View Full Version : 1993 Nissan Mobil 500

01-13-2014, 08:54 PM
Hi all

Does anyone have any pictures from the Nissan Mobil 500 of 1993? I have looked on the net but cant really find anything. Its the year Owen Evans and Bruno Eichmann won in a Porsche 911. I think there was 2 or 3 Porsches in the top 3. I am particularly interested in pictures of these cars.

Thanks so much


Steve Holmes
01-14-2014, 03:34 AM
Best of luck Andrew, I hope someone here can help.

Steve Holmes
01-20-2014, 11:10 PM
Can anyone help with this?

01-21-2014, 05:35 AM
Are these the Lighting Direct cars # 9, 11, & 16?

I have pictures of these , just need to scan them.

01-21-2014, 07:23 PM
Hi briteyes
Yes they are the lighting direct cars. Thanks so much