve, NO NO, I did not like these big whales at all .. we had a meeting at Bay Park ..... Todd & Pollock use to run Steve [Pollock]in the HQ.. the car was good.. & I was asked to race it as a co driver change race first & last time in the HQ this was an in between race while driving that day , but was fun ......
12-07-2015, 01:53 AM
Here is a photo from the Pre 65 Facebook page of Grant on pole with Foggy beside him and Alby in the other Anglia behind Foggy
Here is a shot on Grant on his pole setting lap - lifting the inside wheel. I think that is Alby behind him
12-07-2015, 03:59 AM
Here is another photo of Grant on his pole setting lap at Wellington. Those steel barriers are not that far from the racing line. Just don't sneeze.
Grant Sprague
12-07-2015, 08:00 AM
If you can pick up the sway bar in this photo I went to a Vauxhall viva front bar & turned it up side down , made the car handle so good plus the Dunlop R,s ..... I give Alby Collier full credit as it was him that choose these sway bars for our cars the years
rolled on Bob Homewood tuned it better again full credit to Bob..... Although Kevin Ban [Mr Kelford Cams] built my Engines plus the 289....& BMW....come back to Tga Kev
12-16-2015, 07:03 AM
A couple more Donn White photos of Gary Sprague in action and receiving the spoils of victory. I am sure Grant will explain more.
B & H winners 1981 Gary Sprague and Leo Leonard.
ANZ Touring Car series January 1984 at Baypark
12-16-2015, 08:14 PM
How is this for a great Donn White shot of Gary Sprague punting his E49 Charger into a corner at Baypark for the Labour weekend meeting in 1980. No pussy footing it here - Gary is really pushing along. A great action shot.
Obviously a great racing family and they all did well. Looking forward to seeing Grant in action in his new Escort at the Festival.
Grant Sprague
01-09-2016, 01:41 AM Nissan Sentra GT Cup Grant Sprague
Grant Sprague
01-09-2016, 01:45 AM
Grant Sprague nissan GT cup wet
Grant Sprague
01-09-2016, 01:52 AM
Sorry tried to down load gooooooooooo
01-10-2016, 08:58 AM
Round 1 from 1995/96 season and a mini enduro.
On board footage from Pinepac Nissan Sentra with Grant Sprague behind the wheel at a wet Manfeild
Grant Sprague
01-11-2016, 03:07 AM
Thank you Bry3500..... 'this was a good race , Andy did the dry & when it rained he came in & said your turn .....[thanks Andy]..any way we managed to climb to 3 rd ... & still going ahead , race was eventually stopped as cars sliding of track would have been interesting had we stayed out ..
Kevin Hirst
01-12-2016, 03:02 AM
Thank you Bry3500..... 'this was a good race , Andy did the dry & when it rained he came in & said your turn .....[thanks Andy]..any way we managed to climb to 3 rd ... & still going ahead , race was eventually stopped as cars sliding of track would have been interesting had we stayed out ..
Grant, not sure what parts you require but check trade me no,s 1013052987 & 1014830175 cheers Kev
Grant Sprague
01-14-2016, 07:19 AM
Kev sorry for not getting back to you ....but did PM u .. see you at 2nd weekend .. two virgin cyl heads found the old days it was delt to in one week or days done and dusted , now its a biggy as time moves quicker
Kevin Hirst
01-16-2016, 11:30 PM
Kev sorry for not getting back to you ....but did PM u .. see you at 2nd weekend .. two virgin cyl heads found the old days it was delt to in one week or days done and dusted , now its a biggy as time moves quicker
Glad to hear you found some, is time moving quicker or are we moving slower, can't wait to see you on the track again.
John McKechnie
01-17-2016, 05:38 AM
We are not getting 24 hours into a day like we used to...............
Grant Sprague
01-17-2016, 06:47 AM
Correct ............ you guys just could be on to it .....even my girls say " hey Dad .time seems to be going very fast ".......talking of fast we might be getting off the main subject here , but that other topic is very interesting ...know a bit about that
Grant Sprague
02-25-2016, 07:34 AM
Grant Sprague
02-25-2016, 07:37 AM
Thought this a great photo,[ thank you AD] Levin about 63 ...64.. Paul or Kerry behind ... was there ten years old ...
Grant Sprague
02-26-2016, 08:24 AM
GOING HARD >>>> nothing has changed ....
Grant Sprague
04-03-2016, 02:56 AM
Grant Sprague
04-03-2016, 02:01 AM
A wet race , manfeild . was always good to head off the 327s....seems like yesterday ....
Grant Sprague
04-11-2016, 08:17 PM
Grant Sprague
04-11-2016, 08:22 PM
Central Motors was what Ernie called this business ..34 North Street Timaru , Skoda was the only franchise Dad could get in 1953....54.. Soon this area was demolished to become Sprague Motors, I thought quite a good photo...[worth a view]
Steve Emson
04-21-2016, 02:35 AM
Good photos
04-21-2016, 04:53 AM
How is this for a great Donn White shot of Gary Sprague punting his E49 Charger into a corner at Baypark for the Labour weekend meeting in 1980. No pussy footing it here - Gary is really pushing along. A great action shot.
I cant recall Garry being in any other attitude at BP - sometimes even on the straights!
