View Full Version : Racing Ray Williams! Stories please...

02-11-2014, 01:13 AM
Some time ago, I volunteered to write racing Ray's biography. Ray agreed but through various pressures of time and availability, apart from one hilarious session with Ray and brother Dennis, plus a couple of other contribution interviews, I have been a bit slack with progress. Well, very slack really. Maybe we both have. Something to do with Pisces being procrastinators.

Being a keen reader of biographies and autobiographies, not just motoring related, I know that my favourites are those containing anecdotes from other sources, especially those that make me laugh.

So this is an appeal from anyone who has a story or two to tell about Ray, or a quip that made you laugh, such as those from driver briefings where the CoC often picks on Ray - or he had a question to ask.

I am particularly keen on those whose memories go back a long way and if writing isn't your strong point, it doesn't really matter as that is my job, to write it up in the best way I can. Some of the stories of his teenage years should make good reading.

His charity work is legion, as is his driver training work, so stories or anecdotes about that would also be a great help as they don't all have to be humorous.

He has competed in a wide variety of cars, from F5000 down to the more humble offerings from MG (and Marcos!).

Please do NOT publish the stories on here but send me a private message and if possible, with an email and home contact telephone number.

I can't guarantee that everything (or indeed, anything!) will be published, but every effort will be made to acknowledge all contributions.

Thanks in advance

Ray (NOT Rrrrracing Rrrrray...)

02-11-2014, 02:52 AM
What a great project Ray. Best of luck

Grant Sprague
02-11-2014, 08:07 AM
A very quick one ........ when I had moved to Tauranga........ after a year or so Gary often went to Auckland & meet up with Ray. [his mate]... Gary came home one weekend before an important winter series race at Bay Park , very bent & battered as Ray & Gary use to race over some sand dunes in quick trail bikes , Gary came off in a nose dive & very nearly broke his back , took a while to recover ....true story ........ yep know Racin Ray well ,a good kiwi bloke full of fun , excitement & laughter ..need real people like him around & get back to basics ......faster than most ?????

02-17-2014, 10:05 PM
Yes Ray I have a couple of great stories regarding this fine icon of New Zealand motorsport. One of them goes a way back to the early 80's when he ran an Avenger in Shellsport!...(bet not many folk remember this.....) Call by work and I will pencil a couple of great recollections from a mate I call Roy!

Rod Grimwood
02-18-2014, 01:19 AM
Don't forget the day Mrs beat him at club curcuit in their little Mk11 Escort Sports, (brown in colour i think) and his first biff at club curcuit in Charger (purple think) he meet the well known officials who we all chatted with.

He lived up Whangaporoa way then and was classified as an overseas driver.

Nice chap, had couple of laughs.

03-17-2014, 12:17 AM
Don't forget the day Mrs beat him at club curcuit in their little Mk11 Escort Sports, (brown in colour i think) and his first biff at club curcuit in Charger (purple think) he meet the well known officials who we all chatted with.

He lived up Whangaporoa way then and was classified as an overseas driver.

Nice chap, had couple of laughs.

Yes his then wife Elvy used to beat him quite regularly.......especially when he was late home! They raced together in Escort Sport class and yip she did every now and the finish quicker! Cheers Tony R.