04-27-2016, 05:49 AM
While I check over some forums this is the first time I have actually added to one; so here goes re The Sprague Family Collection.
Years ago, about 1974 to around 77 my brother Jimmy and I had a BP service station in Tuakau, which is about ten kilometers past Puke from Auckland. One day the phone goes and it is Ernie asking if the Sprague/Leonard car could be based at our place for an upcoming B&H race at Puke.
Obviously the answer was yes as we were interested to see how behind the scenes worked with this successful South Island group. At this point I should say that my mother was originally a West Coaster and my dad was from Temuka so I didn’t have a north or south bias, just a racing obsession.
The B&H date duly arrived and we found Ernie, Gary, Leo, Peter Wilson and the rest of the Team all good people with the attitude that they were there to do the job. We had a big workshop so the guys had their own space, and keys in case they were back from the track late etc. The first night back I always remember that the first thing they did was to get a discussion going on what was needed to be done and in what order, all contributed. The first thing on the list was to get a few beers for later in the night.
They all stayed along the road in the Tuakau pub which wasn’t that flash in those days, unlike now after a major reno and referb.
This same thing happened every year B&H wise until we sold the servo, to go racing ourselves in a bigger way.
As the years flashed past it was always a pleasure to organize Ernie passes to the Eastern Creek round of V8 racing that he came over for a few times. It was special to show him around our setup, and cars, as I always had a lot of respect for that Sprague operation that had so much talent.
In later years again it was always good to catch-up with Gary in Western Australia while he was living there. Speaking of Gary there is an image of the Nissan, in the Sprague forum, that he and Graeme Crosby drove for Kent Baigent and Graham Bowkett in the Wellington and Puke races. I like to think I helped put those two drivers together, obviously along with Graham and Kent.
The guy on the roof on the skis is another story on its own after the testing at Manfield then his boot binding came undone while on-track. It was basically the last race for those cars so no one was too worried about a few holes in the roof to secure the ski mounts. Jimmy was goat farming, of all things for a short while, and we brought him in to mount the skis using mounting off the cage etc. The skis had to angle so the guy on top could lean in the corners. I can’t remember the skiers name but with him was a guy called AJ Hackett , who was telling us that he was going to start a business where people could jump off a bridge or whatever on a stretchy rope, any doubts I had about that were soon gone after a year or so, good luck to him.
Just quick story from around 2004 on Leo who I always thought was a special driver. Jimmy and I had a friend who lived in Oamaru and sponsored our Winterbottom Championship development car plus he had some main game signage with us over the years, mainly Ambrose’s car. Anyhow we were heading to Ch Ch from Oamaru and going thro Timaru this white van pulled out in front of us. Straight away I recognized Leo and tried to get him to pull over for a BS session but he wouldn’t stop until he pulled into a spare parts joint. He thought that there was going to be some agro and it looked like he was about to bolt for the door until he recognized us. Leo was in overalls, hadn’t changed and it was great to have that catch-up with him.
Sorry, this is all a bit long but I couldn’t shorten it, as it was such a great era, great people and great racing. I haven’t met Grant but I enjoy his passion for motorsport, must catch-up one day, also good to read Steve Emson’s comments.
04-27-2016, 07:42 AM
Great stories Ross
Grant Sprague
04-27-2016, 07:53 AM
Good to read , thank you Ross...... as you probably know Gary & Ernie held you & jimmy in high regard, made me grin re Tuakau .. as a boy I tagged along was an early teen I remember the pub well ....after the work was done .. & there was plenty of it ..they resorted to a beer [but controlled & very onto what was meant to be] twice I got to Tuakau .... the other times we stayed at the Rockfeild Motel Gt South Rd I think it was , every thing was budget ..but they got support from Todds , & Ford & used the resourses to the best they could with great results ..... I recall Dad coming home from seeing you & Jimmy he had an SBR jacket he brought back & tossed it to me when you guys were up front & said "Grant this is yours" as we had been running a mustang here & thought it suited the occasion ......had the pertek name on it , as for Steve Emson & I that was an era that followed with great gusto for what we had ....yep would be great to catch up one day , Gary is still in Perth .....
Grant Sprague
05-18-2016, 11:41 PM
34792 Grant ................... craigmore Hill Climb south of Timaru......about 1973
Grant Sprague
07-08-2016, 01:14 AM
35564Good days , Grant & Roy fighting it out for the finals NZ Championship North & South Island combined ..............great days both cars are still running in the S I ...
Steve Holmes
07-08-2016, 01:42 AM
Cool photo Grant. I remember that event, it was part of the Formula Holdens? I thought the Pre65s were by far the most entertaining class at the event. Unfortunately, all your races were shuffled through early. I think two races on Saturday and only one on the main day Sunday?
Grant Sprague
07-08-2016, 02:45 AM
Yea Steve not one race was easy , these cars had rear drums no power steer [not mine any way lol ] no power brakes , road tyres or dot rated ......and still did 250k plus[ with a strong 289.]... at Puke this car was fun
07-08-2016, 03:35 AM
35564Good days , Grant & Roy fighting it out for the finals NZ Championship North & South Island combined ..............great days both cars are still running in the S I ...
Looks like and old Mercury Comet back there in the grid somewhere LOL and a Galaxie/Fairlane next to it :)
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